#trr choices
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gyubby99 · 2 months ago
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Are Hana stans still alive I’m curious
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chanceisagoodboy · 2 years ago
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I think Madeline needs a Feminomenon. I kind of think she does.
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choicesjunechallenge · 2 years ago
Event Masterlist
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Weekly Masterlists
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Fanwork Types
Social Media Edits
Text Fics
Fanworks by Book/Series
Blades of Light and Shadow
Crimes of Passion
Immortal Desires
It Lives Within
Open Heart
Red Carpet Diaries
The Royal Romance
Wake The Dead
Thank you to everyone that participated in the Choices June Challenge 2023:
@aallotarenunelma, @angelasscribbles, @cariantha, @choicesfanaf, @inlocusmads, @jerzwriter, @karahalloway, @kingliam2019, @kristinamae093, @liaromancewriter, @mariemarieohcontrary, @potionsprefect, @storyofmychoices, @tessa-liam, @theartoflovingthomashunt, @twinkleallnight
Check out @choicesmonthlychallenge for other fandom events.
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imafictosexual2-0 · 2 years ago
I’m feeling nostalgic lately, especially being back on here and playing Choices again. Thinking I’m gonna replay some old books just because and revisit some of my very first fictional lovers, like Drake and Zig. Sigh… 😌
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houseofwomn · 1 year ago
man i wish there were more options to Subtley flirt with olivia
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choices-binglebonkus · 24 days ago
Me when TRH book 3 was releasing: Why is no one calling Barthelemy out? He’s so clearly full of shit and very obviously a criminal extending his powers far beyond his station, this is insane. I can’t believe how unrealistic this book is. No one would stand for this behavior.
Me, an American in 2025: Ah.
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angelasscribbles · 9 days ago
The Big Mistake
Series: Mistake of a Lifetime
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings: Riley x Leo, Riley x Hana
Word Count: 1,104
Rating: MA
Warnings for this chapter: alludes to sex, probably some cursing
A/N: Ya’ll haven’t had anything new from me in a while, so I decided to take this out of my WIP folder (where it’s been sitting, completed, for quite some time now) and offer it up. I make no promises about when this will be continued, as I have so much going on right now in real life. But, here it is. Happy Sunday.
My other stuff: Master List.
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Riley blinked her eyes against the glare of light slipping through the floor to ceiling curtains she was facing. Her eyes darted from the elegant brocade curtains to the plush carpeting on the floor. She sat upright in confusion.
This was not her hotel room.
Her room was on the first floor of a nondescript budget friendly hotel she had booked online.
Judging by the plush furnishings and the high quality art on the walls, she was in a five star hotel. Through the curtains, she caught a glimpse of the city. The view was pretty good, so she must be on the top floor.
A muffled groan and rustling of sheets caught her attention. She turned her head to discover the reason for her confusion. Stretched out next to her in the double king sized bed was a shirtless man with tousled blond hair and rippling muscles. She squeezed her eyes shut trying to remember his name.
It started with an L. Lee… Leon or Louie or something like that.
His blue eyes blinked open as she tried to ease out of the bed without waking him. “Hey, where you going?”
“You caught me. I was just going to slip out quietly and avoid the awkward morning after small talk.”
“Okay. But at least let me buy you breakfast first. I’m not a complete cad.”
It was tempting. Free food, hot guy. Morning sex wouldn’t be the end of the world. “Okay, just let me text my girlfriend so she knows I wasn’t kidnapped last night.”
“Hana, wasn’t it?”
“Yeah, how’d you—” She froze as she caught sight of her left hand. Lifting it in the air, she examined the diamond ring that sparkled and glinted on her ring finger. “Um��� what did we do last night, exactly?”
“The usual,” he smirked, “Got drunk, danced a lot, there was sex. Lots of it if memory serves.”
“Is that all?”
“Why? What else—” He sat straight up in the bed as one particular memory shoved its way to the forefront of his consciousness. “Shit!”
She turned toward him and thrust the ring in his face. “Please tell me this is a novelty ring!”
“I can’t tell you that because I’m pretty sure it’s not.”
Her head shook vigorously from side to side. “No, no, no, no, this can’t be happening! We did not get married!”
“How was there a jewelry store open in the middle of the night?”
“I know a guy—"
She flung the covers back and bolted out of the bed, scooping her clothes off the floor. “No, there’s no way we got married! Don’t you need your birth certificate for that? Don’t you have to get a marriage license first?”
“Generally, yes. But there’s a reason that wouldn’t be an issue for me.” He got up and rummaged around the room. Once he found what he was looking for, he presented it to her.
She clutched last night’s dress to her body with one hand while she took the paper from him with the other. She stared down at it in horror. It was a marriage certificate all right. Riley Brooks and Leo Rys, joined in holy matrimony. Her hands started to shake. “No, no, no, this isn’t happening!”
“I mean…. Would being married to me be the worst thing that—”
She glared at him. “I don’t even know you!”
“Well, okay.” He put his hands up in the air. “But we seemed pretty close last night.”
“This isn’t funny! Hana is going to kill me! I mean fucking murder me!” Riley and Hana were in an open relationship, but she was pretty sure that marrying a total stranger would be a deal breaker.
“It’s okay,” he assured her. “I can fix it.”
“Just…. Get dressed. We have to go to the palace.”
“The palace?” She blinked at him as her sleep and alcohol laden brain tried to make sense of what he was saying. “Why?”
“My father can just grant an annulment.”
“Your father?”
“Yes, my father! The king. Remember, I told you last night—”
Her eyes widened as she sucked in a shocked gasp. “You were serious about that?”
“Yes. You thought I was lying?”
“Of course, I thought you were lying! Men will say any kind of shit to get a woman into bed!”
“So, you thought I was lying but you still slept with me?”
“I thought you were doing it ironically! It was such an obvious lie that no one would believe it, so you were saying it as a joke. You know, poking fun at ridiculous pickup lines. I thought it was funny and charming you fucking prick!”
“Hey now,” He held both hands up in front of him in the universal symbol of surrender. “It’s not my fault that I was honest with you and you chose not to believe me. Maybe you have some trust issues you should work on.”
“Of course, I have trust issues. Men do asinine shit like trick women they just met into marriage!”
“Oh, men do that, do they? This happens to you all the time? How many strange men have you married?”
“Fuck you.”
“You already did that. But I’m not averse to round two.”
“Oh, there is no way I’m sleeping with you again!”
Leo shrugged. “Your loss.”
She opened her mouth to say something rude when a memory from the night before broke through.
“…it’s an arranged marriage. I don’t see any way out of it, short of just…running away…”
“What if you married someone else?” she blurted out.
“What?” He laughed.
“I mean… you can’t marry her if you’re already married to someone else, right?”
She closed her eyes in mortification. The marriage had been her idea.
“What is it? What’s wrong?” Concern laced his voice.
She was taken aback by how quickly he’d gone from cocky and flippant to kind and solicitous.
“Nothing… just…” she thrust her dirty clothes toward him. “Do you have a T-shirt and some sweats or something I can borrow? I can’t put these back on.”
“I… yeah, ok, go take a shower and I’ll make sure you have something that fits when you get out. And I’ll order breakfast.”
“I don’t think we have time to—”
“Come on. You have to eat.”
“Fine. Whatever.” She huffed as she slammed into the bathroom. Glaring at herself in the mirror, she tried to quell the panic rising in her throat. How the hell was she going to explain this to Hana?
Their epic summer abroad had just taken a disastrous turn.
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tessa-liam · 4 months ago
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Healing, Day 5
Brothers in Arms
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Introducing my new W.I.P....
Brothers in Arms
✨️Artwork Commission by @artbyainna
King Liam Appreciation Week creators, @sazanes & @lizzybeth1986
@lizzybeth1986 's phenomenal essays
@ao719 's 'Breaking Point' Series - her devotion for Liam
Pixelberry Studios for these characters and the Royal Romance, the Royal Heir, the Royal Finale stories /books
STOIC: A person who can endure pain or hardship without showing their feelings or complaining.
Four men, their lives interconnected. Siblings, childhood friends, on different life paths, they share a commonality. When their lives become insurmountable, they have their core alliance to depend on. This is their journey.
Musical Influence:
'You did not desert me
My brothers in arms'
🫶If you would like to join me in this new journey, please let me know...my permas are already tagged🫶
This has been an inspiring week ✨️💖✨️
Thank you so much @lizzybeth1986 & @sazanes for hosting #KLAW2024🥂⚘️
@kingliamappreciationweek @choicesmonthlychallenge , prompt 01- appreciation @choicesficwriterscreations @choicescommunityevents
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masked-alien-lesbian · 22 days ago
Custom made Hana Lee pop vinyl doll
So I got tired of the lack of Hana merch so I finally bit the bullet and ordered a customized Hana Lee doll
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I'm pretty happy with the outcome! ❤️
Website where I ordered her:
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lilyoffandoms · 3 months ago
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Family Addition for @lorirwritesfanfic
Based on your response to this ask and your fic, Family Addition. Hope I did Liam and Bianca’s relationship justice (I love how you captured cats (and dogs) sixth sense about those people that would just rather not so well with little Bianca haha).
I am so so sorry about being hella late with this @choicesfandomappreciation Secret Pal gift. I hope you had an amazing Christmas and that the new year brings you all the beautiful and joyous things 💕
My Art Ish Thing Tag (Choices Edition): @storyofmychoices (thanks for filling in for me and taking some of the pressure off my shoulders until I could get to finishing it) @aallotarenunelma @twinkleallnight @dutifullynuttywitch @loreofyore @peonierose @trappedinfanfiction
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OMG Hella Solrin family lore dump lmao:
Since TRR and HSS had similar/same assets, I always thought they were in the same universe.
Anyway- I used to play choices on my old phone, and I did like 10 chapters of TRR (if I remember correctly) and I always viewed my MC for TRR as Solrin's (HSS Mc) auntie.
My TRR MC was named Mischief and she was Solrin's auntie on Sol's mama's side. She was the other person she'd go to if she had problems.
And I just had the funniest realization. Since in the TRR I was always planning on having my mc romance the prince and etc, since it was on broadcast (if I remember), I can see Solrin watching it for fun with the gang- and she sees her auntie and hell breaks loose as she goes crazy.
It'd be funny if after Mischief wins and marries the prince, Solrin would just be haunted with the fact that her family is now tied with literal real royalty.
(I'll probably play it after I finish my last hss run and then make mashup drawings of the 2 together.)
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(heres what she looks like btw!)
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choicesjunechallenge · 2 years ago
Choices June Challenge: Weekly Masterlist
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A Family Affair - @jerzwriter (Open Heart)
Better This Way - @jerzwriter (Crimes of Passion)
Birthday Girl - @liaromancewriter (Open Heart) NSFW/Mature
Coronation Tribulation - @angelasscribbles (The Royal Romance)
Music For The Lost (and Found) - @inlocusmads (Crimes of Passion)
One Night In Cordonia: Road to Recovery - @twinkleallnight (The Royal Romance) Mature
Répondez, S'il Vous Plaît ! 2 - @aallotarenunelma (Immortal Desires & It Lives Within)
The Job Calls For It - @inlocusmads (Crimes of Passion)
Darling - @mariemarieohcontrary (The Royal Romance)
Selfie - @mariemarieohcontrary (The Royal Romance)
Trystan & Lilah - @storyofmychoices (Crimes of Passion)
Text Fic & Edits
All For Me - @potionsprefect (Open Heart)
Beach - @liaromancewriter (Open Heart)
Pardon The Pun - @liaromancewriter (Open Heart)
Summer Cocktail - @liaromancewriter (Open Heart)
Zodiac Fun - @liaromancewriter (Open Heart)
Thank you to everyone that participated this week. Looking for creative inspiration? Check out the June prompts.
Remember: All fanworks, big or small, from any Choices/Pixelberry fandom are accepted.
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drakesroyalromance · 3 months ago
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I’ve been getting very into drawing the last couple of weeks, and it’s a lot of fun being able to do it without placing any pressure on being good. Funnily, the reason I started drawing is because of all the AI art - I figured it’s better to do something I care about badly than leave it to AI.
Anyway, I wanted the first drawing I post here to be Drake x MC related, not just to live up to my username but also to say thank you to @saivilo @mvalentine @argylemnwrites @flowerpowell and all the other people who are still posting about these characters I love occasionally lol. So here’s a drawing of Drake after Riley told him he looks cute when he’s blushing (which, of course, resulted in him blushing more)
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houseofwomn · 1 year ago
my babygirl
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gyubby99 · 3 months ago
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Sorry I disappeared bc of her
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