#rights of a girl child
poojalate · 2 months
Why Educating Girls in India is Crucial for National Development
Educating girls is not only a moral imperative but also a strategic necessity for national development. In India, girls' education holds the key to unlocking a multitude of socio-economic benefits that extend far beyond individual empowerment. Despite significant strides, millions of girls still face barriers to education. This article explores why educating girls in India is crucial for the nation's progress and highlights the transformative power of girl child education.
1. Economic Growth
Educating girls contributes directly to economic growth. Studies show that increasing female literacy and participation in the workforce can significantly boost a country’s GDP. Educated women are more likely to secure better-paying jobs, start businesses, and contribute to economic productivity.
2. Improved Health Outcomes
Girls' education leads to improved health outcomes for women and their families. Educated women are more informed about health, nutrition, and hygiene, which reduces infant and maternal mortality rates. They are also more likely to seek medical care and adopt healthier lifestyles, fostering a healthier society.
3. Poverty Reduction
Educating girls is one of the most effective ways to break the cycle of poverty. An educated woman is more likely to earn a stable income, invest in her family's well-being, and provide better educational opportunities for her children, thereby lifting entire families out of poverty.
4. Social Empowerment
Girl child education empowers women to make informed decisions about their lives. It fosters greater autonomy, enabling women to challenge traditional gender roles, participate in decision-making processes, and advocate for their rights. This empowerment extends to communities, promoting gender equality and social justice.
5. Enhancing Quality of Life
Educated women contribute to a higher quality of life by promoting values such as tolerance, empathy, and cooperation. They are more likely to participate in community development, volunteer activities, and civic responsibilities, enriching the social fabric of their communities.
6. Reduction in Child Marriages
Education is a powerful tool in delaying child marriages. Education programs that focus on girls' empowerment help girls understand their rights and the importance of personal development, thereby reducing the prevalence of early marriages and associated health risks.
7. Improved Educational Outcomes for Future Generations
An educated mother is more likely to prioritize her children's education, leading to better academic performance and higher educational attainment for future generations. This creates a virtuous cycle of education and empowerment that benefits society as a whole.
8. Environmental Sustainability
Educated women are more aware of environmental issues and are better equipped to implement sustainable practices. They play a crucial role in conservation efforts, promoting sustainable agriculture, and advocating for policies that protect natural resources.
9. Strengthening Democracy
Female literacy enhances democratic governance by encouraging women's participation in political processes. Educated women are more likely to vote, run for office, and engage in civic activities, leading to more inclusive and representative governance.
10. National Development
Ultimately, educating girls in India is vital for holistic national development. It addresses multiple dimensions of growth, from economic and social to environmental and political. By investing in girl child education, India can harness the full potential of its population and achieve sustainable development.
The importance of girls' education in India cannot be overstated. It is a catalyst for economic prosperity, social progress, and national development. By breaking down barriers to female literacy and expanding education programs, India can ensure that every girl has the opportunity to thrive and contribute to the nation’s future. The path to a brighter, more equitable future starts with educating and empowering every girl.
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demaparbat-hp · 3 months
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Izumi (steambaby) sketches.
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neptunezo · 5 months
Out of the blue, Bruce announces to the batfam, that he does, in fact, have a favorite child. He proposes a challenge, that anyone who can guess the favorite child gets first dibs on Alfreds cooking for a whole month (practically winning the lottery) so the batkids are now invested.
Damian immediately guesses Dick, fully under the impression that he’s right and Bruce is just trying to play mind games with them. Damian was incorrect.
Dick guesses Jason after finding out it’s not him, he was wrong, it’s not Jason.
Now Jason is intrigued, he’s noticed Tim still hasn’t guessed but is probably analyzing everything. Knowing Tim takes awhile (even if he is always correct) Jason goes ahead and guesses anyways, completely confident in his answer. Jason guesses Duke, he is incorrect.
Babs, knowing she isn’t one of Bruces kids so she doesn’t count for this challenge (because if she did it would obviously be her) she guesses Damian, the obvious choice. His biological son. Bruce smirks and shakes his head.
Duke guesses Tim, an answer that would make the most sense. I mean, Tim is practically Bruce 2.0, but he isn’t the favorite child.
Suddenly it clicks, Tim is now frustrated it took him so long to see. Obviously the favorite is Cass, who else could it be?? Tim almost has a tantrum when told he was wrong.
Now everyone is confused, they’ve gone through all of his kids. Tim doesn’t know why he hasn’t solved this puzzle yet. He looks for more clues and sees Cass wearing a ring. An engagement ring. The same one Steph is also wearing. It finally makes sense.
“I know who it is,” Tim brags. “But I’ve already used my guess, so Cass, please do the honors.”
Cass then points to Stephanie. Bruce has the biggest grin on his face as his nods. This is how they all find out that Cass and Steph are getting married.
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punkeropercyjackson · 1 month
'It's worse to be cringe than to be a bad person' is the most accepted mentality on tumblr and that's how you know it's not actually the Autism Acceptance Website.Y'all're more accepting of transmisogynistic history than adults loving children's media
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starrylevi · 9 months
🎄 🎅🏽 🎂
You turn around with your baby girl and see Levi donned in a Santa hat, an unamused expression on his face.
You giggle as you walk over to him. “You look so cute!” You exclaim.
His mini me on your hip seems to agree as she coos excitedly when her eyes land on him. “Yes, doesn’t daddy look so cute?” You say in an exaggerated happy voice.
Levi rolls his eyes at you but you can see the corners of his lips curve upwards. “C’mere, sweetheart.” He speaks softly as he carefully takes her from your arms. Her chubby little hand immediately starts to pull on the white ball at the end of Levi’s hat. “She wants it off just like I do.” He remarks.
“Shush.” You adjust the hat for him so it’s harder for her to grab.
Levi playfully pouts. “I know…” Levi murmurs into the babe’s cheek, “Mama’s so mean for not letting you play with it.” He smirks as his gaze sets on you while he gently bounces her in his arms.
You’re about to playfully chastise him when your daughter babbles happily at the skin to skin contact between her and her father. Your heart melts at the sight and you quickly grab your phone to commemorate the moment. Levi never used to be a fan of photos (and for the record he still isn’t) but he feels differently when you or her are included, especially her.
“Happy Birthday Daddy!” You say with a beaming smile before you take the photo. Little babe follows the sound of your voice as she smushes her cheek against Levi’s, emitting a small chuckle from him. You’re grateful you’re able to catch their expressions on camera, the beautiful moment now frozen in time.
“Now a picture with both of my girls.” Levi gently tugs you by the waist and you eagerly oblige, briefly pausing to let Levi put your daughter between the two of you.
Your daughter continues to assault Levi’s cheek regardless of where she’s placed and you do the same with your daughter, pressing your lips lovingly against her cheek.
You don’t know it but in that moment Levi’s never felt more happy, or more loved. In that moment, he’s certain birthdays/Christmases aren’t so terrible after all.
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citricjoy · 4 months
the passenger (2023) is such a crazy watch from a place of passive suicidal ideation because benson feels so firmly in that camp at the beginning especially on a second watch, like suicidality feels like such a driving force for him. from the moment he has randy in the car all i can see is someone who has had idle fantasies for so long about ending his own life finally seeing the end coming near and he’s fucking ecstatic. like yes! i’m finally gonna be done with this shit, AND i got to help someone on the way out! he’s found this purpose in ‘helping’ randy and he comes at it so manically because he’s just gotta get this shit done and then he can fuck off into a pine box and stop dragging out his wasted life!… but then sheppard happens. and ms. beard happens. and the cops show up. and that fantasy is ripped away, and all benson can do is laugh at what a fucking idiot he was, thinking he’d grow up to be fucking anything at all.
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anna-scribbles · 8 months
had a conversation last week with a 10 year old girl about the s5 finale and i can’t stop thinking about it. she said nathalie is the best because she loves adrien enough to lie to him about his father so that he stays happy. completely convinced that emilie was resurrected at the end and shocked when i suggested otherwise. i’ve been dying to know what the children think happened and it’s so interesting
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thatorangedrank · 1 year
Little is Alyx 👎🏻
Little is Penny 👎🏻
Little is a reflection of Ruby in Vol.1 and is a physical representation of “healing your inner child” 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
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mishy-mashy · 6 months
Bruce is actually really attractive, and I have enough reasoning to make a list
Tall (. Tall enough to hit his head on the vault doorframe)
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Has a straight nose bridge
Has high cheekbones (more noticeable in 2nd pic below)
Has a strong jawline
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Sharp eyes, but they aren't small (plus eyebags if you're into that)
Overall, he has strong, attractive facial features
Has broad, refined shoulders. You can tell he works out (or he did, when he was alive)
Even has a thick, muscly neck
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He has MUSCLE. Is SCULPTED. NOICE. VERY NOICE. (nice arms. Nice shoulders. Nice neck. Nice legs. Nice butt-)
(There are actually panels where you can see some of his muscles. Other than those already shown here, he's got bricky thighs-
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-and in the panels where we first get his name dropped, he's got those shoulder blades too-)
The one time we see him smile, and he actually has a scary one
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Has small, kinda sharp pupils, and his eyes remind me of a cat. We only ever saw him tense or defensive, so his resting/listening face is really cute
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Other than the physical appearance stuff, he also:
Takes shit without batting an eye (patience, knowing it's just how Kudo is, etc)
Kudo being all "Cut the crap Bruce and give it to me straight", after Bruce tests his blood and is rightfully Concerned because they just faced AFO
Put up with Kudo's experimenting and testing over Yoichi's transferable Factor
Did ya'll see the look on Kudo's face when he realized he had Yoichi's Factor/will? Kudo was going to start in nonsense and Bruce just dealt with that.
Also something I noticed when looking back at the images here; Bruce has bandages on his arms in the void. But not when he faced AFO in the sewers.
Were he and Kudo cutting their arms open in their experimenting over Yoichi's theory? Is this why Kudo has two gauntlets instead of his one? Why we never see his bare arms in the void? That he always keeps his arms down so there's no slip?
Is smart enough to run blood tests, plus has enough common sense to pick Shinomori as his successor
He picked a guy who avoids society, has an Ability to detect danger so he can always stay away from AFO, is also a coward so he's never going to go throw himself into danger, even without knowing instinctively he stands no chance, etc.
Meanwhile, Kudo chose Bruce, who he played Hot Potato Yoichi with; but he did also trust Bruce, and put the only pure combative Ability in OFA through Bruce.
These two made their choices based on what they valued and saw the Factor needed.
Is logical, analytical, and calm.
He tried advising Midoriya on their Abilities in One For All, especially his own.
Midoriya then tried ignoring him about using Fa Jin for the first time, but found he was right, thinking: "Dammit!! I had [Lady Nagant] right where I wanted her, but... ugh! The Third was right. My parallel Quirk processes are all screwed up!" (ch. 314).
Plus, when Midoriya fixed his processing mistakes, Bruce was analyzing the way he reached his new conclusion. Pure facts, no bias, very calm, just saying it as it was.
We never see him panic. When he's caught by surprise in the sewers by AFO, Kudo, and Yoichi's little bubble event, he immediately reacts. He doesn't falter, he just knows he has to do something right now.
Was more willing to listen than Kudo to Yoichi's beckon, and probably was just following Kudo's rejection of Midoriya
While we don't see Kudo's face, we see Bruce's eyes when Yoichi calls on his heroes. Bruce was more open and receptive, or at least more impacted.
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Bruce was also the one to start talking, while Kudo just kept quiet.
He actually communicates a lot
When Yoichi called them to support Midoriya, Bruce started talking to paint a picture of why they thought the way they did, so Yoichi understood where they were coming from.
(Though he seems to beat about the bush sometimes, since Kudo spoke up to be direct on how they couldn't just put their trust in some starry-eyed teenager. Plus, when Kudo tells him to just tell him what's wrong [double Factors])
When Midoriya first used Fa Jin against Nagant, Bruce came out just to tell him he knew what he was trying, but that Midoriya wasn't ready; and Midoriya found he was right. Midoriya just didn't want to listen to him then.
He asks Kudo for clarification after finding Kudo had two Factors in him after the sewer incident ("Just to be sure, All For One didn't touch you, right?") Kudo knew him well enough to go "stop beating around the bush and tell me", so Bruce was probably gonna start with questions, theories, and trying to understand everything in general, before saying "yeah you have two Factors. Don't know why".
Is strong-willed and loyal.
He followed Kudo, even to death, carrying on the cause he started until it ended with him.
Plus, when talking about how AFO needs a strong will to override OFA's own, we first see Bruce, Kudo, and Yoichi.
AFO couldn't steal OFA because the will was too strong for him, and that was back during Banjo's time. Since Shinomori never actually tried opposing AFO and just hid, we can assume the first Three (Yoichi, Kudo, Bruce) already had an accumulation of strong willpower that made OFA un-stealable. Those three are a strong enough foundation, and the main wills, that the other users just become bonuses.
Kudo, also saying that Midoriya needs allies with the same will and drive as him... hey Kudo, you're talking about yourself and your old allies, aren't you? That's why you look at Yoichi and Bruce when you say this.
Not only is Bruce attractive, but he's got good character. THE END.
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angel-cryptid · 5 months
friendly reminder: Everyday is a good day to punch nazis <3
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poojalate · 5 months
Beyond Textbooks: Unleashing Creativity and Innovation in Indian Education
The Indian education system, while vast, faces a critical challenge – fostering creativity and innovation in students. Rote learning methods and rigid curriculums often leave little room for out-of-the-box thinking and exploration. However, a wave of change is brewing, spearheaded by educators, parents, and innovative NGOs, all aiming to unleash the creative potential within every child.
Why Creativity Matters?
In today's rapidly evolving world, the ability to think creatively and come up with innovative solutions is crucial for success. Jobs are changing, and new skillsets are in high demand. An education system that cultivates creativity empowers students to be problem-solvers, critical thinkers, and future leaders capable of navigating uncertainties.
Reimagining the Classroom: Breaking Free from Tradition
The key to unlocking creativity lies in transforming classrooms into vibrant spaces for exploration and discovery. NGOs like The Akshaya Patra Foundation, known for its school meals program, are also innovating in the classroom setting. They incorporate activities that encourage critical thinking, collaboration, and problem-solving, going beyond rote memorization.
Technology as a Tool: Embracing the Digital Age
Technology can be a powerful tool for fostering creativity. Several NGOs are harnessing its potential by creating interactive learning platforms that engage students and introduce them to new concepts through gamification and simulations. These platforms can also make education more accessible, especially in remote areas.
Learning Beyond Walls: Embracing Experiential Learning
Experiential learning, where students learn by doing, fosters a deeper understanding of concepts and ignites curiosity. Organizations like Ashoka University promote field trips, workshops, and project-based learning, allowing students to apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios.
Celebrating Creativity: Recognizing and Rewarding Innovation
Recognizing and rewarding creativity is essential to keep students motivated. NGOs like Pratham organize science fairs and competitions that encourage children to showcase their inventions and ideas. This inspires them to persevere and further develop their creative talents.
Challenges and Collaboration: Working Towards a Brighter Future
Despite the progress, fostering creativity in education comes with its own set of challenges. The need for infrastructure upgrades, teacher training in innovative teaching methods, and parental support remain crucial areas to address. Collaboration between NGO for education in India, government agencies, and educational institutions is key to overcoming these hurdles.
A Call to Action: Unleashing the Potential Within
The future of India depends on nurturing the creative potential of its young generation. We can all be a part of this movement:
Support NGOs: Partner with or donate to organizations promoting creative learning initiatives.
Advocate for Change: Support policies that encourage innovative teaching approaches.
Encourage Curiosity: At home, create opportunities for children to explore, play, and ask questions.
Embrace New Ideas: Be open to new approaches and technologies in education.
By working together, we can create an education system that fosters creativity, empowers innovation, and unleashes the full potential of every child, propelling India towards a brighter future.
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hecksupremechips · 5 months
Mizuki and Date though like. Imagine being 8 and your parents are filthy rich and going through a bad divorce. Your mom treats you like shit, lashing out at you, hitting you, saying she wishes you were never born all because you were behaving like a child. Your dad is more comforting, but he doesn’t do anything to stop the abuse and he spends his time invested in a completely different family, a girl who you love and look up to but he loves her more than you and it fucking shows. Then your dads new friend, some fucking bachelor in his late 20s, is just like "wow you guys are the worst fucking parents ive ever seen" and next thing you know your dad is sending you off to live with him. And it’s just a massive kick in the head cuz you go from a rich lifestyle to living in some really shitty tiny ass apartment with this guy who’s clearly never been around a child in his entire life and he doesn’t know how to behave and does a really bad job of censoring himself like he has a bunch of dirty magazines that he can’t hide very well cuz it’s literally a studio apartment and also he talks to himself sometimes, it’s really weird. He doesn’t even have the slightest clue what he’s doing
And he’s the best parent you’ve ever had
Because fuck, it all really hurts. You have to cope with having never received any love from anyone, and with the fact that your parents clearly don’t want you and can’t even be bothered to send you with anyone even kinda responsible. And this guy has a scary job with crazy hours and you don’t know anything about him and neither does he. But still, he never once hits you or tells you you’re not allowed to cry. He just gives you space and doesn’t push you to feel any sort of way about him. And sometimes, he’s even kind. He makes you some stew, even though it’s a bit chunky. He lets you sleep in the bed and takes the couch for himself, even though he complains about the massive back pain he’d never trade his spot for a second. He pays attention to events at your school and gives you your favorite stuffed animal when you make good grades, even though you called it ugly. He gets worried sick when you come home with bruises and puts on a goofy voice and trains you to defend yourself and you develop some highly deadly skills and even though it’s really abnormal, he buys you a bench press so you can get stronger. There’s this distance there, and you feel really weird caring about someone who you aren’t related to, but you find yourself wishing it was meant to be like this all along, that maybe, he’s secretly your real dad and he loves you like his real daughter
And when you say "I’m back" he says "welcome home"
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formulahs · 8 months
charles and his wrinkled clothes and his dirty trophies and his cracked phone screen and his habit of parking luxury cars in the most careless way possible
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book-lover85 · 15 days
Stay at home dad and artist on commission Keefe
#kotlc#keeper of the lost cities#keefe sencen#sokeefe#he watches him and sophie's 5 year old little boy and 11 year old girl (she's currently applying for Foxfire) while sophie works#he does his own art pieces along with commissions at home#and the little boy can teleport so he's constantly dropping in on sophie and fitz at their job#(it's related to them being cognates or something idk)#and keefe has a panic attack because he looked away for one second to add a detail to his sketch and now his kid's gone#their kid drops into sophie's arms (or right outside the door of the building she works at)#and sophie gives him an eye roll and a disappointed look for freaking his father out and interrupting her#(he has absolutely appeared when she was in a super important meeting)#this is all based on the assumption that elves don't have some kind of basic schooling before foxfire or other schools like it#when he appears back at their residence (their leapmaster floor has an open roof for teleportation)#keefe is standing there frantically ready to catch him#and their girl (im shit with names) is standing there giving him a look like “I thought you weren't scared of anything”#and he's just caught the kid and is trying to rock him to sleep cause teleporting is tiring for a 5 year old#but he humors her while walking down the hall to his bedroom#“who said i wasn't?” “i do” “why?”#“nobody who actually beat an ogre would be scared of their child teleporting away”#“you'd be surprised”#(she doesn't beleive he actually fought dimitar and thinks it's an elaborate inside joke between sophie him and queen ro)#so they keep going back and forth with him being vague about the details because while he did beat dimitar#he is absolutely exaggerating all the details#“keefe you can't tell our kids you punched dimitar and he immediately surrendered” “please” “no”#and then they get to his room on the second floor and he shushes her so he can place the sleeping boy in his bed#i have so many thoughts about future sokeefe actually
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caesthoffe · 8 months
An Update on Brianna Ghey
tw // extreme transphobia, hate crime, violent death, death of a child
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If you're unfamiliar with Brianna Ghey, you can read up on the story here or watch this overview. There's been multiple updates, and I wanted to let people know about the most important ones.
On February 4th 2024, the two originally unnamed teenagers— the 16-year-old boy now identified as Eddie Ratcliffe, and 16-year-old girl now identified as Scarlett Jenkinson —have been sentenced to life in prison for the fatal stabbing of Brianna (x).
On the day of her murder, February 11th 2023, Brianna took the No 28 bus at around 2pm to meet up with Jenkinson (who brought Ratcliffe along without Brianna's knowledge). The two led her to a path on Culcheth Linear Park, where she was stabbed to death with a hunting knife (x) that Ratcliffe provided. Although both parties would later blame the other in court, it's important to note that Ratcliffe was the only one with blood found on his clothes. Brianna was stabbed a total of 28 times in her head, neck, chest, and back (x). Not long after, Jenkinson posted this to her snapchat account.
Her murder was premeditated weeks in advance (x), with the pair plotting their attack against Brianna (x), who was anxious and rarely went out alone. They'd previously attempted to kill her before, although those plans ended up failing (x).
Prior to her murder, she'd sent a message to her mother saying "I'm on the bus by myself. I'm scared." To which her mother had replied that she was proud of her attempt at going out alone. Unfortunately, Brianna never got to read that text.
Thousands of text messages have leaked from the two killers, where Ratcliffe misgenders and demeans Brianna, and Jenkinson details her obsession with Brianna.
➡ When Jenkinson sent Ratcliffe some selfies of Brianna, he replied, "Is it a femboy or a tranny?"
➡ After Jenkinson expressed that she thought Brianna was prettier than her, Ratcliffe had said, "Prettier but it's a boy."
➡ Jenkinson had texted him on Whatsapp, "I'm obsessed over someone I know but don't have feelings for them... She's called Brianna... I don't know how to explain. She looks like a girl, she sounds like a girl, she's really pretty." To which Ratcliffe replied, "Tell me what you feel when you interact with it. I don't think you're necessarily in love but I think you're more curious and intrigued by its unnatural nature." (x)
➡ After their initial attempt to kill a different student failed, Jenkinson suggested that they stab Brianna instead. Ratcliffe agreed, saying "Yeah, it'll be easier and I want to see if it will scream like a man or girl."
➡ Jenkinson discussed wanting to take Brianna's "pretty" eyes as trophies, and Ratcliffe said "Really all I want to see is what size dick it had."
➡ During the trial, when asked by the prosecutor why he used the terms "it" instead of "she" for Brianna, he said that it was a "joke" and that he had picked it up from other people.
Despite all of this, Cheshire police are still adamant that Brianna's murder was not motivated by transphobia (x), because "...If it hadn't been Brianna, it would have been one of the other four children on that list." This is further corroborated by Detective Inspector Nigel Parr of Cheshire Constabulary, who led the investigation. Outside the court, he claimed that "this was a senseless murder committed by two teenagers who had an obsession with murder, whose only motivation in killing Brianna was to experience what this would be like." (x)
The headteacher of Birchwood Community High School has claimed that she spoke to Brianna's mom who "confirmed that Brianna was not bullied at Birchwood and always felt well supported by the school," and that Brianna's mother had given her permission to share that (x). This is despite multiple of Brianna's friends, and Brianna herself (x), saying the opposite (x).
The two killers are eligible for parole in 20 and 22 years. I can only hope they atone for the harm they've caused Brianna's family, the trans community, and everyone else affected.
I hope one day we can live in a world where being trans isn't a death sentence. Where major news outlets can report on trans victims with respect (x). Where anti-trans hatred spewed by TERFs and radfems, right wing politicians and conservative talk show hosts no longer hold such an influence in the world.
We will be able to live as ourselves one day. Without fear. I just wish Brianna could be here to see it.
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solargeist · 5 months
Wait students protesting? Context pls?
University students are protesting on campus for Palestine, either in solidarité or to pressure their university to divest in israel's genocide on palestiniens.
the two i see often are Columbia in New York and Sorbonne in France
The students of Columbia University took over Hamilton Hall, which hasn't happened since another student protest in the 60s
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The flag says "Hind's Hall" after a six year old Palestinien girl who was killed along with ambulance by israel.
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