#right wing cops
hussyknee · 10 months
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Once I stopped wheezing, I went looking for what inspired this tweet. Apparently anyone consistently ripping into Biden and telling anyone why he's trash is "voter suppression". Liberals have all lost their goddamn minds.
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queerism1969 · 1 year
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artbyblastweave · 8 months
The thorny thing about the politics of The Dark Knight Returns is that on the one hand, the comic has what I consider to be a pretty unforgivably brutal "tough on crime" right-wing worldview that treats criminals as little more than targets for righteous vigilante brutality. But on the other hand the comic also correctly identifies the entirety of the Reagan administration as criminals who Batman arbitrarily and unfairly isn't allowed to brutalize.
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thashining · 14 days
Protesters disrupted an Atlanta City Council meeting by throwing ping pong balls toward council members and chanting "You have dropped the ball." The demonstration was in opposition to the Atlanta Public Safety Training Center, an 85-acre police and fire training complex, dubbed “Cop City” by opponents. “Cop City” opponents have raised concerns about the “militarization of law enforcement” and environmental impact of the site
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fer3112 · 4 months
I’m genuinely so annoyed about the international coverage and misinformation about the New Mexican president. Where the fuck did they get she’s pro Palestine, feminist, ecologist, and pro lgbT (big emphasis on the t) and a leftist? Are we seeing the same thing? I’m begging leftist from other countries to talk to other leftists before being like ‘omg Mexico sooo jealous’ stfu honestly. We knew we were going to be fucked up no matter who won but I did not expect the dishonesty from the international press tbh
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comrade-onion · 5 months
Might wanna start a local ANTIFA chapter. What do yall think?
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foggymartin · 1 year
It's always awful to see pretentious twats on the news, but especially when they talk about things they've had no experience in. Seeing upper class, Christian men go on and on about how we should make Britian a "Christian" place again is out of this world. Seeing upper class (and let's be real, probably Christian) men talk about how people in poverty should just *work in these shitty jobs provided by our fucked government and earn minimum wage* because what are they going to do? They basically don't have a choice. Seeing *upper class christian men* talk about women's rights, gay peoples rights, people of colours rights, like it's some kind of epic tale in a book. They have no fucking idea what they're talking about, for any of it.
Christianity is a fucked religion (controversial, I know) with again, pretentious twats speaking the "words of God" which are a load of shit. Most of the time it's used as an excuse to be a homophobe or a sexist. Okay, David, why don't we follow every single rule ever put into that musty book? Why don't we tell left handed people they're going to hell? Or tell people who are mean that they're going down there? Why is it gay people? Correct me if I'm wrong, the Bible stated "man must not sleep with *boy*" and not "man must not sleep with man." You know, because pedophila feels like more of a crime then *gay people.* just a hunch. Commenting "Jesus loves you" or "find god" on any post that is someone different. An alternative person. It's so stupid. Why do you care? Follow your little religion and fucking leave us alone.
Poverty is a huge problem across the ENTIRE world, and I'm sure that speaks in volumes about how fucked up of a world we are. The fact that these people who are fighting to survive every day are being told to "just work" by people who never had to work a day in their life for shit is infuriating. Upper class people in general irritate me. I think it's the arrogance that they have. They're a bit.. Snobbish, you know? Even from just teenage girls being naive and laughing at poorer kids for not having an iPhone, to rich adults looking down on these people with such disgust. Seriously viewing these human beings as less then their pretty little £1000 poodle. What the fuck. The government taxes people - taxes the poor people who literally can't afford it if they want to eat. And just the normal people. Why not tax the rich more? People say "oh, we do tax them." Not as much? Do they need all that money? Do they really? Why can't they lend some of that "well earned" (passed down from generations) money to people who need it. I'm sure they'll live.
People on the news talk about women and gay people like they're a shit stain on a wall, but I'm sure the stain would get better rights. It's debates about women's rights to give birth, women's rights to wear what they please, women's rights to turn down a man. Literally fucking anything a woman does is shit on by society. Gay people are debated - should being trans be allowed? Is being gay a sin? Hmm, such tricky questions... Why not just let them live? People point out "oh, that school shooter was trans" or "that rapist was gay" not to say that school shootings or rape cases are bad, no no, just to shit on the LGBTQ community. Nobody points out that a school shooter was a white man. Why don't we just say "that school shooter was a horrible person who deserves to die" and not focus on the community they were a part of? Maybe mourn the lives lost instead of rejoice in the fact that you've got new things to hate the LGBTQ community for.
What a pleasant world we live in, huh? I could go on more, but I wont. I'll probably spiral into a ton of stuff about capitalism and why it should be torn to the ground.
Jesus Christ, I wrote more than intended. Happy reading
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nando161mando · 5 months
An Israeli man who left a homemade bomb on a Sydney man’s car demanding under threat he remove a Palestinian flag is not considered by police to be a terrorist.
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true-bugs · 3 months
if i did have to change something about nanbaka i would make musashi blind from birth. i'm ignoring that he got both eyes sliced out ok he has enough residual vision to get about but has been registered legally blind and relies on braille and large print to read to avoid eyestrain and migraines. relies heavily on other senses during combat. blindness contributes to the list of reasons Kenshirou originally assumes he's a stupid thug who can't possibly be educated
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Potentially terrible situation ended up very funny. Apt complex it throwing a labor day party and were all out having fun when this one racist transphobic awful fucking neighbor starts getting shifty about rap music being played, nearly gets his ass beat by the whole fucking neighborhood, calls the cops, and the whole party like organized so quick to get someone who could talk to the cops and explain the bullshit and the cops end up leaving within minutes laughing at the awful guy and management bans him from the pool for the weekend
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blorbocedes · 1 year
Today the leader of the german right wing party (who is married to a woman of colour has two kids with her and lives in another country but literally fights against anything regarding equality and diversity) said that she's not queer she's just married to some woman she has known for 20 years.
The reason i'm telling you this it's giving me early brocedes vibes the delusion of it all like the i have sex with woman don't ask me how i know nico kinda vibes
I'm not in a homoerotical situationship with my childhood bestie he's just some guy i kiss
that's really crazy idk what to say. and why do you have children with this woman you've known for 20 years Alice......🤨
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thashining · 13 days
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thatheathen · 2 years
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Far-right Christian Nationalists don't like trans women being armed? That's odd?
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ambersky0319 · 1 month
also untelated but still work related
today was
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chesacakeripper · 2 months
Still thinking about the interaction I had over the weekend (where there was genuine right wing unrest in my city waheyy) where I popped a message onto my colleagues-but-we're-friends-we-go-for-drinks-and-dinner-sonetimes chat to make sure ppl were staying safe (many of us are of various minority groups) and I get a bit salty about how the police were mostly being shit and harassing the counter-protestors and one person pipes up with 'I don't subscribe to the acab thing sorry 😂' after talking about how many police were injured in other unrest and like.
I had to fully disengage myself because I work with and am friendly with these folks but sometimes you get smacked in the head with an opinion and suddenly lose the trust and respect you'd been building for someone over the last year huh
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Février 2023
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