#right hand of king of sloth
o-pandora-o · 3 days
Dating Beleth Headcanons (SFW and NSFW)
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Note: This is NOT SPOILER FREE. After playing the event and have unlocked few of info via intimacy, I am currently hungry of Beleth content. Please be advised that this is not spoiler free and will connect a few info from the event or intimacy info. Writing this before I completed 100% of his intimacy info (currently at 27%). Writing in gender neutral pronouns.
How is it like dating the de facto King (in terms of what he does) - Right hand of Belphegor - Beleth?
🚬 One of the loyal green flags in Hell, once he picks someone to be his partner, don't expect him to entertain others. He might have the charisma to get along with others; however, he will definitely not entertain others who flirt with him when he's taken. He'd politely say "Hahaha. Sorry to break it to you pretty boy/girl, I'm already taken", bonus points if they flirt in front of you, he'd hold your waist and pull you close to him, no questions asked.
‌🚬He would definitely call you cute pet names such as "kitten", "kitty", "baby", and "babe". He like cute things, so he'll call you something cute too wink wonk.
🚬He isn't picky when it comes to his partner, he mostly looks at what's inside rather than what's outside. He doesn't care of your gender, nor your physical appearance. Whether your thin, chubby, plus-sized, or small. He'll love you, since he chose you to be his partner out of the many people he slept with.
🚬His love language is Act of Service, similar to Valefor, he'd do anything because you deserve everything. He may look like a bad boy, but he's a good guy at heart. He'd hold the door for you. He'd take your bag whenever you go out. Honestly, he's quite used to this because he takes care of his king - Belphegor.
🚬‌If you're feeling sick he'd take a leave from the palace and take care of you. He'd cook your comfort foods, provide comfort and warmth. Even if you're not sick, he'd cook for you if he wakes up before you.
🚬‌He's also keen on things you once said. He might bring home some desserts or food if you mentioned something that you wanna try it. Or plan a date on a newly opened cafe because you once mentioned it.
🚬He always likes it whenever he does something for you, especially if you request something. He'd do anything just to make you happy. ‌His secondary love language is physical touch. He is purely consensual and will ask you if it will be okay to touch you (hold hands, hugs, kisses) especially if you're not the type of person that is fond of physical touch.
🚬He loves LOVES being the big spoon! He's pretty tall and loves seeing you all small in his embrace. He also likes to pat your head whenever you look so cute. Bonus if you pout, he'd laugh heartily.
🚬He's pretty neutral when it comes to PDA. He respects your personal space but if he needs to display his affection, he might do so. For example if one demon decides to flirt with you, not knowing Beleth is your s/o. "It seems you really are famous with the demons, no?" Beleth said to you "Sorry my friend, it seems they're already taken, Hahaha." He wraps his arms around you and pulls you close and kisses your forehead
🚬‌Doesn't get jealous easily. He trust you so much to the point that he doesn't get jealous when other demons talk to you. However, it will be another issue if he notices something fishy with the other party. He'd be more protective rather than jealous.
🚬‌He's fond of cute animals especially baby ones. He feeds stray cats and dogs, one some rare occasions he might bring home one. "Hi baby I hope you don't mind I brought home a small kitty. I was watching him for a few days now, he's all alone. I hope you don't mind haha." He cradles the small kitty like his baby, while making that sweet smile "But Beleth… that's the 10th cat this month…"
🚬‌He does not belittle anything or anyone, even his opponents or you. When he heard someone talking shit about you and your abilities he'd butt in and politely negate their comments. "Hahaha. I wouldn't be too sure of that, my baby can pack a punch you know".
🚬He's practically the son of the Black cat x golden retriever trope. He's so cool, chill, and he practically gets along with everybody. His aura screams bad boy but to you he's like a dog (or in his case, a cat) waiting for your orders and affection.
🚬‌He once thought that you might be scared of his demon cat form, but you proved him wrong. "Are you sure you wanna see it, y/n?" "Yes! Please!!" "You know I don't show this normally right? I just show this whenever I'm mad. Haha" A cold sweat drops from his forehead "Yes! Bathin told me that too! Even Harumon!! May I see it pretty please?" "Promise me you won't change how you look at me, mkay?" "I promise!!!" "Alright, a promise is a promise, okay?" He hesitantly transforms into a gigantic demon cat "…" You stared at him "Y/n…?" He meowed " YOU'RE SO FLUFFY AND CUTE SORRY I LIED I CHANGE HOW I LOOK AT YOU NOW OMG YOU'RE SO FLUFFY!!!" You run a hand into his fur and hug him He was happy and shocked that you enjoyed looking at his demon cat form
🚬‌He enjoys it if you run your hand into his fur, it makes him purr if you scratch certain places. He will sometimes wrap his body around you and it will be okay for him if you sleep on his soft fur.
🚬‌He gets a bit upset or sad if he can't see you in the days that he's busy with Belphegor's orders or errands. Honestly your competitor is his Majesty Belphegor himself in your time with Beleth. I wouldn't say Beleth is too busy like Bael, but he may be busy occasionally due to fights or troublesome issues. He might request Harumon to bring you something if he can't come home.
🚬He sometimes fight for fun, kinda similar to training. Hottest time is when he fights without a top on, when sweat trickles down his chest and abs. "Y/n please close your mouth and don't drool" Gusion said as he was requested to supervise so you wouldn't get hurt. He'd also enjoy it if you bring him a towel. "Hmm? Do you wanna wipe my swear, lil one? Just kidding haha" He likes to tease you
🚬The only time he'd lose his chill is if you're in danger and if the angels did something to you. "What did you do to them?!" "Oh ex-brother Beleth! I just removed the temptation from you! You were sinning and that person is-" The angel's head was cut off "Oh Beleth? Why are you here?" "Huh but I thought-" He saw you bought cat food and Bathin was behind you "Was guarding them like you asked" Bathin said as he saw the angel's head in the floor "Oh."
🚬‌He likes lighting up cigarettes(this is alr obvious because of his philia), bonus if you like it too. But if you don't like cigarettes (even the smell), he'd maintain distance to respect your preference (also so you won't smell it too strongly). However if you try to smoke (or if you already do) he'd really get turn on (again this is because of his philia).
🚬‌He always likes it if you dress up like a soft boy/soft girl or lolita. He always encourages you to dress up and not be shy of your preferences, since you dress up for yourself after all.
🚬Firmly believes that Beleth only have sex with people because of the NEED to sleep. But after you're with him, man he WANTS to sleep everyday. He's so comfortable with you that he wants to sleep (literally, wholesome) with you but his insomnia is stopping him. But hey you can help him sleep tho 👀
🚬‌He's pretty naughty sometimes. He'd slap your ass jokingly if you're cooking or doing something standing up, and he won't apologize but makes the most flirtatious smirk. He would often tease you especially if it makes you pout and he'd laugh about it. He would also engage in dirty talks if he seems a bit bored.
🚬His member is pretty big, and I'd say BIG, it's probably bigger than Beel's and it's girthy. Good thing Nilfheim has good pants (fuck those pants) you can't see his bulge or whenever he's having a boner when he see you all flushed up and squirming from his dirty talks or even if you lit up a cigarette for him.
🚬‌He'd like it whenever you sit on his lap (he doesn't care if you're heavy, he's a demon with demon strength anyw). However, he will like it even more if you decide to cockwarm him. He likes seeing you squirming on his lap, begging to move. He'd grip your thighs and whisper dirty things in your ear. He'd even bite or lick your earlobe. "Mmmm Beleth please can I m-move?" "Lil oneee, you said cockwarming right? Be a good girl/boy and sit still mkay? I'll reward you later" His one hand hold your thighs, while the other wraps around your waist and he nibbles on your ear 🚬‌He's a dominant top however, if you're feeling frisky, he's willing to be submissive for you.
🚬He'd praise you and pat your head in bed. "Mmmm you're doing great little one. Hm you're so tight for me now are you, baby? That's a good girl/boy" *He pats your head and he also whispers "Do you want me to touch you, baby? Mmm you're so good for me today" ‌Prolly has size kink in addition to his philia, he likes seeing his towering figure above your small figure whenever you take him. He's favorite positions being Missionary and Side windher.
🚬‌He LOVES marking you. He's not really possessive but he always laughs and feels proud whenever someone asks you or looks at your love marks and you always become flustered to answer.
🚬After sex, he always looks at your disheveled look, like some masterpiece he made and he was the painter (i mean if cum was paint then he is). He always enjoyed looking at your cum filled holes (and body) and his marks in your body. ‌He's fond of aftercare. He'll help you clean up and take a bath or shower. You in front of him while he cleans you. He'd also prepare some comfy towels and a bathrobe before falling asleep together with you. He'd sleep hugging you with a smile in his face.
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A contribution to the WHB Server that I'm in! Hungry for Beleth for this past few days. Special thanks to my friend K for being hungry with me and reviewing some similarities we thought of Beleth. Will probably update this once i got a hold of his 100% intimacy information and voice.
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hypnos333 · 4 months
Sloth + lust = Fizz
fizzarolli x Reader x asmodeus
Synopsis: Fizzarolli and Asmodeus purposed to you but only Asmodeus can announce his proposal and Fizz is upset about it
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“Just in we have wonderful news for Lazy town and lust city it seems like Asmodeus purposed too the sin of sloth and united both the town and cities-” the Tv cut off with Fizz turning it off pouting as He sat next to a still sleeping you with your diamond ring on your ring finger from both him and Asmodeus.
“Lovely aren’t you supposed to be making deals today” Fizz asked shaking you gently to wake up. Making one of your eyes open as you look at him in a sleepy way.
“Hmm, nope i’ll just have Asmodeus do it” You simply said closing your eyes, Fizz thought maybe he could ask you since even if lazy you were reasonable and less busy. “Why does Asmodeus only get to announce his proposal to you but I can’t do mines publicly” Fizz bluntly ask emotional making you tiredly stare at him as he fiddle with his hands.
You tiredly reach holding his hand, “Me and Asmodeus are overlords hun, but you are different, your special but your also below us it would be a disgrace to every overload if we show up unannounced with you hun” You said reasonably 
Fizz teared up making you instantly sit up and hugged him, he nuzzled into your neck. He sobbed into you. “I-I hate us hiding, I h-hate it so much” He cried.
“Shhhh I know hun, but this isn’t permanent until we can find a right time to announce you before our wedding, I promise honey” You vowed to him kissing him all over his face.
“IM BACK WITH SOME FOOD MY LOVES” Asmodeus yelled out making you jumpy but luckily Fizz was able to calm you with a reassurance hand squeeze. You sigh tiredly before wiping Fizz tears with your sleeve. “Dry your tears hun, everything’s gonna be okay” You said before dragging him downstairs to go downstairs for food.
“Ah hello my sleeping beauty it’s nice to see you awake with your beautiful self” Asmodeus greeted you lifting you up placing kisses all over your face.
“Hello to you too my king” You mumbled before you threw yourself down from him making Fizz panic before clinging to you before you fell off the floor trying to injure yourself. They both looked at you unimpressed as you dragged yourself to get some food in your sluggish both.
“She is something else” Asmodeus bluntly said making Fizz hum in agreement as his heart was still racing from you almost getting hurt.
“Hello Fizzy, How are you?” Asmodeus asked doing the same thing to him too what he did to you.
“I’m okay” Fizzarolli said simply but with a fake smile and sadden voice. Asmodeus gave a questionable face and before he could ask his other lover you came running with baked honey garlic chicken stuffed in your mouth.
You pulled Fizz down from your lover making him try the chicken that claim “Taste better then anything else in hell” making Fizz feel better with you cheerfulness.
“Okay okay I’ll try it” He said making you silently cheer before holding the chicken up to his mouth with a fork, He bit into the chicken before chewing it.
“What did you think about it hun?” You asked
“It’s delicious baby” He answered smiling at you, Asmodeus watched you and Fizz love sickly being loving to one another. He loves days like these.
“Oh right My sleeping beauty I had handled your deals and you have a couple of good ones” Asmodeus stated making you sigh tiredly. “Now now my Beauty we both know you have no choice but to do this” Asmodeus added.
“I know but you know I don’t get nothing done” You said tiredly.
“Let’s go baby we can do it together” Fizz said cheerfully making you nod in agreement before dragging both of them into you office.
“Thank you my loves” You said kissing Fizz lips first before kissing Asmodeus lips. They both sigh in content as you turn to lead them in your beautiful office that your man’s did for you.
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blackphanto · 5 months
Trying to overanalyze Lucifer's design
The Hazbin Hotel season 1 finale was fucking insane. I loved everything and especially Lucifer, whom I am dedicating this post to.
Let's begin with his "normal" form
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Lucifer wears a ringleader costume bc Hell is one giant circus and he's the ringleader, but did you know that there's actually more to it?
A ringmaster, -mistress or -leader is like the opening act of a circus. They show you around, introduce the other acts and keep you hooked. They are essentially the glue that keeps the circus together. Another definition of a ringmaster, -mistress or -leader talks about an actual leader who leads a group of people, mostly through the act of doing illicit or unlawful activities. A role that would suit Lilith better than Lucifer. Sins could be seen as unlawful activities in Heaven's eyes and Lucifer is the cause of how evil found its way to earth, one could say that he was the one to lead the sinners in their sinful behavior in life. Yet, in death - if we go by Charlie's storybook - Lilith was the one leading the sinners to rise up against Heaven, another illicit activity that has led to their eventual doom.
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Luci also wears a top hat with his crown on top of it. The hat gives him some extra height so I doubt that he wears it for any other reason. His crown is mostly covered with a snake and a red apple on the side. The snake can have 2 meanings: 1) how the word 'seraphim' in Hebrew can be translated to 'fiery serpent', due to his six wings, Lucifer is likely a seraph. 2) he was the serpent that tempted Eve, although never confirmed in any religious text, this idea of him being that snake is really popular in every reiteration of that story. This would also be why there's an apple motive following the Morningstars. Now let's move on to...
Angelic/demonic form
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I don't think what we are seeing here is his full angelic/demonic form, but considering that the other Princes' forms aren't as scary either it is likely the case. The first thing that caught my attention were the horns and overall resemblance this form has to Charlie's, but let's focus on the differences.
In the first image, the snake and apple have turned into some sort of halo, a nod that his actual halo has disappeared when he fell and unlike Vaggie his wings probably didn't get ripped off, but I do believe they were different to how they were when he was behind the Pearly Gates. He has a tail and horns, classic demon imagery, there are 6 eyes at the end of his coat and there's one more on his bowtie, which makes a total of 8 eyes on Lucifer's design. The eyes are a common returning motive in Heaven and with angels.Luci also has a flame in-between his horns. This honestly reminded me of Baphomet, but they would likely be a Candle head from the Sloth ring. In the Bible, fire is often depicted as the presence of God, but I'm a firm believer that Hazbin has a deistic God view (see my other post), so I doubt that's the case here. The fire was likely chosen because Hell is associated with fire and he's the king of Hell so they thought it would make sense.
Like father, like daughter
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As stated before, Lucifer and Charlie share a lot of similar elements. She's essentially him without wings and with longer hair. They both have a red sclera with a yellow iris. Their tail is pitch black with a heart cut out at the end and despite having white skin, Lucifer's arms are greyish. I always thought they were gloves, but no, man's face doesn't match his hands. I really like this shot of them right here, they look so badass!
Charlie also seems to be getting a new ability which has to do with her arm getting bigger and blocking Adam. This might be a callback to whatever was going on with her arm in her first design.
That was it thanks for reading <3
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eldritch-spouse · 6 months
Trying to hang out and catch up with your demon girlfriends, but the owner of the ice cream place you go to keeps butting into your conversation.
" Oh God, he's coming this way again, isn't he? " You murmur, having avoided eye contact with the weird glutton just in that nick of time where it wouldn't be seen as rude.
One of your friends snorts, then harshly elbows the succubus next to her. " Go on, get him busy. We need to have a talk. "
" Owwie... Okay, you owe me. " The mid-ranker in question groans, then gets up with a big bright smile befitting of a model. She puffs her cheeks and adjusts her sizeable breasts behind her scant dress before getting up and immediately making a b-line for Berle. You would feel bad for her, if not for the fact that you know she truly enjoys being a nuisance whenever possible.
" That should buy us time. " The demoness twice your size chuffs. She claps a hand on your shoulder and practically drags you forward on the table. " Listen up pipsqueak, you know who that is? "
" Well, I- " You stammer. " I know he's kind of a celebrity around here... "
" Kind of?! " The smaller of your friend hisses like you've disappointed her. " That right there is Vorticia's youngest son! "
Your eyes widen like dinner plates. " The Queen Vorticia's son? "
" ... 'S kinda cute he has a puppy crush on you. " The sloth currently busy with a bowl of chocolate ice cream mumbles.
" Cute?! " The tallest one growls. " No way! Having royalty after you is fucked up, man! "
She blinks, that poor brain trying to catch up. " H- Huh? Whaddya mean? "
" Think about it, idiot. Infernal royalty aren't people you simply refuse. Take our King for example, everyone's shaking in their boots wondering if a war will start with every minor disagreement... "
Your hands shake slightly on the table. " But- But that's madness. Why would he want anything with me? I'm not even... I'm just a nobody. "
" Yeah right?! So what the fuck does he want to do with you- " You know better than to answer when she pokes her big index against your chest. " Nothing good, that's what! "
" O- Okay. " She's your friend, you trust her judgement about demon royalty.
" You need to show him you're not here to be fucked with! Harden up, do a bitch face, like this- " She puffs like a wild boar and makes a truly terrifying snarl of an expression, gums showing and eyes blazing with malice. It makes you shudder.
In turn, you can only weirdly strain a grimace. It makes you feel like a clown, and judging by her cheeks now puffing with laughter, it's not working very well. " Pfff- Okay, gonna need some work, but I'm confident. Maybe. "
She's swatted by the tiny woman next to you. " You think that's going to stop him, seriously? What we need is strategy. She's hopeless on her own! "
" Thanks- "
" Oh yeah?! What's your big idea? "
" Guys- " The sloth tries to speak around a mouthful of chocolate. " We all took the cockblock oath, chill. "
A chorus of "We did"s follows.
" Right? So, let's just keep being cockblockers. "
" What- To a prince?! I know she's a demon magnet, but come on, even we have limits! "
" Well- I think we're doing okay so far. " She points a spoonful of ice cream out into the distance.
Your succubus friend is firmly wrapped around Berle, one hand toying with his right horn and the other insistently trying to weasel under his apron while she talks his ears off and the young glutton tries desperately to keep up. He looks frantic, glancing around frequently as if having lost track of something.
Your wrathful friend forces your chin her way before your eyes can meet the prince's again.
" You're never coming here without us all, okay? "
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skyeslittlecorner · 6 months
Belphegor brainrot...?
I wanted to put together all crumbs about Belphie just like I did with Asmo.
We know Nilfheim is a something like a military hive mind. Nobles use swords or other melee weapons (the scythe is somewhat included in this), and since consistency is usually maintained, plus Bathin has a uniform resembling a soldier (we will talk about uniforms later), let's very roughly assume that it is, to some extent, a knightly country.
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Okay I'll be honest, I'm just amused by the idea of Belphie as a mixture of Sleeping Beauty and a knight on a white horse lol.
I don't have a screenshot unfortunately, but Satan during Halloween event said Beplhie don't like tedious work (even if it's just a signing.) Expected. He's embodiment of sloth after all.
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Actually, I can relate.
It looks like Gusion and Bael could shake hands. But Belphie is there, he really does a lot when he's out of his cave. It is not without reason that it is said that lazy people are the best employees because they will get the job done in the fastest way.
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Looks like his Majesty is flirty! A big point in my opinion, because for me he seemed cold and distant. I was afraid that we would be too similar to Leviathan, but I guess that's not the case.
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He doesn't sound like this decision bothered him at all. I don't know how to interpret it, so I leave it here out of chronicler's duty. And to please the eyes, look at my pretty boy!!!
But... that's it. That's all. So, I have found a related topic to rabmle about.
Nilfheim boys what's wrong with you?
We only know two, only recently three of them. Gusion, Bathin, Andrealphus.
And I guess they have a different definition of military than us.
Two of the three are like, "hey, have you seen that unicorn in the green cloak? This one who is never in his country? Great idea!" and yeeted themselves from Nilhfeim.
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He just. Randomly visited Earth. Because why not.
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Honey, you don't. Although… you're the devil. *Hands AO3* Have fun!
We are fresh from Andrea's escapades to Avisos. We know that he spends a lot of time there and from the screenshot above we also know that he doesn't really need things like his king permission to be happy.
Considering that Bathin is friends with Stolas...
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...aka his personal radio, I'm sorry I can't get over this lol, it is very possible that he also often visits Avisos. Beel, you are tempting nobles from the next country and you are not even in your own country.
Bathin? Andrea? I understand that in a sentence "The devils of Niflheim almost never move individually" you are the "almost". Two of the three known. A known majority. They are hopeless.
And you know what? The third one isn't any better.
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Yeah. Who in a MILITARY COUNTRY would wear a uniform. Well, no one normal. Let's get back to those uniforms, this time for real.
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We already know that Gusion doesn't bother with such bullshit, so we don't know if what we actually see is the one times he wears something he should wear all the time. (I guess we do and he just doesn't have a jacket.)
Bathin has a uniform, but it's from Paradise Lost. It is possible that his appearance refers to this and not Nilfheim, as we know that other devils associated with foreign countries, especially Buer, but also Sitri, have appearances related to the latter country.
Andrea seems to be the most reliable. But who knows? He wanders where he shouldn't, do you think he would care about his uniform? Plus… A wing? And a halo? Exactly.
Ultimately, I would lean towards uniforms of nobles that look like hitmans. Just like someone described Andrea in the event.
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At least one thing is right. The devils of Nilfheim are unnaturally strong, even by their standards. We all remember how Andrea abused every angel in his path. Even the big guy who seemed to break him like a match. No, the big guy was shaking like an aspen under his feet as Andrea happily dismembered him. As we can see, Gusion's sword also proves his strength.
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Even some of Nilfheim's lower devils seem to have great fighting skills. Not all of them, of course. One is a fish.
We have the least information about the countries of Asmo and Belphi, but we have some coherent idea about Abaddon thanks to the nobles. Nilhfeim? Nope! Funny country. I can't wait to visit it.
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thagoddessdemi · 1 month
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Somewhere...in a far land...is a modern day kingdom. The Macfreeling Royal Family, descendants of Captain Chaz Macfreeling who married Princess Cordelia. After tragedy struck their kingdom (The Great Sloth Invasion), Queen Cordelia was lost at sea. King Chaz relocated what was left of the kingdom to Henford-on-Bagley where his family ruled for centuries.
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King Azibo and Queen Mistella birth their only child Princess Amara. Princess Amara (20) is preparing to take the throne on her 21st birthday. There is a catch, the tradition that if a woman rules she must first marry. Free-spirited, Adventurous Princess Amara isn't very happy about that.
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Akeem (21) is head of the guards. His father was Head of Guards for King Azibo and Queen Mistella when he was alive. Akeem has been preparing his whole life to honor his father's role. Akeem is in charge of the kingdoms military and is the Royal family's personal guard.
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Sparkle (20) is Princess Amara's right hand woman, her best friend. Sparkle's mother has worked for the Queen as her personal servant. Sparkle is in training to do the same for Princess Amara once she is Queen. This role is seen as the highest honor in the kingdom.
*this is inspired by Anastasia (movie), Princess Diaries, Bridgerton, Cinderella (Brandy of course) and some shit that popped up in my head.
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theredofoctober · 3 days
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Dark!Hannibal Lecter x Reader x Dark!Will Graham AU fic
TW for eating disorders, noncon, abuse, Daddy kink, cannibalism mentions, non consensual drug use
Read after the cut
Two hours after guests and staff alike have made their egress from the house the host himself leaves it, getting into his car with a solitary glance up at your barred lodgings. You cringe from that look, from the purpose that coaxes him out like a stoat into the rain-clothed night.
Hannibal has known perhaps since the first Lover killing the culprit's identity and abode.
He himself is beyond a murderer, a master of games, lording himself above the board of life and only involving himself directly in that play when it serves to amuse him, or else he has no choice but to interfere.
It occurs to you that his current motivation is, in part, both the former and the latter, being that he’d likely sensed a collision with Freddie Lounds or some other disruptive circumstance that would result in his going after Amy again. He’d perhaps even devised such an event; you—predictably affected—had merely struck the spark of it into birth.
Always Hannibal’s intent has been to make some grand demonstration of his influence, a court magician with a vanishing trick: now you see it, now you don’t.
Who else has disappeared through his performance and returned only in death?
You’re convinced by now that he is indeed the Copycat, need only proof in absolutes to entirely believe it. But if he is so then all food consumed within this den has been of human produce, and there is no length of starvation nor manner of purging that will expunge this from your history.
They are part of you now, the whispering dead; you are built of cadavers, and the entrails of stars, and champagne, engorged with the reeking malign of the jackal you’ve become in your imprisonment.
You resign yourself to bed, feeling truly ill, and so do not hear when Hannibal returns in the early hours of the morning. Do not fully wake as he comes into your room, a needle between his fingers, nor when he whispers to you over the click of the metronome.
Nor, too, when through your lips he passes some fatty soup, which in a half doze you attempt to expel.
“You need to eat, my love,” he says. “Let’s try again.”
You dream of Savannah Belmont, her dark eyes turned grey in absence of life, sitting on a kitchen chair beside the muttering waters of a river. The fingers of her right hand play idly between her legs, and the other reaches into the foramen of her open gut, emerging full of water beetles and wriggling fish.
“I’m not hungry,” you say, as she offers them to you.
The dream repeats all night and on into the day until you think you may never escape its smothering hold.
You rise the following afternoon like the personification of the sin of Sloth, unsure what to make of Hannibal’s visitation, or of the hours lost to the shifting hallways of memory.
Grudgingly you go down through the house in search of your jailer, knowing that you must play inquisitor and have the truth of Amy’s fate out of him.
It is in the grand living room with its many decorative animal skulls that you find him, a king of the deceased amidst his plenty.
He sits in an armchair, holding his iPad on one crossed knee as he might the works of Kafka, dignified and invested in the screen. Standing on tiptoe to peep over his shoulder you see a news reporter standing against a backdrop of half bare trees.
The volume is low, only a scattering of words reaching your ears.
“Breaking... the woman thought to have been the most recent victim... found hitchhiking along a forest road just outside...”
"Amy," you say, aloud, and Hannibal part turns his head to you, his face like that of Jesus Christ, all grace and mercy.
"Hello, Little One,” he says. “Please sit with me. There's something I'd like you to see that should comfort you."
You hesitate to approach, your instincts a vortex of craving to run. Yet you must make nice with the monster, or else become his meat.
"Yes, Daddy," you mumble, and perch stiffly on the arm of Hannibal's chair, straightening your back in aversion to even accidental contact with him.
He blinks at your inappropriate use of his furniture, but does not reprimand you aloud. Instead he turns the iPad towards you and taps a forefinger on the screen.
“Police say the victim was kept in an abandoned shack after being struck in the head and abducted the previous night,” says the reporter. “Glass was able to escape through an unlocked door while her assailant was distracted by an unknown individual. After fleeing through a forested area she was able to find the nearest road and flag down a passing driver, who promptly called the police.”
“That was you,” you say, softly. “The ‘unknown individual’.”
Hannibal puts a finger to his lips.
“Keep watching, please.”
“Glass is suffering from concussion and minor memory loss, but is otherwise healthy,” says the reporter, through a grin of chemically whitened teeth. “Police are investigating the area in which she was held hostage for any evidence left by the attacker.”
The screen flashes to video of Amy, her eyes marbled with broken veins, bruising spread across her temple like an abstract watercolour piece. She’s wrapped up in an oversized sweater that only makes her look thinner within it, her every bone like armature against her skin.
Jealousy yanks at you like a vicious hook, and you find yourself appalled by your disease, that seeing a friend unwell inspires in you desire to replicate her sickness.
One of Amy's older brothers, Darrien, stands with an arm around her narrow shoulders, a surprise to you, being that they hadn't liked one another in childhood.
They both stand smiling like hospice patients forced to attend some miserable function against their will.
“I just want to say how grateful I am to be home with my family,” says Amy— she sounds stilted, almost scripted, unlike herself. “I know how lucky I am to be here. I’d like to thank Morgan Vance, who picked me up at 5am and never complained once. If she hadn’t stopped for me I don’t know where I’d be right now.”
“As a family, we’re asking for privacy,” says Darrien, and he rubs Amy’s shoulder, an unimaginable gesture from the boy who’d once shunned his sibling in school hallways. “I get people have a ton of questions, but right now we’d appreciate it if everybody gave us time to process everything.”
The news segment shifts to another topic, the falling of a church roof in Savage, Maryland.
You glance up at Hannibal, tears brimming in the fonts of your eyes. His face is pretty in the afternoon daylight, the age coaxed out of it by the sun.
"You saved her life,” you say.
Like a witch come to some blue blood’s birth he extends his curse to you as a gift, and you know better by now than to decline it.
In a whisper, you say, "Thank you."
"You're very welcome,” says Hannibal, and he puts a light hand upon your trembling knee, his thumb stroking the joint where a knife might cut it out. “I only hope that now you see the genuine intent behind my words, as well as my capabilities."
"How did you do it?” you ask. “How did you even find the Lover?"
Hannibal continues stroking your knee through your skirt, sending a tremble of sensitivity up your thigh.
"I've known his identity for some months now,” he says. “I can't tell you how just yet. But I can divulge that the Lover is following his own investigation, and knows that I've been helping Jack and Will when I can.
“Through this the Lover came to learn of our connection to you. When I called him to suggest Amy as his next interest he informed me that she’d already been considered."
You struggle down from the arm of the chair, taking a few hasty steps back.
"You... you gave her to him,” you stammer. “I knew it."
"And I returned her to you safely,” says Hannibal, patiently. “At my side, you'll receive all that you could ever ask of me, but as my enemy there is much to lose. I don't mean to threaten you, Little One. My interest is only in being truthful with you."
You gather your hands at your mouth, breathing in quick, stinging bursts.
"Why did the Lover want Amy?" you ask.
"He, like Freddie Lounds, had deduced some connection between you and Miss Glass. The Lover believed that abducting her would sow discord in our household, and therefore derail the investigation. I suggested that I agreed with his assessment."
How unemotionally he speaks of his this, as though reading aloud the introduction to some dull novel.
"Then what happened when you went out there the other night?” you ask, sweat staling your neck. “Why did he just let Amy go?"
"I told him that we'd made a mistake,” says Hannibal, “and that Will had grown suspicious. The abduction itself had gone poorly due to Amy putting up more of a fight than was expected of her; from Will's piecing together of the scene and certain evidence noticed there he would have located the shack the Lover was using in some days.
“So I encouraged the killer to allow Amy her freedom and abandon the building entirely. I’m told he burned it some minutes after her escape."
You picture your friend staggering by dark morning through some wood, the stink of smoke all through her hair.
"Won't she give you both up to the police?” you ask. “She must have seen his face, then there was the phone call—"
"Amy will remember very little prior to her liberty,” says Hannibal. “The avenue for her escape itself was staged by the Lover and I to resemble an unexpected interruption. I spent some hours with Amy before this, ensuring that she wouldn't stray from the official version of events. Her concussion is not the cause of her lost memories."
"You hypnotised her,” you say. “With the white lights. The ones from therapy."
You do not mention the day taken from you by similar practice, afraid of that vacuum of memory.
"You’re correct,” says Hannibal. “I did.”
"But her phone records—"
"The Lover removed Amy's cell phone from her person and took care to destroy it. I believe this is procedure with each of his killings."
Appalled, you wonder how you are to smile and be the swaddled baby of the doctor now the first layer of his ghillie suit has been shucked away.
"So you're like, friends with the Lover?” you ask, unable to entirely disguise your disgust.
"We are acquaintances,” says Hannibal, “with a similar goal: that of proving our love to an individual so adamantly set against receiving it."
He polishes the iPad with a thin cloth and puts it away in a silver case, labouring with a quiet delight over the mundane nature of routine.
"When are you going to tell Will who the Lover is?” you ask, bleakly. “You can't just let him kill more and more girls."
“Will is already on the verge of uncovering the killer's identity without my intervention,” says Hannibal. “By enticing the Lover to be reckless he has somewhat revealed himself, and is no longer the enigma he once was. Besides, if I were to unveil the Lover myself I would invite questions I cannot safely answer.”
Naturally he is self-preserving, first and foremost. But above all, to end the killer’s reign too quickly would bore him; from Hannibal’s handling of your own case you understand this.
"Don't you care about those dead girls at all?" you ask, and your captor smiles without warmth.
"Their deaths are part of the Lover’s exhibition. He is a crude artist, certainly, but he is not yet in possession of his muse. It’s satisfying to observe the progression of his work.”
Your balance wavers, threatens to give under the shock of this confession.
"Daddy,” you say, pitiful in your horror. “You’re scaring me."
Hannibal regards you with a kind of disappointment.
"God frequently inspires terror with His might, but those who follow Him with obedience need never fear His hand. I’d hoped that you might learn this through Amy's safe return."
Alarmed, you slip from the couch and kneel before Hannibal, feeling that you must display some false devotion or else be expelled as a heretic by terminal design.
"I'm grateful," you say, clutching at him with fervent hands. "I am, Daddy. I get why you did it. And I'm thankful you did what I asked. Just... please don't do anything like that again. I swear I'll try harder to be good. I'm trying to understand you. Really I am.”
Hannibal gazes down at you for a beat, seeming on the cusp of some internal decision.
"I can see that,” he says, at last. “And you’re young. There’s time yet for you to study under me.”
Will's voice, hoarse with illness, swerves through the room like an abrupt change in the forecast.
"What have I missed?"
You think to leap up and away from Hannibal as though caught in some illicit tryst, but a look from the older man impels you to remain, your cheek resting in his lap.
"She's offering me gratitude for my leniency regarding her outburst at the party," says Hannibal, unruffled by the interruption. "It's fortunate that my guests were unsurprised by Miss Lounds' deliberate attempt to provoke our Little One. They've been wholly charitable and sympathetic."
Will steps into view, his eyebrows almost at his hairline. His face is cadaverous and glazed with the resin of sweat.
The case, his illness: they suck from him his vigour, and though he is accomplice to your deadly keeper you’ve soul enough in you to pity him.
"Honestly, I don't know why you even invited Freddie,” he says. “It was a bad idea."
"In hindsight, I concur,” says Hannibal. “But my intent was to give the impression of having nothing to hide."
Will laughs and shakes his head.
"Freddie’ll see dirt on us both no matter what we do. Now she'll have even more of a reason to look."
"We mustn’t concern ourselves with the idle fodder of gossip columnists. I’ve had a stern word with Miss Lounds discouraging her from provoking our charge at future events. The matter is much resolved.”
Eyeing your sniffling figure, Will says, "Doesn’t look resolved from here.”
"There was another matter. Our Little One also chose to overindulge in champagne.”
Starting, you look up at Will and see him struggle not to laugh again.
Rather than be a hypocrite and side entirely with his friend, he asks, "Did you explicitly tell her she couldn't drink?"
"No," you pipe up from Hannibal's knee. "He didn't."
"I've never claimed to be faultless," says the doctor. "Evidently I haven’t been clear in my stance. But the implication was strong enough that you deliberately hid your drinking from me. You were far from subtle, I assure you."
You turn your face against his leg, hiding it in the fabric so as not to see the developing lust for punitive sex in his eyes.
"I’m sorry."
"Perhaps I'd be more inclined to believe that claim if you made a demonstration of it."
"Well, she knows how to give apologies," says Will, as much to diffuse the dark tension between you as to follow his own sensual curiosities. "I received one once in this exact room that seemed pretty genuine.”
“Hey," you say, rather hurt; you’d rather hoped he’d rise more strongly in your defence.
You’re uncertain whether the two men would be on such cordial terms if Will shared your knowledge of Hannibal. Yet already he suspects at least partly his shadows, and still is willing to flank him in the act of rape.
Still, you know his revulsion for the Lover to be genuine, see it in its wearying of him. There is a line for Will Graham, somewhere, but you do not know how long it will remain before he crosses it.
“Little One,” says Hannibal, gently reminding you of your duty.
As you begin working listlessly at Hannibal’s trouser button that Will says, "Mind if I help?"
For a moment you imagine him on his knees beside you, sharing the heavy phallus with eager tongue and coarse, pale hands, and you loathe the little light that flares between your compressed thighs.
Instead Will comes to stand behind you, smoothing back your hair as you bow your head to Hannibal; the other man bends likewise, arms going out to you as you consume him in a bite without teeth.
Four hands, then, upon you, two in your hair, twins caressing your face and neck with a touch that bears the prospect and willingness to love, should you become, like the dancing myth, a swan by night— you shift beneath that touch as ash, eating of the hated one as though for the taste of him.
You kiss his length, look up into the face that shunts through you a stake of killing fear and see him clearly, then, a legend brought earthwards by the wants he shares with men. See through the tiers of guise and truth that you fear most his humanity, that he can love.
Even in this coaxing to consent in your dismantlement you know it, see through a window of time how gently he would rear you as his own.
You do not want him, or this, and yet you feel yourself seduced by him, if only in a subconscious attempt to lessen the guilt that is sister to you.
His gaze, of lowered lids and pleasured shine, watches you with enjoyment. As your tongue whispers on his cock Hannibal murmurs to you praise and urging, sometimes an utterance of your name; while he is sated, you are safe, and so into your narrow throat you sink him down.
You owe him, you think, in some cosmic fashion, for the gold of two lives spared, yours, and that of Amy Glass. Like all Gods Hannibal demands his offering, and though you are no virgin you give yourself to that altar, raise and drop like the sun upon a mountain.
“That’s it,” says Hannibal. “My talented darling.”
Your mouth is a grail to him, some magic article; you know it from the breathy groans with which he exalts your attempts to satisfy.
“Don’t give her an ego,” says Will, but then he kisses your bent neck, and you feel a pulse between your legs again like the last heartbeat before death’s oblivion.
Hands, hands, mouths.
You take their lips on yours like a rat bite, assuming they’ve already long begun to infect you with their disease.
Then as you suck again, aware of Will’s thin form over you like a bower, enclosing you in the act, with them.
Mouths, mouths, hands, only one pair of which have not given themselves to murder, yet are not wholly clean of sin.
You wear your shame like a bridle as you mouth Hannibal’s cock, feel its restraint and harsh leading as you tongue him to his peak.
Will’s fingers tense slightly at your throat, something of his old meanness in it— threatened, you realise, by your curiosity in Hannibal’s affections for you, which you test now with your submission.
Even if Will ever offers up the steaming muscle of his own heart to you that unpleasantness will remain like gristle on the meat.
You do not wish to be a partner in this business of mystery and sex, and yet there is power in it, power with which you may bend Will to your side before you’re contorted by what you may become.
This you think even as you hold Hannibal between your jaws to swallow his finish, a desperate thought that may deliver you to some dinner plate. But you think of it still, think it even as you get up from your knees and turn to Will, twitching with resentment that he, to whom you’ve grown close, still allows you to be so abused.
Light as a fairy child on tip-toe you cross to him and push your wet mouth to the invitation of his lips, spilling warm seed between them so that he, too, might share in the taste of his man.
Will’s eyes widen, yet he does not withdraw from the affection, merely kisses you back with a silent passion. When you draw apart he swallows, glancing down and away from you, his fingertips on his mouth like a stitch, holding Hannibal in.
Later, when the doctor makes brief leave of the living room to prepare dinner, you find yourself looking at Will with the haughtiness of betrayal.
“I’d better address the elephant in the room,” he says, at last. “I should have been in your corner. It’s not easy playing both sides, but I know that night was hard for you. I won’t judge you for making a mistake.”
“I don’t care about that,” you say. “You should have told me the Lover took Amy. Sure, it’s been years since I’ve seen her or anything, but it doesn’t matter. You should have told me as soon as you knew.”
Will looks away into the fire.
“I didn’t want to be the one to hurt you with that news. If she hadn’t survived—”
“So what? I’d rather you hurt me than anybody else.”
You hear Will murmur your name, the beginnings of an explanation.
“I don’t care,” you snap, again. “I don’t want your apologies. I got you back for it, anyway.”
Will turns away quietly, ignoring the barb.
Then he says, “One. There’s another reason I’ve been holding back. Not just about Amy, though she’s part of it. Since the Copycat murder I’ve been thinking a lot about previous killings in the area. How similar they are to what happened to Savannah. Have you ever heard of the Chesapeake Ripper?”
“I don’t know,” you say, with a moody shrug. “Maybe.”
“Over the past few years he’s killed in groups of three, always putting the mutilated victims on display after removing their organs from their still living bodies. Savannah Belmont was also still alive when her stomach was cut out of her. Both killers have surgical knowledge.”
At this you twist towards Will’s armchair, watching nervily as he feeds a new log to the hearth.
“You think they might be the same killer?” you ask. “The Lover and this Ripper guy?”
“I won’t know for sure unless there are at least two other murders,” says Will. “He always follows a pattern.”
“But you can’t just wait for that to happen.”
“I know.”
You yearn to tell him about Hannibal, daren’t breath even a letter of his avowal.
“The organs the Ripper cuts from his victims,” you say. “Do you know what he does with them?”
Will glances up, rapidly alert.
“The way you’re asking me that makes me think you’ve made some kind of guess,” he says. “You want to tell me what it is?”
At first you say nothing, knees brought high under your chin like a child’s.
“Will,” you whisper. “What if he eats them?”
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sinner-sunflower · 4 months
A HH Lucifer-centric AU 3/?
PART 1, PART 2, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8, PART 9, PART 10, PART 11, PART 12, PART 13, PART 14, PART 15, PART 16, PART 17, PART 18, PART 19, PART 20, PART 21, PART 22
Apologies if some grammar makes no sense. English is not my first language.
I do have another Lucifer angst fic right HERE, there's currently 2 parts but I swear I'll update it. There are just too many ideas flowing in my head right now and I don't want to forget them!
Really appreciate the likes, reblogs, and comments &lt;3<3
The two Sins arrive at the very edge of Sloth where Lucifer can see a long barrier with multiple guards.
Scientists were everywhere and from the looks of things, no one had gotten any sleep.
Belphegor leads Lucifer past the barricade. Many of Belphegor's employees stare in awe and dread as the king of hell passes by.
They both come to a stop to a series of black and red roots on the ground, crawling their way out of hell's deepest realm. (Imagine those root things of the Upside-Down of stranger things)
Belphegor: Apologies again, Lucifer. I should not have kept this from you for as long as I did.
Lucifer: And why did you?
The Sin of Sloth is nervous. She and Lucifer are close friends, some may even call them (all of the Sins, really) as siblings. Despite being an ex-angel, the Sins hold Lucifer in high regard. They were created because of him, after all.
Belphegor: You have entrusted me with this duty when I was bestowed upon the title Prince of Sloth. I... simply did not want to- I have no excuse.
Lucifer: And how long has this been like this?
Belphagor: A scientist of mine spotted the anomaly a month ago. It was barely the size of a puddle initially. It did not grow more than an inch for 2 weeks. But then, seemingly overnight, it grew a mile. We set up a perimeter and tight security after..
Lucifer: After?
Belphegor: An animal escaped from a nearby farm and made contact with the anomaly. And it.. it took over its whole body. It acted like a parasite, controlling the body. We shot it dead.
Lucifer: Did you retrieve it?
Belphegor simply points to the creature, blood dried from where it was killed.
Lucifer: And I'm the first to know of this apart from your guards and scientists?
Belphegor: Yes. We've been monitoring every bit of media and so far, information regarding this is still contained. The locals have dubbed this as a personal excavation of mine.
Lucifer hmm'd and walked a little too close to the anomaly than Belphegore would like. The king crouches down and-
She panics and surges forward as her friend, her brother, touches the infected ground.
Belphegor: Lucifer! What are you doing?!
She pulls him back and freezes. The Sin of Sloth has never felt more awake than she did now as her brother's arm became engulfed in glowing red root-like veins all the way to his collarbone.
Lucifer stares at his twitching hand and arm and pays no mind to Belphegor's concerns.
Lucifer: Call for a meeting, Bel.
She stops, confused.
Belphegor: With the Sins?
Lucifer: With everyone. King's decree.
What to look forward for in Part 4:
By everyone, he means everyone (Sins, Overlords, Ars Goetia, etc.)
uh oh, Lucifer has the cheese touch
Is it painful? who knows
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s0lam33y · 10 months
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[izogie x reader]
summary : you’re the king’s first wife, the one he trusts the most. You’ve loved him for so long but after years of him being with other women and his other wives, you became lonely. The only person that was there for you was Izogie, one of the most skilled warriors in Dahomey. She’s been there for you in more ways than one.
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It’s early morning. Too early. But as usual, you’re the first up. You’ve always loved early mornings and you always will.
“There’s so much going on, y/n, I can’t let the Europeans stay.” Ghezo speaks to you as he massages your waist with one hand. You stroke his arm and kiss his temple.
“I trust you’ll make the right decision, my king.” You whisper. It’s what you say every time he’s having trouble making a decision. You run your short nails across his coarse and thick Afro to soothe him. He leans into your touch, his stubble tickling your collarbone.
The two of you always have mornings like these. It feels like the start of your relationship, when you were the only one he had eyes for. When he didn’t seek anyone else. Your king and his queen.
You remember when you were both younger, less aged and more excited. You’d wake up together, rinse your faces and he’d finally get to wear the Royal garb he’s wanted to wear. You have mornings of bliss, with you sitting on his lap on the throne and talking about nonsense.
You were his first wife. The first woman to ever win his heart. You were going to become a part of the agojie but your beauty caught his eye.
“How do you always know what to say?” He asks and all you do is give him a smile before kissing his cheek. All that you know to say, you’ve borrowed from your one true love. Izogie.
You place a hand on his chest, right above his beating heart before kissing his forehead.
you walk through a sea of trainees, watching them train with each other, laughing and grinning as they do. They pause to bow for you and you can’t help but smile. Oh, how you wish you had continued being a soldier. The hot sun beats down on your body as you continue to walk.
You run a hand across your forehead, taking in a deep breath as the sun does it’s work on you. A familiar hand squeezes your waist.
“You must not be in the sun like this, my queen.” Izogie’s voice lightly teases behind you. She’s too close for comfort but you can’t blame her. You take a step forward so her hand is no longer on you and stand next to her.
She looks just as beautiful as she did last week when you saw her. Her chest and biceps are glistening with a mix of shea butter and sweat. Her nails still sharp as ever. As she moves you hear the leather and shells clacking against her pretty skin.
“I’m used to the heat.” You say, smiling as a fellow trainee walks past you. No one suspects anything between the two of you. Your friendly nature is reknown throughout the kingdom and no one dares accusing the first wife of the king of doing anything like adultery.
You crave izogie; you need her more than the throne, the king or anything he has to offer. Her eyes trail down to your reddened-lips. You feel stained with the king’s touch and you need her to wash it all off.
“I will see you around, love.” She whispers only so you can hear before turning around and going to correct some trainees.
“You’re moving like a SLOTH!” She yells, looking back at you, smiling before correcting a the frightened trainee.
It’s late at night, the only reason why you’ve been able to sneak out is because the king is currently in bed with his third wife. You can’t be noticed because of the simple white robe you have on, your curls are out, untouched and a mess but you don’t care. Completely opposite of your normally kept look. The only way one would be able to tell is if they saw your face up close.
You end up in front of izogie’s hut, the one she’s built herself. You see the light from her lantern illuminating the inside before her hand grabs you to pull you in.
Her lips crash against yours as her nails graze your scalp.
“I missed you.” You admit, kissing her lip and then her neck and her shoulder, feeling the muscle bulge beneath her pretty brown skin.
“You as well, darling. I love your hair.” She whispers lowly, exhausted from all her fighting and hiking for the day. She gently kisses your forehead, like your made of glass.
“Long day?” You ask, laying against her broad chest.
“The longest.” She replies as her nails slowly rake down your back, leaving goosebumps in their wake. She smells like wood and shea butter that she mixes with something you can’t put your nose on.
You notice the little set up she has, a single mat laid out to sleep and a small bowl of stew she had been eating, made by the chef here. You both end up sitting down in front of each other, her face beautifully lit by the lantern as you speak.
“Had I known you were coming, I would prepare another mat and get you more food.” She sighs, feigning irritation as you hold the bowl of half eaten stew. You bring it to your lips and savour the taste.
Yes, the palace offers the tastiest food but nothing beats a well-cooked meal, one that’s made straight from the village. Oh, how you’ve missed it.
“It’s okay, my love, I’m comfortable here,” you grin as she sits up and grabs the bowl from you.
“Let me go get you some more.” She insists and you know better than to try to deny her so she leaves you with a peck on the lips before exiting the hut.
You get comfortable, laying down on the mat and taking in her scent. You don’t even hear her walk back in so her voice startles you.
“Getting comfortable already?” She asks. You turn around only to find that amused grin on her face as she settles a steaming hot bowl of stew in your palms.
“I don’t mean to bother-“ you begin.
“Eat.” She interrupts as she rolls her eyes. She moves toward you and settles right behind you so your back is flush against her front. Despite how many times she fights a day and how aggressive she can be with her trainees, she’s so soft with you. Impossibly soft with you.
Her eyes are practically glued to you and you’ve gotten so used and comfortable with it. But you don’t understand how one can stare at you so lovingly with a mess of curls and stew staining the corner of your mouth.
You finish the stew in no time and she kisses your temple before speaking.
“Maybe he should start taking your favorite meals into account.” She jokes and although you know it’s a joke. You so desperately want to laugh but you can’t. Ghezo doesn’t know anything about you, anymore, not a single thing, not your favorite activities, or your favorite meal.
But izogie does, she knows you like neutral colors, that you love taking naps even though it’s impossible for you to, she knows you love playing music and that you can’t swim for the life of you.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you by saying that,” she apologizes as she strokes the soft skin of your thigh.
“I know…I just—you’re right.” You agree as you lean back. She crosses her arms around you and kisses your shoulder. She grabs the wooden bowl and sets it aside from your grasp while lowering her hands to your hips.
“I will always be here, however you need me to be, darling.” She promises and with all that sincerity in her voice, you can’t help but feel how deep her words go. She would go to war for you and you know it.
You both breathe in and out, together.
You and Izogie spent the night together, she spent more time reassuring you that she would be there for you, in more ways than one and leaving reminders for you to look at throughout the next week.
Her grip on you was desperate, she eventually let go of your throughout the night, allowing you to turn around and face her.
You turn over on the small mat that can barely fit the two of you. The sun isn’t up yet and neither is your lover. You look at Izogie’s face, her face free of wrinkles and body relaxed against your own. Her uniform is on the floor far from you and you admire her while you can.
The relationship isn’t purely physical no but Izogie is attractive and you can’t deny it. She has so many scars from training and fighting but she’s so beautiful. You cup her face in your palms and gently kiss her plump lips.
She scoots closer, still half asleep and mumbling while she wraps an arm around your waist. She rests her face in the crook of your neck as she continues to sleep. She’s full of warmth, so much of it that you want it to envelope you for years to come. Her lashes flutter against your collarbone as she continues to move around.
“Izogie,” you speak her name like a prayer. She hums from deep in her throat and if you weren’t exhausted from last night you swear you’d have another round with her.
“I must go get cleaned up, accompany me, please?” She’s never denied you and she doesn’t see why she’d deny you now. You chuckle as she blinks her eyes open. You use your thumbs to wipe the crust from her eyes as she stretches awakes.
You both get up and she stuffs spare towels in her arms as you wear the white robe you were in previously.
“Why must you move so slow?” She grins already dressed by the time you finish up getting dressed.
You’ve never really like the water. And you’re sure you never will but when Izogie is on you the way she is. And her hands are doing their job, the water feels like it barely exists.
“Izogie, what if we get caught?” You ask as her body breaks through the surface of the steaming water. She hums and shrugs without care like she wants to get caught, almost like she wants everyone to know that she’s yours.
“Then so be it.” She murmurs while fiddling with your waist beads that sit beautifully on your waist.
Ghezo crosses your mind. He would be furious if you left him for Izogie. She’s a strong warrior, stronger than he’ll ever be. It would upset your people, everyone around you. It would break your heart to watch all the other wives and your own people turn on you.
But you want her more. You want her more than you know. You want her more than Ghezo, more than your people and more than those wives.
“You think too much.” She points out, gripping your bare hips and pressing gentle kisses to your neck. She tilts your head back while running her hands down your curls. Her nails dig into your scalp, massaging the worries away.
You feel so soothed that your vision begins to blur. She scoops up water in those hands of hers and runs them down your hair.
“I know you‘ll have a choice to make, I know what you’ll pick,”’ She whispers, wet lips trailing down your jaw.
“How are you so sure that you aren’t a choice?” You question, picking up your head to look at her troubled face. She chuckles but not her regular one, there’s so much sadness masked behind it.
“Y/n….He was there before me, you love him, he’s a king while I am just a warrior.” She says blankly. You’ve never seen izogie so unsure before. Insecure, almost.
You cup her face so she’s focused. Her torso melts into your own.
“I love you.” She erupts, her heart beating so fast that her chest moves against your own. Your lips press against each other, forcing a shocked groan out of her.
Her lips linger for a moment, letting your lips graze before you begin to speak.
“I love you too.” Neither of you know how long this is gonna last. It could end tomorrow. In a year. In a month. Either way, you’d pick each other each and every time, now, then, and anyday in between.
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[please let me know what you think via comments :)]
playlist: who hurt you by Daniel Ceasar, yebba’s heartbreak by Yebba + drake, say yes by floetry, shame by summer walker, none of your concern by jhene Aiko, promises by jhene Aiko, 20 something by SZA.
@sweetalittleselfish-honey @xenaizogie couldn’t tag anyone else :(
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annymation · 6 months
The Kingdom of Wishes- A “Wish” Rewrite
Chapter 8- They Know
Chapter 7
The sun rises upon the kingdom of Rosas.
We see the castle in all it’s magnitude glistening as the first rays of sunshine hit the top of the tower.
We then cut to a sleeping queen, wearing a white night gown made of silk. Her long brown hair spreads all over the pillow.
She moves her arms trying to reach for something next to her… But she doesn’t feel what she was looking for
She opens her eyes slowly, still trying to hug someone that isn’t there
Then she sits up upon realizing… She’s alone in bed.
“Oh my… This really must be serious” the queen says in a whisper to herself
She then hears something approaching the door
Footsteps, coming very quickly and loudly, like a horse running down the hall.
The queen just smiles as she gets up, knowing full well that is-
🚪 B L A M
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The king of Rosas barges through the door, kicking it with one foot.
He’s carrying a large book on his hand.
The queen just looks at her husband lovingly as he proceeds to babble incomprehensibly
He exclaims all that with the enthusiasm of a child on Christmas Eve while running across the large room to reach the bed.
It’s noticeable he’s much less put together than usual, his hair is messy and he has bags under his eyes, naturally because he barely even blinked for the past 8 hours.
He’s now right in front of Amaya opening the book to show her something
The queen gently places a hand on his face. Immediately he goes silent and melts into her touch.
“Shhh my sweet, calm yourself.” she caresses his cheek and as if by magic Magnifico is overtaken by the exhaustion and just falls on the bed next to them “Aww my handsome bookworm didn’t get any shuteye last night?” She coos
The man is now laying face first on the bed as he mumbles “I didn’t need… Sleep- I needed answers zzz” he falls asleep, the book now is just laying next to him like it’s nothing
“Hmm” the queen hums while she walks to a closet.
Upon opening it, there’s nothing out of the ordinary, just some lustrous royal gowns.
But then she pulls a hidden lever in the form of a candlestick on the wall, and the closet reveals a secret.
Shelves full of potion flasks of all colors and sizes.
(Ya know that scene from Emperor’s New Groove? Yeah it’s like that)
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The queen starts looking for an specific potion, she reads the flask labels out loud as she looks for it
“Let’s see… Voice remover- no- Frozen heart- no- Llama extract- why did I even make this? No… Aha there you are.” She says softly as she takes one of the potions “Waking potion”
(Wouldn’t it be funny if she accidentally mixed up the labels and gave him poison? I’d laugh.)
She walks back to her beloved husband and opens his mouth while petting his hair. She pours the potion in his mouth.
Magnifico’s eyes are shot open, no longer with bags under them. He sits up quickly and coughs while gasping for air.
“*COUGH* UGH- Tastes as bad as I remember” he says while wiping his mouth with his sleeve “I thought you were going to make them all strawberry flavored” the king wines like a spoiled kid to his wife
“Sure, let me know when you find out how to do that with a potion made of bat eyes, sloth nails and coffee” She stated sarcastically “Now, about your discoveries…” The queen glances at the book he brought in.
The book has a symbol of a intricately drawn star that looks like a compass, surrounded by drawings that represent the constellations.
“OH YES! Here, come come!”
(This is, in fact, a direct reference to that scene in Wish when Magnifico is already totally possessed by the evil magic book and is all excited to show Amaya his new powers, I thought that was cute.)
The king has a huge smile, eager to show his wife what he has found.
He uses his staff to make the book float and the pages quickly turn by themselves “You see dear, my ancestors studied all the ins and outs of wish magic, however, there was one thing that they never DARED to do... Though personally, I've always had an interest in trying for myself” he stops on a page showing a sorcerer stealing away the power of a person with shining gold hair, the person seems to be screaming in pain “To harness the power of A WISHING STAR” the king announces proudly with an evil grin
“… Hmm” The queen seems unimpressed “So the powerful being you were talking about just looks like this? A golden haired person?”
(Amaya is more sassy with her husband than usual because he didn’t sleep with her last night)
“That’s how they SHOW themselves when they come down here!” The king explained, still just as excited as he was before “Their golden bright hair is a defining trait. Yes, they may not look like much, but their power within is unfathomable.” He says with a dark chuckle.
The queen seems more interested now
“Well then, does the book say anything about how to track it down? How to capture it?”
“Sadly, there’s no way of tracking one… However, capturing it will be easy” he says, using his staff, he makes some green magic flow through his hands creating the imagery of a a star “Star’s magic is made out of pure goodness and light, it’s pathetic really, they can’t even hurt anyone.” The king chuckles at that while gazing at the little star he created with his magic “Their main weakness is dark magic, such as mine. So if I were to fight one-" He crushes the small star with his hand "I'd have the advantage.” The king has a smile full of malice
The queen on the other hand is looking at this through a more... Rational point of view, yes it's great that her husband can capture a star... But where's the use in that if they don't know where it is?
“So there’s a star disguised as a human wandering around the island, splendid, how are we supposed to find it?” She asks him, with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.
The king's smile disappears
“…Eeeeh” He takes some time to think “… Arresting all the blondes in the land would raise some eyebrows, wouldn’t it?”
“Yes, yes it would darling” Amaya nods
She loves this man, but he can be pretty dense sometimes.
“Oh well, we can start by finding out who summoned it in the first place” He turns the pages and it shows an illustration of someone wishing upon a star, and on the second page it shows the humanoid star coming down “Stars only come down when they’re wished upon by someone truly pure of heart… Now the question is… Who would wish upon a STAR in a kingdom that has a wish granting KING?” He ponders, sounding almost offended.
“A child wanting to get their wish granted earlier, no doubt… It’s not like anyone older than five would believe in such fantasies” the queen says dismissively as she walks to a mirror
“… Yes…” The king places a hand on his chin as he ponders “But then again… That girl from yesterday”
The queen turns to him with wide eyes "She wouldn’t dare... Would she? After we promised to grant her wish- Wait, did you even grant the wishes last night?!” She changes the subject mid sentence
Magnifico eyes widened… He didn’t even realize it before.
“… I forgot” he says in a sigh, placing a hand on the back of his neck
The queen is brushing her hair as she says
“Ha! Oh wonderful, now the little brat will go around spreading to her friends that we lied to her, so much for saving face I suppose” Her tone is condescending, she’s not sugarcoating her disappointment in him.
Magnifico’s eyebrows scrunched, he wasn't pleased with his wife’s tone at all
“Well “sorry” if I got overzealous. I just thought gaining THE POWER OF A CELESTIAL BEING ON THE PALM OF OUR HANDS would be pretty great, “sweetie”" his sarcasm when saying “sorry” and “sweetie” is palpable. He’s now pacing around the room as he talks with her, sounding angrier with every word “I don't get why you're not as thrilled about this as I am. Can’t you see what this MEANS? With this power we won't have to pretend anymore, those worthless people won't have a choice but to adore us, we’ll be IMMORTAL, is this not what we’ve alway wanted?” He’s actually trying really hard to not raise his voice much, because he knows at this time of the day there’s already servants around the castle.
“Believe me, nothing would bring me more joy than that, but unlike you, I refrain from celebrating prematurely." She explains firmly and coldly. "So far, all you’ve told me is that we MIGHT gain more power IF we find this certain individual with golden hair.” She talks to him while looking at him through the reflection on the mirror, he gives her an frustrated look, but more so because he knows she’s right… As always.
She continues, still speaking eloquently:
“And it’s not like the answer to where this star is will come knocking through that door.”
*Knock knock*
They hear a knock on the door
They both turn to it
“Um- breakfast is served, your highnesses!”
It’s the voice of one of the maids
The royal couple stare at one another for a moment
The queen points at her own hair with an annoyed expression
Magnifico rolls his eyes as he moves his fingers, using his magic to braid Amaya’s hair while they both walk towards the door
“We'll discuss this later…” The king says stoically.
But as they walk his face softened and he tries to make amends “*sigh* I love you mi vida. You do have a point, I may not have any leads now, but rest assured I will find that star for us… Somehow” Magnifico says quietly so the maid outside doesn’t hear
The queen calms herself as she holds his hand “I love you most Magnus, and I don’t doubt you for a second... I just fear that in this search of power, you might get carried awa-“
When they’re close to the door they start hearing something coming from outside…
Two different female voices are talking
The royal pair stops as they try to listen closely
“I need to ask them-“
“Are you sure it’s a good idea to bother them about this?”
“Who else would know why Asha ran away crying like that?”
… Asha?…
They both exchange a serious glance and nod.
It's show time.
Magnifico opens the door quickly.
That startled the two women standing on the other side. One is Dahlia’s mom, Ms. Hayashi, we’ve seen her in chapter 2.
And the other is a woman wearing a royal maids outfit. She looks remarkably similar to Safi, with brown curly hair and a big nose like his.
The royal couple now stands on the other side of the door, both smiling at them kindly.
Magnifico begins the act:
“Good morning ladies, beautiful day isn’t it?” He says with his usual charismatic voice
“G-good morning, your grace” the maid that looks like Safi gives them a curtesy, and so does Dahlia’s mom, but she doesn’t say anything, it seems like she’s thinking on what to tell them.
“We couldn’t help but overhear you both whispering… Something about Asha? Would that be the same delightful girl we’ve met yesterday?” The queen asks with a gentle smile
“Ah- Yes, it's her, b-but It’s nothing for your majesty to worry about I’m sure she’s alright” The maid says
“We don’t know that, Mishel” Dahlia’s mom corrects her friend “Your majesty, forgive me for troubling you this early, but you see... Asha has been living with me and my family for the past few years after her grandfather’s passing, and last night after she talked with you both… She came out of the castle crying unconsolably, then she ran away.” the royal cook explains, desperate for some answers.
The smiles on their faces are gone
Internally, the cogs start turning in the king and queen’s heads, but on the outside, they look just as worried as the royal cook.
Amaya’s voice is filled of distress as she says “Oh my goodness, but she was just fine when we sent her off last night, what on earth could’ve upset the poor thing?” She looks at her husband with an scared expression
“I have no idea. We’d never want to cause her any pain…” the king adds with the innocence of a saint in his eyes while looking at the two women “Did she say anything before leaving? Anything at all?”
“Well… There was one thing but- I’m sure it was a misunderstanding” Dahlia's mom says
“Oh I’m sure it was.” Magnifico agrees with certainty “But any clue may help us understand what could’ve caused such reaction or where could she be, please, we'd never forgive ourselves if something happened to her.” he holds Dahlia’s mom’s hands
“… She said her wish would never be granted.”
And all the pieces clicked
In that moment both king Magnifico and queen Amable knew…
She knew.
That noise they heard last night, it wasn’t Bravo going crazy and attacking an armor…
It was the little brat snooping around
Of course they connected the dots that the girl heard them, learned all their secrets, ran away crying, and with no one else to turn to…
She wished upon a star.
They knew.
They were both thinking the same thing.
Their faces softened into calmer expressions, to soothe the worried servant.
"I see" Magnifico says calmly "I think we both know what might've caused her to become so emotive... Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention." He says giving the woman a sympathetic smile
"I'm sure she'll show up eventually, and once she does, we shall clear up the misunderstanding" The queen adds words of reassurance
"And if she doesn't show up till sunset, please do not hesitate to tell us. I can send the guards to look for her." The king says with a comforting voice
Dahlia's mother looks at the two rulers relieved... Oblivious to the fact she just doomed the girl she promised to protect.
"Thank you my king... But, if I may be so bold to ask... What caused her to be so ups-"
"You may, in fact, NOT be so bold" The queen cuts her off, still with a smile still plastered on her face
"Oh- I just thought-"
"What happened last night is only for us and Asha to know." The king explains patiently "Now run along, we'll be down for breakfast in a moment."
Magnifico shuts the door.
They can hear the footsteps of the two servants getting farther and farther away.
Once they're sure that no one is near, they look at each other
Both grinning wickedly.
"Well, well, well... It would seem our dear guest did some eavesdropping last night, how rude." The king says, still mimicking his fake caring voice they were doing when talking with the two women, but this time with a devious grin on his face "And as a reward for snooping around, she got her own magic companion to assist her, now that's just not fair, is it?"
"Right you are mi rey, such unbecoming behavior should be punished" The queen says with the same malice in her smile
"And you know..." The king uses his magic to bring the book close to them, he flips through the pages and we're shown an illustration of a wishing star protecting a human from monsters made of shadows "The book says wishing stars can be quite... Defensive of their wish makers. It would be suuuch a shaaame if any harm befalls her, and the star had no choice but to come for the rescue" Magnifico coos in a mocking concerned tone
Amaya hugs her husband's arm as they both finish each other’s sentences:
"We find the girl"
"We find our star"
(The credits for the following sequence goes to @gracebeth3604, thank you so much for the help! Not gonna say what the sequence is about yet of course, but I hope you all enjoy heheh)
We cut to Asha and Aster in the kingdom of Rosas, making their way through the crowd. Asha feels the warm rays of sunshine touching her skin, the kingdom is lively as always, with people everywhere showcasing the talents they acquired thanks to their wishes.
Asha has a confident smile, for she too can't wait to show off this new talent she acquired thanks to Aster, who is right behind her.
They're now at the center of the plaza, in front of a water fountain, water splashes from it. Asha smiles confidently as her fingers easily glide across the strings, music flowing satisfyingly throughout the air, as the sun hangs brightly in the skies, Aster is dancing beside her just like he said he would, the people start gathering around to watch them.
It was working, it was working! If we keep at this long enough we might actually be able to—!
But suddenly, the sun is no longer as bright, and the water stops flowing out of the fountain. The music and cheering all ceases, like a flame suddenly being blown out.
Asha gasps, holding the mandolin tightly in her hands. She’s surrounded by darkness. The only sound now being her slow shaky breaths catching in her throat. 
“H- Hello?” She whips her head around in every direction, Aster is gone, everyone is gone. She keeps the instrument held close like it's the last companion she has left “Aster!? …Everyone!?” She calls out in a slowly rising panic that pooled into her stomach.
Everything was going well, what happened!?
Suddenly, a light catches from the corner of her eye, she looks down confusedly to her mandolin, the strings on it are now glowing brightly in green light, making the sinking pit in the girl’s stomach grow even more.
Why did this feel familiar…? 
The strings pressed against her fingers begin to burn ever so slightly, as the light sears, she draws her hand back in shock as the strings begin to snap off the head of the mandolin, snaking around wildly in the air. She drops it, making it clatter to the floor and shatter, but it wasn’t like wood splintering, but more so like glass, just like the glass slipper that broke in the king's room of items…
Why was that coming to her mind…?
She wasn’t given time to mourn the loss of her Saba's mandolin, as the strings shot up into the inky black air, their length increased, and they quickly began to tie around her during their accent. Asha reels back, struggling and attempting to get away, but it is in vain, as the green threads tightly latch onto her wrists and ankles, like puppet strings. 
An echoing duet of laughter rings above her from every direction, like it’s bouncing off the air itself, she looks up in panic, seeing the strings now attached to a pair of even more shadowy hands, two sets of glowing green eyes piercing her soul. 
She hears King Magnifico's voice booming from the sky like a thunder "Hahahahaa~ What's the matter, Asha? Didn't you say you were "a star"? Well then, give us a show!" The shadowy figure of the king moves his fingers that are attached to her strings.
Asha feels as her body being moved at their will, like she’s nothing but a ragdoll, she whimpers in fear with every movement, unable to speak.
"You really thought wishing on stars, singing and dancing could save them? Hahahah!" Queen Amable's cackle sounded akin to what Asha imagined would come from a wicked witch "Awww such a foolish, sweet, little doll" Her echoing voice cooed with a tauntingly honeyed voice.
Asha feels as her legs begin to go numb, looking down, she sees herself turning into wood.
She yells out in panic, pure fear consuming her along with the transformation, that is spreading slowly up her body, she squirms under the restraints of string but it's no use. The wooden corruption eats it’s way up her torso and arms, making her lower half go numb, it claws its way up her arms, chest, and finally it reaches her neck.
"There's no one coming for youuu!" The king's voice is deranged.
"No stars to wish upon~" The queen singsongs, it's the same line she sang in their previous musical duet, a duet Asha does not remember, but clearly it's still deeply rooted inside her mind.
"You are all ALONE" The two shadows say at the same time.
Tears stream down the girl's face, Asha closes her eyes with all her strength, not even letting out a scream, she doesn't have the energy, and even if she did she wouldn’t dare to give them the satisfaction of hearing it.  
Her face begins to go numb, the royals laughter slowly muffles until she can no longer hear them at all, if everything was already black before, then it surely was now.
All there's to see is Asha's eyes locked shut as her face slowly turns into wood...
(Thank you again @gracebeth3604 for helping with this nightmare sequence!)
Until she hears a familiar voice echo, muffled and distant.
The voice is not sinister like the royals, it's lively and warm, like a light at the end of the tunnel.
And she does start to see a light, as her eyes slowly open, she sees what seems to be the rays of sunshine hitting her eyes... But it's not just the light of the sun...
It's Aster's hair.
Their face is literally almost touching hers, as he's floating above her.
"Mornin' A-"
And basically this scene from Ponyo happens
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Asha hits her head on Aster's, some star dust sprinkle on her face, while Aster doesn't really move at all, since he feels no pain.
"Ouch..." Asha massages her forehead while laying down on the bed, she processes both the pain of the impact and... Everything else that just transpired in that nightmare.
"Ooops! Hehe sorry about that, you okay?" Aster asks, unfazed by the scare, he smiles excited to start a new day, in fact, his first day on earth.
Asha on the other hand is feeling pretty down right now, but she tries to not let it show "Uhum, I'm fine... Good morning, Aster" She says while taking some of the star dust off her face "Remind me to teach you about the meaning of “personal space” later" She tries to force a smile, her eyes are tired, and not just because she just woke up.
"I think had enough "space" in my life, thank you very much hehe" he says with a cheeky smile while sitting on the bed with his legs crossed. But Aster sits down on the bed, he realizes Asha looks like she's hiding something "... Hey, you're alright? Did I wake you too early?" The star asks concerned.
Actually not early enough Asha thinks to herself, but of course she doesn't say it, instead she just says "It was just a bad dream I had, that's all..." Asha sugarcoats it, that was the most horrifying nightmare she ever had.
Aster feels the weight of the world fall on him like a giant hammer. He could've prevented that. The star covers his face with both hands and throws himself on the bed, it's like he's hiding away from the shame and guilt "UUGHHH I'M SUCH A DIMWIT! I should've seen this coming!" The star hits his own head on the bed in frustration.
Asha tries to calm down the star, reassuring him "Hey hey it's okay, it was just a dumb dream, and it's not like you could've done anything"
"Yes I could, I can give you nice dreams with my magic..." Aster is now looking at her with a mournful eyes, his hair is shinning way less brightly. This "Dumb dream" is a big deal for the star, as it's his purpose to be there for Asha... To make her happy...
"... Oh" Asha is surprised by that, but at the same time it does make sense that a star would have a power like that. Of course she holds no ill will against Aster for not giving her sweet dreams, she knows he couldn't have known she'd have such a horrible nightmare.
Aster realizes there's no use in mourning for this mistake, all he can do is learn from it and move forward, as he flies off the bed and looks at Asha with his sparkly eyes full of determination "I'll make it up to you, tonight! I'll give you the best dream ever, I promise!" The star swears on it like it's the most important thing in the world to him.
Asha can't help but giggle at how the star is taking this seriously, but it is really sweet how much he cares, she never had someone worry so much for her because of just a nightmare... It was nice. "Thank you, I look forward to dreaming it then heheh" Asha tries to change the subject as she get's out of the bed "So umm... How has your first morning on earth been?"
The star is already back to their cheerful self "Pretty good actually! I just made a new friend that loves earth just as much as I do!" he tells her while jumping a little bit on the bed
"Oh you did? *yaaawwwn* And who's that?" She asks while stretching her arms.
Aster points out the window. She follows where he's pointing... Oh... She should've guessed
"The sun?" She asks him with a curious smile
"Yup! I saw her showing up in the horizon and said hi, so we started chatting, she's really nice!" He explained, excited to share everything with Asha.
"So the sun is a she? Huh neat" Asha isn’t even surprised that the sun itself is sentient, after everything that has happened she’s kinda just going with the flow.
Aster’s smile grows into an even bigger one as he starts recollecting his whole morning to Asha.
"Uhum! I asked her name and she said "The people from the rock you now lay upon know me by many names"" Aster is making a deeper voice as he quotes the sun "and yada yada yada something like that, anyway she said she didn't have just ONE name so I just call her Sunny, she thought that was funny-"
Asha usually would be really interested, and she is, but now that she’s more awake she notices there’s something that Aster hasn’t told her yet... Where's the wish bubble?... He got it last night, right?
"That's great Aster bu-"
"Then I asked her what kind of wishes did she usually gets, and she said it's mostly the same thing: Good harvest, no more rain, unless people DO ask for rain. Anyway she said it's kinda repetitive, but she likes it-"
"Aaasteeer" Asha sing songs his name to get his attention, but he's too lost in his own story
"Then I was like "Why don't you come down here like I did?" and she said that if she did so the whole planet would die, so uuh yeah she ain't doing that, ever. But then she started going on and on about how in about 10 billion years she's gonna EXPLODE, and she got all saaad and I was like "Lady, I just wanted some casual conversation, I'm not a therapis-"
"ASTER!" Asha holds the star by the shoulders and raises her voice to get his attention.
He stops talking and blinks a few times in surprise.
"Where is it?"
Aster tilts his head to the side in confusion.
"Where's what?"
"The wish, you know? The one you promised you'd stop from getting to me while I slept" Asha reminds them with a calm smile, hoping he'll just say he left in the closet or something.
"OOOH YEAH... It never showed up" He said with a innocent smile.
Asha feels a sense of dread go through her...
"... What?... But the king said last night he was gonna grant all the wishes, including mine" She has a puzzled look, could he have lied?... It's on brand for him, sure, but why?
"I saw no wishes coming out of that tower last night, I guess the king just forgot" Aster shrugs like this is nothing to worry about, as from his perspective he just got more reason to stay longer with Asha to protect her from the cursed wish, and he's confident he can do so, as long as he stays by her side.
Asha on the other hand finds this very strange "Huh... He seemed pretty eager to grant it though..." Asha doesn't really know how to feel, on one hand, maybe that means Magnifico doesn't care THAT much about trapping her and is willing to give her a few more days to stay as herself... But on the other hand... They still had her wish...
"We can try again tomorrow night, now come on!" Aster quickly flies out the room and just as quickly he returns with Asha's mom cloak in one hand and Sabino's mandolin on the other "Ready to inspire them?"
In this moment, Asha is seeing in front of her the purple cloak that once belonged to her mother, the mandolin her grandfather once played, even if she never heard him do so, and Aster, the wishing star that she only wished upon because of the things her father wrote about people being connected to the stars... She feels connected with all her family, and with that in mind, she knows she'll be safe... She believes in that with all her heart.
Asha’s face crescent into a smile as she said:
"Alright... Let's do this!"
The sun, or rather, "Sunny" is shining...
But there's some dark clouds approaching in the distance.
Chapter 9
Final Thoughts
Soooo I know this one was a short chapter... For my standards. But there's a reason for that, this was actually just the beginning of a much longer chapter, but I decided to divide it into two chapters, so don't worry, chapter 9 is actually almost done.
Also I think it's better to have this simple chapter of the two main couples waking up in the morning so you guys can see how they're, in a way... Mirrors of each other.
See, that interaction of the king and queen served to show how Magnifico is more of a dreamer, a man child, that can barely control his own enthusiasm... Kinda like Aster, but twisted... And believe it or not but their similarities run even deeper than that.
Meanwhile, Amaya is realistic, grounded, and she understands the real world much better than her husband because unlike him she didn't grow up in a palace... Kinda like how Asha understands the real world way more than Aster... And the similarities between Asha and Amaya also run deeper than that.
Buuuut that's a subject for another post. Let me know if you're curious ;)
Okay but changing the subject, I can vividly imagine Aster seeing the sun rise and being like
Aster: HIIIIIII What's your name?
Sun: Little one, I do not have a name, the mortals in this rock you now lay upon have named me many things in their short and fleeting life time. Some see me as a bringer of life, while others the ravager of their doom. I have seen everything that ever happened in this planet, and I shall see everything that will ever happen... Until it perishes.
Aster: Hmmmm I'll call you Sunny!
Sun: Lol ok
Like yeah, that's what happened, now Aster has a new friend yay
Also, since I mentioned that Aster reminds me of Ponyo...
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Aster loves… EARTH!
Aster loves… ASHA!
Aster loves… *sees Magnifico* Revolution.
Yeah I think that’s his character in a nutshell.
Anyway, I’ll try adding the finishing touches on the next chapter and post it as soon as I can!
Thank You For Reading!
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donaweasley · 1 year
A Mischievous Mistletoe
Pairing: Loki x Fem!Reader
Like most rom-coms, our reader has to fake a date for a Christmas with her relatives. And who can be better than her best friend? A classic best friends-to-lovers plot. Again.
Warnings: None, just cheesy, clichéd fluff with a little angst in the middle.
Read time: ~36 mins
Note: This was part of a drabble request that was made in October. 🙄 I know! I’m slower than the slowest sloth! And it ended up much longer than what a drabble should be. I’m so sorry, @muddyorbsblr , I just…IDK how to defend myself!!
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It was a languid afternoon - one of the few that the residents of the Avengers Compound could tell a tale about. The afternoon sun slid in through the open window of a certain room, caressing in its wake, the line of pothos spilling off the windowsill, the bench right next to it, and the handful of decors and furniture that it could find in the minimally but strikingly furnished room.
In the process of colouring everything gold, the rays of the departing sun painted a certain prince - or should we call him king? - in its glorious shade, making his appearance even more ethereal, more regal than he already looked. With a book in hand, Loki lay on the bench, relishing a few lazy moments stolen from time. His eyes darted across the pages, consuming the content, like a lover’s eyes would feast upon their beloved.
But moments like these, where one remembers nothing but their simplest desires, are usually short-lived, aren’t they?
A slow, unsure knock on the door whipped Loki out of his solitary bubble. There was only one human who would dare to disturb this particular Asgardian during his alone-time.
“Hey, Loki!”
Standing at the threshold of Loki’s room, (Y/N) barely poked her head inside as she greeted him with a sheepish and tiny voice. Her friendship with the trickster went far enough for her to admit herself into his room without waiting for his permission.
With a heavy sigh, the God of Mischief shut the book, but not before sliding a bookmark between the pages. The pages of the hardbound cover met each other with a muffled thud.
“What did you do now?” He asked her with an air of indifference.
Her sheepish grin morphed into a grimace as she wondered how to unveil the Gordian knot that she had tied.
When she did not respond but kept wringing her hands, Loki raised a brow at her. “Do I have to dig a grave?” He asked in a monotonous tone although bubbles of laughter were threatening to erupt within him. His grip on the book tightened to keep these mischievous little things imprisoned inside.
“Yeppp! Mine,” she mumbled.
“Hmm.” With a swift and graceful manoeuvre, he slid his long legs off the window bench. The careless tail of his robe tugged at a stray cushion, causing it to flop on the floor near his feet.
Standing tall before her, he held the book close above her head. Knitting his brows together and pursing his lips, he looked her up and down, and hummed to himself. A confused (Y/N) traced his movements with questioning eyes as he placed his hands on both sides of her but a little away.
Once realisation dawned upon her, she clicked her tongue and swatted his hands away. “Not mine, you smartass!”
“But I am sure I heard you requesting a grave for yourself!” Loki’s eyes betrayed his tight lips that were trying to suppress the surge of amusement boiling inside him.
“Okay! I did something…stupid,” she finally brought herself to confess.
“Amuse me.” He strode back to the bench, and lay down with his hands behind his head, the book now finding refuge on the coffee table. The cushion that lay on the floor was now being stroked gently by the hem of his parted green robe which, in turn, revealed a long leg - clad in soft trousers of a darker green - crossed over the other.
Exhaling deeply, she began, “Well, umm…you know my cousin, Laura? The one with a snob for a nose and daggers for a tongue and…and a large black hole for a heart?” She described with a dramatic roll of her eyes.
“Hmm,” Loki sported a mischievous smirk. “Are you speaking of that cousin of yours with skin like molten gold, with eyes like a doe’s and with a mouth that is too luscious to not be kissed? Yes, I remember her.”
(Y/N) didn’t realise how hard she was clenching her jaws or how obviously she was glaring at Loki until the latter shot back a knowing grin.
“Are you jealous?” He purred like a proud cat who had successfully cornered his victim.
“Hah! Why the hell should I be? I just…don’t like her. That’s it,” she dismissed his accusation with a wave of her hand. “She’s vile!”
“She’s attractive,” he defended.
“What the-? I can’t believe you’re on her side!”
“I am simply stating the facts,” he shrugged nonchalantly.
“Fine! Just...float in her thoughts. I won’t disturb you!”
She was quick to turn her back and stomp away. But Loki was quicker. He got off his seat and caught her wrist just as she was about to grab the door handle.
“Wait,” he whispered.
Whether it was Loki’s magic touch or his Silvertongue or his ability to control thoughts, she could never figure it out. But she was always surprised by the way he could pull the strings of her heart, how he always managed to get his way. Of course, he was one of her closest friends, her confidante, the person with whom she fought but also shared her best moments. But there was something about him that was…magnetic.
She found it mildly frustrating how, without even a single word of protest, her entire being immediately agreed to stay back. Loki gently ushered her to the window bench, the sun now finding a new figure, somewhere else in the room, to paint its hues on.
“Tell me. I promise not to utter a single word about your gorgeously desirable cousin. Not until you have told me everything,” his teasing tongue erupted a small fire within her, and he enjoyed it immensely.
She sighed, “Well, where do I even begin!”
Loki was waiting patiently through the long pause that she rested upon. But when it looked like she was lost in her thoughts even after a minute, he cleared his throat.
“Ah!” Slightly startled, she looked at him apologetically. “I’m sorry. I just…”
“What happened?” Loki placed a comforting hand over hers. “I shall do my best to fix it.”
“I know! And that is why I came to you. But now I think it was a bad idea. It was a bad idea from the beginning!”
“Would you please tell me?” He insisted.
“Well,” she sighed again, “Laura is hosting a Christmas party at her place this year. And she has invited me. Obviously!!” She rolled her eyes at the last word.
“So,” (Y/N) gave an exasperated laugh, “I can’t go without a date!! I know it sounds clichéd, like some stupid plot from some stupid Christmas movie, but it’s freaking real!!”
“Darling, you will go ultrasonic in a few minutes!” Loki grimaced. “Please calm down!”
“I’m sorry! I’m just furious!! She’s always been bragging about her stupid boyfriend who’s always wrapped around her finger like a band-aid, and constantly mocking me for being single. I mean, it’s my choice that I’m single! It’s not like I’m averted to the idea of having someone in my life, it’s just that I won’t just say ‘yes’ to anybody who comes my way! And I know very well that she has invited me to vex me in front of the entire family!”
“Then do not go,” Loki suggested calmly.
“If I do not go, she’ll spread stories about how I chickened out because I’ll turn up alone, without somebody around my arm. Again!”
“Hmm,” the raven-haired prince pressed a long finger to his lips. “How do you want me to help? Should I change her mind? If you know what I mean.”
His mischievous smirk succeeded in breaking a small smile on her otherwise angry countenance.
“I wish, but no!” (Y/N) shook her head. “I… Well, I already told her that I’d be going. And…”
She bit her lip. “And I said that I’d be bringing a plus one.”
“And you wish me to be that plus one,” Loki summed up.
She gave a meek nod of her head.
“No.” The god got up and strode across the room, leaving her with an open mouth and wide eyes.
“No?” She jumped up on her feet. “What do you mean ‘no’?”
The moment Loki shot her a glare, he tone changed into a humble one. “Please don’t say ‘no’!”
“I have already said it.”
“Then please change it! Loki, I really need your help!”
“There are so many attractive men in this compound; get one of them!”
“Look, it’s not like I haven’t tried. No one’s available!”
He eyed her doubtfully.
“I’d asked Steve but he said that he won’t be able to constantly lie to my family,” she reasoned. “I don’t know if Bucky would be comfortable under all that pressure. I don’t trust Thor with his big mouth. No offence!”
“None taken,” an amused smile toyed on his lips.
“And then there’s Sam…” A thought crossed her mind. With furrowed brows she continued, “Wait, I didn’t ask Sam.”
“There you go,” Loki gestured towards her with a snap of his fingers, “your problem has been solved.”
After assessing a few things in her mind, she spread her arms, “Nope, not Sam.”
“Why not?”
“Because he would be going out with someone else! He had said this long back. I knew there was something, some reason for which I didn’t ask him but just couldn’t put my finger on it!”
The trickster pinched the bridge of his nose. “And why would I do it? What would I get in return?”
(Y/N) looked at him disbelievingly. “I thought I was your friend!! The closest one, in fact! You won’t help a friend in need?”
Deep within, Loki knew that he would help her as soon as she had uttered one word. But it was the social gathering that he wanted to avoid. He had endured enough scepticism on this planet; he did not wish to attract more.
But (Y/N) was persuasive.
So, it was with utter displeasure that Loki ultimately found himself standing in front of Laura’s door on the eve of Christmas.
Beside him, (Y/N) was fidgeting with her hair and her coat. Despite the chilly air, a paleness veiled her face, and her usual cheerful persona was replaced by a quiet one.
“Are you alright?” Loki gently touched her shoulder.
“Yes. Yes, I’m alright. I just...” She shook her head. “I hate people poking their heads into my private life. And now I’ve dragged you with me! I’m sorry!”
“You do not need to do this if you do not want to.” His tone was so kind that it almost made her cry.
“It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s…” She trailed off.
Once again, Loki waited for her patiently, searching her eyes for all the unsaid things. He could relate to her. He knew how it felt when one had to smile their way through people who did not like them, when one had to constantly fear the sharp daggers of words stabbing them any time. And he felt bad for her.
“Let us do it!” He took his hand in his and squeezed it.
The sudden touch and the sudden command from Loki surprised her. “What? No, no, it’s alright. We can head back. Let’s head back. We don’t need to-”
“We need to!” Loki cut her off. “Let us show them who you are: a fearless, confident, beautiful woman who does not need anyone else to validate her life for her.”
She stared at him with awe.
“Who is this man?!”
Loki had always been supportive but this was on a totally different level! And all the adjectives that he laid down for her - they were enough to make her want to wrap her arms around him.
Before she had the time to react or to have second thoughts about her second thoughts, Loki rang the doorbell. A few seconds later, a woman, clad in a short red dress that hugged all her curves deliciously, opened the door. (Y/N) noticed the way Loki took in her appearance.
“Oh my God, (Y/N)!” The said woman threw her arms around the guest who, in turn, rolled her eyes.
“Hey, Laura!” (Y/N) patted her back.
“And you must be her plus one,” the way Laura eyed Loki made (Y/N) want to gauge her cousin’s eyes out.
“I am Loki,” he took the hostess’s hand and lightly touched his lips to it. “You look gorgeous!”
“You are not so shabby yourself,” Laura grinned like a Cheshire cat, “and what a gentleman!”
Their actions made (Y/N) slightly sick. She hated her cousin. And now Loki - the person she was the closest with - was shamelessly flirting with her. 
“It’s kind of chilly out here,” (Y/N) interrupted. “Mind if we go inside?”
Laura wrapped an arm around Loki’s and tugged him inside.
“Where’s your fiance?” (Y/N) asked her cousin with a hope to divert her attention from her friend.
“He had to go abroad for a meeting. You know how busy these high profile businessmen can get!”
With a fake smile, (Y/N) nodded and asked for a glass of water hoping, once again, that her cousin would let go of Loki.
As she walked away, Loki leaned slightly towards his companion and whispered in her ear, “Are you sure a glass of water will work or should we call the firemen?”
“You don’t get to talk!” She almost shouted but Loki shushed her. “You don’t get to talk,” she whispered this time. “How dare you flirt with her!! And you have the audacity to joke about it! Outrageous!”
“What can I say,” the god gave his famous smirk, “I’m just trying to blend in.”
“Blend in shit!!”
When (Y/N) saw Laura walking back with a glass in hand, she quickly grabbed Loki’s arm, surprising the god in the process.
“Ooh! I didn’t know you were so possessive about me!” He whispered.
One glare from her was enough to silence his mouth but the mirth remained in his eyes.
"Just play along, will you?" She gritted through her teeth. “From afar.”
Loki and (Y/N) walked amidst her relatives, arm in arm, presenting themselves as the happy couple that everyone was delighted to see! No questions, no arguments, no pitiful looks, no sarcastic comments - (Y/N) was finally beginning to feel the triumph in her seemingly “stupid” decision.
But fate seemed to have other plans for her.
Loki suddenly stopped in his tracks, a bewilderment shielding his beautiful face.
“What in the Nine…” Loki's voice trailed off as he gaped at one particular decoration. He tapped (Y/N)'s shoulder. "What is that bunch of twigs doing here?"
"Which one?" Her eyes searched the place until it followed the trail that Loki’s long finger pointed at.
“Ah that! That is a … mistletoe." Much to her annoyance, a faint blush crept up her cheeks as she uttered the name.
While she was praying that Loki doesn’t notice her embarrassing state, the latter was busy spiralling down his own thoughts.
“I know what it is!” He “whispered” loud enough for people within at least six feet to hear him. “I demand to know what it is doing here!”
The blatant lack of his usual calm demeanour alarmed her. He was not the kind to act inappropriately in front of people, especially strangers, and especially the ones who were related to her.
“Did it trigger some old memories?... Maybe he had some bad experience with a former…girlfriend?”
The word “girlfriend” tasted like vinegar, even in her thoughts. But being wise enough, she was able to swallow it down quickly.
“It is a tradition, Loki,” she explained. “Loki, are you alright? Is something wrong? We can head back if you are feeling unwell.”
It was the concern in her voice that pulled him back from his rumination. A swift lick of his dry lips, a subtle clearing of his throat, followed by a deep breath, and the lines on his forehead were gone just as quickly as they had appeared.
“No. I am absolutely fine.” His hands ran over his jacket in an attempt to smoothen out the non-existent wrinkles. “Shall we?”
Unwilling to poke any buried feelings, she decided to let the matter go, and happily looped her arm into the one that Loki had so politely extended towards her.
Sitting in a far corner of the living room, with her third drink in hand, she observed the room. Or maybe it wouldn’t be very wrong to say that she observed one particular person and the interactions of the rest of the family with him.
The fact that everyone believed her lie about their relationship made her feel relieved.
The fact that Loki was able to smoothly blend in with the family made her happy.
The fact that he was unashamedly flirting with the very cousin who never missed an opportunity to make her feel like shit made her miserable.
But even amidst the pile of various emotions, she did not miss how Loki’s eyes failed to shine as they usually did, how those smiles never reached his eyes. And it had all begun ever since he had laid eyes on that damned mistletoe.
Chugging her drink down, along with her despondent thoughts, she pushed herself off the chair and strutted towards him.
“He’s my friend. To hell with the world!”
Her throat was still burning from the alcohol when she reached him. When Loki looked up at her, he had a flirty smile stuck on him. But something about her expressions evaporated that mask away. He got up from the loveseat he was sharing with Laura, much to the annoyance of the latter.
“Are you alright?” Just a second ago, he had been using his coquettish voice, and now it was gone in an instant; his words were dripping with concern.
“Are you alright?” She asked him back. “You look like you’re in desperate need of a rescue!”
“Where is this coming from?”
She couldn’t believe her own words! Three drinks shouldn’t have been enough to make her tipsy but they had surely tore her inhibitions down. All this time she had swallowed her jealousy down, and allowed him to do whatever he pleased. But the boldness that voiced itself now came as a surprise even to her slightly foggy mind.
His mouth slightly parted in wonder. Loki looked between his “date” for the night and the cousin who was clearly furious. Clearing his throat, he smiled, “I would love to take a walk, if you are willing to accompany me.”
He was further surprised when (Y/N) extended an arm towards him, just like he had done a couple of hours ago. Taking it rather happily, he whispered to her cousin, “I shall be right back.”
“No, he won’t!” (Y/N) shouted over her shoulder, making the trickster chuckle.
Once outside, the chilly night air seemed to clear her senses a bit while also pulling her out of the suffocation she felt inside those walls.
“So,” Loki began in a soft voice, “are you alright? You seem a little…tipsy.”
“Yes, I am, your majesty, a little tipsy!” She replied with an air of royalty, making Loki laugh. “And I like it!”
“Is there any place where we can sit?” Loki looked around the snow-covered lawn.
“The bitch has a swing somewhere in here,” his companion slurred. “Ah, there it is!”
What she had called a swing turned out to be a porch swing. Loki had noticed her lips quivering in the cold. So, once they settled down on the seat, he wrapped a careful arm around her and pulled himself closer to her. Drunk on both alcohol and the closeness of Loki in the winter night, she did not care as her head rolled comfortably on her teammate’s shoulder.
For a few heartbeats, neither spoke. The chills of Winter - accentuated by the snowflakes flying past them - and a hypnotic silence enveloped them in one of the most calming moments of their entire lives. And Loki had already lived a rather long life, compared to (Y/N).
(Y/N) was the first to pop the bubble. “When we stepped inside, you…well, the mistletoe bothered you.”
She paused to gauge Loki’s reaction. When she found almost none, she continued. “Why was that? I mean, you need not tell me if you don’t want to. You know I won’t force you, right?”
She trod on the topic gingerly, afraid that any rash word might crack the proverbial glass beneath their feet.
With a sigh, Loki stared at the veil of white covering the ground. “It is a long, morbid story.”
“And I’m in no hurry,” she added softly, “but only if you’re okay with sharing it.”
“I…” Loki began but soon became unsure as to which words to use. There was no easy way to say it aloud. It was something that he would rather keep buried in him with the hope of eventually forgetting than sharing with someone who might understand.
“I had a brother,” he resumed after a pause. “A brother other than Thor.”
“What happened to him?”
“Apparently, … I killed him.”
(Y/N) sat up with a jolt. For a moment, Loki could not help but believe that she was disgusted by him, just like people always have been most of his life.
“You did not, did you?” Her question stunned him. No one had ever asked him this. “You said ‘apparently’. People presumed that it was you. Wasn’t it?”
A taunting laugh mingled with the cold air to form a wisp. “Why? I am the worst, am I not? Always plotting against everyone and wishing nothing but everybody’s ruin!”
There it was. The hurt was spilling through his words. She regretted having asked him about the mistletoe in the first place. Well, never in her entire life would she have thought that the story would take such a turn.
(Y/N) fumbled with her words for a while before resuming her composure. “Loki, I know you. Probably better than anyone else does. Which is why I know that you won’t kill your brother. Not unless it was necessary.”
“You know, like he went all crazy and started killing people or something.”
Her words made him laugh, even though it sounded rather sad.
“No,” he replied, “he was not crazy. Well, he was, if you ask me…but not a cold-blooded murderer.”
There was a stillness in the air as Loki ruminated on the past, interrupted occasionally by the scraping of the swing on the metal bar.
“Baldur was a good man,” Loki resumed. His eyes were lost somewhere in the distance. “He was the god of war. People loved him. … When he was born - and I have heard this, of course - mother was warned that he would die in a way that nobody would anticipate. So, she asked everything - living and non-living - in fact, pleaded with them not to harm her beloved son. They all agreed. All except the mistletoe. Mother assumed that it was so harmless that she need not persuade it for an oath.”
(Y/N) was listening to him with wide eyes and parted lips.
“So, a feast was arranged where Baldur was showing off his immortality. Everyone was throwing things of different kinds at him - sticks and swords - and everything simply bounced off him.”
Loki’s lips opened but words refused to come out of him.
“I-I… I had to do something different, of course. The god of mischief!” There was a bitterness in the way he described himself. “So, I brought in a branch of mistletoe. A twig, if you may call it. Hodr wanted to throw something at Baldur. He was blind, this fellow. So, I offered him my mistletoe. It was so fragile; what harm could it cause! I directed Hodr so that he would aim at Baldur’s arm. But it hit him in his chest. … And it…it went right through him. He-he died. Right there. Just…”
His voice had started breaking. (Y/N) wanted nothing but to hold him in her arms and soothe all his pain away. But she held herself for she knew that Loki was not very fond of hugs.
“Everyone simply assumed that I was jealous of him because of all the attention that he was getting! They accused me, imprisoned me, made me suffer a punishment that was worse than Hel!”
That was it. (Y/N) could not resist further. So, she took his hands and cocooned them in hers.
“Believe me, (Y/N), it was only a prank. Nothing more! I never wanted to kill him. Never!”
“I know, Loki, I know. I believe you.” Her arms wrapped around him as she brought his head to rest on her shoulder.
The god wept on her shoulder. All the unshed pain that he had been carrying with him for all those years finally found their way out. His arms looped around her of their own accord as she ran a soothing hand over his back and whispered comforting words in his ears.
It took him a few minutes to calm down. Or maybe more. When he did, he realised how close he was to her…how his arms held her snug to his chest…how his lips were pressed to her scarf…how his lungs yearned for her smell with each breath…and how this scent soothed his entire being.
His initial thought was to jump away, for he believed that it must have been embarrassing for her. It had to be awkward, hadn’t it? But then, a moment later, he allowed himself to realise how good it actually felt. And she was in no hurry to let go of him either. Oddly though, it felt right. A warmth spread through him, melting the chills of the night air and of the past that he had been burdening himself with.
So, they remained in each other’s arms for a while more until their seats on the swing started becoming uncomfortable. With hesitant hearts and shy eyes, they slowly untangled themselves.
(Y/N) reached out to wipe his eyes. Loki looked so vulnerable that she wanted to take care of him despite what anybody including the trickster himself might think. But her fear whispered that she might scare him away. So, she ended up cradling his face with one hand.
Loki himself was caught in a strange trance. It was like no magic that he had ever encountered before. The greatest sorcerer in the Nine Realms was unable to take his eyes off the mortal before her.
Whether it was the grief or the weather or simply his long-suppressed feelings for her or all of these, he was not sure of. All he felt was that her touch warmed him to the deepest corner of his being. All he was aware of was that they were both leaning towards the other. All he knew was that this moment was inevitable, this kiss was inevitable. That they must act on it before the moment was gone.
But they took too long.
The light creak of the front door of the house, and the sharp call of a woman’s voice startled them. When they had been missing from the party for quite some time, the hostess herself came out looking for them. Of course, she had assumed that (Y/N) had ditched the party, not that she minded. Her only concern for the night was the charming date that her cousin had brought along.
Imagine her satisfaction when she understood what she had interrupted upon! While (Y/N) jumped off the swing, Loki took a second to dry his face and present a smiling facade before the woman.
“I thought you guys had left!” Laura exclaimed with a faux worry.
“No,” (Y/N) replied, “we were enjoying some nice time. But that’s in the past now., thanks to you,” she murmured the last few words.
“Let’s go inside,” the hostess suggested, “you will freeze out here!”
“We were actually thinking of leaving,” (Y/N) replied. She knew better than to push Loki back into that crowd after such a vulnerable moment.
“What? No! You must stay!” The other woman insisted. “And I need to know more about this handsome stranger you have brought!”
Her sly smile made (Y/N) want to kick her in the crotch. She opened her mouth to protest. But Loki cut her off. He agreed to go inside, to put up that mask again. And before (Y/N) could say anything more, Loki had wrapped a comfortable arm around her waist and was already tugging her inside.
This time Loki did not allow himself to be hijacked by Laura. He kept himself busy with the other guests while secretly enjoying the indignation that he caused her. Amidst all the smart words and fake smiles, his eyes kept floating towards his teammate - the teammate with whom he had just shared one of the biggest sorrows and shames of his life, the teammate with whom he had just shared a special moment. And who knew what more that moment could have morphed into had it not been trampled upon.
(Y/N) was constantly being swept away by one relative or another. But her mind was still seated on that porch swing, basking in Loki’s warmth, burning in the touch of his breath on her lips, anticipating something that was probably never possible. And maybe that’s why God sent her cousin outside at that precise moment. Because that kiss was never possible.
An unhappiness veiled her countenance, making many people ask if she was feeling unwell. Taking advantage of their concern, she excused herself, and isolated herself in a far corner of the large living room.
This did not escape Loki’s notice. His eyes trailed her movements, her expressions and her gradual change of demeanour. All after the incident outside.
As his focus shifted from the guests to her entirely, a string of words drifted into his ears - incomprehensible at first but then they gradually started taking proper shapes. And then he realised it. They did not reach his ears, they floated into his mind! And the voice was a very familiar one. (Y/N)’s!
“She must have zoned out.”
He had promised never to dive into her mind unless she asked him to. But this was different. Her thoughts came to him; he had nothing to do with it, and so, he wasn’t breaking any promise!
Loki listened to her intently. He listened to her confusions, her sorrows, her lack of faith in herself, her acceptance of defeat, her curses as she reproached herself for not being able to confess her immense love for him…
“Wait, what?”
Loki was dumbfounded. There was no way he could have heard wrong but how could that be true anyway? Or could it be? He couldn’t believe his own mind for the first time!
There was perhaps a way to know.
Excusing himself, he approached (Y/N) with a mischief in mind.
“Should we head home?” He placed a soothing hand on her shoulder.
(Y/N) was startled. But the sight of the man rolled a wave of happiness within her.
“No, I’m fine,” she smiled. “I just…I needed a break from all the talking!”
Loki nodded. Lost in her thoughts, she did not notice the trickster subtly - and gracefully - stir the wind with his slender fingers.
“That is one odd place to hang those twigs!” He suddenly remarked with amusement coating his words.
(Y/N) followed the direction of his eyes to find a mistletoe hanging above their heads. Immediately, a panic arose in her. She did not want Loki to go through all that pain again.
“Shit! I…I didn’t see it hanging there. I… Let’s sit somewhere else. You don’t need to see this.”
“Hey,” he held her arm as she sprang to her feet, and gently pushed her back on the chair. “It is alright. Believe me. It is…I am actually feeling better after letting everything out before you… Thank you!”
The gratefulness and adoration in his eyes were obvious. It touched her very soul. Cradling his hand in hers, she whispered, ”You deserve nothing but love. All of it!”
“Which reminds me…” Loki spoke, “are you not supposed to kiss when underneath this treacherous bunch of wild leaves?”
(Y/N)’s face first turned pale and then crimson. There was no way Loki could have known that! Or maybe she had left him in unknown waters for too long.
Prior to the party, the Asgardian obviously knew nothing about any modern traditions regarding the mistletoe. But his companion was right; he had spent enough hours with Laura and other giggling ladies to know a mistletoe’s purpose on Midgard.
Before (Y/N) could protest, someone answered Loki’s question, “Of course, you should kiss! (Y/N), what are you waiting for?” That was her childhood friend.
He was loud enough to draw the attention of others, many of whom were now urging them to seal the deal. At the other end of the room, Laura was fuming, mentally cursing the decorator who had put the mistletoe up there.
“This is not a movie, guys!” (Y/N) stood up straight and shouted. “C’mon! Stop behaving like kids!”
“Are you two even for real?” One of the hostess’s friends shouted back. “How can you not kiss a boyfriend who’s this hot!”
“We do not like PDA, that is all it is,” (Y/N) reasoned.
Loki gently took her fingers in his. It was his tender touch that grounded her anxious emotions. “I would not mind it if it is what it takes to convince your folks,” he rasped in a voice so low that one she could hear him.
How could she say no to those green orbs staring right into her soul! But…it would be wrong to coax him into something which he did not want.
If only she knew!
She never realised when Loki had leaned in until she found it hard to focus on anywhere but his lips. “It’s okay,” she whispered to him. “You don’t need to do this. You could always refus-”
The god did not allow her to finish that line. He had already pressed his lips to hers. A round of cheers and applause rang through the room. But everything was muffled against their ears. The sounds felt like floating from afar. Loki kissed her gently, sweetly, taking his time to show her what he really felt for her. Trying to understand what she felt for him in return.
Although she was stunned initially, Loki’s warmth seeping in through her made her relax. She started mimicking his actions. She allowed her feelings to flow through them. Loki’s arm around her waist and his hand behind her head anchored her to the ground, refraining her body from collapsing under the overwhelming love that Loki was bestowing on her.
But they had to breathe. And it was in their moment of separation that reality sweeped down upon her.
Loki was glowing! But she did not notice that. She was too busy drowning in her insecurities to understand the emotions working behind Loki’s recent actions. She was scared that their relationship would never be the same again, and not in a positive way. She was afraid that they would forever be fumbling around one another because they had crossed the boundaries of friendship, regardless of the fact that she wanted exactly that.
Her eyes apologised to him but he was ecstatic. He could not see past the love that she reciprocated on his lips. But when he finally saw the frown shadowing her features, he placed a caring hand over her cheek.
“What is it, love?”
“I’m so sorry, Loki! I-I know this is awkward for you! I…I’m so sorry! I don’t want to lose you. I-I mean, you-your friendship. This…Loki, promise me you won’t be angry!”
The god stared at her dumbfounded. When he finally did manage to form a coherent sentence again, he commanded her but softly, “Come with me.”
Unwilling to make a scene out of the confusion, he managed to smoothly pull her aside, away from prying eyes and curious ears, without raising any suspicion.
Once they reached a safe corner, he simply gasped, “Since when did you become so dumb?”
Too embarrassed to reveal her watery eyes but too curious to know the meaning behind his accusation, she took only a fleeting glance at him. Focusing hard on the buttons of his shirt, she asked timidly, “What do you mean?”
Loki huffed. He could not understand how someone as smart as her could turn out to be so witless when it came to matters of the heart.
“Do you not understand?” he asked her, slightly annoyed.
“Okay, I have a confession to make. I wanted to kiss you. Did you not feel it? Did you not realise that… Norns! There was no mistletoe up there initially!” Observing her blank countenance, he continued, “It was me- I…” He threw his arms up in the air. “(Y/N)! I put the mistletoe there above us! For us!...For you, you fool!!”
Slowly the gears in her mind started ticking into place. Loki could almost hear them as he watched her expressions morph from confusion to realisation to astonishment to ecstasy.
He smiled. In a voice as soft and gentle as freshly fallen snow, he asked her, “Do you understand now?”
Still in a state of shock, the poor girl stumbled through her words, “Me? But…why? You- Since when?”
A few minutes earlier, when she had voiced her disappointment and uncertainty about the incident with the mistletoe, Loki’s confident demeanour had slipped off a bit. Although he was sure of what he had heard in her thoughts, her weary state had made him wonder if those thoughts were but only smoke trails of a passing moment.
But now, with regained confidence, he stepped forward and took her hands in his, cocooning them in his large ones.
A soft chuckle left his parted lips. “‘Why’ - I do not have the answer to that, believe me. ‘Since when’ - well, I do not really know but I think it might have been somewhere between our annoyingly long talks, our late night affairs of tea, our banters, our reading sessions…maybe somewhere amidst the laughs and the pains that we shared…mingled with the love and care that you have always showered on me, unconditionally… I do not know, (Y/N)... All I know is that…I…” He took a deep breath, “I love you. Yes. And that is why I put the mistletoe up there. I did not know how else to convey my feelings to you. I had thought that you would understand when… I knew I would fumble with words but… Please tell me you are not upset about this entire situation!”
The confession hit her like a freight train. It took her some time to gather herself back together. All this while she had been watching Loki with eyes that radiated nothing but pure adoration. With a small smile on her mouth, she absorbed every single syllable, every single emotion that Loki pronounced.
“Mr. Silvertoungue fumbling?” She let out a breathy laugh which caused a tint of pink to bloom on the trickster’s ears and cheeks.
“No,” she continued, “I’m not upset… You did the right thing…putting that mistletoe up there. I’m absolutely confident that I could have never gathered the courage to tell you how I feel.”
A small chuckle of relief left Loki.
“But that was a lot of talk for a confession. Do you realise that?” She asked with a teasing smile.
The God of Mischief laughed and scratched the side of his nose. “I have been told more than once, yes.”
“But I loved it all,” she took a step closer to him.
“I am glad tha-” Before he could finish his line, (Y/N) had placed her hand over his mouth, taking him by surprise.
“Shh! Do you think,” she removed her hand and resumed with a sigh, “you can conjure that little piece of mischief back…above us? Now?”
A wicked grin spread on Loki’s lips. “Any time! As many times as you want, darling.”
With a small gesture of his slender fingers, a mistletoe appeared above them once again. This time (Y/N) wasted no time in pulling Loki down by the collar of his shirt and placing a promising kiss on his eager lips.
They felt the same fire as the previous time but better. This time neither was in a rush to douse the flames but ready to surrender to them, to become one with the raging fire and burn bright until there was nothing left but the glowing love and passion that they felt for each other.
But even in the middle of a searing moment like this, (Y/N)’s mind couldn’t help but wander off to other thoughts. Barely separating herself from Loki, she tried to ask him but the Asgardian wasn’t willing to let her go, “Wait, how were you…mmh…so confident about…mmh…wait! About how I felt for you?”
“Later”, was the only response that Loki was able to manage as he pulled her closer and chased her kiss-swollen lips with his hungry ones.
She tried hard to pry herself or at least her mouth away from the impatient man but kept failing until she squeezed his jaw firmly in her grip. It wasn’t like the god could be stopped by this little human but he respected her wish and sort of enjoyed it when she bossed around.
“How?” She raised a brow while demanding her answer.
“I hurd yur thughts,” Loki managed to utter through squeezed cheeks and puckered lips.
“You heard my thoughts? You read my mind?!” She released his face only to hit his arm. “How dare you?”
“Love, I did not mean to! But you were sitting there all by yourself, looking so sad, and I was completely focused on you, trying to understand what was hurting you, and they just floated towards me - your thoughts! They were so loud that I did not even have to try! Forgive me for breaching your privacy. But believe me, darling, I never meant to!”
Here was Loki trying to convince her of his unadulterated intentions, but she had lost him the moment he called her ‘love’. Everything else was a blur, a beautiful but muted music floating through the air from a distance, spreading like mist, on a quiet winter night.
“That’s alright,” she smiled giddily. “I’m glad you read my mind.”
But Loki needed further assurance. “You are not angry?”
“Nope! Not at all.”
Upon hearing her confirmation, he let out a long breath.
“Now,” she toyed with the sleeve of his shirt, “where were we?”
A small laugh, mingled with both relief and joy, escaped the trickster. “In the middle of the first of a zillion kisses, I believe?”
“Hmm,” with the most ecstatic grin possible, she balanced herself on Loki’s strong frame and stood on her tiptoes to finish what a mischievous mistletoe had started.
(Please DM me in case you wish to be added or removed)
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ladylooch · 1 year
Your requests may be closed, and I most definitely respect that, but this is me begging for just a crumb of protective Nico because I need it more than I need oxygen. 🥺
A/N: I almost died eating a cheesy roll up from Taco Bell while writing this… And I came back from near death because I had to finish this for you 😘 No I am not dramatic at all, why do you ask?
You had gone to bed before Nico. He was out in the living room, watching a late west coast game between the Rangers and Kings. He had slept in late and took two naps, so sleep wasn’t coming for him anytime soon. Fine with you. You didn’t mind an empty bed when you knew he was in the other room. 
You fall asleep quickly, taking a bit of cold medicine to help you sleep after having a sinus infection earlier in the week. The medicine helps you slumber deep, but it also brings a very vivid dream that takes place in your bedroom, seemingly tonight. A man is in the corner. He’s lurking, waiting for you to shut the door so he can grab you. You try to yell to Nico, but the hand over your mouth muffles any attempt. 
“Make a sound and your boyfriend dies.” The man says as he throws you down on the bed and pulls out a knife. 
You jolt awake, sitting up and sucking in a gasping breath. You clutch your chest, trying to get your bearings straight. Everything still feels so real. You look around the room, cringing at all the shadows that cast out in oblong shapes to you. You close your eyes, trying to talk yourself down from your panic. When you open them, you swear there is movement to your left. You look fast, seeing the curtains blowing in the breeze from the ceiling fan. Everything in your body is screaming fight or flight.
The weak light from the TV barely reaches the end of the hall as you open the door. You tip toe down, wondering if maybe Nico had fallen asleep on the couch. When you round the corner, his brown eyes immediately find you. He lays on his back, feet crossed at the ankles, with his hands behind his head. You cling to the wall nervously.
“I’m scared.” You admit to him. He perks up to a sitting position, opening his arms to you.
“What’s up, sweets?”
“I had a bad dream.” You mutter into his neck, attaching to him like a baby sloth.
“Oh no.” He rubs his hands up and down your back to comfort you. “Wanna talk about it?”
“There was a guy here.” Your voice shakes. Nico pulls you tighter at the observance. 
“No one is here. Just me and you, baby.” He soothes immediately. 
“He was in the bedroom and he grabbed me. He said he was going to kill you if I made any noise.” You squeeze your eyes shut, fingerprints pressing deeper into his body. Nico sighs, bringing his face close to your hair to press kisses along your head.
“You’re okay.” He reminds you. “You’re safe here in my arms. Nothing is going to get to you through me.” His words are perfect. Nico always knows what to say. You pause right where you are for a moment, not speaking, only feeling the solidness of him beneath and around you. Nico notices your grip on him slacken a bit and pulls away so he can see your face. “Better?”
“Yeah.” You nod, taking a measured breath. “How much longer are you going to be up?”
“I can come to bed now if you want.”
“Yes, please.” He nods, clicking the TV off and helping you to your feet. You let him walk first into the bedroom. He immediately flips the light on and does his due diligence to look around the room, even behind the curtains that scared you when you first woke up. “Just me and you.” He reiterates. “Get under the covers.” He waits for you to do so, then turns the light off.
He climbs into bed and pulls you into his body so you are spooning. You fit together like interconnecting parts. With Nico’s protection, you fall back to sleep relatively easy. This time, you dream of you and him on a sandy, white beach, sipping margaritas and getting interesting tan lines.
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jillianrose305 · 4 months
yandere obey me
sorry I've been gone for so long let me know if you want a part 2
Ok so this is what I assume who is most likley to be a yandere in obey me shall we date . Top 5 first
I know leviathan was supposed to be a yandere but belphagor ended up getting that troupe + that jealousy episode he had.but imagine how easy it would be for him. He's your first . Your his. little d No.2 is in on this which is why he says you and mammon would make a cute couple and asks if yall are dating . All he has to do is complain about feeling unwanted by his brothers and all your attention is back on him just how he wants it. He's greedy for you and your attention and he's the second most powerful but I think its because he doesn't try . He can influence luck we know that so anytime you hang out with his brothers suddenly nothing goes well for you or they have short tempers oh how that must make you feel unwanted but don't worry he's always here for you waiting for you to run back into his arms.
What you don't think the demon of time would be a yandere? You best believe this boy is making sure everything goes according to plan. Since the moment he sall you he needed to know more thats why on his pocket watch he uses his magic so its a small portal to always see what your doing. He doesn't want to get his hands to messy so he simply turns the clock insanely fast forward on the person lifespan who tried to take you he enjoys watching them panic as they get older and more week its his favriote. Sometimes he goes back in time to watch his favriote moments of you. Since he's basically diavolos actual right hand man he can get away with alot. So don't expect it to be to hard for him to keep you.
3. Leviathan
Ah yes the Avatar of envy he gets so jealous when you give anyone else your attention is he not good enough for you. I think we all Remember the line that went somethng like 'Sometimes i think about forcing you to play a game your bad at and only letting you leave my room once you've completed every aspect of it' I can't remember quite exactly though. He's the Admiral of Hells Navy if you even tried to underestimate him he would quickly show you how wrong you are. Him and Henry 2.0 are the only company you need. I also think he has a body pillow of mc hidden somewhere in his room.
4. Belphagor
Ah yes on of our cannon-ish yanderes of obey me. You know he didn't get much time to spend with you as the others. He just loves you so much. Why can't you understand that? He will use his powers to enchant you to find your way up to the attic just like he did so long ago. But this time he's not making the foolish mistake of letting you leave. He will use his youngest sibling privilege to keep you there. He's gotten good at manipulating you in what ever way works best. Don't you want to cuddle with him and wear matching pajamas? C'mon he can't rest without you in his Arms. You aren't gonna take away sleep from the Avatar of Sloth are you?
Future king of the Devildom. What can I say he has always wanted to take you from the brothers and keep you for himself plus we know he will probably need someone to rule along side him. You don't want to take that from him do you? Oh well he will just have to make you marry him. You'll learn to love him as much as you once loved this exchange program. He rules this land he will make sure you are always being watched he can't risk you running off or falling in love with someone else now. No bother though if someone so much as thinks about acting on their crush on you they are being publicly executed for all to see. He keeps there blood in vials in his desk. he won't stop you from having a fan club ad long as he's president of it,he can't stop people from loving you just as long as they don't act on it he will let them live for now.
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fantasyinvader · 3 months
Yeah, that’s been a thing for a long time. Whenever it comes to Edelgard, some people want to make her out as this Christ-like figure while ignoring the stuff that says otherwise, such as:
Amyr, a weapon crafted specifically for her, bears the Crest of Maurice, also known as the Crest of the Beast. This would indicate that Edelgard is more of an anti-Christ figure than an actual savior. The fact she continuously lies to her supporters only furthers this, as well as how the weapon isn’t a Hero’s Relic. It’s a Crest Stone Weapon, one that requires Agarthanium in order to repair.
The Crest of Maurice is tied to the Devil Arcana in the Tarot, symbolizing allowing oneself to be corrupted and giving in to earthly desires. It usually depicts the demon Baphomet.
People are turned into Demonic Beasts as war assets for her army.
In Azure Moon, she takes her ideals to what is said to be their end point when she turns herself into a Demonic Beast. Said beast form has horns, boobs and Wings much like Baphomet is depicted with.
The fact Dimitri goes on to be given the title of SAVIOR King.
Or that the Agarthans live under the ground, fleeing there after their war against Sothis led to them scorching the Earth. This is coupled with the fact Sothis is tied to the heavens through the Japanese name of the Sword of the Creator, the Sword of the Heavenly Emperor.
The word nemesis means “adversary.” Satan also means “the adversary.”
Her route’s ending has a picture of her raising a variation of the Hand of Justice, a symbol of divine right to rule. However, the hand is a reflection of the real thing from France. It’s reversed, and not only that it’s in the same pose Baphomet’s raised hand usually is in.
The scene where Byleth and the Black Eagles pledge themselves to Edelgard is called Path of Thorns, a reference to the Bible indicating that it’s a path of sin (specifically sloth, indicating a failure to do some form of duty)
Edelgard is a demonically-coded character, but her supporters refuse to acknowledge that. Or if they do, they claim it’s so that he can subvert expectations and be the real hero in the end. They’ve also tried to claim that her ending portrait is an allusion to Washington Crossing the Delaware, and if you point it out that it’s based on Napoleon’s coronation picture as emperor of France they go with the most positive interpretation of Boney they can.-They’ll raise hell if someone calls Edelgard a fascist or compares her to the world’s angriest Charlie Chaplin impersonator, while claiming the Church are clearly inspired by said impersonator’s fan club.
The fact that the game’s developers called Edelgard a villain, which would mean that her actions or motives are meant to be seen as evil, flies over their head as they try to claim she’s just “an antagonist.”
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eldritch-spouse · 5 months
Listening to Jayde vent about recent his work frustrations and offering to give him the sloppiest sucky wucky for compensation
" I think you're stressing out over nothing. "
Your lips wrap around the straw of the fancy caramel milkshake Jayde bought you, eyes focused on the bags under his, the way he keeps tapping at the table and seemingly mumbling to himself in infernal.
The imp sighs, trying to calm down, a fruitless effort if the constant batting of his tail on the chair's legs is any indication. " ... I'm sorry, I just have to get this perfectly right, you know? My job depends on it. "
Your eyes nearly roll. " I don't think anyone in Sloth is lining up to be King Zizz's head imp... "
And you're sure that's the case. Jayde holds a spot this high in Sloth's hierarchy not because he's the most professional in the field but because he's the most hard working. He's always available and ready to do any manner of odd jobs, which is a level of agency almost no one in that Ring manifests. Realistically speaking, right now, he has no direct competition and is too expensive a loss to the royal court. Because, after all, losing someone who's already intimate with Sloth's routines and inner workings implies having to teach a newbie everything. It all seems like a whole bunch of work neither the King nor his servants are looking forward to.
This is practically a non-issue.
The green demon in front of you shrugs, as tense as a plank still. Jayde places a hand over yours on the table. " But I gotta be careful now, bijou. Maybe a few months ago I could afford to lose my position, but now I have someone to take care of... "
His jagged smile attempts to be reassuring when he squeezes your hand. Take care of sounds about right, this is the same demon who won't let you out of his luxury apartment, much less out of Hell...
You try to prevent bitterness from showing on your face. One step at a time, you'll find your way outside. Or go insane trying.
" Someone to spoil. "
A grin furnishes your face. " I think you spoil me plenty already. " Beneath the table, your feet push his chair back slowly, making Jayde give blink vapidly.
The imp tries to say something but quickly shuts his own trap when you playfully slip under the table cloth, crawling your way to him. Soft hands trace up his legs through his pants, until you kneel before the King's head servant and tap at his zipper idly.
" You always give so much to your job, it must be exhausting... "
Jayde's tail is rapidly whacking into its surroundings again, this time not from stress. That mint-green face takes on a darker shade and he looks down at you as if you were made of diamonds, clad in the dress he bought you, the pendant and bracelets he almost begged you to accept.
" W- Well... I do work pretty hard. But it's nothing. I can take it. "
" I know you can. "
As much as you loathe your general circumstances right now, you can almost lie to yourself and say it's worth it when you feel him harden under your palm. Because it's so easy. He's so easy. Content with so little from you. This is by far a much more lavish lifestyle than the one you had, even if you're shackled to this monster... All you really have to do is keep him happy, put a hand around his twitching cock and tell him you're so happy to be doted on by such a wonderful man.
" You don't have to, sweetie. " He has the audacity to say, already leaking like a fucking faucet right in front of you. " I just wanted to bring you something nice. "
" Oh, do you want me to stop- "
" No! " Jayde gulps. " ... Please. "
You can't hide the little smirk when you move to finally wrap your glossed lips around his length. " Alright. "
The imp makes a rattle of a shudder as soon as you take him into the warmth of your mouth, a relieved moan hanging in the air as his legs spread and he pets your hair.
" Go on, tell me about the rest of your day. " You taunt, giving him only time to gasp before starting a pace that has him nearly choking.
" O- Ohh- Okay... "
As if he'll even try.
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Kay so crack theory #2
In episode 7, someone (I forget who lmao) mentions "how will we defeat them, just the 7 of us" as in the number seven. 7 years, 7 deadly sins, 7 episodes until that point, 7 rings of hell, 7 of them.
The number 7 clearly holds significance, but I won't get into any of this right now (or ever, i'm too lazy)
But the main point I want to make is, 7 deadly sins, 7 characters in the main/secondary-ish-main cast, and obviously the Seven Deadly Sins are characters in the show/Helluva Boss already but I mean each one probably like REPRESENTS one
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Based on this picture I tentatively put together a list of who I think represents which sin and an explanation of why;
Lust: Angel (Pretty self explanatory but to expand on it, the quote for Lust, "Wanting it all, way too soon.", has so much to do with his character it's hard to get into, the whole reason he ended up firstly in hell and secondly with his soul signed away is because he wanted everything he'd never gotten the chance to have, the "way too soon" being his immediate jump to get what he thought would be freedom but turned out being the opposite, not thinking about the consequence of getting it as soon as possible rather than waiting)
Gluttony: Niffty (Her obsessiveness towards cleanliness and "bad boys", her thirsting for these obsessions to be met and fulfilled, she is gluttonous for the result of her compulsions, "Being excessive with your thirst for words." she wants to find the way to express herself and chose this masochistic way of taking orders and enjoying being forced to do things, along with forcing herself or feeling compelled to do things like kill bugs obsessively, like a hunger)
Wrath: Husk (His gambling issues, the attitude he has towards being free of his deal to Alastor, "Wanting to win so bad, you get ruthless in your endeavours." it's why he sold his soul off to Alastor in the first place, his longing to win as an overlord and involved in gambling caused him to find other solutions, to grow ruthless in his pursuit of success. Then, after making the deal, the way he challenges Alastor shows his ruthless attitude towards freeing himself eventually, to get out of their deal at last)
Sloth: Pentious (He doesn't ever try to change any way he does things until he's forced, he was very slow to change his attack strategy, slow to confess to Cherri, slow to actually redeem himself, though he agreed to do so rather quickly, "Being too slow to publish." he is almost lazy and most certainly cowardly in the way he goes about life, he may not be the epitome of Sloth, but still quite similar)
Envy: Vaggie (She tries so hard to be the perfect partner for Charlie, and you can see her getting upset/jealous of Emily when she and Charlie hold hands in episode 6, she's also trying to pretend she's not a fallen angel, "Trying too hard to be like someone else." the someone else being the perfect person that she was supposed to be before she was cast down to hell and for Charlie)
Pride: Charlie (Because her father is king of the pride ring for one, secondly because she puts herself and what she believes is good for her people ahead of rational thinking any consequences her actions may cause towards the safety of hell as a whole, "Focusing on you, when there's a lot more territory to cover.")
Greed: Alastor (He certainly cares more about his own personal gain than for anyone else, his *audience*, as we see in Ep.8 with his piece in Finale, "Caring more about personal gains than your audience." encapsulates his need to be all powerful and discard his attachments in order to do so, to leave his audience behind in the hope of doing so)
This probably made no sense and sounds like me rambling but uhh yeah. @costco-poutine Thanks for cursing me with this idea for a theory and helping me write these out.
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