#ride 777
ywpd-translations · 3 months
Ride 777: Sohoku's sprinter
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Pag 2
1: Houruaaagh
2: Buooraah
3: It's not.... “he's going to attack one more time”!!
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Pag 3
1: He's attacked already!!
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Pag 4
2: Fifth stage!!
He used the last curve!!
3: Feelings at full throttle!!
He got his “three seconds” in the curve and then accelerated!?
This guy has been tearing apart-
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Pag 5
1: Aventador!!
-road racing common sense over and over again!!
(*NdT.: Issa's attack's name)
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Pag 6
4: One guy has jumped ahead as they were turning the curve
Hakogaku and Sohoku are chasing him!!
The guy who's ahead with two strong guys following him.....
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Pag 7
1: I've never seen his jersey before!!
Who's that guy!? An unknown cyclist!?
But he's here at the sprint line
Can something like that really happen!?
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Pag 8
1: Words things like “of course”, “I already know that”, are like shackles that bind our thoughts
2: There is discovery in “common sense”, yon!!
4: Even so, in road bikes
5: there are two or three ways to hold the handles, so you can change your posture
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Pag 9
1: and use various muscles to accelerate, yon!!
2: Three people passed the 300m point, and now it's just a straight road
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Pag 10
1: There's still one person running ahead!! The two people behind him can't catch up!!
2: They can see the sprint gate already!!
3: Tch, really, he forced his way through with an ambush like this
4: But
5: My “number one in Japan” plan hasn't wavered one bit!!
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Pag 11
1: Lat year's autumn
Woooah cap!!
2: Gap!!
3: Guaagh.... it's always just me saying “gap”!!
Whatcha talking about, Kabu
4: About Doubashi!! I wanna leave him “gaping”!! Me!! Since I lost to him in the summer Inter High!!
You’ve lost the ability to differentiate between the words ‘gap’ and ‘gaping’, haven’t you?
5: Huh? I was able to say this properly when I talked to Aoyagi-san
… which was it again?
6: By the way, Naruko-san, you're supposed to be a good sprinter
Supposed to be!?
Don't you have some secret weapon? Like an ace up your sleeve
7: I'm a genius, so I think if you teach me I'll get it right away!!
I really don't feel like telling you... honestly
8: No, but.... I also thought of myself as a genius, but surely I wasn't that stupid
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Pag 12
1: But it's a favour to a kohai, it can't be helped
I've grown too, after all
2: Listen carefully to this “secret weapon”
When you're sprinting
3: The “cog-wheels” you imagine, try imagine them more accurately!! Until the tiniest details!!
4: The....
5: … cog-wheels!?
6: Ah? What does that mean!?
7: Be more specific, please... you're not very reliable, huh
Ugh!! This guy....
I've been thinking this since before, but me and you really don't think alike, Naruko-san...
I'll kill you....
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Pag 13
1: As expected from Naruko-san
2: Aoyagi-san was more reliable (even thought he was taciturn)
What does he mean “imagine”?
3: Ohhh, amazing, Kaburagi
4: Hahaha, I know, right
6: I can do this too
Ohhhh... a blind catch!!
7: How did you do that!?
Hahaha, I'm a genius, so I can do anything just by imagin....
Kaburagi is so cool!
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Pag 14
1: Imagining!!
2: Just now I did a blind catch just by imagining it!!
Do it again!
What's wrong, Kaburagi?
3: Oi oi, wait, wait- is this what he meant?
4: Does that mean it'll work? If I apply this to biking!?
6: Imagine
The cog-wheels
7: accurately
8: until the tiniest details
9: Detailed
10: Times and times again
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Pag 15
1: I imagined it over and over again!!
And then my “cog-wheels”evolved into “gears”!!
2: Oi, San-na!! Do you have one more special move?
4: Tch
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Pag 16
1: Buah!!
Of course!!
I need one more shot to crush you!!
2: It's “Huracan*”, which is stronger than “Aventador”!!
(*NdT.: written as “raging bull” but read as “huracan”)
3: Use it now!!
5: I, too
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Pag 17
1: will pull out “golden yellow” now!!
2: If we use them at the same time, it'll make us catch up!!
3: You understand it, San-na
There's no time for complaining about it
4: This guy..... the “golden yellow” that he absolutely wanted to save until the last minute before the sprint line!!
5: We have to close the gap and line up to him now
At this rate, that guy
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Pag 18
1: He'll be the first to arrive!!
2: The lead is passing the 200m sign!!
3: Who's that, Gunma!?
I thought the Gunma team was supposed to be Jousui?!
Did the team debut this year!?
There's a guy that strong in Gunma
4: Waaaa
5: That number 181 is debuting now.... but
His career and profile is crazy!!
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Pag 19
1: It's Kiji Kyuui!! He's the MTB Inter High two-times champion!!
2: So, the two chasing him won't be able to catch up, at this rate!?
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Pag 20
1: Huh!?
What was that just now
For an instant, behind those two
2: I saw blooming golden yellow flowers, and a raging bull
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Pag 21
1: This year's may
2: I see
3: Please
4: Doubashi, you mean you want to race me in a serious sprint battle... now that I've become an university student!!
84 notes · View notes
thefloraartist · 2 years
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be my wolf tonight
231 notes · View notes
rogersideup · 2 months
I'd like to drop a prompt:
The avengers have a night off in Las Vegas after a mission. Thor makes sure Cap has his fair share of Asgardian liquor so Steve ends up drunk and wanders off alone. He meets our dear reader who just got dumped by her friend group and is equally drunk. They hit it off and decide to get married. The next morning both of them are confused but decide to make it work as memories of the night before come back to them. (Surprise surprise dear reader is from New York too)
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Steve Rogers X Reader
Summary: Steve gets himself into some trouble while having a night off in the city of sin.
Word Count: 4,717
Warning: My blog is 18+ only. All minors or blogs without an age in bio will be blocked. Minors DNI.
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Flashing lights separated and splayed through the drying tears in your watery eyes, music and ringing from hundreds of slot machines overstimulated your senses as you simultaneously pulled your dress up and down in different places.
"Excuse me miss? Can I get you something to drink?"
Coming back to your senses, you turned around to face the bartender. "Yeah, uh..." really, you tried your hardest to think of something, literally anything to help move along the buzz you were already riding but no proper words made it to your brain. "Sorry. I'm not sure what I want. Can you just make it strong and fruity?"
"Sure thing." The bartender agreed, already grabbing bottles off the shelf.
Watching him masterfully work helped you zone out and relieved all of your overwhelmed senses. Pouring, shaking, more pouring, a garnish, then a fruity elixir of a bunch of liquids you most definitely could not pronounce was placed right in front of you atop a cocktail napkin. Not a single drop was spilled, even the ice was perfect.
Reaching into your purse, you handed the bartender your card and shouted to try and compete with the volume of drunken gamblers and rolling dice. "You can close the tab."
"Don't worry about it. This one's on the house, you look like you need it." He kindly denied your form of payment.
You chuckled to yourself. "That bad, huh?"
"No, but I know a sad chick when I see one." He noted. "Happens pretty often in Vegas."
"Well, thank you, I appreciate it." You raised the glass. "Cheers to you and all the bartenders making the world go round."
"Amen to that" He smiled before walking off to serve yet another drunken customer.
You sat at the bar on a little leather stool fully contemplating how you ended up in this situation as you looked out into the hotel casino and nursed your drink. It didn't take long for you to realize that the Vegas bartenders didn't take the word strong as a joke. Because every sip stung your throat and swirled your thoughts around in slow motion.
The speed at which your thoughts came at you didn't help the fact that every single one of them revolved around nothing but yourself.
What were you going to do now? Where should you go from here?
Drinking wasn't the answer, but not drinking wasn't the solution. Finding shelter in the Caesars Palace hotel was a good enough temporary fix to your problems, so you ignored that you were on the complete opposite side of the Las Vegas strip that you actually needed to be on.
However, getting to your hotel on the complete opposite side was the problem. Your shitty friends completely ditched you, or maybe you ditched them. The details were all so unclear, but the fact was they were all making stupid choices and you couldn't stand to stick around long enough to see the end results of them.
But now you were all done up in high heels and a small little dress in a city you had never been in before, notorious for sex, drugs and alcohol. Luckily, pepper spray in your purse and a back pocket full of self defense techniques that have been drilled into your head ever since you were a little girl were amongst some of the better choices you made tonight.
Then came along all of the dumber choices you would make tonight in the form of yet another fruity drink, and a tall, blonde man looking painfully confused at the roulette table right in front of you.
He was tall and broad, even more handsome than the massive statues of Roman men all around the hotel. But much like the statues around you, he looked like he was carved from marble. The muscles you could see sculpted through his suit jacket could've only been a result of a piece of fine art.
It was easy to pick up his wholesome sweetness behind his big blue eyes, that also did a lot to tell you how drunk the man was. He towered over the table and watched a few rounds, trying his hardest to understand what was happening. Much like him, you watched the ball spin round and round before landing in a slot.
Some of the players would moan and groan at their fate, while others would cheer happily and exchange loud laughter and high-fives.
Mesmerized by the game, you missed the glances the blonde man snuck of you. He really couldn't help it though. His friends had left him all alone while his capacity to make good decisions was at an all time low, and you were just so pretty and maybe a bit sad.
Another round was about to start, so the dealer started taking bets. Everyone around the table started placing their chips on a color and number, and the blonde was still confused.
He looked around again before his eyes met yours, and a stupid invasive smile smeared across your lips. When he noticed your friendly demeanor, he took a few stumbles over to you.
"Do you have any idea how to play this?" The man asked you.
Now you could smell the expensive yet deliciously pleasant cologne he was wearing, and you could take in all the details of his black suit.
Giggling at his cluelessness, you swallowed down the sip of cocktail in your mouth. "I do. Would you like some help?"
"I'm assuming you have to guess if the ball lands on red or black?" He asked as his lopsided smile and squinted eyes told you everything you needed to know about his sobriety... or lack there of.
"That's exactly it, good job." You nodded. "But you can also guess the number, or a group of numbers it'll land on. The payout at the end is based on how accurate your bet is."
"So what should I bet?" He asked you, having already built a strong sense of trust for you in the few minutes he had been observing.
"Oh no, that's not up to me." You shook your head before taking another sip of your drink. "You gotta trust your own gut."
The man's eyes darted around the table once more before his arms motioned to it. "But look around! All of these men have pretty girls telling them what to do, and that's why they're all winning money. You guys are so much smarter than us, and I'm alone so I need you to tell me. Red or black."
Usually, a statement like that from a man like him would have you rolling your eyes and cutting the conversation short. However, either your gut or the alcohol was telling you that he wasn't an asshole.
For some reason, you felt calm and comfortable in his presence all while being unable to wipe the dumb smile off your face. Something about his hair that was once perfectly styled now being a little jostled, and the twinge of pink in his cheeks made him seem so distantly familiar.
"Well thank you for that backhanded compliment." You laughed. "I think you should bet red."
He nodded, trusting your opinion far more than he trusted himself. "Should I place a more specific bet too?"
You thought for a moment, but you were in Vegas so... fuck it. "Yeah. Give me your chip"
The man happily placed the roulette chip into your hand, you stood up in one big sweep and started walking away from the bar. "Woah, don't leave your drink!"
Pleasantly surprised that he had your best interest in mind, you mumbled out a statement of gratitude as he handed the glass to you too. Approaching the table, looked at it for a few moments and tried your hardest to contemplate the best number to place a bet on, but once again no rational thoughts occupied the empty spaces of your brain.
So, you threw the chip on your favorite number, lucky 25.
"There ya go!" You used your free hand to pat the man's shoulder. "Good luck, Blondie."
"What happens if I win?" He asked you, smiling as you let your hand linger. Even with your highest heels on, you were nowhere near as tall as him.
"Then it's your lucky day, and you'll get a shit ton of money." You giggled at his question.
"And if I lose?"
"Then you're unlucky and you're about to lose some money." You snorted.
"That's not going to happen, you're my good luck charm." He declared.
"I don't think anything about my night tonight is radiating lucky energy, so I doubt that."
"What? No way! I feel like I've been the luckiest guy in the whole world today, so maybe I'm your good luck charm."
"I guess we will let the roulette wheel speak the truth of the universe tonight." You shrugged.
"Should we place our own bets on the bet?" The man asked.
"Like what?" You questioned, hoping this wasn't the moment the sweet stranger turned weird and pervy.
"I think if I lose I should probably call it a night and go back to my room because this is the drunkest I've been in probably 80 years." He stated. However, his words flew over your head figuring his drunken words were exaggerated, and you found yourself to be a little sad that your time with the stranger would be cut short so soon.
"I think if you win, you should stay out for a little while and have another drink with me." You smiled, going way out of your own comfort zone.
If you were sober, or maybe even drunk in a bar anywhere other than Las Vegas, you would've been caught dead before being caught to be so bold. But he was pulling you in faster than you've ever felt, and something about him felt so natural and warm.
"Deal." He agreed.
"Look, they're about to spin the wheel." You pointed at the table.
The dealer spun the wheel, and the ball was moving so fast that you could barely even follow it. Even as it slowed down and started to tease each individual slot, the motion of following the sphere going round and round was quite honestly making you a bit dizzy, so you squeezed your eyes shut in anticipation.
"No way." The blonde stated. "No fucking way!"
His arm wrapped around you from behind and his big warm hands very gently shook the tops of your arms. "Look! It's on red! I can't see the number, but it's on red!"
You giggled and tried your best to keep your balance as he shook you around. When you opened your eyes you could see that the drink in your hand was sloshing around and spilling over onto the impeccably maintained carpet beneath your feet. But the loss of some of your drink was a small price to pay when the dealer picked the ball up out of the wheel and announced "25 Red!"
Simultaneously, you and Blondie let out little screeches in surprise and joy when you realized you had actually placed a winning bet. In all your years on this planet, nothing like this had ever happened to you. You never even won $5 on a penny slot, let alone a fat wad of cash that was being placed into the man's hands.
After the cheering celebration and laughter died down, he turned to you. "See! I knew you were lucky!"
"You trusted your intuition, and you won!" You noted with a smile so big and long lasting it was starting to make your cheeks sore. "Good job."
"Here! This is yours." He placed the wad of cash in your hands.
"What? No. You bet your own money, it's yours." Not being able to accept it, especially when you saw it was all $100 bills.
"No it's yours! You placed the winning bet, you knew the magic number so I want you to have it." He explained kindly. "You said nothing about your night was lucky, so consider this your sign from the universe."
"I can't just accept all of this money from a complete stranger." You denied once more. "You're very sweet, I would feel so guilty taking this from you."
"Fine, if you can't accept the money for yourself, how about we go spend it together?" He offered. "I owe you another drink anyways, then after that the Las Vegas strip is our oyster!"
"That's a little better" You agreed with a smile. "I'm sorry, I didn't even get your name."
"O-oh!" The man seemed to be taken back by that statement for a second. A look of momentary confusion furrowed his eyebrows before a happy smile returned to his kind face. "Sorry, I'm Steve!"
You made a small mental note of his initial shock that you asked for his name, but your drunken brain didn't hold onto that for very long.
"Alright Steve, here's the plan." You rocked up on your tippy toes and kept yourself braced with a steady hand on his solid shoulder so he could hear you better in the loud and chaotic environment. "Half my drink just ended up on the floor when you won, so I'm going to order another one. Then after that, I somehow need to end the night at my hotel on the complete opposite end of the strip without getting taken or murdered. So if we can somehow make it from here to there while blowing through that money you just won, then I'd be more than happy to help you spend it."
Steve's eyes went wide in concern at your statement. "Where are you staying?"
You narrowed your eyes at him. "My gut is telling me not to tell a strange man where I'm staying."
"Smart girl, but I'm not letting you walk down the strip alone at night. The people here are crazy." He challenged. "No funny business. Pinky promise."
Steve raised his pinky for you with a genuine look of promise and concern on his face. "Do people often trust you to get them to safety?"
His cheeks turned pinker, and he let out an adorable giggle. "Yeah, I think most people find me to be very trustworthy."
"No funny business." You lifted your hand and wrapped your pinky around his with a quick handshake. "I'm staying at New York, New York."
"Oh wow, we have a long way to go with lots of chances to blow through that stack." He smiled. "What are you drinking? I'll order you another one."
"Honestly, I have no idea." You admitted, smile coming back to your face.
"Okay great! That helps me a lot" The blonde laughed.
"Excuse me" You politely flagged down the bartender. The same one from earlier coming back, you showed him your glass. "Can I get another one of these please? And whatever he wants?"
You looked to Steve who looked between you and the bartender. "Just two waters please."
"Sure thing." The bartender agreed.
"What? You're not going to have a drink?" You questioned.
He pulled a copper flask out of the pocket on the inside of his suit jacket. "I'll drink more, but this is stronger."
"Oh, nothing here is strong enough for you?" You raised a brow, your smile growing just as lopsided as his.
"Nope. This stuff is special, it comes straight from another realm."
Laughing at his joke, as you handed the bartender cash straight from the wad Steve gave you. "That's funny, because I hope this is strong enough to make me feel like I'm no longer in this realm, so cheers to that!"
You and Steve sat at that bar for a solid two hours as conversation topics flew at the two of you unexpectedly fast. Each one new topic was short lived as an enthusiastic response would happily slip off one of your tongues, so excited that the two of you had so much in common.
Then, Steve decided to start the shopping spree. He offered you a hand to help you off the stool, which quickly turned into a protective arm around you, or ushering you the entirety of your time together. He knew that the men on the Vegas strip were pigs, but he underestimated how bad it really was.
But the cat calls, whistles, and lingering eyes were drowned out by the city sounds and the big flashing marquee lights that littered the sides of every building you passed. It was just as mesmerizing as the night before, skipping down the streets in a drunken haze with your best friends.
Now you were mesmerized by not only sin city, but the mysterious man you were following around as if you'd known him your whole life.
With a sense of childlike wonder the two of you ended up in silly places like the M&M's store, and the Coca-Cola store, but you also ventured into more classy designer establishments where you convinced him to buy a lovely new belt at Louis Vuitton.
It looked good, he looked good. You had to work really hard to contain the drool in your mouth as you watched him take off his old belt to replace it with the new one.
He tried to buy you a new bag, but once again you were being stubborn and were having a hard time accepting such a generous offer.
So, you suggested another drink. Just one more.
More sitting and chatting with Steve, you swallowed down the liquid in your cup while he shot the rest of the liquid in his flask.
That last drink was the worst of your poor decision making that night, or so you thought.
Because the last memory you had was sitting at that bar and really admiring him.
The alcohol had turned his cheeks and the tip of his nose a rosy pink color that somehow made his blue eyes shine even brighter, and add to the wholesome energy you felt radiating from him.
Sweet, silly, carefree, handsome, safe.
Then, you woke up.
Slowly at first. Your eyes opened and the dull pounding at the back of your skull wasn't nearly at bad as you deserved. The air conditioning did wonders keeping you comfortable, the light peaked through the black out curtains, and your belongings scattered across the room confirmed that you were definitely in the right place.
You looked around more. M&m's bag, Louis Vuitton bag... Converse bag? You didn't remember buying shoes. Wait... how did you get here?
Only then did you wake up FAST. You sat up, and your heart pounded as you realized that Blondie was in your bed. The sudden movement made your head pound even harder, but the good news was that he was fully clothed and was sleeping above the covers.
You were also asleep and fully clothed, but both of you were in different clothes than you had on last night. That's probably what those shopping bags in the corner were...
Carefully rolling out of bed to try and make yourself somewhat presentable and aid along trying to process what happened last night, you walked into the bathroom.
Wash your face, brush your teeth, fix your hair.
By the time you came out, Blondie was sitting up in bed with his legs on the floor, shooting you an apologetic look. He was apprehensive, scared to gauge how sick and unenthusiastic you would be by his presence this morning.
"Good morning." He said quietly, voice deep and raspy from inhaling the dry air and residual cigarette smoke.
"Morning." You tried to be polite, clutching the side of your head. "What happened? How did we- how did any of this-"
"Nothing happened." Steve reassured you. "I would never take advantage-"
"Okay, okay." You nodded slowly, feeling slightly relieved. "Advil. I have Advil."
Waking over to the table in the hotel room, you grabbed the bottle of painkillers and a water. You opened both and popped two little pills in your mouth, washing them down with water.
"I'm sorry, I don't remember much either. It's been a really long time since I've gotten drunk. This is really out of the ordinary for me." He explained.
"I guess we're on the same boat then." You agreed with him before a couple pieces of paper catch your eye.
"I guess I should probably go?" Steve stated, but it was more of a question. This was the first time he ever found himself waking up next to a stranger.
"No, you stay right there." You insisted frantically, picking up the piece of paper.
Certificate of marriage.
Your name signed at the bottom next to another signature that read Steven G Rogers.
Your heart sank to the pit of your stomach.
You studied the signature, looked at his face, looked at the signature, then his face again.
In the table, there was a picture of the two of you kissing. Him in his suit, you in the dress you wore last night but also a veil.
"Oh my god" You exclaimed, so much information to process.
"What?" Steve questioned, furrowing his eyebrows.
"Oh my god!" You pinched the bridge of your nose and took a deep breath.
"What happened?"
"You didn't tell me..." You puffed out a breath, then an unexpected giggle left your throat. Of course, this would happen to you the one time in your life you didn't behave like a perfect angel. "Captain America?"
"Oh... Guilty?" Steve's shoulders sunk. "I introduced myself, no?"
"As Steve." You exaggerated.
"Yeah, I'm Steve." He agreed.
"Well, at least I was safe." Finding the benefit of the doubt. "Do you remember getting married last night, Steve?"
You passed the paper and the picture to him, and his face contorted into an expression you couldn't quite read. "...wow."
"Wow?" You questioned. "I unknowingly married Captain America last night and all you have for me is wow?"
"Holy shit." Steve looked up at you.
"That's better." You nodded.
"You don't look panicked" Steve noted.
"I'm not panicked because at least you're a superhero." You explained. "That counts for something right? Like people won't think I'm totally inane for marrying a stranger when they find out it's Captain America? And like... a superhero means you have people who come and clean up after you right? Someone can fix this right?"
You watched the gears turn in his head. "... I have to call Tony."
Tony. Who's Tony? Think. Superhero, avengers, Steve, Captain America. Tony... IRON MAN.
"Stark?" Your eyebrows raised. Steve nodded, pulling out his phone. "Now I'm freaking out. I'm really freaking out."
"It's okay, give me a second." Steve said calmly.
You nodded, the remembered you should check your phone too. As he spoke quietly to Tony, you looked around for your phone before finding it on the night stand, flooded with dozens of missed calls and texts from friends wondering where you were. You quickly sent off a text in a group chat saying you'd explain later, and that you were okay.
Eventually Steve ended the call. "He said he'll be here in a minute or two."
"Oh, okay great." You said exaggerating your nonchalance. "No biggie. Iron man coming over to read my marriage certificate to Captain America."
Steve giggled at the ridiculousness of the situation. "My mother would be over the moon to find out I'm married."
"My mom might have me 6 feet in a grave if she ever finds out about this." You sat back down on the bed next to him.
"When do you leave Vegas?" Steve questioned.
"My flight is at nine tonight. What about you?"
"Flying home at six thirty." He informed you. "Where do you live?"
"New York" You said simply. "Queens."
"We both live in New York and we’re staying in a New York themed hotel? What a small world." Steve noted. "Maybe we don't have to fit in a divorce before this evening."
"I mean... you are very handsome so I definitely wouldn't mind staying married to you for a few days until we get this figured out." You grinned.
A small blush stippled his cheeks at your compliment. “You’re so pretty I would’ve never had the courage to talk to you if I wasn’t drunk.”
Just like him, you blushed at his admission, and giggled at his words. “This doesn’t feel like real life.”
“Maybe I should’ve gotten you a ring instead of whatever the hell we bought last night.” Steve thought.
You looked down at your left hand, and sure enough, there was a pretty ring on your finger. You lifted it up to show him. “Looks like you were two steps ahead of yourself”
“Oh, good.” He chuckled. “At least there’s that.”
Then, there was a knock at the door.
You looked at Steve with wide eyes and nervousness building up in your tummy at the thought of being in the same room with one third of the Avengers.
“I’ll get it” He reassured you, standing up to answer the door.
Before you knew it, Tony Stark confidently barreled into the room. Firing some teasing words at Steve, you knew the poor guy would never hear the end of it.
“Oh look, here she is!” Tony announced.
“Nice to meet you Mr. Stark.” You shook his hand.
“Trust me, the pleasure is all mine Mrs. Rogers.” He smiled.
“Tony” Steve warned with a glare.
“Where’s the paper work?” Tony asked.
You quickly handed him the picture and the signed document that was on the table. Steve stood right next to you as you both watched him read over it, and evaluate the legitimacy.
Tony took out his phone snapped a few pictures, and made a weird face. Nervously, you his your face in Steve’s arm and he instinctively rubbed your back to comfort you.
Then, Tony started laughing. “Rogers you’re an idiot.”
“I’m aware, but what’s so funny?” Steve complained.
“It’s fake.” Tony said.
“What?” Your head popped up.
“Little white chapel, married by Elvis just for the gag type of thing. There’s no marriage license, it’s not a legal marriage.” He explained, handing you the papers back.
Both you and Steve let out a huge sigh of relief. “Maybe I’m not that much of an idiot after all.”
“No, you’re still stupid.” Tony denied. “Out of all the people in the world I would’ve never expected this from you, Cap.”
“This is Thor’s fault.” Steve pointed his finger.
You didn’t understand how the god of thunder had anything to do with this, but you had no mental capacity left to even ask.
“Yeah, well, it doesn’t matter. Just be on time for the flight home and stay out of trouble.” Tony told him. “Hope to see you around again soon, Mrs. Rogers.”
And just like that, he was out faster than he came in.
“I know Tony made it seem like everything is okay, but it’s not and I have a giant mess to clean up with the team.” Steve explained to you.
“Yeah, I’d assume so.” You smiled.
“Which means I really should go.” He let you down. “But regardless of this fiasco, and from what I do remember, I had a lot of fun with you last night. Would you want to exchange phone numbers and maybe hang out again when we get home?”
“I would love that, Steve.” You agreed.
He handed you his phone and you handed him yours. Both putting in your phone numbers and names before swapping them back.
At the same time, you both burst out laughing at the contact names.
Unplanned, he put his name as Husband, and you put yours as Wife.
“Ridiculous!” You laughed, walking him to the door.
“Maybe we really were meant to be.” Steve pondered.
“Maybe.” You agreed. “But in all seriousness, thank you for getting me home safe last night. I was really lucky to run into the right person at the right time.”
“Of course.” Steve grinned. “Travel safe, and let me know when you get home so we can set something up.”
“You got it.” Rocking up on your tippy toes, you kissed his cheek. “Have fun cleaning up that mess, Husband.”
“Don’t tell your Mom about this, Wife.”
You locked your lips and threw away the key. “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.”
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gothic-thoughts · 4 months
riding virgin!könig and he’s all overstimulated 😫
hehehe twirling my feet and kicking my hair at my own work 😩
Body Party
König x Black Fem Reader Smut
MDNI, Virgin!König, Drabble
CW: König's perspective, rambling and whimpering, afab parts mentioned, she/her pronouns, occasional German, unprotected cream🥧
Word Count: 777
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any German translated by DeepL
It wasn't hard to talk me into this since I wasn't a stranger to trying new things, but now that I was here, it was torture. And I never want it to fucking stop. It had only been about 20 minutes, and it felt like my entire body was on fire.
The way her nails dug into my shoulders.
The way her hips deliberately dropped as she bounced up and down my shaft.
And Mein Gott, the way every plunge was paired with the sound of that plump ass hitting my thighs, a sound that tried to mask the continual squelching of her cunt. It was all just too fucking much.
I couldn't do anything but lean back on my forearms and look up at that beautiful, determined lip-bite with a blank mind. My eyes trail down to the bouncing breasts, plump tummy, then all the way down to that pussy that she was so willing to ruin for my sake. I groan, my muscular thighs tensing under her as I feel more precum spill into her. I didn't even notice that I was drooling, saliva rolling from the corner of my lips as I tried to remember how to speak. Her hips start to slow, the slapping sound of her ass becoming less frequent and making my eyes refocus as my hands shakily lift from the sheets to grip her hips to keep her moving. "N-no Liebling…" I panted, "Don't stop, please~" "I was just checkin' on you, Kö." "I am…" I swallow thickly, clearing my throat, "I am fine, ja, I'm fine." "You had me worried, I was callin' you." "O-oh, sorry Schatz. I… I just, uh--" She cups my cheek and wipes drool from my lip with the pad of her thumb, the gesture making my cock twitch inside her. "Shh. Tell me whatchu want." "J-just need to ground myself, that's all… M-my mind is…"
Without an answer from me, I feel (Y/n)'s right hand leave my shoulder to take my hand and guide it to her boob, allowing me to gently pinch her nipples. "Mmm, there ya go. You was starin' mad hard." "S-sorry, I'm just…" I gulp thickly, "It feels so good, Schatz. Don't know what to do." She laughs, "Don't be sorry, you can grab and touch all you want. Just lay there and lemme do the work, okay big guy?"
I shivered at the nickname— she rarely used it, but when she did, I couldn't help but soften my voice. As if she's decided my fate, (Y/n) presses her hands to my haired chest, feeling my quick heartbeat as she pushes me flat to the bed. I look up at her, gripping the sheets as she lifts and drops her ass for every thrust. I could do nothing but weakly thrust up into her, not even caring that I was out of sync. I felt like I was losing my mind. "A-ah, fuck~" She moans, "That's it, baby, lift 'em like that." "Fuck… M-Mein Gott, don't stop… d-don't." "You're doing so good, so fucking good." "Ja, mein Gott, ja~ Keep… fuck, keep going, Liebling. Please."
A mischievous smirk suddenly spread across her glossed lips as she moans. "Mmph, w-who knew you'd be a whimperer?" "Sh-shut up~" "Nah, it's cute really~" She begins lifting her hips faster, making my cock leak some more, "Big man under someone half his weight and just whining." "F-fuck, Süße(sweetness)... ngh, bitte." "Mm, you sound delicious, baby. Keep going, keep your hands on me, make me ride it." Her teasing finally made me lose control, and without hesitation, I gripped (Y/n)'s hips tightly and sat back up, quickly pumping her up and down my shaft, making us both gasp as she came. She arched backward, balancing herself back on her palms as I continued to effortlessly raise and drop her body on my muscular thighs, loving the sound and feel of quick slapping as her pussy squeezed me so tight my eyes rolled back. I wasn't even worried about fucking her through her orgasm—I just couldn't stop, not when I was so fucking close.
My eyes were clenched shut, unable to make anything besides pants and whines come out as I slammed her down my shaft one last time to cum inside her, spraying every drop with soft whimpers before I fell back to the bed, panting under her. She leans forward and lays on my chest, chuckling breathlessly at me. "S-sorry… I meant to ask if--" "I…" She gulps to catch her breath, "I'm on the pill, baby, don't worry 'bout it. You did so good." "I m-mean, I couldn't think b-but Danke."
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mikaswannabe · 1 year
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— ❣︎✰︎☮︎ — "let's see how else you can use this overachieving mouth." — ☮︎✰︎❣︎ —
IN WHICH a class project brings two senior students together as an unlikely pair.
content includes: hotnerd!reader, studypartner!eren, athlete!eren, enemies-to-friends-to-lovers, possessiveness, slow burn but not too slow, small bit of angst, dom!eren, fingering, a lot of penetration, cunnilingus, slight breeding kink.
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"I've done a randomization on who will work with who on this project, so that conflicts will be less likely."
When your film teacher gave that disclaimer, your eyes instantly widened. You don't talk to anybody in this period anymore, and she was likely enforcing this because of you.
With the last project, you allowed a girl who you got along with in this class to work with you, but you found out that she was an inconsiderate freeloader, so yes you gave her a piece of your mind! Maybe you blew it out of proportion, but you couldn't see any wrong in it.
But now this was the outcome, and you were wishing you were calmer about it now. Your teacher went over to her laptop, and on the board, she showed the pairings.
Some people hit a 777, but meanwhile, you were thinking that this lottery was a scam, because how the hell did you get Eren Jaeger?!
You're a girl at the top of your class, most of your grades being in the triple digits and you had already accepted a full-ride scholarship to an prestigious college three hours out of the city. It's your senior year, and this was just one of your electives, but you liked this class, and you like to give everything your all.
So how could the stars have possibly aligned you with Eren? This pretty-boy athlete. You've had a few other classes with him in these 4 years, but never a conversation. You just recognized that his handsome face only pops up in these classes every once in a blue moon.
He was sitting on the opposite side of the room from you. Your head was leaning on your hand, and you glanced over to him from across the classroom. He always sat with his legs spread. Slutty and Obnoxious. He was sitting up straight in his chair with his arms crossed, and then you saw those dark hues of green in his eyes go to you. That's when you looked away, looking down at your phone as if something super interesting was going on in it.
People started to move around to go sit with their partners, so he took the liberty to come up to you. Huge feet made their way under your vision, so that's when you looked up from your phone. Looking through your rectangle frames, you saw his stoic face looking down at you, his hands in his pockets and his crotch uncomfortably near your face.
That deep voice is what you're gonna have to tolerate until the due date next week. But not if you could help it.
"Excuse me." You stood up and moved past him. You went over to Miss Sullivan's desk, and she slowly turned her head to acknowledge you after you said her name. She knew that it was always most likely to be bullshit coming out of your overachieving mouth.
"Is it alright if I work alone?"
She glanced over to your desk, where Eren had pulled a chair up and sat on the side of it. Then, those judgy eyes moved back over to you. "Go sit down, Miss Johnson."
Your mouth fell open in offense, but you wiped your arrogant expression off. "Can I go use the bathroom, though?"
She picked up a pre-written pass and handed it to you between two fingers. You really did have to pee, and you also just needed a minute to cope.
When you got back, you guys — particularly you — spent the rest of that period organizing what to do with the project. He recognized that you just kept talking, and talking, and talking. He felt like his head was spinning.
"How do you even know so much stuff?"
The fact that he practically cut you off irritated you. "Hm?"
"Like, how could you pay attention to the movie this much? I fell asleep on it."
It was a crime-based movie. It kept you probed. You weren't surprised that he fell asleep though. "It was interesting."
You were a very pretty girl, makeup always on point and displaying personality, even though you had a mysterious aura surrounding you since you didn't talk to too many people here. You had a nose stud and a septum, and the blue evil eye charm layered over your other necklaces stood out. Your locs were platinum blond at the top and went to being hot pink at the bottom, and your bold hairstyles always struck you a compliment that you would smile and give a soft thanks to.
All of this, and no one would think you were such a nerd. Even with your cute glasses.
"Hm. Well, at least I'll see you in homeroom. Can we rewatch it in there?"
Eren Jaeger. Y/N Johnson. It's been four years that you've had to be in a homeroom with him because of how your last names are matched up. But still, to his response, all you could think of was Who is we? "Um..."
You had tightened your lips, but he needed them open so he could get an answer. "What's wrong?"
You scratched the back of your head, "You can't just research it on your own time?"
"You know so much about it though. It would be really helpful."
Was he trying to butter you up? You were really just trying to get this 100. "Uh-"
"Oh, bell rings in 5 minutes." He closed his Chromebook that he had barely been doing work on and put it in his bag. "I'll see you later."
He picked up his bag and walked back over to his seat, just as everyone else who had rearranged did under Miss Sullivan instructions.
You spent the next period dreading what was gonna be after it. Your homeroom took place in the theater. The drama teacher was your homeroom teacher, so after he would call roll, everyone would go to doing their own thing.
You took your usual seat at the end of a row, about 10 rows away from the stage with your bookbag in the seat next to you. Everyone else was usually spaced out, and there were small clusters of groups getting along in their own areas.
For example, the white boys would always banter on the stage, either playing with the props, doing something else foolish, or just laying there talking or on their phones.
Eren was always a part of this group, but after the roll was called today, he easily hopped off of the stage with those long legs of his and moseyed his way on over to you.
Instead of just saying excuse me like a regular human being, he walked over the seat in the row in front of your bookbag's seat, forcing you to look up from your phone at this bizarre act. When he completed that step, he moved your bookbag onto the floor and sat down.
You didn't say anything, just staring at him. He took the liberty to start again. "So, I left my Chromebook up there. Hope yours is charged."
You gave him a few slow blinks, and then you reached past his knee to unzip your bag and take the laptop out. Of course it was charged. You started typing into your browser, but he was confused. "What streaming service are we gonna watch it on?"
This was the third sentence he's said, and this one was gonna be the first to incite a response out of you...
Or was it? Why the fuck were you taking so long to open that overachieving mouth and give him an answer?
"I was just gonna try Soap2Day." Your voice was small and shy, even though he had a feeling you were far from shy. He just wanted to get it out of you, though.
"What's that?"
He saw the website you stated as you pulled it up on the computer, and you began typing in the name of the movie that was the subject of the presentation.
"Ohhh, you bootleg shit. Cool. I'm gonna use this."
When you pulled up the movie tab, there was porn on the side of the screen, and he held in a laugh as you rushed to put the videoplayer in full-screen.
Five minutes into the movie, he was engrossed, but you couldn't tell with how he made the move to put his arm around your shoulder. Even though you were shutting that shit down real quick, he savored the feeling of your soft hand on his when you grabbed him and gently put his arm back where it belonged.
"No?" He asked to confirm his rejection.
"No." You repeated.
He was actually interested in the movie, and he kept pausing it and asking you questions. "So you're telling me she pushed her friend off the bridge? Why?"
If he watched the first time, he would know why. But his entertainment was amusing. "Just keep watching."
About 30 minutes into watching, Eren was completely focused. Then, a certain buzzcut boy made his way down the walkway to you two. "Yo, Jaeger!"
Connie Springer. Don't know why the fuck he was in here, but he was here. You weren't complaining, though. His attractiveness was something you couldn't deny. Sexy ass Columbian basketball player with undeniable charm and a pretty ass smile. You had your head rested on your hand, watching him in adoration as Eren paused the movie to dap his homeboy up.
"What's up, Con. You skipping again?"
"I don't know what you're talking about. I was never even here, bro. What y'all over here doing, though?"
"We got paired together for a project in film, so I forced her to stay with me to watch the movie again."
Connie laughed. "Working with him hasn't killed you yet, huh Y/N?"
It's been four years that you've been around this man and you haven't had any significant interaction with him. So you grinned when you heard that he knew your name. "It's probably coming soon."
Eren gave a nasty sneer. He's been bending over backwards all day to try to get along with you, but how come you showed that pretty smile to Connie before you could show it to him?
"Whatever. Connie you don't have anywhere else you could be that doesn't involve bullying me?"
Connie's face showed shock to Eren's audacity, "I'm a bully? Tuh. Actually, my next stop is the snack lady, and I'ma go bully my way into a free honeybun."
He dapped Eren up one more time, "See you at practice." Directing a smile to you, he waved and began to walk away.
You thought it would be best to go straight back to the movie, and that's why you directed your hand towards the space bar, but Eren had something to offer. "You wanna go to the snack lady with me? I'm hungry."
"I have food." You moved your laptop off of your lap and onto his. Partially leaning over his knee again, you pulled a purple bag of sweet and salty flavored popcorn out of your bag.
Crazy. You had other things in your bag besides books. He put his hand out, but you just gave him a side eye and looked back at the computer, pressing play before putting a handful in your mouth.
He was looking at you in disbelief, and it was 30 seconds of his glare poking through the side of your head, but you continued to stoically watch the movie. That was until he smashed the space bar. You slowly turned your head to have your eyes on him.
"Why do you hate me? Seriously, have I done something to you that I don't remember, or what?"
Now you kind of felt bad. "You just seem like bad news."
"How? You don't even know me like that. And you're not even trying to get to know anything good about me. Meanwhile, I'm ready to tear my head off from tolerating your stingy ass all morning."
Your mouth fell open in offense. "If you wanna tear your head off, do it. I wanna do it since I'm paired with you. You just don't seem like the type to commit to an assignment the way that I do."
"Once again: You don't know me. And I gotta admit, you're probably right. I'm not as much of a nerd as you."
You showed offense to the term he used as if he wasn't accurate. "What? I don't mean it offensively. You're like, really smart. I just have a lot of other things to focus on. Sports are more fun than fuckass assignments to me, but I do try to get it done."
"Football season's been over." You stated. With this fact, sports couldn't have had him too busy.
But he was ready to disprove you. "I do baseball and track, too. Since you know every fucking thing."
Your mouth fell open. Maybe you did overstep. "Sorry then... What do you do in track?"
You didn't know anything about baseball, but track & field was interesting to watch. "Long jump, pole vault, long distance, and sprints."
He saw your eyes round with intrigue. "Are you any good?"
You saw the corner of his mouth pull up in a curve. "Come to my track meet tomorrow and find out."
Your glossy lips poked out in decision. "Hmm."
"Come on. After, I can take you back to my house and we can work on the project."
That's where you were out. "Umm, I don't even know you like that."
"Yeah, and that's the problem."
"My mom don't even know your mom or nothing."
"You're 18, right?" You nodded to his question. "And you still have to ask your mom to go places after school?"
He's made your mouth fall open so much in offense that you're surprised a bug hasn't flown in it. You picked up your phone and started typing.
you mama this boy asked me to hangout with him after school tomorrow.
mama dearest Thank God. 🙏
you ???
i don't even know him like that though.
mama dearest If you could tolerate talking to him long enough where he got to the point of asking you out, then get to know him like that.
you omg????
say no!!!!
mama dearest I'll say no to you asking me to say no. 🤷‍♀️
you mama?!!!
what if i'm out having sex doing drugs robbing cars?
mama dearest You a punk!!!
mama dearest Live outside of academics for a minute please.
In fact, if you come home before sundown today I'm taking your keys away.
you i rode the bus today anyway!!! look in the driveway she broke down again hater 😪
Eren was looking all in your phone, laughing mad hard. "Our mom's funny as fuck, huh?"
You hit his obnoxious ass on his shoulder. "Shut up."
"So, where you wanna meet up after school?"
"Who said I was agreeing?"
"Don't go sit in a library until sundown like the nerd you are."
You pouted, "I was gonna go to Chick-Fil-A, actually."
"If you don't wanna tell me where you'll be at, that's fine. I'm gonna track you down though."
"You scaring me. This why I didn't wanna be around you."
His grinning teeth showed as he looked at you, "Not my fault you're doing this the hard way."
You rolled your eyes, "Meet me at 500 hall's exit 10 minutes after the bell, then."
"The one that goes out towards the bus ramp?"
"Okay. You should give me your number, in case things get mixed up."
Your eyelashes went up, then down, and every time they did that, he would still be looking at you as serious as ever. Instead of letting those sassy lips say something that would piss him off, he just snatched your phone and swiped to the right of your lockscreen. You tried to reach for your phone back, but he was snapping pictures of him and you, even if it was chaotic as he posed and you hid your face and struggled.
"Boom. Now you got a nice selection for a contact picture. You gotta get my number first though."
"Not happening."
He nodded his head as if he was accepting defeat, but then he directed your phone towards your face with reflexes of a cheetah. "Too bad you're not smart enough to close your eyes." Now your phone was unlocked and you were practically at his mercy.
"What is wrong with you? Why are you going through my phone? What if you find something you don't wanna see?"
Your phone was Hello Kitty themed, and he had to make his way through the pink ocean to get to the phone app. "I'm just trying to put my number in your phone. I feel like in here I'll only find the cure to cancer, or a text from your boyfriend or something."
"Who told you I had a boyfriend?"
He shrugged, "I was just assuming. Smart, pretty, sassy as fuck. Somebody must be crawling after you."
He called you pretty? "...No, I don't fool with nobody like that."
Either you were bullshitting, or you saw him smirk a little as he heard that. He typed his contact name in as "bestieboo eren" with a plethora of hearts and outrageous emojis behind it.
"Eren, please."
"Don't change it, either."
Who did this white man think he was telling you what to do like this? "Or what?"
"Or I'll show you how it is when I'm really scaring someone." He handed your phone back to you, his green eyes staring into you with a layer of cockiness over his face. You took it while your gaze swirled into his. "Got it?"
This was the first time he got a smirk out of you, and your eyes narrowed as you answered him with, "Okay then."
You picked your laptop back up and woke it up from its nap of inactivity, and then you two resumed the movie. He laid his head on your shoulder like he was slick. You pushed his head away, but he laughed and kept his head near. "Come on, let me lay down. The computer's on your lap. It makes everything easier for me."
You just rolled your eyes and complied, and he laid down as he continued to watch, even eating some of the popcorn that you had a change of heart over.
During your last period, he texted you.
bestieboo eren 💕💕🫦🫦🫶🏾🫶🏾😚😚 hi best friend
you please
bestieboo eren 💕💕🫦🫦🫶🏾🫶🏾😚😚 already begging for me i knew it was real
you what the hell do you need?
bestieboo eren 💕💕🫦🫦🫶🏾🫶🏾😚😚 sorry to interrupt you during ur very important class
but i just remembered
i have practice after school
so i can't meet up w you immediately
you thank goodness. 🙏🏾
bestieboo eren 💕💕🫦🫦🫶🏾🫶🏾😚😚 tf you think this is
you're not getting away from me that easily bestie
you 😧
bestieboo eren 💕💕🫦🫦🫶🏾🫶🏾😚😚 u could send me ur addy and i'll pick u up after i'm out
you absolutely not.
bestieboo eren 💕💕🫦🫦🫶🏾🫶🏾😚😚 or u could wait for me here until i get out of practice
you BAHHAA ur hilarious.😭
bestieboo eren 💕💕🫦🫦🫶🏾🫶🏾😚😚 i don't want u riding that dingy ass bus tho
just wait for me stink
you i am not tems no waiting will be done.
how about we dead this me going over to your house idea.
bestieboo eren 💕💕🫦🫦🫶🏾🫶🏾😚😚 here u go again being negative
now i gotta go back to square one
you ?
bestieboo eren 💕💕🫦🫦🫶🏾🫶🏾😚😚 tracking u tf down
you sir???
scary ass individual.
bestieboo eren 💕💕🫦🫦🫶🏾🫶🏾😚😚 yeah ik where you are right now be prepared to see me
you be prepared to NOT see me tf. bye.
bestieboo eren 💕💕🫦🫦🫶🏾🫶🏾😚😚 no byes see u in 15 minutes
You were the first one to walk out your classroom door, so that means that everyone else behind you saw when you got snatched by your arm from the side of the door. Eren was your abductor. He was really serious about it, and now he had his hand on your lower back and a grip around your wrist as he led you away.
"Eren, let me go!" You didn't like causing a scene, but the halls were already crowded and loud with people as soon as the bell rang.
He didn't give you a response, but you could feel the amusement radiating off him. He dragged you to a hall that led to the office. People were still walking through it, but it was much clearer than the hall you two came from.
"What is wrong with you?!" You reprimanded as you snatched yourself away from his grasp.
"Hey. How's your day been without me?" With a smile on his face, he was acting so casual as if he didn't just manhandle you.
"Bye. My bus is first wave."
When you tried to walk away, he snatched your bookbag and easily pulled you back to him. "Let me get this off of you."
You must've softened up, because you allowed him to take your bag off of your shoulders. "How did you know where I was?"
"Your friend Ashyra was in my class. I don't know how she feels about me taking her best friend position, but she'll be okay."
You were instantly ready to beat your actual best friend's ass seeing as she reported your location to this opp. "Eren, I don't wanna stay after school. Why would I wanna be here any longer than I already am?"
"To stay with your best friend, duh."
Not a smile grazed your face as you tilted your head to the side. He tilted his back with sass to match your energy. No matter how bad you thought you could intimidate him, he was gonna double back.
"Whatever. I'll walk to the café across the street, since you want me here so bad."
"And do. If you wanna get something, I'll Venmo you."
"No, you don't have to do that."
"Well I don't have cash on me right now, so that's the only way this'll work."
"Well I kind of didn't ask for money anyway."
"Nevermind on Venmo, accept the Apple Pay I just sent you."
"White boy, stop treating me like a charity case."
"What? I'm not. You're changing your schedule and staying after school just because of me. This is the least I could do. It's just $15. Text me when you get over there, or I'ma blow up your phone, alright?"
You didn't respond, but you had a smirk on as you grabbed your bag back from him turned around. He grabbed your hand and spun you back, "You deaf? Text me when you get over there."
"Eren, okaaay. I will."
"Okay, can I get a hug?"
You laughed, "See you in an hour."
"Come on, I'm gonna get a hug out of you today. Would you rather it be now, or after practice when I'm all sweaty and gross?"
"Isn't an option. Come here, mama."
He knew that when you rolled your eyes, he got you. Usually you would roll your eyes or give him a smirk, one or the other, separate not together. This time he got both as he pulled you in, swinging you side to side as your arms wrapped around his firm and fit torso.
"Okay, I'll see you later, Eren."
"Yeah, see you later."
One thing you learned about Eren today is that he was gonna stand behind his words. He really did blow up your phone 15 minutes later! It took a five minute phone call for you to get him to shut up, and at 4:45, he called you again and told you he was driving over.
He found you sitting in a booth at the McDonald's. Your laptop was open in front of you but you were on your phone.
"You texting somebody that's not me?"
"Or me?"
Two separate voices that both know how to grind your gears. You looked up to see Eren sliding into the booth with your best friend Ashyra sliding in on the other side of him. "Not both of y'all here to torcher me."
"You finally met my favorite white boy! Didn't I tell you he cool people?"
"Yeah, but I been knew you was a liar, too, Shy."
Her mouth fell open, and then an order came out. "Eren, kick her."
You shrieked as you tried to avoid his gruesome, manly feet, but he got your ass. "Ow! I hate that y'all know each other. Y'all are gonna make my life hell."
"You know it. Did you get anything?"
Fed up with you, he rolled his eyes with a "Stand up."
Ashyra got up and allowed him to get up too, but you were still sitting there. "What?"
"What do you want? A cookie? Fries?"
"She has a sweet tooth. Can you get me a caramel frappe?"
"Shy." You called reprimandingly.
"What? He's offering, I'm taking. You smart, but that's something else you can learn."
Eren leaned down, his hand placed on the table. You didn't expect it, and that's why you were looking so directly at him when his face got closer to yours. "What do you want me to get you?"
His voice was so much calmer than it's been before, but it was still commanding. "Can you get me a cookie... and a McFlurry."
"Okay. You wanna stand in line with us?"
"No, I'ma stay right here and pack my bag."
His face lifted from yours, and you allowed yourself to breathe again. "Okay."
For him to have been fresh out of practice, he didn't smell bad. It was a natural musk. Did he hit the showers before he came over here? You would hope so. You're gonna be in a whole car ride with him.
You were thinking all of this through as you put your laptop and binder in your bag, but then, you recognized. You were thinking. About a different person. A boy, at that. You tried to just abort from that, but your homegirl came over ready to put it back in your mind.
"So, you gon' fuck him?"
Chin propped up on her hands, her nosey ass had a cheesy grin on as she looked at you.
"Girl, no. What is wrong with you?"
"What's wrong with you? You playin' hard to get with that fine ass boy. He cheesin' you up, paying for your stuff. Be nicer to him, please."
"I'm really just tryna get a good grade."
"Fuck a good grade. Get a D, for once."
Your mouth fell open, and you kicked her from under the table. Then, Eren came over, holding the frappe and an ice cream cone both in one hand, with four bags with individual cookies in the other hand. He put the cookies down in front of you, grabbing one bag and passing it to 'Shy, and keeping one for himself.
"Thank you."
"No problem."
"Oop, my brother outside. I gotta go before he start honking." Shy said as she picked up her bags.
"Okay, I'll go say hi to him." When you got up, you tried to pick up your own bag, but Eren did that instead. You and Eren waved to Ashyra's brother as she got in his car that had music blasting out of it, and then he walked you to his dark grey Silverado.
In the car ride, you and Eren didn't talk much. His music just played, and if you knew a song, you would tap your foot and keep looking out the window as he hummed. He would speak, and you would respond, but you didn't initiate any of the conversations.
In a gated community is when you knew that the ride was coming closer to an end. Every house looked similar to the one next to it, and they all looked spacious and nice. Just like his. He pulled into one of the spots of his three car garage, and then he got out and opened the door for you. Even with holding his sports bag and his own bookbag, he still put in the effort to hold yours.
"Where's your parents?" You questioned, looking around the nicely decorated suburban home when you got inside. He took his shoes off by the door, and you followed.
"Dad's at work."
He was about to walk up the stairs, but you stayed right where you stood, "W-Wait. We're going to your bedroom?"
He sighed, and then he descended from the two stairs he walked up and went over to the dining room. He flicked the light switch up, but nothing changed in the scenery. "Last light bulb went out last night. He's going to get a new box after he gets off."
"Oh, what about your couch, though?"
"My room has a desk. I thought it would be in your nerd rulebook to have good posture when you work."
He saw you considering your dilemma as he walked closer to you. "You still scared of me, or what?"
His deep and husky voice intimidated you, but you wouldn't admit that. You didn't even wanna show it, so you straightened your posture and tried to show a brave face. "I'm not scared."
"Really? 'Cause you've been shaking like a leaf, tough girl."
He was towering over you, so he had a clear view of your two-toned lips falling apart in offense and your eyes narrowing. He laughed, "I'm kidding with you. We can work on the couch."
"No. We can go up to your room."
"Nah, better TV view. I gotta finish watching the movie, anyway." He put all the bags down behind the couch, and made way to the kitchen, "Get comfortable. You want snacks? I'm nicer than you, so I actually plan on sharing."
A scoff left your mouth, "Sure."
He was on one couch cushion, you were on the one next to him. A good amount of space was between you two, and he was still invested in this movie as he munched on some Sour Patch Kids.
Meanwhile, you were struggling to keep your head up and your eyes open. He gave you some chips, but the bag was tilting in your hands, going the same way that your head was going. Down.
It was when the chips started spilling that you jumped up, making even more chips fly out the bag. It made Eren jump too. "Shit, are you alright? You can't do stuff like that when we're watching a thriller."
You started picking the chips up, "Yeah, my bad."
"Oh, are you tired?" Eren paused the movie, and he put a hand out to stop you from picking up the chips, taking that task for his own. "Grab that pillow. Lay down if you're sleepy."
You shook your head, "No, I'm okay. Thank you, though."
He stopped moving, and you saw him looking at you with an unenthusiastic straight face. "Stop that."
"Stop what?"
"You know what I'm talking about." He said as he continued picking up the chips, "You wanna lay on me instead?"
You didn't respond, even though you wanted to say something. A hum, a one-word answer —anything would suffice. But you couldn't get anything out. He put the bag to the side of him when he finished cleaning up your mess, and then he put his arm around your shoulders. "Come on."
You were on auto-pilot, and you leaned into him, winding up with your head on his lap and his hand on your back, slowly rubbing it up and down. It was so soothing to hear his heartbeat as you dozed off, and when you woke back up, Eren was patting you on your back and calling your name softly.
"Yeah? Did you finish the movie?" Your hazy voice questioned as you sat up, moving your glasses to rub your eyes. You saw that the sun was barely lighting the sky anymore through the windows.
"I did. It pissed me off."
You grinned, "Yeah, it pissed me off too. But it was good though."
"Yeah, the ending was a really big plot twist." You and Eren continued to talk about the movie, until your mouth opened and nothing came out since the sound of the door opening paused you.
A matured man with round glasses, stubble, and his straight brown hair neatly running down his back came in. "What's up, Dad?" Eren called.
"Hey, Eren. How was your day?"
"It was nice."
Grisha walked through the foyer, and he saw you sitting next to his son when he entered the living room. You could see the shock on his face to the sight of an unexpected guest, but it subsided after a second. "You have a friend over?"
"Yeah, this is Y/N."
The smile you gave him was probably crooked with nerves, and you waved as you gave him a small, "Hi."
He gave you a tight-lipped smile as he waved back, "Nice to meet you."
He handed a drugstore bag with a box of lightbulbs in it to Eren. "Go ahead and put these in. I'll be upstairs if you need me."
"I know." Eren replied as he put the bulbs to the side of him.
"Wow, you weren't lying."
"You thought I was?"
"Mmm, maybe just a little."
He scoffed out a laugh, "Yeah. I totally just turned a breaker off for the dining room just to not have to sit there with you."
You shrugged, "Doesn't even sound too extreme. It's smart, if anything."
You saw his teeth as he laughed at you, "Thanks. I'll use that next time you come over. Force your scary ass to come up to my room."
He stood up off the couch, and he grabbed you by your hands and pulled you up too. "How am I scary?"
"W-wait! W-we're going up to your— your b-bedroom?" He mocked as he walked over to the dining room.
"I did not sound like that. And it's valid! My first time coming over here and you want me in your bedroom."
"Okay. When should I wait until? Third time? Fourth?"
"How about never?"
Another cocky chuckle came from him, "Second it is, then."
"You wish."
"You're right." He opened the box as you stood and watched him as he stood on a chair, focused as he unscrewed one light bulb and put the next in, the room slowly filling with light as he repeated the process four times.
He got down and dusted his hands off on his pants. "You wanna work on the project now?"
"Okay, we can."
You two sat on the couch, barely an inch of space between you two as you sat on your knees, him having his laptop on his lap. "Do you think this Google Slides template is nice? I like it."
You looked at the one he recommended. "It doesn't fit what we're talking about."
"Yeah, but it's cute."
"Yeah, but the movie is about fraud, scheming, and murder. How cute is that?"
He shrugged, "Depends on who you're asking."
You rolled your eyes, "Let me see." You typed 'crime' in on the website's search bar, and immediately saw a few that you liked. "See? Isn't this one more accurate?"
His face was scary unenthusiastic as you looked at him. "I see why that girl fell out with you after y'all did that project together."
You didn't see where this was coming from. "What? Why?"
"Don't take all the fun out of this with trying to control everything."
Your eyebrows sink down a little bit. "It was just constructive criticism."
"Mmm, okay."
You didn't say anything else after that. He kind of made you feel bad with that line, but maybe he was right. You didn't like that it gave you something to think about, though.
A few minutes passed before Eren's dad came downstairs. "Eren. When you take her home, can you go pick up some food I just ordered?"
"Sure. What did you order?"
"Bet. Y/N, you ready to go?"
You closed your own laptop, getting ready to put it in your bag. "Sure."
During the car ride, you were silent as he listened to his music. You knew the songs, but you didn't sing along with him. Not a hum or a tap of the foot.
"Come inside with me." He said when he pulled up to the restaurant.
"No, I'll stay out here."
He didn't respond, just tightening his lips as he turned off the engine and got out. Instead of walking into the restaurant, he walked over to your door, and you had to catch yourself as he opened it.
"I said come inside with me." He unbuckled your seatbelt and grabbed your hand, helping you down from the truck even though you seethed with frustration.
You let his hand go when you got down, but he grabbed you by your belt as you two crossed the parking lot. When a car was passing, he pulled you closer to him to make you stop.
"Stop handling me like I'm a ragdoll."
"So your silly ass can get hit? No. You'll be okay."
You had your arms crossed as you and Eren waited for the food. He walked closer to you, "What's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong."
He knew that was bullshit. "You still tired? Is that why you wanted to stay in the car so bad?"
You shook your head, "I'm fine."
"You know why I couldn't leave you in the car. If I went back and someone had taken you or something I would have to burn the whole city down."
You almost cracked a smile, but he saw you try to keep it back. "Are you mad at me because I pulled you in the parking lot?"
You didn't answer as you looked up at him. "How would you think I would feel if I watched that Dodge Ram squish you like a pancake?"
"Order for Jaeger?" The waitress called. Eren thanked her and took the bag. Then, he grabbed your jacket again.
"To answer my own question, it would not feel good. But if you keep giving me an attitude, I'll be the one to push you in front of the next truck."
In the car, he opened his plate up excitedly. He picked up a fork and picked up some orange chicken, holding it towards you. "Here. Taste this."
Another shake of your head, "I don't want any."
"It's so good. Blow it, because I know you don't want me to do it."
It hovered in front of you for another few seconds before you started blowing it. Before you could put it in your mouth, Eren redirected towards himself and ate it. The obnoxious hums and moans that he exuded as he chewed on the food pissed you off. You sucked your teeth and leaned against the door, looking out the window.
"Okay, okay. I was just playing with you. Here. I'll get a different fork and actually give you a piece."
"No, I don't want it. Drive me home."
"Oou, fiesty again. You're probably just hangry. Eat this."
He held the fork out to you again, and this time you grabbed the fork out of his hand and ate it yourself. "It's good, isn't it?"
"Mmhmm." You answered as you kept chewing. You two ate a little bit more, before he closed the container and started driving you to your house.
When he pulled into your driveway, he got out the car first and opened the door for you, picking up your bookbag. He closed the door behind you when you got out, leaving you standing in front of him. You tried to grab your bookbag back, but he wouldn't give it to you.
"Tell me. What's really the matter?"
"I told you, Eren. Nothing's wrong."
"I'm not buying that. What is it? Did I do something? Again?"
You didn't say anything, only tilting your head to the side.
"It's because I told you about yourself with that project, isn't it?"
You sighed, "I'm sorry. I'm just not good with group projects."
"Nah, from what I learned, you're good at just about everything. Everything but being nice to people."
Your lips poked out in a pout. "I'm trying my best, Eren."
"And I'm trying my best to get along with you too. So I'm sorry for hurting your feelings."
"It's fine. I could be less rude, I guess."
He chuckled, then handing you your bookbag. "I'm just asking you to try to get along with me more. If you do that, maybe you won't hate me when this is all over."
You took your bookbag with a grin, "Maybe I won't."
He walked you to your doorstep, and he gave you a nice hug before you walked inside. You were honestly cheesed up when you got through that door, but to see your birthgiver sitting right on the couch and looking at you made you freeze.
"Sit. I need to hear about this young colonizer."
When you got to film class the next day, you and Eren actually made a little bit of positive progress on the project, but you two did more talking than working. He spent most of the time making sure you would be at his track meet later that day.
And to the track meet you went. You walked in probably 3 events in, holding an icee that you bought from concessions in your hand as you walked over to your school's section.
You heard the aluminum stairs clanging with fast footsteps as you walked over, and you chuckled as you watched Ashyra speed down the steps towards you. "Y/N!"
She jumped on you in a hug, "Hey Shy. I told you I was coming."
"I didn't think you really meant it. Oh my gosh, the hermit really left her Hello Kitty room! I'm so proud!"
"Tch, girl." You began walking up the stairs, "When's your race?"
"I gotta go down there in like 5 minutes. I was 'bout ready to shit myself getting ready for this 200 but you popping out made me feel better."
You laughed, and as you walked up the steps, a handsome buzzcut boy called out your name and walked over to you from his row. "Hey pretty, what's up? I rarely see you come out and support."
He gave you a side hug, and it shocked you and flattered you altogether. "I come out sometimes to see Shy, but I usually leave after she's finished."
"You gonna stay the whole thing today?"
"Yeah, she will." A masculine voice that you've grown fond of called. You were looking for Eren as you walked up, but so many people came to see you before you could see him. So he came to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders in a hug. "You really came."
"I did. I didn't wanna find out what your annoying ass would do to me if I didn't." You told him as you hugged his torso in return.
He chuckled, "Come on. Sit with me."
He led you up the stairs, and you two were sitting in a row behind a bunch of a boys on the team. They would occasionally turn around and look at you both, and while Eren was talking to you, you couldn't even pay attention to him.
You beckoned him closer with your hand, and he brought his head closer to yours so you could whisper to him. "Why do your homeboys keep turning around and looking at us?"
"Why do you think they're looking at us?" He asked at a normal volume as he pulled away from you.
You shrugged, "I don't know. That's why I asked you."
He chuckled, "Probably just because I'm sitting with one of the prettiest girls in this school."
You tried to hide your incoming smirk by drinking from your icee. "What events do you have today?"
"Just long jump and pole vault today. 12'6 is the highest."
"Oh? Twelve feet is high."
"Yeah. You think I got it?"
You smirked, "You know I gotta see what you 'bout, first."
"Mmhmm, you'll see what I'm about."
"Why you not doing any running today?"
"I do not feel like doing any bullshit races. Pole vault is already not for the weak."
"Yeah, you got it, though."
He smiled, "Why you think so? You haven't even seen what I can do yet."
With him wearing his track uniform, his strong, muscular arms showed with the sleeveless shirt he wore. And these shorts were pretty tight. They gripped onto his strong thighs and something else that you liked to see.
You didn't even catch yourself looking him up and down. "No reason. Just predicting."
He clearly saw you checking him out, and it made him laugh. You were gonna ask him why he was laughing, but Ashyra came and gave you a hug, "Wish me luck! I'm about to go down to the field."
You turned around and gave her a full hug, wishing her the luck she asked for even though she didn't need it. Shy was the type of girl to tell the girls next to her at the line that she's nervous, and wish them luck. And then she hits a clean walkover into the blocks.
When that gun went off, Shy was gone. Just about everyone repping your school was stood at the front of the bleachers, leaning on the fence to cheer her on.
After they got past the curve, there was only one girl in front of her. The walk-down that Ashyra gave her probably made her feel wind as she flew by. The race felt like it went by so fast, because Shy made it past that finish line in what had to be a record.
When Shy came back up, she received daps and hugs from all over. Then she came up and sat by you as you sat alone. "Eren went to the field already?"
"Yeah, only like five minutes ago."
She looked through the field for him, and she pointed to him standing by a tent and stretching with some guy from a different school to the side of him who he was chatting with. "There he go right there. I bet I can tell you what his ass is saying right now."
"What?" You asked.
"Girl, he be going down there and telling the people he goes up against that he's new and it's his first year doing this. He is sick."
You laughed at that information, "Are you kidding? So he's good?"
"Bitch, he's great. He grunt like a bear when he run. That's how you know it's serious. Hold on, come close." She lowered her tone as she pointed towards a ginger boy who was sitting a few rows in front of you two. "You see him?"
"That's Floch, right? I can't stand his ass, and he kept turning around and looking at me and Eren."
"Girl, when Eren chooses not to do the 4-by-4, that leprechaun motherfucker right there is the reason we don't make the podium."
"Just taking up space." You were trying to make sure your laughs wouldn't be too loud, in case he would turn around and look at you again. But Ashyra didn't tone shit down, and he looked at y'all anyway.
That's when Shy cocked her neck at him. "Hello? Fuck are you looking at, Floch?"
He turned his ass back around, and you had to turn away as you laughed so hard that no sound came out of your throat until 20 seconds later.
When it got time for the pole vault, you, Shy, and many other people went up to the fence, leaning on it as you all watched Eren's event. When it was his turn, he did the 10' and the 10'6" like it wasn't there, only a few other guys struggling with that one. On his first 11'6", he knocked the pole down, and then he went clean over it on the next attempt.
Once it got higher you all could see that the first few guys who went for the 12' must've been having a bad day. Multiple knocked the pole down on their first attempt, then some doing better on the next attempts. One guy broke the bar and his pole in his attempts. The guy who went right before Eren was pretty good, barely grazing the pole when he went over it on the 12'.
When it got to the 12', Eren was doing high knee stretches before he picked up his pole. On the first attempt, he knocked the pole down, and when he was on the mat, you all could see him cursing as he stood back up.
"You got it, Eren!" A girl who was standing on the other side of you yelled. Others clapped and cheered him on too, but you stayed quiet and just clapped.
With his second attempt, everybody could just feel inside of them that it was gonna be better. Connie was standing to the side of the pole vault lane, watching up close as he and others waited for the men's 4-by-4, and he dapped him up and cheered him on.
As he ran with the pole, his form was absolutely beautiful, being completely upside-down when the pole was at it's straightest height, then not even touching the bar when he went over it.
Everyone watching this who was repping the school was clapping and cheering him on, and him and Connie dapped each other up again and again, so hard their hands were probably stinging when they finished.
"Do that shit again, Eren!" Shy shouted.
Now it was the 12'6". The last one and the highest one. You all saw Eren take a deep breath before he started running. His strides were clean and long, and he repeated the same thing that he did on his last attempt. Same lovely form, just going a necessary 9 inches higher.
Everyone was hype, clapping, and cheering after seeing Eren clear out his first attempt on the highest one like that. Your cheeks were hurting from how hard you were smiling as Shy shook you by your shoulders.
In the next 15 minutes, he was at long jump.  If you listened close enough, you could hear Eren's grunts as he ran. He made it look easy, going so damn far when he jumped that people who weren't even repping your school were paying attention as his feet landed only around a foot away from the end of the pit.
"EREN THAT'S A RECORD! THAT'S A FUCKING RECORD!" Eren instantly jumped up from the sand pit, hype as fuck and matching Connie's energy. Your school section was too gassed at Eren eating this meet the hell up.
"He gotta have a lil' nigga in him." Shy said.
"I'm saying!" You proclaimed. Connie was pushing limits staying and watching Eren's events so long like he wasn't the first leg in the 4-by-4 that was about to start very soon. He had to dash to the line and catch his breath with the time he had, but when the gun shot, he was out of those blocks like that gun was being shot straight at him.
"You better run like they coming to send you back to South America, Con!" Shy yelled, and that's exactly what he did. He got around the track before all the other guys, and the hand-off with Floch could've been better, but it wasn't terrible. Floch was in fourth when he got around the second curve, but he was able to walk one guy down by the next hand-off.
"Okay, leprechaun didn't do terrible." Ashyra commented. The guy who ran the third leg got your school back to second, by the fourth leg, this tall boy who you knew to be called Berthdolt was going stride for stride with a guy from another school.
"RUN LIKE A NIGGA FINNA SHOOT YOU IN YOUR FOOT, BERT!" The whole crowd was loud as everybody cheered for their school. You knew that Berthdolt was quiet, but when it came to sports, he would be locked the fuck in. And that's why with the last 100 meters, he absolutely dusted the guy who he was running against.
That 400 knocks motherfuckers out. After Berthdolt got past the line, he fell off to the side and laid down on the grass next to where Connie had been since he finished his lap. Your section stayed lit way after the race was over, and a bunch of the runners stayed sprawled out way after the race was over.
"Are those niggas ever gonna get up?" You questioned, seeing Eren squirt water into his teammates' mouths from the second bottle he's had to bring.
"Girl, you don't understand the pain."
When all those boys finally did get up and come back to the bleachers, they were receiving daps and congratulations from all over. You and Shy were sitting back down, and it took so long for Eren to get from the bottom of the steps to where you guys were.
"Good job, best!" Shy said as she dapped him up.
"Thank you, thank you."
"Good job, Eren." You'd been waiting for him to get up to you for so long. For some reason you wanted to say more, but that was the only thing that would make sense at the time.
While he was down there, he had put some sweatpants on. He looked calm and tired as he looked at you, and you were surprised as he pulled you up by your arm and embraced you in a big bear hug, balancing his weight out on you.
Your giggles warmed his heart, "Eren, you're too heavy for this!"
"Just let it happen." He said as he rocked you back and forth, feeling your arms wrap around his torso.
When he let you go, he reached into his sports bag and grabbed some money. "Shy, you want anything from concessions?"
"Can you get me a pickle?"
"Okay. Come on, Y/N."
He walked down the stairs with you, and Connie said, "He's taking our good luck charm away, y'all."
You chuckled in flattery as he said that, but Eren kept looking forward. "You know Connie's feeling you, right?" He told you as you both walked to concessions.
"Yeah I can tell. But I also know another guy who's feeling me too." You teased.
"Really? What's this one like?"
"Well, he's a little annoying. But I found out today that he's really good on the field."
Eren chuckled as you two stood in line, "What do you wanna get?"
"Umm, some nachos."
"Okay. Do you get yours with jalapeños on them?"
"No, not usually."
"Oh. Loser."
You hit him on his arm, "Stop it."
"I'm kidding. I'll get my own, since you don't know what life is about."
"Yeah. I wasn't gonna let your hungry ass share with me anyway."
He scoffed, "Why?"
"Because, after all the events you just did? That tray would be more yours than mine."
"Yeah, I showed you what I'm about. How you feel now?"
"I already told you you did a good job, Eren."
"That's not enough. Were you cheering for me?"
"Well, I was definitely clapping."
"I know you hear all the fangirls I have in those stands. How you gonna outdo them?"
"I'm not your fangirl, Eren."
He was very close to you, and you liked the way he looked at you from above. "What do you wanna be to me, then?"
You didn't say anything, and he saw your shock as your mouth fell open. The lady at the counter called out "Next!" It pulled you two out of your moment, and you two moved up in the line and Eren gave the woman your order.
"Okay. The nachos will be ready in a minute." You and Eren stood off to the side to wait, him holding Shy's pickle, and then a matured but fit man walked up and acknowledged him.
"Jaeger, right?"
You and him both shared some skepticism. "Who's asking?"
The man chuckled, "A guy who's glad he came to this meet today. Look, I'm a recruit from Harvard. The name's Dean Washington."
Eren's eyes widened and he firmly shook the man's hand. "Oh, yeah. I'm Eren Jaeger. Nice to meet you."
"I can't believe this. I mean, we've had our eyes on you since your sophomore year. A tri-athlete that gets better every time he hits any field, and today you broke two of your school's records."
"Wait, I broke a pole vault record too?"
"Hell yeah! You're a force, and you'll definitely hear from Harvard soon. Here, take my card."
Eren took the business card that the recruit handed to him, and with a few more polite exchanges and another handshake, the man was on his way.
"Okay, big shot. Is that the first scholarship you've been offered?"
"Nah. The one's I've been considering have been the full-rides from LSU and Notre Dame."
Your eyes were the size of golf balls, "And those aren't the only ones?"
"No. The other ones haven't pulled me enough. LSU's been begging."
"Well that's a good pick for football."
"Yeah, you're right. But Harvard? This is crazy." He said, picking up his tray of nacho's from the concession counter.
"It gives you a lot to think about." You two began walking back to the seats.
"You're smart. Have you gotten any scholarship offers?"
"Well I've taken a lot of merit scholarships, but I did get a full ride that's gonna take me to a nice tech school."
"Umm, MIT." The only reason you sounded shaky when giving him this answer his because this school was in the same city as Harvard.
He smiled, as you expected him to. "Well that's gonna make me consider Harvard more. You still don't wanna be my fangirl?"
You stopped walking, and he turned around and stopped with you. You looked him in his eyes when you said, "You're the best, Eren."
He held his smile back while he poked his tongue through his cheek, staring at you for a while and looking you in your sultry, adoring eyes. His eyes traveled your body up and down, before he grabbed your free hand and said "Come on."
You two got back up to Shy, and you guys ate your snacks, bantered with each other and others who came over, and watched the remaining races. When it was time for awards to be given at the end of the track meet, Eren and Shy just told you to come down to the field with them.
"The highest score comes from the phenomenal Paradis High! Both of today's MVP's come from this team as well. Ashyra Ross for her performance in the 100 meters, 200 meters, and 4-by-1 races, and Eren Jaeger who broke two of his school's records in long jump and pole vaulting." A commentator announced over the speakers.
Everyone who was still here was clapping as Eren and Shy went up and got their medals, taking the picture that represented the school.
Your mom was the one who dropped you off today, and when you told him that, he took the liberty of commanding you to let him drive you home. "But before that, we're going out to eat."
"Oh, so we're not gonna go over to your house and work on the project anymore?"
"Hell no. We're gonna go to Chipotle and fuck up burritos. Shit, I could eat a quesadilla too."
The next day came, and Eren didn't seem too ecstatic at school for him to have been one of the most-valued D-1 athletes walking through this campus. He didn't seem necessarily sad, but he wasn't smiling as much or being as annoying during film. And he was actually working at some minutes, and then the next minute you would find him with his head in the clouds. You didn't say anything about it, but during homeroom, you called it out.
"Eren, are you good?"
He was on his phone but just staring at it before you said something, and your voice calling his name seemed to pull him out of his trance. "Y-Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"
"I don't know, you just seem like you're in your own world. You sure everything's alright?"
He hesitated, but then he answered with, "I'm fine, Y/N. Thanks for asking, though."
You weren't sure he was being complete with you, but you didn't wanna push it. "Okay."
Thursday came, and you didn't see him pop up in first period.
you wya?
mvp sorry i'm busy today
you wow
day before due date too?
mvp you can still come over to my house later tho if it's that serious
you fine then
Your mom pulled off once he let you inside the house. He was wearing a hoodie and some sweat shorts, and his hair was out of it's usual bun, those brown tresses of his grazing his shoulders.
"We're working in my room today."
"Why? The couch has been fine."
"I'm not working on shit if I'm not in my bed."
With proper study skills being considered, that didn't make sense to you, but you didn't wanna question him. His room wasn't bad. It was spacious, and there was a bunch of stylish art, memorable photos, & decor on his dark grey walls. But it was still the room of a teenage boy, so you couldn't help but recognize the unmade bed and the junk food wrappers & empty dishes that were around and on his bed.
"So, where were you today?" You asked him as you opened your laptop while sitting at his desk, him comfy under the blankets of his mattress with his laptop open on his lap.
"I told you. I was busy."
"That's not what I- Nevermind."
About half of a minute passed before he gave you a proper answer. "I was at a dinner."
"Wow. I was listening to Miss Sullivan run her mouth and you were dining away."
"Yeah, lucky me then." His voice was drained of any warmth, and you just decided that it would be best for you to not talk to him unless necessary today.
About 20 minutes passed before you two shared any words. Then, you broke the silence. "When are you gonna add pictures to your slides?"
Looking through the slides, they were good and accurate, proper spelling and capitalization too. That's something you could appreciate in a partner, but the issue with the pictures was the only one you had.
"I'm gonna do it soon."
"Well... Can you do it now? So we can be done."
He sighed, "You're doing it again."
"Doing what, Eren?"
"That control freak in you is coming out." He answered, still nonchalantly scrolling through his phone.
"Well if being a control freak might get you to act like you care then I'll be that."
"It's just like five pictures."
"Exactly. It's just like five pictures. Quick and easy."
"Exactly. That's why you can wait."
"Do you want me to do it for you? Because I'm fine with that since you seem to be in such a bad mood."
"I'll do the goddamn work. Fuck. Just be quiet."
You turned around completely in the chair, "Who the fuck are you talking to? You invited me over here."
"Yeah. We can both probably see why I'm regretting that today."
Your laptop was loud when you slammed it shut, not wasting any time to put it in your bookbag. "Right. So I'll be downstairs waiting for my ride, since you wanna talk to me like you weren't raised right."
"Fuck did you just say to me?" Eren closed his laptop too, moving his comforter and getting out of his bed.
"You wanna talk to me like that, talk to your fucking mama like that, hoe." You would tell that line to any person who got out of line with you, but this seemed to push a button of his.
It took only a few long strides for him to beat you to the door. You had swung your bag over your shoulder, and as you were opening his bedroom door to leave, he was slamming it shut with one hand as he looked down on you.
"My mom's fucking dead, Y/N."
His voice was deep and husky, but it also shook when he said that. Your hard exterior instantly softened, "Eren..."
He took a shuddering breath, and then he turned around and slowly began walking back to his bed. "Why do you think I wasn't there today? I was at a damn memorial dinner."
You put your bag back down, "I'm sorry."
"Thanks." He sat down on his bed, legs spread and arms hung to the sides of them, "You can go now."
You approached him slowly with ease. Sitting down by him on his comfortable mattress, the touch of your hand on him lightened his temper. You ran your hand through his hair, showing his face to you more.
"You're sad. Why would you make time for me if you're feeling like this today?"
"I've been sad for a while. Nothing new."
Your hand traveled down to the back of his neck, rubbing his nape soothingly. "What's wrong today, then?"
He took a second, and then he ran his own hand through his hair before he answered you. "Today makes seven years. It's just different."
"I'm sorry, again."
"No reason to be. You're not Lupus."
"I was giving you a hard time. That's why I'm sorry."
You just wanted to be there for him, especially after being so rude earlier. He turned to look at you, and his eyes were glossy and flooded, and that made your eyes fill up with tears too.
Sad boy or not, he was still strong as hell. So when he wrapped his arm around your torso and pulled you in for a hug, your whole body shifted over to him, and you straddled his lap to be comfortable.
"It's okay. It's your thing to give me a hard time."
You kept running your nails through his hair, and he adored the feeling. He stayed with his face buried in your chest, loving the feeling, loving the smell, loving the care, loving the comfort.
He lifted his face up, his chin nuzzled in your chest as he looked up at you. "I did really good at the track meet the other day."
You saw the damp tracks of his salty tears spread under his eyes. You placed both hands on the sides of his face, "You did."
"Guess who else reached out."
You tilted your head, softly asking, "Who?"
"Oh. Another D-1?"
A meek close-lipped grin showed as he nodded. You used each thumb to wipe his tears. "I told you you're the best."
He gave you a real grin this time, then laying the side of his face on your chest. "She can't see it, though."
You began rubbing his head again. "You think she's not watching you?"
"I want her to be there watching me. I wish she could— I just—"
You quietly shushed him, holding him close. "She would be proud of you, baby."
He looked up at you. "You think so?"
"I know so... If it helps, I'm proud of you."
His lips were slightly parted as he looked at you, and then he was only looking at your lips. The next thing he knew, his lips were on yours. Slow, soft. He didn't wanna stop. He couldn't be off of you.
He was so gentle, just as you were with him. Your body curved into his, and his hand trailed under your hoodie, slowly running his palm up the middle of your back and keeping you close to him while you subconsciously grinded down on him.
When he pulled his lips away, his hand was unbuckling your bra as you felt him growing under you. "Eren."
His lips were occupied kissing your neck, but he put in the effort to answer you. "What?"
"Are you sure this is what you need right now?"
"I'm sure that what I need right now is you."
He kissed your lips again, and a string of saliva connected between your lips and his when he pulled away. Picking you up so easy, he changed your positions, you being laid on your back as he hovered over you now. "Can I have you?"
"Are you gonna even take no for an answer?"
He smirked, and then he shook his head no.
"Then you already got me, baby."
Your hoodie was off. His hoodie was off. His shorts were getting pulled down. Your jeans were on the floor. The door was locked. His hair was tied up. Your glasses were on the nightstand.
All you saw was his chiseled abs, his defined V-line, and that huge print showing through his briefs, and all he saw was your pretty half-naked self laying on his sheets under him.
You lifted your arms up so he could take your bra off, and then your pretty tits jiggled as they laid out under him. He whispered a curse as he threw your bra to the side. He leaned down and kissed your neck, and you felt shivers trickle up your thighs as his fingers met the sensations in the middle.
"You came here wearing a matching set for me." He grazed his fingers past the pink lace that made the panties of this matching set.
"I didn't think this was gonna happen." Every word coming from your overachieving mouth would be soft and shy, shyer than he knew you to be. He liked that he made you get like this as your pussy twitched under his fingers.
"Mmm, you were ready for me though." He slid your panties to the side, and your back arched off the bed when he drove his fingers in you. You let out a shriek that would've been a moan if you didn't hold back.
It sounded like ocean sounds were playing as he filled you up with his two digits, pulling them out, then jutting them back in again and again. His lips were wrapped around your chocolate areola, his tongue swirling around it like the delectable desert that it was to him.
Your back was arching off the bed, and he just kept hitting a spot deep inside that would turn your moans into whines. He looked up into your eyes from where he lay, and you were looking down at his hand going in and out of you at a dangerous speed. He pulled his mouth away and hovered over your face, and he began guiding you through your high.
"Like that, baby?"
"Yeah, like that."
"You look so damn pretty. So pretty when you're cumming on my fucking fingers."
You wrapped an arm around his neck, holding onto him tight and your back hovering off the bed as he hit that spot again, and again, and one more time before—
"Fuck! Eren!" You flooded his fingers and his wrist, and your hips kept grinding onto his hand as you rode out your high.
"That's it, pretty girl. Keep cumming for me."
When he pulled his hand out, you fell down onto the mattress. Your legs instantly closed, just like your eyelids as you caught your breath with the back of your forehead. He kissed your jawline and rubbed his hand up and down your body, taking your panties off then bringing his kisses down low and reopening your legs, kissing on the warm wetness of your clit.
"Eren." You cooed, and you called his name again but more hastily when he slid a broad lick across your sensitive slit.
He changed positions but left you where you were, now propped up in between your legs and his hands reopening them. He pulled you by your thighs closer to him, leaning to the side to reach in his nightstand and pull out a condom.
Your fat pussy was pressed up against his thick, clothed bulge. He whipped it out, and your shock was evident when seeing his long dick out of the clothes. "Oh."
He laid it on you as he unwrapped the condom, and the tip went all the way to your belly button. "You okay?"
You sat up partially to get a better view of this monster that he was planning on putting inside of you. "Y-Yeah."
He breathed out a laugh at your nerves, sliding the rubber onto his hard length. "You think you got it?"
"Umm, we'll see."
He aligned his tip with your hole, slapping it on your clit a few times. You and him both watched as he began to slowly push inside of you, until you couldn't watch anymore. Your eyes filled with tears and you had to squeeze them shut as you cursed.
"Fuck, are you a virgin? You're tight as hell."
"No, you're just big!"
You could cry and whine all you wanted. Unless you said something, he was gonna do his best to fit his thick cock in your tight hole. He grabbed the ankle of one of your legs that were thrown over his shoulder, rubbing it and pecking it with kisses as he slid inside of you.
"Relax, mama. I need this pussy to stop squeezing me so tight."
You had your toes curled and one hand gripping his sheets, the other holding your breast like it was a stress ball. When he kept pushing inch after inch in, you let your head fall back on the sheets. You hadn't fucked in a while. It hurt, but it hurt so good.
"There you go, gorgeous. I know you can take me." It wasn't all of him. There was about an inch of his shaft that couldn't go in anymore, but his tip was pressed in as deep as it could go.
You let out the cutest, shuddering moan when he started thrusting slowly in and out of you. Everytime that he would go in, he could see the imprint of his dick poking through the pudge of your stomach.
You were leaving a creamy layer of your juices on the condom as he fucked your sweet hole, "All this 's for me, right baby?"
"Yesss. It's all yours."
He held your face in his hand, "Open those pretty eyes and look at me."
You did as he said, caressing his hand with yours and leaning into him. Looking into his green eyes so innocently, yet he knew you were far from that by the way you were taking him. You were so smart. Smart enough to recognize that when you moaned the way that you did, needily called his name the way you did, grinded your hips onto his cock the way you did, that you had him wrapped around your finger.
Your lips parted more as he jutted his hips in deep. A guttural moan from your throat came out as he hit your spot purposely rougher this time. You couldn't help it, especially with the way that he looked so sexy when he looked down at you like this. His thick brows were furrowed, hanging over desiring dark eyes that were hazy with lust. His skin was damp with sweat. His soft lips were hanging open, letting his groans out as your pussy milked him.
"Eren, come closer baby. I need to feel you." You were spiraling with passion, and he was entwining in pleasure from finally satisfying his craving that was you. He leaned down and kissed you, enjoying how sloppy and erotic it was.
"You wanna feel me even more than you already are?"
"I needed..."
Your hand was roaming, holding him close by rubbing at his nape. "Your skin..."
Then his shoulder, "I wanted it on me." then his arm, squeezing him tight with your nails digging into his arm.
"Shit." The low growl that came from him as you left your marks made your whole body shiver. You just repeated the coo of the word "Baby" over and over again, the speed of it mounting as he kept going.
"I know, ma. I know. I'm... Close... Too."
You came first, you releasing a high-pitched moan with your juices that wet him up as his thrusts got more sporadic, yet still giving all his force.
"Ah, fuck." You felt his breath on your face as he pushed out his last few movements of his hips. You both were breathing gently on each other, him holding your face in his hand while you ran your hands through his hair, giving each other wet, soft kisses on each other's lips.
When he lifted up, the condom was filled with a fat heap of his nut before he pulled it off, tying it up and taking a tired walk to the trash can to throw it away.
You were still laying down when he got back over, just propped up on your elbows as you watched him.
He stood in front of you, rubbing your legs. "Were you just looking at my ass?"
You were feeling extremely relaxed, and your laugh represented that. "I was looking at everything, baby."
Even the fresh scars you left on his shoulders and arms. The way his body flexed with every movement, a different muscle being highlighted with every step. His sexy mannerisms, like the way he walked, the way he ran his hands through his hair, or the way he would look back at you. Damn. He was so fine for you.
And he was looking at everything you did. Your eyes were on his, so they were watching as he trailed down your body, looking at your full breasts, the texture of your warm brown skin, and the way that your plump ass still was visible even while you were laid down like this.
"You're so damn sexy."
"Mmm." You lifted up, running your hands up his chiseled body until they got to his pecks, "Let me hear that again."
He chuckled, "You're a slut, too. How did I not know that?"
Craning down, he pecked your smirking lips. "Yeah, I wanna hear that again too."
He bagged not just a beautiful genius, but a perfectly lewd freak. He held you by the back of your neck to give you another sweet kiss.
"Do you think your dad heard us?"
"Hmm, if so, it's a hard day. I'm sure he'll understand."
You grinned as you looked up at him, and he did the same as he towered down on you. You both could tell what was going on behind each other's eyes.
"Do you have any more condoms?"
Laid on your side. He would slow it down then speed it up, harassing that pussy like it wronged his whole bloodline. One hand was under your bent knees, and the other hand traveled from your ass to your neck, gripping your throat and holding you steady when he filled you up with the length of his cock.
You were wise, but you learned more and more everyday. Something you observed from Eren is that he's a feen for a fat ass. That's why the third condom you two were on broke when he was hitting it from the back.
And something that he learned about you was that you craved the feeling of his touch and his warm skin on your own. So when he slowed his pace down with the next trial from the back, he pulled you by your neck closer to him, your back centimeters away from his chest in this steamy room as he caressed your breasts and kissed your shoulders.
And when you slutted him out while riding? He was trying to match your energy first, bucking his hips up while you were slamming yours down. The headboard was rocking into the wall so much that one time it might've been his dad knocking on the door to make sure you two were okay.
He couldn't hear that though, especially over your moans and his combining in harmony. His moans were dragging out of him, exhausted rambles leaving his mouth as he held you close, his face rubbing against your titties as you went up and down on him, leaving a creamy mess between you two.
The last nut from the night didn't need a condom. You were hovered over his face, but then he just pulled you down and put that tongue to work as he jerked himself off, receiving help from you when you could move your body accordingly to your mind, which was almost broken with the persistence of Eren eating you out.
He kept going on for what was probably a whole hour. You weren't sure. He just said that you weren't moving until he was done eating, but when he freed you from his hold, you laid your ass down.
You woke up in a haze in this dark room, a ringing sound filling your ears. Eren was laid on your ass like it was a cushion, and you could hear his soft snoring.
"Fuck, what time is it?"
You had to put your glasses on, and you saw that his digital clock read 1:37. Your phone was ringing, and it was your mom.
"Shit, shit, shit."
Eren was waking up, but his head plopped onto the mattress when you — his human pillow — hastily moved.
"Hey baby. You alright? I've been calling you, it's late."
"Y-Yeah. I'm sorry mama. I just fell asleep." Eren tapped back into consciousness when you turned his lamp on as you talked on the phone and hastily tried to collect your clothes at the same time.
"It's okay if you were doing unspeakable things, honey. As long as you were being responsible."
You sighed, "I love you, mom. Thank you for being chill."
"Yeah, I'm chill, but I'm still a worried mother. I'm parked outside of his house. Get down here, because I'm not letting you go to school in the same clothes two days in a row or a boy's. Bye."
She hung up the phone, so you put it down as you kept getting changed. He rubbed his eyes and sat up on the bed and watched you.
"That's my sock."
You cursed, almost having a white and a black sock on.
"The hoodie's inside out."
You sighed, pulling it off and reversing it.
He got up and put his briefs on, covering his dick up in time to catch your next mistake.
"Jeans on and no panties? Fuck, just stop moving. Calm down."
He helped you get your jeans back off, picking up your panties and allowing you to step into them. Then he helped you jump into your jeans, slapping your ass when you finished that task.
"Stop." You slapped his hand away from your butt.
"Uptight again like you weren't about to break my dick off like three, four hours ago. Okay."
"Quit it." You slid into your crocs and picked up your bag, "Okay, I'll finish the last few details of the slideshow. I'll see you tomorrow— I mean, today, okay?"
"Mmhmm." Despite this tired response that you expected to be the end of the interaction, he grabbed you by your hood and spun you back around, planting a warm kiss on your lips that almost paused all of your panic.
And when you pulled away, it almost came back, until he started talking. "I'll finish the slideshow right now, okay? Go home and lay down, you overachiever."
You breathed in through your nose, "Okay. Make it look pretty, alright?"
"I will, baby."
One more kiss, before you turned around and walked out of the door.
"See you later." He told you.
"Yeah, see you later, love."
You tried to get downstairs quietly, not sure if Mr. Grisha would be down there or not. When you thought you were in the clear, you were proved wrong.
"Have a nice night, Y/N." He was sitting in a living chair, and you couldn't tell how you didn't see him. He shot you a warm smile as he looked up from the book he was reading, and the one you gave him back was probably crooked.
"You too, Mr. J."
You cursed at yourself in your head as you turned away from him and rushed your way out.
In the morning, Eren did most of the presenting since you were the main worker. The presentation was actually fun. Eren kept comically teasing you, but you weren't opposed to it. It actually surprised the people in your class when seeing you smile.
When walking out of the class, Eren held your hand and spun you around for the direction he was walking in. "You told me you have Miss Russé next. She'll be okay if you're a few minutes late."
You grinned and chuckled, "Where you taking me?"
"Just somewhere where I can talk to you." He led you through the front exit passing by the office, just so you two could sit at the empty benches that are out there.
"Do you know how tempted I was to slap your ass when you were sitting back down?"
"Still severely horny, huh?"
Grabbing your jean pocket, he pulled you closer to him and wrapped his arm around your shoulder, "After last night? Of course I am."
He placed his hand on your jaw as he locked his lips with yours, him leading the kiss. When he pulled away, you had your hands on his chest, "Yeah, I actually wanted to talk about that."
His head tilted, eyes narrowing too, "Yeah?"
"Um, I think— I think it was us getting carried away."
The look on his face wasn't neutral, although others might think that if not knowing the context. But you saw his jaw clench as he swallowed, and his eyebrows slowly furrowing over his darkening green eyes.
"I was in between your legs like, what, nine  hours ago. And now you think it was a mistake?"
"No, no. Not a mistake. I just looked back on it and I was thinking, maybe sex wasn't what you needed at the time."
The way he was looking at you made you feel so small. "Did I not make you feel good? Be honest."
"No, that's not it. You made me feel great."
"I could tell. So what the fuck is the problem?"
"Eren, you heard me. You were very sad and then we just had sex like that fixed everything. That's what's not making me feel good."
He stood up, and at this point you felt like you were buried into the ground, your head being the only thing above the surface so you could look at him. "Why the fuck are you doing this to me?"
"Eren, I'm not doing this to you. I was just saying it! I still adore you."
"Really? I can't tell." He picked his bag up and walked away from you, but not into the building. He walked out into the parking lot, and you walked back in the building before you could see where he was off too.
You didn't cry. No. You just felt like you were crying inside though. This was weird. You haven't thought about boys like this in forever. Then all of a sudden, one charms you on a Monday, and by the end of the week he's rearranged your guts.
At homeroom, you didn't see him. There was a possibility he was just going in his car to cool off earlier, and then there was the possibility that he drove home. He did the latter, and you were kind of relieved. Him ignoring you while being in the same room as you would've made you want to bury yourself in a hole.
Then the day went on. You got home, and you still wanted to sink into the ground. Not because of the reason from earlier. It changed into something else. You were craving him. You didn't care how awkward it would be, or how mad he could get, or how much he would yell at you. You wanted your body on his. You wanted to be around him. You wanted to be laughing with him, cumming with him.
You were obsessed with little shame about it, and that's why he got multiple rings on his doorbell and knocks on his from door at 7 in the evening.
"Wow. You came to see your mistake."
You were wearing another one of your hoodies, and this time a patterned pair of flair pants. Your slides were plush. Probably not the best choice for the rain that was just starting. But you still looked cute to Eren, and that made him even more frustrated.
"I never said that." Your pleading voice was so cute, and he was trying to make sure his dick wouldn't get hard as he looked at your doe brown eyes looking at him.
"Tch, come inside before it starts pouring."
You walked inside, turning around to face him once he closed and locked the door behind him. He was wearing grey sweatpants and a black tank top. He had his hands in his pockets, and before looking at his face, you were looking at his toned muscles and the print showing through his pants.
You were looking at him, and he was looking at you. You saw his Adam's Apple bob as he took a deep breath and got ready to talk. "Well, you drove your raggedy ass car to come see me. What do you have to say?"
You were standing with your hands behind your back, and a courage-building inhale preluded your sentence. "I'm sorry. I do mean what I said, but the delivery could've been better. Especially since it made you think that I don't want you, and I do want you. A lot. I was just thinking about it, and I don't regret what we did at all, but what led to it is what I was thinking about.
"But we can't change what was done. And I don't wanna change what was done, at all. I would sound like a hypocrite if I let on that I did, because a lot of the things that I said last night wouldn't elude that. Like when I said you're the best, I meant that. I mean, you're the best I've had, considering I've only had one other perso— Can you accept my apology already?"
He was smiling at you so hard that his cheeks were hurting. "C'mere."
You took the embrace that he was offering, him rocking you side to side as he laughed. You wanted your hands wrapped around him like this as long as possible, along with the feeling of him rocking you back and forth.
"Who was this other guy you fucked?" He asked you in the hug.
You lifted your face from his chest and looked up at him. "You in my business right now?"
"Yeah. You owe me."
"Because, I didn't say I accepted your apology. After how you made me feel earlier, I deserve something generous from you."
"Really." His hands went down to your ass, and you loved the way he touched on you, rubbing and massaging it. "Answer the question. Who took your virginity?"
"It was my boyfriend from sophomore year."
"Oh, yeah. I used to see you walking around with him. He's a loser."
Your mouth fell open, "Eren, be nice. He wasn't bad."
"Mmhmm." His mouth went down to your ear, "This ass isn't for him though, yeah?"
"N-No. It isn't."
"Neither is that pretty pussy though, right?"
"Right, baby."
"Who does it belong to?"
You looked up into his eyes, your hands on his chest. "It belongs to you, Eren."
"That's right. You belong to me. Don't ever try to fucking leave me or pull the shit you pulled earlier again, alright?"
Your lashes batted, but you still looked at him with adoration. "Okay, baby. I won't."
"Good girl." Gripping your ass cheeks, he shook one in his hold before he told you, "Get on your knees."
You did what he said, and he held your locs in his hand as you looked up at him. "What about your dad, though?"
"He's a surgeon. Working overtime tonight. Now, go ahead and pull it out. Let's see how else you can use this overachieving mouth."
He was right. You tried to overachieve in everything that you did. Even sucking dick. When you pulled his already hard dick out of his pants, you kissed the tip, using his drops of pre-cum as an extra layer of lip gloss.
You jerked him off with both hands, using your saliva from the licks you placed up his shaft as lubricant. Your hand ran up his torso, and you only had your eyes on his dick as you kissed it and slapped it against your lips.
When you actually started taking it in your mouth is when he got more vocal. You would hum every time you would slowly bob your head back and forth, taking more and more of his length everytime, until his whole shaft was in your mouth and you had your hand placed on the back of his waist to keep it there.
You pulled away and caught your breath, looking up at his hazy teal orbs that were looking straight back down at you in awe. "How many times have you fucked?"
All you gave to that question was a smirk, caressing his dick in your palm and using your wet lips to kiss and suck his fat balls. You practically gargled them in your spitty mouth while you sped up the pace of pumping his thick dick in your hand.
"Fuuuuuck." His groan was low and raspy as he took your throat as his own personal belonging.
You took his length back into your mouth, and the more of a mess you made increased to how much he was turned on. He felt every time his inches would go past your plump lips into your warm mouth. Your tongue kept licking that big vein that ran down the middle of his cock.
"Shit, I accept your apology. It's okay, it's okay baby. Fuck."
Your eyes shut and you stopped moving after he said that, and you took a deep breath and wiped your mouth. "I didn't— I didn't cum yet."
"I know that. I was paying you back what I owed." You got off of your knees and walked past him, "You were being really mean, though. Now I feel like I'm owed something. Come on."
You scurried up the stairs, and he didn't even tuck his dick back in to follow you. You were ahead of him, but him skipping stairs when he walked helped close the distance.
"I owe you?" He asked when he met you in his bedroom.
"Yeah. You do." He didn't expect it, and that's why it was so easy for you to push him on his bed. He sat up on his elbows as he watched you pull your pants down.
"Hold on, I don't want you to take your panties off y—"
"Eren, you don't get a say right now, baby. I'm sorry to break it to you."
His eyebrow furrowed, him looking like he was in complete disbelief. "What?"
"You heard me." Your juicy pussy was nude and aligned with his wet and hard cock as you took off your hoodie, then your bra, unleashing your yummy breasts right in his face.
But he couldn't touch them, or even lift up and suck them, because after you helped him take his shirt off, you pinned his hands down to the bed with your own, even humming in sadistic satisfaction when you did it. You used one hand to put him inside of you, and you moaned so sexily that he could've came right there.
But he didn't, he tried to push through. Even when you started bouncing that ass up and down on him ruthlessly, clapping sounds filling the room.
"So good, baby. You feel so fucking good." Your pussy was waiting for him, missing him desperately after last night. You didn't waste a second when on top of him.
You watched as his face scrunched up while you were milking the soul out of him through his dick. He was looking to the side, repeating, "Oh my god." with his deep moans.
He should've known you were gonna double back. Two strong-willed people having sex with each other just seems to lead to it lasting all night. But riding him like this right after sucking him so good and not letting him cum was just cruel.
That's why it took less than two minutes for him to give you the warning, forcing out an, "I'm— cumming." You got off of him, and watched as his spurts of cum came out like a fountain. It got all over his chest and yours, mixing in with the hair from his happy trail and dripping down from your tits to your stomach.
Your hand was on the bottom of his shaft, and you were gently pumping him as he came, so you loved the feeling of his dick pulsating as he emptied his balls. Once he was finished, you dragged your hand up his shaft, and he watched as you licked the cum off your fingers.
"Shit, come here."
You laid down on your stomach next to him and kissed him. "You're such a fucking freak." He told you, intertwining his fingers with your soft locs.
"And you aren't?"
"I never said I wasn't. That's why I like fucking you so much."
After a few minutes of you two making out, a struggle for dominance ensued. He quickly won it though, with him gripping your ass helping him get on top of you.
To your surprise, his dick was still hard, and he laid it over your stomach. "You're crazy, y'know? Fucking me like that without a condom."
"It felt better that way. And, I'm on birth control anyway."
"Hmm, good. Because we ran out of condoms last night."
"So, you okay if I fill you up?" He slid inside as he asked you this, and that familiar imprint in your stomach came back. "Make you mine?"
"Y-Yeah. Fill me up baby."
Eren loved hickeys, but not during the school year. He's literally always involved with a sport, so unless it's a winter practice, they're gonna be seen on him. But thankfully, he loved giving them too. So he took the liberty to grab your legs and fold you in half, allowing himself to lean down and kiss you as he gave you those magnificent thrusts. Those kisses went lower, and his mouth stayed in spots on your neck as his groans easily traveled to your ears.
When he sat back up, his pace got brutal, and you felt every last thrust hit so deep inside of you. "It's deep, Eren. So fucking deep."
Your breathy whimpers turned him on so much. He was focused on trying to make your pussy remember his shape fondly down to every last vein, hoping that he could make every one of his eight inches get in there.
He had a goal, and that's why he was being so relentless. You put your hand on his chest, whining and whimpering, but he moved it away. When he moved his hand back, he decided to hold your hands and your legs in his holds together.
"Fuck! Baby, slow downnn."
He was gonna keep plowing into you, even faster now that you said something. "Take it. You got it, ma."
"Eren, Eren! Fuck!" Your eyes were rolling back, and he was glad to see that he could make your eyes roll back in another way than you having sass.
You started repeating a slur of yeses when you were cumming, and as your body shook with your orgasm, you left a milky puddle of your cream under you.
Now is when he slowed down, to ride out his own high. He kept holding you where you were as his eyes shut, groaning and moaning while he filled you up, as he said he would do.
When he pulled out, the creamy concoction that was left on him was falling out of you. "Come here, mama."
He picked you up, and you held onto him tight as he rubbed your back up and down. "You're mine, baby."
You were mindfucked and hazy, but you still responded with, "I'm yours."
"All fucking mine."
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dreamwritersworld · 11 months
On the run…
just a disclaimer that this has been the longest since I’ve posted and this isn’t a for sure series! I’ve been super busy lately and I took a break because writing felt more like a need then something I wanted to do, i’m kinda back now and I hope you enjoy it 💕
Neteyam and I grew up together, we were very close. I grew to love him and I believe he felt that way too…until we were told that we would be promised to each other…Neteyam didn’t liked the fact that he felt tied down without having a choice. He was perfect at everything but being a good promised mate to Y/n.
Y/n however was very good. She comforted Neteyam when he was stressed about his father and she’d give him calming oils and treatment to relax him..
There were nights where Neteyam was absent, one night Y/n decided to hug Neteyam even with him pushing her off…
“I can smell her. Her scent. Irya.”
“You’re crazy.”
“Stop it! I caught you. And you’re not going to talk your way out of this. How many Neteyam? How many are there? How many have there been?”
“What does it matter? Hmm? We still are promised to each other and have no choice but to be mated. But irya is willing to take in that void until then. And maybe…maybe that’s better for everybody.”
Y/n scoffed at his attitude towards the situation…the man she loved, the boy she grew up with, had become so heartless to her.
“You know what, it’s better for you! You have a pretty good deal don’t you? You go out! You fool around! I sit here, I take care of your home and the clan. Well no more! That’s it.”
“Calm down!”
“No! I’m not going to do this anymore! Ok? I’m not going to sit here and take it and take it! Sorry! I love you, yes! But I am not dirt! I am promised to you! And you will not do this to me anymore-“
“Enough! I’ll stop! It’s fine. But you will not raise your voice at me. We will not do anything until we are to be mated.”
Y/n watched as Neteyam turned his back to go lay on the hammock with a blanket that Y/n made and cleaned just for him. If this was how things were going to be…it pained her completely but he came home didn’t he? He came home to her..?
She slept that night right beside him…cold and crying. He didn’t ever hold her while she slept..not like how they did when they were younger.
Truth was Neteyam didn’t sleep with Irya, no he could never. He just laid with her…he knew her scent was enough to break Y/n’s heart further…
I stayed strong…I dealt with the pain and still claimed him proudly and openly…waiting on the day he called out my name.
I said I didn’t feel nothing but I lied, I almost cut a piece of myself for his love.
The passing Navi’s would smile at me and ask how Neteyam was…I would responded proudly.
“Ah yes Neteyam! He is doing well! Very good!”
Oh how I wished I didn’t get this treatment…I wish I could’ve been able to choose. In all honesty I would’ve still chosen Neteyam but it’d be on my terms..can’t say the same for him.
My days had an endless routine, I felt so trapped. I wanted Neteyam to stay even though he didn’t want me. Why can’t he wait till I fall out of love?
After everything going on…the war…the panic. It was decided that we’d have to give up our home and roles of the clan…everything. That meant every last tear, blood shed and sweat that Neteyam and I sacrificed to be the next leaders were wasted. Just because I was leaving didn’t mean I wasn’t no longer promised to Neteyam, he had all of me.
The move was so difficult and I didn’t know how else to comfort someone who didn’t want to be loved by me…but when he let me hold him, it gave me hope.
“We’ll be ok Ma’tyem”
The journey was long and tiring…it dragged and made our bodies sore…weak. Riding beside Neteyam made it worth it, all I could do was focus on him and how beautiful he truly was. Taking in his presence was my best bet at loving him from afar. Something about finding a new home and having a new adventure felt good despite leaving my entire life behind..
When we had arrived, nervousness ran through my veins…I allowed myself to be the last of the group to get off, watched how Neteyam protected his siblings and remained respectful just like his father.
I walked in cautiously repeating Neteyam’s same action and passing small smiles to those I had made eye contact with and then suddenly I made eye contact with someone who caught my attention …it was a boy who seemed about our age, instead of giving disgusted looks like he was before he froze. Soon enough the soften look in his eyes brought me into confusion, and I turned away. A warm unfamiliar arm wrapped around my waist, tuggin me forward and I couldn’t help but be more focused as to what was wrong.
Neteyam never held me, not anymore…not like when we were children. He pushed me to listen to the leader of the clan..that’s when I discovered the beautiful girl who Lo’ak shared a moment with was Tsireya and the boy I briefly noticed was Ao’nung..both children of the clans leaders. My ears went up and tail swayed at the new introduction, new people? New setting? Absolutely brought me bliss.
Unpacking was draining and having to now share a mauri with a full family was something I’d have to get used to, I didn’t mind though. I grew up with the Sully’s and remained very tight with all siblings…Neteyam included until our parents suggested we’d be mated. Of course I loved that idea…but Neteyam felt forced, it made him hate me.
It was another night of falling asleep beside Neteyam except this time he turned his body towards me and loosely had his arm around me. It was then that I realized I missed his touch so much and I’d settle with this even if it only meant he was doing it to prevent his family from questioning the separation.
I had butterflies take over me, placing my hand on top of his…only for him to pull his hand away and lay it on my hip, furthering any more affection..
Soon the sun rises and I woke up early to help prep meals for everyone with Neytiri, to her I was perfect. In my eyes I was far from it, not even able to satisfy her child.
I made my way sitting quietly next to Neteyam, my mind was still focused of last night’s interactions and our relationship…soon enough the loudness and spinning in my head only begged me to just take a moment for myself, I paused my eating and excused myself…but walking away I can hear my childhood best friends speak.
“What’s wrong with her?..she’s been quiet.”
“She’s always quiet Lo’ak-“
Kiri was one of the only people who noticed the great shift in Y/n. They grew up together, Y/n was open to Kiri about her crush on Neteyam and she never told any one although she enjoyed the idea of them together, it made her so happy when they were promised…but now after a couple of months with them together, Kiri could see something was weighing Y/n down.
“Not always! She only starts to get quiet when Neteyam’s around! You make her nervous bro! Y/n’s been in love with you since we were kids and now you guys are going to be all lovey, dovey once your Mated!!!”
Neteyam couldn’t even reply, it wasn’t that he didn’t love you…or maybe he didn’t? He himself, couldn’t understand his feelings towards you. Neteyam just wanted time to choose his mate and who he loved.
He was truly living his fathers dream, sacrificing his life to repay and honor his parents sacrifice. Would he had chosen Y/n, his once childhood crush as his mate? Would he have done it if he wasn’t forced? He didn’t know.
Y/n took in Lo’ak’s word..she did only get quiet around Neteyam, she knew how quickly and easily it was to annoy him.
It was the beginning of their relationship and he couldn’t be anymore closed off with her. All Y/n wanted to do was love him and be a perfect mate to him. So when he walked through the door…that’s exactly what she did.
“Neteyam, I’ve made you dinner! Your favorite!”
“Not hungry.”
His response was short but however, what made the two perfect was that no matter how calm and collected she was…she remain optimistic.
“Ok! That’s fine! I’ll prep it for you in the morning, when you’re ready to go back to training-“
“Y/n! How many times do I have to say it? I’m not hungry! I do not want your food! Just be quiet!…voice is annoying…relationship is business only..”
Y/n perfectly heard his last muttered words and it brought her to tears as she wrapped his food up, she had stayed up late waiting to eat with him once he arrived home…but now he laid in bed. Y/n blew the candles providing light and closed the tent enough just for a little moonlight to shed as she provided him a calm setting to fall asleep in while she struggle to eat in the dark.
Neteyam could see though, he saw her tears roll down her face and her hand quiver as her eyebrows furrowed and head shake as if telling her that it’ll all be ok. It took everything in him to not apologize for being so cold, but he couldn’t..not now when he was so frustrated.
Y/n lost her optimistic side…instead of being calm, she slowly was just pulling herself into a fiery state. After so much coldness could you blame her? She didn’t have any time for playing around or a moment for herself..but now with this new home, she did.
There it was Y/n sat outside taking in the sunrise and fresh breeze, she was just starting to relax when Kiri interrupted
“So…I’ve been meaning to ask but nothing feels like the right time but…are you ok? Like I mean really ok? I can feel your energy Y/n.”
It took Y/n by surprise and it only took Kiri to see her face for her to know whatever she was going to say next was a lie. That’s exactly how it all played out, Y/n had her mouth slightly open in shock and then she smiled, not a true one thought just a small one with closed lips.
“Of course Kiri!…it’s just the move.”
Silence stood between them, Kiri could see the little white lies Y/n told herself and it hurt her. Y/n was never one to be standoffish or guarded.
“Right..well soon enough we’ll start training to get used to this environment-“
“Hello! We’re here to start training”
Both girls looked at Tsireya in surprise and soon settled into a smile, excited to finally have a taste of something new. Y/n stood proud and tall before tsireya, she admired it truly. To tsireya if she would’ve stayed at the forest she would’ve been a perfect leader for the people…what could’ve been.
“I’ll go ahead and get the others! Excuse me.”
Ao’nung watched from a far…Y/n was captivating to him. Her voice and the way she walked presented herself with confidence.
His smile stayed until he saw her stand beside Neteyam, they walked together as one but in silence.
They all trailed after each other one by one. Ao’nung tried to slow down so that his speed would align with Y/n’s but it just didn’t happen.
Tsireya decided to start by swimming first and excitement erupted amongst Kiri and Y/n as they grabbed each others hands swimming down around the corals of the reef.
Ao’nung pushed the rest of the group forward and he allowed his sister to take over as he glanced over to Y/n doing flips around the ocean and viewing the fishes in amazement. Y/n put herself in tune with the ocean..if she was going to live here she had to act as one of the people.
Neteyam couldn’t help but notice Y/n staggering behind the group and he rolled his eyes at her childish behavior… when he went up to the surface with everyone else gasping for air, he looked back beneath the water..he saw Ao’nung swim over to Y/n, watch them exchange smiles while swimming up beside each other.
“You’re pretty good for a beginner! I can show you how to-“
neteyam was going to interrupt but he was quickly interrupted by his own little sister, gasping onto Y/n’s arms and his arms.
Y/n quickly passed a smile at Ao’nung as she now turned her attention to Tuk cradling her while Neteyam fixed Y/n’s hair from getting caught onto Tuk.
The sudden touch caught Y/n by surprise, she was quick to turn her head in confusion until Tysireya’s voice brought them back to focus
“It’s fine if your not the best right now…we should try getting you guys on ilu’s! I’m sure you’ll love it!”
Another tug to another direction, telling Y/n to swim with him. There was not a chance Neteyam was going to leave Y/n with Ao’nung when it was clear to him, he was trying to get close to her.
this interaction between the two didn’t fly past Y/n she didn’t understand what Neteyam was trying to do. Once practice ended she allowed the group to go past and speak amongst each other while she began tugging back at Neteyam’s arm to walk with her. They said their goodbyes respectfully and Y/n held onto Neteyam the entire time.
“What are you doing? You have a role to withhold still Neteyam. Be respectful. You must remember that this isn’t our home.”
“Me? What am I doing wrong? You must’ve forgot that you have to withhold your role with me. You are my future mate do not forget.”
“I haven’t done anything that can make you imply that I have, are you kidding?”
“So why are you getting friendly with-“
“This is not our land. Our relationship has been in shambles because of you-“
“How dare you blame me? What? Because i went out to get my needs done so I can keep pushing to Be with you. I did it for us.
Tears welled up in Y/n’s eyes as she realized he was now the one blaming her for their relationship.
“I’d rather go blind then to see you walk away from me, with another women. I never asked you to do that.”
“But it needed to be done Y/n, you can’t maintain me.”
“This isn’t my fault Neteyam please stop. I’m not doing anything wrong. I haven’t gotten overly friendly with anyone. Just stop.”
“Don’t talk to Ao’nung Y/n, I’m not asking you.”
“I don’t need you telling me it either. I have to remain mutual and respectful to everyone, even if it means speaking to them.”
“You will be disrespecting me-“
“Please, this is barley scratching the surface of what you’ve done to me. This relationship is business only. Isn’t that what you said? So then stick to your words. It stopped meaning anything to me the moment you started acting this way.”
She was lying, but she wanted to shoot a bullet at him just like he did to her. When she looked back at Neteyam she didn’t notice the pain flushing his eyes or that fact that his heart was beating rapidly, he truly hurt hearing her stand up to him. It hurt him to see that he can’t seem to keep her close and let her go. He knew though, he still had her…even if it meant she was speaking back.
Later on in the night when it was time to eat, Y/n made sure to start a conversation with Tuk to make sure she was settling in well. Tuk pulled her arm to sit with her and Y/n did. Kiri quickly sat next to Y/n sensing something was wrong with her. This left Neteyam to sit in front of her, though Y/n didn’t even bat an eye at him.
“Did you see all the fishes down there Y/n?!”
“Oh I did Tuk! They were beautiful!!”
Jake had interrupted their conversation discussing the clan and asking how the children were treating them.
“Ao’nung sucks and Tsireya is really nice.”
Lo’ak was clearly biased to Tsireya based on the way he was smiling so his opinion flew out the window in Jake’s eyes.
Everyone began speaking quickly and clashed their words together as Y/n watched trying to follow everyone’s words.
“Mmh I barley heard a thing anyone said…what about you Y/n how were they?”
Jake knew Y/n had a thing with words, she was descriptive and knew how to speak properly. She observed everything there was to a person.
“Tsireya was sweet, attentive while teaching and patient. Ao’nung was witty, quick to say something and less patient. Overall they are good people-“
“Please Y/n Ao’nung was the worst, maybe not to you!”
Lo’ak had spoken in a teasing voice, implying something he shouldn’t. Jake had shut down his youngest teasing seeing it as a learning lesson
“It’s about being respectful. The face that you had while learning their ways probably didn’t help Ao’nungs remarks. Your face tells everything, Y/n knew how to behave.”
Neteyam grew silent only looking at Y/n and his food, quietly pushing for her to say more.
“Yes correct, this isn’t our home yet..but we must learn their ways with a positive attitude.”
The tension felt visible to the couple sitting across from each other and it continued when Y/n looked up at Neteyam after saying the statement.
She got up attempting to remain calm, picking up her meal and placing it to the side. After cleaning up and paying her respects she resided off to the side not facing Neteyam if he were to sleep on her hammock…
There it is that dip of him crawling back to my bed, enraging me over and over again without a care in the world that he hurt me.
remember that this isn’t a for sure series, it’s definitely not perfect either I’m just trying to get into the groove of things again :))
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pprodsuga · 7 months
wrong number | sunghoon
seven: i need a ride or die like you tbh
summary: when a barista of the cafe sunghoon frequents gives him her phone number, he decides to try his luck and texts her. problem is, it seems as though he’s got it all wrong and texts you instead.
note: tumblr ruins photo quality and I think that makes me go insane :/
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*✧・゚─────────── *✧・゚
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series masterlist
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taglist: @enha-stars @hoondiors @seunnimg @erehkinnie30 @junsflow @jeongintwt @fantastichoagieuniversityhairdo @h4918ymc @justletmereadokay @makiswrld @who-tf-soddhi @baevsxii @en-dream @strawberrysavi @cloudyseokjinx @winuvs @2interrwonw @222.palesa @bubblytaetae @ariadores @shu-aa @Enhypensbestie @hyunjisungct @nxzz-skz @thea-herondale @eclipse-777 @kwiwin @nottkwiwin @n-eetune @jwnghyuns @soobs-things @sunghoonnsupremacy @​​eyyylesgewcleuwwt @tinie03 @spookyrule @mamuljji.
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jobean12-blog · 2 years
Boys in Bed with Books (23)-Joel Miller
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Pairing: Joel Miller x reader
Word Count: 777
Summary: Joel is always the one in control but when he’s reading and relaxing you take the opportunity to turn the tables...or so you think. 
Author’s Note: I’ve missed my Boys in Bed so here we are again...had to do Joel and thank you to my sweet Nat @blackwidownat2814 for giving me the encouragement. Love and appreciate you always! Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always! ❤️❤️❤️Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics thank you sweets! 🥰
Warnings: some (d)omish vibes- maybe a little, (o)ral, lots of yummies, some softness too (18+ONLY PLEASE!!!)
GIF NOT MINE: Credit goes to @joelmjller thank you lovely🥰
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Boys in Bed with Books Masterlist
Joel Miller Masterlist
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“Reading again?”
Joel looks up from his book, his eyes following you as you move around the room.
“You seem surprised sweetheart,” he hums.
“I’m happy. You look relaxed,” you reply, turning away to search for clothes in your dresser drawer.
You start to undress, leaving only your shirt on as you grab your towel and get ready for a shower. Before going into the bathroom you stop by the bed and peer at the cover of Joel’s book.
“The Martian,” you say softly. “An Ellie recommendation?”
“Actually, I picked this one myself.”
He looks proud and your smile widens.
“She’s going to love that,” you tell him before kissing his cheek. “How is it so far?”
“Really good…there’s a lot of Science, I’m learning.”
“Even better,” you tease.
His fingers dance under the hem of your shirt and brush your bare hip before tightening and pulling you closer. He bends his head to yours and his hand trails teasingly down the soft skin of your inner thigh.
“Are you makin’ fun of me darlin’?” he murmurs.
You close your eyes and ghost your lips across his.
“I’m going to shower,” you answer, slipping from his grasp with your bottom lip caught between your teeth.
You can feel the heat of his stare as you walk into the bathroom and with one last look back you see his hand curled into a fist as his gaze devours you.  
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When you step back into the bedroom, the sight of Joel lying on the bed, one hand behind his head and the other resting on his chest over the now closed book, has you feeling a rush of want.
His eyes are closed and his face is peaceful and at first the thought of disturbing him fills you with trepidation, but as you continue to watch him and he shifts with a whisper of your name you gain the confidence to take control and help him relax even more.
On that note, you let your towel fall to the floor and climb onto the bed. You crawl up his body and place soft kisses along his chest.
He groans and his hands quickly find your bare skin, his touch reverent as they smooth along your curves. His eyes open, mixed with sleepiness and desire.
“What are you up to darlin’? he asks, his voice thick with heat.  
In answer you slide back down his body and finger the button of his jeans until it pops open. He stares through half lidded eyes as you drag his jeans down far enough to release him.
“Oh fuck baby,” he moans when your head dips.
Your fingers dig into the muscles of his thighs as they tense and his breathing stutters when you take him into your mouth.
Your movements are deliberately languid and he flexes his hips, pushing himself deeper past your lips.
After a little more teasing, you begin to work him harder, gazing at him from under your lashes and feeling a rush of heat between your legs when you see grab at the sheets with his hands. He curls his fingers into the fabric, a hiss slipping through his gritted teeth as he throws his head back against the pillow.
Just as you feel him drawing close, you release him.
“Darlin’, what are you doin’?” he growls, lifting his head and pinning you with an almost pained look.
“I need you inside of me,” you whisper.
His frustration disappears instantly.
“Then get the fuck up here and ride me.”
His gruff demand makes you clench around nothingness but you steel yourself and give him a demure lift of your shoulders, slowly dragging his jeans off and savoring the desperation in his words.  
“Patience,” you purr.
His jaw is clenched tightly and he grinds his teeth, eyes dark.
You make your way back up his body, trailing kisses along the cut of muscle at his hip, before straddling him.
His rough hands reach for you, grabbing your waist and grinding you down over him before his fingers graze your stomach and dip between your legs. Your hand moves to his, wanting to take back control but he brushes it aside.
“Stop it or I’ll stop darlin’,” he warns as he spreads you open.
You gasp his name, your back arching and your nails digging into his skin as you relinquish all power, silently giving in to him.
His eyes fly to yours, his lips parted and his chest rising and falling rapidly. His free hand lifts to curl around your neck and he drags your mouth down to his, whispering against your lips, “don’t forget you belong to me.”
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@justkinsey​ @flordeamatista​
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k9iriz · 9 months
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• joe burrow (cincinnati bengals)
• jamarr chase (cincinnati bengals)
• tee higgins (cincinnati bengals)
• jalen hurts (philadelphia eagles)
• travis kelce (kansas city chiefs)
• andrei iosivas (cincinnati bengals)
• rashee rice (kansas city chiefs)
• justin herbert (los angeles chargers)
• trent mcduffie (kansas city chiefs)
• christian mccaffery (san francisco 49ers)
• cj stroud (houston texans)
• justin jefferson (minnesota vikings)
• isaiah pacheco (kanas city chiefs)
• jalen ramsey (miami dolphins)
• anthony richardson (indiana colts)
• tayler hawkins (san francisco 49ers)
• ceedee lamb (dallas cowboys)
• obj - odell beckham jr. (baltimore ravens)
• jermaine burton (cincinnati bengals)
half of these are my past writes to be easier to find, but i do not write for them currently anymore.
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• = smut/+18 ♡ = fluff/mushy ☾ = angst
ANDREI IOSIVAS | • family-fuckin' reunion | • nsfw alphabet | ♡ cookie making
JOE BURROW | ♡ playing games
TRAVIS KELCE | • fix me
RHEA RIPLEY (WWE) | ☾, • SERIES: unwanted temptation (1,2) | •, ☾ SERIES: the girl next door (1) | • stocking stuffer | ☾ selfish | • session 777 | ♡ nights with you | • a hard fucking | • assistant | ♡ drabble 2 part series: track of time, pregnancy scares | ☾ ,• SERIES: the heartbreak hotel, again | • watch me | • sick of it, now ride my fingers, bitch.
KYLIAN MBAPPE | • quickie | • 2x ft. neymar jr. | • hubby approved
NEYMAR JR. | ☾ not allowed | • brat | • extravagant | • hubby approved
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luxthestrange · 2 years
Incorrect quotes#777 Weddin' crashin'
When You Found out...Some Witches Kidnapped Mammon to Force Him to Marry the Elder Witch in the human world...so you and Solomon went out to find the wedding location..
Mc*Looks at all doors and windows are reinforced and looks at Solomon*Everything is locked down! How are we gonna get in?
Solo*Looking around and patting his pants when he pulled out a key with a keychain Chibi Mc Sheep ...It was the key to mammon's car*
-As the two got into the driveway to search for mammon car, Solomon puts the keys on and turns them on...but goes thru the radio to pick the perfect song going with "F*ck you up! Hits"-
Solo*Has hands on the wheel*Buckle up my love~WE'RE DOING A SHREK!~
-At the wedding-
Mam*Was putting on a wedding dress and being held to be in place along with Witch, mouth covered with tape*
Solo*Opening the door of the vehicle abit dizzy*I OBJEEECT!?*falls into the rubble*
Mc*Getting out of the vehicle and jumping on the hood towards the to look at the Witches with glaring glowing eyes green and yellow... your pact mark with Mammon & Satan glowing *YOU WANT MY MAMMON...YOUR GONNA HAVE TO KILL ME!?!
CovenHead*Rolls eyes and snaps her fingers and points to you signalling her coven to kill you*
You soon enough launch yourself toward one the biggest witch and...MASSACRETING THEM IN YOUR PATH OF WRATH...
CovenHead*Frowning*WHAT THE FUCK-THEY'RE JUST A HUMAN!*Moves out of the way from a witch that falls near her now being choked by viscera, grabs her, and pushes her towards the angry human*THEY'RE JUST ONE HUMAN!KILL THEM-*Stops talking when the one witch was killed in an instant she pushed her their way*
Mam*Taken aback by You easily making your way thru One the Strongest Witches*...
Solo*Backs you up but is soon grabbed by you and is used like a bat to hit another witch*
Mc*As you drive around the vehicle destroying the cake, tables, and seats on your path you speed up to the altar with an enraged glare at Coven Head but stop at the last min, get off punch the last witch standing on your path, Glaring up at the leader*...
CovenHead*Looks down at you as you grab Mammon and throw him over your shoulder like a sack of potatoes, and rolls his eyes and huffs*...
Mc*Looking at her, pointing at Mammon's ass and then at self*THIS ASS IS MINE!?!*Slaps Mammon's ass to emphasize that*
Mam*Eyes widen and blushes as he looks extremely happy thru his eyes*!?!?
Solo: HAHA!~*Laughs at them, He too is now carried like Mammon by you*
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Solomon is your ride or die...humans scaring the crap out of everyone!
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esoteriamaya · 9 months
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Feeling inspired. Wanted to get an intuitive read for you guys who feel the urgency to know what it means to see these numbers.
Whichever numbers call out to you just embrace the message. It's time to feel good about ourselves and our spirit guides wants everyone to know that we've been doing the best we can. So here is my intuitive message for the collective. I hope you enjoy!
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111 - Congratulations. You've made it passed a big chapter. In this new era, you'll be focused on prosperity, great health and great sex! Lol, jk on the sex bit. However, you will be going through growth and transformation during this next era. You'll have to choose between your priorities and what used to work in the past. Is it goals or partying? Will it be the booze or will it be the vegetables ? You decide.
Have fun with this new journey. You don't always have to go out and have fun. You can have fun journaling, making that garden, enjoying the moon when it comes out in full bloom. Spread your wings this time.
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222 - You've made it. This is a time to join new groups and go to those events you've been telling yourself you'd go too. New friends, partnerships and breaking of generational curses is a theme for this group. Be patient, be yourself, be honest, and be vulnerable.
For anyone this may apply to, trying a new sport such as basketball, football, or even hockey will bring out that motivated spirit you carry.
You've made this beautiful bed, you'll get to lie in it this time with someone you can truly adore ;)
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333 - Benefits for the ones who chose this number is celebration will be often for you. You'll be out with groups cheering away does mimomas. Having more fun with new people. New experiences awaits. Traveling will be certain for you in the future. Road trips, trips near the beach, boat rides are something i noticed for this group. Congrats!
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444 - Determination & Exploring. This is your moment. You should embrace the new physical activities awaiting you. I dont mean just working out, or trying some new sport that could possibly break your ankle. This could be for the ones who never go outside, and have been hiding all these amazing talents in the dark. Its time to break wind and show people you have a gift. Its your time.
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555 - Travel. Explore. Motion Picture. Success - You might have to go overseas if you chose this number. Maybe not a new country but a new city far from your hometown. Read more books, enjoy the scenery and explore the universe. This is your moment. Get to it!
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666 - Sensual beauty. Luxury. Go relax. You need time to get your self together. Spend time getting your nails done, get that massage. Get something you said you'd save up for but hardly ever do. Its okay, self care is important sis. Get to it.
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777 - This is a beautiful journey Im picking up for this group. You guys definitely will be on the road in the near future. Either alone or with someone new. This is a spiritual journey. It will seem magical. You have to let go and let things be, ok? Just relax. This show is for you.
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888 - Pick yourself up. You got this. Its time to go on that daily jog. If you have to force yourself to do it, please do so. Make room for the weight that your shedding off this era. It's time to build up your self esteem, your endurance and your physique. This group might of had a eating problem in the past, or maybe some health problems. This number is asking for you to choose yourself. Choose what works and leave behind what doesn't. What do you see for this new reality of yours? You decide.
This is still good news for this group, your spirit team just wants you to NOT. QUIT. To never give up. Its good because you havent, you're a tough cookie. They just want you to want more for yourself. The root chakra is significant with this group. Do more walking and writing in journals to help figure out what are some roots that need picking out. Have a blessed one!
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999 - Beginning to an end. New chapter. Congrats. You made it to the finish line darlings. Where would you like life to lead you? Would you take that bus and go on a random adventure? Go to the movies, its time to do something exciting. Do research on some new hobbies, as well as something that seems 'dangerous'. It's time to build up your stamina with a whole new life. You should try that dance class, you might come out a master in the long run ;)
I hope this helps! Have a good weekend everybody.
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nerdieforpedro · 8 months
Did you say Raspberry Beret or Tea?
Dieter Bravo x plus size female reader
This blog is 18+ MDNI
This fic is for general audiances.
Word Count: 777 (Go buy a lotto ticket! 😎)
Summary: You're having a horrible period day and Dieter makes it better. No raspberries were harmed in the making of this fic.
Warnings: mentions of periods, discomfort, fluff
Notes: Not beta-ed. I wrote it at work and tired out a moodboard I think. I'm playing around with them. I blame my uterus for this fic as today sucked while I worked. 😑
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“Ugh….I roll and I roll and it does nothing.” Your oversized t-shirt rides up under your breasts which adds to your annoyance. You’re sweating and having chills at the same time. Sprawled across the bed, you’ve tried both of your sides, laying on your back which led you to curve it in pain and on your stomach, you had a few minutes or relief before another heat wave came and made it too hot to stay face down.
Sitting up at the side of the bed, your hair is lopsided and your silk bonnet is on the floor. You don’t remember taking it off or hearing it fall. “I took my Midol, I kept chugging water and peeing. I’m still sore, hot and cold…this sucks. What am I missing?!” You rub your palms on your thighs to try and take your mind off how uncomfortable you feel. The floor feels cool though, maybe you should lay on it. It is a beautiful dark hardwood floor, you can see your reflection in it. Your body has a sheen of moisture from your sweat. “Become one with the floor…” You whisper to yourself and then start feeling cold again from so much exposed skin. “My body hates me.”
“Honey Pot, you don’t look too good.” A voice that you’ve missed the last few days as he’s been out of town. Dieter stood in the doorway with a cup of coffee. You love your coffee with four creamers and sugars with some dashes of vanilla extract. “Do I need to call someone? You’re sweaty and you feel cool. That’s really weird.” He handed you the coffee and pecked your lips as you accepted it. His palm touched your forehead before traveling up to smooth down your hair which was sticking up. “You’re on the losing end of a fight huh?” You quickly finished the cup, warming your body from the inside out, then you were again overheated.
“You were so sweet with the coffee and you had to ruin it Dee. It’s one of my heavier days so it’s so much worse. My meds and usual positions aren’t working. It’s horrible. Fix me…” You whined, rather uncharacteristic for you as Dieter was used to you listening to his complaints. He sat next to you on the bed and put his arm around you, the fluffy fabric of his ever present gray robe tickled your neck. 
“Aww…my poor sweetheart. What do you need from me? Anything you want I can order?” He asked, you shook your head and sighed. Patting his thigh before intertwining your fingers with his.
“No. I finished the coffee. I think I should have my raspberry tea. That should help, and then play some music, maybe moving around will help instead of just rolling in the bed.”
“Raspberry I can do honey pot. I’ll go start it now!” Bravo jumped up excitedly and ran out of the room. You were surprised to see him that enthusiastic to make you tea. He always said you brewed it too strong. You placed your feet on the cool hardwood floor again and stood, letting the cold travel from your feet, your head flew back from some relief. Your body had once again decided to change temperatures on you.
“Oh god that feels good. I should have gotten up sooner.” You laughed at yourself for not hopping up sooner and walked toward the doorway that led to the living room. Music filled the room as Dieter had turned the Bluetooth speaker all the way up and was shaking his hips with his arms extending out. It looked like he may start doing some kicks any time. “Dieter, what are you doing? Did you make the tea?”
He continued to dance over to you and pulled you toward the center of the room, placing a hand on the small of your back and leading you around in a circle to the rhythm. “I don’t know why you wanted to listen to ‘Raspberry Beret’ but it’s always fun to listen to Prince. Personally, I would have picked ‘I wanna be your lover’ to dance to.”
You stared at Dieter’s bright face as the two of you danced, his face with the same half grin and smirk he normally had. Your head rolls back as you erupt with laughter, forgetting for a bit that your uterus has chosen violence this week. “Another fun one is ‘I would die 4 U’ you know you can’t hit those high notes Dee.”
The two of you continue to swing around the living room to the jovial sounds of ‘Raspberry Beret’ the tea forgotten over the melody.
Trash Panda Pals 🦝: @katw474 @readingiskeepingmegoing @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @megamindsecretlair @pamasaur @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @sp00kymulderr @mysterious-moonstruck-musings @titlee78
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chocoqtelle · 2 years
Your FS's love language
Pile One
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Pile Two
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Pile Three
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Pile One
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Your future spouse is likely more experienced than you with romance and relationships and may take on a more nurturing and teaching role. Your fs shows love through being protective and nurturing. Your fs struggles expressing love through words so they often use touch and acts of service to express how they feel about you. They wanna shower you in gifts and make you feel safe. They see you overwhelmed or upset and want to calm you down. Your fs likely will be the one to make the first move. Your fs likes seeing you smile and may use humor just to see you laugh, even if they make a fool out of themselves in the process. They value you much more over their reputation.
Signs: long walks, rain or after the rain, partly/mostly cloudy, romantic comedy kdramas, oversleeping, 15, 9, 6, pottery, being picked up/piggy back rides.
Pile Two
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Your fs commonly shows love through gift-giving, especially cash. Your fs may feel like a burden very easily and be very sensitive This person may be avoidant of love and relationships. It seems like heavy commitment issues out of fear. Channeling "Don't wanna fall in love" by kyle. They want you to show them how you feel first. They had a bad relationship before with arguments and chaos and a lack of trust. They want you to show them how you feel first. They often hold their own past against them. Once they put their walls down, they're a caring and considerate partner who brings many gifts and material items. This could be a friends to lovers relationship.
Signs: virgo, cancer, big cats/tigers, cafes and coffee, webtoons, shaded areas, nostalgia, 777, 444, 333, bisexuality, covering eyes, itching, zoning out.
Pile Three
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This may be a study-buddy thing where you become partners on a project or start studying together and then end up being with each other. Your fs may be a sapiosexual (someone sexually attracted to intelligence). They see you as someone mature and skilled. They see you in an elegant manner. They show their love by being aggressively flirty or by messing with you. They might find little things to tease you about to avoid admitting that they study every little thing about you and have feelings for you. This could be someone you met before or already had a relationship with for some people. If you're hurt after they tease you, they of course will try desperately to make you feel better even if they don't directly tell you they're doing trying to. They try to close themselves off and not tell you about themselves and just listen to you talk about yourself instead.
Signs: subliminals, crystals and stones, moss equal/even, blur, purple, stars and the sun, hyperpigmentation, sleep deprivation, increased spiritual abilities (especially clairvoyance), slow breathing, 888, 8, infinity, money growth.
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double-0h-no · 3 months
Full Disclosure
This is my prompt fill for "kept secret" from the whump table, and 777 from the word count table, my personal nemesis this week.
Boy this was a bother. I don't know how the rest does it, landing on an exact word count, especially one below 1k. If brevity truly is the soul of wit, there's bad news for me. Huge thanks to @l219tj for supporting me so much, I don't think this would have gotten anywhere if you hadn't let me rant at you for lines on end. I hope you enjoy some domestic angst and finally some 00Q from my side.
CW this time around for vague discussions of medical issues, just to be on the safe side.
on ao3
A letter Q couldn't wait to open until he really was alone with no chance of James coming in starts a conversation Q would have wanted to avoid altogether.
"And you didn't think it prudent to tell me?"
Q didn't dare to meet James' eyes, so instead his gaze rested on the opened letter on their dining table.
"Do you know what I'd been telling myself these last weeks?", James went on. "I was so convinced you were either cheating on me, or selling off some blueprints, or following a lead on your own because M had told you to drop it, and a hundred more things, and at the same time I knew you wouldn't.
"Because I bloody know you, and you've never... You wouldn't do that to me."
And now he had, and there was no taking it back. Q knew he should have handled it better, knew that it was the one thing not to do with James. Keeping secrets. He swallowed harshly, but set his jaw.
"Did you really think you'd get away with it? Not telling me?"
And that rubbed Q the wrong way. "Get away with - James, I wasn't trying to - Of course I would have told you! If there was something to tell. But according to this letter," he grabbed it and held it up, "there isn't."
"Q, this is a gene test. I happen to know that this is one of the last resorts any doctor takes. They will take three MRIs before they do that. So for how long has this been going on?"
"Going - You make it sound like did have an affair!"
"Well, you do have an ex in Medical," James said dryly, and Q slammed the letter back down on the table.
"Are you serious right now?! I've been to - I don't even know any more how many appointments, and how many different specialists, and you seriously wanna call names now?!"
"And how am I supposed to know that?!" James matched his volume. "How am I supposed to know to how many specialists you've been?! I don't even know why you had a need to see them!"
"Well, good thing those tests came back negative, then, because it really can't be all that serious!"
James threw his hands in the air and started pacing. "Yes, just spiffing, because what I'm so concerned about right now is what the doctors say, or that you haven't told me!"
"What is your problem, then?!" A sudden movement followed by a loud clonk made Q realize that this time, he had shouted - and spooked Velma, who'd dashed to the safety of the cat tree. He took a deep breath to steady his nerves. Truth be told, he was beyond relieved that the test had come back negative, and all he wanted to do was cry with relief and ride out the endorphins, but now he was here, stuck in a fight with James because - well, because he'd fucked up.
"I'm sorry, James, I..." He took another deep breath. "When this first started, you were on a mission, and by the time you'd returned, Medical had jumped the first scare on me, and I... I both didn't want it to be true, and I didn't want you to worry for nothing. And it looks like it truly is nothing." When James didn't answer for several seconds, Q looked back up at him, but couldn't read the expression at all.
"I don't care about that right now, I -" James interrupted himself again and stared at him in utter disbelief. "How hard is it for you to believe that I might be worried about you?"
"Worried? James, those results are negative, there's no-"
"Is it gone?", James cut him off. "Whatever made you go to Medical in the first place. All those tests came back negative and we know that all that means is that Medical hasn't found a cause, not that you are alright. Because unless you are, yes, I am bloody worried."
Of course he wasn't. The test result had felt like a victory, as if this declared him healthy and all evil would fall away. But James was right. This only meant he still didn't know the cause.
"I'm sorry," he said. "Both for not telling you, and for snapping."
To his surprise, James snorted. "How often have I tried to hide an injury from you? I'm rather sure it was Bates who told you about the knee surgery. I'm still angry about this, but darling, it's... not the number one priority here. So. Do you want to tell me what's been going on?"
Q sighed, pushed his glasses up to rub his eyes and gestured vaguely at the sofa. "Alright. Let's sit down, I'll fetch some tea, and I'll tell you the whole story from the start."
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devildom-moss · 1 year
Roses for You (7)
This had all started when you noticed a link between a book on the language of flowers you had borrowed from Satan’s room and the current lessons from your Seductive Speechcraft and Magical Potions classes.
In Seductive Speechcraft, you had just reached a section on the effectiveness of spells using non-verbal communication: enchanting glances, dance, and offerings. Meanwhile, in Magical Potions, the professor had been discussing the significance of using specific quantities when concocting potions; they had spent fifteen minutes just providing examples – including adding petals from two different flowers when using them for a love spell.
You couldn’t resist discussing the use of flower language – utilizing the type, color, and quantity of the flowers – to specify the magical intent of an offering as a form of seductive speechcraft. Asmo and Solomon listened intently. The same idea popped into both of their minds, and before you knew it, everyone was looking into color and number meanings, searching for the perfect combination to convey their feelings for you and try to put you under their spell. The only rule for their little competition to charm you? Only roses are allowed.
Will you be charmed by their attempts?
Seven Roses - Belphegor
(original Obey Me lesson 16 spoilers)
Word count: 777 (a perfect 777 for the seventh born giving you seven roses)
I’m lucky to have you; I’m madly in love with you
Belphie: I can’t sleep. Come to the attic and soothe me.
Belphie: Please. So tired. I need your warmth.
Somehow you were grateful that the sleep Belphegor was being so cruelly deprived of was just his afternoon nap. You had gotten out of your last class of the day and were heading home. Had this request come from anyone else, no doubt it would have been lighting up your screen late into the night – assuming you weren’t scrolling on your D.D.D. already. Knowing you had time to kill, and that Belphegor was adorable when he cuddled up against your body, you figured you could acquiesce. Worst case scenario, Lucifer or anyone but Beel would lecture you about spoiling Belphie. Or, you supposed, Belphegor could try to kill you again – but that seemed unlikely. Dead bodies aren’t known for staying warm for long, anyway.
MC: So needy. I’m not your personal heating pad, but fine, I’m on the way.
When you arrived in the attic, Belphegor was lying in bed on his side, his shirt riding up his back – presumably from his attempts to settle comfortably among the sheets. You chuckled. As you approached, you could see that he was holding a bouquet in his hands – for you, no doubt. You peeked over Belphie’s sleeping body to get a closer look. 1, 2 . . . 7 deep purple roses.
That could go one of two ways: “I’m lucky to have you” or “I’m madly in love with you.” With Belphegor, it was hard to tell which meaning he leaned towards – perhaps he meant both. The gorgeous deep, jewel-toned purple didn’t do much to help you decipher his meaning, either. If anything, the color only distracted you with its familiar loveliness. It was just like Belphie to send you muddied messages. Passion, infatuation and a deep desire to know someone more, mystery, admiration – maybe some combination? Belphegor was careless in painting the lines of his love for you – or else, he was too thoughtful and precise with it. His love was expressed like impressionist art – tender strokes that came together to create some recognizable thing of beauty that seemed to sway in the light. Some part of you craved the rigid, distinct lines, but for all your frustration, you couldn’t deny that you had fallen for the dreamy portrait he painted.
You sunk one knee on the bed, careful not to wake the sleeping demon – not yet, at least. Slowly, with a featherlight touch, you lifted Belphegor’s shirt further up. In truth, the skin on his back was dry, and you made a mental note to rub him down with some lotion later. You left gentle kisses up his back; your breath felt hot against his exposed skin. Belphie let out a soft moan, and when you stopped to peer over at his face, you saw his brows knit together. He called your name out sweetly.
“Yes, baby?” you cooed.
Belphegor shifted onto his back, allowing you to crawl over him and straddle his hips. His eyes were misty and dreamy – as if he was on the verge of tears but too tired to cry. A soft smile formed on his lips, and he gave you a comfortable sigh.
Oh. The roses were the same color as his eyes. That explained why they had captivated you.
“Mhhmmm, missed you.” Belphie tilted his head. He opened his eyes slowly and seductively – but you couldn’t tell if it was intentional or not.
“Thought you couldn’t sleep,” you chuckled.
“I lied. I just wanted to see you.” That was enough. You leaned down and kissed him with the express goal of turning Belphie into a moaning mess beneath you. He was quick to kiss you back and eager to open his mouth so you could tease him with your tongue. When you parted, his tongue chased yours, sticking it out of his mouth slightly. The sight of him – a blushing, panting mess with his cheeks tinted pink – was precious.
“So,” you hummed teasingly, “these roses for me?”
“No, they’re for the other human I want to make out with.” Belphie smirked.
“Gross,” Belphie groaned and rolled his eyes. “Stop talking and kiss me again.”
“Oh? You mean I’m the human you want to make out with?” You feigned ignorance.
“Kiss me, now,” Belphie demanded in a desperate, whiny voice. You felt him squirming beneath you. “I want you. I need you so bad.”
“You’re precious.” You chuckled and made no move to get closer to him.
“Then put your mouth on mine already.” He was practically whimpering. You had teased him long enough. It was time to feed his madness.
Lucifer (1) | Mammon (2) | Leviathan (3) | Satan (4) | Asmodeus (5) | Beelzebub (6) | Diavolo (8) | Barbatos (9) | Luke (10) | Simeon (11) | Solomon (12) | Thirteen (13) | Raphael (14) | Mephistopheles (15)
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hexgaywire · 1 month
"Airport Coffee (And Tea)"
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»»————- ☾ ————-««
Pairing: Hex x GN reader
Word count: 777
Rating: SFW
Warning: Angst, crying and lots of implied crying, implied established relationship, but kinda implied ending that established relationship (that's up to you), bittersweet
A/N: Otsu Hex!!! I promised a graduation fic here it is. I just finished his last ASMR and CRIED bc mf had to have read my airport fic (which is technically a sequel to this one but can be read by itself the link is here if you wanna read it) anyway!!! I'm gunna miss him. My WIPs and requests will still be finished if Hex was in them. This fic was also low-key rushed but THAT'S OKAY I'm mourning my kamioshi okay. Thank you for letting me get my emotions out
»»————- ☾ ————-««
He's anxious on the ride to the airport. He's always this way. His hand is planted firmly on your thigh as you drive. Without the dim sounds of the 5am radio station music in the background, it would be silent. He's too nervous to speak, and you know if you say anything he'll crack.
"What terminal again?" You finally ask, breaking the long silence as you weave through the different airline and terminal signs in your car. "3 I think?" He says his voice coming out horse. You silently nod and head for the third terminal parking. You find a sport fairly close, probably on the account that it was in fact 5am. Hex hand stays on your thigh as you both sit in the airport parking lot.
He lets out a shaky breath. "I don't know if I can do this. I don't know if I can leave." You lay a hand over his and lean from the driver's side to the passenger side to rest your head on his shoulder. "Hex... You know I don't want you to go either; you wouldn't leave... If you didn't think you had to. This is an opportunity you can't pass up." You say trying to hold back tears that are brimming your eyes. You squeeze his hand gently. "You're amazing and talented; there is so much world out there for you to see." You pause. "My wanting you to stay, should hold you back from being truly happy." He leans his head against yours. By the shaking of his shoulder you can tell he's crying and not trying to show it.
You both sit there for a moment longer. Both crying, both mourning the final moments you have together for a long time. "Remember the last time you went on a trip." You ask softly. "I missed you so much, I started creating again to keep myself distracted." He nods slowly. "Even though I called like every day." You wack him lightly as he cracks a small smile. "Regardless, I stayed strong. It's funny this time I don't feel as strong."
You help him get his stuff out of the car and walk with him to the check in area. He waits in line and tightly grasps your hand the entire time. He checks his bags in and you make your walk to TSA but a small coffee stand catches your eye. "Let me get you some tea... Before you leave. Besides it's tradition; I have to get some airport coffee." He smiles softly. "Of course, how could I forget."
The moment the overpriced coffee hits your throat a bitter feeling swells in your stomach again. You glance at Hex who's checking his carry-on for his passport. For him, you'd be strong. For him won't let this crumble you. He finds it waving it ceremonially and takes a sip of his tea. He spills some and excuses himself to grab some napkins. You shake your head and chuckle.
You both finish your drinks and you finish your walk to TSA. He pulls you into a huge crushing huge. "Promise me, you won't forget me, you won't forget everything that happened." You can't cry now. You can't cry. "I promise." You answer. "Make sure you don't skip meals, make sure you go to sleep on time, make sure you take care of yourself.... for me... Please. " You hold strong, your grip on his jacket tightens. " As long as you promise me you'll do the same. You won't forget me either." He pulls away looking at you directly in your eyes. "I won't. I promise." He says kissing your forehead gently.
You don't leave until you see him wave at you at the other end of the TSA check. A goofy smile on his face. You want to cry, you want to scream that this isn't how things were supposed to end. But you don't. Instead you smile back and wave. You realize in that moment, though time may not be on your side, Hex Haywire was a man who truly deserves the world. Keeping him to yourself would be selfish.
You pass the coffee stand on your way back out to the car, you feel the wave of exhaustion set in after all the adrenaline and anxiety leaves you. You order Hex's favorite tea, that you literally ordered not too long ago the barista only smiles at you. "It's on the house." He says softly. Once you receive the cup, you nearly burst into tears as you see a little rose drawn with Hex's handwriting underneath. "Forever and always." He never stops surprising you, even when he's gone.
»»————- ☾ ————-««
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