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rogersideup · 8 months ago
I'd like to drop a prompt:
The avengers have a night off in Las Vegas after a mission. Thor makes sure Cap has his fair share of Asgardian liquor so Steve ends up drunk and wanders off alone. He meets our dear reader who just got dumped by her friend group and is equally drunk. They hit it off and decide to get married. The next morning both of them are confused but decide to make it work as memories of the night before come back to them. (Surprise surprise dear reader is from New York too)
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Steve Rogers X Reader
Summary: Steve gets himself into some trouble while having a night off in the city of sin.
Word Count: 4,717
Warning: My blog is 18+ only. All minors or blogs without an age in bio will be blocked. Minors DNI.
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Flashing lights separated and splayed through the drying tears in your watery eyes, music and ringing from hundreds of slot machines overstimulated your senses as you simultaneously pulled your dress up and down in different places.
"Excuse me miss? Can I get you something to drink?"
Coming back to your senses, you turned around to face the bartender. "Yeah, uh..." really, you tried your hardest to think of something, literally anything to help move along the buzz you were already riding but no proper words made it to your brain. "Sorry. I'm not sure what I want. Can you just make it strong and fruity?"
"Sure thing." The bartender agreed, already grabbing bottles off the shelf.
Watching him masterfully work helped you zone out and relieved all of your overwhelmed senses. Pouring, shaking, more pouring, a garnish, then a fruity elixir of a bunch of liquids you most definitely could not pronounce was placed right in front of you atop a cocktail napkin. Not a single drop was spilled, even the ice was perfect.
Reaching into your purse, you handed the bartender your card and shouted to try and compete with the volume of drunken gamblers and rolling dice. "You can close the tab."
"Don't worry about it. This one's on the house, you look like you need it." He kindly denied your form of payment.
You chuckled to yourself. "That bad, huh?"
"No, but I know a sad chick when I see one." He noted. "Happens pretty often in Vegas."
"Well, thank you, I appreciate it." You raised the glass. "Cheers to you and all the bartenders making the world go round."
"Amen to that" He smiled before walking off to serve yet another drunken customer.
You sat at the bar on a little leather stool fully contemplating how you ended up in this situation as you looked out into the hotel casino and nursed your drink. It didn't take long for you to realize that the Vegas bartenders didn't take the word strong as a joke. Because every sip stung your throat and swirled your thoughts around in slow motion.
The speed at which your thoughts came at you didn't help the fact that every single one of them revolved around nothing but yourself.
What were you going to do now? Where should you go from here?
Drinking wasn't the answer, but not drinking wasn't the solution. Finding shelter in the Caesars Palace hotel was a good enough temporary fix to your problems, so you ignored that you were on the complete opposite side of the Las Vegas strip that you actually needed to be on.
However, getting to your hotel on the complete opposite side was the problem. Your shitty friends completely ditched you, or maybe you ditched them. The details were all so unclear, but the fact was they were all making stupid choices and you couldn't stand to stick around long enough to see the end results of them.
But now you were all done up in high heels and a small little dress in a city you had never been in before, notorious for sex, drugs and alcohol. Luckily, pepper spray in your purse and a back pocket full of self defense techniques that have been drilled into your head ever since you were a little girl were amongst some of the better choices you made tonight.
Then came along all of the dumber choices you would make tonight in the form of yet another fruity drink, and a tall, blonde man looking painfully confused at the roulette table right in front of you.
He was tall and broad, even more handsome than the massive statues of Roman men all around the hotel. But much like the statues around you, he looked like he was carved from marble. The muscles you could see sculpted through his suit jacket could've only been a result of a piece of fine art.
It was easy to pick up his wholesome sweetness behind his big blue eyes, that also did a lot to tell you how drunk the man was. He towered over the table and watched a few rounds, trying his hardest to understand what was happening. Much like him, you watched the ball spin round and round before landing in a slot.
Some of the players would moan and groan at their fate, while others would cheer happily and exchange loud laughter and high-fives.
Mesmerized by the game, you missed the glances the blonde man snuck of you. He really couldn't help it though. His friends had left him all alone while his capacity to make good decisions was at an all time low, and you were just so pretty and maybe a bit sad.
Another round was about to start, so the dealer started taking bets. Everyone around the table started placing their chips on a color and number, and the blonde was still confused.
He looked around again before his eyes met yours, and a stupid invasive smile smeared across your lips. When he noticed your friendly demeanor, he took a few stumbles over to you.
"Do you have any idea how to play this?" The man asked you.
Now you could smell the expensive yet deliciously pleasant cologne he was wearing, and you could take in all the details of his black suit.
Giggling at his cluelessness, you swallowed down the sip of cocktail in your mouth. "I do. Would you like some help?"
"I'm assuming you have to guess if the ball lands on red or black?" He asked as his lopsided smile and squinted eyes told you everything you needed to know about his sobriety... or lack there of.
"That's exactly it, good job." You nodded. "But you can also guess the number, or a group of numbers it'll land on. The payout at the end is based on how accurate your bet is."
"So what should I bet?" He asked you, having already built a strong sense of trust for you in the few minutes he had been observing.
"Oh no, that's not up to me." You shook your head before taking another sip of your drink. "You gotta trust your own gut."
The man's eyes darted around the table once more before his arms motioned to it. "But look around! All of these men have pretty girls telling them what to do, and that's why they're all winning money. You guys are so much smarter than us, and I'm alone so I need you to tell me. Red or black."
Usually, a statement like that from a man like him would have you rolling your eyes and cutting the conversation short. However, either your gut or the alcohol was telling you that he wasn't an asshole.
For some reason, you felt calm and comfortable in his presence all while being unable to wipe the dumb smile off your face. Something about his hair that was once perfectly styled now being a little jostled, and the twinge of pink in his cheeks made him seem so distantly familiar.
"Well thank you for that backhanded compliment." You laughed. "I think you should bet red."
He nodded, trusting your opinion far more than he trusted himself. "Should I place a more specific bet too?"
You thought for a moment, but you were in Vegas so... fuck it. "Yeah. Give me your chip"
The man happily placed the roulette chip into your hand, you stood up in one big sweep and started walking away from the bar. "Woah, don't leave your drink!"
Pleasantly surprised that he had your best interest in mind, you mumbled out a statement of gratitude as he handed the glass to you too. Approaching the table, looked at it for a few moments and tried your hardest to contemplate the best number to place a bet on, but once again no rational thoughts occupied the empty spaces of your brain.
So, you threw the chip on your favorite number, lucky 25.
"There ya go!" You used your free hand to pat the man's shoulder. "Good luck, Blondie."
"What happens if I win?" He asked you, smiling as you let your hand linger. Even with your highest heels on, you were nowhere near as tall as him.
"Then it's your lucky day, and you'll get a shit ton of money." You giggled at his question.
"And if I lose?"
"Then you're unlucky and you're about to lose some money." You snorted.
"That's not going to happen, you're my good luck charm." He declared.
"I don't think anything about my night tonight is radiating lucky energy, so I doubt that."
"What? No way! I feel like I've been the luckiest guy in the whole world today, so maybe I'm your good luck charm."
"I guess we will let the roulette wheel speak the truth of the universe tonight." You shrugged.
"Should we place our own bets on the bet?" The man asked.
"Like what?" You questioned, hoping this wasn't the moment the sweet stranger turned weird and pervy.
"I think if I lose I should probably call it a night and go back to my room because this is the drunkest I've been in probably 80 years." He stated. However, his words flew over your head figuring his drunken words were exaggerated, and you found yourself to be a little sad that your time with the stranger would be cut short so soon.
"I think if you win, you should stay out for a little while and have another drink with me." You smiled, going way out of your own comfort zone.
If you were sober, or maybe even drunk in a bar anywhere other than Las Vegas, you would've been caught dead before being caught to be so bold. But he was pulling you in faster than you've ever felt, and something about him felt so natural and warm.
"Deal." He agreed.
"Look, they're about to spin the wheel." You pointed at the table.
The dealer spun the wheel, and the ball was moving so fast that you could barely even follow it. Even as it slowed down and started to tease each individual slot, the motion of following the sphere going round and round was quite honestly making you a bit dizzy, so you squeezed your eyes shut in anticipation.
"No way." The blonde stated. "No fucking way!"
His arm wrapped around you from behind and his big warm hands very gently shook the tops of your arms. "Look! It's on red! I can't see the number, but it's on red!"
You giggled and tried your best to keep your balance as he shook you around. When you opened your eyes you could see that the drink in your hand was sloshing around and spilling over onto the impeccably maintained carpet beneath your feet. But the loss of some of your drink was a small price to pay when the dealer picked the ball up out of the wheel and announced "25 Red!"
Simultaneously, you and Blondie let out little screeches in surprise and joy when you realized you had actually placed a winning bet. In all your years on this planet, nothing like this had ever happened to you. You never even won $5 on a penny slot, let alone a fat wad of cash that was being placed into the man's hands.
After the cheering celebration and laughter died down, he turned to you. "See! I knew you were lucky!"
"You trusted your intuition, and you won!" You noted with a smile so big and long lasting it was starting to make your cheeks sore. "Good job."
"Here! This is yours." He placed the wad of cash in your hands.
"What? No. You bet your own money, it's yours." Not being able to accept it, especially when you saw it was all $100 bills.
"No it's yours! You placed the winning bet, you knew the magic number so I want you to have it." He explained kindly. "You said nothing about your night was lucky, so consider this your sign from the universe."
"I can't just accept all of this money from a complete stranger." You denied once more. "You're very sweet, I would feel so guilty taking this from you."
"Fine, if you can't accept the money for yourself, how about we go spend it together?" He offered. "I owe you another drink anyways, then after that the Las Vegas strip is our oyster!"
"That's a little better" You agreed with a smile. "I'm sorry, I didn't even get your name."
"O-oh!" The man seemed to be taken back by that statement for a second. A look of momentary confusion furrowed his eyebrows before a happy smile returned to his kind face. "Sorry, I'm Steve!"
You made a small mental note of his initial shock that you asked for his name, but your drunken brain didn't hold onto that for very long.
"Alright Steve, here's the plan." You rocked up on your tippy toes and kept yourself braced with a steady hand on his solid shoulder so he could hear you better in the loud and chaotic environment. "Half my drink just ended up on the floor when you won, so I'm going to order another one. Then after that, I somehow need to end the night at my hotel on the complete opposite end of the strip without getting taken or murdered. So if we can somehow make it from here to there while blowing through that money you just won, then I'd be more than happy to help you spend it."
Steve's eyes went wide in concern at your statement. "Where are you staying?"
You narrowed your eyes at him. "My gut is telling me not to tell a strange man where I'm staying."
"Smart girl, but I'm not letting you walk down the strip alone at night. The people here are crazy." He challenged. "No funny business. Pinky promise."
Steve raised his pinky for you with a genuine look of promise and concern on his face. "Do people often trust you to get them to safety?"
His cheeks turned pinker, and he let out an adorable giggle. "Yeah, I think most people find me to be very trustworthy."
"No funny business." You lifted your hand and wrapped your pinky around his with a quick handshake. "I'm staying at New York, New York."
"Oh wow, we have a long way to go with lots of chances to blow through that stack." He smiled. "What are you drinking? I'll order you another one."
"Honestly, I have no idea." You admitted, smile coming back to your face.
"Okay great! That helps me a lot" The blonde laughed.
"Excuse me" You politely flagged down the bartender. The same one from earlier coming back, you showed him your glass. "Can I get another one of these please? And whatever he wants?"
You looked to Steve who looked between you and the bartender. "Just two waters please."
"Sure thing." The bartender agreed.
"What? You're not going to have a drink?" You questioned.
He pulled a copper flask out of the pocket on the inside of his suit jacket. "I'll drink more, but this is stronger."
"Oh, nothing here is strong enough for you?" You raised a brow, your smile growing just as lopsided as his.
"Nope. This stuff is special, it comes straight from another realm."
Laughing at his joke, as you handed the bartender cash straight from the wad Steve gave you. "That's funny, because I hope this is strong enough to make me feel like I'm no longer in this realm, so cheers to that!"
You and Steve sat at that bar for a solid two hours as conversation topics flew at the two of you unexpectedly fast. Each one new topic was short lived as an enthusiastic response would happily slip off one of your tongues, so excited that the two of you had so much in common.
Then, Steve decided to start the shopping spree. He offered you a hand to help you off the stool, which quickly turned into a protective arm around you, or ushering you the entirety of your time together. He knew that the men on the Vegas strip were pigs, but he underestimated how bad it really was.
But the cat calls, whistles, and lingering eyes were drowned out by the city sounds and the big flashing marquee lights that littered the sides of every building you passed. It was just as mesmerizing as the night before, skipping down the streets in a drunken haze with your best friends.
Now you were mesmerized by not only sin city, but the mysterious man you were following around as if you'd known him your whole life.
With a sense of childlike wonder the two of you ended up in silly places like the M&M's store, and the Coca-Cola store, but you also ventured into more classy designer establishments where you convinced him to buy a lovely new belt at Louis Vuitton.
It looked good, he looked good. You had to work really hard to contain the drool in your mouth as you watched him take off his old belt to replace it with the new one.
He tried to buy you a new bag, but once again you were being stubborn and were having a hard time accepting such a generous offer.
So, you suggested another drink. Just one more.
More sitting and chatting with Steve, you swallowed down the liquid in your cup while he shot the rest of the liquid in his flask.
That last drink was the worst of your poor decision making that night, or so you thought.
Because the last memory you had was sitting at that bar and really admiring him.
The alcohol had turned his cheeks and the tip of his nose a rosy pink color that somehow made his blue eyes shine even brighter, and add to the wholesome energy you felt radiating from him.
Sweet, silly, carefree, handsome, safe.
Then, you woke up.
Slowly at first. Your eyes opened and the dull pounding at the back of your skull wasn't nearly at bad as you deserved. The air conditioning did wonders keeping you comfortable, the light peaked through the black out curtains, and your belongings scattered across the room confirmed that you were definitely in the right place.
You looked around more. M&m's bag, Louis Vuitton bag... Converse bag? You didn't remember buying shoes. Wait... how did you get here?
Only then did you wake up FAST. You sat up, and your heart pounded as you realized that Blondie was in your bed. The sudden movement made your head pound even harder, but the good news was that he was fully clothed and was sleeping above the covers.
You were also asleep and fully clothed, but both of you were in different clothes than you had on last night. That's probably what those shopping bags in the corner were...
Carefully rolling out of bed to try and make yourself somewhat presentable and aid along trying to process what happened last night, you walked into the bathroom.
Wash your face, brush your teeth, fix your hair.
By the time you came out, Blondie was sitting up in bed with his legs on the floor, shooting you an apologetic look. He was apprehensive, scared to gauge how sick and unenthusiastic you would be by his presence this morning.
"Good morning." He said quietly, voice deep and raspy from inhaling the dry air and residual cigarette smoke.
"Morning." You tried to be polite, clutching the side of your head. "What happened? How did we- how did any of this-"
"Nothing happened." Steve reassured you. "I would never take advantage-"
"Okay, okay." You nodded slowly, feeling slightly relieved. "Advil. I have Advil."
Waking over to the table in the hotel room, you grabbed the bottle of painkillers and a water. You opened both and popped two little pills in your mouth, washing them down with water.
"I'm sorry, I don't remember much either. It's been a really long time since I've gotten drunk. This is really out of the ordinary for me." He explained.
"I guess we're on the same boat then." You agreed with him before a couple pieces of paper catch your eye.
"I guess I should probably go?" Steve stated, but it was more of a question. This was the first time he ever found himself waking up next to a stranger.
"No, you stay right there." You insisted frantically, picking up the piece of paper.
Certificate of marriage.
Your name signed at the bottom next to another signature that read Steven G Rogers.
Your heart sank to the pit of your stomach.
You studied the signature, looked at his face, looked at the signature, then his face again.
In the table, there was a picture of the two of you kissing. Him in his suit, you in the dress you wore last night but also a veil.
"Oh my god" You exclaimed, so much information to process.
"What?" Steve questioned, furrowing his eyebrows.
"Oh my god!" You pinched the bridge of your nose and took a deep breath.
"What happened?"
"You didn't tell me..." You puffed out a breath, then an unexpected giggle left your throat. Of course, this would happen to you the one time in your life you didn't behave like a perfect angel. "Captain America?"
"Oh... Guilty?" Steve's shoulders sunk. "I introduced myself, no?"
"As Steve." You exaggerated.
"Yeah, I'm Steve." He agreed.
"Well, at least I was safe." Finding the benefit of the doubt. "Do you remember getting married last night, Steve?"
You passed the paper and the picture to him, and his face contorted into an expression you couldn't quite read. "...wow."
"Wow?" You questioned. "I unknowingly married Captain America last night and all you have for me is wow?"
"Holy shit." Steve looked up at you.
"That's better." You nodded.
"You don't look panicked" Steve noted.
"I'm not panicked because at least you're a superhero." You explained. "That counts for something right? Like people won't think I'm totally inane for marrying a stranger when they find out it's Captain America? And like... a superhero means you have people who come and clean up after you right? Someone can fix this right?"
You watched the gears turn in his head. "... I have to call Tony."
Tony. Who's Tony? Think. Superhero, avengers, Steve, Captain America. Tony... IRON MAN.
"Stark?" Your eyebrows raised. Steve nodded, pulling out his phone. "Now I'm freaking out. I'm really freaking out."
"It's okay, give me a second." Steve said calmly.
You nodded, the remembered you should check your phone too. As he spoke quietly to Tony, you looked around for your phone before finding it on the night stand, flooded with dozens of missed calls and texts from friends wondering where you were. You quickly sent off a text in a group chat saying you'd explain later, and that you were okay.
Eventually Steve ended the call. "He said he'll be here in a minute or two."
"Oh, okay great." You said exaggerating your nonchalance. "No biggie. Iron man coming over to read my marriage certificate to Captain America."
Steve giggled at the ridiculousness of the situation. "My mother would be over the moon to find out I'm married."
"My mom might have me 6 feet in a grave if she ever finds out about this." You sat back down on the bed next to him.
"When do you leave Vegas?" Steve questioned.
"My flight is at nine tonight. What about you?"
"Flying home at six thirty." He informed you. "Where do you live?"
"New York" You said simply. "Queens."
"We both live in New York and we’re staying in a New York themed hotel? What a small world." Steve noted. "Maybe we don't have to fit in a divorce before this evening."
"I mean... you are very handsome so I definitely wouldn't mind staying married to you for a few days until we get this figured out." You grinned.
A small blush stippled his cheeks at your compliment. ���You’re so pretty I would’ve never had the courage to talk to you if I wasn’t drunk.”
Just like him, you blushed at his admission, and giggled at his words. “This doesn’t feel like real life.”
“Maybe I should’ve gotten you a ring instead of whatever the hell we bought last night.” Steve thought.
You looked down at your left hand, and sure enough, there was a pretty ring on your finger. You lifted it up to show him. “Looks like you were two steps ahead of yourself”
“Oh, good.” He chuckled. “At least there’s that.”
Then, there was a knock at the door.
You looked at Steve with wide eyes and nervousness building up in your tummy at the thought of being in the same room with one third of the Avengers.
“I’ll get it” He reassured you, standing up to answer the door.
Before you knew it, Tony Stark confidently barreled into the room. Firing some teasing words at Steve, you knew the poor guy would never hear the end of it.
“Oh look, here she is!” Tony announced.
“Nice to meet you Mr. Stark.” You shook his hand.
“Trust me, the pleasure is all mine Mrs. Rogers.” He smiled.
“Tony” Steve warned with a glare.
“Where’s the paper work?” Tony asked.
You quickly handed him the picture and the signed document that was on the table. Steve stood right next to you as you both watched him read over it, and evaluate the legitimacy.
Tony took out his phone snapped a few pictures, and made a weird face. Nervously, you his your face in Steve’s arm and he instinctively rubbed your back to comfort you.
Then, Tony started laughing. “Rogers you’re an idiot.”
“I’m aware, but what’s so funny?” Steve complained.
“It’s fake.” Tony said.
“What?” Your head popped up.
“Little white chapel, married by Elvis just for the gag type of thing. There’s no marriage license, it’s not a legal marriage.” He explained, handing you the papers back.
Both you and Steve let out a huge sigh of relief. “Maybe I’m not that much of an idiot after all.”
“No, you’re still stupid.” Tony denied. “Out of all the people in the world I would’ve never expected this from you, Cap.”
“This is Thor’s fault.” Steve pointed his finger.
You didn’t understand how the god of thunder had anything to do with this, but you had no mental capacity left to even ask.
“Yeah, well, it doesn’t matter. Just be on time for the flight home and stay out of trouble.” Tony told him. “Hope to see you around again soon, Mrs. Rogers.”
And just like that, he was out faster than he came in.
“I know Tony made it seem like everything is okay, but it’s not and I have a giant mess to clean up with the team.” Steve explained to you.
“Yeah, I’d assume so.” You smiled.
“Which means I really should go.” He let you down. “But regardless of this fiasco, and from what I do remember, I had a lot of fun with you last night. Would you want to exchange phone numbers and maybe hang out again when we get home?”
“I would love that, Steve.” You agreed.
He handed you his phone and you handed him yours. Both putting in your phone numbers and names before swapping them back.
At the same time, you both burst out laughing at the contact names.
Unplanned, he put his name as Husband, and you put yours as Wife.
“Ridiculous!” You laughed, walking him to the door.
“Maybe we really were meant to be.” Steve pondered.
“Maybe.” You agreed. “But in all seriousness, thank you for getting me home safe last night. I was really lucky to run into the right person at the right time.”
“Of course.” Steve grinned. “Travel safe, and let me know when you get home so we can set something up.”
“You got it.” Rocking up on your tippy toes, you kissed his cheek. “Have fun cleaning up that mess, Husband.”
“Don’t tell your Mom about this, Wife.”
You locked your lips and threw away the key. “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.”
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rogersideup · 7 months ago
This is exactly what the inside of my head looked like when I wrote sonder 🥰💞
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374 notes · View notes
candystevegrams · 1 month ago
To: @rogersideup
Isla you're not only a precious bean but also have written one of my favorite versions of Steve. I found you through the masterpiece that is Sonder. I was reading it and this pure beautiful version of Steve you created just made me fall in love with him in a completely new way. Then I continued on with your masterlist and these many versions of Steve just found a very special place in my heart! I remember waking up to updates of Late Night Talking and reading them before I had to go to work, crying with reader and Steve, laughing... Just feeling all the emotions. Nice to be kneaded had me in a chokehold as well. Thank you for sharing all these wonderful pieces 🩷
@rogersideup You have a candygram! 🍬
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bookboyfriendsficrecs · 7 months ago
Steve Rogers Fic Recs
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Bolded = fic located on Ao3
Nice to Be Kneaded by @rogersideup
Nothing But the Truth by @anika-ann
Don't You Love Me by @dreamwritesimagines
Steve Rogers' NSFW Alphabet by @universitypenguin
A Blind Path Home by @imamotherfuckingstar-lord
Love on the Brain by @anika-ann
The Year of Starting Over by @justanothersong
His New Partner by @star-spangled-steve
Fools Rush In by @ronearoundblindly
When You Come Back to Me Again by @sunriserose1023
Non-Sequential by @invisibleanonymousmonsters
Out of Time by @after-avenging-hours
The Demigod From Asgard by @secretswiftymarvelfan
Stark Spangled Universe by @wiypt-writes
Tomorrow by @just-dreaming-marvel
Hacker's Heart by @bakugousaysdie (note: this series' masterlist is currently unaccesible due to a username change by the author, I have linked the tag "hacker's heart au" on their blog as that's the only way the find the corresponding stories, hopefully this works fine)
Bug and Bear and Burritos and Bandages by @real-jane
Seven Minutes Part 1 and Part 2 by @anika-ann
Start Again Part 1 and Part 2 by @wkemeup
SR Version Desperate Times and Desperate Measures by @lancsnerd
Pace is the Trick by @syntheticavenger (part 4 linked, other parts available at beginning of post)
No Questions Asked by @pellucid-constellations
No Strings Attached by @viperbarnes
Nature's Beauty by @biteofcherry
How to Dismantle Steve Rogers by @jtargaryen18
Passing the Baton by @touchstarvedirl
Writer's Block by @navybrat817
Taken by @time-for-a-lullaby
Hold Onto Me by @anika-ann
346 notes · View notes
darsynia · 8 months ago
Hey, I hope it's ok to reach out like this but I'm back on tumblr with a new account after being away and am very lost, and as I love your fics, I'd love any recommendations for blogs to follow (in addition to yours, of course)!
I'm looking for non-dark Steve x Reader or Steve x OFC content. Preferably the fluffy/romantic/happy kind, although the torture-the-cinnamon-roll-before-a-tooth-rottingly-happy-ending will always be my jam too. Smut is ok! Am also open for Bucky or Tony as the male lead!
So any recommendations you (or should you answer this publicly, your followers) might have would be super welcome.
I hope you're having a good week and again, if this is silly, feel free to discard!
Well this was such a lovely thing to find in my inbox, given how much I like yours! I predictably Darsy'd this, setting up a bunch of links so I could offer a 'must-follow' list as well as some masterlists to dive into. I agree with @steviebbboi that if someone else had asked, I'd stick you on here 100%!
We'll start with some authors and masterlists (some have a mix of dark and fluff), in no particular order (I'm making Bucky purple. He'll get over it. Or he won't, and that'll be fun too) EDIT: I forgot the blog names are blue for me. Steve, you're pink now, I don't make the rules:
@ronearoundblindly Steve Series | Steve Oneshots | Bucky
@anika-ann Steve | Bucky
@stargazingfangirl18 Steve | Bucky
@navybrat817 Steve | Bucky
@targaryenvampireslayer Steve | Bucky
@thezombieprostitute Steve | Bucky
@buckets-and-trees Steve | Bucky
@witchywithwhiskey Steve | Bucky
@nicoline1998enilocin Steve | Bucky | Tony
@holylulusworld Steve | Bucky | Tony
Next we have a list of folks who make this corner of Tumblr a delightful place to be! Authors whose fics aren't quite the fluff you're looking for, readers we can't live without, mutuals who light up my life; this venn diagram is a complete, lovely mess.
@krirebr @bigtreefest @biteofcherry @sweater-daddiesdumbdork @brandycranby
@jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @steviebbboi @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @buckymorelikefuckme @caplanbuckybarnes
@eralen @nekoannie-chan @nowandjenn @secretswiftymarvelfan @rogerswifesblog
@petite-madame @rogersideup @levans44 @jobean12-blog @heli0s-writes
@deliciousangelfestival @jesevans @mrsevans90 @jamneuromain @mischief-and-tea-by-the-sea
Full disclosure: Ro helped me with a few names here, and I just followed you *waves* so please don't be freaked out that I just followed and stuck you on a list! You come highly recommended!!
Thanks for asking, it's an honor and a delight to have an excuse to boost up some truly great blogs on here!
Had to add this, too. Tumblr told on me:
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Ps. that thing where you try to remember a really lovely person's username and you can't and you remember it a half freaking hour after you posted... (or a day later! Argh, I'm so sorry Jen! @late-to-the-party-81 absolutely deserves to be on this list. If it is any consolation I totally did the 'leaving out someone obvious' with wedding invitations and it never doesn't feel bad!)
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bigtreefest · 1 year ago
Fic Rec Masterlist
*This list is constantly being edited as I read more that’s so good I feel the need to share
Fluff 💞| Smut 🔥| Angst 🧊 | ST’s Favorite 🌟
Bucky Barnes
🌟An Offer by @wntrs0ldier
I Thought You’d Never Happen to Me by @nickfowlerrr
Van Helsing Retold 🧊by @gaysindistress
New Tricks by @sebstanwhore
The List by @srgntjamesbuckybarnes
Catch Me if You Can by @buckyalpine
Treat You Better by @notafunkiller
Wedded Bliss by @gutsby
I Think He Knows by @delicatebarness
Wrapped Around Him by @angrythingstarlight
Back Again by @delaber
Are You Bored Yet? By @pellucid-constellations
Curiosity Killed the Cat by @queers-gambit
My Everyday by @pellucid-constellations
Traitor (technically a 2-shot) 🧊🔥 by @insomniumstella
Details by @soulgazingwithbucky
When we are Older by @buckys-wintersoldier
Hell Hath no Fury Like a Farmer Scorned by @eat-limes-bitches
You Know Just What I Need by @sinner-as-saint
Right Here by @ellemj
I Hate You by @ellemj
My First and Only by @buckyalpine
Bake Nights by @jobean12-blog
Steve Rogers
Reckless 💞🔥🧊 by @kinanabinks
The Gemini by @rogersideup
With You by @buckets-and-trees
I’m So, So… Sorry by @ronearoundblindly
The Brooklyn Boys by @buckets-and-trees
Backstage Pass by @luxeavenger
Mafia!Stucky by @myfictionaldreams
The Fuckboy Committee by @kinanabinks
Ari Levinson
Highways & Heatstrokes (trucker AU) 🔥 by @oh-my-damn
🌟Bedrock and Blueprints by @ronearoundblindly
Sweet Renegade by @cevansbrat0007
Being in Love (ex Bucky) by @imtryingbuck
Pearls & Sunflowers by @chase-your-dreams-away
Flamingo King by @onsunnyside
Stoner sex 🔥 by @sweater-daddiesdumbdork
I’ll Wait, Angel by @buckyscombatboots
Jake Jensen
A Helping Hand by @buckymorelikefuckme
Curtis Everett
Live Is Short So Make It Sweet by @sweater-daddiesdumbdork
I Know I Should Know Better by @krirebr
Dream Come True by @thezombieprostitute
Andy Barber
Like I’m Gonna Lose You (with Ransom Drysdale) by @paperweight91
Ransom Drysdale
Precarious Agreements by @sweater-daddiesdumbdork
The Root of All Ransom by @ronearoundblindly
More Than This by @krirebr
Afterglow by @stargazingfangirl18
Johnny Storm
Colin Shea
Sprawling Multi-character AUs
Lucky Charms by @yenzys-lucky-charm
We’re All Monsters by @krirebr @paperweight91
Come Hell or High Water by @imaginedreamwrite
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potterhead2207 · 5 months ago
Fic Recommendations Masterlist 14
@thyme-in-a-bubble - Teamwork
@marvelavengerspovs1 - Double Trouble
@buckys-wintersoldier - Little Perv
Bucky Barnes
@ramp-it-up - All I Know It Feels So Damn Good
@jobean12-blog - Easy Ride
@gogolucky13 - Office Hours
@likeahorribledream - I Think I Wanna Marry You I Know I Wanna Marry You
Steve Rogers
@ronearoundblindly - Alone Time
@ronearoundblindly - A Kiss As An Apology
@ronearoundblindly - Midnight Kiss
@ronearoundblindly - Steve x Lloyd Hansen x Reader
@ronearoundblindly - Not-Baker!Steve
@ronearoundblindly - Untitled
@ronearoundblindly - Your Dog, His Tricks
@ronearoundblindly - Old Dog, New Tricks
@ronearoundblindly - The Game
@ronearoundblindly - Big Pharma
@violentdelightsandviolentends - Untitled
@rogersideup - Nice To Be Kneaded
@navybrat817 - By Any Other Name
@espinosaurusrexex - Revision
@thiswillbecomesomething - Let’s Try This
@sarahwroteathing - It’s The Great Pumpkin, Steve Rogers!
@justyouraverage-simp - Daddy Day Care
@the-iceni-bitch - Plain To See
@the-iceni-bitch - Always On My Mind (Plain To See Sequel)
@notyetneedcoffee - Take Care Of You
@notyetneedcoffee - Date Nights 1
@notyetneedcoffee - Date Nights 2
@notyetneedcoffee - Date Nights 3
@kidney9-9 - Trick or Treat!
@hansensgirl - Untitled
@hansensgirl - Salt In The Wound
@evansbby - Steve’s Bunny
Ari Levinson
@cevansbrat0007 - In Sickness & In Health
@cevansbrat0007 - What’s Eating You, Mr. Levinson?
@imyourbratzdoll - Untitled
Lloyd Hansen
@stargazingfangirl18 - Expectations
@the-iceni-bitch - Lookin’ At You Got Me Thinkin’ Nonsense
Andy Barber
@cevansbrat0007 - Untitled
@cevansbrat0007 - April Fools’ Day
Ransom Drysdale
@likeahorribledream - New Guy
Chris Evans
@babyjakes - Ruined Innocence (this is also posted in Fic Recommendations Masterlist 1 under their former username)
@babyjakes - Perfect Little Things
@lives-in-midgard - Taking Care Of You
@dreamtinblackandwhite - A Dog’s Best Friend
@cevansbaby-dove - Making Cookies With Chris
Jack Grealish
@blondie20000 - Kisses For Breakfast
Harry Potter
@dracoxsworld - What Dating Harry Potter Would Be Like
@blue-sadie - Kiss The Cook
@boxofbonesfic - Doppelgänger
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anika-ann · 3 months ago
Was tagged by lovelies @stellar-solar-flare and @darsynia
Rules: Make a 24h poll listing titles of every WIP you want to work on. (It's fine if you only have one, still make a poll for the vote count). Whichever WIP gets te most votes, write 1 sentence for every vote received.
Alternate rule: Write one sentence for each vote in any WIP ✨
NP tags: @chase-your-dreams-away @americas-ass-writing @rogersideup @stargazingfangirl18 and anyone (my head is empty I'm sorry)
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nekoannie-chan · 11 months ago
Week 18 Reblog Masterlist
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Welcome to Week 18 2024 or Week 226, as always, fics would be listed in the order I read them.
I hope you enjoy it!
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♥ You can check my reading guidelines here.
♥ You can check my masterlist here.
♥ You can check my main reblog masterlist 2024 here.
♥ You can check my May reblog masterlist 2024 here.
♥ You can check Week 17 2024 here.
♥ You can check Week 19 2024 here.
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𝙺𝚎𝚢𝚜: 💛 ᵒʳᶤᵍᶤᶰᵃˡ ˢᵗᵒʳʸ
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This is the list of the fics I read and recommend in Week 18 2024:
Blue bonnets (Brock Rumlow X Reader) by @saiyanprincessswanie 💚❤️
‘Til the end of the line (Stucky) by @buckys-wintersoldier 💙
Fic (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @kilibaggins 💙
Hangry (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @just-another-blog-of-fluff 💚
Red, White, and Love - Part 1(Steve Rogers X Reader) by @halfofmysoulsblog 💚
Fugitive (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @lokischambermaid ❤️
The secret is out (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @lives-in-midgard 💚
Fic (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @foxgloveprincess ❤️
His Saviour part 1 (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @glorystark 💙
Leave me alone! (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @cevansbaby-dove 💙
Too Sweet (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @dungeonpuppykai ❤️🖤
You’re stuck with me chapter 3 (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @our-eternal-lies 💙
The Gemini chapter 9 (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @rogersideup 💚
Fic (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @ronearoundblindly ❤️
Fic (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @spidey-webz ❤️
Hummingbird part 8 (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @thezombieprostitute ❤️
Back and Forth - part 6.1 (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @anika-ann 💙
Resident Expert (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @lokischambermaid 💚
Direct order (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @navybrat817 💙
Little bird part 1 (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @rosyheretic ❤️
You’re stuck with me chapter 5 (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @our-eternal-lies 💙
Sweetheart (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @bookishtheaterlover7 ❤️
Like Sin (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @heytheredelulu 💙
Sweet pea (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @starstruckunknown-princess 💚💙
Little bird part 2 (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @rosyheretic ❤️
Disguise (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @jamneuromain 💚
Work for it (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @heaven4lostgirls 💙
Everything Falls Into Place (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @queen-of-the-avengers 💚
The bolter part 4 (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @endless-ineffabilities 💙
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marie-swriting · 1 year ago
Need More Fanfics ? Part.2
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Killer (Kate Bishop x reader) by @upat4amwiththemoon
Vigilante Shit | Part two (Kate Bishop x BlackHill!reader) by @upat4amwiththemoon
Clint's Stray (Kate Bishop x reader) by @maximoffsmuse
Never Let Go (Kate Bishop x reader) by @lightupthemoon
Frost Covered Window (Kate Bishop x reader) by @mayfieldss
The Scrapbook of You and I (Kate Bishop x reader) by deactivated account
Bullseye (Kate Bishop x deaf!reader) by @olsenmyolsen
Home Is In Your Arms (Kate Bishop x reader) by @crappy-writings
Approval (Kate Bishop x reader) by @fetusgooseandjuice
Unpacking (Carol Danvers x reader) by @yelenasdiary
Care Bear (Carol Danvers x reader) by @captains-simp
Home For Christmas (Bucky Barnes x reader) by @onceuponastory
In Every Lifetime (Bucky Barnes x reader) by @wkemeup
Bi (Bucky Barnes x daughter!reader) by @alyswritings
I've Got You (Bucky Barnes x reader) by @onceuponastory
Lessons In Chemistry (TASM!Peter Parker x reader) by @mayfieldss
Field Trips-Not Just Educational (TASM!Peter Parker x reader) by @withahappyrefrain
Black Velvet (Natasha Romanoff x reader) by @imtryingbuck
Society Says (Steve Rogers x Tall!reader) by @invisibleanonymousmonsters
Nice To Be Kneaded (Steve Rogers x reader) [serie masterlist] by @rogersideup
Thirty-Two Years (Sam Wilson x reader) by @thepokyone
Criminal Minds
Starry Night (Emily Prentiss x reader) by @criminalmindswhore
Secret Santa (Emily Prentiss x reader) by @max-the-d0g
I Guess Sometimes We All Get Just What We Wanted (Emily Prentiss x reader) by @bi-bard
Untitled (Emily Prentiss x reader) by @reidsdaisies
My Favorite Medicine Is You (Emily Prentiss x reader) by @ssa-sugar-tits
Leave It At The Door (Emily Prentiss x plus size!reader) by @hannibals-favourite-meal (Minors do not interact as the author wishes!)
Wandering Hands (Emily Prentiss x reader) by @emilys-bangs
Showing The Bird (Spencer Reid x daughter!reader) by @letarasstuff
Sneaking Out (Derek Morgan x daughter!reader) by @rachaelswrites
Top Gun
My Heart Will Go On (Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x reader), Titanic AU by @averagewriter-inthedark (⚠️TW : deaths and light smut, Minors do not interact as the author wishes!)
Driving Home From Christmas (Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x reader) by @callsign-phoenix
Sweetest Devotion (Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x reader) by @sometimesanalice
Don't Mess With The Storm (Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x reader) by @mamsieur
A Glimpse of Them (Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x reader) by @bradshawsbaby
G-Lock Too Far (Natasha "Phoenix" Trace x reader) by @frost-queen
Let Your Senses Guide You (Natasha "Phoenix" Trace x reader) by @topguncortez (⚠️TW : panic attack)
Untitled (Natasha "Phoenix" Trace x reader) by @callsign-phoenix
Making You Proud (Pete "Maverick" Mitchell x daughter!reader) by @justabigassnerd
Nice Guys Always Finish Last (Jake "Hangman" Seresin x reader) [serie masterlist] by deactivated account
Outer Banks
Thunder = Luke (JJ Maybanks x sister!reader) by @alyswritings (⚠️TW : mention of abuse)
Those Christmas Lights (Light Up The Street) (Dean Winchester x child!reader) by @yourmomxx
I'll Always Cath You (Dean Winchester x sister!reader) by @winchesters-favorite-girl
Brother, Brother (Dean Winchester x sister!reader) by @castiwls
Stranger Things
Fall For You (Chrissy Cunningham x reader) by @tommiruewrites
Say You Want Me Too (Robin Buckley x reader) by @sparklingsin
Come Into The Water (Robin Buckley x reader) by deactivated account
Kissing Lessons (Robin Buckley x reader) by @jellyfishbeansontoast
Favorite Song (Steve Harrington x sister!reader) by @alyswritings
Angel In The Sky (Benedict Bridgerton x reader) by @inkedobsidian
Enchantment (Benedict Bridgerton x reader) by deactivated account
Joy (Benedict Bridgerton x reader) by @redheadspark
Pinkish Clouds (Anthony Bridgerton x reader) by @d-targaryenshoe
Grey's Anatomy
You’ve Got Me (Jackson Avery x reader) by @starryblueeyesandstarryblueskies
Part.1 - Part.3
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rogersideup · 1 year ago
。°✩ ♊︎ The Gemini ♊︎ ✩ ° 。
Series Masterlist
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Steve Rogers x Agent! Reader (ft. Bucky Barnes)
After months of a seemingly normal and steady friendship, things take a complex turn. Steve learns a lesson about the intricacies of being a woman in a man’s world, interpersonal relationships, and the consequences of poor communication through the experiences of you, his favorite Gemini.
⋆。°✩ ♊︎ MASTERLIST ♊︎ ✩ °。⋆
⋆。°♊︎ Chapter 1: Love You More
⋆。°♊︎ Chapter 2: Wine And Dine
⋆。°♊︎ Chapter 3: Expendable
⋆。°♊︎ Chapter 4: Pink Peonies
⋆。°♊︎ Chapter 5: Rearview
⋆。°♊︎ Chapter 6: Little Birdie
⋆。°♊︎ Chapter 7: Twinkles
⋆。°♊︎ Chapter 8: True Romantic
⋆。°♊︎ Chapter 9: Star Crossed Lover
⋆。°♊︎ Chapter 10: May 20th
⋆。°✩ ♊︎ EXTRAS ♊︎ ✩ °。⋆
✧ Steve and Bug’s playlist: Listen to the same music Steve and Bug have compiled for each other, and get a sneak peek on the messages they’re sharing by letting the music speak for them. This is the same playlist from the story!
✧Thoughts: Here’s what people are saying about the story!
Want to join? Just ask! I’m always happy to have you here.
See you all soon ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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ronearoundblindly · 2 years ago
Sneak Peek!
excerpt of Threadbare, Part Three a Steve Rogers x fashion designer!Reader tale
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Warnings: none. WC 552
Summary: Steve hopes to see you by going to your atélier.
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Steve rolls the garment bag he brought off his shoulder and does not take an extra deep breath right before pulling open the door. It’s a normal breath. He’s fine. Fine.
Again, as several other times before, you’re nowhere to be seen.
“Oh my god,” your fourth assistant squeaks from behind the counter.
He knows his name. They know each other’s names—clearly—but have never met.
The young man stands taller. “Oh…my god. Hell-oh.”
Steve…is not sure whether the once-over your employee gives him is flattering or objectifying but rallies to get to his point.
“You must be Byron,” Steve tries casually, suppressing the awkward smirk rising with gentle heat to his cheeks. “I was wondering if the lady of the house was in to return this.” 
Steve’s glad he has the jacket as a prop, something to do with his hands as he nervously glances toward the upstairs where he knows you live anyway. You’re here. He knows it. You’re working, and Steve doesn’t want to interrupt you. He has no other options, or at least, no other options that don’t make him feel a bit creepy.
“‘Fraid not, sir. But—“ Byron gathers his wits more admirably than Steve seems to be “—I’m sure I can help with anything you require, Mr. America.”
“Just Steve is fine,” he smiles back. Steve scans the open fitting rooms for Dominica or any of the others he has a rapport with, but no such luck. “And just the jacket.”
“What seems to be the problem with it?”
“Oh, no, it’s not mine. I was just standing in for a fitting when I got called away and...accidentally took it.”
Byron eyes Steve suspiciously. “You…you stood in…for the fit of another client’s jacket? Another client that…looks like you?”
Steve rolls his shoulders in discomfort. “She asked me to,” he defends lamely.
Byron keeps looking at him as if Steve’s grown an extra head instead of just a head taller than his original stature.
“Ok,” your assistant shrugs, “let’s see who the marker is for.”
Steve shoves the hanging bag in Byron’s outstretched hand, nervous again. He shouldn’t have come. This was a bad idea.
Deftly, clearly recalling a move he’s executed thousands upon thousands of times, Byron unzips the bag, tucks the opening under the shoulders of the jacket, runs his hand down the left side seam, and flips up the corner to peek at the lining.
Steve sees a glint of metallic he never noticed.
“Remind me of your middle name, Mist—sorry, Captain Rogers.”
“It’s Grant,” Steve blurts without thought. “Why?”
“This is your jacket, sir, down to the threads.” Byron smiles, a glistening white band of teeth bared for the enjoyment of all, and gleefully spins the garment around to show a delicately stitched ’S G R’ in silver against the deep purple.
Steve’s cheeks are on fire.
“But…” he stammers. “That’s not…” Steve hunches over the counter as if it will settle a bet his mind and heart are arguing.
You asked about the color…and he said he loved it.
You shyly asked if he’d spare the time to help you…and he jumped at the chance.
You made him a custom jacket and tricked him into having it fitted.
Steven Grant Rogers: Idiot.
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[Main Masterlist; Light Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
Is everyone as excited as I am? No? Have you also noticed a ridiculous drop in Tumblr interactions? Yes? Do I care? Kinda, but it can't stop me from enjoying this mini-series. The cuteness! It's so wholesome I AM DYING. 💚💜
Tags (to prove to y'all I'm not dead): @supraveng @1950schick @patzammit @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @bucky-fricking-barnes-reads @fallinallinmendes @deandreamernp @shelbygeek @rogersideup @eyebagsanonymous @trudy-shams
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sarahowritesostucky · 7 months ago
My Wips tag game
Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPS.
I was tagged by @ --actually I wasn't tagged, I just saw this on my dash
My current WIPS (this is shameful. I have a real problem)
1. Runnin' Roughshod
2. Marvel Trumps Hate
3. CAFOE in progress
4. Sense of Touch
5. Until the Snow Melts: Bred and Kept by the Alpha Woodsmen
6. Temporary Custody
7. Body Heat
8. Werewolf BB/Maximum Security/Size Difference
9. TCATR Ch1: A Great and Grievous Rumbling
no pressure tags: @darkficsyouneveraskedfor, @myexplosion, @scottishrosefury, @espinosaurusrexex, @veltana, @buckys-wintersoldier, @sparkagrace, @mypoisonedvine, @ronearoundblindly, @rogersideup
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thezombieprostitute · 11 months ago
🌿Snapdragon🌿: rec five blogs and your fave stories by them
@darkficsyouneveraskedfor - Unsolicited (Lloyd Hansen)
@buckyalpine - Missing (Bucky Barnes)
@secretswiftymarvelfan - Spider Chronicles (CEvans Characters)
@imyourbratzdoll - Mrs. Claus Show (CEvans & SebStan Characters)
@rogersideup - Nice to be Kneaded (Nomad!Steve Rogers)
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ronearoundblindly · 1 year ago
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sorry, i'm the WHAT now?? ok. sure. yeah. ok. Congrats to me, I guess.
NPT: @levans44 @fics-ontheside @rogersideup @brandycranby and anyone else who wants to!
Starting a chain!! With this quiz and this Picrew.
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Tagging: @tuff-ponyboy @veggiesforpresident @sleeplessgreaser @fishfishfishfishfishfishfish1 @literallyhim0 @cadesblade @tigergirlpaya @arieshasbrainrot57 and anyone else who wants to do this.
6K notes · View notes
nekoannie-chan · 10 months ago
Week 22 Reblog Masterlist
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Welcome to Week 22 2024 or Week 230, as always, fics will be listed in the order I read them.
I hope you enjoy it!
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
♥ You can check my reading guidelines here.
♥ You can check my masterlist here.
♥ You can check my main reblog masterlist 2024 here.
♥ You can check my May reblog masterlist 2024 here.
♥ You can check Week 21 2024 here.
♥ You can check Week 22 2024 here.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
𝙺𝚎𝚢𝚜: 💛 ᵒʳᶤᵍᶤᶰᵃˡ ˢᵗᵒʳʸ
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This is the list of the fics I read and recommend in Week 22 2024:
Stargazing with Steve Rogers (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @tylersnecktattoo 💚
Misunderstanding part 6 (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @sosa2imagines 💚💙
Pretty As A Picture Chapter 6 (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @mrs-barnes-rogers-writes 💙
Little perv (Stucky X Reader) by @buckys-wintersoldier ❤️
Promise? (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @beah388love 💚
The Pull Of You part 3 (Stucky X Reader) by @mrs-barnes-rogers-writes
Bring him home chapter 2 (Bucky Barnes X Reader) by @delicatebarness 💙
You're stuck with me chapter 15 (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @your-eternal-lies 💚
I didn't know this time would be our last (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @amaratas ❤️
Your mark on me part 15 (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @georgiapeach30513 🖤
The Pull Of You part 4 (Stucky X Reader) by @mrs-barnes-rogers-writes
You're stuck with me chapter 16 finale (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @your-eternal-lies 💚
Dancing in the rain (Stucky X Reader) by @princesscore-angel 💚
Daring Escape (Bucky Barnes X Reader) by @caplanbuckybarnes 💙
Misunderstanding part 7 (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @sosa2imagines 💚💙
Just Right chapter 1 (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @darsynia 💚
Monday, monday (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @intrepidacious 💚
Dragonfly part 1 (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @thezombieprostitute 💙
Misunderstanding part 8 (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @sosa2imagines 💚💙
Just Right chapter 2 (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @darsynia 💚
Protector (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @lokischambermaid 💚💙
Dragonfly part 2 (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @thezombieprostitute 💙
Pretty As A Picture chapter 7 (Stucky X Reader) by @mrs-barnes-rogers-writes 💙
Just Right chapter 3 (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @darsynia 💚
3 a.m. wanderers! (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @sosa2imagines 💚
Out of office (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @intrepidacious 💚
The Gemini chapter 10 (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @rogersideup 💙
Just Right chapter 4 (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @darsynia 💚
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