#rhaenyra critical
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maybeiwasjustjade · 9 months ago
Genuinely, perhaps 99% of me, believes that the only reason Condal and Hess made HOTD Aegon a r*pist/have adult Aegon’s introduction the aftermath of the SA of a maid, was because they knew that if Aegon was just a drunk and a cheat—like almost all Westerosi men—he would be too tragic of a character not to root for, and they really couldn’t have that. No, Aegon has to be the monster to Rhaenyra’s saint, because if you took away the act that made him monstrous, he’s so easy to root for, and the TB/TG divide would be significantly larger.
Cheating and visiting brothels are quite common in Westeros, with the vast majority of male characters doing one or the other or both. Drinking is even more so. Aegon would still be palatable with either or both traits because it doesn’t make him worse than Rhaenyra. Rhaenyra had three bastards with Harwin because Laenor’s gay, so it makes her affair understandable and valid. Aegon was forced to marry his own sister as a young teen, and clearly despises the whole targ-incest tradition. Why is it a crime that he doesn’t find his little sister sexually or romantically attractive???
Aegon’s basically a Greek tragedy made flesh. The eldest son conceived to be a long-awaited heir, yet simultaneously cheated out of a birthright. Born wanted yet unwanted, the heir who is not an heir. Meant to be loved, yet raised without it, with a mother’s disdain and fear as his only companion. His father stopped wanting him sometime after his second birthday (probably around the time Jacaerys was born), and his mother never wanted him anyway. His mere existence is a threat to a crown he never wanted, yet nobody cared when they placed it on his head. He wants love but no one loves him, and contrary to popular belief, that lack of love didn’t just stem from adulthood. He was a little boy once too, who very much didn’t deserve that level of apathy.
Married to his sister despite his clear disdain for his family’s incestuous tradition. Forced to father children on her at the grand old age of sixteen (and she fourteen). The only thing he ever really loved was his dragon, and the children he had. And even those he loses to tragedy, and someone else’s doing.
It’s not at all a surprise that Aegon’s defining trait is his love for Sunfyre. A ridiculously strong bond, born from years of having only each other. Moreover, a dragon is the symbol of power, which Aegon has little of. He can’t protect himself from his own family’s abuse or machinations, and unless he claims the crown everyone he loves will die. Dragons also represent freedom, and the ability to just fly away. And if there’s one thing Aegon wants more than anything in the world, it’s to run away from his family and the accursed throne.
In that, he’s not so different than a young Rhaenyra (pre-personality change anyway). Young Rhaenyra hated having to conform to societal standards. Hated having no choice but to marry, and to whom. She too wanted to fly away to freedom. There’s too many parallels between the two, even down to their ages pre-timeskip. Rhaenyra was about 18, and Aegon now is only 20. Yet Rhaenyra at 16’s only problem was whether her infant brother would replace her as heir, while Aegon’s was being forced to play house with his sister and newborn twins.
Perhaps misogyny and society would always be Rhaenyra’s greatest opponent, and the same Aegon’s ally when it comes to their claims, but it was not the only issue. Precedent declared that Aegon would be heir ahead of her, yet it was Rhaenyra’s position and honor that Viserys defied law for, even when she committed high treason against the crown thrice. She got everything; Aegon had nothing. He’s the underdog of the story, not her. So had they not made him an on screen r*pist (unlike Daemon who was off-screen one and merely an on-screen pedo and wife-killer), it would’ve been very hard for the writers to push their “Rhaenyra good, TG bad” narrative. Those two would’ve had too many parallels and foils for it to work, and they really couldn’t have that, could they.
No, Aegon has to be the villain; Rhaenyra has to be the hero. It’s a black and white war, good vs evil. That’s the story HOTD is trying to sell, and not at all the complex tragedy of a family tearing itself and its dynasty into pieces over greed and idiocy.
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alicentsgf · 8 months ago
What was it i was saying 2 years ago about rhaenyra acting selfishly by sleeping with Harwin because it put both Alicents and her own children in danger? And I got told i was slutshaming.
Well now Jace himself has criticised her for it can we talk about it?
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ride-thedragon · 8 months ago
A critical analysis of Rhaenyra's motherhood.
Now I'm really happy that the show gave a critical lens to this with episode 7, but it's been established since S1. It was just that her fans and people who don't like Alicent made it extremely hard to give this criticism other and compared her to Alicent even though they aren't in the same circumstances. This is going to be a critical look at Rhaenyra’s motherhood, so if that will make you upset, move on.
Her relationship to mothers.
Rhaenyra doesn't have a real mother figure throughout her life. We see that she feels the need to take care of her mother at 14, probably because she saw Aemma go through it before. When her father kills her she's scared by it and it changes her.
We then see her lean into Alicent, but by the time she's trying to gain a sense of normalcy, her friend is going to marry her father. I know a lot of people hold out hope for that deleted scene, but I like the way they keep it in the show. Rhaenyra doesn't empathise with Alicent because of what happened with Aemma. She becomes a mother, and without much thought, Rhaenyra sees her as the king's wife and baby maker.
With Rhaenys (we will return to it) she doesn't seem to see her in that light. Rhaenys is a caution for who she isn't and wouldn't be. She's too young to realise the freedom Rhaenys has from her position.
There are no other prominent mother figures around her either, and Rhaenyra continues to see motherhood as a trap or slow death in a sense, a way to lock a woman up and bring her down.
How she becomes a mother
Rhaenyra does like sex. She's grown, and even though Daemon will burn in hell for risking her life like that for his own gain with her first sexual experience, Rhaenyra clearly likes sex, she likes the enjoyment and connection, the desire and want.
But she is a woman in feudalism, so she is looked down on because of it. When she has to get married after not finding that in any partner she was presented with, she specifically made the arrangement with Laenor that their sex was out of duty and obligations to make heirs while they could both seek out pleasure.
Rhaenyra and Laenor do not have a healthy or good relationship. Joffrey is murdered by Criston without punishment, and Laenor does his duty, but Rhaenyra finds no joy in it. People like to act as though Rhaenyra would've had to sa Laenor to have his kids but that's not what she says.
Rhaenyra is young and likes sex. She wants to have sex and feel desired. Laenor is gay and traumatised but still doing his duty like they discussed. Rhaenyra seeks out Harwin because she wants to enjoy sex and because sex with him is more enjoyable and what she wanted she gets pregnant.
By this point, she has the risk of the child being Harwin's, but why would she care? The child could be Laenor’s, and if not, he should provenly still look Valyrian.
The child does not look Valyrian, but she is now the mother of that child. She can't say he's a bastard because that's treason, so she passes it off as Laenor’s. This trend will continue and worsen with time.
All of her kids.
This ine shocked people recently but I wasn't shocked. Rhaenyra has harmed Jace arguably the moat in all of this. He's her heir while she's fighting this war. Anything they do and any harm she puts herself in that could cost her her life, the Lord of the Realm will be asked to bow to a bastard. He's fully aware of this.
Jace is in constant question of himself, and Rhaenyra can never answer him. The first time he asks if he's a bastard she kisses him and doesn't answer, when he says he should be grieving Ser Harwin, she tells him it wouldn't be appropriate after her non answer and sends him to comfort Baela. She marries Daemon and has true boen Valyrian children by him, risking his life because his biggest protection outside of Rhaenyra was 'kilked' in a way that facilitated that union.
She tries and fails to betrothe him to Helaena, and after she engages him to Baela when she should be looking to allies to support her claim because she can't risk him marrying a non Valyrian.
Now, she keeps putting herself at risk in order to satiate her desires for peace and reunion while he is terrified not just to lose his power but to lose his position. Then she coddles him so he can't prove himself because Luke died. She dismisses and avoids his concerns six years later, just as she did when he was 10, something we see him do to Luke.
Now she again chooses herself before him when it comes to the Dragonseeds, calling into question his biggest legitimacy outside of her. Her right is her priority, and she chooses it over the potential harm it will cause to him. I also don't think she would've done it without that scene with Viserys in episode 8.
Rhaenyra is really reckless with this one. She doesn't stop with Harwin. She doubles down because she believes it grants Jace viability if he and all his brothers look alike.
So when the heir to house Velayron doesn't look Velayron, people are rightfully upset. But again, thanks to Rhaenyra and Laenor protecting them, Luke doesn't realise he is a bastard until he's fully confronted with it. Then Rhaneyra, on two separate occasions, chooses to add fuel to the fire. With the boys and Aemond, Luke goes unpunished and protected because of Rhaenyra and her appeal to Viserys. This is something that festers in Aemond.
With the Velayrons who all suspect foul play with Rhaenyra and Laenor, when she kills Vaemond without answering him, she gives room for Luke to question why she didn't have an answer and in his mind, he should've just given the seat up. But he is Rhaenyra's son and she has fixed the situation by wedding him to Rhaena so he doesn't have to worry. She will always be there.
She isn't, though. He's sent away on a mission where he confronts the two things she willingly chose to ignore, Aemond and his bastardy. This leads to Luke's death.
My baby boy hasn't done anything wrong and is fine, but the show willingly chooses to ignore any mention of his engagement to the Manderlys isn't a great sign that she won't choose to simply marry him off as well to fix the bastard problem.
Aegon and Viserys (and legally Visenya)
These kids genuinely harm Jace specifically. If they decide to be the heirs, more men would stand behind them because they are true born. That's a decision Rhaenyra made because, again, she thinks these boys will be raised outside of that conflict because of her. She is at the center of it.
Again, it's the question of sex and how much she truly thinks she can protect her kids from each other. Especially since Jace treats them like a segregated line, he won't cross.
Baela and Rhaena.
Show Rhaenyra isn't a mother to these girls. She's adultified one while parentifying the other and never offers comfort outside of her own gain. She is not a mother. She hasn't put herself in that position. You can argue she doesn't have too but she should have. Now, she is using them to her benefit in place of herself and what she can't do. Baela is the dragonrider, and Rhaena is the mother despite her protest. These girls aren't daughters to her. She doesn't give them the benefit of loving them enough to hear them.
It's not her responsibility, but she dies understand the position she is in and uses it when it benefits her.
With a focus on Rhaena for a moment as well, they let her claim seasmoke when they thought Laenor was alive in Essos. She risked her life trying to claim a dragon they understood would kill her. I really do hope that they didn't know, but I wouldn't be surprised if they did.
Is she a good mother?
No. She isn't a good mom. It's not a bad thing. She loves her kids because they are hers. She protects them because they are hers. We see a clear contrast with Laena's girls and how she sympathises with them. She, however, doesn't offer them comfort. She sends Jace to do it. Rhaenyra’s kids are an extension of her. She loves them dearly and will not see them questioning who they are. Because she did and hated it. Her kids are legitimate through her. They hatched her dragons egg, and she loves them. It is enough for her, but she has doomed them from the start. They will never be safe, and they are sure to have a sucession crisis amongst themselves. Being loving is important, but she doesn't recognise the responsibility she has to them. Even in episode 7 of seaon 2, we see the same pattern. Ultimately, she comes first. To their detriment, but she loves them. Welcome back, Viserys Targaryen.
I don't think there is a good mom I house of the dragon. And Rhaenyra isn't the place to start to disprove that. Alicent isn't a good mom, Rhaenys isn't a good mom and Laena, even though she is the closest we come to it, isn't a good mom, I'd say she's the best out of the bunch though. Laena is certainly the most normal mom, though. Laena is the best mom. Thank you for coming.
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crimsoncold · 8 months ago
AEMONDSA: A crack ship with unexpected depth and appeal
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A treatise (in four parts) on the intriguing parallels and complementary contrasting of Aemond and Sansa and the subsequent allure of them as a romantic pairing in Fanfic
- from the perspective of a sansa-stan, jonsa + sansa-centric multishipper, and someone who is generally Targ critical
Now while my general stance of "ship and let ship/don't worry so much about what other people in fandom focus on or ship/etc" still stands i wanted to do a little write up on what I've found so appealing about this particular crack ship.
Not to justify it (again fandom and shipping in general is just about enjoying/thinking about fictional characters and scenarios... no one needs to justify why their imagination likes to think about two characters interacting romantically) but because there isn't a ton of metas addressing the interesting parallels between these characters and the appeal of them as a ship so I wanted to make one so the handful of people who do ship it get to see some more positive engagement/responses to this pairing.
I just unexpectedly ended up loving this pairing so much and I always have a particularly strong urge to contribute to fandom content on the rare pairs/crack ships that I like....So here have a deep dive into the parallels, and contrasting but complimentary aspects of Aemond and Sansa, and the unexpected appeal of Aemond x Sansa as a pairing in fanfiction...
So I'm going to be drawing from both book and show elements when I consider and compare Sansa and Aemond's characterization and plot arcs (particularly since this tends to be how they are handled in fanfic- which all have differing combinations of book or show canon for both characters)
(this is a HOTD S2-free zone though... HOTD's writing has certainly not improved and it's inconsistencies even compared to their past writing and characterization of many characters including Aemond has made such an absolute mess so for this post I'm ignoring the worst part of HBO's attempt at making hotd fanfiction i.e. S2- and I am basing my understanding of Aemond on a combination of what can be gleaned from book canon and s1 because that was what initially interested me AND because that is what the aemondsa fanfic I've read has also been based on)
Now Just to set the scene for my journey as a stark fan, jonsa shipper, and generally targ critical person to become an appreciator of aemondsa...
GOT had a steep decline in quality in the later seasons and HOTD despite the incredible effort of the actors/sfx people was not particularly good to start with in terms of writing/storytelling...yet disappointing or poorly written shows are not without their appeal for participating in fandom and reading/writing related fanfiction, particularly when there is a handful of interesting characters-looking at you stark kids who suffered through the writing of GOT's later seasons and HOTD's team green-that fans want to rescue from the terrible writing/butchering by the showrunners and to explore alternative stories/endings for them... sometimes it is even one of the most appealing sort of set up for fandom/fanfiction to take over and fix things.
I was already a huge Sansa fan, and she was the original draw for me towards asoiaf/got fandom and fanfiction, and while jonsa has been and remains my favorite pairing for her I've always been open to dabbling in various other sansa pairings/crack ships.
(While the parallels don't take the exact form as the ones between Sansa and Jon- and obviously aemondsa isn't accompanied with the incredible foreshadowing and potential that jonsa is- this pairing still feels similarly compelling due to the sheer amount of parallels between the two characters and for the fact that its a ship that is appealing and seems quite fitting without fanfic writers having to stray too far from canon personalities/back stories to make them work as a romantic pairing- beyond you know the obvious aspect of them being alive at the same time)
When HOTD first came out and before i discovered Ameondsa was a thing I was staying away from HOTD fanfic for the most part despite my interest in a few of the characters
HOTD's most predominant focus in both it's fandom and fanfiction seemed to be Rhaenyra/Team black/ Daemyra centric- all of which I was at just personally not drawn. Aemond (hot dramatic anime antagonist transported into hbo's HOTD and personal favorite of mine) centric fics unfortunately tended towards shipping him with various TB characters or TB OCs but both as a concept and due to the handling/set up these fics were generally not appealing to me (more on this later).
Furthermore hotd fandom itself seemed to be shaping up into a new edition of targ stan centric fandom- specifically a new "team black only" brand of stanning... which is definitely not something I am interested in.
Being someone admittedly anti targ/targ critical in general who just happened to be more intrigued (and sympathetic) to the greens in HOTD it did seem that the bulk of hotd fandom was probably going to a similar if even more extreme form of what I encountered with targ-stan segments of the GOT fandom as a sansa-stan/jonsa shipper (ie. Less posts/fanfic that i would personally agree with or be interested in from these fans and potentially hostile and unpleasant responses or takes from the majority of these fans)
As a result of my general avoidance of hotd (i.e. the very pro targ/pro TB fanfiction that hotd fandom offered) Aemondsa, already an extremely rare pair and crack ship, wasn't even a pairing on my radar until one of the authors i was subscribed to started a hotd time travel fix it aemondsa fic...I have an appreciation for well written crack ships, and I am willing to give most pairings or fandoms a chance when I'm already a fan of either the story's main characters or of the author specifically ...but I was actually incredibly suprised how compeling Aemondsa was as a pairing in this story..as well as how much I enjoyed the other Aemondsa fics that I checked out afterwards..it seemed this was a niche segment of hotd fandom that i was going to absolutely obsessing over.
There was a lot of depth to them for a crack ship, which was achievable without altering their personalities and backstories very much from canon (dont get me wrong I love crack ships even ones where people and the plot are altered significantly to make a ship feel possible but there is something uniquely compelling when characters fit together without having to be too ooc) so I just wanted to write a bit about what is so fascinating about this ship since it's such a new rare pair that hasn't accumulated a massive audience or a ton of discussions or write ups yet.
(Uh ....Brace yourself? this section ended up way longer than expected)
For me the initial appeal comes down to intriguing Character parallels between Sansa and Aemond which fanfic at least offers the opportunity to explore in a story format ....
On a surface level they are (in the shows particularly) both intelligent and underdog figures with fantastic little sassy moments - true queens of dealing out backhanded and cutting compliments, or being unapolegetic critical towards some of the flawed and extremely privileged individual's they encounter who are used to receiving only coddling and fawning worship.
Both characters seem to get shit treatment, sometimes from the fandom other times due to the terrible choices/handling by the writers/showrunners.
Both were characters I personally found interesting and sympathetic despite how fandom- some of it for aemond and a significant amount of it for sansa- had deemed these essentially young and still innocent characters worthy of being reviled and harmed for the ways the adults in their lives had set them up for failure or abuse. Forever dismayed by the way they (unlike certain fan favorites) were somehow never deemed by fandom as deserving of sympathy for the horrible things that happened to them, and how notably they never recieve the same feverent forgiveness/understanding/support for their more dangerous or dark actions the way other characters did
Looking at the difference in fan responses to show!Arya or Dany compared to Sansa- though when it comes to the sheer amount of violence, destruction, and murder or the act of threatening their kin obviously despite what Sansa-antis say Sansa is the only one who should not even be part of the discussion, and how Dany or Arya always recieves excuses, sympathy, forgiveness, or outright praise from the core audience for their more questionable actions while somehow Sansa is deemed as the unforgivable, dangerous, evil, traitorous, and foolishly reckless character
How Aemond (and all of TG really) are set up and considered by TB stans to be unworthy of their house/rightful inheritance and the ones most at fault for the onset and destruction caused by a civil war... never victims mistreated or endangered by the more privileged and powerful members of their family... just the people who only ever deserved what was inflicted on them by TB for the crime of being forced to wed a disgusting and neglectful King or for being threats to Rhaenyra's family or throne simply by existing? How the morally questionable or violent actions of Rhaenyra, her sons, or more particularly her uncle-husband will always be seen as either justifiable, in the right, excusable, or literally worthy of praise the way Aemond's and his family's actions will never be viewed by this core audience
I think about how much like segments of asoiaf fandom bash Sansa by deeming her too southern/too Tully/Too Catelyn-like to be a real Stark (unlike her "truly northern" siblings) their are also segments of hotd fandom that have chosen to see Aemond and his full siblings as only Hightowers who are wrongfully stealing from TB/the "true Targaryens"
But there were even more striking parallels when it came to their characterization and plot.
Both younger (non heir) children, presented as being intelligent, incredibley dutiful and studious, with a very close relationship to their mother, in a sort of intense people pleaser manner - trying their best to excel at all the skills/duties that their parents/society deems necessary for their position and sex because that is the way they receive acceptance, attention, or praise from their family/the adults in their life
Aemond and his studies, his apparently dedication and success in training with the sword despite his own disability, his determination and recklessness to finally become a dragon rider like the rest of his Targaryen family- as it is what is expected and what he has long been mocked over by some of his targ kin, how despite his own ambitions and the way he thought himself particularly suitable for rulership he remained the dutiful and loyal younger brother who served as regent for his gravely injured older brother but did not attempt to stylize himself as King and steal Aegon's throne.
the way that Alicent seems to be the only family member he allows himself to be vulnerable with, the one with whom he turns to for consolation and comfort, Alicent being absolutely devastated and incensed over the loss of Aemond's eye and the lack of punishment for the assault on his person, the only one to demand recompense, the only one to raise a knife to the blacks when she is denied, how Aemond is the one person who tries to console his mother in the aftermath, how despite having just lost an eye he is the one who actually tries to sooth his mother to bring a stop to the increasing and dangerous level of tension and conflict that had erupted between the blacks and greens at driftmark, Aemond's own longstanding protectiveness of and devotion to his family- most especially his mother- that lasts until his own demise.
Sansa and the way she thrives and enjoys the type of world and training that is more of a noble woman's or specifically her mother Catelyn's domain- unlike her wilder other siblings she is generally a steadfastly proper and gentle girl- no doubt a comfort to her mother not just because she is generally so well behaved but in the fact that unlike her siblings she is not shown to be obviously or very publically close with Ned's illegitimate child- who for Catelyn would be the literal personification of Ned's infidelity, the disrespect and humiliation he puts her through by raising him in their house along side their children, and her deep seated fear that he loved and will prioritize another woman and her child more than his own wife and family.
Sansa is the child who seemed to love all things "southern" the most (though undeniably despite how Sansa is looked down upon for her love of romantic stories and song her other siblings also certainly enjoy legends and tales of Knighthood or Southern Princes and warrior Princesses) and to be fascinated by the environment her mother is from, the one who is drawn to and practice her mother's faith in addition to keeping to the old gods,
How Catelyn though she truly grieves letting her daughter go seems to accept it not just because her belief that Sansa would excel as a princess and future queen but because she thinks Sansa would thrive simply through getting to experience the south...Catelyn seems to grasp the things Sansa dreams about and unlike many other family members she does not view Sansa and her interests with the same condescension, dismissal, or disdain.
Catelyn loves all her children immensely but there is something so tragic and beautiful in her love for her daughters, the desperate lengths she is willing to go to to ensure the saftey of both of them while the lords/males in her family have already given them up as a lost cause and inevitable and necessary casualties in their war for vengeance and northern independence
Despite this affection though there is a lot of pressure on both of them... almost to the point that their treatment by the adults in their lives has a bit of a "parentification" dynamic- a manner that sometimes puts the onus on them to be a support and a comfort to their mother amid any tension in the family/marriage (Aemond) or to be the perfectly behaved role model or minder for their less dutiful siblings (Sansa)
Sansa, in everyone's eyes a lady at three and a queen destined to be, the determined effort she puts into excelling at being studious, accomplished, proper, and ladylike, how much she tries to exemplify the behavior praised and exemplified by her mother and her septa
set up by the adults in her life as a go between for the stark sisters...used as the benchmark for their demands and expectations of Arya, being held up as the bar for perfect, proper, and praise worthy behaviour that Arya is presssured to also attain, the daughter who gets censured on the few occasions she acts out while her younger sister typically gets away with her poor behaviour (at least when it comes to their parents)... Sansa isn't just under the pressure of the exacting expectations for a lord's daughter she also experiences the stress of being put in the position of exemplar for her wild untractable younger sister.
Aemond, apparent dutiful student in many areas expected as a child of nobility, who is expected to support Aegon in his rulership and war and (in the show) even takes responsibility for trying to keep his older brother in line, the one who after losing an eye takes the effort to comfort and console his mother's grief and rage when their father does nothing in response to an attack on Aemond other than threaten and intimate his wife and his children with Alicent in order to support his firstborn daughter, who becomes the human equivalent of not just a wrecking ball but a literal weapon of mass destruction sent out on behalf of the advancement of his family or later to enact terrible bloody vengeance on his family's behalf, his life his purpose and his death is all for his family's sake more than his own.
They put so much effort into being well behaved, to reach the exacting standards for a child in their position, setting an example for the less obedient/well behaved sibling(s) all of which in turn adds to significant strain or conflict between said sibling.
Sansa and Aemond are the sibling expected to and determidly striving to live up to the high expectations that the adults in their life put on them and to survive the extremely dangerous and high stakes scenarios they are put in (as a lord's daughter, prince's betrothed and future queen, a hostage and target for the machinations and ambitions of others, the older sibling, a ruling lady, and elected queen; a prince, dutiful son and brother, ruthless and dutiful defender of his family, and regent)
Meanwhile they have other siblings who struggled to meet said expectations or have given up attempting to all together (Arya, Rhaenyra, or to some degree Aegon)
Siblings who must from the perspective of Sansa and Aemond (who are still young, inexperienced, and have had a great deal of conflict with said siblings) seem to flaunt all expectations free to rebell, flaunt the rules, and generally ignore the high pressure expectations that children from their class face.
Undoubtedly frustrating since, much like their more rebellious siblings have failed to sympathize with the more responsible ones, Ameond and Sansa too have not (yet) been able to recognize the ways their less successful/dutiful siblings also suffer under the highly restrictive expectations of their class and position even if they do not choose or succeed in conforming to them.
They see that despite how they may excel in studying, striving and succeeding in their roles, and ultimatley exemplifying the high standards they were raised to it is these other siblings who seem to get rewarded (experiencing in their eyes at least what appears to be more freedom, less pressure, minimal censure or punishment for their misbehavior... while simultaneously receiving the bulk of the reward in terms of their inheritance, the attention they recieve, or even with regards to the amount of affection given by some of the authority figures in their lives, i.e. their fathers)...
To them it must seem that these siblings get to be not just easily forgiven for their mistakes and misbehaviour, but accepted as or outright adored simply the way they naturally are, whereas dutiful and non problematic children like themselves tend to be overlooked or underappreciated, and quickly criticized on the rare cases they misbehave... the acceptance and affection they recieve appears far more conditional on them behaving well according to the expectations of their family or various instructors/minders... whereas the affection their siblings receive, from say a certain parent, is show to be rather unconditional
Seriously they both give me such severe "easy" (i.e. overlooked) and "gifted" child trauma vibes... how much of their behavior is simply in their nature and how much is what they conform themselves to to make the adults around them proud... because as the quieter child or apparent outsider amindst their family/siblings this is the only action that comes natural to them and gets them some (hard earned) attention/praise in a rather large and loud family they otherwise seem a bit lost in... how much of their striving to succeed is dependent on the sincere belief/understanding that their saftey and potentially the future, saftey, and wellbeing of their family depends on it.
They both have a far more distant relationship with their fathers who favoured another sibling- a sister over them... father's who either didn't seem to know how to connect with them - Ned- or never really bothered to try- Viserys...
while i do believe Ned loves his children and they adored him in return i feel its obvious that he neglected in preparing any of them for the true dangers and realities of the world away from the satey and protection of winterfell and their Stark family, and he absolutely dropped the ball on keeping either of his daughters safe and supervised when he took them along into a very dangerous situation in kingslanding
Furthermore Ned never quite seemed to connected with or pay attention to Sansa they way he did with Arya... just something about the fact that when he follows the orders of his king/supposed best friend to kill Sansa's direwolf (the very symbol of their house) it is in replacement for Arya's Direwolf who was allowed to escape the cruel wrath of the Queen and Prince...and how he continues to fail Sansa in the aftermath
It's something about the gifts he gives his very angry and traumatized daughters to comfort them after- in lieu of truly trying to actually connect with and console both of them or to even properly mediate their increased fighting.
Arya (in the show and book) is given lessons with a "dancing" master who teaches her swordplay/water dancing, she was so excited and she always wanted to be outside learning to fight like her brothers got to, in this moment to her understanding she is not just seen by her father she is accepted and supported (a careful reader may see that Ned's attitude appears to be slightly condescendingly indulgent on the matter of her learning swordplay... but Arya gets the chance to do something she loves all the same)
Meanwhile (in the show) to try to console Sansa Ned gives her... a doll? (Honestly I can't recall any equivalent gift from Ned to Sansa in the books? the mention of her possibly getting harp lessons in Kingslanding was actually a promise Catelyn made to her on Ned's behalf rather than his own effort... and was something that Ned didn't actually ever arrange in the books)
But is this doll meant to be an appropriate gift to make up for the death of her direwolf? Is this gesture enough to comfort her and make amends after Ned killed her direwolf (notice its not exactly as spectacular, meaningful, or comforting a gift as arya's "dancing lessons"... certainly there is no indication that he has any particular understanding of Sansa or has given much thought into her talents, interests, or personality beyond the most shallow perusal)
In the aftermath of Lady's death Ned does nothing to truly protect Sansa or keep her away from the obviously dysfunctional and dangerous family he has promised her away to.
Yet he can take the time to comfort and have a frank conversation with Arya about how important staying together and supporting eachother as family is- especially when they are amongst dangerous people who mean to harm or separate them- and the specific importance her and Sansa will have to one another as sisters who share the same blood... further explaining how just as they will need eachother Ned needs them as well
Ned has no such comforting or distinctly meaningful exchange with Sansa... he doesn't explain the reality of the Lannisters/Joffrey/Robert (i.e. the truth of the people he has agreed to give his young daughter away to despite the fact that he either personally has no respect for most of them or has not been around them long enough to know anything about their true nature)
Yes it is the risk to his daughter that makes him willing to falsely confess to treason, yes eventually he decides its best to send his daughters back to winterfell, yes he finally wants to break the betrothal and he makes a beautiful promises to make her a match with "a high lord who's worthy of [her], someone brave and gentle and strong" ... but he is much too late to get both of his daughters away from the lannisters/kingslanding, way too late in his attempt to keep them safe, and he fails to handle Sansa with age appropriate respect and frankness and to actually tell her how dangerous things are in kingslanding and why joffrey (false prince -bastard born of incest) is such an ill suited match.
Maybe if he had put any effort into explaining things to her...or simply spending time with her, speaking to her, trying to understand her, comforting her amidst the loss of lady and the increased fighting with Arya, or doing literally anything other than just neglecting her and her saftey Sansa would have actually trusted his decision and seen it as him wanting what was best for her.
Maybe if he had been more proactive and focused on his daughters well being he wouldn't have brought both of them south after the altercation over their direwolves... or maybe he could have been successful at getting both his daughters out of kingslanding before everything went to hell.
Its almost like the whole point of the Ned/Arya/Sansa and the Ned/Cersei/Sansa dynamic isn't to show that Sansa is a naive girl who betrays her family for the lannisters but is instead to show that when you neglect your child emotionally they will turn elsewhere for comfort and will be particularly vulnerable to being manipulated or abused by other adults... its almost like this part of A Game of Thrones is more about the way even someone like Ned- a man who does strives to do what he thinks is right and a parent who does loves his children- can still fail.
Ned's treatment of Sansa is specifically intriguing, though i don't know if it will be addressed specifically since her relationship and dynamic with Ned is one that much like Robb ended with his tragic and unjust murder (leaving behind a grief stricken Sansa helplessly longing for the return of her family and home, grieving with a near devotional regard for her lost father and brother)... Sansa will never get to confront or reconcile with them over the many ways she was let down and left unprotected by her male relatives- and who knows if a traumatized and grieving Sansa will ever even recognize and admitt to herself the ways the people who she loved the most failed to live up to her expectations of them... how clearly that despite their love for her she was rarely their first priority ... how they both seemed to fail to follow their family mottos ... the lone wolf dies but the pack survives.... family before duty or honor... she was family yet duty and honor came before her in Robb's eyes... she was part of a pack but through Ned promising her to a marriage in the south, in him taking her and Arya away to kingslanding, in him failing to prioritize her saftey until they all were practically already on the chopping block, and in Robb abandoning any hope or plan of rescuing her she truly was abandoned by them ...to be a lone wolf without a pack to help her survive
Then there is Viserys who at the very least had a much stronger regard for Rhaenyra than all the kids by his second wife ...but can also quiet easily be accused of outright neglecting and mistreating them
The lack of guidance holds true for all his children really but with Rheanyra at least it is accompanied by an (ultimatley harmful) spoiled indulgence that he offers only to his eldest daughter- covering up her obvious blunders and threatening anyone who would speak the truth of her questionable actions and her children's legitimacy including his own wife and sons ... going against traditional succession not because he wants to promote first born succession/succession by "merit"/or treating daughter equal to sons in terms of inheritance or anything like that but because of guilt and unashamed favoritism.
Viserys refuses to give to his son what westeros society at least would deem as Aegon's birthright, while also failing to make arrangements for any his non-Rhaenyra children to have a future and saftey separate from the throne.
He doesn't arrange matches with other kingdoms and give them allies, protection, family, independence, or a power base independent of the crown/hightowers instead leaving them dependent only on the crown, vulnerable targets to be handled (i.e. no doubt killed on the orders of Rhaenyra and/or her uncle husband Daemon) as living they would remain the most significant threat to the legitimacy of their rulership.
Viserys looks the other way when Aemond specifically is permanently maimed by Rhaenyra's son...his only action after his son loses his eye is to threaten his second family, to intimidate them into staying quite on the topic of the legitimacy of Rhaenyra's children before he deems the matter concluded... as if the worst part of that altercation was Aemond calling them bastards rather than say four children ganging up against one and how one of these children attacked using a knife and cost the other their fucking eye?
That for Aemond more than anything must cement his understanding of his father's feelings about Aemond and his full siblings and mother. To Viserys they simply matter less than Rhaenyra and her children.
In fact their well being or saftey matters less than even an offense made to Rhaenyra's reputation... which shows Alicent and her children without question that they are in danger from the blacks and the King will do nothing to prevent the blacks from trying to severely physically harm Aemond or his siblings, and in fact that there will be no punishment for the blacks when they succeed in doing so.
A civil war between the blacks and the greens was inevitable... Viserys actions of protecting and favoring Rhaenyra while also not ensuring she is instructed on and practices/proves her ability to rule, willfully ignoring that she violates her own vows and that she passes off her obviously illegitimate children as trueborn heirs, of permitting her not just to inherit (and position her illegitimate son as the next heir to) what most considered the birthright of her brother but also for her to steal the birthright of her own cousins by supplanting them with her other bastard and demoting them to being simply their brides/consorts, him keeping her as heir not just after he has multiple trueborn sons but also after Rhaenyra gets remarried to the exact violent bloodthirsty man that so many feared and Viserys himself had previously removed as his own heir in favour for Rhaenyra.
Viserys doing all of this while still choosing to remarry and have MULTIPLE children with his new wife... the neglectful and disrespectful way he treats his second family... all of this ensured that the death of some (if not all) of his children, via either assassination or in outright civil war, would always have been inevitable.
There is so much hatred, fear, distrust, and tension between Viserys' family members... and not only did he fail to intervene or improve things he was the one most responsible for it ....so much of the environment Alicent lived in and Aemond and his full siblings were raised was permeated by not just a sense of deep injustice (particularly in Aemond's case with his treatment by not just the blacks but his own father) but also an undercurrent of desperate fear over what will happen to them and their family in the wake of a brewing succession crisis
The mommy, daddy, and sibling issues are so strong with these two and I'm so obsessed with how the complicated family dynamics and tragic family losses that Ameond and Sansa experience echoe one another in so many ways...there is just so much love, grief, rage, unpacked trauma, and hurt in them and I am always obsessed with stories that allow the narrative or characters to address such trauma.
They were both were so young when they became targets of the wrath and dislike of powerful and corrupt "Queens"
Sansa who loses her direwolf at the demand of Queen Cersei, a queen who after long being abused by her own husband sees a perhaps more extreme form of that sort of violence in her own mad son being directed at Sansa, who rather than expressing or experiencing compassion or sympathy instead takes the chance to revel in the destruction of Sansa's innocence, to mock and emotionally abuse Sansa when she has lost her father and her only protection in Kingslanding, leaving her a hostage of war at the mercy of a violent and corrupt royal family
Aemond who after losing his eye to an attack instigated by Rhaenyra's children receives no apology or recompense...instead his own sister asks for her mutilated little brother to be tortured sharply questioned due to the offense he caused by accusing her sons -accurately mind you- of being bastards... Aemond and his siblings who were never truly ever treated by Rhaenyra as her siblings only ever the offspring of Alicent and thus obstacles and threats for her (and her uncle's) right to the throne.
Both were physically harmed or tormented by (or with the approval of) young members of royalty, with very little being done to intervene, stop, or punish those involved despite their own highborn status- which would generally deem them unacceptable targets for such abuse.
Young Sansa a hostage but still a high born daughter descended from two of the seven ruling houses in westeros, The Warden of the North and the Lord Paramount of the Trident, and niece/cousin to the rulers of a third kingdom, the Lord Paramount of the Vale. Who while under the "care" of the crown is tormented, stripped, and beaten in open court at the behest of a mad boy king... forced to look upon the severed heads of her father and household, forced into being an unwilling child bride to the house of her family's enemies, who is molested and threatened with sexual assault on multiple occasions
Prince Aemond son of the King who is mocked by his brother and nephews (or his king and father in the books) over the fact that he hasnt yet claimed a dragon, and when this makes him reckless enough to approach and claim the largest dragon in existence the torment doesn't stop it gets dangerously worse as the tension between the children of the blacks and greens escalate to the point of a violent confrontation between Aemond and his nephews and cousins... and the resulting loss of of his eye when one of his attackers brings out a knife. None of the children who banded together to attack Aemond would face any consequences, only Aemond himself and his mother and older brother would censure and outright threats from their King Father and Older sister. Whose earliest sexual experience- done at the behest of his older brother- was implied to be at the very least coerced, traumatizing, and humiliating- if not outright non consensual on his part.
Both Sansa and Aemond face a terrible sort of loss when they begin losing their family members to mass civil war ...often in a manner that is distinctly horrific or against all laws of decency in the 7 kingdoms
her father Ned unjustly executed for treason and whose decapitated head is displayed and used to torment her, her younger sister Arya gone missing for years and long thought dead, her home sacked and younger brothers Bran and Rickon supposedly murdered by her family's ward- a boy who grew up alongside the stark children- the burned/mutilated heads and bodies of two young boys being being put on display at winterfell, her older Brother and Mother slaughtered when their traitorous allies and bannermen men break sacred guest rights at a wedding, both their bodies desecrated in a mockery of their houses... Robb decapitated his direwolves own head placed ontop of his body while his enemies parade his remains around, her mother Catelyn's throat slit and her body dumped naked in a river and left to rot.
(In the show) Rickon being cut down before his siblings eyes by a madman who betrayed their house and had tortured Sansa herself, her "half brother" Jon betrayed and murdered by his men and later sent off into a lonley exile away from his family and home for the "crime" of taking out an invader who had just committed mass murder... Sansa being left to rule the north all alone with many of her family members long dead and the surviving ones being set on a path away from the north/winterfell while she is left to handle rulership in isolation
Aemond who after commiting the first Kinslaying of the "war of dragons" by attacking his own assailant and nephew Lucerys proceeds to lose all of the family that he loved.
Starting with the tragic murder of his innocent young nephew at the behest of his elder sister/uncle- who arranged for his mother Alicent to be attacked tied up and forced to bear witness to the gruesome murder of her grandchild,
His sister Helaena -who plead for her life to be taken to spare her son- forced under the threat of the rape of her young daughter to choose which of her young sons will be murdered. Only for all of them to be traumatize further when they kill Jaehaerys and leaving Maelor the son she "chose" to die to survive with the message that his own mother wanted him dead... the emotional torment this caused the whole family but most of all his sister who refused to eat, bathe, or look upon her remaining son due to her immense feelings of guilt
his older brother Aegon who has lost his son and heir, and whose sister/wife is in a grief so deep she cannot care for their remaining children, who is attacked and maimed but survives to live on in total agony,
the murder of Maelor, Aemond's remaining nephew at the hands of a mob
Aemond's last stand, sacrificing his dragon and his own life to take out his Uncle (the biggest threat to his family and the orchestrator of Jaehaerys' brutal murder)
The many tragedies that continued after Aemond's own death- his sister's eventual suicide, the death of his younger brother Daeron, his oldest brother outlasting all of his siblings and his own two sons only to be taken out by poison once the war is over, his mother spending the last of her years in confinement until she passes from sickness,
His niece Jaehaera, after the loss of her entire family, married off as a child in the name of "peace" and dying young and alone- of suicide or murder
There is just such fascinating potential when two characters would have so much mirroring grief and trauma ...there is such an undercurrent of helpess rage, guilt, and grief to them in their youth and a undoubtedly a feverent desire for either vengeance or justice against the many people who harmed them or slaughtered their family...
And here is where things begin to differ between the two in interesting ways
with Sansa who has these violent wishes/impulses but is not in a position to see them fulfilled herself- her desire to push Joffrey to his death even at the cost of her own life, her wish that someone will throw Ser Meryn Trant down and cut off his head, her hope that various people will fall/be unhorsed...
Sansa who recieves a direwolf, Lady, the very symbol of her house and potentially a companion that would have offered a connection that was an extension of her own soul only for Lady to be cut down so quickly and unjustly... Sansa who loses not just the connection/companionship she recieved from Lady but also the protection such a bond would offer her ... she is left vulnerable in so many ways and has no promise of reuniting with her own direwolf later on... that will never be a comfort or form of security offered to her after all the danger and trauma she experiences
While Aemond, who spent much of his young life similarly helpless to act or respond to insults and assaults on his own person or immediate family, (that his father/king either never deemed worthy of interference or punishment... that is when it wasn't the King himself who was the perpetrator of such offenses) unlike Sansa experiences a change of fortune in the form getting to bond with the symbol of his house
He gains (and gets to keep until his own death) a bond with a different sort of mythical beast companion... a dragon and as a result recieves all the potential for power and destruction that comes with being a dragon rider
By claiming Vhagar Ameond is the closest he will ever be to untouchable, not just from the harassment he personally experienced from his family but with regards to how grave and dangerous a threat/target he had now become for the blacks during the dance of dragons
Aemond now a dragonrider of the largest living dragon, a child and later teenager who is in control of the narrative equivalent of a weapon of mass destruction, and he is no longer held back from acting on his anger once the rule and interference of his neglectful father king is over,
he is in control of the most massive beast of pure destruction and unlike Sansa, who for now in the books- or for much of her story in the show- remained an unprotected hostage or pawn in the hands of those who mean to harm or use her... who handles her trauma very internally as she is not in a position to fight back, and must rely on her words, intelligence, and ability to read and strategically interact with people as a way of defending and keeping herself safe, Aemond is now in the position to enact every bloodthirsty impulse of revenge he ever experienced
He was held back from enacting vengeance only through his own will, which ultimately proves not enough- he commits the first kin slaying and soon the actions of each side escalated into a horrific bloodbath where nobility and small folk alike suffered or die en masse
While Aemond's story may be one of family devotion and loyalty, mistreatment, injustice, and suffering that ends by showing the terrible outcomes of revenge and uncontrolled cruel brutality Sansa's story feels like one where grief, rage, and mistreatment exist but where family, love, compassion, kindness, justice, and integrity will win out in the end.
Sansa was certainly developed into a more discerning strategic and ruthless figure in the show but justice, duty, and forgiveness were still very prevalent in her storyline
she does have ramsay killed in a fittingly horrific manner, but she later holds a public trial for littlefinger- who was responsible for much of her familys suffering, the death of her father, and her own torment and rape- before she has him executed,
She feels compassion and forgiveness for theon the man who had betrayed her family and drove her young brothers out of their home, who only after experiencing significant torture himself became devoted to protecting the remaining starks and was able to find the courage to disobey his own torturers in order to help Sansa escape,
She possessed a concern for other people that few ruler do in asoiaf/got... speaking up against Joffrey's cruelty even as a powerless hostage, being the person concerned with the more practical matters of caring for and feeding their people during a harsh winter- a notable development in comparison to say everyone else just focusing on battle tactics and the upcoming battles (as though feeding an army is not an essential part of warfare), and the invader who just burned westeros' food stores en masse and now expects others to feed not just her armies but also demands that her dragons be fed "whatever they want"
I think in the books however that despite Sansa's internal grief and rage and her burgeoning political acuity there will be a gentler end to her arc where her own innate sense of duty and her (now more discerning) sense of compassion will win out in the end when she takes back her name, identity, and birthright ... that she along with her surviving family will have justice administered in the name of their lost family and people... efficiently bringing down righteous and necessary judgement on those that harmed and betrayed them rather than simply dealing out some form of mass, bloody, cruel revenge on her enemies (I'll leave that for lady stoneheart) ... and that a satisfying ending for her and the other starks will balance them realistically addressing the dangers and betrayal they faced with their own personal resolve to hold true to the values imparted to them by their parents.
... yet after all her suffering (and the frustrating lack of trust, consideration, or support she was given by her own family in the later GOT seasons) there is something darkly appealing to the idea of her getting (not a hero precisely) but a ruthless and devoted sort of monster to support her and bring down unholy vengeance on her various tormentors
This after their many parallels and complementary contrasts is what intrigues me the most...the interplay of a potentially wary, cautious, traumatized but still duty and justice oriented person and a companion or lover who is comparatively more ruthless, unhinged, capable of atrocities, and who is more equipped to dole out violence en masse... (guys the pipeline from dark jon/dark jonsa to aemondsa just makes so much sense)
the question in Aemondsa fics of what will win out in the end- the shared grief and rage or them both controlling/channeling such impulses into strategic righteous fury and justice is always fascinating... and most of all the idea of Sansa (after all the trauma mistreatment and grief she has experienced) attaining the interest and eventual devotion of someone who despite being capable of monstrous actions is also incredibly loyal, devoted, and ruthless in the pursuit of their loved ones interests ("I want you to put out your eye ... plan to make it a gift if it to my mother" indeed) is just as appealing as the idea where an isolated, lonely, traumatized, grieving, and dangerously angry young man like Aemond gets to find acceptance, affection, companionship, and belonging with an intelligent strategic but more importantly an exceptionally compassionate person like Sansa.
Its just a dynamic far too intriguing to ignore especially for someome who already loved Time Travel/Reincarnation Fix IT AUs in fanfiction
While emotional catharsis and Sansa returning home and having the dreams she had wrote off as impossible be fulfilled (i.e. building a loving partnership and marriage, having children with someone who loves and wants her more than her claim itself, reuniting with her family) is something I love- and what I want to happen in canon (hence my otp being Jonsa)- there is always an interesting/guilty pleasure aspect of fanfic where Sansa (or the Starks in general) get to wreck terrible bloody victory and vengeance on those who betrayed and butchered their family and people (not really the ultimate message or point of the book but definitely emotionally satisfying in fanfic)
Just like there is a sort of appeal that exists in hotd fanfic that is sort of the opposite ...ones that alter the violent senseless and tragic trajectory of the dance of dragons... to either change the course of a brutal civil war or prevent it all together
and the Aemondsa pairing's time travel or reincarnation fics provide an opportunity to explore both of these diverse dynamics.
Sansa will always deserve the world... in canon and in fanfic i want to see all her dream and hopes come true whether it is with a truly good and just partner with whom she gets to build the life and home she always dreamed of or through her getting her very own devoted monster who would do anything to keep her safe from the scores of people who wish to misuse or harm her
and I always wish that hotd fanfiction offered more Aemond centric fics with a love interest that you know actually likes, sympathizes with, or understand him? He feels too tragic a character for me to want him to experience the typical hate and love (enemies AND lovers) treatment he tends to get in fanfic... its not really satisfying for me seeing his typical pairing up with whatever team black character (or really TB character rewrite) or some Daemon's or Rhaenyra's daughter OC that is the frequent choice for aemond centric fics...him being portrayed as some impusive awful and villainous love interest who changes sides and abandons his family just to be with his lover/obsession feels so out of character in a way that erases the best, most compelling, and sympathetic parts of his canon personality, motives, and actions.
Luckily Aemondsa fics seems to be a pairing that offers everything I like in Ameond or Sansa centric fics....
In conclusion Aemondsa is surprisingly compelling and versatile dynamic in fanfic and I think that is why I've become such a fan of Firesteel/Aemondsa fanfiction (in a way I'm NOT at all a fan of the actual HOTD show writing lol)
I'm a proud support of crack ships/rarepairs and I'm always willing to add to the fandom appreciation of pairings that gets less attention or fandom related works... so expect to see the occasional Aemondsa fanart/fic recommendation post from me amongst my typical jonsa content (in fact expect one in the next in a day or so)
Otherwise I just hope established Ameondsa fans (or people who haven't ready any aemondsa fics but are fans of either character/curious about this pairing in general) have enjoyed seeing me fangirl about these two characters/this crack ship and feel inspired to check out or even make their own Aemondsa content!
-Crimsom Cold
54 notes · View notes
stilltrails · 11 months ago
Tbh seeing Rhaenyra blaming her best friend for being forced to sleep with her middle aged father and not said father, and seeing her friend continuously decline because of that relationship and hardly having an ounce of sympathy for Alicent until much later has always bothered me about her character.
Like the way she overlooks the obvious abuse to blame Alicent for something she had absolutely no choice in is so disgusting to me
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aifsaath · 8 months ago
If I see one more fucking post about what a blessing for women Rhaenyra’s queenship would be, I’m gonna blow a fuse about what an amazing feminist utopia Russia is, since, you know, they had the majority of absolutist empresses.
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viiisenyas · 11 months ago
I really liked your analysis on Rhaenyra and Laenor's dynamic for ep 6. Do you think that you could do one for ep 7? c:
Oh boy, you are trying to give me an aneurysm lol. Listen, I have a lot to say about this. So get some tea and have a seat, anon.
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Let's start with the funeral.
Rhaenyra was looking for Laenor when she pulled Jacaerys aside, that much is certain, and I am painfully aware that they were both mourning their losses, as Jacaerys so tactfully put it /s
In response to Baela and Rhaena losing their mother:
[Jacaerys:] I have an equal claim to sympathy. We should be at Harrenhal, mourning Lord Lyonel and Ser Harwin.
Little fucking bastard.
If Rhaenyra and Laena were truly as close as some show watchers believe, do we truly think that Jacaerys would be so comfortable saying that openly? I think not.
Not to mention, that whole conversation between Rhaenyra and Jacaerys earns some iconic questionable looks from Alicent and Criston.
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Moving on before I get off topic.
A few minutes later in the episode, you can actually hear Seasmoke crying out, which kind of alerts Daemon and Aemond that something is amiss, then the camera cuts to this.
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A very distraught Laenor standing in the water (likely where his sister was buried) which brings up the question: If Rhaenyra was intent on keeping up appearances, why did she spend the last few minutes openly eye-fucking Daemon? Why didn't she continue her search for her husband who was prone to drinking? If they had such a close friendship as some of the fandom believes, her first thought would have been to ensure that he was all right. But... she didn't.
And it doesn't help the situation that Corlys has an outburst towards Ser Qarl to retrieve Laenor, but even when that does draw in attention, Rhaenyra doesn't even bother asking what happened. Instead, she continues eye-fucking Daemon while he's talking to Viserys.
And after Daemon leaves the balcony, she walks straight towards her children to send them to bed, and proceeds to follow Daemon. She didn't even bother waiting for Laenor to come back up and ask if he was okay or even offer him an ounce of comfort, which earns this look from Otto.
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She... is a horrible and selfish friend.
Moving on, let's break down the conversation she had with Daemon about Laenor.
It begins with this:
[Rhaenyra]: Laenor has been restless for years, but now, he will be useless. Or worse. I know better than anyone that our marriage is a farce. But I at least make the effort to maintain appearances.
Did she? Clearly not, if Otto, Criston, and Alicent were all giving her the bombastic side eye. And that's not even mentioning the visible bastards she brought to Laena's funeral. Her lack of empathy towards Laenor was blatant during that entire funeral, and believe me, everyone fucking noticed.
[Rhaenyra:] We did try to conceive a child. We performed our duty as best we could. But to no avail.
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Again, clearly not. Especially if we take into account the canonical age of Jacaerys and compare it to the date they wed. (Yes I am referencing book canon, but it still drives my point)
Rhaenyra and Laenor wed in 114 AC, and Jacaerys was born the same year.
I could understand if the boy was born like two, maybe three years after the wedding, but nope. In my opinion, I would have assumed that "performing your duty" would have meant being monogamous for at least a year to get it over with, but I digress. What's done is done.
And here is where we get to the root of the issue, and where she tells on herself a little bit.
[Rhaenyra:] There was no joy in it. I found that elsewhere. It felt good to be desired.
Well of course there wouldn't be any joy in it, he's a gay man, and you knew this when you agreed to marry him (mind you, when she had the full pick of the litter - a privilege that nobody else was granted.) However, there were several fucking ways that they could have attempted to conceive a child - hell, even Margaery had solutions to the situation with Renly. But clearly Rhaenyra wasn't as intelligent as she thought she was.
Now, glossing over the blatant disrespect towards her grieving husband and his dead sister by sleeping with Laena's widower, let's get to the aftermath of the shitshow between her and Alicent.
After she sends the children out to have a private word with Laenor the conversation goes like this:
[Laenor:] I should have been there. [Rhaenyra, begrudgingly:] Those should be our house words.
If you pay attention to Laenor's face after she says that, he looks like he doesn't want to deal with this, yet he stays, and proceeds to provide an explanation.
[Laenor:] I have fought dreadful enemies, but I could not defend my dear sister, far from home and in agony. I could not defend you... [Rhaenyra:] Sit down.
To me, this feels like he's attempting to gauge a semblance of understanding from Rhaenyra as to why he wasn't present during the climax of this episode. And believe it or not, it is VALID. As I have said in the previous analysis of episode 6, those children were NOT his obligation, and he was grieving his own flesh and blood.
However, Rhaenyra continued to act indifferent and dismissive to his loss, and proceeded to bring up her bastards as if that was the bigger problem. Not once did she ask how he was feeling this entire episode, which again, made me believe that they were never truly friends. (I'd wager IF they were, that friendship quickly crumbled after Joffrey Lonmouth was murdered, and I think it's safe to assume that Rhaenyra has behaved similarly to how she is behaving now.)
[Laenor:] I have failed you, Rhaenyra. Our marriage... I tried. Our boys... I do love them. Deeply. But I have not, mayhaps... loved them enough.
Now as Laenor is speaking, you can see the apathy she has so plainly displayed on her face while he is quite literally pleading with her yet again, so much that he has resorted to self-deprecating language in spite of the fact that he stayed by her side for ten straight years, playing his part as a loving husband and father, possibly being berated by other lords and ladies at court. He is not afforded the same protections that Rhaenyra has, and mind you, he was alone.
Laenor's entire family had been away from King's Landing, so he had to navigate this by himself, all while getting comments against his ability to sire children, and against his sexuality as so wonderfully displayed by Alicent. /s
[Alicent, Episode 6:] Do keep trying, Ser Laenor. Soon or late you'll have one that looks like you. [Alicent, Episode 7:] Where is Ser Laenor, I wonder? The boys' father? Perhaps he will have something to say in the matter... Entertaining his squires, I'll wager.
I fully believe if the Queen was comfortable saying this so openly, everyone else was more than comfortable with saying things like this to his face, too.
Now, back to the point, Rhaenyra continues the conversation with this:
[Rhaenyra:] I had hoped to bear your children. The few times we lay together. Things might've been different. [Laenor:] I hate the gods for making me as they did. [Rhaenyra:] I do not.
Hm. Are you sure about that, Rhaenyra? Because your dialogue with him in the previous episode had quite a few microaggressions against his homosexuality. But I digress.
[Rhaenyra:] You are an honourable man with a good heart. It's a rare thing.
Yet, she called him useless behind his back about twenty minutes ago, which tells me that she's being disingenuous, and Laenor seemed to catch it, too because he makes this face right after she says it.
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[Laenor:] We made an arrangement all those years ago to do our duty, and yet explore happiness. [Rhaenyra:] *chuckles* [Laenor:] But there are times I think when these things cannot mutually exist.
Now I found that a bit interesting. She starts laughing at the little contract they drew up ten years ago. Now sure, this can be taken as a bit of levity, or it can be taken as her actually laughing at him in a condescending way. Pick your poison. However, given everything I've presented above, my opinion leans towards the latter.
Sure we can argue that he did smile with her, but is that a genuine smile, or is that a "I hope she's taking me seriously," smile? I'll let you decide.
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Now to address his next statement, he was absolutely correct, and I'll wager that he probably had been thinking about this for a very long time. Maybe I'm reading into it, but his expression grows serious after he says it.
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[Laenor:] Ser Qarl will return soon to the fighting in the Stepstones. But I recommit myself to you. And to strengthening our house as we prepare you for your ascension. I will raise our sons to be princes of the realm. You deserve better than what I have been. You deserve a husband. (emphasis mine)
And this is the final frame we have of Laenor before his death is staged. His entire expression is pleading.
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This right here was a final cry for recognition in his longstanding efforts. His last words to her really drove the point home that he does want to try, despite the fact that he has been all along. Perhaps it's just me, but Laenor seems like he is actually on his last leg if he is going so far as to put himself down in an attempt to receive some semblance of acknowledgement from Rhaenyra in hopes that she wouldn't cast him aside like she has done these last few years.
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lilacstarryskies · 1 year ago
The Green Queen And A Greener Future
Chapter 4
Conversation dwindled slowly as the feast ended. The only sound heard among nobles quiet whispers was the raging anger of King Viserys as his took guidance from Lyonel Strong, in attempt to calm himself from the political headache that is Rhaenyra, absconding from her duties, typical of her, Alicent remarked snidely.
As the sun slowly drifted away, Alicent joined both her father and kingly husband, along with an entourage of nobles, off to hunt while Viserys was stewing in shame and anger.
A hunt where a grand white stag was rumoured to be lingering about, a grand omen for Westeros.
Yet the Hightower Queen knew it was more than that. Her father knew it was more than that. While in the past, Alicent had missed this momentous opportunity. She now knew that if her political faction is able to discover the white stag today, it will set aside a good omen for Aegon and possibly sway nobles to their cause.
More importantly than this, was the fact that this evening was where the most significant turning point in favour of Aegon would occur. After all, this was when King Viserys declared to his wife that his naming of Rhaenyra as heir was a whim, keeping Daemon from the throne. Furthermore, he tells Alicent of his dragon-dream, his faltering in Rhaenyra claims, instead believing that Aegon could truly be the heir he dreamed of
Gossiping with her Ladies-In-Waiting as the men set out to start a fire, Alicent looked onwards to her close cousin Margareys fiery eyes, laying her gaze on Ser Daemion Velaryon, cousin to Laenor Velaryon. Recalling the events of the future, the Hightower women remembered how it was Daemion’s own father Vaemond, who she had allied with. Who ruled over Driftmark for 6 years, only to be replaced by Rhaenyra’s whiny bastard boy Lucerys, who couldn’t even handle ocean waves. Yet neither became Lord, as his uncle, Corlys, ignoring the murder of his blood-brother, preferred to have his bastard rule, if he couldn’t have Rhaenyra’s bastard as heir. Snidely, Alicent remarked on the fact that this beloved bastard of his, Alyn Waters had betrayed his granddaughter Baela, replacing her with her own niece, young enough to be their child. Just like his father, both heinous greedy men, she noted. And just like Viserys.
“Lady Bethany..” She whispered, surprising the young girl fully engrossed in her staring at the fair-haired knight, twirling her hair in admiaration.
“Ah.. I wasn’t doing anything!” She then stammered, hands flailing in exasperation.
“Don’t worry Lady Bethany, every young maiden longs for a handsome knight…”
Intent on denial, the young lady fumbled and flailed around, not wanting to expose her feelings.
Alicent looked onward to the Velaryon man, seeing his eyes flicker in interest in Bethany’s direction “.. and it seems your knight is interested in you.”
Mixed feelings were clear inside the Bracken maiden, pausing her attempt of denial as the incredulity of her knightly crush possibly reciprocating her feelings. “What….��
“Really my Queen, do you mean it?” She replies in shock, as Alicent then quietly instructs her to discreetly take a glance at Daemion Velaryon, who was seemingly mesmerised gazing at Bethany Bracken’s deep mahogany hair and comely figure, blushing red as he observed the Queen and Bethany noticing his intense ogling.
Witnessing youthful maiden and knights falter, showcasing their hearts made Alicent reminiscent of her childhood. Before marrying King Viserys, when she was just Lady Alicent, the companion of the Princess. When she and Rhaenyra would gaze at handsome knights in tourneys, gossiping in the godswood and dreaming of giving their favour to these aforementioned knights.
“The Velaryons will be joining the Royal entourage, hunting along with members of your noble house. You should use this time wisely, I’m sure Ser Daemion would enjoy it.” The Hightower Queen urged, causing a smile to arise on the wilful yet currently shy, Lady Bethany.
Alicent knew duty was important and understood why her father had impressed upon her to become the King’s Queen.
She knew alliances with fellow nobles is necessary, yet she wanted to give maidens, like she once was, any potential of happiness to be in their grasp. And by matchmaking the innocent maiden beside her, willful, wild, alike to Rhaenyra, Alicent’s heart would warm. Knowing that she can give a dutiful girl the opportunity to have an enjoyable life, starting with an enjoyable marriage.
As the entourage of nobles trekked forward, Lord Jason riding ahead on his noble steed, the infamous Tyrek, he boasted arrogantly about, Alicent smiled inside.
After all, she had successfully created many alliances during Aegon’s nameday. Unlike the untamable Rhaenyra Targaryen, who had further destroyed her reputation. Not only embarrassing herself with her lack of political awareness, but by having a pathetic screaming match with Viserys, and even further, with her absconding and abandoning her duties as heir.
As she stood beside the noble ladies, gossiping and gaining allies amongst the multitude of Lannisters, Velaryons, Arryns, Strongs and more, Alicent watched onward, viewing her husband’s pathetic attempts at hunting.
He may be a King, but he certainly cut no kingly figure.
However, as much as she disliked the man, twice her elder, decaying, breeding her only to abandon her children, Alicent didn’t hate him. As she now was mentally the age of her husband, it felt unfit for her to imagine romancing nobles her physical age, yet mentally young. And gazing at her husband, she could see that, while he was no great Targaryen beauty, alike to the Conquerors and even that rogue, Daemon, King Viserys was still a handsome man. Unlike the deteriorating corpse he became, after The Seven punished him for his misdeeds.
As the night began to end, the only light remaining now derived from blistering flames among a campfire, Alicent firmly walked forward, resting her hand on the bump below her, her baby Helaena. The chances that her dear Aegon had been reborn to her was incredulous and yet Alicent couldn’t help but hope that her other children would return, with the help of the Seven. She even wished for more perhaps, gaining the motherly perspective she never had as a young girl breeding out children for her husband.
As she stumbled over to Viserys, whose gaze was mournfully focused on the flames of brutal fury, Alicent questioned if he was alright, yet knowing deep inside that he wasn’t. After all, this campfire was strongly reminiscent of the Valyrian funeral rites, of which Viserys caused for his previous wife Aemma, after her murdered her callously for a son that did not live for longer than one day.
As they both lingered beside the fire, Viserys finally responded, solemn in his tone. “ You know, I..”
“I named her… to protect the realm from Daemon. She was my only child. I named her out of love because I no longer believed..”
“Believed what, my love?” Alicent spoke, knowing that Viserys’ cause for keeping Rhaenyra as heir was just a precaution-turned guilt-fuelled decision, that stole Aegon’s birthright.
He then sighed deeply, as if unwilling to admit his true thoughts.
“Many in my line have been dragonriders, very few among us have been dreamers. What is the power of a dragon.. next to the power of prophecy?” King Viserys rhetorically questions, after all what saved the Targaryens from the Doom was not their dragons, but rather the dream Daenys had which foretold the calamities which occurred in Old Valyria.
“My King, I must confess..” The Hightower girl spoke softly, using Viserys’ pathetic demand for dreams to manipulate him, after all through the will of the Seven that Alicent had witnessed the future.
“While our babe grows within me, I have begun dreaming visions.”
“I’ve seen a Targaryen man wear the Conqueror’s crown, standing beside his sister-wife he calls Helaena.” Alicent states, inside her thoughts, knowing that this could be the thing which finally shifts Viserys’ pathetic mind on his forsaking of Aegon’s birthright.
Viserys’ figure erupts in shock, interpreting this to mean that Alicent has gained the Targaryen dreamer trait through the child she carries, and recognising that the wife’s name is heavily reminiscent of her dear friend Otto’s late lady wife, Helene.
“When Rhaenyra was a child.. I too had seen that in a dream, as vivid as these flames. The vision you speak of, was one I have known of deeply, haunting my actions for years.”
“I wanted it to be true, for me to be a dreamer. So I poured all my thought and will into it.” He then stutters forward, reluctance exuding from him, as if unable to speak the harsh truth he knows of. “Killing Rhaenyra’s mother in my hope that I was truly a dreamer, and that a male babe born to me would do great things for the Realm.”
“Viserys.” Alicent faintly spoke, in attempt to break him from his solemn rant of guilt.
Regardless of his wife’s words, he continued in his melancholy tirade, “I thought Rhaenyra was the way out of my abyss. And that naming her heir would right my wrongdoings to Aemma and prevent my brother’s reach to the throne.”
“I never imagined that I would remarry, that I would have a son.”
“That I was a hypocrite, after mine own place in society was given to me as a male, yet I wouldn’t give this to my first born son.” Viserys spoke, ending his depressing monologue yet suffice in showcasing to Alicent that her machinations in influencing Viserys had worked, as he had deviated from his past thoughts.
“What if I was wrong?”
Viserys was conflicted. Stuck between doing what was right or to continue festering in his grief, giving Rhaenyra a title she didn’t deserve, all because Aegon wasn’t his beloved Aemma’s son.
“My King.. Viserys, if the gods have granted us our favour, then surely they will guide us to the right path. We just have to look for a sign.” Alicent remarks, stroking her bump in the meanwhile, knowing that Helaena’s dreams, and Viserys’ were a sign for the Gods, that Rhaenyra was unfit for the throne.
Roaring sounds erupted, grunts and barking alike, mixed into one as the clamouring sounds of treading horses bellowing around. Alicent fondly gathered with ladies, diverting away from the noble men focused on hunting.
As she gossiped with Lady Jeyne Arryn, her Redwyne cousins and Rose Tyrell, Alicent noticed Ser Harwin Strong approach King Viserys.
The infamous “Breakbones” himself.
The man who callously betrayed the Kingdom, breeding bastard boys into Princess Rhaenyra, forsaking his duty for selfish pleasure. And yet while Alicent had hatred for him, her mind was dually overridden with guilt. For Harwin Strong and his strong-minded father were casualties in Alicent’s late attempt at a grasp of power, and how Larys Strong then exploited her yearning for authority into a reason to burn his own kin to death and blame Alicent for it.
As the Strong heir lumbered over to the King a great brown deer, while the carriages stopped momentarily to watch Viserys perform the murder, suddenly a galloping horse intruded into the moment.
As the bellowing horse trotted over, a domineering figure followed swiftly. A knight beckoned himself over toward the entourage, carrying with him a white stag.
The great white hart.
An omen of the Gods.
Her brother fulfilled her task, sneakily finding the white stag before Rhaenyra and Ser Criston, and for that Alicent had great love in her heart. Now her husband should surely abandon his foolish choices.
Perhaps Viserys would perceive this as a sign.
A sign that Aegon was the rightful ruler. To cement the precedence before him, forsake his hypocrisy and supplant Rhaenyra as heir.
“My King! A sign from the Gods!” Retorted nobles basking in the presence of this divine figure.
“The Great White Hart. A good omen for Prince Aegon, Second of his name!” Gwayne erupted as his released the stag from ropes, watching as it walked onwards to Alicent’s direction. Toward both her, and Aegon, carried by a maid.
The stag trekked slowly and bowed at the feet of Alicent in respect.
This was a clear sign Alicent had been chosen by the Gods, even if she engineered this event. After all it was she who had travelled to the past, and nobody else. And she whom the omen of the Gods showed loyalty to.
But perhaps the nobles watching onwards, and Viserys himself, would perceive this to be the omen bowing down toward young Aegon, signifying his place as the righteous heir, chosen by the Gods.
“By the Gods”
“Oh My!”
“Seven Hells!”
Retorts of shock erupted among the entourage of nobles, Jason Lannister and Lord Ormund Hightower especially loud in their exclamations.
“Viserys.. Perhaps this is the sign you have been looking for.” Alicent softly pressed, while gazing back at her father smugly looking at her, impressed at the machinations of his daughter.
No longer a pawn, but now a player in this game of thrones.
A player with the knowledge to win.
And the Gods, real and not real, on her side.
The Hightower Queen stood unwaveringly, Aegon on her side, as she gossiped and chatted mindlessly alongside the noble ladies of Westeros. Rhea Royce beside her, remarking on her brother Gwayne’s hunting prowess and inquiring on Alicent’s horse-riding capability, a fun hobby of hers in her girlhood which she had abandoned, after being instructed to act like a submissive wife by Viserys.
As nobles continued their chatter, a bloody figure strutted through the camp.
There she was, the Princess of Westeros, in all her arrogance. Riding among her horse, bloodied and battered, as if she was a battle-worn warrior, alike to Visenya Targaryen, when Alicent knew in reality that all she was, was a little girl who abandoned her duties and got caught in the thralls of blood, just alike to her devious uncle, Daemon.
Whispers emerged, snide glances transpired, as all nobility gathered looked beyond at the disruptive force that was Rhaenyra.
Alicent gasped in false shock, “Poor Rhaenyra! How unmaidenly of her to be covered in blood. This is why maidens shouldn’t go off alone. Thank god, Ser Criston was there to save her!”
Alicent snarking loudly, in attempt to demean Rhaenyra’s hunting efforts, after all nobody other than Ser Criston was present with her to verify false rumours, as she abandoned the Royal entourage, shamelessly fleeing from her duties.
Rhea Royce then remarked softly, almost under breath, in great intrigue, “Who’s that man beside the princess?”
“Oh Lady Rhea, that’s Ser Criston Cole, who Queen Alicent mentioned earlier. He most likely saved the unruly Princess from a wild animal.” Lady Delena Redwyne answered, as Alicent looked onwards, invested at the glances Rhea Royce was giving Criston Cole.
Rhaenyra continued her hubristic strut and led herself into the Royal carriage, shutting herself out from the whispers.
Viserys then swiftly followed, fury beckoning inside him. Ending Aegon’s nameday with an upset petty Rhaenyra and disgruntled father.
Alicent passed over Aegon to his maid and subsequently joined her husband in the Royal carriage, embarking on a journey back to Kingslanding.
Carriage culminating in silent fury, as Viserys and his daughter did not speak a word in response to Rhaenyra’s impertinent actions.
Yet the Hightower Queen was happy, among her companions filled with sadness.
As she had gained allies for her children’s livelihoods, and most importantly, she had emphasised the importance of Aegon to her husband.
Surely Viserys must give their son his rightful title as heir by now.
He couldn’t stay a hypocritical coward, ignoring the insolence of Rhaenyra, and finally give Aegon the claim he deserved as firstborn son to the King.
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fadingstudentbananacookie · 9 months ago
Honestly? Rhaenyra sitting on Dragonstone for half a decade and then being usurped deserves the surprised Pikachu meme. Homegirl has no survival instincts and is NOT politically savvy lmao.
That's probably why she married Daemon, and even then, they still share one brain cell between the two.
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But these two were a power couple in Fire & Blood, ngl. Book!Daemon was tempered and intelligent, and book!Rhaenyra was ruthless and cunning. The show switched their personalities and dumbed them down for feminism, I guess 🤷🏽‍♀️.
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marsconer · 2 years ago
there’s a rhaenicent fic that rhaenyra and alicent go to winterfell and there’s a line that reminds me why i prefer the hightowers that goes something like how dare she ( rhaenyra ) sit in castle that’s older than the iron throne ( or valyria i have a bad memory, if you wrote this i’m so sorry. you changed my life ) and imply that he’s the outsider. and to me there’s something so infuriating about this. the way the targaryens refused to assimilate to the ways of the people they intended to rule, married their own kin and now talking about hotd, treated the hightowers ( not as individuals but as house and a family ) badly and as unworthy of the ruling seat when this house had stood in westeros tall and proud and powerful when they were still lowly dragon lords with no true importance in the valyrian empire.
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maybeiwasjustjade · 8 months ago
Jace being the best character from TB this whole season and making the most sense and overall just being interesting after having absolutely nothing to work with last season is 😮‍💨. Thank fuck for him.
That conversation with Rhaenyra 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Finally someone bought up the idiocy of her affair with Harwin Strong. You’d think after Jace popped out looking Strong, Rhaenyra would at least have the mind to change paramours. One is an accident, two are coincidence, but three was an insult to anyone with eyeballs.
Jace truly was one of the better things to come out of this season, which is such a shame he’ll be gone by early season 3, because then the watchability factor of TB decreases back to zero.
Adding to this:
One of the most interesting (yet ridiculous) takes from season 1 were all those that still insisted that Rhaenyra’s eldest sons weren’t bastards even when Rhaenyra herself had basically confirmed it in 1x06. Jace being the bastard heir, and knowing it while protecting his own brothers from that same fate, was what made him stick out in the first place. His anger, his rage, his massive inferiority and superiority issues—all of the things that made him an actual character, came from being a bastard in an extremely precarious situation, and Jace knows that. Has always known that.
So this confrontation was truly a long-time coming because his mother was the one that placed him in a position of power and superiority by masquerading him as trueborn, by focusing on his Targaryen side and his dragon. He was above a bastard because he was special, and somewhere along the way Jace truly believed that. So now that it’s actually happened, and supposed Targaryen bastards (like him) are claiming dragons and succeeding, Jace breaks. The one thing that made him special—his egg hatching, focusing on the fact it doesn’t matter that he was no Velaryon because one day he’ll be Jacaerys Targaryen anyway—makes him no better than the dragonseeds his forefathers scattered across the land.
And I’m glad they got to have this conversation because Jace won’t be around much longer. Rhaenyra has actively chosen to place her future on the throne over the feelings of her heir. And in a few weeks time, he—the heir, the firstborn, her first baby—will be dead. It’s going to haunt her until she dies.
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alicentsgf · 9 months ago
People acting as if Helaena running off to dragonstone with her children wld have fixed everything is so funny 😭😭😭 the levels of delusion. daemon wld be chopping off her children's ears to send express to their father so fast. If Aegon didnt immediately hand the throne over then daemon wld start on their toes. And tho we'd all like to think rhaenyra wld step in to stop it unfortunately she is her fathers daughter meaning 70% of her dna is shared with a wet blanket
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ride-thedragon · 9 months ago
Jace is quite aware of his precarious position within the council; he, along with Baela and Rhaena, is largely ignored by the council of old men. Rhaenyra is off visiting Alicent for two weeks following an attempt on her life. Jace knows that the only reason Great Houses are willing to go to war is because they recognize Rhaenyra as the rightful heir to the throne. With Rhaenyra dead/captured/away, Jace is utterly powerless, knowing full well that no one’s going to fight for him while she’s gone. Rhaenyra has thus far pursued a path of peace, despite all the back-and-forth fighting - not fighting. Jace isn't even fighting for his right as Rhaenyra's heir; of course he will fight for her right, but he wants to fight to avenge Luke and protect his family. It is quite sad; both Jace and Luke were painfully aware that they would always be viewed as "dirt"—bastards—in their mother's claim to the throne. The shaky standing as Rhaenyra's heirs. Rhaenyra loves her sons dearly, but her actions and decisions have landed her sons in one hell of a mess.
One conversation that needs to sweep over the fandom is that Rhaenyra, although affectionate and doting towards her children, is very similar to Viserys in the way she doomed them and their inheritance.
But yea. Rhaenyra refuses to acknowledge and entertain the conversation of their bastardy while the realm acknowledges it to every extent they can. It's incredibly isolating. Even with Jace and Luke, he learned not to acknowledge it so he doesn't let Luke, and when Luke does with Rhaenyra, she doesn't address his concerns as valid, which I really unfortunate.
One of my favourite motherhood parallels I haven't seen acknowledged by the fandom is Rhaneyra sending Jace to comfort Baela and Rhaena when he says he has an equal claim to sympathy because Harwin is dead and Alicent telling Helaena she does when she's dismissing her own loss and comparing it.
The fans have this attachment to Rhaenyra’s motherhood that doesn't allow for nuance, and I plan on analysing it soon, but yes to all of this.
Jace is also being both parentified and treated like a child, continuing the same push and pull he has with Rhaenyra throughout their relationship. She'll never answer him, and the writers refuse to address the conflict.
As for Rhaenyra, I think we have to wait and see because I'm glad they're critiquing her in the narrative but not nearly as much as they should. Her hesitancy is costing them, and it's unfortunate that she isn't fairly examined in the narrative outside of misogyny.
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fromtheboundlesssea · 2 years ago
what is your opinion of rhaenyra
I haven’t read Fire & Blood, I’m going to read that later this year. However, show!Rhaenyra annoys me to no end.
I kind of liked young Rhaenyra as she is seemingly written somewhat self-aware and cunning. However what naivety she does show can be explained away by the fact that she is a young child who lost her mother very tragically, whose central support systems were seemingly pulled out from under her.
She seems aware of her situation once she is forced to betroth herself to Laenor and the plans and deals they made truly showed some sort of knowledge of what she needed to do as heir, especially when she previously showed no interest in marriage or having kids.
However, she is also an immature princess who is spoiled in many ways and doesn’t see the opinions of others, nor really care about their feelings unless it benefits her (manipulating Alicent to defend her poor choices with Daemon and brushing off Criston’s guilt over sex that he was hesitant about at the beginning and clearly guilty over after).
She’s well written.
And then the time-skip happened and seemingly all growth was tossed away. We are told that everything she does is perfect despite some very smart and impartial characters saying that she’s being dangerous (Lyonel Strong and even Rhaenys). She no longer seems to stand on her own feet and runs ti her father or Daemon if things don’t go her way. She isn’t making any political decisions and whatever agreement she had with Laenor falls to the wayside. I know she claims to have tried, but the timeline doesn’t match up with that statement with how old Jace seems to be.
She talks about working hard, but we see no evidence of it.
The actor did an amazing job with what they were given, but Older!Rhaenyra was written very poorly in comparison to how Young!Rhaenyra was being written and developed.
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stilltrails · 8 months ago
Jace is actually very valid in his anger. Rhaenyra's entitlement and selfishness has come back to impact her son, and if that's not the most obvious criticism of her as a character I don't know what is.
At the end of the day this isn't even for Jace. This is for her and her claim
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rosaluxembae · 1 year ago
Rhaenyra isn't called Maegor with Teats *just* for raising taxes. Like there were also mass executions. That was a thing that also happened.
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