#rez anon
tricksterkisses · 4 months
you are white, wdym "patriarchy does nothing for poc men"? First of all "people of color men" is not a term, it'd be men of color, second of all, 😂 WHAT? Who do you think perpetuates gemdered violence in non white countries and spaces? Men of color do benefit from patriarchy. Not the same as white men in white countries but that is a delusional argument.
You are white is doing a lot of heavy lifting here. I am indeed (mostly, if you're ignorant) white passing, congrats, racist.
My mother is Norwegian/First Nations My father is Salvadoran/First nations.
Also I'm sowwy if my spelling isn't perfect, english isn't my first language, it's my third, but laugh it up.
(this is also racist btw, making fun of ESL speakers for being imperfect at a language when you probably don't even speak any of my languages is like, it's racist, it is literally just racism)
This is just like that time that white person tried to whitesplaine my culture to me in that server we're in LMAO
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ikamigami · 2 months
What if what kills Sun is that he decides to use his magic and connection to wither shards to cast a spell that purges all the wither shards so they put off star power instead, so Dark Sun’s dragon changes or just dies, FC’s battery becomes positive energy, maybe it messes with Rez and Cetus and drives them off Earth and removes their influence, but that kind of spell is so strong and takes so much that it kills him and extinguishes his mana pool in the process?
Oooo I really love this idea 👏
Nice theory :)
I can see something like that happening.. or uhh I'd love this to happen cause Sun would do something very amazing and powerful sbbxbxbxbzbdb that would be so cool ✨
Thank you for sharing this idea with me, dear anon ^^
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randomnameless · 1 year
Does that mean Mercie and Supreme Leader could be distant cousins potentially? Guess it might be an idea in that 10000 year lore.
You have no idea how many cans of worm this AU opens anon -
AU where Dimi marries Mercie, and the resulting Blaiddyd heir has... a crest of Seiros :(
No one understands why, maybe it's a Hresvelg curse for destroying Adrestia?
With time, the Crest of Seiros is known as the Crest of Hresvelg (to Rhea's chagrin) and is now seen, in the Kingdom's folk legends, as a curse that befell humanity when it became too greedy.
AU where it's Papa Martritz's line that is a branch line from the Hresvelg House -
Ionius not managing to roll for crested heirs with his different wives jumped on the occasion to destroy House Martritz (even if it has a heir! in the over, but it exists still!) and put an end to eventual pretenders to the Imperial throne, if his "lady friends" can't give him an adequate crested heir :(
And even if the baby survives, it has a chance of not getting a crest of Seiros, and by virtue of not being a noble born baby, people might believe it's just a random bastard and not a legitimate threat to his dynasty
(Imagine if Baron Bartels got his seiros crested bby with Mercie though - hopefully, Emile made sure that plan would never see fruition!)
Ultimate combination AU : Mercie and Emile can tolerate Zanado fruits
Just like Constance!
Somehow, before being turned in a pincushion, lizard!Lycaon befriended Lamine's 9th daughter, who returned North when he "suddenly died" and Hildegard I (who descends from Willy's human children, the ones he got when he had his crest but from human women!) took his succession.
The resulting kid had no pointy ears but was "human passing" enough (only 1/4th Nabatean!), then said kid got kids - sometimes with a crest of Seiros, sometimes with the crest of Lamine - and their kids got kids - and they ended up in Adrestia, becoming Mercie's mom family.
Mercie will notice something strange because her parents recipe (that was influenced by her mom's cooking) always featured putting slices of fruit in the shape of a star on his various cupcakes - but then, those disgusting fruits Flayn, Seteth and even Lady Rhea nibble on occasion, when sliced, look like stars ? Granted, she never tried to eat any since everyone knows they're inedible! She tried to put a slice on a cupcake and ate it, to Annette and Dedue's surprise, she didn't threw up like everyone else, nor collapsed, even if Annette scolded her "Mercie, what are you even doing?! Those things can't be eaten!"
Overhearing Mercie's recipe history, Seteth frowns like never before - Lycaon used to hold hands with a scion of Lamine who joined their side (he told Seiros the Warrior to watch out because he was too young to hold hands, she ignored him, again!).
This will make Billy start to question themselves, if Rhea considered Mother like her daughter, and Mercedes is the child of the child of the child of the child (etc) of Rhea's son, is Mercedes their sort of nephew?
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godnectar · 10 months
seems mid.
Um art palette anon needs to be locked in a cage and sprayed with water
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What if tes dragonborn blood is hotter than the average person? Maybe even almost burning
When the dragonborn blood is on devil level hot and Astarion has just experienced what it is like to drink fireball lol
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lendmeyourpower · 1 year
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*hand you five dollar* Now make sure you spent it wisely for your friends -anon
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-🌙 Normally Guren didn't take stuff like this, but if it was for his friends than he would. He could always get them some sweets, or drinks. But Guren had a better idea.
-🌙 It had been a while since they had played any sort of games. They had been busy since the world came to an end. And yet, there had been a store that was filled with odds and ends, they just wanted cash to help get by. After all, sometimes you had to pay a bit extra for the supplies that you needed.
-🌙 So Guren stopped by the shop, not even bothering to change out of his uniform, marking him as Kureto's dog, and found what he was looking for, a game they hadn't played yet. He had given the shop owner more than just the five, after all American money was something that held little meaning now, without the exchange rate and everything.
-🌙 Thanking the shopkeeper Guren left, putting the game in his pocket. He knew that they were up for a day of rest soon, so that was when Guren would show them the game. Until then, he would have to hide it from Sayuri and Shigure.
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chuitu · 1 month
August 9 2XXX
Written by: (compiled and edited by Anon)
Users: Yeva Moon & Hóng Hái'er
Uploaded: ????
File Corruption: Null (Restoration_complete)
{User: Yeva Moon}
It has been... 2.. 3 weeks since Mr. Nezha helped me flee from the Celestial realm, I often wonder if he is alright after i shot him.. He told me to.. But now I'm worried.. But first... my priority is to.. hide.
Celestial guards roaming from above, some checked the alleys, Nowhere is safe for me to hide... what now...?
Until now, I am disappointed... Mr. Li Jing... Mr. Lao Tzu... All the misters and missuses, They only saw me as a weapon to be used, they never really cared about me... All those things they told me, how they care... They lied, does this mean my friends were no different?
Liars, Liars all of them LIARS.
I want to rest... All this evading is draining my energy... I can't go home to mama... The Celestials will be expecting me there...
Then, there's only one person left...
{User: Hóng Hái'er}
My Captain actually gave me the time off for today... Thank Buddha i get to breathe, I didn't think i could go another hour without feeling the absolute dread of overtime, I wish i was being dramatic but i barely had the time to sit down at the time,
Well now me and a couple of my squad mates are simply lazing around at a diner, Rez really decided to order 40 dumplings, as if he could chow it down in one go... aie... I'm gonna head out for this one, just vaguely imagining him forcefully shoving dumplings up his mouth had ruined my appetite..
Well, the streets are pretty peaceful for once, glancing at the noodle shop me and Yeva used to go as children... Some random green biker girl just parked up front, giving a boy with a red bandana a bear hug... seeing those two makes me a little.. lonely..
Sometimes i still wonder why or where Yeva went, We haven't talked in a... long, long while, how long had it been... 120 years? Does she even have her phone with her? I kinda stopped texting her 50 years back... she never replies, not even a seen.. Was it my fault? Was Father right? Did she just simply abandon me the moment she heard about my powers being dead gone?
Eventually i.. came the conclusion of believing that it is so...
{User: Yeva Moon}
I found a... little crossroad, If i cross this.. and then one more lane, I'll see my Comrade again..
I wonder how he's been.. Haven't been able to text him because of Mr. Li Jing taking my phone away... I hope Comrade isn't mad from me not replying to his messages... if he left any...
What will Comrade think when he sees me again... I'm not sure what kind of face he'll make, it's been so long.. I hope he's not angry with me...
{User: Hóng Hái'er}
Managed to get off the next train out of Dinsun District, sigh..
What a day, I might finally have the time to spend some quality time with my parents,, well not a saying that they might be having their time without me casually walking in on them... doing.. parent... things... eugh.
I turned another corner, I just.. went blank,, I'm not sure what i was looking at, or rather who it was.. Y.. Yeva?
{User: Yeva Moon}
I found him... Redson, my Comrade.. He looks, confused.. I would normally be overjoyed to see him again... but... i can't feel anything, but relief... just that atleast..
He was about to say something.. but.. he stopped... he looked confused, he looks angry..? he looks tired..
{User: Hóng Hái'er}
I couldn't believe it, Yeva is.. She's actually back,, But i can't help but feel... conflicted, where was she all these years, why didn't she ever answer my calls or messages even once, why did she leave in the first place...
But i just felt, so tired, fatigued from endless hours of scouting and missions... and to think she suddenly comes back out of the blue??? I... I don't know... what to feel about this...
▄ Begrudged
□ Forgiving but conflicted
{User: Yeva Moon}
He said... Where have you been all this time... where were you when i needed you... i was alone.. you were my only friend... how could you abandon me like that... didn't even say hi, hello, how are you... nothing... You probably left because i'm nothing but a weakling to you now, isn't it?... his voice... hurt my ears.. it's... raining..
Ah wanted to tell him why i couldn't answer him... but... it seems... he won't believe a word i say... and.. he.. just left..
{User: Hóng Hái'er}
So eventually i left... I... I couldn't even begin to look at her... some friend she was.. I can't believe her... I feel so betrayed..
{User: Yeva Moon}
Comrade... left me in the rain... It's my fault... he's angry with me... because i left... without words... I abandoned him.. It's all my fault...
-- End Log --
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maplewozapi · 1 year
hey, it's me, the anon that left the ask about studying Native American history and cultural appropriation. Thanks for the book recommendations, I've added them all to my to-read list.
It's crazy how much people seem to dislike the topic of history I've chosen, but you genuinely helped so much. Definitely reassured me. I've also bought bury my heart at wounded knee which is a *bit* outdated but was the first book I bought on the topic so I always think of it fondly, and another called Blood and Land, and also one called a Century of Dishonour, which was written in the 1880s (very outdated in areas but also. definitely against the government policies). I'm also trying to expand my reading horizons from what happened in the 19th century USA.
(Btw, wasn't Killers of the Flower Moon turned into a film recently starring Leonardo di Caprio?? I wondered if you'd watched it. I would like to find some more modern films/tv shows with good indigenous rep - I watched Annie Get Your Gun a while back but frankly it was shit. I want to purge it from my mind).
I hope you have a lovely day, I just thought I'd say thanks for the recommendations and the reassurance </3
Yes I am very excited for the movie to come out, and there’s nothing wrong with outdated books besides biases told by the white people at the time, you gotta be picky and not take everything at face value. I read so many old books and university papers of recounts of native history and it’s kind of an art to describe them and the bs some of them say and the crab meat of truth you’re trying to find. Or like by proxy of growing up and hearing stories, and then using those accounts to figure out "oh that’s what they mean" or "Oh they mean this thing not that, they mixed it up." Cultural and language mistranslations are just so prevalent.
Then here’s some movie and video recommendations, I’ll just say with Wind River and Bury my heart again be kinda thoughtful about them. Bury my heart has like this Hollywood kinda atmosphere, more cinematic it’s a great movie but it’s also based on events and they kinda dramatized some. Gives me the same feeling of "woman who walks ahead." Still great movies and a great way to get a feel for thing that happened back then. I really love news of the world too especially what they show with the buffalo and little girl, but I really wish they hired a native actress, it’s true that adoption of any race of people happened a lot in tribes but the representation of native kids in Hollywood is nonexistent and I think these movies would be so much better portraying native head leads. With Wind River if Jeremy renner and Elizabeth Olsen where switched out with native leads the plot would be so much richer. Like a city native and Rez native story would be so good. Movies that greatly follow white leads or have white characters for the yt audience to attach to just limits the movie for me.
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Poor women and girls in every country and region in the world don't have access to basic feminine hygiene products. Don't pretend like poor women and girls in Gaza are unique. It's the same for poor women and girls in Burundi, Honduras, Afghanistan, Mongolia, Papua, Bolivia, EVERYWHERE. Poor girls and women on native reservations in the USA don't have access to pads or tampons either. Many don't have access to potable water. Or reliable electricity, sanitation or infrastructure of any kind. It's been that way for more than a hundred years in some cases. But do Palestinian supporters from any of those countries or regions give a shit? No. Are they doing anything to help alleviate local period poverty? No. They're too busy posting watermelon emojis and watching TikToks to care about what's right in front of them. You know that as of 2024 there are 326 "Indian reservations" in the USA? Three hundred and twenty six. And thousands more in Canada. You know what Native American activists call reservations? Concentration camps. Open air prisons. Reservations exist in 34 of the 50 United States. More than 1.5 million people live on them. The largest rez covers 3 states and has a population of more than 170,000 (the Navajo Nation in Arizona/New Mexico/Utah.)
believe it or not, i agree with you on several points, actually. i think period poverty is a huge issue, and people should be helping locally. i think reservations are a fascist facet of the colonial imperialist regime of the US empire and they should be abolished.
however, no one is saying this is a situation unique to gaza!! no one is saying this is a non-issue elsewhere!!
we are talking about what is happening in gaza right now because it is happening ON ACCOUNT OF the genocide. we are talking about what is happening in gaza right now because it is a FACET of the genocide.
the answer to palestinians facing a lack of period products because of a genocide is not to minimize the genocide because other people are also suffering.
when you send asks like this, it becomes transparent that if you wanted to do something about it, you would, and that you don't actually care, you're just fishing for a specific type of response, which is one i won't give.
sorry, anon. try harder next time.
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videogamepolls · 6 months
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Requested by anon
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baa-whatever · 2 months
You realize that people have been headcanoning Nexus as purple since he changed his name, right? And that the poison thing could be a coincidence? Not saying you’re wrong but pointing out that it’s still just a theory, what occurs in thumbnails isn’t always canon, and talking about a fantheory as if it’s undeniably canon isn’t exactly constructive towards good-faith discussions.
Also both anons were putting words in the vagued person’s mouth.
That last one: I don't care. I'm just giving my thoughts on it and that it's weird someone would possibly think that of Earth after what she went through.
For the first one: You realize he's been turning purple in the thumbnails BEFORE he changed his name, right?
They still give out little hints here and there in their thumbnails half the time. Even putting that evil grin by Ruin hinting at what's to come and Nexus talking about whether or not he's turning into KC when he argued with Eclipse. And then he kinda did. Nearly everything about him makes me think of KC.
Nobody seems to know what's going on with Nexus either but so far it's very closely hinting it's somehow related to Rez....so I don't get how it's not related when they're both targeting Lunar with the same weapon and Rez is a parasitic creature trying to control Lunar and destroy his planet. Or twist it really.
If I'm wrong then I'm wrong but it seems obvious to me that he's using Nexus at the moment and he's trying to do the same to Lunar.
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I don't really know how this thing work, because this is my first time and all.
But maybe heartslabyul people with a easy to forget Yuu?
Like Yuu could forget that they haven't eat yet and stuff, and could go on for hours before feeling hungry.
Yuu is pretty much dumb?? I wouldn't say dumb but more of a himbo? They can comfort you in their own way
Maybe you could call me
☕ Anon?
Cafe anon ?
Is that how you do it???
Thank you to you this message, because you reply to this message!
- New Anon
Hi there, Cafe / ☕️ Anon! Thank you so much for sending in this ask. I know it can be a little intimidating and confusing if you don't do it often, so I appreciate it! And yes, this is how you can tag yourself as anon when you're still shy, though I've also seen some content creators dub anons based on the topic of the ask they sent in, so I guess it's whatever makes you comfortable!
I know I had done an "easily forgetful Yuu" in this post here, though it was more generalized rather than dorm specific. I can go a little deeper though, since I'll be focusing only on a handful of characters! Since you didn't specify any pronouns, I'll be using they/them for now so please keep that in mind if you want to send any future asks! >w<
I hope you enjoy this! I'll go ahead and say this now, but I imagined Kronk while I was writing this, and it made me happy~ ÚvÙ
It was Ace and Deuce who realized early on how forgetful Yuu was, having to remind them why the four of them were prancing around an abandoned mineshaft dodging and not just having a midnight field trip. Despite being oblivious to the danger they were all in (especially when Deuce practically threw them onto his back and kicking away a giant centipede trying to bite them, or when Ace had to yank them back from falling into a large hole in the floor), Yuu somehow managed to stay calm enough to create a plan to beat the sludge phantom monster. As soon as the four retrieved the mage stone and destroyed the phantom, Yuu was so proud of their friends that they couldn’t resist reaching out to pet them while saying, “Good boys!”--much to the embarrassment and confusion of the monster trio.
As the days passed, Yuu and Grim spent the majority of their free time hanging out at Heartslabyul, getting to know everyone–including Riddle–very well. It was almost uncanny how easily Yuu was able to calm others down before trouble could start, whipping up spinach cream puffs with Trey and fawning over every animal in the dorm. So cheerful and content even with the visits with the researchers, it was hard to imagine the human ever getting angry–a little upset and pouty, but they would always bounce back with a smile.
“Totes a himbo,” Cater commented, adding a few hashtags to his latest post.
“What’s a himbo?” Deuce asked.
“It’s someone who’s big and strong yet oblivious or dumb,” Ace explained, smirking as he added, “Just like you!”
“Oi! I’m not stupid, Ace!”
“If the horseshoe fits!”
“Guys, take it easy,” Trey said. Thinking for a moment, he said, “It doesn’t exactly sound like a nice word to describe them…even if they are a little oblivious and forgetful.”
“It’s fine, really!” Cater said. “Himbos are described as being attractive but not quite so smart. Those tend to be pretty popular characters in media. See? As NRC’s only human rez, Magicam has been blowing up with likes and comments. Everyone loves Yuu!”
“Wow. Wait…what’s with the video of Yuu in a frilly apron and oven mitts?”
“Oh, that? I caught Yuu trying to open a box of treats for the lil’ hedgehog they were watching, and they forgot to take off the oven mitts. See the lil’ guy in the apron pocket? Totes adorable~!”
It was at that moment that Yuu came in, looking worse for wear as Riddle followed after them with a concerned expression. “Dude! What the hell happened to you?” Ace asked in shock.
“Huh? What do you mean?” Yuu asked, looking confused.
“I found them on campus near the forest,” Riddle said with an exasperated sigh, the faun pulling out the first aid kit and guiding Yuu to a stool. “They were attempting to climb a tree. Fortunately, they landed on a bush from a high point, so they didn’t get severely injured…as you can see, unfortunately, it was a thorned berry bush.”
“A baby bird fell out of the tree-ow!” they yelped, wincing when Riddle began plucking the thorns out of their clothes and skin with tweezers. “The little guy’s mom was worried, so I carried her baby up to her-ouch!-nest.”
“Jeez, did you slip off a branch or something?”
“Well…after I got it back in the nest, I…kinda forgot that I was standing on a branch and walked off.”
“...you…walked off the branch…”
“...how the hell have you not broken a leg?”
Yuu shrugged, wincing as Riddle began cleaning the scrapes and spots the thorns had been. “Aaaand…check!” Cater said, having taken another picture of Yuu’s messy self and typing away. “Ridiculously nic and oblivious. That’s our Yuu-bo!”
“Dinner’s ready!”
“Sweet! Breakfast for dinner? What’s the occasion?”
“I figured I’d do something nice and easy to make for everyone as a treat for helping me when I got hurt earlier,” Yuu explained, twirling the spatula in their hand before scooping up another pancake and flipping it onto a plate atop a stack of fluffy goodness. “Plus, Trey’s been working hard to feed us, so I wanted to help out!”
“Whoaaa, look at this spread!” Grim said, already drooling as he sniffed. “Eggs, bacon, sausages…oooh! These waffles have a heart stamped in the middle!”
“Oh yeah! I wanted to try out the new waffle iron one of Cater’s fans sent, and it works really well! It makes it easy to make a breakfast buffet.”
“I’m pretty sure the fans wanted you to have it anyway,” Trey uttered with a wry smile. Aloud, he said, “Thanks for making dinner, Yuu, but why don’t I take over? You’re still recovering from the fall.”
“I’ve got it, thanks! You already do a lot for everyone, so it’s your turn to relax.”
“Well…if you say so. Is this what you made for breakfast this morning?”
“...this morning?” Yuu repeated, expression going blank. “Oh…I think I forgot to eat breakfast this morning. Oops!”
Just then, a long, loud gurgling growl erupted from Yuu’s stomach, the room falling silent as everyone stared at them. It was Deuce who spoke as he asked, “Yuu…when was the last time you ate?”
Thinking for a moment, Yuu admitted, “Since…last night…I think? I remember feeding Grim, but…I got distracted and forgot to get a plate for myself.”
“Seriously? How in Twisted Wonderland are you still functioning on an empty tank!?” Ace said.
“I got so busy that I forgot I was even hungry! Let me just finish up this batch of pancakes and I’ll get some food, okay?”
“Nope. Not good enough,” Trey said.
Before Yuu could respond, the mixing bowl and spatula was plucked out of their hands by Trey while two of Cater’s clones appeared on either side of them. Led to a chair that was pulled out by a third clone, while the original hippogryph finished stacking a plate full of food before sliding it in front of them. “There we go! Make sure you eat every bite now, okay, Yuu-bo~?”
“Wha-? But what about the pancakes and waffles?” Yuu asked, looking concerned. “I gotta finish them–”
“I’ve got it taken care of,” Trey said, the pans sizzling as he added several more strips of bacon and poured the batter on the griddle. “Just sit there and I’ll finish the rest. We don’t want you passing out on us just because your blood sugar is low, got it?”
“Trey is correct,” Riddle chimed in. “Given your status as a critically endangered species, if word reaches the research institutions, they may suspect the school for neglecting your health and may seek to relocate you for closer monitoring.” His stern gaze softened as he said, “We also worry about you as fellow students…and your friends. We can only do so much, so please…don’t forget to take care of yourself.”
For a moment Yuu sat there in stunned silence, seeing their friends nod in agreement. Then…they smiled, looking misty-eyed as they sniffled. “Thanks guys…that means a lot. I’ll do my best to take care of myself!”
After that day, Yuu did their best to remember to eat, the Heartslabyul students making sure to remind or invite them over for a meal. Slowly this began to trickle into the other dorms, some of the other students inviting them to sit for a meal as well. Even Grim and the Ramshackle ghosts chipped in, either packing extra lunches or helping them clean up and reminding them to eat whenever they get preoccupied. While Yuu was still forgetful at times, they had nothing to worry about so long as their friends were by their side.
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8-rae-rae-8 · 8 months
I'm so glad you like my insane ramblings /pos
cw; abuse mention (Simon's dad is very lightly implied. nothing graphic)
To add to it, I imagine that prior to implementing any form of punishments, There was a heavy conversation between Simon, Price, Soap and Gaz. Basically an agreement on what's okay and what isn't. When Simon began to regress in front of 141, he panicked when he broke a rule for the first time because his idea of being punished was very different from what Price usually does. (Price wishes he could dig up Ghost's father's Grave , rez him and put another bullet in his head for the shit he did to Simon) With saying that, Simon is usually very well behaved as a little. He's usually too sleepy and just wants to cuddle in little space. Timeouts are usually reserved when he gets aggressive and shouts. Or when he's on the cusp of regression and gets bratty/snappy. ALSO bonus ramblings Soap occupies the timeout seat the most. He's a rambunctious prankster with too much energy and sometimes doesn't understand when enough is enough. He once got put in timeout out of littlespace for making a glitter/ stink bomb hybrid for Sheppard ('Fookin' worth every goddamn second' ) Little Soap is also given early bed times as a consequence. Gaz rarely ever gets put in timeout. The only time he gets in trouble is when he's getting into mischief w/ Soap. (he may have helped Soap w/ the glitter/stink bomb). Other than that, he tries his best to be a good influence on the younger littles and loves helping take care of the younger littles.
thank you again for listening to my insane ramblings about war criminals regressing 😔 /j
Simon gives me "tried to hide under the bed but was too big" vibes when being scared of punishments while regressing
Gaz and Soap are the trouble makers ABSOLUTELY 😭 Gaz tried to prank someone but it was something so small it was nothing more than a minor inconvenience. Soap is the mastermind for it
I love your insane rambling anon
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godnectar · 10 months
anon is smart and deserves a kiss they are so correct
u both get a big kiss fr 😽🫶
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notedchampagne · 11 months
I feel like Gideon would be delighted at using rez native slang much to everyone’s annoyance
“Skoden!” “Smatter wit you?” “Stoodis!” “Snagging aunties” “real deadly ;)”
ahdjskdka anon i had to google nz rez native slang first but i hope you get some joy out of knowing that reading those phrases sent me to another level of confusion. which is probably why gideon would like saying it around a bunch of cranky old people
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tf2heritageposts · 3 months
i aint no southerner but even in the fields of northern midwest, the small town-type councils are getting full of weird bible humpers and trump fuckers. theyre seeping into the reservations too; and its turning the councils, the white councils of some small towns, and the indigenous councils of some reservations, into greedy and ignorant little shitholes with predators and/or liars with dogwhistles. a rez near me has a really slimey and creepy chairhead, he turns his cheek the other way for predators. the small town i live in has a gas station with an LED sign thats pitting its townsfolk against its shitty council with trump fucker buzzwords. if you dont vote for the shitty democrat party, the whole country is gonna turn into even shittier republicans. some of these northerners, theyre just mad theyre being told what to do by southerners, bc they dont even LIVE in bumfuck nowhere. they live in cushy cities thatre falling apart behind the scenes, but they wouldnt even know since they dont pay attention closely enough; they ignore the south and the fucked shit down there anyways. id come off anon but theyd probably be even more pissed that its some native dude whos saying this, too. these northerners thatre bitching about the south? more like, racists 2.0, they dont pay attention anyways even to their own surroundings.
literally man. i fucking hate these people
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