sherlocksstuff · 7 months
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sherlocksstuff · 11 months
They really had to create a website to tell people how to get others on their side. Dam that is sad.
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Lmfao just admitting they can’t win an argument when you put out the context?
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sherlocksstuff · 11 months
Chapter 3: Morning Wake-Up Call
It had been week since Mina arrived in London. Kit hadn’t protested much to Mina when she informed him about staying at Blackthorn hall.
"Silly Melon… Mina mine it's time to wake up," a soft voice whispered, pulling Mina from her dreams. She blinked and found herself staring at the pale Grey London sky. Once again, she had fallen asleep outside in Blackthorn Hall's gardens. To her, it was the best place to take a nap, even in the winter, and a simple heat spell could fend off the cold.
This time of year was always difficult for her, ever since her parents had passed away. Kit was there for her, but he had his own life in London now. She hardly saw him since he took up the responsibilities of running the Institute with Ty. Emma and Julian had come to Blackthorn Hall for the London Christmas party, and Mina had been glad that she could stay with them then the institute. However, he had been occupied with Enclave matters since their arrival.
"Mina, food's here," Dru called, interrupting her thoughts. "Coming!" she yelled back.
Julian's voice greeted her as she entered the house. "So, you fell asleep outside again, Min?"
"It's not my fault that your garden happens to be the best place to nap," Mina replied with a grin. "Besides, I was bird-watching."
Julian raised an eyebrow, clearly not buying her excuse. He exchanged a glance with Emma, a silent communication they seemed to share effortlessly.
"So, Mina, I was thinking we should train more later with Cortana. You're getting really in tune with her," Emma suggested.
Mina nodded enthusiastically. "That's a good idea. I need to train more. Are Kit and Ty coming for dinner, or is it just us?"
Dru answered from across the table, "Kit texted that they're a bit delayed, but they'll be here soon."
"Good thing we ordered pizza for dinner," Mina said with a grin, glancing around the kitchen. Emma and Julian were sitting close together, and Dru was to her left. Church, her dad's cat, lay asleep in the corner with his feet up in the air, on a bed she purchase from the pet shop.
Their dinner was cut short when Dru's phone rang. Kit and Ty hadn't made it for dinner; they were dealing with more Enclave problems. Strange occurrences, like unexpected portals, had been happening all over London.
"This sucks," Mina muttered, to which Church responded with a contented "Meow."
"You're right, Church. I still have you," she said, petting the cat affectionately. Church was known for being somewhat unfriendly to people other than Emma, but he was her dad's cat, and now he was hers.
Later, lying back on the ballroom floor, Mina pulled out her phone to text Max, her best friend. Loneliness crept over her; maybe coming to London so early had been a mistake. She sent a quick message, "Max, you up?" and waited for his response.
While she waited, her thoughts wandered to her parents. What must the place have looked like when James and Lucie were her age? She couldn't help but wonder. Her phone buzzed, breaking her reverie.
Max: Yeah, actually heading to London Institute with Bakpia. You're there, right?
Mina: No, at Blackthorn Hall, but I'll portal there now. What's happening, though?
Max: Don't know, something about portals, but not the usual ones that open in different places.
Mina: They're letting you help out? Jules and Emma left me at Blackthorn Hall, said they'd be back.
Max: Well, I'm 19, you know, and you're still underage, so…
Mina: I can still help out! See you there.
Opening a portal had become second nature to her; she could do it in her sleep if she wanted to. With a few practiced gestures, the portal opened with a shimmering silver hue.
Stepping through, she arrived at the London Institute's courtyard. The ancient building's spire loomed above, casting a shadow that reminded her of gothic cathedrals. She made her way up the steps and into the Institute, expecting to find Max.
"Min-min, what are you doing here? I thought you were at Blackthorn Hall," Kit called out, jogging down the stairs.
"Kit!" Mina exclaimed with joy, wrapping her arms around him in a tight hug.
"I was texting Max, and he said he was coming here, so I portaled here," she explained.
Kit looked at her with a serious expression. "I know you want to help, but for now, stay in the Institute, okay?"
Mina was about to protest when he continued, "Listen, some weird things are happening, and I need you to stay put. Max, Rafe, and Tavvy are going to be here too. If we need your help, you can join, but listen to Rafe and Tavvy, understood?"
"Fine," Mina grumbled. "But I still want to be there for the meeting."
Kit sighed, his expression softening. "Alright, you can come to the meeting, but promise me you'll stay put otherwise."
"What about Ash? Is he here too?" Mina asked.
"No, he's in Faerie, asking about what's happening here. Now scram, Min," Kit said with a smile.
Mina ran up to the library. Hopefully Max and the others would be up there.
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sherlocksstuff · 1 year
In this fic Mina Carstairs is living with Magnus and Alec after Jem and Tessa were killed when she was 3. She is currently living in the New York institute with Jace and Clary. Let me know what you think in the comments:
Chapter One: Echoes of the Past
The soft, early morning light filtered into Mina's room at the New York Institute, casting a delicate glow on her surroundings. She lay still for a moment, allowing the voice in her mind to wash over her like a bittersweet melody. "Silly Melon… Mina mine, it's time to wake up."
It was Jem's voice, a voice she had only heard in her dreams. The ache in her heart was familiar, a constant companion since the day she had lost her parents. To soothe the pain, she reached out and clutched the jade pendant that hung around her neck—a precious gift from her father when he had asked to marry Tessa Gray, her mother.
The pendant, cool against her skin, served as a tangible connection to the parents she had never known. It was a reminder of their love, a love that had transcended time and death, and a love that had ultimately given her life.
With a sigh, Mina sat up in bed and brushed a strand of black hair away from her face. She had a long day ahead of her—a journey across the ocean to London, where her older brother, Kit Herondale, now served as the head of the London Institute alongside Ty Blackthorn.
As she glanced around her room, her gaze fell upon the carefully packed suitcase by the door. Mina had been preparing for this trip for weeks, choosing her clothes, gathering her books and journals, and ensuring she had all the necessary Shadowhunter gear. She was determined to make the most of her visit, but there was an underlying nervousness that tugged at her heart.
Before leaving, she knew she had to make one important call. Mina picked up her phone and dialed Emma's number, her fingers trembling slightly as she waited for her cousin to answer.
"Hey, Em," Mina greeted when Emma answered the call. "Hey Mina, Excited about your trip to London?"
Mina smiled, feeling a bit more at ease hearing Emma's familiar voice. "Yes, I am, Em. But I was wondering if I could stay at Blackthorn Hall with you and Jules while I'm there. Kit told me I could stay at the institute, You know how I feel about the London Institute. And Bapak said I could stay his place but he also said that I should call you and see if you’d let me stay at Blackthorn Hall only if that’s okay with you and Jules."
She didn't need to elaborate; Emma understood. The memories of her parents' sacrifice were strong in London, and being alone in the London Institute or even at Bapak’s place, even with Kit as its head, stirred up too many emotions and 'what if’s’ about her parents, Uncle Will, James and Lucie. She didn’t want that right now.
"Of course, Mina," Emma replied warmly. "You're family, and we'd love to have you stay with us. It'll be like old times."
Relief washed over Mina as she thanked Emma, knowing that her time in London would be more comfortable with her cousin and her husband by her side. They chatted a bit more, exchanged details on her portal location at the London Institute , and promised to pick her up once she arrived. She didn’t know how she would break the news to Kit that she wouldn’t be staying at the institute and she couldn’t tell him how she felt just yet.
Just as she was about to hang up, there was a knock on her door.
"Sorry, Em, I've got to go. Someone's at my door," Mina said quickly.
"Sure thing, Mina. Safe travels, and call us when you get here," Emma replied before saying her goodbyes.
Mina ended the call and walked over to her bedroom door, opening it to find her Uncle Jace on the other side. He looked slightly worried, and concern filled his golden eyes.
"Morning, Min," Jace said, giving her a hug. "So your going to London today you ready for it? I know last time things weren’t what you hoped they would be but you know can stay or just call it off.”
Mina nodded, appreciating her uncle's concern. "Yeah, Uncle Jace, I'll be fine and last was different . I've been preparing for this for a while now so I am not backing out. And you know I can portal by myself so I can literally just come back whenever i want."
Jace smiled, though there was still a hint of worry in his eyes. "I know you're capable, but it's my job to worry as your umm how many Great’s was it again i keep forgetting?” She laughed “Uncle Jace please stop with that joke already I’m not your Aunt no matter how you put it.” Jace smiled he would miss her being here “Fine I’ll stop for now but no promises about the twins they just do what they want. Just remember, you can always call if you need to talk or if anything goes wrong."
Mina returned the smile and gave her uncle a quick hug in return. "Thanks, Uncle Jace. I'll remember that.”
With that, she closed her bedroom door and made her way downstairs, her heart full of mixed emotions as she embarked on her journey to a city that held both the promise of family and the shadows of the past.
Chapter Two: Departure
Mina stood in the bustling main hall of the New York Institute, her suitcase by her side. The atmosphere was charged with energy as Shadowhunters went about their morning routines—training, discussing missions, and strategizing for the day ahead. She had always felt at home within these walls, a sense of belonging that had been nurtured by her adoptive family. She had already said goodbye to the twins and George last and night. Since Max was with Rafe and Tavvy in LA she would probably see them when she got back or whenever she felt like portaling to see them.
Her parents, Tessa and Jem, had died protecting her and Kit, leaving a void that no one could ever fill. Mina had been raised by her parents' close friends, Alec and Magnus, who had become her loving and supportive fathers. Their family was unique, a blend of love and acceptance that transcended blood ties.
The pendant around her neck, the jade pendant her father had given to her mother when he had asked for her hand in marriage, was a constant reminder of the sacrifices her parents had made. It was her most cherished possession, a tangible connection to her parents, and a symbol of the love they had for her.
Alec Lightwood-Bane, her adoptive father, approached her with a warm smile. "Are you ready for your trip to London, Mina?"
Mina nodded, her emotions a mix of excitement and apprehension. "I think so, Dad. I just hope it won't be too overwhelming."
Alec placed a reassuring hands on her shoulders. "You have family waiting for you there, and you'll be in good hands. Kit told me he is excited to have you stay at the institute again. Just remember if you need me I’ll be in Idris just call me from the institute’s phone or call Bapak okay."
She appreciated his comforting words and gave him a quick hug. "Thanks, Dad. And thanks for everything, I will if I need to I promise."
He hugged her back tightly. "You're our daughter, Mina. We'll always be here for you, no matter where you go."
With one last embrace, Mina turned to face the portal in the center of the hall. Magnus, her other adoptive father, was there to see her off. His signature cat-eyes sparkled with warmth as he smiled at her.
"Off to London, are we?" Magnus said with a hint of mischief in his voice.
Mina nodded, feeling grateful for Magnus's presence in her life. "Yes, Bapak. I promise to behave."
Magnus chuckled and ruffled her hair gently. "Behaving is overrated, my dear. Just remember to have fun and enjoy your time with family. And do call if need me this time. No disappearing tricks got it."
“I promise i won’t just portal to Shanghai without warning again.” She replied. Mina gave him a quick hug, he hugged her back “You better Silly Melon.” Letting her go she then stepped toward the portal. With one last glance back at her New York family, she took a deep breath and stepped through the swirling vortex, leaving behind the familiar for the unknown.
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