#reviving this blog woo
mipliophile · 1 year
Ride Op Reads
Hi. I'm a former Ride Operator. I have roughly 7 years of experience in the theme park industry, plus about 25 years of experience hyperfixating on the theme park industry.
I'm going to read some theme park fiction and see how wrong they are.
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leth-writes · 1 month
yandere Homelander x influencer reader
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Warnings: as always, my blog is 18+. Discussions of stalking and kidnapping.
Homelander x social media influencer youtuber reader
He HATES social media. He doesn’t really get it, and he doesn’t really use it, so he views it as some worthless fad for people below him. 
Yet, Vought wants to do a collaboration with you and him, mainly as a way to revive his image and give him a way in with the younger audiences who primarily connect with supes via social media. He does everything possible to get out of it, to no success. 
He first meets you in the main Seven meeting room. You’re standing by the windows, staring out, and the glowing sunlight hits you just right, like a fuzzy halo surrounding you.
With that, he’s gone. He’s in love.
I’m picturing you as a non-supe, and this is probably the second biggest issue for him. He already views social media influencers as vain and vapid, but a non-supe? He thinks you’re so far below him you’re practically indistinguishable from the everyday workers at Vought, the dime-a-dozen interns whose lives mean nothing to him. 
You’re different, however. You mean something to someone, to him. He can’t imagine you turning him down.
When the filming’s done, a simple Q&A, he asks to see you alone. The other workers race out of the room as quickly as possible, knowing how terrifying Homelander can truly be, and they aren’t risking their lives for you.
Once again, your silhouette is shadowed by the harsh, glowing studio lights, giving you a radiant aura. 
You turn him down.
He thinks, for a second, he heard you wrong, but no, you’ve just turned down THE Homelander. Do you know who he is, how many people would kill to have your position?
Thus begins the stalking period. He’s trying to collect as much information as possible to properly woo you, even if he struggles to understand why you rejected him. 
He’s using his supervision and superhearing to listen to every conversation, every tv show, to see every vulnerable moment. This only makes him more enamored with you. 
Finally, one day, he swoops down as you’re going about your nightly routine and just… brings you back to his apartment. Vought ignores it; you’ve boosted his image, they don’t care what happens to you beyond that.
Don’t even try to escape. You’re stuck, and you’re going to be a traditional stay-at-home partner. He’s strict like that.
If anyone would like me to continue, just let me know!
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peachy-carebear · 7 months
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reviving this blog on a whim cuz my friend told me to at gun point✨️
my special interests include anything to do with space, bugs, plants, Extraordinary Attorney Woo, and anything art related🪴🐛
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vanillaverses · 2 years
soooo I've never talked about any of my cr aus on here before... but today that changes! finally sharing my horrors with the world in a very long tumblr post that probably nobody will read! yay!
tw for a lot of murder crimes and also a mention or two of self harm. also just a lot of generally Mentally unwell behaviour that I'm not going to fully list here but. if you think there's a chance u might not be okay with stuff falling under the category of 'mentally unwell behaviour' then u should probably leave because. this au contains many horrors. you have been warned!
soooo the au is actually the one my blogs named after! I think before I get into explaining all the lore I should explain the name first, since it doesn't really relate to anything in the au specifically so I wanna explain why it's named. that. me n my friend beep (who also is the one who made this au with me! yay!) made an au of a similar name for another fandom like wayyy before either of us got into cookie run, and the name actually fit that one! we named this au the vanillaverse au as like a kindof homage to the other older au since the vanillaverse au was out first cookierun au and the other one is just like. extremely iconic to us and Only us so it felt right to name it after that. so the vanillaverse was born! and with it the pv in that au and his many diseases! hooray!
so the actual plot of the au goes like this. In the final final battle with everyone vs dark enchantress, pv gives the finishing blow to her and kills her, along with lily. you just have to trust me that in this act of de murder exploding it like reverts her body back to lily so that's what they're left with. lily corpse. which isn't fun especially pv because to me purelily is REAL and that's the dead body of his wife he's currently looking at. not a fun time for old peepaw...
both lily's burial and the victory celebrations for winning the war against de are held in the vanilla kingdom, and it probably gives pv so much whiplash to have to go between mourning his dead wifey and like. celebrating happily woo hooray victory party!! and he just really misses lily. like a lot. an overwhelming an amount. and so he comes to the conclusion that with magic as strong as his, just as he was the one tasked with dealing the final blow to and killing de/lily... he's also the only one who can bring her back. so in the dead of the night, he sneaks out of his castle, shovel in hand, and goes to lily's grave to steal her body away for his lily reviving scheme.
because of how recently the grave was actually dug, I doubt that anyone would notice the fact that the soil had been freshly tampered with, assuming pv did a good enough job at putting everything back in place. so he now had lily's corpse, the rest of the kingdom none the wiser to it's disappearance. which he kept in a secret room I've decided is accessible through somewhere in like. his study or something. someplace he would normally be a lot but also not be disturbed so he can sneak away and do various. things.
you see, the way I imagine it, healing magic of all forms generally speaking is something that needs to be actually practiced. and through pv's many years of helping and healing others whenever someone gets hurt, he's gotten extremely good at it. but it still stands that he's never revived someone before, and would need some way to practice in order to obtain the skills needed to revive lily. and as much as he can do various things to preserve lily's body as long as possible, he's still on a timer, having only a relatively short window of time before lily's body starts to rot (or mold?). and he can't practice on lily's body itself, since if he messed up in any way (which is bound to happen on first attempt), then lily's body would be ruined and he wouldn't be able to revive her! so he needs other avenues to practice his magic. and he doesn't have very many options with the time constraints considered.
at first, he tries to hurt himself in order to heal his own wounds as a form of practice. but it becomes clear very very fast that he'd need to do more than just healing his own wounds to gain the skills needed to achieve his goal. he can only hurt himself so much, even with the power of his soul jam, there's a limit still to how much he can hurt himself before it ends up being fatal. and it's just so incredibly draining, and well, painful to have to continuously receive and heal all of these wounds... so he concludes there's only one other option. if hurting himself isn't an option... maybe... just maaaaybe... a few other people hurt wouldn't be such a terrible cost. as long as in the end he has the love of his life back, it's worth it, right? he'd do anything for her, which also extends to... this. and since there's so many people in the vanilla kingdom right now, both citizens and people visiting just for the celebrations... it wouldn't be too hard to just pin it on someone else if the situation requires it!
so, he kidnaps his first victim, feeling extremely guilty, but still carrying out the act out of pure desperation for any chance to see lily again. he brings them to his secret room I mentioned earlier, and carries out his plan. hurting them, healing them, hurting them, healing them... until their body can't take the torture anymore, and the cookie passes away. pv tries, and fails to revive them until their body breaks and crumbles beyond any sense of repair, making the revival impossible. it seems like his plan has failed... but as they say, if you fail the first time, try, try again.
as pv continues to downwards spiral into complete madness, he starts loosing track of how many peoples lives he's ended, how many peoples lives he's unrightfully spent for nothing more than the chance to see lily again. he's already gone this far, he'll see it out until the very end. if he can't revive lily, then what were all these deaths even for? he needs to get his lily back. not only to see her again, to feel her loving embrace... but to give all the lives he's stolen in his massacre some sense of meaning, to give all these deaths a reason for happening. despite pv trying to target the cookies that the least number of people would notice missing, after a while people start to take note of the disappearances. soon the kingdom goes into lockdown, not letting anyone, including the visitors leave until this kidnapper and potential serial killer is caught. what this means for pv is more people to use for his lily reviving schemes. what this means for the rest of the kingdom though is what soon starts to spiral into what could soon surely be a mass panic.
pv has no choice but to go out and comment on the ordeal publicly, in an attempt to calm the kingdom down. with his status as a beloved figure of peace, love and hope, and his just generally calming nature, he manages to calm the kingdom down to an extent, though people are still uneasy. an unknown killer on the loose... people needed someone to blame, and because of... well, almost everything about pv and how people perceive him really, he wasn't going to be the person taking the blame. on the other hand, there's a cookie a lot of vanillians know to be dangerous and willing to hurt people, with an entire warehouse/hangar/lab almost entirely to themselves that they know the ins and outs of more than any other cookie...
strawberry crepe. even with espresso there to testify for their innocence, it wasn't enough to stop people from suspecting them. even with no evidence and therefore no justifiable reason to act on these suspicions in any reasonable way, it still stand that they are one of the main suspects. and it does change how people treat them, especially the raisin villagers. just as them and black raisin was starting to get on friendly terms, this happens, and now she's back to feeling uneasy being even around them. this angers crepe, so they decided they now only have only one choice: to find the real kidnapper/killer and prove their innocence one and for all. it is at this point I should note that in this au, pv is crepe's adoptive father, which makes things all the more all the more terrible for crepe as they start to realize that their dad is in fact! the person behind all of this. betrayed by now both people they've chosen put their trust in to... oh god.
I haven't really decided on how things play out after crepe decides to go detective mode and try to solve the case, but that's basically the au concept as it is right now. im sorry for this being so long but!! if you got here I just wanna say: thank you for reading!! I would draw art of this au but it's hard because pv just looks like. normal pv here. and so does anyone else. the au doesn't call for funky cool au designs so there's just none to be found. but I really hope people enjoy hearing about this au :] also I might've forgotten some things but I'm not reading through this all again to check so um. sorryyy about that also sorry about any typos I'm not going back to fix them sorry not sorry!
but yeah. pv accidentally cancels purelily and then spams the undo button so much and so hard that everything explodes and the horrors take over/JOKE
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tf-boi · 1 year
The Hero’s Companion
(Hey guys trying something new, feel free to let me know how you guys like it, art is AI generated)
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Hello, my name is Lucius. I am one of the Hero’s companions in an attempt to slay the demon king. My primary role in our group is the spellcaster, however I am a monster tamer by trade. My one special skill is that I can use the skills of monsters I have tamed. My favorite one being the Mimic and the Phoenix. Why is that? Well that’s because I have lusted over the hero for a long time, since we were childhood friends. My dear dear Tristan. Just look at him!
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I can go on for DAYS talking about him but lets just get down to the nitty gritty, since the person writing what you call a “blog” was willing to let me ramble and let this off my chest, in exchange for letting him “post” my confession up (whatever that means . . .). See, the reason why I love my Mimic’s skill is that I can morph into ANY object. Sometimes I’m his socks, sometimes I’m his sword. Whatever I want, whenever I want. Does the hero know? Of course! He’s caught me on multiple occasions and has agreed to let me have my fun as long as it doesn’t interfere with our objective. He likes it, I know he does thanks to mind reading skills I obtained through taming a Siren. Sometimes he’s even have requests for me! Why, after he slayed the succubus the demon king sent after us, he asked that I transform into some nice soft gloves, along with a few other “toys” to help relieve himself of the lust he had to suppress during his battle. My favorite instance though, was when he had to woo the noble’s daughter, but he has two left feet, so I had to transform into an entire outfit for him to dance for him at the ball. My reward for that time? I got to control his body like a puppet after words while he was wearing me. He even struggled for me since he knew that gets me excited. The rest of the party has no clue, they just think we love spending our alone time together and don’t question it.
But my true confession is, how I love EATING my dear Tristan. Maybe its because of all the monsters I have tamed that their hunger rubbed off on me. Add this to my lust and well, we have some problems sometimes. Luckily I only had an appetite for Tristan. The only other people I have eaten are people who would have done Tristan harm. But luckily this is where my Phoenix’s skills comes in. Whenever I eat him, I make a phoenix feather and use it to revive my Tristan. But making a Phoenix Feather takes A LOT of energy, so I try not to eat him too often, only digesting him as a reward for my skills in a tough battle. The other times I have to remember to spit him back out after I’ve had my fun. He’s not always the most WILLING of prey but he does allow it from time to time. Though lately when he gets in trouble, he feels that my stomach is the safest hiding spot. I’d scold him after words about using me to hide from his problems but I do love the attention. Sometimes I accidentally let my instincts go crazy and eat him without his consent. My favorite is when I become a nice pair of leather boots for Tristan and then eat him from the feet up! 
Well that’s my short confession. Maybe if you guys like these types of story, I can tell my new Blogger Friend about some tales, and he can post them up!
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crimsontheninja · 5 months
Woo au time yippee or something
And by that I mean I wanna revive some aus but also I’ve given up on writing for every single one
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Anyway, here’s some of the survivors (a bunch of other aus will return I promise). Oh and pretty much all of these guys were posted on my other blog @/oshawottarchive last year, I just don’t post Ninjago over there anymore.
The Great Devourer / Devourer Cole
Spread Your Fins / fish Cole
Curse of the Departed / evil Cole with Wojira
After the Dragon / evil? Oni Cole
A Pink Rose in Bloom / Oni Sora
Quaking Roots / evil Cole with element stuff
Fog and Bones / Oni Cole
I definitely had a very big preference of who I made aus about.
Anyway the Sora one will be the most likely to return first because I love Sora
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raavafused-a · 7 months
Brushes the dust off
Woo. It's been a MINUTE since I've been on this blog. But considering the Fandom seems to be in its revival stage - I'm tapping in to my ATLA / LOK blogs and seeing how I feel about bringing them back rather than adding them to my multi. (Or keeping them there if the roster already has them- like Korra.)
So I'm back here on my favorite Avatar (alongside Kyoshi) for the time being.
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euro4444 · 8 months
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WOW. this is my first actual post EVER!!!! (woo woo)
thanks for stopping by my dumpster trash fire of a tumblr account where i lgbtq and dab everyday 😎😎😎😎, i have NO clue what i wanna do with this account, but i guess it's cool to have or something??? I DUNNO, but like, i'm here and there's nuffin you can do about it, BUSTER.
but yeah, welcome to my account wooooo, feel free to shoot me a message or somethin, my door is always open, unless i hate you, then i'm slamming the door in your face cuz no lameos are allowed here 😎 (i have no clue what im typing or why im doing this lol please don't read this ashghsaghasg)
things i like (because you REALLY need to know this):
ya fatha
digital art RULES
that one monster that lives in my room (me)
invader zim 👽
night in the woods !!!!
gaming (momma didn't raise no CASUAL) (im so sorry)
cool stuff
cartoons & animation
unhealthy obsession
long bulletion points
punk and stuff (im so incredibly cultured)
gay 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
other things i dk
those camo cargo panrs (whenever i see someone wearing them i am WEEEAK 😩😩)
Q and A (fghdsigsdjgigdsjgsdg)
favorite color??????????? orange and black and green and all the resta them
will you be my sugar baby/ ?? revive all of the dead projects i was looking forward to and i'll consider it
hi i know you!!! whya re you here how did you get here
are you cool yes (no)😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎
do you miss them
so anyway yeah that's ME
thank you for reading all of this to whoever happens to stumble across my little trash oasis lol, im currently waving to my billions upon billions of tumblr followers (the entire 0 of them), i'm gonna try to keep this short since i really don't wanna force anyone to read all of my garbage lol, welcome to mah tumblr, hope you all are doing okay!!! bye bye!!!! goodnight!!!!
punchs 20 billion walls
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nospxn · 2 years
this is a blog for NOSPIN written by @grimmshood!
i've created lore for the deceased members of NOSPIN and their relationship with Trickster, so i'll be posting it with inspirational posts about my version of nospin and rping them here. for rp, NOSPIN are survivors taken by the entity when they died. as a disclaimer, this is a side blog so i follow from grimmshood, but i will do my absolute best to interact primarily through anons or the dms on this blog.
playlist / pinboard
🐻- Woojin [Leader] 🦊- Blink [Rapper] 🦢- Chun-woo [Visual] 🐧- Su Changmin [Vocal] ⭐- Hak Ji-woon [Vocal]
details under the cut :)
alternative doc
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Known Predebut Releases:  On Target - Hak Ji-woon
2013 Releases: 1st ep, album, repackage  
2014 Releases: 2nd album, 1st japanese ep
2015 Releases: 2nd ep, 2 singles, 3rd album, 2nd japanese album
2016 -2018: Ji-woon and Woojin went on hiatus to recover from major surgery. Changmin, Blink, and Chun-woo promoted as a subunit called CBC, releasing two singles as a subunit and each debuting as soloists at the same time. 
2019 Releases: Cut Thru U - NOSPIN (EP)
2020 Releases: Ripper - Trickster (Single), Edge of Revival - Trickster (EP)
Woojin is a trans bisexual man. Blink is a trans gay man. Chun-woo and Ji-woon are transmasc lesbians. Changmin is unlabeled.
era concepts, stage outfits and irl group references:
2013 (bright, fresh) - ab6ix cherry, skz get cool, bae173 crush on u
2014 (still fresh, preppy) - ateez wave, ab6ix love air
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2015 (darker) - shinee lucifer
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2019 (dark, sexy concept) - onlyoneof libido
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relationship chart:
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wofaus · 2 months
gonna try to revive this blog woo ☝️
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beethoevennn · 2 years
used to be jhoemazzellhoe but ive changed the name and now im officially reviving this blog woo its going to be multifandom so goodbye queen </3
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birmeneksecom · 2 years
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azhar247 · 2 years
Social Media Auto Posting Plugin for WordPress
Whether you’re running a tutorial blog or a blog that writes evergreen content, there’s no reason to stop promoting old posts.
We shared tips on how to energize old blog posts. Today I am going to talk about a WordPress plugin that will help you promote your old blog posts on social media and promote Woo Commerce shop product.
Especially if you are running a network of WordPress websites (personal or agency), this automated social media posting plugin for WordPress will ensure that your social media profiles remain active. As an agent, this can be an additional service for your clients, which means extra money for you.
Revive old posts is a freemium WordPress plugin that supports Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn and automatically shares old posts on these networks.
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fairiwing · 2 years
okay, got some content on the blog so its revived officially now!! woo~
still bummed i lost the old one, but i guess a clean blog helps me organize from day one ^^;
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timelessxmemories · 1 year
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Hiyaaaa!~ Ive been snooping around on your blog for a bit and seen that a character named "Lock" has been pretty prominent on here assa' late! Could you tell me more about them? Im interested, Kyahaha!~ ×X×
Oh yeah for sure! She's an oc of mine from Final Fantasy 7!
Name: Lock
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Pansexual
Side: Avalanche, Sector 7, Seventh Heaven
Love interest: Biggs
Weapon: Summoning Staff for long ranged attacks, which can easily transform into a sword if needed for short-ranged attacks.
Magic: Summon spirits, Magic and many other abilities, along with Curing abilities and Revival abilities.
Lock is a part of the Avalanche, a group that helps protect the sectors from Shinra, she's very intelligent and very smart.
Lock is also very protective of her friends, Biggs, Wedge, Jessie, Tifa and Berret along with Cloud of course. She would literally do anything for her friends. But when the plate begins to collapse, and she finds Biggs injured, she uses cure to save him from death, using up most of her own energy, the two go up and help out Cloud and Tifa, finding Jessie along the way who now is unfortunately dead, Wedge is already out, unknown to them that he too, is dead, hoping he made a difference, and so Lock and Biggs head up to help out Cloud and Tifa and Barrett to save the plate. But the plate ends up falling anyway and now it's up to the group to restore Sector 7 to its original form.
Voice lines: “Life ain’t easy! Suck it up!” , “Woo! Let’s do that again sometime, yea?” , “Keep it up! There’s only one more of those bastards left!” , “Good job everyone! Lets keep goin’!” , "Just a little further and we'll be able to make it up to the plate!" , "Hey.. Sorry I couldn't do much for you guys.. I just.. I just hope I helped as much as I wanted to.. In another lifetime, maybe.." , "No.. I.. I can still continue.. Just.. Just give me a minute..!" , "Hey, Biggs! Give me some help with this reactor over here! I need help!" , "What do you mean you lost it? I thought you had it! How does one lose a grenade?!" , "I will LITERALLY bite you!" , "Eh, poison is good for the skin." , “Find my brother for me.. Please.. I know I may not make it through.. But.. Please.. Promise me you will find him?”
The chime of the clock rang out through the bar and echoed throughout Sector 7 all the way down to Sector 5. Yells and shouts and cheers of victory could be heard throughout. The mission was a success. It all went according to plan. Then, it was silent for a few moments as fog began to cover the Sector 7 slums, a figure appeared, walking down the cracked and broken down roads, people backed away, unsure and afraid of the figure. They were unfamiliar to Sector 7.
A group of people walked over. A man who had much darker skin than most people here in the slums, he had a machine gun for an arm and a pair of sunglasses upon his face, the second person in the group was a female, she wore a high ponytail, brown boots, olive coloured cargo shorts, a black t-shirt with metal armour on her upper torso, and a red silk bandana on her forehead, she seemed to be rather perky and energetic, the second person was a male, he wore the same outfit but this time with short black fluffy hair that stuck up, a brown leather strap along his upper torso, a green t-shirt instead, and finally, the third person was also a male, he wore the same outfit, but this time a red bandana covered his whole head, two metal shoulder pads and a leather strap on his upper torso, he was a little bigger bodied than the others, the black haired man looked tall and muscular with a slight stubble of a beard on his face, the female looked very athletic as well.
The man with a machine gun for an arm looked rather huge and muscular, almost like a man that could lift boulders and carry them overhead. The man with a machine gun for an arm wore a brown sleeveless coat, a black t-shirt, olive coloured cargo pants black boots and brown straps along his body. He looked to be the leader of the group.
Eventually, the figure appeared out of the fog. It was a woman. She had long brown hair down to her waist tied into a low ponytail, Mako, signature green eyes of a SOLDIER piercing through them as she kept a firm and serious look on her face, she wore a black sleeveless turtleneck, black ripped jeans, a black leather studded belt, a side bag that wrapped around her left thigh and leg, and a sword on her back. She was a former SOLDIER, that was a fact.
The group of four approached her, the black haired man being the first to step forwards before the leader of the group shoved him out of the way and approached the girl before pulling her into a tight bear hug with a wild grin before the rest of the group joined in, all laughing as the woman smiles and hugs back.
“Barrett! Biggs! Jessie! Wedge! Hi! I didn’t think you’d be here!”
The girl spoke, laughing ever so slightly and the older looking man, Barrett nodded.
“Course we would be here! Why the Hell wouldn’t we be, Lock?!”
This causes the girl, Lock, to laugh a little as the man with black hair, Biggs grins widely along with Jessie and presumably Wedge.
Note: she is constantly changing and nothing is set in stone as of late.
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kasperaura · 3 years
Me: yo pass the aux cord
Them: you better not play trash
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