Hhhh I am so sorry for my long absence and for literally not letting y'all know why I haven done anymore ask answering etc.
Truth is, the Spinel hype has died for me.
It's lost its taste, it doesn't make fun anymore for me.
Fights over this whole Steven x Spinrl and other stuff partly at fault too.
It discouraged me from writing
Then there is IRL stuff that's keeping me to busy.
Plus Ive always been more of an artist the a writer ❤️
But it was fun while it lasted hhhhh
But alas, I won't continue this blog anymore.
Sorry everyone qwq
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I've got an imagine for when Spinel arrives to earth. *inhales* what if Steven had a 100% human sister and she looks a lot like pink diamond? Like, hair, pink clothes...
[ This one sadly isnt really romantic hhh Cause I believe Spinel wouldn’t be happy to see someone resembling Pink diamond so much, but I had fun thinking about this possibility. And it would be interesting if Spinel after being rejuvenated actually became your best friend, because you resemble the gem she was made for :3c ]
so first! Steven absolutely would adore having a sister, it would've made things a lot less lonely for him on some occasions. He's with the crystal gems, but they didn't always take him to these missions
the fact that you look like pink diamond definitely threw many gems for a loop
pink puffy hair, pink eyes, even your face seemed to resemble hers a lot
The pink gem that crashed the happily ever after, was thrown for a big loop as well
She didn't even realize you were there at first, until she actually took a look at the menagerie that is “An’ who’s....that...P...Pink?”
the moment she spots you her voice momentarily fails her, her body completely locking up in both pure unbridled rage and hurt
she didn’t know of any second child, she only heard of Steven, she was not prepared to face someone that resembled so much the gem that had ordered her to stay in the garden...yet she will
Though throughout her jazzy tune, she can't bring herself to harm a single hair on your head,at least not with the rejuvenator
she wanted you to remember...every single bit of what was happening around you before she poofs you
Slicing and cutting up the rest of the crystal gems was an easy feed considering her stretchy limbs. But she wanted more 'privacy' with you and seeing Steven doesn't poof so easily she makes do with knocking him over the head with the scythe “Ya’ take a nap while I...have a talk with ya’...friend...”
now she has all the time in the world for you. and she will take her time with you...
she had so many things to say, so much hatred to spill on you in the form of punches and trying to hurt you. Her fists shook as she stood just a bit away from you, reeling it back to throw a large fist right at you...
only to have it grip you and pull you towards you tauntingly slowly “Now...let’s get ta’ ya...”
though when you are right in front of her, she looses all of her composure, tears start falling at first  “Pink...why’d ya....leave....me...wasn’t I fun? Wasn’t I...ya’ friend?”
 but her anger was greater then the sadness upon seeing you “Ya’....Ya’ think it’s so fun...ta’ try an’ trick me? Ta’ make me believe ya' are her...well yer’ not! Ya’ never were!”
she gets in your face, no longer playing around like she did earlier, she is dead serious now “Yer not a gem...ya’ don’t poof...but I know ya’ hurt so I’m gonna show ya’ what real hurt is...”
threatening to hurt you then and there to make herself feel better, she doesn't see Steven recovering
before she knew it she's been rejuvenated, though her eyes remained on yours until the end
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Ooh. This blog looks so good fjdjd. Okay uh, how about an imagine for Spinel courting her S/O? Just bc I adore the concept so much. I mean just imagining a lovestruck Spinel being all flirty and trying to win me over, makes me feel all fluttery
The second she realizes that she's feeling more for you then she ever did for Steven as a friend she's alarmed
there's gonna be a long period of time where she's watching you from a far and fretting. Would you even want her like this??? Would you even be able to look at her again if she messes up somehow!! “They can’t possibly wan’ me like this...could they?”
despite all of her worries, she's visibly so lovestruck and in awe. Anytime she sees you smile, she feels her gem warm up, her lips curling up into a dopey smile, her arms turning into loose noodles
you make her weak - you're her  weakspot and by the diamonds she loves it - all sorts of horror scenarios start flooding her head, up until she's had a good talk with Garnet, master of love and understanding herself
with newfound courage she will try and get your attention. Sure you've met and had a couple of 'hang outs' but despite that Spinel worries
at first she's trying verbally. Making jokes, cute little puns to make you laugh. More then often using a joke to compliment you! “I dunno if I can eat anymore donuts...ya’ smile alone is givin’ me a suga’ rush~”
each time you laugh or look the slightest bit flustered, she feels so accomplished. She can barely hide her heart eyes!
her next step is the more 'direct' idea of trying to court you
she literally watched other teenagers how they'd do it - she'd use anything she learned. Hand against the wall trying to be as confident as she can be while winking at you. "What's cookin' good lookin'~."
there will be lots and lots of pick up lines coming your way
even trying to catch you of guard with a few flowers she's found with a cheesy line to try and court you “Heya toots...I er’...found these flowers an’I thought... hey they remind me of ya’...cause’ of ya eyes...”
your flustered stammering makes her think she messed up and broke you!
the moment you realize what's going on and confront her about it,it's her turn to look flustered
when all her attempts seemed to have worked, she'll be flowing over with joy. Or rather malfunction and fall down into a pile of her noodley limbs, hands on her cheeks and happiest lovestruck look in her eyes
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Spinel with a tall, ticklish and shy S/O? ❤
Spinel neither minds your height not does she mind that you are shy. Far of, she enjoys knowing that despite being quite tall, you're the sweetest partner she could ask for “Honestly toots, ya’ are by far, in no way possible, ta’ tall, ya’ got it?”
now and then she will stretch out her legs to be as tall as you and press a surprise kiss to your lips!
the fact that you're incredibly shy has her brimming with pride. Knowing that despite how quiet and shy you are, you allow her to stay by your side
she will also make use of that to spoil you in surprises. Even taking the time to ask Steven or Garnet of way to make you laugh and more happy
in her opinion, your blush is the cutest thing to ever exist. Cuter then kittens and puppies! “Please, ya’ don’t kno’ cute until ya’ seen my sweetheart in action’!”
when you two cuddle, she likes being the small spoon. It makes her feel safe and not alone. It helps her brush of the constant nightmares too
there will be times when she will stretch to be the big spoon. Just so she can wrap her arms around your waist a couple of times and hide her face in the crook of your neck
this is most definitely how she found out about your ticklish side - one accidental finger brushing against your side, your giggle that bubbles up at the light touch, oh you're in hot water now! “Oh...Ooooh! Didn’t kno ya’ were of the ticklish sort...hehe~”
Spinel is so going to tickle you. She will wrap her arms around your waist and keep you in place while letting her fingers dance over your sides, laughing all the while as well “Nope, sorry toots! No mercy from me until ya’ got what ya’ deserved for being irresistably cute~”
she only releases you after a bargain was made
many kisses for her mercy is a pretty good deal!
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How do you get a blog like this going? I wanna write fluffy stuff about the pink noodle and the ways she loves people but I'm not exactly sure how to start without looking foolish.
[ Oh boy, that's a big mood right there. Tbh at first I didn't know how to start either? I wanted to do something that makes others feel as happy as I do when I read a cute imagine. So I kinda went with that feeling? This blog is hella self insulgent too. I'm not a pro myself since this is my first imagines blog haha, but I'mma say just do what you'd like! Start simple! Start with a few headcanons you may have, write something for yourself that makes you happy to. Just take things at your own pace and it'll work like a charm! Sorry if my answer is a bit lackluster qwq haha I don't know the secret to imagine blogs either yet ]
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[ Thank you all for your patience with me qwq. I'm finally back on my feet and ready to get my ask box emptied! I'll try and get the ask box empty until Friday! Then I'll open it for the weekend again! Hope you all have a wonderful day ❤]
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[ heeeeeey guys. Sorry I've been absent and haven't been answering anymore asks. I suddenly came down with the flu and have been quiet because of that. The moment that I'm back on my feet, I'll get back to finishing the asks! And thank you all for your support so far, it's really fun and I'm excited to open the ask box soon again qwq❤]
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Spinel and a gem! reader whose like allergic to everything? Like almost anything that will cause slight skin irritation WILL irritate the readers sensitive skin into an eczema outbreak or hives? Something funny and cute on how her and Spinel would deal with it please? Lol
Here comes protective Spinel again! Trying to look out for you in some shape or form 24/7
The first few times that she witnesses you reacting badly to anything has her standing stiff like a pole. She doesn't know what to do! Was this deadly!? Will you shatter!? SHE'S VERY WORRIED!!
She is VERY tempted to just roll you up into a blanket and tie a rope around you. It's for your own good! Nothing can harm you if you're rolled up in the softest blanket in the Universe right!?
sooner or later she'll learn that your scary skin irritations comes from certain things. Well that's what she learned at least, but she feels like everything could irritate your skin!
there's a point where she even starts to think that she irritated your skin. So she wears oven mitts to not irritate your skin
she's so worried about anything touching you, she may as well carry you the whole day like the protective and worried gem girlfriend that she is!
when your skin does get irritated, she will be the first to run around to grab things that help. Asking Steven, Garnet and Pearl for help too. With a cream she will try! If that even makes it worse watch her argue with your skin irritation!
She really does her best to make everything as comfortable and nice for you as possible. And she hopes you're well. After all she couldn't bear the thought that you of all gems...are having a harsh time on earth
One of her best plans for you, is to keep you inside the house away from all bad things. Maybe even make you wear gloves and these incredibly comfortable looking hoodies! If you even get skin irritation from that, she's near crying
Someone help this clown
She really doesn't know a solid plan that can permanently help you. She's glad that you live her though, despite her lack of competency with your allergies
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Spinel with an S/O that was once a part of a traveling circus? Super specific I know but hhhhhh-
You have no idea how excited Spinel is from the very second she's met you! The only thing running through her head is just: THEY CAN DO TRICKS LIKE ME!!!
She will attack you with questions of all sorts! What did you do! What places did you see! Can you show her what you did etc.
She'd adore anything you showed her! In a way this is a case of ' love at first sight' for her. She's seen you, she's talked to you, sees you perform and oh boy she's on cloud nine!!!
She will ask you out in the goofiest and silliest way. Tightrope dancing on her arm to your window, giving you a pretty flower and asking you if you'd like to become a team of two with her. "A-And I don't mean like...like just a performer duo...hehe uhm. Like...ya know...a couple?"
You agreeing has her jumping up and down on her arm, only to fall with a yelp. Though she could care less about falling, cause there she is, holding her hands over her heart shaped gem as if it were a real heart, flustered and flailing with her legs. Squealing in absolute excitement
She will ask you to do tricks with her a lot, only to snatch a few kisses. She is absolutely in love with you and your own tricks. The simplest things you do will have her clapping her hands and laughing obnoxiously loud
Spinel makes sure that you know that you're amazing in every way possible! That you're beautiful and the light of her existence! Not to mention she'd love to see what you would look like in a clown like attire like hers!
Spinel is a high believer that you are better at everything then her, and will comically make her limbs clumsy and noodley just so she can see you smile and laugh more. After all a smile is all she is after
There will be times when Spinel will try to impress you with the most dangerous stunts and tricks she can come up with. Like juggling chainsaws. “Don’t worry,toots. I got this in the bag, not ta’ mention I can’t fail if yer watching me~”
She adores you to homeworld and back, and will show you everday by making some elaborate magical trick like pulling flowers out of her glove for you
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Spinel finding out that s / o defended her from some boys who had insulted her and Spinel not even aware?
Spinel doesn't think she deserves any kind of protection from bring bad mouthed by others, at least after what she's don't to Beach City. She just blocks it of or shrugs it of. Doesn't deny the things that are said and just tries to go along her day with as little fights as possible
So when she gets together with you, she's definitely not expecting you to defend her like this. She told you as well, that she'd rather just take it rather then start a fight and maybe loose herself to the rage again. "Listen, I appreciate ya' worrying fer me. But I don't think ya' should, I done some bad stuff and I...have ta' pay for it, ya' know?"
So that being said, if she finds out you got into a fight because you defended her from some guys, and came out of the fight with a blue eye - She's shocked!
She honestly doesn't know what to say, how to react! She only found out that you got the blue eye inba scuffle because your excuses were weak. (Not to mention, Spinel would have gone out to mess that guy up that hit you, if you wouldn't have told her what happened)
Spinel is just, shocked. She doesn't know if to cry for you or to get angry with you. What she does know is, she doesn't want you to get so worked up for her
She'll demand that you treat that blue eye and that she does it, to make sure it's really treated. Well and with treated she means holding an ice pack over it. "Ya gonna make me dissipate with worry! Y...Ya...silly. Dammit...I..I told ya. No need to fight my fights...but...thanks,toots..."
She's gonna move onto scolding you soon after. Scolding you that there is no need to defend her. While also promising that she'll try and be a bit more defensive against insults or violent remarks thrown at her
She is very in love with you though the moment you step up to give some guy a piece of your mind again. She thinks your an adorable piece of candy, and thanks the weird human entities/ gods for letting her meet such a sweet S/O
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I know it’s a little specific, and if it’s too much you can take things out, but maybe some hcs of Spins and an s/o that’s a lil underweight and iron deficient (which is why they only wear hoodies and pants 24/7), and wears glasses bc they’re nearsighted? (Idk I just love this blog so far and I needed to add something bc this is t o p n o t c h)❤️
[ Aaaah thank you so much qwq I am glad you like it so far and I hope I didn’t make you wait to long! ]
Spinel at first has NO IDEA what's wrong with your weight or what this Iron tingie is! Things like that obviously do not exist on homeworld and she actually takes her time to ask about it. Either asking you or Pearl. Either way she will find out what it is! So she can have a healthy and honest relationship!
Your Nearsightedness was easily and quickly understood, she asked, she received the answer she needed and now will fight anyone that says your glasses make you look like a nerd (a word she learned from Amethyst)
After enough research, she has somewhat of an idea what's wrong with your body and honestly, she doesn't think it's so wrong. Yes your body may be weaker and a lot frailer then other humans, but that doesn't change how she feels about you. "Come on,sweetcheeks. Ya' can't tell me ya' were worried that I'd judge ya' fer something like that, right? Look at me, I'm a walkin' talking mess myself. So...why aren't we one big amazin' mess together~"
Though she says she doesn't mind the state of your body, she will treat you VERY differently from before, how so? Well she is certainly tempted to take a rope and some pillows to cushion you from any damage that could come to you. She is growing VERY protective over you
She will be curious about your glasses, though a bit...worried that if she asked about them you'd grow self conscious. She would just like to try them on. But she comes up with a solid non-harmful solution! "Heya, sweets~ How bout'a trade? Ya' lemme' try on yer glasses and ya' get a loooong and sweet kiss, from ya' favorite gem~"
Watch her look so confused and disoriented with your glasses on. It's just constant squinting, before she breaks into a fit of giggles and snickers. She thinks it's funny to look through your glasses, they make her vision blurry and funny looking
Watch her near cry when she sees a single bruise on your from bumping  into a table or something. She will constantly trace it with her fingers and ask if it hurts. She is worried! She doesn't want you in any kind of pain! If the bruise is her fault, god forbid! She won't be able to forgive herself!
Spinel honestly could care less about what you wear, as long as you are comfortable in it. Plus she adores how you resemble a teddy bear. You cuddled up in your hoodie, can expect two long noodley arms to wrap around you, practically squeezing you in her arms as she rests her cheek on your shoulder. "Mm...ya should...get like one really big hoodie! One that we both can be wear at the same time! And then cuddle~"
Honestly she adores you with all your little nags and problems, she will help and support you all the way. Even making sure that you don't get sick to often. She'd ask others for more advice and ideas on how to aid you a bit, while also minding your boundaries. The last thing she wants is making you upset because she got a tad bit to coddling with you
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I really love reading cute moments between Spinel and the reader. If it’s ok with you can I request some Headcannons where Spinel and the reader are cuddling?
Cute Cuddling Headcanons
Let it be known across the universe, that Spinel is the greatest partner when it comes to cuddling!
Not only does her poofey attire make for very comfortable places to lean againt or lay on, Spinel is extra careful that her gem isn’t in the way of your comfort! “Hey...toots. My gem...isn’t it pressing a bit against ya’ ribcage? Isnt that...uncomfortable? Come on let’s change position a bit~”
Her personal favorite position to cuddle in is definetly with you on top of her. Whether it’s by straddling her, or just laying on top of her. That way, she can hear you very close, she can feel your hair tickling her. You sweet voice so close to her. Not to mention it gives her ample space to just run her hands over your sides and back
The cuddle times are one of the few times where Spinel is 100% quiet. She likes to just soak in the moment and enjoy it. If she does speak up, it’s only to ask if you’re comfortable or if you’re tired. “Toots? You asleep yet?...No? Well...if yer’ about ta’ nap of...let’s go to your bed...”
If your cheek is laying on her gem, she will look incredibly flustered. Not only are you so close to her gem, your soft and warm cheek is right against it! You may not be aware of the pink gems flustered giggling, but she certainly is, and goodness she tries so hard to hide it.
Her arms were made to embrace you. In whichever position you are, she will always wrap her arms around you protectively and a bit greedily. She loves your body warmth and loves to just soak it all in quietly.
Your humming while cuddling easily has her relaxing, sometimes it even manages to drift her of into a quiet state of “sleeping”. At least as far as sleeping goes for gems.
Here and there she will lazily press kisses to your forehead and nose. Sometimes she will kiss your eyelids to make you giggle, or your nose to make it wrinkle lightly.
All your little expressions during cuddling are her favorite. Now and then when you look up at her, you can just catch her smiling like a lovestruck dork. Because your expressions are always the most adorable in all of the universe to her...
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HO BOY do I have some angst/comfort for YOU! Can I request hc's about Spinel believing her gem s/o had been shattered, only for them to return to her a few weeks later, reformed in a new outfit but otherwise completely okay? Thank you and good luck with your requests!!!
Shattered S/O headcanons
At first she didnt want to believe it. Just when things started to finally look a little brighter for her, you, her beloved sweetheart angelic darling are shattered right in front of her eyes by a mere freak accident “Y-Y/n? A...Are you...h-hey...s-say something...”
An accident that could have easily been avoided if it would’t have been for Spinels own wish to impress you with a very risque stunt that ended in the shattering of her beloved S/O
She is...in shock. For a long moment she can only stare at the spot where she previously stood at, balancing multiple heavy objects, a few of which were remnants of the injector. “Heh, listen if ya’ think this human ta be strong, lemme’ impress ya’ once in a while to make sure ya’ don’t run of with some human whacko’~”
She...just wanted to show you that she was strong, that she wasn’t a naive bouncy gem anymore. Yet she was still childish, childish enough to not listen to your plea to be careful
One wrong move and she felt time slow as you pushed her away. Spinel whirling around just in time to see the heavy piece land and several shards of your gem scattering along the ground
It wasn’t until Steven came to check on the ruckus, that she moved from her frozen shock. Screaming and whailing loudly in emotional heart.
Even being abandoned for 6000 years didn’t hurt this much, she held your shards, crying out your name over and over again. Praying for Steven to fix you, to heal you
With little that she could do, she was left no choice but to accept that you are gone. Though never did she let your shards go, she held them close to herself at any given time. Isolating herself, lest she did some stunt like that again again and caused another gem to shatter
Her emotional hurt never truly vanished, which is why, she didn’t believ it was really you when Steven eagerly so brough your reformed self to her
She thought you were just some other version of you, an illusion even! Though when you gently cradled her cheek in your hands she cracked and begins to cry all over again “Y-Y/n! I-It is you...It’s really you...Oh goodness...O-Oh thank goodness...”
Spinel apologizes over and over again to have shattered you, only to be corrected by you. She didn’t shatter you, she shattered some fake gem that was apart of your attire.
Nevertheless Spinel couldn’t hide the guilt and utter relief upon seeing you alive and by her side again
Let it be said, she will carry you around on a pillow all day so nothing can even touch you. She will be utmost careful with you for at least a week at the very least. “Nu-Uh! Ya’ almost shattered on me once...I...I can’t handle seeing you even...crack a little. N-No you’re staying on that pillow!”
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[ Heeeey a quick heads up! With the weekend approaching I may not post/reply to rps as often. Like may or may not. Weekends tend to be really distracting and busy for me when my sisters come over. But I'll still try to get all asks and RPs replied! Maybe get some art done too ❤]
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Spinel with a female S/O who has a heavy depression and gets anxiety attacks very often?
Spinel and her anxiety riddled S/O
At first Spinel isn't sure herself what's going on with you. She's experienced it herself but seeing it from a different perspective is gonna throw her for a loop. A helplessness quickly spreading as she realizes she doesn't actually know how to help properly
After a lot of hesitation, since she recalled from her own experience that sometimes she herself just didnt want any help, she asks if you're alright. Carefully so. She doesn't want to dig up any open wounds that you may have "H...Hey... sweetheart? Are ya...okay, I-I mean I can see that ya are not but uh...I'd like...can I try and...help?"
She's very careful with you, treating you almost like fragile glass. You agreeing to her request to help you has her a lot more relieved already and she settles down beside you. One arm gently tugging you against her side as she leans her head against yours
She's very quiet throughout it all, because she feels that you need time to calm down. Time to process things and that you just need a moment
She will start to gently rub along your shoulders and back to soothe you. Quietly asking if you'd like to just stay like this for a while. Or if you'd like to go outside for a breather. Whatever you'd like to do, she'll come along
Over the time, Spinel will grow very accustomed to seeing the signs. She will know when you're getting worse, when you're getting uncomfortable.
Whenever she does see you growing tense, and very close to one of your panic attacks, she will already be by your side. Her hand gently holding yours, fingers laced together with yours and gently tugging you closer to herself. "Suga', how about we head home for today. Let's grab ya favorite ice cream and then cuddle together on ya couch.."
She'll respect all your wishes, testing you with utmost care. Making sure you're comfortable and away from more stress.
She will do anything for you. Your smile is everything to her, and seeing it has become her new life goal. She adores you so much, she'll try everything in her power to make sure you're not alone in this
Because you make her feel like she herself is no longer alone
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Protective Spinel
Watch out here comes a very protective stretchy gem girlfriend!
Considering the fact that she basically was abandoned for being clingy and to silly, she tried to not be as clingy with you at first. But the moment you reassured her that you actually find it rather sweet, boy oh boy you've sold your soul to her
She is utmost protective of you over the littlest things. A ladybug on your nose? Watch out! She will hold you really tightly and try plucking that horrible beast of your nose! A cat making you whince because of its claws? Stop her from trying to throw said cat at the speed of light!
She'd be the kind of protective alien gsm that kicks a tree over because you stubbed your toe on its roots
You'll have to let her know that not everything is out to get you, and that accidents tend to happen. "B...But suga' what if you'd fall over and hurt yaself! I wanna' keep ya safe!"
Spinels time to shine finally arrived though when a certain dancing douchebag tries hitting on her girl! Not only will she be incredibly jealous, but also very protective!
Watch her shove that guy back and angrily take her rightful spot next to you! Arm curled around your waist and a permanent scowl stuck to her pink cheeks. "Buzz of will ya'. This gal' is mine and ya' can shove ya' stupid dance where the sun don't shine! Got it, punk!?"
Right after telling him of she won't let you go. She'll basically glare at any other guys that may try and encroach on her territory!
She tends to also ask out praise for her very protective deeds. Most of the time by just crawling into your arms and looking up at you with the biggest puppy eyes a cartoonish gem can do
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I’m not that anon who asked about the rp but I’m pretty curious like what rp do you do? Like no OC’s, no nsfw?
[ Oh I’m actually pretty open bout what kinda stuff I roleplay. I can make a list here for anyone who’s interested hehe!
I do enjoy role-playing as Spinel as one may notice pfff so I can totally Role-play her or other gems. Though I only know stiff from the movie and season 1 so far. So I’m not all to up to date yet!
Of course I can role-play with OCS too. I got a couple of my own too haha
I ADOOOORE AUs. Like vampires, mafia etc.!!!
I can do NSFW but I’d like to keep stuff of that sorts private and it shouldn’t take up the majority of the role-play hhhh
Hmmm i’ll also have to give a heads up, that I have a short attention span sadly and that my replies can take a while. Not to mention I hope you can understand if I say that is like to pause the RP because I either burned out or don’t have enough time for it qwq
I’m also a descriptive Roleplayer, so I like to write a lot and read a lot hhh
But I think that’s about the most important things haha ]
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