#restless sleep
howifeltabouthim · 4 months
Sleep overtook her eventually. But even then, woven throughout the night's dreams, her remorse did not abate.
Curtis Sittenfeld, from Eligible
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stoicmike · 2 years
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Deep sleep is restorative, but not easily come by — we are prone to so many annoying worries and pains…. -- Michael Lipsey
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cravinganescape · 1 year
Dancing every morning to recover from the nightmares 👹✨💃🏽
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tattoorue · 2 years
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randomfoggytiger · 2 years
I hid my heart in a nest of roses, Out of the sun’s way, hidden apart; In a softer bed then the soft white snow’s is, Under the roses I hid my heart. Why would it sleep not? why should it start, When never a leaf of the rose-tree stirred? What made sleep flutter his wings and part? Only the song of a secret bird. Lie still, I said, for the wind’s wing closes, And mild leaves muffle the keen sun’s dart; Lie still, for the wind on the warm seas dozes, And the wind is unquieter yet than thou art. Does a thought in thee still as a thorn’s wound smart? Does the fang still fret thee of hope deferred? What bids the lips of thy sleep dispart? Only the song of a secret bird. The green land’s name that a charm encloses, It never was writ in the traveller’s chart, And sweet on its trees as the fruit that grows is, It never was sold in the merchant’s mart. The swallows of dreams through its dim fields dart, And sleep’s are the tunes in its tree-tops heard; No hound’s note wakens the wildwood hart, Only the song of a secret bird. In the world of dreams I have chosen my part, To sleep for a season and hear no word Of true love’s truth or of light love’s art, Only the song of a secret bird.
A Ballad of Dreamland 
Algernon Charles Swinburne
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wwilloww · 2 years
How about a BTS reaction to waking up (because of the pleasure) and find y/n lying on their chest and riding them slow OR they are in a cuddling position (the member's crotch is near the gf's ass, that position) and the member goes for it and y/n wakes up. (All consensual) Thank you!
Actually, I really liked consensual somnophilia when I read it first in your blog 🥺
oohhhh i love this idea! my idea machine is churning and i am running to scrivener! i always want to be super careful with consent in these situations but that's something that i can easily and clearly define in the little reactions themselves. i was gonna say i'll tag you when i finish it, but alas! if u want to dm me i can send it to you privately when its done!
also, i'm so glad you enjoyed restless sleep! i was so nervous about posting it since its a little bit different kinkier than what i usually post. but it's so good to hear people like you liked it! <3
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carolinaenindiana · 21 days
Sobre el cansancio
Hoy estoy agotada. Me pesan las piernas, y en lo único que pienso es en salir de mi trabajo, ir a hacer las compras y en las pequeñas cosas que tengo que hacer en la casa antes de tirarme en la cama y dormir.
Tengo esa sensación de dormir sin descansar. Me despierto varias veces durante la noche, pero logro volver a dormirme. Sólo creo que nunca llego a una etapa de sueño pesado donde mi cuerpo se pueda relajar un 100%.
Puedo ser funcional al día siguiente, pero necesito descansar. Tengo mil voces en mi cabeza y todas hablan al mismo tiempo. No dicen nada malo, salvo que tengo que cambiar, moverme.
Así que hoy, antes de apagar mi sistema, quisiera hacer un laundry (así solamente mañana me dedico a doblar ropa), limpiar la alfombra, y colgar las toallas.
Mi pareja está muy ocupada jugando un torneo de golf.
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sunlit-mess · 2 months
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coping real hard
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tenth-sentence · 1 year
There they dropped off one by one into uncomfortable sleep full of horrible dreams, as evening wore to black night; and there we must leave them for the present, too sick and weary to set guards or take turns watching.
"The Hobbit" - J. R. R. Tolkien
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heyhollow · 2 months
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Glammike dad doodles cuz ⭐️
A dad and his ⭐️⭐️superstar⭐️⭐️
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The sketches cause I think they looked nice
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ahhrenata · 1 year
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I’m having an ‘oh’ moment while you bandage my hand, man
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gunstellations · 5 months
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gentle mornings
#alternatively titled - when your papas have the audacity to cuddle without you#kazurei#buddy daddies#i like to think they didnt really do cuddles much except when rei has a rough night and kazukis warmth and safety is the only thing that#can let him get rid of the anxiety and nightmares#he wouldnt ask for it#it would be kazuki dragging him to bed at first#rei reluctantly but in his weakened will the times hes slept together with miri and kazuki has been the times hes somehow always#managed to go out like a light as soon as his head hits the pillow#even he himself doesnt understand and he doesnt attempt to and he doesnt realise#that its safety and warmth and protection and peace#and thats the only reason he would let himself be dragged to bed#but#eventually when you have had the taste of something so good in the place of chilling nightmares and restless darkness that feels no less#safer than the light#your heart becomes indulgent#and rei will gently and wordlessly ask for an invite to the warmth again#its fulfilling and blissful when the three of them are together#but with just kazukis body enveloping him against the night its a different kind of comfort. even in his sleep he would clutch onto it#thats a tangent right there huh.....anyway. miri would be absolutely betrayed in the morning when she finds them snuggled up#she gets her cuddle time with her papas too then#one big pile of a warm and happy family#yes this is pre relationship yes they would do that yes it is possible#if you got this far thanks i guess jajdjfjs ill hopefully colour this soon but i dont know really so im putting it up here#my art
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ghoulinfuschia · 2 months
For those who like Nuzi and don’t know color theory: Fun fact! Purple and yellow are exact opposites on the color wheel. If you invert either you’ll get the other- so N and Uzi are not only opposites in personalities, but also in color schemes! The more you know! Or something-
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ratboylucius · 9 months
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kaleidoru · 4 months
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your luck ran out
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ky-landfill · 1 year
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