#rent fundraiser
mousedetective · 28 days
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09/06/24 - Updated Post!
My mother and I are both overdrawn (my mom by $210, me by $517) with charges on both accounts that are going to be retried in a few days. My large loan payment also defaulted, but my loan company agreed not to do automatic withdrawals on my account so I can put money in when I have it; however, my balance has gone back up to $1890. We need help covering the overdrafts and the loan payments.
The rest of the money will go to pay a mover to help us get stuff out of our larger units. We have another month on the units that a friend paid for but we need to try and clear out all three units we have by October 1st. My mom is worn out so any help I can have with a mover getting stuff out and bringing it up the stairs would be great.
We also need to raise $1300 to get work done on our car; our brakes were failing and we got those fixed but there was a secondary, less important problem that we still need to take care of (pinion axle or something like that) that we need to do $500 down to get the part. So some of the money will go to that, too.
Two urgent needs off our Amazon wishlist we need are the incontinence underwear and the lightbulbs. Our overhead light has no bulbs that work, and my daughter needs three more bulbs in her lamp. The rest will be saved to replace them. If anyone can help get the dresser as well, that would be much appreciated and would help my daughter get more space in her room.
Any reblogs of this post, monetary help or buying things from our Amazon wishlist would be so helpful. We're almost on our feet and hopefully we won't need as much help in the future. Thank you very much for reading, and have a pleasant day!
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thejanedoe1993 · 1 day
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Harissa halloumi pasta
I’m a black trans woman fighting poverty and homelessness.
To support myself, I set up a patreon where you can get access to all my recipes, poetry, artwork and photography for just £5.
Links to support me here.
Something new EVERY SINGLE DAY. You won’t regret it.
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rudeboimonster · 1 year
~help your local rat get stable housing~
dramatically sprawled out on the floor
so i gotta move for the third time in that many years. unfortunately between health problems and the General State of The Economy, I have been unable to find work to be able to save any money. i have no choice but to leave the entire state. i thankfully have somewhere to go, however I need help getting there. i've been trying to do the math to get what I need to its lowest amount possible, but even that is still at least $2.5k.
after this move, i should be able to get things more stable and I might even have a couple job prospects lined up in that area, but right now I'm really scraping the bottom of the barrel funds wise and desperately need help.
if you're able to spare anything, i've set up a goal through kofi so i can track it publicly. i have trouble asking for help but i really need what help i can get. thank you, so so so much.
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rednyalert · 10 months
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please help a trans woman pay rent!
hi!! my name is veronica, i'm a 23 year old white trans woman and i am kinda desperate. i've been applying to more or less every single remote position available to me (car broke down and nowhere is within walking distance) all month and ! nowhere has gotten back to me yet. until that happens i still need to make rent, so !!
i need $800 by November 30th or else i will be evicted!!
i promise you, any tiny single dollar donation helps me just as much as the big ones. they add up! anything at all you can spare for me is greatly appreciated (most pressingly i need $85 to pay for my phone bill (accounted for in the total i'm asking for) within two days (November 21st) or else i lose service!!)
thank you so so so much for reading this post and spreading it around!!!
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thecolorsfucked · 1 year
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back at it again with the suffering i cant afford this i dont kno if my job is going to work i dont think it will if anyone can help me pay my portion of gas and utilities plz idk im trying it doesn't mean much but i am
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tygenco · 6 months
The update on things is that the housemate is financially flat-lined. If 'thoughts and prayers' were actual currency then I'd be covered for a decade's worth of rent by this point.
For those who don't know: the housemate has become mobility disabled due to a life-altering injury, and then there's the other medical conditions that took the opportunity to go "hiiii, we're heeeere!" They're in a care facility at this point--they've been there since the beginning of December 2023.
I cannot cover the rent on my own, in its entirety, because I do not pull in enough income to do so. I've depleted my tiny buffer and have no other resources. Family is unable to help any more than they already do. Being Autistic, and trying to handle all my Things while dealing with this on my own is making it very difficult to maintain what little 'cool-headedness' I've had in my day to day. I am drowning under the pressure and therapy and meds can only get me so far.
Please, please help.
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scretladyspider · 24 hours
how did I forget to ask here for help???? anyway —
Please god don’t scroll.
There’s $1,780 needed for me to stay housed and 9 and a half days to get there. Funds are needed by September 30th at the latest.
To say I’m overwhelmed would be an understatement.
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There’s been very little progress.. $10 today. I’m disabled and my body can’t do homelessness again. My health is barely starting to edge towards functional. The stress of losing everything… I’ll lose any of that. I don’t know, genuinely, if that’s something that will completely shut my body down. My body just does that now during intense stress after so much of it, it’s this involuntary stress response.
If I lose housing… I lose so much progress on health, I lose my home… I lose everything.
Please. I need to stay housed. please, help me stay housed. Anything helps. please reblog.
CashApp - $secretladyspider
venmo - secretladyspider
PayPal - https://www.paypal.me/ellerosecunningham Or [email protected]
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rabblerauser · 8 months
hey everyone... we need some help. the full story is on GFM.
my partner and I moved back to California last year. while at work, she suffered a seizure and lost consciousness. she was diagnosed with epilepsy after an ER visit, which would up being one of many.
since then, our situation has changed a lot as my partner has been unable to work. I've used all of my savings trying to support us. we're in the process of finding somewhere cheaper to live, but we still need money for February's rent and for the first month's at the new place we're looking at.
any support or kind words are greatly appreciated.
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alchemyandmagic · 2 months
I'm switching to paypal cause it doesn't take out as insane amount of a fee.
We found a place possibly! The situation is pretty much ideal, the place is beautiful but we still need to cover the rent by Aug 14th!!
I’m raising $2,285 until 08/14/2024 for 🏳️‍⚧️ Help Zoey, Chase, and Lily seek safe housing. Can you help?
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seoulxsinners · 18 days
I have offically lost my disability. and i will not be able to afford rent next month i need help anything will help even a boost.
link is a gofundme.
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mousedetective · 7 days
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09/15/24 - New Post!
We have housing! We are trying to get things moved out of our three storage units so we can put our crafting stuff for my mom's (hopeful) at home business in the smallest/cheapest unit, and get rid of the two units in Fallbrook and condense to one smaller unit at our current storage space in Carlsbad. However, there is a slight problem.
The plumbing job where they were supposed to replace the piping in our apartment has been postponed until we don't know when (and so far, no one will tell us anything except it has to do with permit issues), and that means we can't bring over as much of our furniture as we had wanted until it's done. Basically our whole back wall of our dining area and the larger kitchen wall/cabinets (as well as the bathroom) need to be clear of stuff. So we can bring in some of the bedroom furniture, but not all of the rest. So if I can raise about $2000 now, I can get the movers to move some of the stuff we need to the new apartment and maybe get stuff moved from the smaller unit to the big one once we clear it out.
Any reblogs of this post, monetary help or buying things from our Amazon wishlist would be a huge help.. We're almost on our feet and hopefully we won't need as much help in the future. Thank you very much for reading, and have a pleasant day!
TOTAL GOAL: $3010/$5500
IMMEDIATE GOAL: $1000/$2500
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thejanedoe1993 · 6 months
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Cheesy diced potatoes
I’m a black trans woman fighting poverty and homelessness.
To support myself, I set up a patreon where you can get access to all my recipes, poetry, artwork and photography for just £5.
Links to support me here.
Something new EVERY SINGLE DAY. You won’t regret it.
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its-a-beautful-day · 3 months
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Updating my donation post as it's been a few months. I'm still struggling with being homeless and I recently lost my health insurance (yayy turning 26!)
I've applied for section 8 at a local large city but that can take time. I'm also in the months long process of applying for SNAP/medicaid. I've also applied for financial assistance through my work to help me as well but I'm unsure of the turn around time or how much they can assist me.
Currently with the cost of rent in my local area the best option might be for me to renovate a free mobile home. However I need to move it to a lot/mobile home park with hookups and that can cost alot of money. The current estimate I got is around $8,000.
This doesn't include the lot rent per month or the cost of fixing the mobile home. But I do get to own the trailer after and can sell it once I have my feet under me again and ready to move.
I've been looking into so many different options but I'm struggling with finding something in my budget. Current income restricted housing is at a 1 to 2 year wait list. Others require a $48 per person application before you get to even see the apartment (for a one bedroom no less)
I've already made so many sacrifices during this year including not perusing fighting to get my cat back. Unfortunately with the way I can't find housing there wasn't a hope I could find housing and have it allow pets.
I've anyone has suggestions for finding roomates (that's not Facebook) or housing please feel free to message me
I'm also doing donation doodles for any donation over $10, give me a suggestion or prompt when you donate otherwise you get a bug art lol
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rednyalert · 1 year
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help a trans woman pay rent !!
life is hard and i am miserable!!! what a shocker. all avenues are so impossible to take when the only thing you have is a phone. everything I own is broken except for my phone.
i need $850 by september 30th
i know its a lot but any little bit helps. in return i can try to reimburse you!! i can write something for you or edit videos/sound for you or do your hmework for you fuckin anything
thank you so much for reading and please please please spread this around!!!
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inkbarista · 10 days
Sunday Stream!
HEY so I will be doing a stream this Sunday (for realsies, I swear to God nothing will stop me), another fundraising stream as I have been sick the last several days and unable to work. I'm also hoping to start posting YCH works, but I am currently working to catch up on other work first.
I will either be streaming art or gaming, though the game will depend on who may be joining me. If I do an art stream I will be offering $20 sketch commissions! If I do stream it will probably be at 3-4pm EST. As we get closer to Sunday I will have clearer plans.
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thequeefdealer · 5 days
Please share this to help a queer disabled person pay their bills
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Hi, I'm Alura. I'm disabled. transmasc/nonbinary, and I really need your help. I am struggling with multiple bills that I'm now in debt for after just finishing uni, moving house, only being on part time hours, and being in limbo between a job that would actually allow me to pay for my utilities.
Sadly, I have no financial support from my family because they are all in the same position financially and paying for two funerals because 2 of my nans died within three days of each other. I will also be using a small chunk of the money raised to make it to their funerals, which are both very large trips across the country.
I just need this money to get me they'd the next 2 months, living in the very center of the second most expensive city in the UK is a challenge but if I can make it until my new job ill be safe
Please if you can, either donate, or reblog this and tag other blogs who may help.
The money will be split over rent and bills for 2 months. It won't cover them entirely, but it'll be enough with my pay time job to get by.
I would never do this if it wasn't extremely nessasary. Thank you so so much
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