#renee walker x allison reynolds
sullyinthestars · 9 days
Hey what if we let Allison go feral
I think she has it in her to kill somebody, me personally. Might be projecting but let her be A Freak.
And maybe let Renee be a little into it.
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sappyspeare · 4 months
that one post about someones partner asking to blot their lipstick excess off and instead the partner kisses them all over their face except its allison reynolds kissing a confused renee walker holding a tissue paper
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renison-truther · 20 days
Manifesting that we see Renee and Allison in TSC2/3
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myovin · 11 months
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Trying out new stuff featuring my favourite non-canonical exy lesbians
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how do you think Andrew, who has again and again been condemned for being “out of control,” felt when Neil told him “i want to see you lose control”
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codename-adler · 3 months
can’t believe i forgot my miracle girl Robin Cross 😭
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just making a Twitter took everything. she goes through episodes of going private & AWOL because nobody can know who and where she is that’s how they’ll get her, to episodes of over sharing absolutely everything because what if she misses something and if she’s constantly documenting everything someone is bound to know the moment she goes missing, right? oh, baby girl…
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Andrew loves Robin (his kid)
Neil loves Robin (his f-up bestie and step-daughter)
Seth loves Robin (his weird baby sister)
Dan and Matt love Robin (their adopted pet)
Allison and Renee love Robin (their missing 3rd)
Nicky loves Robin (his traumatized niece)
Aaron loves Robin (his godsend smart study-buddy)
Wymack loves Robin (his precious granddaughter)
Kevin tolerates loves Robin (his mother’s legacy, his hope for the future of Exy, one of his greatest prides, this little puppy that refuses to leave him be and bothers him until he can’t imagine his life without this little ball of sunshine in it)
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ravenexy · 1 year
“meet cute” they say as he shoves a sports racquet so hard into his abdomen he falls to the floor and continues to say he’ll be fine with a bandaid
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meridasthoughts · 2 years
after baltimore the night the foxes all sleep together the only one who actually slept was neil, and that was due to exhaustion
matt and dan unknowingly agreed to take turns, they knew they were safe but there still was that voice in the back of their minds whispering that anyone could barge into the room at any moment and hurt them
nicky and aaron spent the night staring at the inside of their eyelids replaying the last two days in loop. how did they go from playing a normal exy game to neil being kidnapped and tortured and everything that it unveiled
renee had her eyes closed, her arms wrapped around allison but her brain wouldn’t let her ignore a single sound or movement happening. her hands never stopped stroking allison’s shoulders that kept jerking awake at each movement or sound
kevin couldn’t stop staring at the ceiling, the deep need of having to drown himself into some sort of alcohol to try to forget everything that happened that night, everything that happened since neil arrived to palmetto, and everything that ever happened really
all of them were kept awake against their will by the awful memories that were starting to settle in their minds
for andrew on the other hand, the mere thought of closing his eyes didn’t even cross his mind. he stayed up all night, allowing his eyes just to shift from neil’s face to his chest to make sure he was still breathing and not hurting too much, to make sure neil wouldn’t disappear again, that no one could possibly lay a single finger on him, or take him away
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thepolyfoxes · 1 month
The Foxes and the Trojans have gone to a rural house... caos ensures, and Jeremy has (most of it) documented in his Ig stories.
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padfootsaphrodite · 2 years
The most unrealistic thing in aftg is the amount of cigarettes Andrew smokes but is still capable of running, fighting, etc and not stopping to catch his breath once. Unbelievable.
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renison-truther · 2 months
Rereading aftg for the fourth time and I do think I’m developing brain rot. Any time Allison and Renee interact I’m like “this is proof”
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kazoo-the-demjin · 1 year
Neil, at the slightest provocation: I came into this earth screaming and covered in someone else's blood and and I'm not afraid to leave the same way.
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chemdoodles · 1 year
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3. Renison out on a rainy day date. They're matching in white.
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henreyettah · 2 years
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Foxhole 🦊🦊 🦊 🦊🦊 🦊🦊 🦊 🦊
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dan-i-am21 · 5 months
Okay I’m gonna write a Karaoke fic of the foxes. Neil is going to sing Renegade and debating if Andrew should sing Tequila. But I need help figuring out what other songs the other foxes are going to sing. Also Katelyn will be in this maybe Erik too. Wymack Abby, and Bee are debatable.
Jean and the floozies could be another fic. I will love comments for them too
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