#remus lives au
hp-fanfic-archive · 2 months
Empty Houses by bigblackdog Pairing: Remus/Sirius Rating: E Word Count: 6k Podfic available here Read by: bbd_elise Length: 30-60 minutes Remus, I’ve been at Grimmauld all week. I’m not selling it. I went back to look for the letters. I assumed they had been lost but when I was pardoned I learned they sent my things to my mother at Grimmauld. Turns out she didn’t burn them on sight. Found my leather jacket. All our records were broken. And all our letters were safe. The spells I’d put on the box to keep James and Peter out at Hogwarts were still on. I’d forgotten and all my hair felt out when I opened it. find the full podfic library here
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ensnapemysenses · 2 years
The Wolf, The Bat, and The Girl
Chapter 6: Friction
Warnings: Angst, Self-hatred, lots of depressing language from Sev but it ends well!
Chapter Summary: Severus wrestles with his own self-doubts and the guilt of involving both Hazel and Remus in his messy past as a Death Eater. Remus grows tired of his harmful coping mechanisms and confronts him.
The months following the incident at the Shrieking Shack go by in a blur. Hazel recovers with no injuries, in fact, it seems the prick didn’t even lay a hand on her at all. Other than being slightly shaken up, she's back to her normal self in no time. She’s lucky they found her so quickly and that idiot will now spend his life in Azkaban having been found guilty of kidnapping and nefarious planning after Severus submitted his memories as proof. 
End-of-the-year exams were postponed for a few days, effectively lengthening the term a bit and encroaching on the students' summer break. After passing all her exams with flying colors, Severus and Hazel spend the summer months in their little cottage near Hogsmeade. Severus keeps himself busy running his side business where he makes potions for the locals and he tries to forget about Remus. He’s determined to snuff out any feelings he has for the man.
Remus returns to his home in the countryside but it doesn’t last long. He finds himself back at Hogwarts to stay after only a few weeks. He wants to be near Hazel and Severus just in case something else happens.
The two men find themselves with the same goal in mind — to protect Hazel, no matter the cost. 
For Severus, that cost is to build his walls high again and not let anyone inside - not even Remus. He can’t stand getting him involved in dealings of his past and it breaks his heart that his daughter has now been drug into his messiness. He should have protected both of them better. He should have seen the signs of the coming storm. He always knew his past would catch up to him, he should have been more vigilant. It was foolish to think he could move on from his youthful allegiances. They would always come back to bite him in the arse.
Continue reading on ao3
Start from the beginning here
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nightoftheldead · 8 months
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he is THE dad moms try to impress during kindergarten pick up (since reggie does most of the drop offs lol) harry is an amazing older brother ! (of two actually, still working on the marylily one)
anyways meet mia! my jegulus fanchild bc why the f not :]
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omgrachwrites · 1 year
My Oh My (Mattheo Riddle)
Mattheo Riddle x Potter!Reader
Request: Do you do song based requests? I was hoping for a Matthew Riddle x potter!Reader based on the song My oh my and/or Shameless from Camila Cabello. You are so good at writing that tension in between characters that shouldn't be together but want to break that forbidden love trope lol - anon
Warnings: fluff, swearing, mentions of sex, wolfstar being adorable
A/N: I hope this is okay anon! Hope you guys all enjoy, I love you all! xxx
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You crept along the silent corridors, hoping to Merlin that you wouldn’t get caught by a ghost, or Mrs Norris for that matter. You would have stolen the Invisibility Cloak if Harry wouldn’t miss its absence, you did always have to remind him that your dad had told you to share it but he wouldn’t listen.
It was well past midnight so it wasn’t likely that anybody was going to be in the Common Room. You grinned as you recalled your earlier activities and your knees almost weakened.
They say he likes a good time (My, oh my) He comes alive at midnight (Every night)
You whispered the password, apologising to The Fat Lady for waking her up and you crept through the portrait hole.
“Where have you been?” a quiet voice came from beside the fireplace making you jump.
“Fuck, Harry!” you swore at your older brother and sighed as he waited for you to answer his question, “I couldn’t sleep so I went for a walk,” the lie rolled of your tongue so easily that it surprised you.
Harry nodded, your answer seemed to satisfy him, “I’m sorry, Y/N,” he sighed as he pushed his glasses up his nose, “Hermione woke up and you weren’t there so she panicked. Then, I panicked,” he chuckled, “I was just about to come and look for you.”
Guilt twisted in your stomach as you smiled weakly at Harry, “you don’t have to worry about me Harry, I promise. I’m gonna go up to bed, night Harry.”
“Night, Y/N,” he smiled as you went up to bed. You went to bed feeling like the worst person in the world.
The morning dawned bright and early, and you were walking a little bit behind your friends as you all walked down to the carriages. You were still feeling guilty about the night before so you were keeping your distance. You felt a cold hand wrap around your wrist and you were pulled into the nearest broom cupboard.
“What the fuck?!” you yelped, rolling your eyes when you came face to face with the cocky Slytherin. The same Slytherin that you had shared the previous night with.
My mama doesn't trust him (My, oh my) He's only here for one thing But (so am I) Yeah
A little bit older A black leather jacket A bad reputation Insatiable habits
“Hello, darling,” he grinned, his hands coming up to grip your waist, “I wanted to see you before we all go home for the summer.”
“Well, you’ve seen me, Mattheo,” you laughed as he rolled his eyes, “people will get suspicious if we’re in here for much longer.”
“You will write to me this summer, won’t you?”
You cupped his cheek, trailing your fingers across the scar that he’d received from duelling, “I’ll try,” you promised.
He nodded at your answer before leaning in to kiss you, you kissed him back gently, your fingers digging through his curls. As he pulled away he bit his lip and looked away from your face, “I like you, y’know.”
You laughed at the flush that spread across his cheeks, “I like you too.”
Your friends weren’t that far ahead so it didn’t take long for you to catch up with them, “are you alright, Y/N?” Ron asked.
“Yeah, all good,” you nodded, slightly out of breath, laughing when he slung an arm over your shoulders.
It was a couple of weeks into summer when you walked into the kitchen and heard Harry whining to your mum, “why do me and Y/N have to come though?”
“Oh no, where are we going?”
Your mum looked at you with a sigh as if talking to Harry exhausted her, you knew the feeling, “we’re going to The Three Broomsticks for dinner tonight.”
“What, why?”
“Because,” Lily rolled her eyes, “Sirius wants us to meet his new partner.”
“What’s the point in that when they’re just gonna break up in a couple of months?” since your mum and dad had been in school Sirius held a torch for Remus, but he’d never said anything. Sirius’ relationships barely lasted 6 months.
“That’s exactly what I said,” your dad laughed as he walked into the kitchen.
Lily sighed but you could tell that she was trying not to laugh, “don’t encourage them, James.”
When you and your family arrived at The Three Broomsticks you noticed Sirius and Remus sitting at the table. There was no one else there and they looked pretty nervous, “do you think…?” you trailed off, looking at Harry.
Harry shook his head, “nah, they definitely would have told us by now,” you nodded but you knew first hand that that wasn’t always the case.
As you walked over to the table, Sirius smiled up at you all in greeting and you sat down, “so, everyone knows Remus, obviously,” he laughed and Remus offered everyone a little wave like you hadn’t known him for all your life.
“Does this mean that you guys are together?” Harry asked what everyone else was thinking and when Sirius nodded, your heart leapt for joy. Two people who you loved more than anything had finally found each other, you couldn’t think of anything better.
Your mum and dad whooped, “yes! Wolfstar is real!”
Remus laughed, looking relieved that everyone was taking this so well, “what the hell is Wolfstar?”
Lily flushed as she looked at James, “it was our ship name for you in school, we’re so glad that you guys are together!”
Sirius grinned, “thanks guys!”
“First round is on me,” James grinned, “come on, Y/N, you can help me.”
“Oh, dad!” you whined as you followed him to the bar.
You didn’t notice the bartender until he came to take your order, “what can I get for you?”
You froze when you realised it was Mattheo behind the bar, he stared at you in turn, his blue eyes widening. Your dad put the order in and when he wasn’t paying attention, you leaned over the bar to speak to Mattheo.
“What the hell are you doing here?”
He shrugged as he poured the pints, “thought I’d keep myself busy,” he hissed, “since the only person I want to speak to won’t reply to my letters.”
You bit your lip, you really did feel bad about that one, it had been a jam packed summer already, you hardly had any time to write secret little love letters, “Theo…” you trailed off as your dad paid for the drinks and Mattheo shook his head at you.
As Remus explained how Sirius finally had the guts to tell him how he felt, you couldn’t help but watch the handsome boy behind the bar as he walked from customer to customer with cat like grace. He grinned at a little old woman and spent a lot of time speaking with her, you wished you could hear what he was saying. You liked him like this, it always seemed as though he had to put up a front in school, you wished he could be himself but you supposed you couldn’t blame him, considering who his father was.
Unfortunately, you weren’t as subtle as you thought because your mum saw you looking at him, “who’s that behind the bar?”
“A boy from school,” you muttered, taking a sip of your Butterbeer.
“He’s Mattheo Riddle. Voldemort’s son,” Harry blurted out.
“Harry!” you hissed.
Lily scowled as she eyed him curiously over her wine glass, “he looks like trouble, I hope you’re staying away from him, Y/N.”
“Of course mum.”
When you spotted Mattheo going outside, you made excuses about how you wanted to get some fresh air as you followed him out. You found him leaning against the wall, lighting a cigarette, “those things will kill you, y’know,” you giggled.
“Among other things,” he blew out some smoke, not looking at you.
“Theo,” you sighed walking towards him, “I’m sorry that I haven’t been writing to you.”
Mattheo sighed as he looked at you, touching your cheek, “I understand, you have to protect yourself.”
“I’m not trying to protect myself, I’m trying to protect you! Do you what my parents would do to you if they found out about us? Not to mention my brother.”
Mattheo smirked at you, his blue eyes surprisingly bright in the dark of the night, “trying to protect me huh?” he grinned when you nodded, “I lied by the way, when I told you that I liked you. I meant to say that I really like you,” he flushed and you marvelled at how something like this could embarrass him, after all you would together in The Room of Requirement.
“I really like you too.”
Mattheo flicked away his cigarette as he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear as he leaned in to kiss you. You sighed against his lips, tasting the mint of his gum and the smoke from his cigarette, it was an intoxicating taste.
He was onto me, one look and I couldn't breathe Yeah, I said, "If you kiss me I might let it happen"
I swear on my life that I've been a good girl Tonight, I don't wanna be her
He pulled away from you slightly, resting his forehead against yours, “a forbidden, secret romance is actually pretty sexy, Y/N,” he smirked.
“You’re such a prick,” you laughed as you pulled him in for another kiss.
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its-rach-writes · 8 days
A Panicked Dinner Party - Sirius Black
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader
Summary: You and Sirius go to the Potter's for backup when Harry brings one of his friends around for dinner.
Warnings: fluff, swearing, panicked James, everyone lives au
A/n: I have a love/hate relationship with canon, can you tell? Hope you guys enjoy this and please let me know what you think! xxx
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You were spritzing yourself with your favourite perfume before putting in the earrings that Sirius had got you for your birthday. Two strong arms wrapped around your waist and you were pulled into a toned chest. You giggled as he kissed your cheek, his stubble scratching against your skin.
“You look beautiful.”
You smiled at him in the reflection of the mirror as you leaned against him, “thank you,” you turned in his arms, fingers locking at the back of his neck as you pulled him into a proper kiss.
Sirius held your jaw gently as he kissed you back, “Mm,” he pulled you into a hug, resting his chin on your shoulder as he let out a sigh, “do we have to go to this dinner?”
“Yes,” you laughed as he groaned, “we promised James and Lily.”
“If that little toe rag steps out of line,” he trailed off with a growl.
“Baby,” you cupped his cheeks, staring into his gorgeous grey eyes, “I don’t think Harry would be inviting him to dinner if he was going to be horrible.” Sirius nodded, letting out a slow breath, you pressed a lingering kiss against his lips, “let me get my shoes on, then we’ll go.”
Once your shoes were on, you both apparated to Godric’s Hollow. You laced your fingers through your husband’s – so he wouldn’t run – as you walked up the Potter’s path. Before you could knock, the door was pulled open. The relief that spread across Lily’s face was almost laughable as she let you in.
“Thank Merlin you’re here! And you brought the wine, good,” she gasped as you handed her the bottle of wine. Before you could ask what was wrong, she spoke up again, “James is driving me fucking nuts.”
Almost on cue, James came into the hallway, a hand in his hair, “don’t panic,” he mumbled to himself, that’s when he saw you and raced up to you, his hands on your shoulders, shaking you slightly, “don’t fucking panic!”
You tried to hold in your laughter but it was near impossible, “James, you’re the only one who’s panicking right now,” Remus laughed as he popped his head round the corner, waving at you and Sirius.
Remus’ voice seemed to bring James out of the trance he was in. He muttered a ‘sorry’ as he let you and Sirius come through.
“So, why are you panicking anyway?” you asked as you shrugged out of your jacket and Lily poured you a glass of wine.
Sirius scoffed, “I’m sure you would panic too if the world’s biggest prat was coming round to our house for dinner,” Sirius quickly shut up as you and Lily glared at him.
Lily sighed as she took a swallow wine, “James thinks Draco and Harry are dating.”
You and Sirius were too shocked to speak, it seemed amazing that Harry had befriended someone that he’d hated, in his final year of school. So, the notion of them dating seemed unlikely.
“What makes you think they’re dating?” Remus asked in a calm voice.
James bit at his thumbnail, “he’s never once talked about girls, he’s only ever talked about boys. First, it was Oliver Wood, then Cedric Diggory and now, Draco Malfoy,” a look of horror washed over his face as he sank against the counter, “Merlin, my son is gay and thinks he can’t tell me. I’ve failed as a parent.”
Lily kissed his cheek, “sweetheart, he knows he can tell you if he’s gay, all teenagers are secretive.”
“I’m not ready to meet Harry’s boyfriend,” he mumbled.
“James, it’ll be fine, that’s why you’ve got us,” you gestured to Remus and Sirius, “but it’s not going to be fine if the veggies burn,” you went over to turn the heat off. He let out a watery chuckle and stood up to help you.
You had all managed to calm James down – with the help of some Firewhiskey – but when he heard a key turn in the lock he looked panicked again. In walked Harry, along with Ron, Hermione and Draco.
“We’re here guys!” he called out and walked into the living room, “Draco, this is well, everyone,” he laughed, looking slightly overwhelmed by the amount of people.
“Hi everyone,” Malfoy nodded. He shook James’ hand and returned Lily’s warm hug. You and Remus greeted him, while Sirius nodded his head but said nothing.
“Sirius, he’s your cousin,” you hissed.
“Second cousin,” he corrected you.
Ron picked up a parcel that he’d dropped off earlier in the week and handed it to Draco, “mum made this for you,” the tips of his ears turned red as Draco removed the tissue paper.
Molly had knitted him a green jumper that had the letter ‘D’ emblazoned on the front, with a snake curled up at its base. Draco smiled at Ron, “thanks Wea-,” he cut himself off, “Ron,” he corrected himself.
You figured that would take some getting used to. When Malfoy pulled the jumper over his head, Harry grinned and adjusted the collar. Draco let him, it looked very natural, like this had all happened before. James who had been getting increasingly antsy looked as though he’d reached his limit and pulled Ron and Hermione into the kitchen. Draco and Harry didn’t notice as they’d engaged Remus in conversation. You and Lily hovered around the door to listen in.
“Guys, are Harry and Malfoy,” he trailed off, not knowing what to say.
Ron and Hermione spoke at the same time, “either,” James stuttered, looking more panicked at their words.
Ron and Hermione glanced at each other before turning to look back at James, “we don’t know,” Hermione said.
James looked slightly relieved that even Harry’s best friends didn’t know what was going on between Harry and Draco.
As dinner progressed, it was clear that Draco had matured a lot in the past year, you were glad he wasn’t a carbon copy of his father. He’d seemed to win everyone over, even Sirius, well Sirius was finally speaking to him in full sentences and looked him in the eye as he did so.
“Can you pass the salt please?” Draco nudged Harry who passed the salt over, “cheers, Potter,” it wasn’t said in a mocking way, his voice was full of affection as he said it.
James looked between Draco and his son, the panic on his face had slowly dissipated over the course of the dinner. You had to admit that they looked good together. While James was getting dessert together, you all pretended not to notice as Harry followed his father into the kitchen.
You perched on the edge of Sirius’ knee and kissed his cheek, laughing as he pulled you into his chest. James and Harry were in the kitchen for a little while, talking in hushed tones and you wished there was a way to block them out completely so they could have their privacy. You did catch them share a tight hug. Harry soon walked out of the kitchen with a grin on his face. James followed shortly carrying the treacle tart, his eyes were suspiciously wet but full of pride.
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enbysiriusblack · 3 months
the reason i love wolfstar is that remus knows sirius would always choose james over him and he'd never ask sirius not to because he very understands the james appeal and he's also the biggest fan of the james and sirius show
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lilithofpenandbook · 3 months
Order of the Pheonix AU where almost everything is the same except the people in Grimmauld Place stay there the whole time because they're there for protection for various different reasons to be hidden from the wizarding world until everything's safe. And have to pretend to be one big happy family to fit in.
Oh, and no magic. Absolutely no magic otherwise they could be tracked down (no I don't know if magic works that way for the sake of the plot it does)
And the house is an absolute wreck, so now they're all having to clean it and renovate it with no magic and live there with each other 24/7.
The Weaselys are there because Arthur keeps offending the Ministry and they're worried the kids will be used against them. Hermione's there because she's also offended the Ministry by being too smart, somehow. Harry's there because his existence offends Voldemort. Remus is there because his existence offends the Ministry. Sirius is there because he's offended everyone. Tonks is there because she's also offended everyone. And Severus is there because he's offended Voldemort.
And so somehow they all need to work together and try cooperate while multiple people (Severus and Sirius) hate each others guts.
Also, while they're renovating, they're finding it ridiculously hard without magic or house elf help. All except Severus, who somehow does his assigned rooms twice as quickly. Naturally Harry and Ron think he's using magic while being forbidden to do so. They spy on him...
And it turns out, Snape's just really good at painting walls. Because "Not all of us had house-elves waiting on us hand and foot, Black. Some of us actually had to get things done on our own". Aka growing up poor in Cokeworth means learning to repair everything yourself
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basiatlu · 1 year
for the 1k gift thing can u draw some happy wolfstar with baby harry ?? i love ur work sm, congrats on 1k !!!!! <33
Oh geez um I can’t read and I glossed over the word ‘happy’ so um er how about ‘bittersweet’ instead? Sorry, dear, but I hope you still like them! And thank youuuu!! Couldn’t have done it without you 💖
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aza-writes · 5 months
Our Little Wolf and Little Star
Married Wolfstar x twin!daughters (Willow and Selene)
Requested: no
Summary: Wolfstar adopted two twin girls and raise them the best they can. 
Warnings: description of birth (barely), some cursing, kinda cringe, but it’s for the vibes. 
A/N: EVERYONE LIVES AU. Mary Kate and Ashely movie vibes. Also… listen to Little Star by Dion and the Bellmonts and Li’l Red Riding Hood by Sam the Sham and the Pharohs for ultimate vibes. 
3rd Person POV
October 31st, 1980
The wait in the hospital was complete agony. Remus sat in an uncomfortable hospital waiting room chair. The only position that feels remotely comfortable is resting my head on my hands. His mind races faster and faster, watching his husband, Sirius, pace back and forth in front of him. James sits silently in the chair to the right of Remus. He’s trying his best to calm the pair down, but his words fall on deaf ears in Sirius and Remus’s overanalyzing ones. 
“Mates, you both need to calm down. Everything will be just fine.” 
Sirius stops his pacing and stares at James, his eyes wide with lack of sleep. “Calm down? What if something goes wrong? Why is it taking so long in the first place? It’s cause I’m stubborn, so they’re being stubborn to punish me? Fuck, I knew we should’ve used Remus’s-” 
“Siri, stop talking.”  Remus’s voice and eyes were stern as he sat back in the chair to get a better look at Sirius. The topic of who was going to donate sperm has been a sensitive one from the moment a surrogate was mentioned. The risk of passing his lycanthropy onto their future children was enough for the werewolf to insist on using Sirius’s for the donor. 
All Sirius does is roll his eyes and plop on the seat on the other side of Remus, head falling on Remus’s shoulder out of exhaustion and instinct. Remus’s hand slides into Sirius’s, their fingers intertwining. 
“I mean it. Plus, our kids would have your hair and height. That’s a win in my book.” Sirius moves his eyes to look up at Remus, but his head stays stationary.
Remus brought their hands up to his lips and placed a gentle kiss on the back of his husband’s. “It’s a little late for that now, innit?” 
The labor has been going on for 48 hours, but the couple’s anxieties have been going on since they found out the implantation was successful. It only intensified as the months went on, now at an all-time high. Both of them refusing to sleep in case the surrogate, Maud, started to push. They both wanted to be ready to run into the room and watch their daughters take their first breaths. 
As much as James tried to calm them down and convince them to sleep just for a bit, Remus and Sirius were too stubborn and sleep-deprived to listen. James even called Lily, hoping she would talk sense into them, but with her stuck at home with a one-month-old Harry, her over-the-phone and sleep-deprived threats were far less intimidating.
“Sirius, labor takes time. Lily was in labor for 12 hours. And you have twins, so of course, it’s going to take longer.” James’s voice was empathetic, but this sentence has been said three times already. Every comforting thing James could think of has been said, causing the words to lose meaning to Sirius. 
Although Remus was pretending to keep it together, he was a nervous wreck inside. He walked into the hospital as Remus Lupin: Wizard, Warewolf, Husband, but when he leaves, father will be added to that title. 
The muggle hospital seemed odd to the three wizards. It was much more controlled and secretive than anything in the wizarding world. The wing they were in was decorated with blue, pink, and yellow, with a quiet lullaby playing every so often, signifying a new baby had been born. Every lullaby that goes off that isn’t to celebrate baby Lupin allows jealousy and anxiety to grow more and more. 
“Sirius, Remus,” James takes a deep breath, “I know you don’t want to hear it, but maybe you should go home and get some sle-” 
“Sirius and Remus Lupin?” A nurse in pink scrubs walks into the waiting room. Her eyes scan and spot the two men rising from their chairs. She smiles at them and pulls her mask down. “Your surrogate is pushing; we’ll have you wait outside the room until she’s done. Come with me.” She turns around, and then men are quick to follow. 
James shouts a quick “Good luck!” but the fathers-to-be don’t even look back to respond. 
The two husbands wait outside the delivery suite, their hands intertwined. They waited less than ten minutes, their minds going a million kilometers a second, but none of those thoughts mattered when they heard a faint cry behind the door followed by a quiet lullaby version of “Happy Birthday” playing over the speakers. 
Remus’s eyes widen, the weight being lifted off his shoulders. Sirius’s smile widens immediately. It isn’t until they hear a second cry that the couple hug each other. Happy tears flow from Sirius’s eyes while he laughs out of relief. The soft lullaby plays again for the second baby girl, signaling everything is going well in the delivery room. 
A soft knock coming from inside the room interrupts their celebration. A nurse in pink scrubs walks into the hallway and smiles at the couple. “Would you like to come in and meet your daughters?” 
Sirius kisses Remus’s head as they enter the room. They’re given a bit of hand sanitizer before being given their little girls to hold. The two husbands thanked the surrogate a million times before being taken into a separate room to fill out paperwork as Maud recovered. 
The twins were no longer ideas and possibilities; they were real and in their arms. 
The two walk out into the waiting room with the babies swaddled in a soft pink blanket and pale yellow hats. Sirius’s tears started again when he saw the mass of people in the waiting room. It was no longer James, but everyone important in their lives was there to support the new parents. Lily was there with Harry, Regulus, Peter, Marlene and Dorcus, Mary, Alice, and Frank, who brought Neville. Even Andromeda showed up. 
“Everyone,” Remus’s voice was still a whisper, yet loud enough for the whole crowd to hear. “I am happy to present to you for the first time ever Willow Lily Lupin. Born at 7 lbs and 2 ounces. 1st born by 3 minutes.” He raises his elbow a bit, letting people get a better look at the sleeping baby in his arms. 
“And this is Selene Andromeda Lupin, who stands at 7 lbs and 5 ounces.” Sirius continues, smiling at the little bundle in his arms. His gaze couldn’t be broken even if he tried, and he didn’t want to. 
Regulus smiled softly before speaking up. “W and S, Wolf and Star, I’m assuming?” His eyes were locked on his big brother, someone he’d seen in this caring and protective role before, but this time it seemed out of love instead of fear. Regulus also wanted to start crying happy tears, but he refused to be in front of a large group. 
“I guess it is.” Sirius grinned and looked up at his brother before looking back down at the sleeping baby. “Hell, my Little Star.” 
“So Willow is Little Wolf then?” James ran the back of his finger over Willow’s cheek, replicating something he often does to Harry when he sleeps.
“I guess she is.” Remus's smile grows more if that is even possible. “Our little Wolf.” 
Sirius turns to his husband beaming. So much love and happiness filled his eyes. “Our girls.” 
Remus met Sirius’s gaze with the same love and tenderness. “Our girls.”
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tealeavesandtrash · 5 months
Wolfstar Micro Fic - @wolfstarmicrofic prompt: Soulmates - 560 words
Remus tugs at his pyjama sleeve, refusing to let it slip past his wrist. Sirius sits opposite, legs crossed as he watches with silent anticipation. The glow of the waxing moon illuminates his face - there’s less than a week until the full and Remus isn’t if that’s why his body prickles with anxiety, or if it’s apprehension about his potential soulmate mark. 
The whole ordeal feels like some sick joke - to spend your whole life knowing the last words you’ll hear from your soulmate, or not get any words and second-guess every relationship. It seems like a lose-lose situation in Remus’ eyes.
“This is all a little morbid isn’t it?” Remus mutters.
“Yeah but it's still interesting, isn’t it?” Sirius says, eyes sparkling with excitement. 
“There’s isn’t anything exciting about knowing what the love of your life's last words will be.”
Sirius huffs. “It’s not that deep. Honesty, most people just think it’s superstition.”
It doesn't make Remus feel any better. Whether the words are legitimate or not, there'll still be a lifetime of paranoia.
He can feel Sirius’ eyes on him, waiting patiently. “Can I see?” he asks tentatively, edging slightly closer. Remus refuses to meet Sirius' gaze, but he doesn’t protest when Sirius reaches forward and pushes his sleeve up to reveal his pulse point. He takes his wrist with soft fingers and gently manoeuvres Remus’ arm to catch the light, trying to make out any tiny script. 
“Oh!” Sirius gasps suddenly, “There is something!”
Remus’ eyes snap back. Sirius squints at his wrist, holding it so close to his face that Remus can feel his breath tickle his skin. “What does it say?”
“Thought you didn’t want to know?”
Remus scowls at him. “Yeah well now you know,  I may as well know what it says too.”
“Nice one, James.”
“Nice one, James,” Sirius repeats. “They’re your soulmate words.”
Remus’ brow furrows, “What does that even mean?”
Sirius shrugs, dropping Remus’ hand. “I dunno. This is why so many people don’t believe in soulmates, most people’s don’t make any sense.”
“But that’s useless, what am I even meant to do with that?”
Sirius flops down, rolling onto his back to look up at Remus. “I don’t think you’re meant to do anything. It’s like meddling with fate y’know?”
“You wouldn't want to try?”
Sirius shrugs. “Yeah but how? It’s all so ambiguous, you can’t go around trying to predict what’ll happen.”
Remus sighs and moves to lie down next to Sirius. “How do you do that?” his voice comes out quiet, barely louder than a breath.
Harry, don't! He’s gone, I'm sorry, he’s gone. Those words appeared on Sirius’ wrist on his sixteenth birthday. Remus isn’t sure he could cope with words as cutting as that.  
“Whatever happens probably won’t happen for over a hundred years. And I know it’s hard because you’re a chronic overthinker-” Remus jabs him in the ribs and Sirius huffs a laugh. “There’s isn't any point focusing on something so far away.”
They lie together in silence for a little longer. “Hey, Sirius?” Remus says suddenly. “Can you - please don’t tell Prongs about this. I don’t want him getting the wrong with his name being there.”
Sirius squeezes Remus’ hand lightly. “I won’t. And Remus?”
Remus rolls his head to the side to look at Sirius’ profile. “Yeah?”
“Happy Birthday, Moony.”
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cndarts · 1 year
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band au sketches!!
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alwayshinny · 5 months
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Hinny 💍 - The One With No Voldy and Where Everyone Lives
AU, where Harry happens to hear a conversation between his grandfather, Fleamont Potter, and his father, James. Fleamont, who has been looking weaker by the day, tells his son he knows his and Euphemia's time is coming to an end, and his only regret is not being able to witness Harry grow up and get married. This bothers Harry, and while on a playdate at the Burrow, he confides in Ginny, who responds as if it were the most obvious solution: "Then let's get married."
They persuade their families to arrange a gathering, and they con the Weasley brothers into decorating the backyard. Ron stands by Harry's side as his best man, while Luna is Ginny's bridesmaid. All it took was one look from Harry and Ginny to convince Sirius to turn into Padfoot to be their ring bearer/flower girl; his outfit consisted of a bowtie and a tutu (James, Remus, Gideon, and Fabian nearly fell off their chairs laughing so hard).
They made each other's wedding rings. Harry's ring was made from the metal from his grandma's old Auror badge (which Euphemia gave to her willingly) and the very first snitch he caught for the first time and gifted to her. Ginny convinced Fabian and Gideon to transform into a ring. Ginny's ring was made of her favorite green bubble gum (that was suspiciously similar to Harry's eye color) and twigs of their broomsticks as the band, which Harry convinced his dad and Sirius to smooth out and place an unbreakable charm on with an auto-replenishing charm on the bubble gum.
They both dressed themselves for the occasion, and Harry asked his mom and godmother Marlene to help him pick flowers for Ginny's bouquet. He smelled each one and was very picky persistent it had to smell like Ginny's hair. It took Harry HOURS until he was finally satisfied with the arrangement. Molly volunteered to make their wedding cake, and a few days before the wedding, Ginny told her dad in a very grown-up tone to wear a bowtie because he was walking her down the aisle on Sunday. Hinny asked Hagrid to marry them, and when it was time to kiss the bride, Harry was just about to protest/lecture Hagrid about how he should have asked Ginny for her consent instead of giving him permission "to kiss the bride" (the boy was Lily Potter's son and a true feminist at heart), when Ginny pulled Harry down and gave Harry a big kiss on the lips. The kid was frozen for a solid minute and then couldn't stop smiling as he followed his 'wife' around all day.
They made Fleamont and Euphemia's wishes come true.
Then, 16 years later, they got married again.
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billsbae · 11 months
harry might look like james with lily's eyes but the took his attitude and character from either his papa regulus, uncle barty and uncle moony (he's the reason mcgonagall wanted to retire)
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its-rach-writes · 3 months
Two Galleons and a Sickle - Sirius Black
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader
Summary: When your sixteen year old daughter starts acting strangely, your paranoid husband fears it might be drugs.
Warnings: fluff, fluff and more fluff! mentions of drugs, implications of sex, everyone lives au
Words: 1.3k
A/N: Back in my Sirius Black feels, so sad that I can't get into my old account but alas! Hope you guys enjoy this! I'm thinking about making a lil series of one shots. Please let me know what you think, I love you all! xxx
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It was a lovely day in Godric’s Hollow, you smiled as you heard the laughter and joyful screams of the neighbourhood kids. School started again next week so they were enjoying their last bit of freedom. Your youngest was starting at Hogwarts in September too. You were excited for him but funnily enough, you weren’t looking forward to having an empty house.
“Ooh, smells good in here,” your husband chuckled as he kissed your cheek before he snagged some shredded cheese from the open packet.
“I’m making a little dinner for Reggie before he goes to his sleepover. You know he’s gonna have one slice of pizza and that’s it,” you spoke as you plated up the pasta, shouting for him to come downstairs.
“Reggie is going out too?” Sirius asked as he caught you around the waist.
“Mhm,” you laughed as you wrapped your arms around his neck, “Reggie’s got a sleepover, Eva’s going to sleep at Hermione’s, and I was thinking we should get a takeaway.”
“Absolutely, and we can finally crack open that bottle of goblin made wine that James got us for our wedding, if we’ve got the place to ourselves,” he smirked and pulled you into a kiss.
The kiss was short lived when Reggie came down the stairs and made a disgusted noise. You laughed as you pulled away from Sirius and handed Reggie the plate of pasta.
“Oh, mum, you know that Matt’s parents are gonna order pizza.”
“Yes, my darling but we both know that you’ll have one or two slices and decide it’s too greasy.”
Reggie scowled at you but said nothing as he went back upstairs. You decided to follow him upstairs to see if Eva wanted anything before she went out.
“Hey, Ev,” you knocked on her door before walking into her room, it looked like she was halfway through putting her hair in rollers.
“Hi, mum.”
“Hi sweetie. Do you want anything to eat before you go out?”
She shook her head no, “me and Mione are gonna grab some food with the guys.”
You nod as you leaned against the doorframe, “you will be safe won’t you?”
“Yes,” she rolled her eyes, “and before you – or dad – start overthinking you know that the strongest thing in Hermione’s house is cider.”
You laughed, you couldn’t help but agree and you were thankful that Eva chose to spend most of her time with Hermione.
By the time Eva was leaving, you and Sirius were one glass into the wine, along with half a Chinese takeaway.
“I’m going now,” she offered a small wave.
This apparantely wasn’t good enough for Sirius who leapt up to give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
“Bye sweetie. Call us if you need anything,” Eva nodded with a small smile and then she was gone.
Sirius flopped back next to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders, “so,” he started.
“So,” you giggled.
“So, we have the house to ourselves.”
“Looks that way.”
“I’ve got a couple of things in mind to keep us occupied,” he smirked, his hands going down to your waist.
“Yeah? Like what?” you moved so you were straddling him, your hands on his shoulders.
“Well, if I remember correctly, it goes a little like this,” he cupped your cheek and pulled you into a kiss.
You eagerly kissed him back, your hands immediately tangling in his soft hair. It didn’t take long for you to realise that something was up, “what’s wrong?” you mumbled as you pulled away, your eyes flickering down to his slightly swollen lips.
“Nothing,” he shook his head before kissing you again. This continued for a couple of moments before he sighed and pulled away again.
“Is it me?”
“What? No, love of course not,” his arms tightened around your waist, silently asking you to stay where you were, “it’s Eva,” he sighed, “she’s acting strange isn’t she?”
You shrugged, “she’s just acting like a teenager.”
“I’m worried it might be drugs.”
“Well, sweetie, that’s pretty rich of you to say considering the amount of times I could smell that bong from your dorm in school.”
Sirius laughed but you could tell he was still thinking about it, you kissed his cheek, “how about I talk to her about it?”
Sirius nodded as his hands gently squeezed your hips, “let’s not waste this free house.”
You giggled as you leaned in to press a chaste kiss to his lips, “I completely agree.”
When Eva got back the next morning, you left her a while before you went to talk to her. You didn’t want her to feel ambushed.
“Can we talk?” you asked as you sat next to her on her bed.
She sighed and put her Quidditch book down, “dad thinks I’m doing drugs, right?” she scoffed when your eyes widened in surprise, “he’s not exactly subtle. I’m not doing drugs by the way.”
“Then what is it? Have you got a boyfriend? Have you got a girlfriend?”
Eva laughed, “look it’s nothing bad, okay? I’m just not ready to talk about it yet.”
“Well, that’s fair enough.”
Unbeknownst to you, you were soon going to find out what had your daughter acting so strangely. A couple of days before school started you and Sirius invited your friends over for dinner. It was an annual thing and this year it was your turn to host. Reggie was delighted as most of the attention was on him. James was asking him if he was going to try out for Quidditch while Lily asked him what house he wanted to be sorted into.
When the wine you and Lily were drinking was empty, you both went to get another one, giggling like school girls. As you walked into the kitchen, you both stopped dead as you stared at the scene before you. Eva and Harry was pressed up against one of the kitchen counters. Kissing. You and Lily exchanged a look before she spoke up.
“So, this is why dessert is taking so long to come out?”
The two teenagers immediately pulled away from each other with flushed cheeks and bright eyes, “mum,” they said in unison. Harry’s eyes were wide as he looked at Lily while Eva refused to look at you.
Lily giggled as she grabbed the bottle of wine from the fridge, “don’t mind us, we were just getting more wine,” she ushered you out of the kitchen. You were too dumbfounded to speak but you were secretly glad Eva had chosen someone nice like Harry.
A couple of minutes later, the two teenagers came back outside with the dessert in hand, they sat down as they placed it in the centre of the table. You witnessed them having some sort of silent conversation and after Harry nodded, Eva spoke up.
“Yeah sweetpea?” Sirius asked as he glanced over.
“I’m not doing drugs, um,” she stumbled over her words as she glanced at Harry, “me and Harry are dating.”
Sirius looked like he didn’t understand what she’d just told him but before he could speak up, Remus asked his question.
“Who asked who out?”
“Erm,” Eva frowned at him in confusion, “I asked Harry out.”
“Ha! Pay up,” he shouted across the table at Regulus, Sirius’ brother.
Regulus rolled his eyes as he handed some coins over, “ugh, there. Two Galleons and a Sickle.”
“Seriously?” Sirius scowled, his eyes flashing.
Regulus and Remus shrugged in unison, “if we had to watch all the pining looks we decided we at least had to make it interesting.”
“Pricks,” James rolled his eyes.
“Well at least it’s not drugs, I’m very happy for you two.”
Eva scoffed, “I think you’re the last person who can preach to me about not taking drugs, I’ve seen the pictures of you guys in school. Mum and Lily must have been high if they dated you guys with those awful haircuts.”
You looked at Sirius’ perfect hair, “she’s right you know. They were awful haircuts.”
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spoondoodles · 3 months
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I blacked out and more Logince HS AU appeared on my canvas idk what happened (also ty @oatmeal-stans-the-trash-rat for some inspiration sorry it took so long to make a post about Them <3)
#spoondoodles#sanders sides#sanders sides fanart#ts sides#tss#logan sanders#roman sanders#patton sanders#remus sanders#janus sanders#logince#I am here!!! for the platonic relationships!!!!! in this AU!!!!!!!#i have a strong character arc in my head about platonic logicality growing up together as childhood friends you have no idea asdfghj#i think they were very dependent on each other for many years so much so they'd copy each other but they're much more independent in HS#only remnant of that is that they have the same glasses + emotionally vent to each other a lot - their friends circle has grown enough#they don't live in each others' pockets anymore. roman + janus met in theatre + are gossip besties like they just talk shit together#(not completely sold on janus' design yet ngl i'm not happy with how i drew the vitilego but i'm working on it)#remus + logan are partners in chemistry in a classic teacher act of putting the 'disruptive' kid next to the 'good student' kid in hopes#that logan would stop remus acting out. predictably what happened instead is that they're friends now + remus is still as disruptive#but in a way that entertains logan so they get their work done early. now the teacher can't separate them. lol lmao.#remus knows ALL. but has been sworn to secrecy so can't say shit. janus knows roman's feelings but only suspects logan's.#patton didn't even have to be told by logan he just KNEW + is choosing not to speculate on roman's feelings b/c he's too polite.#virgil isn't here but that's b/c he also KNOWS without being told + is in an even more precarious position than remus. if they were#on better speaking terms he'd commiserate with remus. alas they are suffering separately.#anyway enough rambling from me. many thoughts head full.
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arcturuuus · 4 months
*barty puts on pitbull's «tonight» at jegulus' wedding*
regulus: who on earth thought it was a good idea to let barty be the dj?
*regulus turns to james*
regulus: jamie... what the hell are you doing?
*james grabs his husband and pulls him onto the dance floor*
*james sings along to the song*: tonight i will love love you tonight, give me everything tonight
sirius: PROGNS! i don't need to hear this, he's my little brother.
remus: love, they're married. you know they do more than just hold hands, right?
sirius: MOOOOONY
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