#remnant chiaki
geodraws04 · 4 months
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Dunno if i will color this in or not but! THEM! THE CHILDREN!
I actually had remnant designs for Mitarai, Nanami, AND Hajime (like. An AU where he’s not Izuru but still a part of the Remnants; very much like the AU by FireJiuu on Insta/TikTok!), but never had colored them yet but i really wanted to draw the whole Dr2 cast together in their remnant attire so i decided to say fuck it and illustrate them like the Dr3 Poster (including Chiaki since she’s not in the full cast one for… reasons.)
im actually pretty satisfied with how it turned out, despite it being in a “sketch” stage.
will i finish it? I dunno. But will i share what i made of it? absolutely.
appreciate my children.
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Ill fully admit i STRUUUUGGGLLLEEDD drawing the characters free hand and on my on - anatomy is not my strong-suit sometimes, so i traced over each character to get their body shapes correct (not fully tracing them ofc, just making a base for myself like seen above!), then skecthed over the lineart over the base i created.
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And here is the poster i referenced from!
The one on the right i just inserted Chiaki from another official Dr3 Despair Arc poster.
we love the remnants here :)
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spittyfishy · 10 months
All your despair art was great! Couldn't choose a favorite even if you put a gun to my head.
I am curious do you have any thoughts on what despair chiaki would look like?
Aw I’m so glad you liked them!! It’s still crazy to me that I did the first for that series back in January lol, and I’m so happy to finally have them all posted!!
And why yes, I do have Chiaki thoughts!
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I mostly came up with the info as I was drawing this lol, but I think it would be interesting if Chiaki wasn’t actually super aware of what was happening, from her perspective she’s playing the most immersive AR game ever. Between the visor and the headphones the others can sensor what aspects of the tragedy she interacts with.
I think the other remnants are super protective of Chiaki after the death fake out, and they make sure she isn’t actually in harm's way, instead giving her drones and robots she can remotely pilot with her controllers (adding to the illusion this is all a video game). I think she probably is in despair, but doesn’t really recognize it, she’s just more apathetic than normal.
I wanted to give her a more futuristic-y look, she’s got pouches for her controllers, and pink circles that correspond with where the spears hit her (reminding the others why they worry about her)
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reddpenn · 3 months
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He ate all her prawn crackers.
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so i think we kind of universally dislike how junko converted the 77th class into despair with the brainwashing instead of something meaningful, and i see that a lot of people rewrote that plot, or ignore it, or tend to imagine it differently. i never really thought about it cause i’m usually a person who sticks to canon but i completely agree that the despair video for the remnants is pretty bullshit.
so please, share with me either in replies or reblogs your own personal rewrites of how the danganronpa 2 cast should’ve experienced the conversion to despair. you can also talk about specific characters if you like, not the class as a whole. i’m just curious!
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hexapustapes · 2 years
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They are going to blast off
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haunted-xander · 2 years
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"Hey, Owari-san! Can I take a picture of you real quick? I want to snap a shot of you relaxing during breakfast."
"Huh? Yeah sure, go ahead! Just lemme eat while you're at it."
"Of course! Just act as you normally would, don't mind me!"
"Haha, you look so free! I'm definitely glad I caught this moment!"
"Hey, Koizumi! You need to eat now too! I know you still haven't eaten yet!"
"I'll eat, I'll eat, no need to get pushy! Haha."
"Fuahahaha! I see you require my aid, Mistress of Blades. Very well, I shall extend you my mercy and summon forth a suitable beast for your companionship! Fuahahaha!"
"...So, you'll help me? I would appreciate it greatly..."
"Fehehe. Behold! A beast has arrived from the underworld!"
"Is that... a cat? It's so... cute... and... fluffy..."
"...C-can I... pet it?"
"Is that not what you have requested of me, mortal? I will have you know I do not accept favors from just anyone. Do as you will with your new companion, but be careful. You must treat it with caution, lest it devour your very soul!"
"Of course. I'll... treat it with care."
"...You're so... fluffy... and cute..."
"Tsumiki, you should be more careful. You're still recovering, you need to take it easy."
"I-I'm sorry, Hinata-san! I j-just wanted to help... I-I-I-I'm s-s-s-so-sorry for being so useless! I'm so sorryyyyyyyyy!"
"Hey, it's okay! There's no need to apologize. I know you just want to take care of the others, but you need to take care of yourself too. I'm sure everyone would be happy to see you recover."
"U-um, okay... I-if you say so, Hinata-san. I-I-I'll do my best! I'll do my best to take care of myself!"
"Hey, Koizumi. Let me take a picture of you real quick."
"H-huh? A picture... of me? Why?"
"Well, you said you don't really like selfies, right? So you probably don't have a lot of pictures of yourself. I think it's only fair to have some pictures of you too, since everyone else have a lot."
"Oh! Well, if you're sure then... go ahead. I'm not really sure how to act in front of the camera though... I'm so used to being behind it."
"It's fine. You don't need to do anything big, just a smile would do. ...You're hair looks nice today, by the way."
"H-huh!? C-c'mon, you can't just put that on me all of a sudden like that!"
"Ah, there we go. A nice smiling Koizumi shot. Cute."
"Ah- Hinata-kun! Did you compliment me just to get me to smile!?"
"Hey, I did mean it! You're hair really is nice today!"
"Hey Hinata-kun, say cheese!"
"Haha, it's so rare to see you caught off guard these days! I just had to capture it somehow!"
"Oh, so that's what this is about. Haha, I guess I'm not really surprised easily anymore."
"No kidding! Sometimes it feels like nothing can surprise you. Good to see that's not the case, haha!"
"W-what? What is it? Do you need something, Mioda-san?"
"MAHIRU-CHAN!!!! Please take a picture of Ibuki!!! Right now!!"
"H-huh!? I-I mean, sure but... what's the occasion?"
"Oh nothing, really! Ibuki just wanted a picture!"
"Haha, that's so like you! Well, alright, get ready!"
"Big Sis Koizumiiiiii! Souda-kun is picking on me!"
"I'm not picking on you! I just said you had to leave some candy for the rest of us! It's not just for you, you know!"
"Huuuuh? You think a nasty little grease monkey like you deserves any candy? As if! The only ones on this island who deserve candy is me and Big Sis Koizumi! ...And maybe the depressed little girl in the pod room."
"Why does Monaca-chan get candy but I don't!?"
"Because Monaca-chan isn't an annoying, whiny little perverted dumbass, that's why!"
"You haven't even talked to her, how would you know what she's like!?"
"Cute little girls have a natural affinity for each other! Not that YOU would know."
"Saionji-san, you're not even little anymore..."
"B-but I'm still cute, right!? I'm still an adorable girl, right Bis Sis Koizumi?"
"Of course you're still cute, Saionji-san."
"Hey, Nanami-san! Could a snap a photo real quick? I realized I don't have a lot of pictures of you, and I want to change that!"
"Hm? Oh, yeah. Sure. But can you make it quick? I was going to check on Monaca-san in the pod room... I thought she might be bored, so I brought her a 3DS to play with."
"How considerate of you! I'm not sure Monaca-san will be up for playing, though..."
"...No? Hm. Well, I'll hand it to her anyway, just in case she ends up feeling up to it."
"I'm sure she'll appreciate it!"
"Oh, Sagishi-san! Look at what I have found!"
"Hm? What is it?"
"It is a serial killer documentation log! It appears that it has written down all the known information regarding serial killers all across history! Just look how thick it is! I am quite excited to read through this!"
"...You like serial killers a whole lot, huh."
"Yes! I find their way of thinking rather intriguing! Oh, but do not misunderstand! I do not condone or agree with their actions one bit! They are horrible criminals that should not be allowed to run freely to do whatever they wish! ...Oh, but... I suppose we are no different in that aspect..."
"...That's true. But our situation is very different. At the very least, we can now atone for our crimes by living our lives peacefully on this island, removed from the rest of society."
"...I suppose you are right. I will not let my past deeds disturb the peace of my present life! I will atone for my sins by enjoying myself in peace and companionship!"
"Heh. That's the spirit. ...Now then, how about that serial killer log? Why don't you tell me more?"
"Oh, yes! I would love to! Okay, so to begin with..."
"Haha, you enjoying yourself out there, Souda?"
"Of course! The water's super nice!"
"Kazuichi-chan's barely even in the water, though!"
"H-hey! Just because I don't feel like swimming right now doesn't mean I can't enjoy the water!"
"Is the swimming ring good enough for a baby like you? Kyahaha!"
"Don't call me a baby! Swimming rings are for everyone, not just kids!"
"You're still a total baby!"
"I'm not!"
"You are!"
"Am not!"
"Am too!"
"Hey, almost everyone's awake now, why don't we take a group picture?"
"B-but Komaeda-san isn't awake yet..."
"We don't know if that guy will ever wake up..."
"Please do not be so pessimistic! I am certain he will awake in time!"
"...Yeah, I agree with Sonia-san. Komaeda-kun will wake up eventually, I just know it. He's just taking a bit longer, is all."
"But why's that freak taking so damn long anyway? Is it 'cus his death was just THAT brutal?"
"No, I don't think so... His death was definitely brutal, but... I think some of the executions were decidedly worse."
"Souda's right. If his death was the reason, then Hanamura, Peko, and Tanaka would probably have taken a lot longer too. But they woke up just fine like the rest did."
"Komaeda's delayed awakening has nothing to do with the events of the simulation."
"...Do you have information regarding the Fortunate One that we do not, Lord of Darkness?"
"...I do. But it's not my place to share. Let's wait until he wakes up for that. For now, let's just take that picture, alright? We can always take a new one when Komaeda wakes up."
"Ibuki agrees with Hajime-chan! Iiiiiiit's PICTURE TIME!"
"Well, alright... If that's what everyone wants, then I'm fine with it too. Let me set up the camera and timer real quick! Everyone get ready!"
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susahnasomething · 11 months
i dont think im ever gonna finish this animatic, sad cause i didnt add any enonami, but y'know i still love Junko she's amazing, girlboss, gaslight, gatekeep
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starlightshadowsworld · 10 months
Makoto taking care off and raising the spirits of the Remnants and reminding them of Chiaki.
Because much like her, Makoto is the glue who holds people together.
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starrsilly · 1 year
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sixteen days left
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imsosocold · 1 year
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mythgirlimagines · 4 months
AU where not only did Chiaki survive the death maze (barely), but also the rest of the class didn’t see it, so they didn’t fall into despair (and got Mikan help when they realized she was under Junko’s influence). So, Chiaki became an Ultimate Despair while everyone else in Class 77-B joins the Future Foundation after not only learning that is she not dead like they believed, but because they want to bring her back to her senses. Any other headcanons?
oooo can you imagine
There were a few faulty things Junko didn’t account for, not only leaving Chiaki alive, but leaving Class 77-B without the influence of despair. That, in itself, brought some despair to her.
Once Future Foundation was started up among all the ruckus of despair, the rest of Chiaki’s class joined. After all, they could use their talents to help everything out, right?
They honestly thought she was dead after she went missing. Instead, after healing somewhat from the grave injuries the death maze brought her, Chiaki was one of the Remnants of Despair- and a strong one, too.
With the rest of her class together, they wanted to pay back every good thing she did for them by saving her from despair. They were overjoyed she was alive to even begin with.
They weren’t sure how they were going to be able to do it, or even catch up to her since she was smarter than they originally planned for, but they really wanted to save her and bring her back to her normal self.
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justamathgay · 3 months
Everytime I listen to "I bet on losing dogs" by Mitski the only thing I can think of is Chiaki singing it to the remnants and that's just-
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spittyfishy · 2 years
Okay, Here me out...
I'm thinking about remnant of despair Chiaki for some reasons
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Remnant Chiaki as a concept is so interesting! Her and Kamakura would just be a cacophony of apathy lol it would be so fun
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reddpenn · 5 months
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Two and a half years after her supposed death, Chiaki Nanami awakens from a coma into a twisted and unfamiliar world. Her friends have kickstarted the apocalypse, destroying everything - even their own bodies and minds - as they chase the glorious high of Despair.
As their class rep, it’s Chiaki’s duty to stop them. Her plan is simple. One by one, she’s going to confront the Remnants of Despair. And she’s going to save them, or die trying.
Chapter eight of Towa City Remnant is up! Or if you’re new to the Honorary Remnant AU, you can start at the beginning!
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danganronpumilaa · 9 months
do you think that the dr2 survivors/class 77 post-canon ever suggested that hajime (with his izuru based talents) "bring chiaki back" on a computer/in a robot body, mechamaru style
do you think he would decline because he knows it wouldnt really bring chiaki back. that chiaki died way before they even entered the nwp and the person they met was just a simulacrum made up of their memories. like kind of not her own person even and definitely not the girl they befriended at hopes peak
do you ever think about that . yeah me neither .
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astro-b-o-y-d · 4 months
I hate admitting how people are right about SDR2 being the best game, because I'm just mad because I would've loved that plot for the DR1 cast
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