#reminder that this was decided at random
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whowouldwininafite · 7 months ago
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oleafia-art · 19 days ago
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this drawing has no context i just wanted to draw them lol
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sanzodaily · 1 month ago
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day 6 | its the thought that counts.
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quibbs126 · 2 months ago
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I need more of Sunstreaker in Transformers media because I just gotta know how people translate his Lombax ears
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yackers · 8 months ago
actually whilst we’re at it what’s everyone’s most problematic moment ranking for each character. like not necessarily actually problematic but like bat shit crazy and not necessarily socially acceptable
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dailykugisaki · 1 year ago
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138 | id in alt
Being delirious leads to mistakes, one of those mistakes is not noticing a curse on your back and attached to your neck. AND. it's ugly.
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anulithots · 11 months ago
ahhh this subject, this topic, this 'if you don't get married then you aren't an adult and your whole life should revolve around the whole family thing' and talking as if it is a given, this looming doom over my queer head. 
On one hand the documentary is nice because sometimes parents are understanding. Mine aren't, and for some reason they hardly show the not-so-accepting ones when it comes to minorities but alas, there are the surprisingly accepting ones. It's a hit or miss and quite the Russian roulette. 
On the other hand the sentiment of 'you must get married' is there regardless. I don't think I'd be able to explain the way I feel about the whole thing without too many sappy words and metaphors that I'd never be able to say before interjections and overall disdain. AND the threat looms ever nearer. I don't like getting older in a society with expectations. It's not for me. I’m not sure what I will do. At all. I do not see a solution because of two completely warring ideologies. And I’m not sure who to ask because no one I know is both desi and on the aroace spectrum sooo…. I guess I’ll have to figure something out or run away to the woods when I’m older. Not that I can handle isolation. So there’s that too. And I don’t think I’m being over dramatic…sometimes I am but last time I even touched this subject briefly with my parents, it was a whole thing, spirals and not fun for months and months and drastic stuff. So Adult life things? If it’s anything like last year's brush with this then I’ll need to build up some ‘happiness inducing and comfort mechanisms’ ahead of time. 
I don’t know. Sometimes it feels like I’m in the tentative, last ‘safe period’ of my life. From here it’s…. Choices I don’t want to make. Ha. Fun. 
Apologies for the unsolicited rant! 
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Ichabod: Someone is the culprit here. You are now a noir detective.
Geoffrey: Oh this won't be funny at all...
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feast-for-the-worms · 4 months ago
I spent a long time in hospital a short while ago for intense pain which is frequent for me. I was given very strong painkillers. Fentanyl and morphine. I was given even more morphine to take home so I could continue easing my pain. From a solid hospital, fully staffed and stocked with medication, to a warm and dry home with a soft bed to lay in.
All I could think about is how greatly someone in my position would suffer without those things. If their hospitals were destroyed and their medication was horrifically expensive, if it even existed. If they could not rely on going home to a safe bed. If they couldn't rest without wondering if it would be the last time they did.
Today I've donated 50 usd and 50 euros across a few campaigns (whichever they were asking for). It probably isn't the "wise" decision for me. I will need to explain to people why I cannot pay them right now and ask for leniency. But I know I will have a roof over my head, food to eat, and pain relief to keep me comfortable. I am grateful that even in my position I can still give to those in need because I am not threatened by such horrors for doing so.
If you read this all, thank you. Please donate 5 dollars or euros to the next fundraiser you see. Just do that thing today to help someone toward a place of safety and survival.
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whowouldwininafite · 9 months ago
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freebooter4ever · 8 months ago
Sorry if you always answered this but why are these otter posts tagged with malkin?
are you saying you dont think geno is as adorable as an otter? 🥺
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cringelordofchaos · 1 year ago
While Sean and Daisy are similar in a lot of ways, (both are welcoming, kind, friendly, absolute sweethears, etc), the difference between them is their amount of freedom, and their specific details of parent issues. While Daisy has many restrictions and deals with a ton of pressure from her moms who constantly focus on her performance too much and she feels trapped, Seans' parents are implied to pay little to no attention to the point of potential emotional neglect, in which case he has a ton of freedom, yet still suffers from lack of care he receives. However,in this position, Sean is capable of pointing Daisy to the right direction in which she can express herself more and find healthier ways to cope and relax without pressure, because Sean probably never had as much restrictions as Daisy had and had to learn to cope and find ways to enjoy life himself. I hope that in season two Daisy will be able to help Sean with HIS own situation and make him feel heard. (she isn't obliged to, I just feel like it would be nice)
Random side note but I love how more emotionally open and expressive they feel free to be around each other, it really shows their level of trust for one another. (which ties into the symbolism of blue daisies which represent deep trust, honesty and loyalty according to vvarious online articles, which IS relevant bc of Daisys' name and bc both Sean and Daisy wear blue and
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darkmagicmirror · 2 years ago
I've been thinking about @spicyviren 's post about Claudia preventing the sun from rising (and they made a more in-depth post today as well, which is also very good!), so last night I got curious and Googled mythology and eclipses because what if the eclipse actually happens and it's not just Viren's dream? And we know TDP likes mythological references. So...
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This is so fascinating because of the "I swallowed her" comment Aaravos makes in Janai's dream.
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A demon (or dragon, or-- (etc)) is eating the sun?
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(*Personally, I don't think Janai's dream is necessarily accurate for telling us what happened -- but Aditi getting "eaten" by someone especially a dragon wouldn't surprise me.)
And speaking of "swallowing"...
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And some of the other mythological explanations mentioned in the article I linked are also really interesting:
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(The highlighting was done by Google, so it's not necessarily more important.)
And canon material, especially the Ripples short specifically, reflects a few themes here:
Abandonment - the humans are essentially abandoned by the stars (and the sun is a star): "It cannot be, wept others. The stars would not betray us!" - after the "star" falls from the sky and changes the land.
Crisis/existential threat - "With its impact came a long and terrible night: The earth bled! The seas churned! The sun and moon hid for weeks behind the sky’s screaming storm!" (Also bolded for emphasis because the sun hiding? The fact the moon does too is interesting, but the sun specifically is called out later: "And when the long, dark night had finally passed—for the sun must always rise, mustn’t it?" VERY interesting considering the sunrise mentions in S5.)
Eclipse as an act of creation - though much of the story talks about the calamity, there's also how "[the stars] had rejoiced to look down upon their newborn sea."
The Sun and Moon coupling and creating more stars - this is more of a stretch, but the Sun and Moon did get hidden together, and the Sea (of the Castout) serving as a mirror of the stars... like they're duplicating the stars, though only in image.
Mischievous acts - I personally think Aaravos is mischievous, so hmm.
One side note on the second-to-last point: if Viren learns the Star arcanum, which is very rarely understood, could that, too, be analogous to creating another star?
Anyway this all implies that perhaps a similar eclipse occurred before, when Aaravos had fallen and the Sea of the Castout was created? And we know how the Rise Again short story, which is about her pseudo-resurrection of her pet cat, correlated to S4 opening with Claudia having brought her father back to life, sort of in a repeating history sense. Aaravos's Patience story foreshadowed the fact that all he could do in S4 is wait and bide his time. Ripples could foreshadow S5 being that first "touch" that sets off greater change... and, like with the resurrection, perhaps history repeating itself, in a sense, with a potential upcoming eclipse?
And another interesting line: "The sky opened its maw and spat from its black jaws a tiny star."
It's not exactly black, but I know some people say the ridges here look like teeth...
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Also, even though Sol is referring to his blindness, these lines about the Sun "never [rising] again" and an "eternal night" fit into similar themes to the eclipse and the Ripples short.
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Also, just going back to the abandonment theme of the eclipse really quick--
The Midnight Star poem also talks about the stars abandoning humanity. "Elarion, unworthy whelp, / Wept as the stars turned black the sky, / They donned their masks / They turned their backs / And left Elarion to die."
(I have more to break down about that entire stanza in another post; I just want to point out the bolded parts for now.)
Now, most of these are references to the past... so what about now?
If I were to guess on how the same themes I compared to the Ripples story might apply to "current" series events...
Abandonment - Claudia feeling abandoned by Aaravos (as mentioned in the Lost Child short)? Or, alternately, Aaravos feeling abandoned (by either Claudia, after she had to flee from the battle, and/or Viren, after his rejection)?
Crisis/existential threat - IMO the biggest threat is Karim potentially joining up with Sol Regem right now. Though some would say Aaravos being close to being freed could be the threat/crisis here. But I'm an Aaravos apologist, so I am not part of that group LOL
Eclipse as an act of creation - Claudia regenerates her missing leg, perhaps?
The Sun and Moon coupling and creating more stars - Viren Star arcanum?
Mischievous acts - Aaravos again.
All of this to say-- I don't think the eclipse is just for show/because it looks cool, but if we consider the mythological beliefs surrounding eclipses, it ties in significantly to the story.
Also I leave you with a few last bits from the article that just remind me of TDP things:
"In many cultures, the darkening of the sun meant the gods were very, very angry with humanity, and about to inflict some punishment. Often, that meant that in order to appease them, you had to kill someone."
That reminds me of the stars seeming to punish humanity for daring to use magic... which is also when Aaravos gets cast down?
"The Greeks thought an eclipse meant that the gods were about to rain punishment down on a king, so in the days before an eclipse, they would choose prisoners or peasants to stand in as the king in the hopes that they’d get the eclipse punishment and the real king would be saved. Once the eclipse was over, the substitute king was executed."
This is so far off, but it reminds me of Harrow anyway? Mostly with the soulfang serpent idea of switching Harrow with someone else. Interesting.
"For the Inuits, the sun and moon weren’t a married couple but brother and sister. At the beginning of the world they quarreled, and the sun goddess Malina walked away from her brother, the moon god Anningan. Anningan continued to chase after her, and whenever he caught up to her, there was an eclipse."
Which reminds me of the line in Strangers, the short from Soren's perspective, where "Claudia had appeared and he’d done it again, a little boy chasing after his sister..."
A lot of it is probably coincidence, but it's still really interesting!
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thought-42 · 15 days ago
So I know we all have fifty things on our to watch/listen to/read lists but in case anyone is looking for an actual play to watch/listen to, I just wanna do another little plug for Pixil Circus (specifically Failed Save (silly) and Banesbreak (more serious) if you're interested in longer form stuff, Salt and Serpent for shorter) but all of their stuff is really fun. Like anything it might take a bit to get into (Banesbreak starts with a giant info dump which is... a challenge, and I never did listen to the first ten eps of Failed Saved) but like, the lore is delicious, the energy is unhinged, the characters and players are absolute delights, and I super super enjoy Vince as a gm, though again honestly anybody who gms does a great job. All of their stuff is on youtube (the first season of FS is unlisted but I think still findable?) if you search Pixil Circus
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elisedonut · 2 months ago
🤔 Are there any new characters you want to write about?
👻 Is there a new genre you'd like to write?
🛏 Is there a new trope you'd like to write this year?
Alastor Moody!! specifically in a Percy/Moody situation The Fisher King really did something to me but i haven't figured Moody out yet its a work in progress but one day
i don't even know what genre i currently write tbh
wait- i don't think I've ever actually written an omegaverse fic despite reading a lot of it and enjoying it I'm not sure if it counts as a genre but I'm going to say it or maybe thats more of a trope ok so that's my trope answer
after googling a list of genres im going to say Isekai because i do think about about that happening to Percy alot it's just not a fic concept that feels like a fit for my short fic life
wait does Even If You Don't Witness It Time Still Marches On count as Isekai?? wait we are going to say it does not and that it's just post apocalyptic because i honestly don't know what else to choose
like i kinda find the idea of like a 5+1 fic to be neat and would like to try one someday but again more of a trope
also like a diary/journal based fic also seems really neat and i think about it every once in awhile but again i don't think that's a genre
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risingshards · 10 months ago
Pet peeve: when someone doesn't like something and starts inventing like production fanfic on why it's actually bad. I saw someone say a show I like isn't good anymore because they think it's not a labor of love anymore and just like...if I made something and poured my heart and soul into it and just got like "oh it's different now, they must not care like they did in the good old days, bad show now i guess" I'd be so sad...like they have no basis for it it was just about something in the credits being different.....
I'd almost respect it more if people were just saying they didn't like it without having that production fanfic sounding like they're trying to justify their opinion and make it like canon that it's bad because of these things they just like...made up that they think happened with it. but everything just feels like console war bullshit in fandom where there are cool Good ones and lame Bad ones and it wears me out cuz i'm a big sensitive baby when mine are in the lame Bad ones camp. i guess it's prolly always been that way but it just feels so draining lately.
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