#relationship: jily
regulusficrecs · 2 years
Choices by MesserMoon
Words: 575,055 (WIP, it will be slightly longer)
Pairing: Jegulus
Author's Summary:
"People make mistakes, but they also make choices. It’s important to James, that difference. He does his best not to confuse the two."
Why I like it:
Such an amazing piece of writing! Great style, a pleasure to read. Long enough to sastisfy binge-readers, but, mind you, never boring.
It's a canon compliant story, but still with Jegulus. How's that possible? By making the relationship very real and making it fit in the wizarding world, so not really a happy one. Yeah, it's all angsty.
A story about tragic love, heartbreaking in every single chapter, with beautiful supporting characters. And, of course, the best portrayal of Regulus himself, capable, but at the same time not. Totally worth your time, go on and give it a read.
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i periodically enter my tedromeda phase where i can’t stop thinking abt these two idiots like…i love them
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fluffyneondinosaur · 14 days
It wasn’t even two years after the incident by the lake than Lily started dating James. It was only a year! Petunia and Vernon get married in winter of Lily’s 7th year and she introduces James to them at dinner before that, so it’s already serious. Meaning that Lily and James basically had to get together as soon as 7th year started. Snape’s Worst Memory happened in summer of 5th year. So we’re talking 14/15 months, max.
I know I’m meant to believe that Lily is just such a wonderful person who gave James a chance because of her wonderful forgiving nature and her wonderful way of seeing the best in people and giving them the space and grace to change. But I’m not buying it. To get in to a committed relationship a mere year after she witnessed James choke, humiliate, and sexually expose another boy…either she was extraordinarily naive, or she already liked him when he was at his cruellest and jumped at the chance to date him the minute he became a bit more socially acceptable.
Yeah fr, that's my main problem with Lily's character
Like she's not friends with Sev anymore, so she might just not care about him, but idk I'd be terrified to be near a person who can so easily do that to any person.
I mean really, I'd be horrified if someone did that to Tom Riddle himself, so it's pretty clear that the compassion for people she's not friends with is just not there.
Keep in mind that James has literally been harassing her to go out with him like the entire time she was at Hogwarts, the fact that she could think "oh, he changed, he's learned how to accept boundaries!!" a year after he sexually assaulted Severus and then asked her to go out with him in the same sentence, man I'd run the other way.
Now, as much as it hurts, Lily was completely justified in cutting Severus off when he called here a mudblood, but dating his bully a year later like holy shit she must've hated him.
Poor Severus, he deserved a better friend.
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runin-reads · 10 months
James/Lily vs James/Sirius: a case of accidental queer coding
Jily (James/Lily) is a pairing central to the HP universe in the sense that had they not been married, Harry Potter, the main character, would cease to exist and neither would his story as we know it. Yet we are left with only a few brief glimpses of their relationship in canon whilst other pairings are textually far more fleshed out– take Prongsfoot (James/Sirius), for example, who are frequently portrayed as The Duo, not just by those closest to them (Lupin) but by many others too such as McGonagall, Flitwick and so on. Harry himself could see how close they were during SWM in OOTP and this is someone who had a very limited time with Sirius and close to none with James. 
Queercoding is described as “the subtextual coding of a character in media as queer. Though such a character's sexual identity may not be explicitly confirmed within their respective work, a character might be coded as queer through the use of traits and stereotypes recognisable to the audience.” One character comes to mind when I think of “queercoding” and that’s Sirius Black. He’s estranged from his family, goes against the norms associated with his upbringing, there’s no mention of any ex-girlfriends and most notably he has intense love and devotion for his male best friend; James Potter.  At first glance, James had led an incredibly hetero-normative life by virtue of his wife and son, but through his relationship to Sirius there’s leeway to reach a queer reading of him as well. 
As recognised by countless characters and even Sirius himself, Prongsfoot come in a two-for-one deal:
“Do you remember who his best friend was?”  “Naturally,” said Madam Rosmerta, with a small laugh. “Never saw one without the other, did you? The number of times I had them in here — ooh, they used to make me laugh. Quite the double act, Sirius Black and James Potter!”  “Black and Potter. Ringleaders of their little gang. Both very bright, of course — exceptionally bright, in fact…”  “You’d have thought Black and Potter were brothers!” chimed in Professor Flitwick. “Inseparable!” 
The use of the word “brothers” in the above quote is one reason why fans don’t interpret Prongsfoot as queer-coded and/or romantic. However, it’s important to note that Sirius never referred to James as a brother, and there’s no canonical proof to suggest that Flitwick was close to James and Sirius– he was their teacher, not their friend or confidant. He isn’t calling them “brothers” either but rather he’s saying that word to express how strong their bond was. Hence why I believe an exclusively fraternal reading of their relationship doesn’t hold much weight. 
They are, however, established as each other’s closest friend and most trusted confidant. 
“Harry had the distinct impression that Sirius was the only one for whom James would have stopped showing off.” “Potter trusted Black beyond all his other friends. Nothing changed when they left school. Black was the best man when James married Lily. Then they named him godfather to Harry.  “I persuaded Lily and James to change to Peter at the last moment, persuaded them to use him as Secret-Keeper instead of me.”  “Lily and James only made you Secret-Keeper because I suggested it,” Black hissed
On multiple occasions James and Sirius were described as a unit– The Unit– within their friend group. Lupin said they were “the cleverest students in the school.” They were the “ringleaders” of the Marauders; always on the same page and in agreement with each other.
“Then, with identical fluid movements, they reached into their back pockets.” 
Even during their very first encounter, they quickly and effortlessly become a team. 
“Got a problem with that?”  “No,” said Snape, though his slight sneer said otherwise. “If you’d rather be brawny than brainy–” “Where’re you hoping to go, seeing as you’re neither?” interjected Sirius.  James roared with laughter.
This excerpt from DH also neatly sums up the Marauders group dynamic:
“To Sirius’s right stood Pettigrew, more than a head shorter, plump and watery-eyed, flushed with pleasure at his inclusion in this coolest of gangs, with the much-admired rebels that James and Sirius had been. On James’s left was Lupin, even then a little shabby-looking, but he had the same air of delighted surprise at finding himself liked and included” 
Lily herself acknowledged Sirius’ importance in James’ life in her letter to Sirius, where she all but says that only he could lift James’ mood whilst the Potters’ were hiding from Voldemort’s forces. 
“James is getting a bit frustrated shut up here, he tries not to show it but I can tell — also, Dumbledore’s still got his Invisibility Cloak, so no chance of little excursions. If you could visit, it would cheer him up so much.” 
On the other hand, Jily is portrayed in a less compelling way for lack of better words. I spoke about this in my other meta but to summarise it briefly: Lily is James’ wife, the mother of his son and… that’s pretty much it. In the books they’re barely spoken about as a couple, unlike Prongsfoot who are always mentioned together as if they were a package deal– which they were, as recognised by practically everyone. That’s not to say Jily has zero textual backing, though it is far and few between.
“How come she married him?” Harry asked miserably. “She hated him!”  “Nah, she didn’t,” said Sirius.  “She started going out with him in seventh year,” said Lupin.  “Once James had deflated his head a bit,” said Sirius.  “And stopped hexing people just for the fun of it,” said Lupin. 
What we do know about James and Lily’s relationship is limited to the following: Lily disliked James because he and Snape were enemies, James developed feelings for her first, they began dating in seventh year once James had matured, they got married when they were nineteen to twenty years old, had a child together. The end. 
On the contrary, James and Sirius are constantly implied to be each other’s closest, most loyal friend; each other’s most trusted confidant. They are equals in every conceivable way. Both were popular, from wealthy backgrounds  and intelligent. Throughout the entire series Sirius’ only priority was Harry, James’ son. He went through unfathomable lengths to protect Harry: he was the first to escape Azkaban, he snuck into Hogwarts with all the dementors around and lived off rats during the GOF so he could be close to Harry, the last piece of James he had left. 
There’s also evidence to suggest Sirius was a narrative parallel to Snape. There are two adults in Harry’s life who sought to protect him due to their respective relationships with one of his parents. Snape was a double agent for Dumbeldore out of love for Lily; Sirius escaped Azkaban to protect Harry out of love for him, an extension of his love for James. 
All these factors are  why I believe that by not fleshing out Lily as a character and Jily as a couple, JKR accidentally queer-coded Prongsfoot. 
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springs-hurts · 4 months
To think James "always a bit of extra energy" Potter spent the last of his days trapped inside four walls...it's tragically poetic.
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ittgirl23 · 9 days
Lily and Sirius bonding over sibling trauma will never not be comforting but also simultaneously traumatizing.
Like what do you mean they sit there and they talk about how guilty they feel, and how resentful their siblings are of them? And what do you mean they also share fond memories from when they were children and try to remeber when things were easier? What do you mean they share that pain? Why must you do this?
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neverenoughmarauders · 5 months
I feel like I missed the memo, y'know?
When I read POA, GOF and OOTP, I read about a man who was still grieving his best friend in this entire world. They were described as inseparable, compared to twins, and they clearly meant the world to each other. This man missed his friend and loved him so much that he continued to keep his own life on hold so he could take care of this best friend's son. And that's why I don't get Wolfstar. At no point did Remus come close to fill the gap Sirius experienced after losing James.
This isn't meant to be a bashing of the whole wolfstar genre thing. I think I'd really love it if it was a rare pairing, but how this became more normal to read about than Jily or Prongsfoot (surely that's the obvious marauder m/m ship?) I will never understand!?!
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James: I have a new hoodie. Lily: Wrong. Lily: We have a new hoodie.
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maladaptivewriting · 10 months
“lily didn’t like james until he matured and stopped being annoying”
that’s all well and good but where are the angsty fics where james struggles with his self worth and feels like he can never make a mistake or be unlikeable again because he believes lily will leave him
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lolathestoryteller · 6 months
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„But she hated him!“ — „Nah, she didn’t.“
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doof-bleibt-doof · 2 months
Jily would be the perfect couple to ran a restaurant together. Its mexican and they both take the orders by themselves. Every single customer falls in love with either of them on the spot. Tattooed James Potter who has the most random yet beautiful tattoos, and Lily Evans who makes her own jewellery and has always the best (hair)style. They're always flirting with each other when they run into the other one, and theyre the best rated restaurant in the whole city.
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florenceafternoon · 4 months
Let it be known that jily were each other's first love
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messervixen · 5 months
The giving tree is so James Potter coded what
Take absolutely everything that I have so that I can be helpful to you because if there’s nothing that I can do for you, then there’s no reason for you to want to be around me and I have no purpose in life.
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aeligsido · 8 days
practice date
(so I got his idea and had to like, write it a bit. I may end up reworking it a bit and posting it on ao3 later if I feel like it. No particular two — just Remus being oblivious and Sirius, for once, missing the writing on the wall lmao.)
It all started because of fucking Frank Longbottom. He didn't know how or why, but Frank took Remus out on a date once during their fourth year — right before Frank and Alice started dating, too — and after that, Remus somehow became the most eligible person in all of Hogwarts. Even Slytherins ended up victims of this pandemic.
It pissed Sirius off. Remus was a kind person, sure, and adorable and pretty and smart and gentle and with a humor to die for and so much more mischievous than at first glance and definitely more than date worthy; but for some reason, those people only ever took him out once and then broke it off immediately after. They even started dating other people after! Properly dating, even, not just a trip to Hogsmeade followed by a goodbye-see-you-never, like they did to Remus. It wasn't fair. Remus deserved better than that — he deserved to be taken care of, to have someone to hold his hand and go to the bookstore with him and buy him his favorite apple pie. Not... that.
(Sirius could be this person for Remus.)
Last time, he went with Mary — again, because she was the exception to the rule and often went out with him without deeming him worthy to give him the title of boyfriend. Well. Five times. Five times was a lot! But, last time — last time they went to Madam Puddifoot together once more, but were back laughing at the Three Broomsticks pretty soon in the day, joining them for the rest of the trip. When they separated in the common room, Mary had kissed his cheek and thanked him with a sweet smile, but yet again nothing came out of it.
Sirius was pretty angry at her — at all of them, really. Why did they all feel necessary to play with Remus' heart like that?
He was sitting on his bed, now, on the eve of a new Hogsmead's weekend, angrily wondering who was taking Moony out this time — and perhaps who will be the next target of his pranks. James was going in and out of the bathroom, apparently doing a skincare routine (or something of the like) that managed to take longer than his usual morning routine. Peter was sitting on his bed as well, books open before him, taking notes probably for some homework. Remus was putting on the good shirt he usually wears for his dates.
"So," he started, gripping his pillow tightly. "Going out again, Moony?"
"Hm?" Remus raised his head to address him with a smile. "Yeah, I think it'll be fun."
He was always saying that.
"Who you're going with?"
"Me!" cheered James from the bathroom door.
Sirius blinked. Because, he couldn't have heard that — right? James — his best friend, the other half of his soul — could not do that to him, to Remus?
Peter looked up, suddenly more interested.
Remus smiled indulgently. "Hence the it's going to be fun, you know?"
"But—" Sirius didn't have the time to formulate everything in him — the pit in his stomach and in his heart and the bubbling, ugly feelings taking a hold on his throat — that Moony was already interrupting him.
"Don't worry, Pads. I'll send him back to you at five o'clock sharp." He winked, then, as if it was Sirius' concern at the moment.
"I've been told Moony's the best at it," continued James, apparently ignoring the chaos choking Sirius up. "Our boy comes highly recommended!" He blew up a kiss in Remus' direction, who just shook his head fondly.
"Recommended?" Sirius finally croaked out, trying to make sense of the whole thing.
James properly got out of the bathroom, then, taking a look at him with concern on his face. "You know? For the practice date? Before my real date with Lily next week?" His expression turned dreamy for a moment. "I can't believe I have a date with her," he sighed happily.
Shuffling closer to them, Remus lowered his voice. "I have a practice date with Lily after James. She was pretty anxious when she asked me." He smiled, then, again, as if nothing could make him happier than being a practice date.
Was that what he had been doing this whole time? Giving people practice dates?
Sirius frowned. Remus having so many one-time dates didn't sit well with him, but having so many practice dates didn't seem really fair either.
"How many were real?"
"How many what were real?" asked Remus, confused.
"You know, the dates."
Remus let out a short, surprised laugh. Sirius pursued his lips, unamused, and Remus calmed down at his unusual gravity.
"None? It's not like anyone would want to really date me, anyway." He gestured to himself, as if it was explanation enough — which it wasn't, Sirius wanted to date this whole... Remusness, thank you very much. Remus was amazing, why wouldn't people want to date him?
Sirius couldn't answer — it didn't know if he could actually say anything to that. Remus got distracted by James, anyway, and soon they were leaving them behind for their practice date.
Sirius put his face into his pillow and let out an angry yell.
From his bed, Peter turned a page of his book, utterly unbothered but still a cheeky bastard. The clear amusement in his next words was proof enough of it.
"So, do you want me to be your practice date for when Moony'll realize you're trying to ask him out, or you'll take Prongs?"
Sirius threw the pillow at him.
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jackie4dinner · 1 month
Obsessed with fics that are about Harry’s relationship with Lily. Like ok we get it, Harry looks like James and James was his father, but Lily was his mother. We need more fics where he longs for her like he longs for James. I want teachers comparing him to her saying how similar they are in certain ways, I want Sirius or Remus to tell him the the way he says things sometimes sounds like Lily, or the way that his eyes light up, or a specific face he pulls. I want fics that draw just as much attention to his similarities to Lily as they do to his similarities to James. They were both his parents and he missed out on a childhood with both of them, he should be just as curious about both.
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marauderswolf22 · 3 months
reblog this to give the person you rebbloged this from an amazing, finished, life-changing fanfiction to read that will make them question their life
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