#regris vld
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galraluver · 5 months
*after Keith joins the BoM*
Regris: Welcome to Fairy Tail, please leave your sanity at the door
Kolivan: *facepalms*
Antok: *whispers to Kolivan* He used the wrong line again
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chibi-pix · 4 months
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Mermay time? MERMAY TIME!!!!!!!!! Anyway, I was hit with an idea. Human Regris with mer Pidge. I was craving both and just combined them together and I am more than pleased! So here we have Regris hanging out with his newfound aquatic friend and showing her a tablet he has. I love it.
Also, thanks to @zipp0flare, @toasthoneyandstardust, and @breadstickcat for helping me figure out Pidge's colours. Colouring a mermaid is harder than it seems at times.
Anyway! I hope y'all enjoy this one! Remember, commissions are open and available on my Ko-fi! Until next time!
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alien-slushie · 16 days
Keith: Come on Leader, the math thing isn't the problem. Your missions are keeping you and Antok apart. You two just need to bone.
Kolivan:...what did you say?
Regris: Don't say it again!
Keith: I said; you two need to bone.
Kolivan: How Dare You Operative Kogane. I Am Your Serperior Officer!
*5 minutes later*
Kolivan, storming back over: Bone!
*10 minutes later*
Kolivan: What happens in my nest-room, Operative, is none of your buisness!
*21 minutes later*
Kolivan, once again storming over: Bone?!
*40 minutes later*
Kolivan: Don't ever speak to me like that again.
Regris, after Kolivan leaves: Why did you do that?
Keith: He was pent up. Now he knows. Problem solved. *casually walks away*
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Rip regris, you would've been sooo legendary coded
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Honestly when I listen to the klingon warriors anthem Sung by this guy it gives me galra empire/blade of marmora vibes.
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themagicmerci · 1 year
MERMAY D1: Encounter
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Romelle was out searching for Conch shells when she encountered two other hunters. Frightened at first she would soon realize they were doing the same thing as she was, together the tree would end up searching and gathering shells to trade off with one another later on. Eventually they would close in on the Daibazzal territory.
Romelle was reluctant but was persuaded to follow the other two into the territory. Due to the potential to finding larger and possibly rarer shells within the revains.
Mermay! Mermay!
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smutdrunk · 2 years
keep thinking about BOM x trans Keith where it's not quite a/b/o but the Blades are just absolutely enamored with Keith. (🥵✂)
they want to protect him, they want to make him feel good, they want to see him succeed. like they'll force Keith to rest between missions and ensure he eats and sleeps properly but other times they'll take turns fucking him.
maybe each Blade even has their unique thing:
Regris loves using his tail--binding Keith's wrists, teasing whichever of Keith's holes isn't stuffed full of cock, loves binding Keith's wrists together while he slowly and tenderly eats Keith out.
Antok loves lying back and letting Keith ride him at his own pace, but he absolutely doesn't mind eventually taking over by placing his broad hands on Keith's hips and fucking Keith on his cock.
Ulaz and Thace tend to sandwich Keith between them, just stroking his body while they affirm how strong and handsome and smart he is until all three of them are sweaty and worked up and grinding against one another.
Kolivan knows Keith best, of course, but his duties as leader keep him from giving Keith as much attention as he'd prefer. making time for Keith means finally clearing a few days and issuing an order that they're not to be disturbed unless it's an absolute emergency. he fucks Keith all over his quarters, lets him soak in the bath while he prepares small meals, curls up with Keith like two content cats when they're spent.
and Keith found all of this overwhelming at first but over time it helps clear his head during missions, helps him remained focused because he knows his fellow Blades have his back. knowing that he'll never spend another night alone doesn't hurt either!!!
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silverdragonreads · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kolivan/Krolia (Voltron), Keith/Regris (Voltron) Characters: Krolia (Voltron), Kolivan (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Regris (Voltron) Additional Tags: no explicit sexual content but implied, Being Walked In On, Walking In On Someone, Awkward Conversations, Comedy Series: Part 6 of Keith and the Blade of Marmora Summary:
“It’s good to have you back, Krolia.” Kolivan came up behind her in the Blade of Marmora’s lab. She had changed out of her Imperial armor and back into her Marmora suit, the former having been shed like an itchy skin the moment she was back on the base. Now, she was transferring all the data she had gathered during her undercover work and synchronizing it with their network. Always working, Kolivan thought. He was guilty of the same habit, though, so he could hardly fault her. Just try to encourage her to take a break.
He laid a hand on her shoulder, and she shot him a cold glare. “You’re an idiot, Kolivan.”
He arched an eyebrow, the lack of title not escaping his notice. She didn’t often call him by his given name, not since he became the group’s leader. “For?”
(Kolivan and Krolia have a discussion that ends in much-needed stress relief. Unfortunately, someone else stumbles upon them in the act)
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galraluver · 9 months
Kolivan: Regris, and Keith. Your mission is to find out what's happening and resolve the issue as swiftly as possible. If you don't succeed-
Kolivan: *pauses for dramatic effect*
Kolivan: You'll get no more snacks
Regris and Keith:...
Kolivan: That was a joke, I promise you can have snacks. Please just laugh
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chibi-pix · 1 month
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Pidge works on her escape one step at a time, first needing something to help her find her way through the vents more efficiently.
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cyberghost-scout · 1 year
Matt was currently missing from the area. Having ran off with his sister and the Paladins. But Romelle, Regris, Neto, and a few others were roaming around.
Some cans of paint laying around as well, unopened for the moment. But prepared.
(Before the angst)
The group of og metals beings noticed a large amount of paint. Pastel colors from the shade. Flow was curious as she innocently followed the trail.
The twins were a little more hesitant as they followed Flow to keep her from doing something too much (Ghostwire) and to watch (Phantasma.)
"Hmm, what is happening with them?" Delta questioned. Her wings twitched as Fedelis crossed his arms, "Human tradition?" He guessed.
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pidge and regris texting
Rebis: hey pidgeot U busy?
Pidgeot: hey regris, nah but shouldn't you be?? I thought BOM Had you decoding or somethin
Rebis: they do but I'm already almost done sooo that means I'm basically done. AKA: not busy
Pidgeot: can't hate the logic🤷‍♀️ wdyw anyways?
Rebis: just wanna talk really... Missing you
Pidgeot: oohh
Pidgeot:..Missing you too meowth
Rebis: cooool
Pidgeot: coooool
Pidgeot: is this suppose to be so awkward? And stomach hurting???
Rebis: u 2?? thank lions! I donno, it feels scary.. But nice
Rebis: does that make sense??
Pidgeot: yeah actually! I feel that too, kinda like when I first piloted the green lion. Scary but.. Super awesome and cool
Rebis: if your saying I'm awesome and cool thanks
Rebis: I think your awesome and cool too
Pidgeot: thanks, hey solve the problem
Pidgeot: 🦁 +🦎 = ?
Rebis: 😺 🦎😊
Rebis: there's no happy Lizard emoji
pidgeot: thats ok, it's still the right answer
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lilflowerpot · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering what other vld ships you like/ship? If you don’t mind me asking
Though it's been a hot minute since I've really indulged in vld outside of working on LB, I'm one of those multishippers who can be persuaded on mostly anything so long as the narrative is compelling enough (particularly so far as Keith is involved)! My staples tend to be keitor (obviously) & sheith, but I have a fondness for fics that explore keith/kuron, keith/james, keith/regris, keith/allura, keith/matt in an interesting manner, and I've even read a few solid pieces featuring keith/lance, keith/kolivan, and (most surprisingly of all) keith/zarkon.
So far as non-keith-centric ships are concerned, I'm far choosier, but lotura is always a heartbreaker, ezor/zethird is cute but seldom written (bonus points if axca is their fwb third), shiro/ulaz lends itself to a tender sort of angst, and zarkon/honerva is just outright sad.
I can also go for all the above in a non-romantic sense, of course, but my major platonic dynamics are Pidge & mostly everyone, Keith & the entire BoM, and Lotor & the galra girl squad.
Less so than the ships themselves, it's actually the manner in which any given dynamic is written that sees me become particular: the portrayal of the characters, their mannerisms, their interactions with one another, the circumstances in which they've come together, etc etc... but if you have any fics that you would absolutely swear by—whether they feature a ship listed here or not—then by all means send them my way!
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the-same-cosmic-dust · 2 months
hi! i know this ship is intended to be VLD-specific, but would you be open to other iterations of voltron? like ships from Beast King GoLion/DoTU, comics, etc? Also, I saw Sendak ships aren't allowed, but what about other galra/alien ships? Like Keith/Regris, Shiro/Ulaz, Ulaz/Thace, Keith/Rolo, Shiro/Slav, Kolivan/Antok, etc? thanks!
hello! thanks for your question!
we will be keeping this zine to just Legendary Defender, sorry. if there is enough interest, maybe there will be other zines in the future that are more open to the other voltron iterations!
as for the ships, all of those are fine, yes! the issue with sendak ships isn't that he's nonhuman, it's got more to do with the senseless colonization and torture and abuse, yknow?
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rubymoon-snape · 2 years
Disclaimer: I don't own Voltron Legendary Defender
Author Note: This is pre-canon, where the Blades are raising Keith and Pidge at headquarters, and the two are best friends with Regris, who is just a bit older than Keith. In this AU, Keith is five, and Pidge is two. This is also Thulaz.
The Blades, specifically the five highest ranking ones, were wrapped around the tiny fingers of their three kits. It was natural for Krolia to be partial to Keith and Pidge, but when the pack brought Regris into their pack, Krolia adopted him as one of her kits as well.
Keith's fifth birthday was approaching, and Krolia took him on a trip to Earth. The duo had returned with a small wolf pup in tow. It turned out to be a cosmic wolf pup that had bonded with Keith, and now, the two were inseparable. Wherever Keith was, the wolf was too, even in the nest.
Kolivan, Antok, Thace, and Ulaz truly didn't mind the inclusion of the wolf into their pack. He was a member of their pack as much as Keith, Regris, and Pidge were. Speaking of the baby, she was two and completely curious about everything, including the wolf pup, who grew quickly and was soon big enough for all three kits to nap against him at the same time.
The wolf was given the name Cosmo and had wormed his way into everyone's hearts. Keith had taken to even riding him in the smaller training hall. However, what warmed everyone's hearts was his interactions with the smallest kit. Thace and Ulaz were initially worried about their baby, but both kit and wolf showed them they had nothing to worry about. Cosmo was extremely gentle with Pidge, no matter what the kit did.
It was even cute when the kits and wolf played with each other. It was during one of these times, when Thace was watching them, that they discovered that the wolf could teleport, which surprised him. Thace had panicked over losing Krolia's beloved kits and didn't want to be the one to tell her. He made calls to the other members of the pack (minus Krolia) to see if they knew where Keith and Pidge (and Cosmo) were. Fortunately, Kolivan told him that the three were safe. Kolivan had been startled when Keith, Pidge, and the wolf had appeared in his office, ending up in the nest he kept in his office for his pack members.
It was even more shocking when Krolia encouraged Cosmo to turn it into a game. She would actually tell the wolf to teleport Keith, Regris, and/or Pidge somewhere, and she would seek them out. Of course, there were places that were off limits like the hangar and any ships that were there, but that still left a large section of headquarters to search, which was the reason why mother and kits (and wolf) were napping in the familial nest before the evening meal.
However, when Ulaz and Thace checked in on the group, they could not see their baby. They started to panic before they saw something adorable. Pidge was curled up on top of Cosmo, nestled in the blue fur, asleep.
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