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shutyour-quiznak-01 · 21 days ago
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graphx · 1 year ago
Hiraeth!Keith oneshot (1)
read it all here!
trigger warnings// suicidal ideologies, war, blood, injury etc. (general Blade of Marmora stuff)
Kolivan effortlessly dodged once again, Keith’s new sword that felt wrong in his hands barely grazing the long braid he wore that hung behind him. He adjusted his grip with a twist of his wrist but Kolivan simply backhanded him away, his strike not even grazing him.
“Emotions are a luxury we can’t afford,” Kolivan warned as he unbalanced Keith with a simple kick to the back of his knees. “You are attached to this blade; it is all you have left of your world. But that planet is gone, nothing but dust and rubble lost to the empty expanse of space. You must accept that if you are to survive here.”
His bones ached and throbbed but he still got to his feet, charging again like it was second nature. Kolivan punched him and he couldn’t tell where, the impact feeling all too similar to the rest of his body which he was sure was becoming a giant bruise.
With every hit he learned to roll with the impact better, getting up faster and faster, not allowing Kolivan a second to breathe. He punched while he deflected Kolivan’s weapon and missed. He kicked before he striked, learning and adapting based on what he saw Kolivan do. Not that it mattered. Keith hadn’t even managed to land one hit.
Keith had been told all his life by his father that he could do anything if he just set his mind to it. His dad had never lied before but Keith was starting to doubt it all the same. He wanted more than anything in the world, no the universe, to beat Kolivan, to get his knife, the only thing he had left, back and he would spill as much blood as he needed to get it back-
He had convinced himself that the reason he was failing was because this knife wasn’t his, it was similar but wrong, it fit into his hand wrong, it set against his belt wrong, it was too heavy and too light and at the same time, and it was all wrong. Kolivan could be beaten, he could escape, he could go back to a home that wasn’t there if he could just win but that was wrong too.
Keith could listen to his dad’s raspy voice again if he could hit harder. He could watch the sky bleed from twilight to dusk again on the porch if he could just move faster. He could feel wind in his hair and the ground rushing past him on his dad’s bike if he could just win.
A daze had taken over him, a delusional obsession deep in his gut that he believed with every fiber of his being that if he just did enough he could go home. He didn’t want to remember the fleets blocking out the sky, his father’s panicked voice, the tremors shaking the ground, the running, the smoke, the fire illuminating the blue glow of two crescents beneath cheeks as blood mixed with ash and his knife gleamed a little duller.
He had run away from it all, taken to a ship he didn’t recognize, pressed against people he didn’t know, drowning on dry land trying to breathe above the crowd towering over him-
And then Kolivan was there, a firm presence at his side that was wrong. It shouldn’t have been claws against his shoulder, it should have been his dad’s calloused hands. It shouldn’t be a pale multicolored face with a scar that ran down the side, it should have been his father’s with a nick above his eyebrow. He wanted to run, to feel sand under his feet, and run away as fast and far as he could because everything was wrong and nothing was going to change that. 
More than anything he was angry. More than that he was exhausted and he couldn’t run from that anymore as he sank to his knees, gasping for breath. It was a tiny rebellion, to show emotion when Kolivan had just told him not to. He glared up at him with all the fury his soul could produce, only for the taller Galran to kneel beside him.
“What do you want, Keith?” Kolivan asked indifferently, observing him with golden eyes.
“...I want my knife… back… it’s not… yours!” Keith heaved, scrambling to his knees.
“If you defeat me your weapon will be returned to you. But you must first learn how to defeat me. Knowledge is greater than power.” Kolivan stated so nonchalantly like it was simple. “You are powerful, you have survived through many endeavors, but you still cannot win. But you still must do what needs to be done.”
Keith’s gaze followed Kolivan’s blade as he dropped it, the sound echoing as soon as it hit the floor. He stared up in disbelief but he only waited. Keith watched the Blade lose its glow, no longer in Kolivan’s grasp. The insignia in the crossguard grew dark as he looked on impassively, waiting for the action Keith would take.
“You should have killed me by now,” Kolivan said calmly, like he knew Keith wouldn’t move. It snapped him from his shock, lunging for the hilt and crossing it with his own to rest barely an inch from Kolivan’s neck. Humiliation burned under his skin that he had to bend over to reach his height, but he still didn’t move, eyes not leaving Keith’s.
“You are granting me mercy. That was your first mistake,” Kolivan’s form blurred right in front of him and he didn’t even get the chance to nick him as Kolivan swept his legs out from under him. His stance mirrored the one Keith had taken not seconds ago, both swords hovering over his neck. Keith glared down at the swords, meeting Kolivan’s stare without flinching. It wasn’t like he had anything to lose.
“You are not powerful enough to grant mercy. You must permanently deal with your enemies to ensure they don’t hurt you or anyone else. Power is the ability to choose. The Blade of Marmora doesn’t have that option.” Kolivan lowered his sword. “Neither do you.”
Keith was quiet, no longer meeting his eyes. He only heard Kolivan sheath his own blade before setting down Keith’s own.
“Each blade is unique to every member. It is tied to your life force and bloodline. You should make your own in the forgery. Use the Luxite provided there sparingly, it is hard to gather these days.”
Before exiting Kolivan stopped, turning back to him. “Choose a new name. Your previous title has very obvious origins. I’m sure I don’t need to remind you that your species is now very coveted by Alteans and Galrans which are currently the most powerful species in the galaxy. If you are to help the Blade of Marmora avenge your planet you must become one of us. Embrace your new duty to the universe… A purpose is a very important thing here. Don’t lose sight of your own.”
It took Keith a while to realize he had even left. The words and empty warnings floated through the empty space of his mind as he laid, motionless, on the floor. What did he want? What purpose did he even have here? What was even the point of getting off this shiny, cold floor?
Keith could have pondered those questions for the rest of his life. He could give up, right here, and never move again. The others probably wouldn’t even notice, if they even cared enough to. Who could blame him? A kid, alone, literally thrown into an unknown universe. The only planet he had ever known was destroyed before his eyes by a war he couldn’t even hope to understand. What could one helpless kid abandoned by the cosmos itself hope to do?
It was at that moment Keith decided he didn’t need hope. His dad had died helping people, and Keith would die doing the same thing. He wanted to avenge his planet, his dad, his home, his memories, even if he had to give up all of them to do it. Remembering would only tether him to the moment he lost it all. He didn’t have time for that.��
He forced himself to move, to crawl, to spite the world itself. The Blade of Marmora wanted to use him? Keith would use them right back to fuel the supernova of rage building in his chest. He would shed all the blood he needed to, enough to drown the stars themselves. He would destroy, maim, shatter and crush anything that got in his way. He would burn the sun itself even if it would only leave him with ashes.
It was enough. It had to be. It wasn’t like he had anything else.
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the-feral-gremlin · 1 year ago
Thace being both Keith’s uncle and mentor is objectively funny because imagine you leave your team for a secret space cat rebellion and suddenly this 6ft tall should-be-dead guy is now your commander/teacher and switches between being an authority figure to acting like some sort of fun uncle that lives in your grandparents garage.
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xochitai · 2 months ago
anything with the blade of marmora crew! the way you draw them is incredible and my favorite art of them! (especially Thace!)
Hello anon! I couldn't decide which one to draw so I let myself work on whatever came to mind throughout the day and this is the result. I'm glad there are folks who are still here for my VLD art :)
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I am putting the captions here so that I do not take up too much space with my yapping. In the order I drew them:
Krolia - I just like to make her fluffy :) Human!Thace - I saw someone's human edit when I was looking at reference pics, so I wanted to try. He reminded me of Wolverine when I was working on the lines, so I color picked from Hugh Jackman Baby Kolivan - Kitten :3 Mostly an excuse to practice drawing baby Fancy Thace - ...You're not new here. You knew it would happen eventually. No man can escape cute outfit
Anyways, hope you enjoy!
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galraluver · 21 days ago
*during the annual BoM barbecue*
Regris: *stabs an alien onion-like vegetable with a knife*
Ilun: *screeches with terror*
Ilun: No! You're the last person we need cutting veggies with those knife skills!
Regris: What knife skills? Don't you just stab it?
Ulaz: And that's when he killed the onion, your honor
Regris: Hey! Shut up!
Ilun: *takes the knife from Regris and makes him sit down* Leave this to the professionals. You, sit
Thace: *picks takes the knife from Ilun* I'll do it
Ilun: *horrified* That's an even worse idea
Ulaz: Hell is real
Ilun: Listen to reason!
Ulaz: God help us
Thace: *cuts veggie without a problem, surprising everyone*
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chibi-pix · 5 months ago
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No. No, you guys definitely didn't teach her how to hack and get into tech. So, I apparently started this one a while back and with the dialogue from Spider-man: Into the Spiderverse. It was amusing to work with, especially for this AU. And the only reason I kept procrastinating was because I wasn't sure what take I should go with for Pidge. Finally figured it out.
Anywho! I hope y'all enjoy this one! Commissions are available on my Ko-fi. Until next time!
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saltwife · 2 years ago
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something something Thace Thursday
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year-of-the-lion · 13 days ago
So concludes season 2! Actually finished it a few days ago and have started on season 3, but life got in the way of me documenting here. That said, my thoughts:
Thace was genuinely one of my favourite side characters in the show (both so far and the first time I saw it). As a character he really gives insight into Marmora's ideals and operations— the complete dedication to his mission and the skill to evade both the druids' and Haggar's suspicions of him long enough to help Voltron set up their plan. Willing to die for a free universe, or to bring it any bit closer to freedom.
I'd have loved to get a comic or something exploring his background a little bit, maybe about how he got to the position he did (since he seems to have been Marmora's highest ranked infiltrator).
Slav's a fun way to drop in establishing information and foreshadowing, especially because it's absolutely hilarious every time he shows up on screen. You might forget that he is genuinely hyper-aware of how the universe (and the greater multiverse) works, right up until you hit a line like "now there's no reality in which we all make it out alive!" during the attack on Zarkon's command and it punches you in the face.
I'm going to miss OG Shiro for the rest of time. It's no wonder things become disjointed when he disappears/dies, he was exactly the sort of leader that the paladins needed to pull them together. He cared for them, he cared for the cause, and he had the dedication and skill to back those things up. He was just good. His and Keith's dynamic has always been my favourite.
I talk about Keith a lot. That's because I think about Keith a lot. In the early seasons it's so blatant that he has the potential to become an incredible leader for the paladins, but he's just not ready. He's got these issues and insecurities that he has to work through before he can put himself at the head of Voltron (literally and figuratively), but then Shiro's gone and he's the only one Black will accept, and that's that.
The groundwork of a leader is laid in him, but when he's grieving and desperate to find Shiro again, it's...possibly not the best time to see how well that holds up. Actually, it's more like turning the ground under the foundations to quicksand and seeing how well they hold up.
This was all possibly not helped by him having only just found out that he's galra, having had to deal with the change in dynamics with the team (Allura's hatred and that entire time he spent with Hunk getting the scultrite), and just generally not being in a very stable part of his life. Sure, though, we're going to put the guy who both suggested and then immediately volunteered for a suicide mission in charge. Not that they had much of a choice, but lord. Cut the poor kid some slack, he's like...eighteen? nineteen? All things considered, he's holding out pretty well.
And the final comment: the noise I made at "Summon Prince Lotor" may be the cause of my recent sore throat. (Only joking. Mostly)
To season 3!
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dragonfoxstardesigns · 2 months ago
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💜 2024 Summary of Art!
This year has been probably the most art I've drawn all year round including July where I did 21 fully colored illustrations for Art Fight!
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chef-alta · 1 year ago
I don't have access to netflix anymore atm, but I still somehow found myself hyperfixating on VLD content even though I haven't been active in the fandom in like...5-6 years xD Specifically Galra-related content, especially the Blade of Marmora, since I was obsessed with those mfs when the show was still running
And then I somehow got myself obsessed with rarepairs that haven't had active fandoms/new content in the last two years, cuz I torture myself :')))
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themagicmerci · 2 years ago
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Did I post these twos here, already? No…good.
Yet another item of my AU for these two,
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xochitai · 2 months ago
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Another piece I made for the Galra Zine: baby Thace :)
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galraluver · 2 years ago
Thace: *eating a sandwich*
Ulaz: *trying to meditate* Do you mind? I'm trying to become one with the universe
Thace: And I am trying to become one with this pastrami sandwich
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lonestarfangirl2014 · 2 years ago
Honestly when I listen to the klingon warriors anthem Sung by this guy it gives me galra empire/blade of marmora vibes.
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chibi-pix · 4 months ago
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Sometimes the best place to sleep is next to your giant alien papa. Ulaz probably loves nights where his baby girl just wants to rest with him. Pidge feels safe and warm next to him.
Okay, so, apparently this has been a WIP since August of 2022. Which makes sense at to some details were missing, like the line for Ulaz's knuckles and the line under the mouths for lips. It was the previous style where my lines were a 4.0 pen for lining, not a 2.3 that I use now. But, I'm glad I dug this out and finished it. They look so lovely and content.
Anyway, I hope y'all enjoy this one. Commissions are available on my Ko-fi. Until next time!
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saltwife · 2 years ago
I miss having people to gush over galra with :< any other galrafuckers out there?
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