#VLD Ulaz
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galraluver · 4 months ago
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Happy Halloween Everyone! 🎃 👻 🍬 🍫 🍭
I've been seeing this meme everywhere for the past few years and I decided to make one.
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vldfix · 1 year ago
“voltron is a kids show!!” and then somebody kills themselves in the second season
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chibi-pix · 5 months ago
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No. No, you guys definitely didn't teach her how to hack and get into tech. So, I apparently started this one a while back and with the dialogue from Spider-man: Into the Spiderverse. It was amusing to work with, especially for this AU. And the only reason I kept procrastinating was because I wasn't sure what take I should go with for Pidge. Finally figured it out.
Anywho! I hope y'all enjoy this one! Commissions are available on my Ko-fi. Until next time!
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justsomevoltronstuff · 3 months ago
Hello hello!
I was wondering if you write for any of the BOM members.
If so can I get angst to fluff, Kolivan and Ulaz (separately) with a medic s/o who is a member of team voltron and they get poisoned?
If not, then Shiro, keith, and lance with the same scenario.
I do believe at this point only God knows when this ask was sent in, I'm like really bad at answering reqs in a timely manner but I think everyones aware of this at this point.
I absolutely LOVED this plot idea and may or may not be writing additional parts for the Paladins as well lol
as always, I hope you enjoy! please feel free to comment/reblog with your thoughts🫶
c/w: poison; medical facility; mentions of fighting; badly written 'fight' scene; Kolivan gets wounded in his and reader is the one wounded in Ulaz's; reader is a medic so if you don't like depictions of medical practices, even briefly, this probably isn't your fic love; Ulaz’s got out of hand and is more of a small one shot than a scenario. my bad.
dividers by @cafekitsune
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For as long as you could remember, you had always wanted to be a doctor. Your dream was to help people. You'd joined the Garrison Space Program in hopes of getting the opportunity to further your knowledge in multiple areas of medicine, quickly working your way into position of field medic.
Getting the chance to actually go to space had never been in your plans, you liked having your feet on the ground, where you could be more useful. But signing up for the Garrison didn't leave you with much choice in such matters.
The mission was supposed to be straight forward and to the point, you were hardly even needed. The people in charge wanted you there for the soul purpose of logging the members vitals. Collect scientific data so that the Garrison can use it for their next generation of space suits.
You had only wished it'd been that simple.
It was difficult to tell time in space. Your easiest guesses had been the rotation of meals and when you and the other prisoners were let out to fight in the gladiator pits. You loathed the days you were meant to fight and mostly kept to yourself in order to attend to wounded prisoners best you could.
When Shiro had told you he was busting out, you hadn't even hesitated in packing up any medical scraps you had left and leaving them with your apprentice of sorts. Promising to return to free the rest of the prisoners. Neither of you wanted to leave them there, but getting both of you out would be hard enough.
Getting back to Earth proved far easier than you'd anticipated with the Galran technology. You'd tried to attend to Shiro's arm best you could while he piloted the two of you home.
Home. You honestly thought you'd never see it again.
The landing was, rough. But you'd survived, and then you'd been treated as if you were a threat. Saved by a bunch of cadets before you could be transported back to the Garrison, where you probably wouldn't have seen the light of day for a good while.
Thinking back on those early days, how you'd come to be with the Paladins of Voltron in the Castle of Lions, was almost nostalgic despite not having been so long ago.
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Organizing some of your equipment, you tried to busy yourself to not think of the mission they were on. Trying not to get too concerned for the team you'd come to think of as your family. Trying not to think of the one you'd come to love.
Before you could spiral into worst case scenarios, the door to your clinic burst open, Keith holding it open while Antok carried an unconcious Kolivan through the threshold, gently placing him on your table.
You were in full doctor mode before he was down, already gathering up various tools to check his vitals.
"What's the situation?" You asked to no one in particular.
"I think he's been poisoned. He was grazed and just collapsed not long after."
“Are you hurt?” A quick scan told you Keith was relatively unharmed.
“No, it’s just Kolivan.”
Cursing under your breath, you started searching for the wound, making quick work of cleaning it and patching it up after pulling a blood sample from it.
"Get this to Pidge, tell her to run it with every type of poison we have, I need to know what was on that blade." Keith was out of the room before you couldn't even finish.
You prepped every antidote you had or could make, waiting to hear back from Pidge.
Satisfied with your preparation, you turned all your focus and energy to Antok, checking him over for injuries and checking his vitals until he huffed out an “I’m fine.” taking up position by the door and watching you as you began to pace, no more concerns left to keep your mind busy from your bedridden lover.
Kolivan's voice was hoarse, but very much real. You felt tears spring to your eyes as you turned to look at him.
"I'm okay." He tried to sit up, stopping only due to your hand on his shoulder, pushing him back down on to the bed.
"Okay or not you're going to stay put until I say otherwise."
It wasn't much longer before Keith returned with the type of poison, and you had the antidote administered.
You watched as even Antok seemed to relax, he and Keith both leaving the infirmary to give you some space.
Kolivan watched in silence as you cleaned up your area, carefully stashing away every antidote for every poison you've ever come across or even just read about.
"I'm okay, my love." He says again.
"I know, but you're only okay because I know what I'm doing. You could have died today." You tried to keep the tears threatening to break at bay.
"But I didn't because you know what you're doing. I have nothing to fear if I have you."
You scoffed a laugh, glaring at him over your shoulder.
He just shrugged, holding open his arms for you. Crawling up onto the bed, you snuggled into his chest.
"The mission always comes first." He whispered, a reminder of the life you'd signed up for and willingly walked into the day you'd fallen for him.
"And I'm not saying it shouldn't, just that you don't have to be so reckless with your health."
"I am not reckless."
The pointed glare you shot him made him chuckle, holding you tighter.
"I'll always come back to you safe, my love."
"Safe enough at least." You grumbled, curling tighter around him, causing him to flinch slightly from pressure on his wound, and hold you tighter against him to keep you from pulling away because of it.
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You didn’t often find yourself actually in the thick of battle unless the Castle was, but even then there was a level of safety.
Finding yourself actually on a Galra cruiser was not common for you. At least not since you escaped your prison. But you’d sworn you’d be back for the ones you left behind, and after plenty of arguing back and forth, you found yourself tagging along with the paladins to do just that.
Moving about the ship to find your way to the cells felt like second nature, you and Shiro leading the way. The operation was going smoothly up until you passed the hall you wished you could forget.
Ulaz had lived on that hall. Forth door on the left, knock twice, wait, knock twice again. It was ingrained in you, just as the safest path to it was.
You'd tried not to think of Ulaz or your time together on the ship, it was easier not to than to ponder what might've become of him. Had he been made? Would the other Blade's have gotten him out if he had? Was he even still alive?
Time wasn't a commodity you had as you found yourself in the cells, already wrapping up any wounds that needed immediate care and taking note of what could be done once back on the ship.
You'd been far too focused on assisting the wounded, you'd forgotten the dangers of mission and the fact that could easily turn into a battle.
The prisoner you were helping screamed just a moment too late and you felt searing pain as a blade made contact with your arm. You hardly had time to look at your attacker before all you saw was the back of a Galra soldier.
Breathing a weary sigh of relief, you finished your work and urged the prisoner to follow the others, before taking a quick assessment of your wound and the room around you, smiling when Ulaz dropped to his knees beside you.
"What can I do to help?" He asked earnestly, checking your wound himself.
"I think there was poison on the blade, so if I fall unconscious, get Pidge, the Green Paladin, to run a test to figure out what type, I should have the antidote-"
"Get away from them!" Ulaz grunted as he blocked Keith's attack.
"No, stop. He's not hurting me."
The Paladin's all looked at you like you were insane. "He's Galra, Y/n." Hunk stated incredulously. "You're literally bleeding."
"And he dispatched the one that made me bleed. Look I'll explain on the ship, but lets get these prisoners to safety."
Lance moved to pick you up, but Ulaz tightening his grip and standing effortlessly with you stopped him.
"Lead the way, Paladin." He said gruffly.
Somewhere between the holding cells and the lions, you lost consciousness entirely. Comforted by Ulaz’s presence and the knowledge you’d be safe as long as he had you.
“We’re just going to let him stay here? What if he’s leading them right to us?”
“He hasn’t left Y/n’s side for longer than it takes to go to the bathroom, does that really seem like someone who’d compromise them?”
“He’s Galra Keith.”
“And when have the Galra ever not been completely forthcoming with exactly how they feel about us? Face it Lance, even the Galra have emotions and aren’t all bad.”
“But he was on a Galra fleet cruiser, that’s not exactly a green flag.”
“Y/n trusts him, so we at least need to hear them out.”
“Do they always talk this much?” Ulaz whispered.
You chuckled, followed by a coughing fit. Cracking open your eyes and squinting against the bright lights of your infirmary. 
“This is mild for them.” Your voice was hoarse from lack of use. “You get used to it though.”
“Y/n!” Lance screeched, rushing to your side, shoving Ulaz away from you to check you over. “Keith, go get the others! Y/n how are you feeling? Do you need anything? What can I do to-” 
You reached your hand up, covering his mouth. “Dim the lights, they’re gonna give me a headache. And don’t shove the love of my life away from me again or I swear I’ll leave all your healing to those ten thousand year old pods. Understood?”
His eyes widened in shock, looking between you, to Ulaz, and back again.
“Love of your life?” The muffled question felt just as incredulous as it was probably supposed to sound. Pinning him with what he dubbed the ‘Mom Eyes’ he quickly moved to dim the lights. 
Ulaz returned to his spot beside you, gently pulling your hand up to his lips and kissing the back of it gently.
The other Paladins joined you, each taking turns to fill in the blanks of while you were out. Pidge informed you of the type of poison on the blade and how shocked she was that you actually had the antidote. Hunk mentioned the few survivors that have refused any type of healing, holding out for you to check them over. Finally, it was Allura that demanded to know why in the universe you thought bringing a Galra on board was a good idea. You just shrugged and shared a look with Ulaz. 
“Because we’re married.”
The room filled with various amounts of confused faces, indignant squawks –yes, squawks– and a barrage of questions sounding over top others. Your voice couldn’t be heard even if you tried to answer any of them.
Ulaz brought the room to silence with a laugh, an honest to goodness full belly laugh unlike one you’d ever imagined getting from him. He looked at you fondly, kissing the back of your hand once more before turning to your team.
He filled them in on how you’d met while you were imprisoned, how you’d come to fall in love, the ceremony of a wedding the two of you had completely alone in his quarters, and finally of how he was instrumental in yours and Shiro’s escape. He told them that neither of you had ever expected to meet again after that. War wasn’t kind on anyone, but especially not on lovers. 
When he’d been notified that there was an escape attempt happening at the cells you had been held in, he left his post to go check it out. 
“Knowing Y/n, I almost expected their return for the captives. I needed to know they were safe if it was them. I truly mean all of you no harm. I just wanted to make sure my Y/n was safe.”
“What made you break away from the Galra in the first place? It’s cool you’re in love with our Doc, but you’re still Galra, no offence.”
“I was never truly affiliated with the Galra Empire. Much like you, I seek to bring it down. I was working on the inside as a spy when I met Y/n. I am just glad they are mostly safe now. Thank you Paladins, for caring for them while I couldn’t.”
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-Admin Rori💜
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adashulaz · 4 months ago
Soulmate au but Shiro and Ulaz are soulmates but Shiro is with Adam.
Adam doesn't have a soulmate, he has no red string of fate but Shiro does. However Shiro doesn't care and ends up getting with Adam and they end up engaged. This au still follows the canon so Shiro ends on the mission and yada yada.
Shiro and Ulaz meet again when Ulaz breaks onto the castle. This is where Shiro realizes that they're soulmates. So instead of Ulaz dying, he lives and stays with the Paladins. Shiro ends up in a dilemma because Ulaz is both sweet and attractive but he still loves Adam.
Cue ✨️poly✨️ stuff
Now, it's not something that happened quickly because one, Adam is incredibly confused and two, because Ulaz is also incredibly confused. Shiro is just praying it works out. It does but that doesn't stop a week or two worth of confusion. Adam is just confused as to how an alien is Shiros soulmate, especially an alien that might be a few thousand years old. Ulaz is just confused by how Shiro is Keith's brother but Adam is Keith's parent even though Adam is younger than Shiro by a year or two.
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onlythegoodpretzels · 1 year ago
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Ulaz, ft. even more fur. These two getting into messes together is one of my many favorite Voltron things! I wonder if the others will rescue them before they escape themselves.
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graphx · 1 year ago
Hiraeth!Keith oneshot (1)
read it all here!
trigger warnings// suicidal ideologies, war, blood, injury etc. (general Blade of Marmora stuff)
Kolivan effortlessly dodged once again, Keith’s new sword that felt wrong in his hands barely grazing the long braid he wore that hung behind him. He adjusted his grip with a twist of his wrist but Kolivan simply backhanded him away, his strike not even grazing him.
“Emotions are a luxury we can’t afford,” Kolivan warned as he unbalanced Keith with a simple kick to the back of his knees. “You are attached to this blade; it is all you have left of your world. But that planet is gone, nothing but dust and rubble lost to the empty expanse of space. You must accept that if you are to survive here.”
His bones ached and throbbed but he still got to his feet, charging again like it was second nature. Kolivan punched him and he couldn’t tell where, the impact feeling all too similar to the rest of his body which he was sure was becoming a giant bruise.
With every hit he learned to roll with the impact better, getting up faster and faster, not allowing Kolivan a second to breathe. He punched while he deflected Kolivan’s weapon and missed. He kicked before he striked, learning and adapting based on what he saw Kolivan do. Not that it mattered. Keith hadn’t even managed to land one hit.
Keith had been told all his life by his father that he could do anything if he just set his mind to it. His dad had never lied before but Keith was starting to doubt it all the same. He wanted more than anything in the world, no the universe, to beat Kolivan, to get his knife, the only thing he had left, back and he would spill as much blood as he needed to get it back-
He had convinced himself that the reason he was failing was because this knife wasn’t his, it was similar but wrong, it fit into his hand wrong, it set against his belt wrong, it was too heavy and too light and at the same time, and it was all wrong. Kolivan could be beaten, he could escape, he could go back to a home that wasn’t there if he could just win but that was wrong too.
Keith could listen to his dad’s raspy voice again if he could hit harder. He could watch the sky bleed from twilight to dusk again on the porch if he could just move faster. He could feel wind in his hair and the ground rushing past him on his dad’s bike if he could just win.
A daze had taken over him, a delusional obsession deep in his gut that he believed with every fiber of his being that if he just did enough he could go home. He didn’t want to remember the fleets blocking out the sky, his father’s panicked voice, the tremors shaking the ground, the running, the smoke, the fire illuminating the blue glow of two crescents beneath cheeks as blood mixed with ash and his knife gleamed a little duller.
He had run away from it all, taken to a ship he didn’t recognize, pressed against people he didn’t know, drowning on dry land trying to breathe above the crowd towering over him-
And then Kolivan was there, a firm presence at his side that was wrong. It shouldn’t have been claws against his shoulder, it should have been his dad’s calloused hands. It shouldn’t be a pale multicolored face with a scar that ran down the side, it should have been his father’s with a nick above his eyebrow. He wanted to run, to feel sand under his feet, and run away as fast and far as he could because everything was wrong and nothing was going to change that. 
More than anything he was angry. More than that he was exhausted and he couldn’t run from that anymore as he sank to his knees, gasping for breath. It was a tiny rebellion, to show emotion when Kolivan had just told him not to. He glared up at him with all the fury his soul could produce, only for the taller Galran to kneel beside him.
“What do you want, Keith?” Kolivan asked indifferently, observing him with golden eyes.
“...I want my knife… back… it’s not… yours!” Keith heaved, scrambling to his knees.
“If you defeat me your weapon will be returned to you. But you must first learn how to defeat me. Knowledge is greater than power.” Kolivan stated so nonchalantly like it was simple. “You are powerful, you have survived through many endeavors, but you still cannot win. But you still must do what needs to be done.”
Keith’s gaze followed Kolivan’s blade as he dropped it, the sound echoing as soon as it hit the floor. He stared up in disbelief but he only waited. Keith watched the Blade lose its glow, no longer in Kolivan’s grasp. The insignia in the crossguard grew dark as he looked on impassively, waiting for the action Keith would take.
“You should have killed me by now,” Kolivan said calmly, like he knew Keith wouldn’t move. It snapped him from his shock, lunging for the hilt and crossing it with his own to rest barely an inch from Kolivan’s neck. Humiliation burned under his skin that he had to bend over to reach his height, but he still didn’t move, eyes not leaving Keith’s.
“You are granting me mercy. That was your first mistake,” Kolivan’s form blurred right in front of him and he didn’t even get the chance to nick him as Kolivan swept his legs out from under him. His stance mirrored the one Keith had taken not seconds ago, both swords hovering over his neck. Keith glared down at the swords, meeting Kolivan’s stare without flinching. It wasn’t like he had anything to lose.
“You are not powerful enough to grant mercy. You must permanently deal with your enemies to ensure they don’t hurt you or anyone else. Power is the ability to choose. The Blade of Marmora doesn’t have that option.” Kolivan lowered his sword. “Neither do you.”
Keith was quiet, no longer meeting his eyes. He only heard Kolivan sheath his own blade before setting down Keith’s own.
“Each blade is unique to every member. It is tied to your life force and bloodline. You should make your own in the forgery. Use the Luxite provided there sparingly, it is hard to gather these days.”
Before exiting Kolivan stopped, turning back to him. “Choose a new name. Your previous title has very obvious origins. I’m sure I don’t need to remind you that your species is now very coveted by Alteans and Galrans which are currently the most powerful species in the galaxy. If you are to help the Blade of Marmora avenge your planet you must become one of us. Embrace your new duty to the universe… A purpose is a very important thing here. Don’t lose sight of your own.”
It took Keith a while to realize he had even left. The words and empty warnings floated through the empty space of his mind as he laid, motionless, on the floor. What did he want? What purpose did he even have here? What was even the point of getting off this shiny, cold floor?
Keith could have pondered those questions for the rest of his life. He could give up, right here, and never move again. The others probably wouldn’t even notice, if they even cared enough to. Who could blame him? A kid, alone, literally thrown into an unknown universe. The only planet he had ever known was destroyed before his eyes by a war he couldn’t even hope to understand. What could one helpless kid abandoned by the cosmos itself hope to do?
It was at that moment Keith decided he didn’t need hope. His dad had died helping people, and Keith would die doing the same thing. He wanted to avenge his planet, his dad, his home, his memories, even if he had to give up all of them to do it. Remembering would only tether him to the moment he lost it all. He didn’t have time for that. 
He forced himself to move, to crawl, to spite the world itself. The Blade of Marmora wanted to use him? Keith would use them right back to fuel the supernova of rage building in his chest. He would shed all the blood he needed to, enough to drown the stars themselves. He would destroy, maim, shatter and crush anything that got in his way. He would burn the sun itself even if it would only leave him with ashes.
It was enough. It had to be. It wasn’t like he had anything else.
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lonestarfangirl2014 · 2 years ago
Honestly when I listen to the klingon warriors anthem Sung by this guy it gives me galra empire/blade of marmora vibes.
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porquenolostodos · 2 years ago
Why Ulaz Makes Me Extra Sad
I just feel like more than anyone, my boy Ulaz would've really appreciated peacetime. The more I ponder my favorite Blade's brief appearance, the more I feel like he's not even the military type, like if he had his druthers he'd be running a little clinic within walking distance of a nice teahouse where he'd go sit in a corner booth and read.
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skeletonwithakeyboard · 2 years ago
I love you oc's!
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Part 8 of Kissartfebruary challenge by @violettenouvel , and back once more with the purple space kitties!! This was a lot of fun to do exploring the different ways to express affection through kisses and I had a lot of fun! This is what I have.
First was day 19, God they are such cheesy romantics, makes you wanna yell "OMG, GET A ROOM!!!!". But back with the tooth rotting sweetness of the space kitties being precious. It is proven that kisses are just as effective on the "Neck(back)", not just front, so give love where it is due!
Second was Day 20, and the question stands. Am I gonna continue drawing an older couple being cheesy af and still madly in love? Yes. Yes I am. Had to draw Duram and Aeryn again, and I don't care what anyone says, true love can withstand even against the testaments of time. I'd say they exchange kisses on the "cheek" daily.
Third, It's Moira's turn to make someone a blushing mess... Ulaz is usually the calm collected type, and Moira is the shyer of the pair, but she can have her moments of confidence. "Ears" are the most sensitive part, so it makes one a little nervous from the embarrassment.
Last and final drawing of them for the challenge is Day 26, Ulaz and Moira are back once more. Years ago I drew an angsty pic of their last farewell where Moira gave him a kiss on the "forehead" to wish him luck. So kinda redrew it again. Hope ya like and stay tuned
Art, Moira, Duram and Aeryn are mine
Kissartfebruary challenge by @violettenouvel
Galra and Ulaz belong to VLD franchise
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galraluver · 20 days ago
*during the annual BoM barbecue*
Regris: *stabs an alien onion-like vegetable with a knife*
Ilun: *screeches with terror*
Ilun: No! You're the last person we need cutting veggies with those knife skills!
Regris: What knife skills? Don't you just stab it?
Ulaz: And that's when he killed the onion, your honor
Regris: Hey! Shut up!
Ilun: *takes the knife from Regris and makes him sit down* Leave this to the professionals. You, sit
Thace: *picks takes the knife from Ilun* I'll do it
Ilun: *horrified* That's an even worse idea
Ulaz: Hell is real
Ilun: Listen to reason!
Ulaz: God help us
Thace: *cuts veggie without a problem, surprising everyone*
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chibi-pix · 4 months ago
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Sometimes the best place to sleep is next to your giant alien papa. Ulaz probably loves nights where his baby girl just wants to rest with him. Pidge feels safe and warm next to him.
Okay, so, apparently this has been a WIP since August of 2022. Which makes sense at to some details were missing, like the line for Ulaz's knuckles and the line under the mouths for lips. It was the previous style where my lines were a 4.0 pen for lining, not a 2.3 that I use now. But, I'm glad I dug this out and finished it. They look so lovely and content.
Anyway, I hope y'all enjoy this one. Commissions are available on my Ko-fi. Until next time!
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justsomevoltronstuff · 3 months ago
Blade of Marmora
key: angst = ★ | fluff = ☆ | nsfw = ✯ | crack = ✘
headcanons = ❅ | fics = ✿ | scenarios = ♛
full masterlist
Medic Reader★☆♛💜
Medic Reader★☆♛💜
coming soon
coming soon
coming soon?
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onlythegoodpretzels · 7 months ago
"We'll get it out."
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Followup to this sketch!
Been coloring this for a while! So many people to shade. But I finished it in time for @augustofwhump's Day 7 prompt: Promise.
Snippet of WIP fic for it under the cut, ft. more promises and Shiro flashbacks.
“Ok. Ok, let’s get this off.” Hunk balked for a second, but he managed to reach for the muzzle. Ulas winced but held rigidly still as Hunk ran his fingers tentatively over the surface.
“This isn’t what muzzles are for,” Hunk said into the quiet. “On dogs, I mean. They don’t keep their mouth closed, its only to keep them from biting. They need to be able to pant. This…this is just…cruel. What’s it even for?”
Shiro forced himself to see the mechanism rather than just blur over it. He might know. He might know, and he didn’t want to know, but he might. “Most Galra don’t pant like dogs do.” He shivered. “And they are cruel.”
Curved bars matched the shape of Ulas’ head and neck tightly, holding the heavy cage in place. Tightened automatically, too seamless to pry under. The muzzle’s central panels were dark and opaque, emblazoned with the imperial sigil over where they sealed the wearer’s mouth. The only holes for air were two narrow slits in front of Ulas’ ears, whistling softly as he breathed.
The higher bar, the one that curved under Ulas’ eyes and across the back of his head, was a disturbingly familiar, magenta-ish metallic color.
Dizzy something ached in the back of Shiro’s head, where the crescent scar jagged across his neck. “There’s two components here.” He tried not to wince, and moved slowly as he pointed. “This section, is a prisoner head collar. Across the skull under the eyes.” Hunk froze, fingers shaking on the bridge, but Shiro made himself keep going. “The muzzle was anchored to it. Maybe activated from it.”
They were looking at him, both of them. Katie’s face was torn between furious curiosity and blazing anger. Hunk looked sad and scared and like he knew ---
Shiro couldn’t not blink. He couldn’t not lose the thread, suddenly blotted out by phantom ---
Pain dug into his neck, the sound of his own muffled cries in his ears, hard edge biting into his hair.
Galra words. Over him. “Face down, and it stops.”
He hadn’t. He’d snarled and fought, scrabbling against hard metal, dragging against the awful snap of the shortening chain wrenching on his head. He’d kept his knees under him, his chest off the ground.
“Prove you know the word, olka. Or do you want me to make this worse?”
Pressure crushed suddenly into his jaw, the panels of the muzzle grinding into him from all sides. Pain jagged and sudden, shallow spikes extruding into his cheeks and under his chin.
He screamed.
“Coryx! Enough! You already confirmed ---.” 
“If I wanted your opinion, Ulas ---
Shiro blinked, torn suddenly in between. He was down on his knees and he was standing with his arms curled over his face. He was howling into a gag and he was heaving gasping, whimpering breaths in empty air. It was dark, purple, and it was bright, blue.
Ulas the Galra pushed another dark form over him, armored, unbattered,, and Hunk his friend stared up at him, hands out, pale with worry. There were Galra yellow eyes behind Hunk.
He couldn’t keep Hunk safe here! He had to get him out!
“It’s ok. Shiro? It’s ok.” Hunk’s eyes shimmered, like he’d been crying. “I promise. It’s not on you. It’s not going to hurt you again.”
The panic tilted, unbalanced, as the reluctantly focused. Hunk didn’t sound scared. What was going on? At first Shiro only saw the damn head collar, muzzle extended. Not --- not on him. He could see it and all its awful crosses. 
The strap dug wrong into fur, biting into Ulas’s face. The same face. Ulas sat curled in on the table, face narrowed, eyes sharp. He swiveled his ears forward and Shiro realized with a start they were even rounder now. “Shhhhr,” Ulas wheezed, face drawn with pain from trying to talk. “Mkkkkkr.”
The memory had a tail, a faint echo that barely clung on now. Hands on him, holding him pinned. Unhooking the tension dragging him down. Makur, stop. You’re exhausted.
Ulas’ voice. Shiro knew without even having heard it.
He shuddered, lowering his hands. He didn’t want to know anything else right now. He nodded shakily to Hunk. “S-sorry. I’m ok. Let’s just…get this over with.”
Katie watched him, her face clouded with things she wasn’t saying. Like a trap he might fall into someday. But instead she said, “Yeah, now that you pointed it out, I can trace the interface signals between those two pieces.” She waved a small detector wand near Ulas’ jaw. “They are real chatty.”
A small panel lay on the table next to her, with bent metal and detritus next to them. It looked like while Shiro was freaking out they’d made some progress. He cursed being so easy to make useless.
Hunk hesitated, but when Shiro came back, he followed. Ulas didn’t turn his head, jarringly pliant as Hunk reached into a small opening in the neck loop of the muzzle. “There’s lots of conduits in here. And I still have no idea what energy source they use.”
He should stay quiet. He should focus and do what he had to and not jab at any of the rest. But Shiro watched Ulas shudder, and couldn’t. “Tell us if it hurts you,” he ordered quietly in Galran, confused again with how steady his voice came out. “I want to know.”
Ulas twitched, blinking rapidly. Then, as Hunk worked, he began to make small, soft sounds, back of the throat, no attempt to make them into words.
Not very bad then. Despite himself, relief chilled up Shiro’s shoulders. He knew Galra could shriek if they were in pain.
Hunk paused, looking queasy at the sudden feedback from his work. “Is he…um…ok?”
Shiro nodded, swallowing hard. “Quintessence can be intense if it touches skin. Be careful if something splashes.” Tingles across his tongue were something he needed to not think about right now.
Hunk’s eyes widened. “You know what this is? What state of matter is it? Does it sublimate?” He bit his lip. “Wait, I think…”
Before Shiro could answer, the muzzle lit up, awful purple lights. The snap smell of sweet and glass itched along Shiro’s mouth. Ulas flinched, sitting suddenly straight, hoof cloves lurching sharply apart. “Whoa!” Hunk wrenched back, hands fluttering in the air like he wanted to help but was too scattered to know where. “Well it’s on, but it’s expecting some kind of cue? Like a key?”
But something jarred in Shiro’s head. He’d tried to remember this, over and over and over again. “Wait, Hunk, keep it…Ulas, grax.” He caught Ulas’ arm with one hand, curbing and steadying him at once, and reached for his head with the other. Ulas yelped, dragging away from Shiro’s hand for a second. Then he seemed to catch himself, and, slowly, painfully, he come back.
The muzzle’s awful edge loomed centimeters in front of Shiro’s fingers. Some part of his brain was trapped in a screaming circle, convinced if he touched it somehow it would crawl up him and find his scar, bite into it again.
Shiro tapped the muzzle in sequence, thumb and forefinger. He tried to be gentle, and he heard how each key hurt in Ulas’ faint, louder sounds. Jaw. Side. Center. Jaw. Jaw. He let himself slide between which finger and which place quickly, without thinking, just where they ought to go.
Neck was last.
Shiro froze, still touching the back of Ulas’ neck, his entire body locking rigid. The sound made him want to swing at something --- anything --- make it go away. Force it farther from the parts of him it wanted to capture. Hunk startled, pulling out of the guts of the collar as the contraption clacked and shifted. The tight bars glinted hungrily, shimmering as they woke up.
“Hell yeah!” Katie swarmed forward triumphantly, suddenly too close. “Shiro, you’re a genius! I need you to write that down later!”
Ulas reached up as the muzzle began to fall, but stopped as Katie caught it. It kept whirring and unknitting, bright lights glaring like eyes.
It was unlocked. He’d unlocked it. Something about that shook Shiro so hard it was hard to see the parts reconfigure. But he shuddered --- why weren’t the muzzle panels dematerializing?
But he saw Ulas’ face crumple in pain when Katie pulled to ease it off his head. “Wait!” Shiro caught the crest just as Ulas whimpered, ducking to follow the pull. The jarring urgency cluttered so far into him it felt like he needed to run somewhere. Spikes. Were there spikes?
Hunk and Katie stared at the two of them. Katie let Shiro brace the muzzle, eyes wide, and Shiro realized he’d spoken in Galran again.
“Wait. Something’s wrong.” Shiro blinked hard, trying to stay present.
It’s ok. Faelbar’s voice filled up his entire body. We are not hurt.
Shiro wanted to tell him, yes, he knew that, but for some reason it helped anyway. It helped him keep his voice steady, keep the panic roiling somewhere in his fingers from shuddering out into Ulas when he asked, “What? Where?”
Ulas blinked hard, clawing the air between them in small, reflexive motions. This close, Shiro felt a faint double-shudder in his breaths, like something was garbling up his throat. How long had it been on him? Katie hadn’t said how she’d found him, only that it had been bad.
“Show me.” They needed to know. He needed to know.
Slow, tentative, Ulas caught the edge of the muzzle near Shiro’s hand. His fingers were jarringly, confusingly big. He nudged against the edge, angling his head slightly back and forth, figuring out the right way to move with whatever was hurting him. Then, with a wet, ragged pant, he pulled back, the straps scraping deep furrows in his fur as they dragged by.
For a moment Shiro saw his face, so familiar it made him freeze. Long, shallow, inhuman snout, bony, wide forehead, light shimmering off the strange flat span between his eyes and nose. Shallow gouges scraped and scabbed across jutting cheekbones which were incongruous with the hollow cheeks and narrow chin under them.
But Ulas held his mouth open, and then Shiro wasn’t seeing anything else, because a narrow chain snaked between his teeth. As he moved, Shiro felt rattling in the muzzle. It was attached.
Tense, unsettled feeling tingled up Shiro’s fingers. He didn’t recognize this. He didn’t know if it had ever…
Ulas reached some sort of end on the chain. He paused again, orienting, and then leaned away, extending a tapered orange tongue. His hand tremored next to Shiro’s.
No wonder. The chain anchored to a dark eye bolt connector pierced six centimeters from the tip of Ulas’ tongue. Yellow winked around the studs where it had tugged against him. 
Shiro tasted bile. Shit. He’d sounded muffled and pained even when the muzzle let him speak, before the druids changed whatever stopped him short. It must have been there, punishing him for every word. And now it sat tethered so close to the muzzle he couldn’t speak at all.
“Fuck no wonder you couldn’t talk.” Katie’s entire body tremored with fury.
“Wait, that --- that’s what it’s for? That’s awful!” Hunk covered his mouth with his hands, clearly vividly imagining the sensation. “What is wrong with these people?”
Galra who speak against the empire don’t exist. You won’t ever find one.
Shiro wasn’t sure who he remembered saying that. He didn’t want to know. He held still in a way he didn’t recognize, sweat pricking on his neck that he was holding the other end of something that painful. Ulas mumbled wordlessly, falling back forward, trembling from the effort of holding the chain weight.
Damn it. Shiro didn’t think he had piercing scars on his tongue. But now he’d have to check.
“Katie, bring one of those casings.” Shiro was startled by how calm he sounded. The palpable panic in the other two made him very still inside, like if he touched it it would explode. “Hunk, what do you have to cut this?”
Thankfully, having something to do was right for both of them. Katie snatched the nearest capsule of Altean medical something with its square edges. Hunk balked a step away, but he leaned forward, peering at the inside of the muzzle. Shiro didn’t dare glance down himself, keeping all of his attention on Ulas.
“Here.” Katie held the tin out to Shiro.
“It’s for him. Hold it horizontal.” Shiro blinked, forcing himself to meet Ulas’ eyes. He didn’t want to. Something about the tether in his tongue, and how Shiro could feel it dragging even right now, and how clearly trapped it meant he’d been when Katie found him.
He was the one Shiro was supposed to meet. Supposed to find. The voice shouting to him to run in his night terrors.
But he hadn’t been looking. Hadn’t be sure he would. If Katie hadn’t found him… “Bite down on this. We’ll get it out.”
Ulas slowly lifted his ears. This time when he tried to answer it was visible, his tongue bending but then snapped down by the chain. “Uhhzzz.” He winced, and stopped, instead parting his teeth and tilting carefully so Katie could slide the metal jam into the crook of his jaw. She stared, mouthing numbers quietly to herself. Shiro had no idea what for, he just had to assume it would come up if it were important. 
“Shiro?” Hunk grit his teeth, hand fluttering forward but stopping short of touching the metal rim. “I…none of my repair kit tools will be small enough for this.” Instead of looking just upset, he looked…angry? “Maybe the Alteans have something. I’ll find Coran, and --- “
“No.” Shiro blinked, momentarily dizzy, as repercussions and tradeoffs cluttered off his head. Where had that come from? Had he always been thinking like that? “I don’t want them seeing this.”
He kept his worries to himself, that Allura might decide she liked this safeguard, that he would have to explain to an alien sovereign about what humans would and would not do. But not well enough, probably, judging by the sharp, suspicious look Katie shot at him.
Hunk frowned. “They wouldn’t,” he said softly. But he crossed his arms nervously and didn’t keep heading toward the door.
Maybe. Shiro wasn’t sure what he thought was likely anymore. He shrugged. “I can do it.” He flexed his hand, the mechanisms whirring softly.
Hunk swallowed. But he didn’t argue. “Do you have that kind of dexterity with that thing?”
“You can melt metal?” Katie grinned wildly at him, before she caught up with what she said and frowned just a intensely. “That doesn’t sound safe like this.”
“Cut.” Shiro pressed his fingers together, forcing himself to consider. The Alteans felt dangerous. But so was he. It was sort of refreshing to get direct blunt questions like that instead of people being careful. Usually Hunk tried to tiptoe around it. “Yes. I do.” Shiro paused, expecting more from the certainty, some memory, some data. But, no. Nothing. He just knew.
He glanced at Hunk. That was a lot to trust someone’s tongue to. But, then, it was also the least massive responsibility they’d been handed recently.
Hunk set his shoulders. “What can I do?”
Hell he deserved to be so far away from anything like this. Shiro swallowed down the guilt. Two jobs, only one of which he thought Hunk could manage. “Help him hold still.” As Hunk crossed cautiously to Ulas’ other side, Shiro caught Katie’s eye. “Hold this steady?”
She grit her teeth and barked, “Yes.” Her hands were small and she perched on the edge of the table, both of which helped her be stabler than either of them. Katie looked very pale. “It’s ok,” she told Ulas firmly as she took control of the chain.
He didn’t shiver this time when Hunk reached around him. His entire frame sagged minutely, like the support reached much deeper than just bracing his neck and shoulders.
Shiro looked from one grim face to the next. “Ready?”
Hunk and Katie nodded.
Ulas pinned his ears back and let his tongue droop loose. His yellow eyes tracked Shiro’s face, not his hand.
Eerie. Shiro wasn’t sure how he knew where eyes with no pupils were looking. But he did. He lit his arm, the cold rushing through his shoulder like a warning. It lurched him viciously, suddenly alert, ready to fight. 
Reaching between the muzzle and Ulas’ pinned tongue splashed awful light across the gashes in his face. This close Shiro could almost smell them. It glimmered on his tongue, and edged the scabbing there. Shiro caught the chain, feeling desperate puffs of air on his fingertips.
He had to do this exactly right. A mistake would burn, he thought, best case, or cut, worst.
But the chain was slippery, trailing yellow and clear rivulets from Ulas’ mouth. And the links were small with complex jagged edges. Reaching for it, Shiro felt the barbs, the twists. It was designed to hurt even without pulling. It spun between his fingers before he could get a good grip, shrieking at the heat.
Ulas’ eyes lurched too orange, too dark, and he keened. Involuntary motion dragged his tongue back. The piercing clacked when it brought him up short.
No! They didn’t get to make this worse. THis was something he got to do with the arm that helped.
Shiro snarled and crushed down hard, the kind of hard that made his brain balk, ready to feel pain from the metal. But he wasn’t soft like that, not anymore. The chain sliced cleanly off the muzzle.
For a moment, Shiro was too stuck to see anything other than the chain, the muzzle, and how blood beaded up on Ulas’ tongue as he flinched back. Shiro’s fingers ground into the face plate almost of their own accord, while pain screamed out of his jaw and nose. Memory or not, he could barely tell.
Someone. Someone made him want to destroy this thing. Right now SHiro couldn’t quite put a finger on a face or a voice or anything like that. Just the fierce, burning hatred loose in his head.
Ulas shuddered, hand coming up to catch the links trailing down from his mouth. It looked like a snake trying to twist into him, and he made a faint, pitched pain sound that jittered all the way up Shiro’s spine.
Give it to me, Faelbar hissed. I’ll crush it. Shiro had the echoing, massive feeling that the lion knew what the pain felt like, because Shiro had. That he wanted nothing more than to wipe the horrible thing off the face of the universe.
That helped. At least he could make this one let go.
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xxking-glitcherxx · 7 months ago
Saying "Earth needs you, we all do" to a hot guy is gay as hell
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3cosmicfrogs · 1 year ago
…I’m gonna say it. Ask game for Voltron, literally any number. For the chaos.
oh Wife Mutual you are braver than the US Marines for uttering the name that must not be spoken in 2024... Let's Go!
2. Name your trash ship / 14. Name your crackiest crack ship
Not so much a crack ship as a garbage ship that is on crack like literally on crack the way i'm envisioning it: Shiro/Matt
Like listen, i dont see nearly enough content of any characters being nerds and the possibility for shiro/matt to be absolute dorks is exponential. like. 2 brightest minds of their generation with collectively maybe one(?) braincell between them on a good day. they are traumatised. they are constantly sleep deprived. they both independently got buff because of Space. Questionable relationships with robots. what i'm saying is they would be brilliant for each other and absolutely disasterous for everyone else.
6. who is your trash fave who is so problematic they probably have hate tumblrs dedicated to them 
i mean lots of people don't like The Clone (fandom dubbed Kuro)? Babygirl's pretty fucked up. Pretty evil. I like him, he did nothing wrong ever, he was absolutely right lance is annoying(they will come for me with bricks for this.)
10. what is the worst thing you want to become canon (character death, trash-ship etc)
look. many many things. but to name one: i think maybe 2-3 minutes more of Ulaz would have been fantastic. the emotional impact would have been incredible. also i like him.
16. what is your favourite ridiculous au
Look in general, not even limited to voltron: legendary disaster, i am a slut for Crack Treated Seriously and Hyperspecifc Job AUs. There's a fic floating around with Shiro as a SecUnit (murderbot diaries AU) which is ridiculous in the sense that in typical vld fashion it completely bulldozed over the queerness and Gender Deconstruction of the murderbot diaries and de-sexualised The Machine, but it still absolutely fucks because it's well-written and a total tear-jerker.
I'm also so so so supportive of Cosmic Horror (this needed to be explored in the show. tragically underused potential of everything and also the massive ancient sentient machines in your brain).
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Voltron would have been so good if it was good.
Anyway thank you Wife Mutual i lov u mwah come invade my inbox or dms any time!
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