#refugee convention
ersahtz · 1 year
The UK-Rwanda Refugee Arrangement - The Principle of the Thing
Author’s note: This is a paper I wrote in May 2021 for my refugee law class on the – you guessed it – UK-Rwanda refugee arrangement. As a result, its rather more academic than most of the material on here, but I find it interesting anyway, and I had a bunch of fun writing it. It was supposed to be published, but I was too busy arguing at the ICC Moot Court at the time, and it is now outdated.…
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mysharona1987 · 11 months
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im sorry because i know my thoughts should be focused on palestine right now. but i can't stop thinking about what all this means for the future. my parents, my grandparents, me, we've all taken for granted a world where even in war there are rules adhered to. there have always been war crimes but in general all across the world it was safe to shelter in schools, temples, hospitals. anyone bearing the red cross/crescent could be trusted. no side would disguise their soldiers as humanitarian aid and invade a refugee camp
palestine will be free, but even when it is those rules of war will still have changed. now we know the US will not abide by the geneva convention who can risk following it? my children will live in a world with a free palestine one day, but they will never get to live in a world where shelters, medics, and aid mean safety. and every death caused by this rewriting of the rules of war is directly attributable to israel and the US's genocide
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lost-carcosa · 1 year
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agentfascinateur · 4 months
"Countries that celebrate the release of four Israeli hostages without saying a word about the hundreds of Palestinians killed and thousands held in arbitrary detention by Israel, have lost moral credibility for generations and don’t deserve to be on any UN human rights body."
- Balakrishnan Rajagopal, UN
#outoftheballpark ⚾🧢
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tearsofrefugees · 14 days
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baldursyourgate · 7 months
u can usually tell who came to tumblr from which other sites
twitter: add caption first and their art second
reddit: indistinguishable unless they write of it in their description.
instagram: add irrelevant tags to their post in hope of more exposure
tiktok: c*nsoring w0rds
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indizombie · 1 year
India is not a signatory of the UN Refugee Convention, which has meant that Tibetans fleeing to India do not have official rights, and have to rely on arbitrary decisions to retain their place in the country. The Indian government refused to register births among Tibetan community between 1950 and 1986, which meant that very few Tibetans have been able to obtain Indian citizenship. To this day, most Tibetans in India are not able to own property; they cannot apply for government jobs; and, although they have been granted funding to set up educational institutions, university admissions can be difficult or expensive, with students without Indian citizenship forced to apply as foreigners and pay the accompanying higher fees. Moreover, while it was willing to provide some assistance for their sustenance and education, the Indian government would not lobby for the Tibetan cause on the international stage.
Lewis Page, ‘The Uncertain Path: Can the Tibetan struggle outlive the Dalai Lama’, Caravan
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chevellenat · 2 years
Yeah I’m here from twitter. Used to be on tumblr but migrated long ago lol
🐶I do furry art, I’m the next GOH for stratosfur, I make fursuits and I really love my job creating for all you animal people💙
You can find me on most social media under the same name, gonna try to make a name for myself here.
Here’s some of my work!
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ailbhetross32 · 2 years
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Me and the homies waiting for Elon to turn us into Orange Faygo
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minnesotafollower · 5 months
Problems in U.S. Asylum System Help Promote Increases in U.S. Immigration
A lengthy Wall Street Journal article provides details on the well-known promotion of increases in U.S. immigration by the many problems in the U.S. asylum system. Here then is a summary of the basic U.S. law of asylum, the current U.S. system for administering such claims and a summary of the current problems with such administration. The Basic Law of Asylum On July 2, 1951, an international…
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girlfictions · 11 months
something i’ve been thinking about lately is like. growing up muslim right after 9/11 is something i’d never really reflected on much because it was all i’d ever known — at 5, my friend’s mum didn’t let her invite me to her birthday party because i was the only brown girl in our class, at 12, my classmates would joke about my family being part of isis, at 16, my dad was interrogated by american airport security for hours — and it always stung and it always hurt but it was just the way things were because the western world hated muslims. but i don’t think i’ve ever fully comprehended the extent to which we were hated until now.
palestine is being turned into a mass graveyard. every single day there are new photos of the atrocities being carried out against them and videos of them pleading for help and still those who can actually intervene turn a blind eye. israel is claiming to only be targeting hamas “terrorists” while bombing a refugee camp. israeli police raided and assaulted a non-zionist jewish neighbourhood. israeli soldiers are posting tiktoks of them torturing captured palestinians. this is not a complicated issue and it never has been. ethnic cleansing is being committed right in front of us. and yet the western world leaders refuse to call for a ceasefire.
and while zionist organisations accuse pro-palestine demonstrations of anti-semitism, while zionist celebrities insist that they’re afraid to leave their mansions in los angeles, a six year old muslim boy was stabbed to death and his mother wounded in the same attack in chicago. a muslim doctor was murdered while sitting outside her apartment complex in texas. hundreds of peaceful protesters have been arrested (many of whom have been jewish). despite what zionists want you to believe, this is not a jewish/muslim conflict. i have so much love and gratitude to my brave jewish brothers and sisters all over the world who are condemning israel for their actions.
ultimately, israel have been granted impunity by the west. they have slaughtered thousands upon thousands of innocent palestinians. they have bombed hospitals and schools indiscriminately. they have used white phosphorus, violating the geneva convention. they have completely eradicated nearly 900 bloodlines. how many more need to be wiped out? how many more children need to be buried underneath the rubble? how many more doctors need to be confronted with the bodies of their own family members? how many more journalists need to detail the horrific acts of violence they are witnessing? what more can be done to the palestinian people that has not been done already?
i truly believe that palestine will be free one day. i believe the palestinian people will receive the justice they finally deserve. but what breaks my heart is how much they have suffered and will continue to suffer before they are deemed worthy of help. and it would be to all of our detriment if we ignored how much of a factor palestine being a predominantly muslim state has played into the way the world has reacted to their genocide.
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seachranaidhe · 2 years
Hi @eastantrimmp I'm happy to meet you and explain why this view is:
Hi @eastantrimmp I’m happy to meet you and explain why this view is:
▪️1. Unlawful as it breaches international law and Refugee Convention (formed Post WW2 – lest we forget)▪️2. Totally divorced from reality as there is no safe/legal route to claim asylum to UKAlso- Ukrainian scheme doesn’t recognise people as refugees. Come meet me and some of my clients @eastantrimmp. Open invite 🤝 Hi @eastantrimmp I'm happy to meet you and explain why this view is:1. Unlawful…
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agentfascinateur · 4 months
Israel just used a 2,000-pound (907kg) bomb in the Tal as-Sultan safe zone attack.
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zvaigzdelasas · 8 months
The International Court of Justice has issued a ground-breaking decision in South Africa’s genocide case against Israel, ordering Israel to comply with six provisional measures to safeguard the right of Palestinians in Gaza to be protected from genocidal violence.
The court’s order is binding on Israel and formalizes the international legal obligations of other countries that are parties to the UN Genocide Convention.
Properly understood, the order should dramatically alter both the foreign and domestic policy decisions of Israel’s allies, including Canada and the United States.
Israel and its allies cannot dismiss or minimize the importance of this decision. In granting interim relief, the court concluded that South Africa’s allegations of genocide are, at a minimum, legally and factually plausible.
Crucially, the court expressly concluded, by an overwhelming majority, that Palestinians in Gaza face a “real and imminent risk” of genocide. This puts other countries on notice that they have an international legal duty to take steps to prevent genocide in Gaza in accordance with the court’s order.
As the court stated in a 2007 ruling when Bosnia accused Serbia of genocide, countries that are parties to the Genocide Convention have an obligation to prevent and a corresponding duty to act “the instant that the state learns of, or should normally have learned of, the existence of a serious risk that genocide will be committed.”
Both Canada and the U.S. have construed the court’s decision narrowly, suggesting it merely reiterates Israel’s right of self-defence and obligation to comply with international humanitarian law.
This is a legally indefensible reading of the court’s ruling.[...]
Statements of political support by the U.S. and Canada that Israel is abiding by the laws of war — contrary to the facts — cannot shield Israel or its allies from their legal obligations under the Genocide Convention. Those obligations — including to prevent genocide — are created via treaty and are interpreted by courts, the highest of which is the International Court of Justice.
The obligation to prevent genocide, combined with the court’s finding of a serious risk of genocide, means that all parties to the Genocide Convention must refrain from taking steps that would actively frustrate the effective implementation of the court’s order.[...]
But just hours after the court’s ruling, the U.S. announced it was suspending funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East.[...]
The U.S. is the biggest financial contributor to UNRWA. Several other key donor countries, including Canada, quickly followed suit.
UNRWA is the largest aid provider in Gaza and a trusted lifeline to civilians in the territory. Even if the allegations are true, defunding the entire organization openly defies the court’s order and amounts to collective punishment of the civilian population in Gaza
Disturbingly, moves to defund UNRWA appear to help implement Israeli government plans to undermine the organization’s capacity to deliver aid to Palestinians in Gaza. Earlier this month, policy experts told the Knesset that UNRWA “must be dismantled and thrown in the dustbin of history” and that “no country that is a friend of Israel should provide them any money.”
The ICJ found that “the catastrophic humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip is at serious risk of deteriorating further,” plausibly inflicting conditions of life calculated to bring about the physical destruction of Palestinians in Gaza.
Accordingly, any country’s action knowingly contributing to further deterioration would violate the obligation to prevent genocide and could amount to complicity in genocide.[...]
In 2022, Canada sent more than $21 million worth of military exports to Israel. The Export and Import Permits Act forbids arms permits to be issued if there’s a “substantial risk” that the goods could be used to commit or facilitate serious violations of international humanitarian or human rights law.
Because the ICJ found a serious risk of genocide in Gaza, continuing to export arms to Israel would be illegal. It would also be flagrantly inconsistent with Canada’s obligation to prevent genocide, and could expose Canada and Canadian officials to liability for participation in genocide.
We must reject the politics of deliberate indifference to atrocity currently on display in the Canadian government’s reactions to the ICJ ruling.
28 Jan 24
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As a Jewish advocate for Palestinian rights, let me tell you something. I’m fucking hurting right now.
I hate Hamas because they have made the plight of Palestinians so much worse with their actions in that now even fewer people will be willing to acknowledge their 70 years of suffering.
I hate that they will be used as an excuse to demonize all Palestinians, and the US is already upping their already astronomical military funding for Israel.
I hate that they’ve committed unforgivable violence in the name of a cause that is just.
I hate the Israeli government and the IDF for creating the conditions for this tragedy and countless others stretching back to the Nakba.
I hate how they have perverted my culture into a settler-colonial ideology and perpetrated on the Palestinians the very kinds of pogroms my own family fled Europe to escape.
I hate that so many Jews in Israel and throughout the diaspora face ostracism from their communities and families for speaking out against the atrocities Israel has been committing against Palestinians.
I especially hate how many of my fellow Jews have bought into an ideology that can handwave the bulldozing of homes and schools, the imprisonment of children, the bombing of residential homes, the displacement, the massacres. Virtually all things we have suffered as Jews at points in our history.
My heart aches for the innocent people murdered across the board - no matter who the bombs came from. Even though part of me thinks settlers aren’t innocent, what can you really do if you just happened to be born there? And even if you moved to Israel, do you really deserve to die? No.
But neither do all the children in the Gaza Strip currently being bombed in a revenge attack that, with the denial of food, water, and medical aid, violates the Geneva convention.
But to everyone who is posting now about Israel and these “unprecedented tragedies” - yes, these are tragedies, and my heart is so heavy with them. But they are not unprecedented. Where were you when the same things were happening to Palestinians for decades upon decades? There’s a monumental amount of video evidence of atrocities against Palestinians, but somehow people have managed to miss all of that. If you’re only paying attention to the suffering of certain people, ask yourself why.
If you’re only now posting about “of course Palestinians should be free” in posts primarily about mourning the killing of Israelis, where were your voices before now? Those of us trying to organize and fight for Palestinian human rights could have used you.
If more people had spoken out against our government’s support of what Amnesty International and countless other human rights organizations have called an apartheid regime, who knows what could have been possible.
Edit: Since this is getting a little traction, I wanted to leave these links here. Both are very reputable organizations that are providing humanitarian aid:
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