#reduced fat :(
quiet-admirer · 1 month
#Didn't want to add kink discourse to a random stranger's post But#The way so many soft feedists have overused the word 'wholesome' to describe that flavour of feedism has made it a total turn-off to me#Even a red flag#Bc it's always used on posts deliberately trying to make feedism seem more palatable and harmless#And to distance themselves from CNC/health play/fatphobia play feedism#And to be like 'haha normies think we're evil but we're really such uwu cutie-pies'#😒 sorry but first of all I wanna be a grown adult into feedism - like you do you but sometimes it's treated as if#soft feedism IS baby talk feedism and that that's the default? Like that there's death feedism or there's tumby feedism and that's it#And on the other hand it screams moralizing kink and makes it easier to excuse your own and others' bad behavior#Because I'm just a harmless little soft feedist who cares about fat people not like one of those unenlightened dark feedists#Where someone's potential for causing discomfort or contributing to abusive dynamics is reduced to fixed attributes or aesthetics#rather than to someone's (or your own) actual actions#I know I've talked about this before and I know I'm a soft feedist at heart myself AND I know I'm being hyperbolic#But whenever several 'wholesome' posts start circulating around my dash ad nauseum like they have the past few days 😒😒😒#I just try to grit my teeth but I need to let the hater rattle the bars of its cage about it once in a while...#Obligatory 'this is not directed at anyone- I've seen a few lately and it's more about patterns of behavior than individual posts'
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phenomen0ms · 21 days
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アルバイト / part time job
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squipedmew · 2 months
sometimes you have bad mental health days and then sometimes you decide to rewatch Voltron: Legendary Defenders
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badbanaynas · 1 year
ANYWAYS>. it is LITERALLY OUR CIVIC DUTY to sexualize and objectify the male wrestlers, and reduce them to their asses.. it is GOOD FOR THE ENVIRONMENT AND GOOD FOR YOUR HEALTH!
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scottyfreaks · 28 days
Do it taste like fish tho 🐟
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Link (yoo-hoo boys *whistles* chubby tboy over here)
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ejacutastic · 7 months
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appallinnballin · 2 months
your ruvs so squishy, gonna hug him
do not he would Kill You!
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Not to be a conspiracy theorist about it, but I'm thinking about how the only two macronutrients our body can use to create ATP (the "currency" of our cells) are: Carbs & Fats
And how the two macronutrients most villainized by the diet industry are: Carbs & Fats
And how the diet/fitness industry is constantly pushing supplements to "increase energy."
And how it kinda feels like they're manipulating you into forgoing essential nutrient sources, just so they can sell you "solutions" to the problems created by those nutritional deficits.
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beebbg · 1 year
hi! Can you write a drabble/hc of fem mechanic reader x dva?your writing is amazing btw💫
Hana “D.va” Song x Mech! F! Reader
↳ Warnings | Established relationship, maybe some grammar mistakes
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— When you’re not working on your own weapon or fixing up whatever , you can be found helping D.va out with her mech. (That thing is huge)
— She doesn’t mind a bit of help but she mostly likes to fix her mech herself because she knows what goes where and all that jazz. But she can’t pass up on an opportunity to send some quality time with her lover.
— In return she’ll help you fix whatever you need fixing. But that works out 90% of the time.
— ALWAYS asks you to bring her a bag of chips or another can of Nano Cola.
“Can you pass me another bag of chips, please?” This is the 5th time she asked for some chips. Even though it started to get on your nerves she isn’t in the best shape. Especially after the incident where she saved the whole city.
“Can’t you get it this time?” You teased. A bead of sweat rolls down your temple. Hana seems to pout when you say this. She motions to her leg that is obviously broken, you can’t help but feel a bit guilty of your little joke. “Okay, okay. I know. I’ll go get your chips that you oh, so deserve!”
— Sometimes you think about bringing your own drinks because hearing “Nano Cola, enjoy!” With the little tune can be hilariously annoying. It’s basically engraved into your mind.
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firebirdsdaughter · 2 months
… Just bc I feel bad saying I was lukewarm about him in my other tags… I do like Ichigo. He's one of the more well rounded shonen protags in that he's actually allowed to fail from time to time and while he's overly powerful, isn't treated as the super ultimate power, necessarily. He just happens to be a weird chimera of powers that allows him to to do things people of one aspect can't necessarily do.
And he doesn't insist he's the most powerful either. Him chronically trying to help everyone is his nature, not him looking down on them. He respects the powers of all the Captains and his friends, he just wants to help.
And everyone else is allowed to be strong, too. Kenpachi is an absolute wild card, and I think Byakuya's also up there (not favouritism, I swear—okay, maybe a little bit) if he's fighting without being conflicted (I've come to theorise that first big fight between them would have gone on longer/differently except Byakuya didn't really have his heart in it, he'd just convinced himself he did), Hitsugaya's got a massively powerful sword and he's probably just going to keep getting stronger. Renji and Rukia achieve their own bankais and defeat enemies on their own. Ikkaku and Yumichika are no slouches, either. Despite some questionable writing, Orihime is allowed to be strong as well, having powerful defence and healing abilities, and her kindness is often treated as a strength. Her having no killing intent isn't treated as a bad thing. You've got Shunsui, Ukitake, and bloody Yamato in the mix. Uryuu fights on even footing with plenty of super powered enemies, and though he does go out of focus, Chad is never made out to be the weakest or anything.
Like I liked that in the end, they defeated the overpowered invincible big bad through teamwork the Old Men Brigade set things up, and then even Ichigo couldn't get a hit in until Uryuu used what their fathers made to help (and I'm glad that it was Ichigo and Uryuu working together, bc that was super poetic).
I'm just rambling now, but the point is, Ichigo is a good example of making powerful protag who doesn't (always) come off as too overpowered.
It's often treated as more he happened to be the right combination of things or the right circumstances to prevail. Wasn't hypnotised, already had a little hollow in him, is just really bloody stubborn. He's also just a nice guy! He cares about people he befriends and will work his ass off to help them bc that's his belief.
Anyway, to complete in another direction (sort of), I was thinking about this bc of how when he reaches the Soul Society in the blood war arc, the first thing he does after getting Akon to help is go to see Byakuya. Probably bc he saw that Rukia and Renji were unconscious and Byakuya was fading, and probably knew he'd want to now they were alive, but like. While they're not personally very close, I do think Byakuya is one of the Captains Ichigo is closest to bc he's so close w/ Rukia and Renji. Just by virtue of that, he'll end up interacting w/ Byakuya more often. And he does respect him (I think he got over the 'I'll kill you' the moment Byakuya took Gin's sword for Rukia). He goes to check on him, and reassures him that Rukia and Renji are alive, even saying 'don't worry.' Like I said before, I totally think he would have lied there, if they hadn't been, bc he'd be well aware that information would completely break Byakuya. He thinks he's dying, he wouldn't leave him thinking he'd completely failed to protect them. But more to the point, he doesn't respond after Byakuya talks about how ashamed he is and begs him to help. He responds to the first question, but goes silent after that. And…
I love tranquil fury. I love it. I love this moment bc Ichigo's already fuming from sensing/hearing everyone being hurt. He's already super pissed. But to me there's some thing about the way he goes silent during that talk that feels like a switch is well and truly flipped at that moment. After that, he doesn't stop or pass go, just heads directly to Yhwach and is clearly completely enraged.
Bc until then, there's been a little bit of distance. He's angry bc he could hear it, he's even angrier when he gets in there and sees what's happening, but then he goes over to Byakuya and has one of the strongest, proudest, most level headed and noble people he knows break down in tears and beg him, while apparently dying, for help. The one who had previously told him that none of the Captains would ever need his help.
And that just hits the unstoppable rage button.
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fattofitsure · 5 months
Fat burning solution check out
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withoutalice · 8 months
Was lovingly insulting over/lard
He needs to get pampered and maybe he'll be harmless lol
You're so right anon, he needs a reason not to leave his habsuite. Can't destroy planets while stuck at home right? Perhaps he'll need a well-off, lithe-framed bot to satisfy all his cravings...
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sing-you-fools · 27 days
i dream of a world in which i never again click on a recipe for a interesting-sounding pie only to discover that the main ingredient is
"frozen reduced-fat whipped topping"
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iamfitzwilliamdarcy · 1 month
sometimes i think about that time in 7th grade when my mom got different peanut butter than usual and i didn't want to eat my pb sandwich and we had just learned about eating disorders or whatever so my friends were all like YOU HAVE TO but it smelled SO STRONG and made me feel sick😭
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spinji · 9 months
I'm honestly always so torn when I see discourse over Izuku being reduced to a "soft omega babygirl twink" by the fandom bc on one hand yeah it takes away from how well he stands as a hero, his stubborn personality, his feral moments, his scarred brick shithouse body frame, and how strong he is (stronger that Bakugou mind you) but at the same time, are we looking at the same character?
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