#red's answers
vampiretop · 3 months
hey also if you want something to test out that bigger toy in…. <3
Hm? You think you could take it? That knot is thick as hell. 8 inches around, if I remember correctly. I wouldn't wanna hurt you~ That's a lie. I kind would. I bet you'd whimper so pretty for me.
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redpiperfox · 27 days
red it is i
🎱 ⇢ post your AO3 total stats
On this lovely last Friday in May~
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🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
...I am constantly working on multiple projects at the same time lol SO I will give you five emojis for five wips I'm cycling thru!:
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Ooooooh I dunno if you want me to do this one 😅 Some friends can tell you-- my skzitzy headcanons go WILD lololol
Okay um... ah! Chan had mentioned previously how he's close to Yeji because she asks him about a lot of "leader" stuff, and Yeji mentions (and models lol) how if she isn't really good at something or has no interest in it, she's really not good at it, and she had no initial interest in the Itzy plan to be leader. So I headcanon that between Chaeryeong shouldering a lot of official leader things (canon: she would have been leader if she wasn't on the maknae end, and she's been the first to go do solo PR for the group), Chan has literally given Yeji a Do What I Do policy, and Yeji has done that (there's a lot of little ways in which she relates to fans and tries to approach things that are very Chan-like, and I say that because Chan does things in a very atypical way to kpop XD)
....I'll stop with that one haha
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
Only three!!!!!
1. I have gotten time to write and paint post graduation!
2. I have a scheduled date for license exam and have been able to study pretty diligently, which is unexpected bc I really thought it would be harder post graduating to get back into the books haha
3. All the animals outside our house have been so funny haha they're endless amusement to me, they're absolutely sitcom material lol
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
.... I shoudn't answer-- OKAY WELL the LEAST weird thing is when I watched coleydoesthings' mini research vid on a/b/o history and stuff? Only... I don't really usually write a/b/o... 😅
I've looked up the usual-- murdee things, random chemical irregularities, space physics, kpop idol bdays to make sure I'm keeping everyone in approximate age-order, kpop names bc I only know them by stage name, niche interviews, drowning scenes, torture scenes.. I have a couple of my fav angsty movie clips and/or kpop moments that'll get me in a very niche mood I sometimes need to write? Idk if that counts XD
🌿 ⇢ give some advice on writer's block and low creativity
EMBRACE IT! And try to see what it's there for? Sometimes, it's a period of consuming media, and doing "fic research" in enjoying storytelling styles and methods you wouldn't have considered in your muse-inspired hazes. Sometimes, it's a good handbrake your brain has to keep from being burnt out by your hobby! But sometimes, if it is a thing that really isn't being shaken off and you'd like it to be-- challenge yourself. Write even when it's uncomfortable. Have a dump AU that's nonsensical and crude and serves only to work the muscle again. Ask other people for random tags and ideas to give your brain something new to work with. If bullet pointed ideas are all you can do, do that! Just keep writing, and somewhere the writing muscle will remember how to do it's thing, or grow into something stronger, and the muse will be working through you again 😊
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redlinesavvy · 5 months
1, 7, 19 !!
1. Slow or quick induction?
As long as there's effort to deepen the trance state as it goes along, quick induction. I drop so easily and it's fun when an induction consumes you before you realize what's happening.
7. Hypnotic bondage or memory play?
While memory play can be a real mindfuck when it works, it doesn't work consistently enough for me to really play around with it yet. Hypnotic bondage comes out on top for this one, especially if that includes a gag. Anything in my mouth, really
19. Giggly and silly or blank and empty?
Gotta go with blank and empty. One of the most fundamental things I get out of hypnosis is a reprieve from my mind. With my adhd, there is constant sound and movement in my head and hypnosis just washes all that away for a time.
Also, the imagery of empty and blank spaces are generally more compelling to me. A blank paper is fertile ground for artistry; An empty vessel waits to be filled.
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reddove18 · 1 year
Do you read fics on A03?
Yes i do! I'm currently reading a couple of xmen fics that have Rogue and Magneto as a couple; one of them is HILARIOUS is mainly about Exodus and Magneto as the main characters and with Magneto actually ACTING like a smart and reasonable character 😂💓 the story is so cool and fun, and the other thing that im loving about it is Hope and Exodus interactions, i need much more of these two together 😂
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redlikeredacted · 1 year
finished your Asher and Davey fic, and I'm just-
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Do you have plans for writing any more with these two? I want to live in this little verse okay 🥺💖
Oh fuck yes, I do! I’ve got ideas for going both ways in time, too!! I’ve got plans for pre-Inversion fics that didn’t quite fit into the main fic as flashbacks and plans to write about them navigating their new relationship. I also feel like I’d be doing Milo a disservice if I didn’t write a fic where Davey and Ash tell him that they’ve finally figured their shit out, so that’s absolutely something I’m working on.
My newest form of brain rot is comparing Darlin’ and Quinn’s relationship to Darlin’ and Sam’s, so that’s probably gonna be coming out before any of that, though. I also highly highly doubt that I’m ever gonna come close to cracking 17k again, so all the new fics are probably going to be more to the tune of 5-10k. That’s also what I said about this one, though, so we’ll see how that goes!
Also, DKHSGGKAFLJLAD;SFK I’m so glad you liked it!!!!!
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ditzybat · 9 days
jason: you don’t even know what my favorite book is, how could you even stand to call yourself my father if you don’t know me anymore!?
bruce: jay, your favorite is pride and —
tim: the velveteen rabbit.
jason: … i’ve had like two conversations with you outside of murder attempts, how do you know that?
tim: im not an amateur, i took my baby stalker duties very seriously!
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akanemnon · 18 days
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We didn't even get an answer, and we never will (at least it's not determination)
MASTERPOST (for the full series / FAQ / reference sheets)
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mysterycitrus · 10 months
I just love your Tim drake as it's just practically getting jumpscared everytime and I just love that
Also can we talk about the wonder twinnss and the FIC!
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tysm !! i will go into heavy detail about the scientific sliding scale of jumpscares between the wonder twins and timmy drake
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fanaticalthings · 1 month
Jason being the easiest kid is super funny. Bruce looking at Jason and remembering Dick at 18: “we can work through this. He’ll come around if I don’t give up on.”
Bruce, watching over a freshly street-snatched Jason: Why is he so calm
Having Dick as the rambunctious, feral, and unhinged first child must've given him SO much whiplash once Jason entered the picture. Lil guy just vibed in his own world. Just reading books and doing schoolwork. Baby Jason hurt nobody.
Bruce will just be going over the ground rules of the manor, remembering all the chaos Dick brought upon the household.
Bruce: No swinging from the chandelier.
Jason: ?? I wasn't planning to?
Bruce: No murder.
Jason: What? That never even crossed my mind-
Bruce: And please, for the love of God, don't sneak out and try to beat up the nearest criminal on our block
Jason: WHO is responsible for these rules being created??
Bruce will just come home from a long day of work. He's tired and just wants a nice, quiet evening, but he's subconsciously psyching himself up to prepare himself for the chaos he'll witness once he enters the manor
but then Jason's just quietly doing his own thing, maybe even helping Alfred with some chores, reading, or just lounging about in the manor. In general, just causing no trouble and Bruce just turns to Alfred, all worried like, "Is he sick? I don't think children are supposed to behave this way."
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jjjammerson · 25 days
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you couldn’t guess my fav 🤷🏾
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ashoss · 6 months
I love how you draw cass. Can we get more of her and Tim being sibs?
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ahh thank u!!! and yes u absolutely can
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vampiretop · 3 months
hihihihi im also a tboy puppy sub and im more than happy to help with your puppy shortage 🥰🥰
Hi, puppy~ I thought you might like to know I listened to that audio you posted a while ago while I was walking home from an exam today and it genuinely made me so wet it was dripping down my thighs. Your sweet whines and moans are so goddamn cute. <3
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redpiperfox · 1 month
(makes your beverage of preference and sits you down across from me)
so. lets chat shall we
what are your favorite genres/settings to write? i noticed a lot of emotion-centric fics under your name, which i love, thank you for the pain and hurt/comfort, i have been Affected in a good way, but does anything else attract you?
and if i may go out on a limb and ask to be privy...... hehe
any brainrots / concepts you're currently considering writing? what's going on in that sick twisted head of yours. what flavors of emotion might you put onto the table for us to eat
AND ONE LAST SPECIAL QUESTION for thou: who are your skzitzy biases, and why? LOLLL
[drags over a chair and drapes myself over it dramatically] FREND, SETTLE IN, BECAUSE IF THERE'S ONE THING I'M GOOD AT, IT'S WAFFLING :D
My fav to write!!! Well, there's different tropes, styles, and environments I enjoy more than others, but I also love just sinking my feet into the new and unexplored? Things I haven't done or haven't seen been done! But generally, I think from the beginning, I've been partial to the non-linear style. Oh I gobble it up, it's my comfort style of writing XD For tags, you're absolutely right, I like pairing up the pain to emphasize comfort or the comfort to emphasize pain and playing with those proportions. I like to try and lean into the realism of the emotions, because I've felt like a lot of fic separates itself so much from the depth and width of emotion for a certain scene? I like sinking my fingers into the gory details of emotion! For AUs, I love doing things that have an air of mystery, an air of intrigue with a big reveal, I like writing fantastical and unimaginable, but I started out as a canon writer. I, uh, had to stop though, because I was starting to feel a little unnervingly like a prophet/psychic XD
For reading I pretty much read anything across the board! I love exploring and finding new ideas and styles and tags and how people explore them in different ways! I am partial to things that remind me of well-done movies and high literature! Tickles my fancy real good hehe
OH THE WIPS I HAVE SO MANY WIPS THEY'RE ALL WAILING AT ME LIKE NEGLECTED BABIES AND I FEEL SO SORRY FOR THEM ToT I have a couple of drabbles to get the gears going-- chaerbin canon first kiss mayhaps, some good ol' canon hurt/comfort, a six of crows inspired itzy, time-traveling 2hwang, a cute gang skz drabble, college au (not part of my series, new au) 2hwang, winter wolves installment, skzitzy siblings 13 part space-traveler/world-jumping au--- there's so much, and I can't promise they'll all see the light of day, my greatest apologies for my shortcomings as a writer >.< I do need to get back to finishing interstellar, and I'm getting close to getting over the crippling anxiety of finishing it and just. finishing it XD
Some things I want to explore!: back to playing with multiple main characters! I used to do it all the time, and I've been playing more with one or a couple mains and everyone else as side characters, but I want to get back into the complexity of weaving many complex threads of plot together! I also want to play with some darker wips that I've been twiddling my thumbs over... we'll see~
OH THE BIAS QUESTION! I'm sorry to disappoint but I'm literally ot13, I can't pick >.< I think the reason these two groups are among my top favs, and kind of a trademark for me knowing that I absolutely adore a group, is when I'm able to love each and every member for their individuality and flavor! There are a couple of groups that get me going like that, but skzitzy OH SKZITZY GET ME IN A VERY SPECIFIC WAY XD Their performance quality, their skills, their personalities-- I absolutely adore them all!
THANK YOU for this excuse to waffle about my thought process and stuff for a bit! I much enjoyed!!!! :D <3
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qweenofurheart · 2 months
Hi I absolutely LOVE your style! And I was wondering if you would be willing to draw the band au of @strange-birb ? Have a good day ^^
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ok i tried my best but i definitely don't think i can capture the vibe right... the designs are so fun tho
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reddove18 · 1 year
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Does this mean we win?
Its so cool that she responded you! I don't think it means we win 😂 but is so cool she responded and that finds it interesting!
Also, I fucking love that fanart 😂
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yawnderu · 5 months
Based on this ask I got a while back, but I can't stop thinking about red panda hybrid!reader with the entire 141 :((
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Jumpy little thing, climbing trees all day and acting annoyed and moody when they try to join you unless they have food on them. Their favorite view is seeing your face light up from its usual pout the second you smell any fruit on them, rapidly climbing down head-first before jumping on them once it's safe enough, trusting that they'll catch you— and they always do.
Simon can be a bit mean sometimes simply because he secretly thinks you're the cutest thing ever, holding up sliced apples in his hand as you attempt to climb his body like a tree, using every single inch of fabric and gear that your paws can touch.
Price's favorite thing is to keep you seated on his lap while he takes care of paperwork, having a plate of fruit that he personally handfeeds you, teaching you how to be patient even when all you want to do is dig your pretty face on the plate of berries. Sometimes the urges win, leaving you with hiccups from eating so fast, and earning you a knowing look from him.
Gaz and Soap like to try climbing with you, although you're much more agile and rarely wait for them. They're usually unable to keep up, simply opting to have chats under the shade of the tree while you nap, arms, legs, and an adorably bushy tail dangling from the tree.
Being the youngest men from the Task Force, of course they have needs. It's an agreement they discussed a while before your heat, keeping their time with you calm and relaxed. You don't even have to tell them you're in heat— they know.
It starts with you becoming needier, sometimes getting aggressive and easily agitated, yet keeping your desperate eyes on them even when you climbed the tree to isolate, blaming it on them being annoying. They persuade you down with food, holding an appetizing apple that makes your stomach rumble, climbing down quickly just for them to take turns sitting you on their laps, hard cocks grinding against your needy cunt even when you try to focus on the food.
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