#recontextualizes it
aparticularbandit · 2 months
Kyoko in DR3 looked at her impossible task - solve the murders before she and Makoto both die - and then, when forced to make a choice between save herself or save the person she loves?
Made the same choice Yui did.
And that's Yui's influence.
Pre-Black Challenge Kyoko could never. Her family creed is to put the case first, even above family (which is why Jin split - because Grandpa Kirigiri wouldn't let Kyoko go see her dying mother because they were on a case, and Mama Kirigiri died - and Jin was right for splitting, but he was wrong for leaving Kyoko there).
During DR Kirigiri, we see Kyoko making the comment that sometimes you have to let people die to solve the case, and every time she makes that claim, Yui rebukes her. No. We try and save everyone. We save as many people as we possibly can. Like them or not, we go to save them, even at the risk of our own lives.
Saving victims is the most important thing.
And we see Kyoko learning from this in vol. 6 - we maybe can't win the sniper game, but we can try to keep everyone from getting on the island. (Except there are flaws in that plan which she quickly brings up.)
Kyoko doesn't pull Makoto into her investigations because then he would be at risk from the mastermind, made most blatant when Junko bops him on the head and steals the Hope's Peak yearbooks.
Junko is playing a game with Kyoko.
Makoto becomes alibi and bait.
DR3 and Kyoko's choice to sacrifice herself to save Makoto, even though he might not be able to figure things out, is an homage to Yui and what she learned from her.
(It's also her way of saying that she's tired of other people dying for her. That she's taking the bullet this time.)
This is how you recontextualize canon.
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aroaceleovaldez · 9 months
reminder that the only reason the "ADHD is actually demigod BATTLE STRATEGIES" and "dyslexia is DEMIGOD BRAINS HARDWIRED FOR ANCIENT GREEK" things exist in the PJO universe is because it's a very direct reference to early 2000s teaching/parenting techniques for neurodiverse and disabled children, which aimed to frame childrens' disabilities and hardships as a "superpower" or strength so that the children would feel more positively about their disabilities or situations. This technique has fallen out of favor since then for the most part since more often than not it just results in kids feeling as though their struggles are not being seen or taken seriously.
Yes, demigods are adhd/dyslexic (and sometimes autistic-coded) in the series. This is extremely important and trying to remove it or not acknowledge it makes the entire series fall apart because it is such a core concept. Yes, canon claims that their adhd/dyslexia is tied to some innate abilities, which is based on an outdated methodology. It's important to acknowledge that and understand where it comes from! But please stop trying to apply it to other pantheons in the series like "oh, the romans have dyscalculia because of roman numerals!" or "the norse demigods have dysgraphia for reasons!" - it's distasteful at best.
A better option is to acknowledge the meta inspiration for why that exists in the series, such as explaining potentially that Chiron was utilizing that same teaching methodology to try and help demigods feel more comfortable with their disabilities and they aren't literal powers. In fact, especially given Frank, there's implication that being adhd/dyslexic isn't a guaranteed demigod trait, which means it's more likely to be normally inherited from their godly parent/divine ancestor as a general trait, not a power, and further supports the whole "ADHD is battle strategy" thing being non-literal. It also implies the entire greco-roman pantheon in their universe is canonically adhd/dyslexic - and that actually fits very well with the themes of the first series. The entire central conflict of the first series fits perfectly as an allegory about neurodiverse/disabled children and their relationships with their undiagnosed neurodiverse/disabled parents and trying to find solutions together with their shared disability/disabilities that the kid inherited instead of becoming distant from each other (and this makes claiming equivalent to getting a diagnosis which is a fascinating allegory! not to mention the symbolism of demigods inheriting legacies and legends and powers from their parents and everything that comes with that being equivalent to inheriting traits, neurodiversity, and disabilities from your parents).
anyways neurodiversity and disability and the contexts in which the series utilizes representation of those experiences particularly during the 2000s symbolically within the narrative is incredibly important to the first series and the understanding of what themes it means to represent. also if i see one more "the romans have dyscalculia instead of dyslexia" post in 2023 i'm gonna walk into the ocean.
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likeappletrees · 1 year
obsessed with the dracula daily community on this website. not only is everyone reading the emails again and listening to the podcast, but now our good friend jonathan harker is stuck in a time loop. i love it here
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deaduris · 1 year
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remembered this happened in light of recent news
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gummi-ships · 2 months
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Kingdom Hearts 3 - Toy Box
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nillia · 1 month
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buggachat · 2 years
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this is so horrible
This isn't even new for him. Gabriel did basically this same exact thing in Collector three seasons ago, faked a breakdown in his office and made Adrien believe it was all his fault. This is so consistent with Gabriel's methods of abuse/manipulation, and I already knew Gabriel did this shit, but seeing it again like this and with the dialogue really drives home how absolutely despicable and purposeful this all is.
Gabriel isn't just talking about the friends pushing food on him. He could've chose to say "why don't children respect me!" or "this suit cost so much!" or "i was so embarrassed in front of all the other parents!", but he didn't. He chose instead to talk about Adrien's conversation with him in the kitchen that morning, the one where Adrien very reasonably mentioned that he was uncomfortable being a virtual personal assistant. Adrien didn't even push it. He just mentioned that he was uncomfortable and then kind of moved on from it.... and this is what Gabriel saw as a fitting punishment for Adrien asking a question. To fill Adrien with such intense guilt and shame while shouting things like "Maybe I wasn't meant to be a father!"
Like, this is traumatizing, right? Adrien is witnessing this, and Gabriel knows that Adrien is witnessing it, in fact, Gabriel is only doing it because Adrien is witnessing it. Literally no excuse. This is just pure 100% emotional abuse, flat out, with zero way to sugarcoat it.
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tvlandofficiall · 10 months
what ARE your addison thoughts? i know you said spamton isn't one, but do you have any other opinions on them?
what does it mean when noelle kills the pink addison?
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after all, they're not a huge character. sure, the music cuts out after you kill them, and it is framed as a horrific thing, but you can still back out of the snowgrave route at any time afterwards. their and the other darkners' deaths are able to be smoothed over quite easily -- too easily. the game merely treats it as though you didn't recruit them. berdly is the only one that snaps noelle out of her trance -- and as well, he is marked as the point of no return, the divergence point of snowgrave. but why?
in the world of deltarune, to be "real" is a metric of power. the more "real" one is within the system of deltarune, the more power one has. we stand at the top as players -- existing on the highest plane of "reality", our reality. the lightners are a level below that -- lines of code and dialogue in the game of deltarune that we play. the darkners exist on the lowest level -- as the lightners are video game characters to us (both literally and figuratively, as mirrors of undertale's cast), the darkners are mere objects to the lightners. it's a system that reflects all the way down. we "determine" the fates of the lightners, and the lightners "determine" the fates of the darkners. of course, each level of reality is still a reality. the darkners are no less of people than the lightners, and the lightners are no less of people than us. but that doesn't mean this power metric exists merely in the characters' own heads, nor is it something simply realizing one's own worth can overcome. it is a real system baked into the world of deltarune, one that exists to oppress and govern the people within it. this "layered reality" and the power dynamics that divide it are tangible, constricting, and horrifying.
in snowgrave, we see this come into play when we kill the darkners. noelle becomes conditioned to see them as "enemies". the snowgrave run is also faster, quicker -- you can "clear" the dark world and get to the coveted, "more real" light world faster that way. even gaster doesn't treat the darkners as important -- ralsei does not get to be "very, very special" like the others. and you can back out of the snowgrave route at any time, so long as you don't kill berdly -- a lightner. someone "more real".
i tend to stay away from connecting undertale to deltarune too much via "plot facts" and the such. taking the darkners to the light world, for example, is not the solution to deltarune's conflict, as it is not a one to one mirror of undertale's. but there are a number of symbolic and thematic ideas that come up in both games. the darkners in deltarune are framed much like the monsters were in undertale -- the "enemy" character type.
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but what measure is an "enemy", anyway? don't these "enemies" deserve to be treated like people, too?
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general-yasur · 1 month
with Lloyd's old va saying he was ten back in season one makes me realize lloyd was actually older than me back in 2011 he still was when the lego ninjago movie dropped and now he is an adult like me It is very rare to have a character literally grow up with you. Now he is bumbling about, full of doubt as he tries to be a role model while still trying to make the people who raised him proud
He's in a similar spot to me in life right now and its weird but also comforting
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silver-starss · 10 months
The flashback sequences in Ahsoka ep 5 do an excellent job of emphasizing that Ahsoka was not only a soldier, but a child soldier. She's always been established as being 14-17 throughout The Clone Wars, but seeing that reality in live action, with an actually teenaged actress no less, really drives home that point.
She's a badass Jedi-in-training... but still a child in a warzone. And that hurts both Ahsoka herself and the audience. It's an understated aspect of her character, but one that definitely warrants the increased focus we see here.
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apas-75 · 2 months
The Hidden Path in OWK having a set of blueprints of Fortress Inquisitorius that they got from someone who downloaded them when it was under construction...sure would be interesting if there were, say, someone who was briefly an Inquisitor who was there when it was under construction, had severe doubts about the role she was being forced into, and who has been previously established to be capable of memorizing complex building layouts.
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thankstothe · 9 months
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Breaking the cycle of it all
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strobilo · 5 months
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iconic scene alert
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yardsards · 10 months
the problem with taz balance is that half of the things that make me want to recommend it to people are major spoilers that will fundamentally change the listening experience
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canonkiller · 5 months
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do you consider your self made?
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smallblueandloud · 4 months
ooh, the fact that sophie uses the name of lady charlotte prentice during "the lonely hearts job" is EXTRA good now with the added context from leverage: redemption
they're fighting grifters who did exactly what sophie did. lacie had the exact same problem that sophie did. their client, who sophie calls a romantic and wants to believe loved his wife? sophie had a husband who was the exact same way
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