#really goodwork
demonstars · 1 year
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yarameijer · 6 months
hii!! i just want to say, your fic Accidental Reverse inspired me to write my own fic abt my AU!!
(not to toot my own horn, but it’s Raimon Eldritch Chronicles)
the way you write the characters, make everything come together is so amazing!!
and i love how tenma is so done with everyone’s shit so he started fucking around their heads (the humor is pristine lmao)
needless to say, keep up the goodwork!!
who knows, maybe im not the only one who you inspired :3
WHOA I knew I saw Raimon Eldritch Chronicles somewhere before, but I hadn't had the chance to answer your ask yet (I have,,, a few too many asks in my inbox that I should really get around to, oops). I'm really happy that I could inspire you, it sounds like an awesome idea!
Character development is one of the best things to write (plus worldbuilding in my opinion), but at some point they get too much personality and end up writing themselves Minamisawa
Best of luck with your story, where are you planning to publish it? I'm really curious about it, it's an awesome idea and I'm not very familiar with the concept either. Good luck writing, and most of all, have fun!!!
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sun4kiss · 3 months
OMYHODDDDJDJDJDJ i actually never requestd before and the request for ni-ki nsfw audio was my first one, i thought you ignored me or something.. IT WAS SOO GOOD please keep up the goodwork and makybe do more ni-kis in the future😩
I don't ignore anyone kkksskss, i was just looking for one that really sounds like him because I want to receive reactions like this😁😁
I'm glad you liked💗
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gumified · 3 months
Hii! recently found ur account through ur fic about officer worker choso and IT WAS SOO GOOD. I just wanted to share how talented ur works are ^^ and i followed so can’t wait to more
AHHHH ANONNNN 🫶🫶🫶 it makes me so so happy u liked the choso fic bcs i’m really proud of it 🥰 IM SO HAPPY U FOLLOWED I PROMISE TO KEEP UP THE GOODWORK 🙌🙌🙌
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fanfichubcircuit · 10 months
Bruh, never stop writing dude. I’m very VERY excited for what you have next to show us and i literally cannot wait. Keep up the goodwork : )
I can’t put into words how good this makes me feel. Thank you so much. I really love writing but I’m really hard on myself about it. So having all of you respond like this is really touching and healing.
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brownhood69 · 2 years
to Bflytz
I am so happy that you made a fanfiction of Bomberman land. Not only that you did this, but you also add in an interesting story to it. No I don't know if you have a Tumblr account or not but I just want to say keep up the goodwork! And who knows? Maybe Bomberman will become popular enough to have TONS of fanfiction of different types of bomberman media. I really hope you continue this story -Brownhood
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ussjellyfish · 2 years
for ao3 wrapped!!
12. How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
20. Which work of yours have you reread the most?
12. How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
Three! Quantum, which is ongoing. I started that in February, 2022. 101,663 words, which is brilliant. Currently my 6th longest fic on ao3. I think it'll end up being the 2nd longest, even the longest? It's my current running fic that's like my best friend, because it's always there.
I also have half a thing with an arranged marriage to save Michael from having to become a Qowot Milat nun. It's like 1000 words and I don't know if/when I'll finish it, but it's cute and the dialogue is cute.
And uh...a sappy save the person you have a crush on from a fire fight thing I started writing last night. I don't know how finished it'll get, but it was fun to imagine.
20. Which work of yours have you reread the most?
At the moment, Quantum, because I have to check for consistency and make sure I'm catching evrerything I want to catch. It's also my current favorite pairing and the fic is exactly what I like so that's my happy place.
I have reread Firefly the most times in its entirety beause it was hard to get the ending of that one, so I reread chapters 1-26 SO MANY times. Also it's pretty unique in its place in fandom, it's goodwork of mine and I really do like that one.
Forever in my life is Uncharted, which is my first big Beverly/Kathryn fic, it's plotty and complicated and I did so much research. I love it. (there are things I forgot in that on and it's fun to reread it.).
ao3 Wrapped
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fresatechnologies · 2 years
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
hello again !! im the leftey anon :) was wondering since you do tmnt now. can i request a yandere parisitica leo concept maybe ? i loved that ep as a kid and i also love your work as well. once again keep up the goodwork (btw loved the lefty concept)
YES, THANK YOU! I FOUND THAT EPISODE AMAZING. Happy you liked the Lefty concept, too :)
I REALLY needed to write for this one as the idea really spoke to me currently, lol. Like all my fics, Leonardo everyone is aged up.
Darling is specifically depicted as female as Leo says "queen" and you're called a "she/her" if that's fine? It worked for the plot I had in mind, insects and all. Please give feedback!
Yandere! Parasitica! Leonardo Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Yandere-like behavior, Possessive behavior, Female names and pronouns, Brainwashing, Feral behavior, Mention of 'mates', Parasitic insect mention, Stalking, Drool mention.
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- Due to the hypnotic toxins Leo was infected with by the mutant wasp, he becomes much different from his usual self.
- More feral and much less controlled....
- This is no longer the Leonardo you knew you were friends with.
- He was something else entirely now.
- Altering from the episode a bit to make this work, if Leonardo already liked you strongly before the toxin, then you're in even more trouble
- Instead of the hypnotic toxin making it so the wasp larvae eats Leo in this, it'll just screw with his mind.
- The others are very adamant on keeping you away from Leo.
- They need to find a cure, just leave him be with the strange wasp egg he has.
- They can't kill it until Leonardo is fine, anyways.
- Scared for your friend(s) safety, you stay away as much as you can.
- While Leonardo is protective of this egg... he still appears agitated.
- The others noting Leo looks as though he's searching for something in the room he and the egg are kept in.
- Constant mutterings of 'queen' while cursing and hissing at certain intervals.
- It isn't much of a problem until Leonardo actively tries to leave the room, egg still in his protection.
- "Keep him in there! I'm not sure why he keeps trying to leave but we've got problems if he does!"
- "Where is she!?"
- "She?"
- "Queen of the egg... give her back!"
- "You're spouting nonsense, Leo... Get back in the room before I force you!"
- "Could he be talking about (Y/N)? Leo always seemed to like her...."
- It's then Leo stops his hissing and perks at your name, pitch black eyes narrowing.
- "Mine! Give queen back! Must protect the egg!"
- It's at that point the turtles know you're truly in danger.
- They don't only have to worry about the egg... but a rabid Leo hunting you down, too.
- While the turtles struggle trying to keep Leo in the lair, you're doing your best to keep living your life.
- You can't come visit until Leo's back to normal....
- You're not dragged back into their problem until you start noticing shadows.
- Rabid growling sounds out your window alert you to a presence.
- It sounds like an animal outside....
- You go outside to try and check only to see nothing.
- You deem there being nothing wrong, walking back inside.
- Only to see an alien egg laying on your bed.
- You find your voice and scream in panic, eyes in a frenzy when you look around the room.
- Then you see him.
- Leonardo, very much not normal, staring at you with slime-like drool running down his lips.
- You're paralyzed at the presence of him and the egg....
- Then... he grins.
- Black eyes doing nothing to add to your fear, Leonardo coos softly towards you.
- "Queen~! I bring the egg. We must care for it. Together. No harm shall come to your or our brood."
- You cringe, shaking your head.
- Leo was still infected... not even trying to hide it.
- Did he really expect you to care for this egg!?
- "You're not Leo...."
- You prepare your escape, Leonardo tilting his head.
- "Yet, I AM Leo. Your mate. We are meant to take care of the egg. You will love the egg..."
- Leo steps closer, eyes narrowed but grin still on his face.
- "You will love ME...!"
- You try to follow through with your escape plan.
- However, you failed to recognize Leo was NOT slow in this form.
- In fact, he may even be faster...
- A strong grip grabs your leg and pulls you down.
- You slam onto the ground, the turtle you once were friends with crawling on top of you.
- His size dwarfed you, drool spilling onto your bruised skin.
- "Do not flee. We will be family. The egg will hatch and we will care for the babies."
- You're forced to look at Leonardo when he grips your chin.
- "You will not abandon your family, right?"
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corazonsgf · 2 years
Home ♡
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Corazon x marine reader SFW. Summary your always the last one to get home from work and today was something WARNING I CANT SPELM WELL FYI
You didn't mind your job, it was great but a pain in the ass most of the time today was probably one of the worst days of the year due to the fact you had go and deal with rookies which is the worst due to the fact most are annoying to deal with, it makes your wonder why did they become pirates in the first place if not looking for the one piece
11:30 PM "Goodwork today y/n, don't forget about those papers you have to work on still" you yawned and just waved your arm off to your co worker Hina saying goodbye. Corazon already was home and you were so ready to leave that place
On your way home you thought what he would be doing right now and how his day went since you don't really see him as much when he's with sengoku, after a few minutes pass you made it home and never been so relieved to just lay down and take your shoes off. "Cora I'm home now!" You had said waiting for his response to see if he was awake given the fact it was late at night, you didn't hear his response so just walked inside once you took off your shoes you just decided to fall onto the couch and almost doze off wondering if Corazon was asleep or gone,
Few minutes pass as your eyes are closed ready to sleep you body was greated by a taller frame wrapping around you bringing you in, as soon as you woke up you saw it was corazon and ruffled his hair "where were you cora?" as you yawned, "I was out picking some stuff up I didn't except you to be home so eailer since you work so much" he said worriedly "yeah I just decided to not finish what I had left at the office just some reports on rookies again." You were very tired of them given the fact how much it makes you tired dealing with them. "Well I don't mind you are home eailer I'm glad" he smiled then brought you in for a kiss, you felt so relieved and so calm this man was your everything you loved him a lot, "I love you cora" as you smiled and hugged him you two were cuddling on the couch "I love you too my love." He just held you in place cherishing every moment but it was ruined shortly when he accidentally flipped the couch backwards and you ended up in top of him, you both just laughed because of how clumsy he is you didn't mind it at all you thought it was always pretty funny
"You are my home anywhere." Corazon said kissing you one last time.
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oh-boy-me · 3 years
Obey Me Devilgram Posts and Comments: Dress Up/Wedding Vows
Now we’ve reached the part where the events seem like they were so long ago, but in reality they were pretty recent.  It’s a weird spot to be in, but it means that I’m still catching up lol
I feel like I sound more like I’m being translated from Japanese than usual today lmao.  That isn’t my keikaku (TN: keikaku means plan), but I guess it’s from the large amount of translating I did today.  I wonder if it’s a good or bad thing that I’m so impressionable like that.
Anyway, the proposals were all really sweet and I’m still bitter I couldn’t choose a winner ;w;
日本語は私の第三言語ので、時々間違えます。日本語話者、間違いを見たら教えてください。 (Japanese is my third language, so I make mistakes sometimes.  Japanese speakers, if you see a mistake, please tell me!)
And as always, we have the #devilgram rush tag and there’s a full transcript below the cut.
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The Eve of Lucifer’s Wedding
Mammon: The wedding's tomorrow!?
Satan: Lucifer did the cooking himself!?
Diavolo: Oh, I’m looking forward to it
Solomon: Can I, your exchange student friend, give the speech?
#Wedding #Wish
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Wedding Uproar(1)
Barbatos: Let us meet at the venue
Beel: I asked for souvenirs
Levi: Imagining the newlywed life is another specialty of mine
Diavolo: You all really look like you’re having fun
#Wedding #Imagination
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Truth that Feels Like a Lie
Lucifer: Is that a good plan??
Luke: Even if it’s fake I have a bad feeling about this!
Mammon: Even as a lie this ain’t allowed!
Simeon: Isn’t it nice that your fan count is growing?
#Marriage #Lies
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The Route to Marriage
Asmo: If I were there I’d win by a landslide
Solomon: People like an infinite variety of things
Mammon: The thoughts of a negative shut-in(2)
Lucifer: You still have a long way to go
#DatingSim #Marriage
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Heating Up! Coordination Battle!
Levi: A normie event…... 
Satan: I think either one is fine
Lucifer: Don’t use Diavolo’s name in such a place!
Simeon: I’d also like to see you in various styles(3)
#Coordination #Clothes
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Belphie’s Fashion Show
Asmo: Should I go ahead(4)?
Mammon: Maybe, there’s treasure?
Levi: There’s some clothes that I made too
Barbatos: It’s important to keep things tidy
#FashionShow #TidyingUp
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That Gesture is Dangerous!
Solomon: Satan seems to have many worries
Asmo:  What’s that? It’s the best!
Luke: This is a demon?!!
Mammon: Heyheyheyhey!!
#Moe(5) #GoodWork
1. 騒動 can mean a media or a riot or feud, and I don’t know which it is so I kind of went for both. 2. 陰キャ (inkya) means either “a negative person” or “an asocial person”, and since both fit Levi I made it mean both. 3. 色々な君, literally meant “various yous,” which doesn’t really make sense so I took a swing at what he was probably implying. 4. 先 (saki) is a word that I have grown to hate since it means so many different things and I can never tell which it’s going to be. 5. Kyun
マモン:明日が結婚式!? サタン:ルシファー自ら手料理をするだと!? ディアボロ:いやー楽しみだね ソロモン:スピーチは留学生仲間の俺がやっても? #結婚式 #願望
バアルバトス:会場でお会いしましょう ベール:お土産を頼んだ レヴィ:新婚生活の想像はぼくも得意 ディアボロ:君たちは本当に楽しそうだね #結婚式 #想像
ルシファー:それは得策なのか? ルーク:偽装でも良くない気がするぞ! マモン:嘘でもダメだからな! シメオン:ファンが増えてよかったじゃないか #結婚 #嘘
アスモ:ぼくがいたら圧勝だね ソロモン:人の好みは千差万別だからね マモン:陰キャの考えだな ルシファー:まだまだだな #恋愛ゲーム #結婚
レヴィ:リア充のイベントだ…… サタン:どちらも良いと思う ルシファー:そんなところでディアボロの名を使うな! シメオン:俺も色々な君を見てみたいな #コーディネート #服
アスモ:先に行ってるよー? マモン:もしかしてお宝があるんじゃないか レヴィ:ぼくが作った衣装もあるんだからね バルバトス:整理整頓は大切ですよ #ファッションショー #片付け
ソロモン:サタンは気づかれが多そうだ アスモ:なにそれ最高 ルーク:これが悪魔かっ! マモン:おいおいおいおい!! #萌え #お疲れ様
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princess-grim · 3 years
Aw thanks a fucking lot!! I didn't knew someone still is inspired by my work, and i'm glad someone is still inspired! Those words really warmed my heart. I want to say more but i don't want to sound embarrassing.
Stay safe and thank you again for support. 🔥💀🔥
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lemme just say your stories are amazing!! i always re-read it and takes to much of my time lol
anyways, keep up the goodwork and hope your writings get more attention also the new strain is hella scary so stay safe! - 🐷
Thank you ❤ it makes me so happy to hear that you reread my stuff cuz then you're enjoying the actual writing and not just wanting to see where the story goes 😭 i'm so flattered but also don't let it take too much of your time babe I would feel guilty 🥺
Yeah the new strain is scary but I work in healthcare so I can't really stay safe 😂 it's all good though. You stay safe ❤❤❤❤
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stormwaterwitch · 3 years
hi, hi
I bought some dragon necklaces with crystals in them (to get more in contact with my dragon guide) and just found out that the crystals are probably fake. I personally don't really mind that they are fake (they weren't even expensive) but my question is whether fake crystals are useful for something or not? can they do something for you even though there fake?
sorry for spelling mistakes English is not my first language
keep up the goodwork 😘💕
Oh wow HI tumblr did NOT tell me this was in my inbox D: Sorry for the wait!
You can always enchant things you own with spells like glamours and good luck spells even if they don’t have real crystals on them!
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stayrohazen777 · 4 years
In honor of Ddankong sub-unit (which btw teaser pictures are ouff and it’s only the second day)
female reader
Warnings: None
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Waking up to your friend screaming in your ear isn't necessarily what you call a good morning especially when it’s that time of the month 
“If you don’t leave my room in the next 5 second Na Jaemin I will throw hands at you. On god” 
“I’m just being a good friend waking you up before your classes”
“Hearing your voice cracks first thing i wake up isn't necessarily the nicest alarm now get out ” You sat up rubbing your eyes 
“How did you even get here?” You rolled your eyes 
“You gave me spare keys, remember?” He wiggled his eyebrows 
“Most regretful thing i did” You threw him your backpack and grabbed your water bottle to fill it up 
“Let’s go” You gave him a chocolate bar and wore your shoes 
“Is this a thank you for waking you up?”
“No it’s for shutting you up” You smiled and started walking towards the bus stop 
“Do you have dance class today?” Jaemin asked 
“Yeah I think?” 
“Are you questioning me over your classes?” 
“I dont know ill figure out when i get there” You shrugged 
“I swear to god one day you’ll end up regretting not getting your schedule” He said 
“It’s not that I didn’t want to Jaem it’s that I couldn't” You glared at him 
“Yeah because your beloved-” 
“Shut up” You covered his mouth 
You arrived at the university where surprisingly here were more students than expected which wasn’t exactly a good thing as you liked staying in the study room alone for a bit before chaos erupts 
“AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAH” You heard a high pitched laugh coming from someone you were very familiar with 
“Goodmorning Y/N” He greeted you cheerfully 
“Morning MJ” You smiled 
“Jinjin  wanted to ask you if there’s a meeting for the student council today?” He asked 
“I completely forgot about that shit” You groaned in dissatisfaction 
“So i’m guessing no?” 
“Yeah it’s a no for today” You told him 
After the first couple of classes were over you rushed to the cafeteria
“Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N” Jaemin came running breathless
“What now?” 
“Code Blue” 
“I will actually beat him up today” You furrowed your brows in anger 
“How many fucking times will I tell you to not use the council room for making out Mark and Hae-” You opened the door to confetti?
“Eh?” You asked confused 
“You have officially become the head of the dance team” Haechan announced
“No way” You covered your mouth 
“You’re joking right?” You asked 
“No way we would joke about this” Minhyuck told you 
“As a celebration” MJ put cream on your face 
“Will you text him?” Jaemin asked once you were on your way home 
“The guy you always text but never talk to in person because you’re a coward Y/N” Jaemin rolled his eyes
“You can just say Moonbin you know you don’t have to call me out like that” You put a hand to your heart as a motion of being hurt but then glaring at him 
“I honestly do not get why you both are like this You make me cry” He wiped his fake tears 
“Because we’re both awkward and plus I don’t really pay much attention to that aspect” 
“Jaemin I really want to have a proper conversation with him. Jaemin what if he doesn’t like my personality that's why he's not talking to me in person?” Jaemin mocked your words from a couple of weeks back 
“I told you to stop calling me out didn't I?” You raised a brow 
“Coward” He stuck out his tongue
You glared at him for the nth time today 
“Cowardddd” He wiggled his eyebrows and ran away 
On your way you saw Jaemin talking to someone 
“Who’s the coward no-” You started but stopped once you saw the person he was talking to 
“Me” You said and walked away from the scene 
“Did you really just HAHAHAHAHAHAHA” Jaemin laughed at your embarrassment 
“Will you shut your trap? I already want to dig myself a hole and stay there” You whined 
“That was an amazing opportunity by the way” 
“Shut up you probably only were there because of Jeno” 
“At least I’m talking to him” He scoffed
“Good Morning” You said sluggishly 
“What is up with you?” Jaemin asked 
“It’s my second day” You put a hand on your stomach 
“Oh will you be able to go to dance class today?” 
“Yeah don’t worry I’ll be fine by then” You gave a smile 
“If you need anything call me okay?”
You hummed 
After class you were feeling dizzy which was normal but this time it was intense that you had to hold the railings as you went downstairs to the cafeteria 
“Hey are you okay?” Jinjin came to you with someone beside him 
“Yeah i’m fine just a little dizzy” 
“You want to go to the nurse?” 
“No no i’m fine don’t worry I just need to get to  the cafeteria” 
“Moonbin take her there while i tell Jaemin” Jinjin told him 
“Oh no it’s fine you don’t have t-”
“I’m okay with it” Moonbin spoke to you for the first time in the whole 5 months you were friends on the phone 
“O-oh o-okay then” 
“Y/N my baby are you okay?” Jaemin came over and sat beside you 
“I’m not your baby you idiot” You slapped his shoulder 
“What happened?” He asked 
“I told you in the morning and it’s probably the lack of water in my system”
“Where’s your water bottle?” 
“I forgot it at home I was rushing today” You said 
“Here drink this” Moonbin handed you a brand new water bottle 
“It’s fine I don’t want to-”
“Y/N” He said sternly 
“Fine Thank you” You took the bottle
“Is what i’m seeing right now real?” Jaemin asked bewildered 
“Jaemin I am warning you” You gave him a glare
“I am sorry” 
“You really don’t have to come today Y/N” Jaemin told you
“Jaemin i’m fine now i am full, hydrated and i took medicine for my cramps so calm down i’m going we need to get the choreography down by this week” You replied putting your backpack in the locker 
“Whatever” He sighed 
“Oh by the way there’s a new guy in the dance team” Jaemin announced 
“Who?” Jisung asked 
“Moonbin” Jaemin said slowly looking at you with a smirk 
“Moon-what now” 
Jaemin shrugged 
“Okay from the top let’s go” You clapped your hands 
Once dance class was over you passed water bottles and some snacks to the team 
“You all did so well I’m proud of you” You wiped your fake tears away 
“Well our leader is very talented and nice she even gives us snacks” Jisung gave you a smile 
“aw you’re adorable” Renjun pinched his cheeks
“Hi” Moonbin greeted as he opened the door
“Oh you’re here for the audition?” Jaemin questioned
“What audition?” You asked Jaemin confusedly 
He just put a finger over his lips 
“Ah yes” He nodded 
“Oh my god i just remembered i have to go my mom wants me to go the salon with her” Jaemin said looking at the rest giving them hints
“But your mo-” 
“Oh right I need to go feed my pet duck” Jisung got up 
“So uh do I show you my dance or no?” He asked 
“Yea-ah sure g-go ahead”
To say you were mesmerised was an understatement 
His moves were so smooth yet so detailed with no mistakes 
“You’re in” You told him after he was done 
“But since we’re halfway through the choreography already you'll have to stay back for a couple of days to get it down before the performance” You said passing him a water bottle and a chocolate bar
He nodded 
“I’ll talk to Jaemin or Minhyuck to help yo-”
“Can you help me?” He asked quickly 
“Yes I think you’ll be the best to work with” He rubbed his neck 
“O-okay I guess” You told him 
“Goodwork today” You smiled at him before leaving 
The next couple of days consisted of you teaching Moonbin the dance which was easier than expected since he was an amazing dancer 
You two got pretty close and your texts got more frequent as you talked more in person 
Your feelings were also getting bigger by every conversation you have 
“Y/N?” Jaemin waved his hand in front of your face 
“What is wrong with you? You keep spacing out” He said as he ate his ice cream 
“Jaem I think I really like someone”
“Yeah I know you’ve been liking him since the third month of you texting him I’m surprised you even got to the point of talking to him”
“Oh my god shut up”
“Honestly if it wasn’t for my amazing skills Moonbin wouldn’t be in the dance te- fuck” 
“You talked him into it didn’t you?” You sighed closing your eyes 
“I- No wait listen Y/N” He got up and ran 
“YOU JUST WAIT NA JAEMIN” You started running but you were blocked by someone 
“What’s up with you running after him?” Moonbin laughed 
“He’s a little sly bitch He won’t get out of this one” You blowed the hair strand out of your face 
“What did he do this time?”
“He talked-” 
Moonbin looked at you as a sign to continue 
“Nevermind he did nothing ha ha ha” You laughed fakely
Moonbin felt a bit upset over the fact that you might not trust him enough but he pushed it away 
“Y/N-” He started 
“Oh would you look at that I gotta go to class” You told him smiling as you walked 
“When will she stop running away?” He sighed 
“I am afraid to tell you that it’ll take a bit” Jaemin came from behind him 
“How the fuck?” 
“Y/N You really need to grow some balls and try to flirt with the poor boy”
“He doesn’t like me, why would I? We’re friends right now I don’t want to mess it up” 
“ For the millionth time You don’t know whether he does or not” He rolled his eyes
“Nana” You said with worry in your tone 
“What?” He looked at you 
“I got an email”
“Elaborate idiot” He told you 
“Mr.Park wants us to have a couple dance along with our group dance” You said whining 
“What? Why all of a sudden?” 
“I have no idea the performance is three weeks away this is on short notice” You rubbed the sides of your forehead trying to calm down 
“It’s okay for now we need to figure out who’s gonna do it” Jaemin said trying to calm you down 
“Wait-” He got an idea
That’s how you ended up in the practice room with Moonbin alone.
Your groupmates or actually your best friend had something up his sleeves and he made everyone vote for you two for the couple dance 
“Na Jaemin I swear to god”
“Anything wrong?” Moonbin came from behind you 
“Not at all i’m just a bit stressed because this came on such short notice” You sighed 
“I know that we’ll be able to do it. How about we dance a bit before we start to get you in the mood hm?”
“I would love that” You smiled 
Several days of creating and practicing with your group and with Moonbin you were finally done with both choreographies, what’s left is practicing the full dances and the performance was only a week away 
You were going to the practice room to just dance everything away 
As you were starting your dance the door opened to Moonbin 
“Oh you’re here? Sorry i’ll-” 
“No it’s okay we can practice together” You told him 
“Why are you still here though?” You asked confused 
“I had to stay late because it was my turn to clean and it started pouring outside so I thought i would practice for a bit until it stopped raining” He explained 
“Oh it’s raining?” 
You two ended up practicing your song, the groups song, and some random dances you both knew 
“I always wondered how you were so good at dancing” You asked Moonbin while you were taking a break 
“Oh i took ballet classes when i was younger and dancing has just stuck with me since then. How about you? I mean you’re in the student council and you’re pretty busy” He smiled
“I liked dancing ever since I was in middle school I taught myself how to dance by learning random choreographies here and there I guess it just became a stress reliever, something that brings my mood up when i’m upset or stressed because of studying or student council”
“Oh wow” 
You continued your practice but as you were dancing to the couple dance you were nervous and  blushing everywhere 
The part where he grabs your waist to spin you around gets you everytime 
Your heart was basically out of your chest at this point 
Even his, He was probably a bigger mess than you 
Scared of you hearing his heartbeat when he pulls you close for the dance or seeing his red cheeks when you turn towards him 
“O-okay I think that-t’s eno-ough for today” You stuttered 
“You’re telling me you were stuck with him in the practice room for hours and you didn’t make ONE MOVE” Jaemin scolded you
“Listen I couldn’t”
“You couldn’t my ass”
“Jaemin I am genuinely too shy and too scared”
“Scared of what?”
“Y/N this is literally your one chance. If you get rejected then what? Will you really waste your chance of a potential amazing relationship because you're scared?” 
“I don’t know” You sighed 
But you did know that Jaemin was right 
You couldn’t be normal towards him. Jaemin’s words stayed with you but you couldn’t do or say anything 
“Y/N?” Moonbin came into the practice room 
“Is everything okay?” He asked you 
“You sure?”
“Did I do anything wrong?”
“Then why are you ignoring me?”
“I am so not ignoring you”
“I greeted you twice but you walked past me and you haven’t been replying to my texts” He said upset 
“I’m sorry I didn’t see you”
“Yes you did”
You looked at him apologetically 
“Will you tell me what’s up and stop running away? Please?” He pleaded 
“I am not running away” 
“Yes you are ever since we started talking in person you’ve been running away” He told you 
“I don’t want you to apologise I want you to tell me what’s wrong” 
You stayed quite 
“I Like you” You stated 
“I like you Moonbin that’s what’s wrong” You said 
“Why is that making you run away from me?” He asked 
“Why do you think?” 
“Y/N look at me” He held your face in his hands 
“I like you too” 
“I like you too.” 
“That’s your reaction? Oh?” He mocked you 
“Shut up it’s the first time someone likes me back”
“Really? Who wouldn’t like your beautiful 
, amazing self?” He smiled
“You love it already” He teased 
He pulled you into his arms into an embrace
“Fucking finally” Jaemin let out a breath of relief when you told him
“I thought you guys would never get together” 
“Thank you Jaem” 
“I knew this day would come” He patted himself on the shoulder 
“Nevermind. No thank you Jaem” You glared at him 
“We’ve practiced for a long while, I know you guys are gonna do so well with your skills. I’m so proud of you” You told them bringing your group mates into a hug 
“You also did well Y/N” Jaemin came to hug you 
The group performance went well however what you were nervous for was the couple dance as it’s the first time you do this type of dance
(If you listen to roleplay the middle part where it’s just music is what they’ll be dancing to basically)
“Y/N” Moonbin called you 
“ I know you’re nervous right now but trust me we’re gonna do well okay?” He put his arms on your waist bringing you closer 
You just nodded smiling at him 
“I’m proud of you love” He told you kissing your forehead
“Thank you. I’m proud of you as well you worked very hard in a short amount of time” 
“Moonbin and Y/N you’re up” Jeno came to tell you 
“We can do this” He held your hand 
“Wait Bin” He looked back at you 
You pressed your lips against his 
“A Goodluck charm” You smiled 
“I’ll ask for one everytime I have something important” He told you 
“You can get one anytime” 
He came forward and kissed you again 
“Less flirting more performing” Jaemin told you 
“You’re so cute” He laughed 
Moonbin gave you one last kiss on your forehead and short hug before you two made it on stage
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iohnyc-blog · 4 years
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Today along with @communitysolidarity & the culinary maestros @feedthepeople_bedstuy we were able to distribute an unprecedented amount of healthy food directly into the arms of hundreds of families and individuals at the weekly BedStuy Food Not Bombs share. Find us all there, every week 3pm at Lafayette and Marcy. Vegetarian groceries and hot vegan food for all! We had four pallets - nearly 200 large boxes of mixed groceries that @pcny and @dynamicwill delivered directly to the park. We also had two large vans of rescued food courtesy of @communitysolidarity and another van with rescued food from our longtime supporters and friends at @perelandrabk & @greenehillfoodcoop Support community run co-ops and local businesses that give back to their communities! @feedthepeople_bedstuy as they always do, made some really special seasonally appropriate butternut squash soup that was nearly all people could talk about! 😋 Thank you to @magickcity for hosting the cooking each week! 💞 Home deliveries were made mostly by cargo bike to more than a dozen members of our community who can’t safely join us in the park during these times because community means everyone! Thanks to @transportationalternatives for sharing a bike with us for that! After the share we got another truckload from @brooklynpackers thanks to @bedstuystrong and more donations from @grownyc_brooklyn and @saraghinabakery - all of that went to stocking the community fridges of Brooklyn and Queens! We love to welcome new volunteers and collaborators! Get in touch if you’d like to help out! #foodnotbombs #ayudamutua #solidaritynotcharity #mutualaid #spreadlove #anarchism #scarcityisalie #communitysolidarity #foodislovefoodislife #freeganismo #foodislovefoodislife #anarquismo #spreadthelove #goodworks #anarchist #freeganism #feedthepeople #foodisaright #anarchismo #freegan #zerowaste #communitylove #communitysupport #neighborshelpingneighbors #bedstuybrooklyn #bedstuydordie #bedstuy #bedstuystrong #buildcommunity #sharingiscaring (at Herbert Von King Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGd3uApFHeM/?igshid=1okik8sho6v5e
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