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i-scavenger · 1 year ago
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Knuckles found in a blue bin.
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justaquestioninggirl29 · 3 months ago
*look up "freegan" or TrashWiki for more info
Add thoughts/nuance in tags or comments!!
Please reblog for larger sample size.
GRAMMAR CORRECTION that I can't make to the poll header - can be *for* whatever reason
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nando161mando · 10 months ago
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the-chaos-crows-victory · 4 months ago
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Sometimes I get back looking like I robbed someone poor dudes garden lol
Don’t worry tho no garden robbing occurred, just the awful wastefulness and mismanagement of ressources of our society
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pixel-bloom · 11 months ago
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I can't wait to see what the new year brings the Valentino Family! We're almost to generation 2~!
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rrfmkc · 11 days ago
816 Bike Collective Really Really Free Market
Tomorrow, February 22nd, the Kansas City Really Really Free Market will be set up on the second floor of the 816 Bike Collective from Noon until 3PM.
The 816 Bike Collective is a free community bike shop located at 518 E 31st St, Kansas City, MO 64108. The bike shop will be open on the ground floor at the same time we are set up upstairs. We will be bringing out lots of great items for the Market, and the collection is sure to change throughout the day as things are taken and new items are donated.
Our last event at the bike collective was VERY busy, to items are bound to change throughout the day, but here are some things we know we'll have at the beginning of the event.
VHS Movies
Sun Glasses
Elementary Educational Tools
Clothes Hangers
Kitchen Utensils
Picture Frames
Wrapping Paper
A Panini Press
And More!
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acti-veg · 1 year ago
Am I still vegan if I eat others left overs? I work and clean dishes at a non vegan restaurant I sometimes will take and eat if there is leftover form the plate, this food would have otherwise just go in the trash, yes I know it’s gross and unsanitary but money is a big struggle at the moment so if I can get a free meal that big money save that I need. All other food I buy and eat is vegan
Veganism is about doing whatever is possible and practicable to avoid animal exploitation, but only you know if you are doing that.
If you afford to not eat leftover animal products, then in my view you should avoid eating them. If these leftovers represent a necessity for you then that would be something you just did not have any real choice in, so whenever you did have the choice, you'd be buying and eating vegan. There are no easy black and white answers to situations like this, especially not when it comes to food poverty or accessibility.
If you are in a situation where you can't eat 100% plant-based right now, despite you doing everything reasonably in your power to do so, then you are still vegan without a doubt. But again, I am no kind of authority on that, only you know what is possible and practicable for you.
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that-punk-adam · 8 months ago
Life gets slightly better when I remember that there is a stream near the unit I live in so that means I don’t gotta pay more for water to wash clothes 😜
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eatfreeordie · 10 months ago
Some dumpster highlights from today, because I felt weird about arranging stuff for a photo with my roommate watching tv in the living room:
Frozen-solid meat, veggies, and dumplings
Freshly-abandoned orange juice
Pasta sauce
Tortilla chips
Flour, brown sugar
Sponges, garbage bags, ziplocks
So much tea and ramen
Instant rice, mac & cheese
A bag of apples
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i-scavenger · 6 months ago
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Toothless found in a dumpster enclosure.
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dumpster-divers-unite · 2 months ago
The last finds for 2024!
Like it or hate it, 2024 is coming to a close. I went dumpster diving for the first time in a long time with a new friend, August, and we found lots of goodies!
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… it’s too bad my camera didn’t want to focus, because I would have hit the limit with the amount of pictures I would have taken.
an Aldi’s large reusable bag (pictured!), porcelain small statues of Buddhas, a newborn’s blanket, child’s Minecraft long sleeve t shirt, HUGE sleeve of sweet kettle corn pop corn, smaller sleeve of Carmel kettle pop corn, mini ‘instant’ sandwiches, pre-sliced pepperoni and cheese pizza, donuts, cookies, and wrap burrito snacks! (I think that’s the whole list of stuff)
We found the first half of the stuff from the apartment units around the unit where I live. The Aldi bag still had that tiny plastic tag holder on it, and someone had used it to toss out some loose trash. The Buddha’s kind of made me mad because a lot of Americans/westerners use and abuse eastern culter(s) and religion(s) and ‘consume’ figures like the Buddha as an aesthetic, so figures will be bought and discarded when the next aesthetic comes along.
The newborn blanket made me mad too. A mother really tossed one of their child’s very first belongings they receive as soon as they are brought to this world and you just toss it away like it’s nothing. I’m only so heated about it because I’ve kept my very first blanket in a small box even if it’s nothing but knots and little rags because it’s so damn sentimental. My second original started to wear out, and when I got replacements I lost one to the apartment’s dryer. I was devastated and still am, to keep my story short. My mother felt endless guilt when we had to replace my backup because I cried, and even if I’ll never be a parent I would never ever throw my child’s very first blanket out. We don’t make fun of people who still sleep with their childhood toys around here :). The Minecraft shirt was a bonus because I love making patches and the design is A-1 for a back patch for an adult.
The food we found was super abundant, sadly. All that we produce as humans never gets appreciated, food or material. The pizza slices were the main corse of my dinner for that night! We got super excited for the cookies. They’re the thick kind with huge chunks of chocolate in them. Oh, if only I was a kid who knew about dumpster diving and who knew about the UDF so close to me. There are no cameras pointed to the back areas where we were and someone left that little latch thing open. No locks and no stupid bar in the way, unlike the dumpsters where I used to live ;). I’m pretty sure my diving activities was the main cause of the locks in the first place.
Get out and dive when you can! I forget sometimes how good the feasting can be when you prevent food waste!
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trydrinkingwater · 2 years ago
just added two locations to this today so i wanted to remind everyone about fallingfruit. it's a collaborative, community driven map of edible forage with pinpoints all around the world directing you to wild edibles growing in your area.
some places have more pins, some have less. if there's not many in your area and you know somewhere that wild forage grows, add it! you don't need an account and can remain completely anonymous while enabling others in your area to collect fresh food that may otherwise not be noticed or enjoyed by anyone, and you may find some spots where you live that you didn't know about before :)
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switfelfox · 11 months ago
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Recicla todo cuanto puedas
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pixel-bloom · 7 months ago
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Postcard Legacy Challenge
📫 Chrono // Rules // Tag
Generation 2 officially kicks off!
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fowlfish · 1 year ago
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It's time for an underrated character from an underrated show! Heinrich Mueller from "The Goode Family."
I seriously enjoyed this show; I found all the main characters really enjoyable and likable. But my favorite part was in "Freeganomics" when Heinrich shows up and gives his bombastic, pretentious rants to the meek and well-meaning Gerald. I loved seeing such an intent character play off such a meek one. You can tell the writers had a ball coming up with his pompous yet poetic & elegant speeches!
That episode is a good example of how this show was a counterpart to King of the Hill, where the antagonist is a morally grey figure who has funny flaws, while raising fair points. Also the voice actor did a terrific job with his intent German accent.
Traditional inks, digital color.
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rrfmkc · 1 month ago
816 Bike Collective Really Really Free Market
Tomorrow, January 25th, the Kansas City Really Really Free Market will be set up on the second floor of the 816 Bike Collective from Noon until 3PM.
The 816 Bike Collective is a free community bike shop located at 518 E 31st St, Kansas City, MO 64108. The bike shop will be open on the ground floor at the same time we are set up upstairs. We will be bringing out lots of great items for the Market, and the collection is sure to change throughout the day as things are taken and new items are donated.
Here are some things we know we'll have at the beginning of the event.
VHS Movies
Elementary Educational Tools
Clothes Hangers
Kitchen Utensils
Water Bottles
Picture Frames
A bunt pan
And More!
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