lunacelebrateslife · 2 months
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solarpunkcitizen · 1 year
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prfm-multiverse · 4 days
i saw reframe video. what is liveship? i've heard first time. did it paid content?
It was an exclusive live streaming incl. english subtitles for Perfume Fanclub members via the platform "Liveship". And even limited actually for the World "PTA" members since it was a tour in Japan during the pandemic. It's the only footage from Reframe Tour 2021.
And it was paid content. A ticket cost around 27 USD. I did purchase it back then and archived the footage from the site.
Background story
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vizthedatum · 5 months
I’m trying to reframe my narrative. It’s harder to forgive myself when I’m constantly saying to myself: how fucked up must I’ve been to marry someone who actively hated me, my needs, and my values? How fucked up must I’ve been to be in a series of situationships with people who did not have capacity for me? How desperate must I’ve been to prove myself while being hurt and unconsidered?
I want to reframe it.
I want to do this because I love myself, and I don’t need to tell myself I’m fucked up. I don’t need to hear or internalize it from other people.
I also don’t want to be in misaligned relationships or friendships.
How wonderful I must have been to have so much hope and love. How beautiful am I that I grow from the lessons of my life. How cool I must have been to know that I matter and my needs matter.
(I’m sure I can keep doing this while acknowledging how bad I feel sometimes… and how hard it is to truly feel like I’ll always be alone (I’m trying to love myself so much so I don’t feel this but it’s a process, I suppose.))
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Acceptance and commitment, Truth
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Reflecting more on a powerful reframe I can really get behind. The course and my growing belief in it is showing me purpose and potential, and that it is good and right to be where I am now.
Seeking to free myself from my long term addiction, now while keeping this secondary to working on the course. I must hold off drinking, paradoxically, to maintain focus. Finding something greater to commit to. Acceptance and commitment is my present action and goal... Accepting that where my issues may take an unusual and isolating form from others, they really have the same content. Committing in perception to identifying with the solution.
We are all of the spirit, that mustard seed of faith and willingness that can move mountains if we can but identify it. This is a challenging life.
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venuskind · 2 years
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“In the Lakota/Sioux tradition, a person who is grieving is considered most waken, most holy. There’s a sense that when someone is struck by the sudden lightning of loss, he or she stands on the threshold of the spirit world. The prayers of those who grieve are considered especially strong, and it is proper to ask them for their help. You might recall what it’s like to be with someone who has grieved deeply. The person has no layer of protection, nothing left to defend. The mystery is looking out through that person’s eyes. For the time being, he or she has accepted the reality of loss and has stopped clinging to the past or grasping at the future. In the groundless openness of sorrow, there is a wholeness of presence and a deep natural wisdom.”
~ Tara Brach
Photography by Unknown
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nofeelingsarefinal · 1 year
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we all have good thoughts, bad thoughts, sexy thoughts, useful thoughts, and useless thoughts. but don’t forget this helpful banger of a wisdom: you are not your thoughts, but the thinker of your thoughts. you can CHOOSE which thoughts to believe in and eventually your thoughts will end up believing you too 🤯 click the link to figure out how to do so.
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unofficialchronicle · 1 month
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“Instead of proving sickness, [acknowledging a character deficit] shows a willingness to face reality and a readiness to choose health” —Courage to Change, Al Anon Daily Reader. p. 230.
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giantsinthemist · 3 months
Today the brain did its own reframe! I was doing the standard pep talk to get yourself to do thing nervous system hateth and thinking “it’s just a simple thing—its not that hard—just do it!” Over and over but it wasn't helping. Then the thought popped into to my head, “but for you it actually is hard and you are being courageous for trying(think of how you would talk to a kid?)” and it kind cooled things off—so i thought “I know this is difficult but you are (very) brave” over and a few times. And It helped, like actually—sounds cliche but it worked and it did it on its own which is kind cool and hasn’t really happened before
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quotationadmiration · 3 months
All clouds are not rain clouds.
Latin proverb
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rozencraft · 3 months
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Food / Thought
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modalities-of-care · 6 months
““The Smiling Workman,” which he performed at the Judson Church in New York, he painted “I love what I’m doing.” As he was doing this, he began drinking one of the jars of paint before physically diving through the canvas.”
I love what I’m doing!
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prfm-multiverse · 5 days
Do you have "Perfume Reframe Tour 2021" ?
2022.01.17 Perfume - Reframe Tour 2021 (WPTA Liveship.tokyo)
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Google Drive
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bdknopp · 6 months
“It’s not the problem that causes our suffering; it’s our thinking about the problem.” ― Byron Katie Byron Katie is a renowned speaker and author who developed a process called “The Work,” which focuses on questioning our thoughts to free ourselves from suffering. This quote reminds us that our thoughts and perceptions of a problem are often the true source of our suffering, rather than the…
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How 'Yet' Changes Everything
Ever found yourself face-to-face with a challenge, thinking, "I can't do this"? We've all been there, staring down the barrel of self-doubt. But what if I told you there's a tiny, three-letter word powerful enough to transform these moments of doubt into stepping stones for growth? It's simple, it's magic, it's the word "yet."
Humaira Syed hit the nail on the head when she said, “Every limiting belief becomes the growth mindset tool by adding just this small word 'YET.'" It's a simple trick, but it sure packs a punch!
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The Power of "Yet"
Adding "yet" to any of your limiting beliefs does a little bit of magic. It's like flipping a switch from a fixed mindset ("I can't do this") to a growth mindset ("I can't do this yet"). See the difference? It's all about keeping the door open to possibilities, learning, and growth.
Why "Yet" Works
Encourages Growth: It acknowledges that you're on a journey. Skills can be learned, abilities can be developed, and knowledge can be acquired.
Builds Resilience: It's a verbal reminder that failure isn't the end of the road; it's just a pit stop where you learn what doesn't work.
Promotes Positivity: Instead of hitting a dead end, you're on a path with plenty of future exits. It's a way to stay optimistic, even when things look grim.
Putting "Yet" into Practice
Face a New Challenge: Next time you're up against something tough, add a "yet" to your internal dialogue. "I don't know how to do this... yet." It's a promise to yourself that you're going to figure it out.
Embrace Learning: Remember, mastery takes time and effort. Whether it's a new language, a sport, or a musical instrument, "yet" gives you the mental space to improve.
Celebrate the Small Wins: Every step forward is progress. Didn't nail it today? That's okay because you're not there "yet." Each attempt is bringing you closer to your goal.
"Yet" is more than just a word; it's a mindset. It's the difference between giving up and pushing forward, between stagnation and growth. So, the next time you catch yourself doubting your capabilities, sprinkle a little "yet" on those thoughts and watch how your perspective shifts.
Let's not limit ourselves by what we can do today but inspire ourselves by what we'll achieve tomorrow. After all, the only real limits are the ones we place on ourselves. And with "yet" in our vocabulary, those limits are about to expand
Ready to turn your "can'ts" into "cant's... yet"? Let's embark on this journey of growth together!
Stay Weird & Wonderful,
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I personally headcanon that the reason that the townsfolk all unquestioningly accept the farmer despite them being the weirdest person (?) alive is that they've all lived in the same tiny, rural, seemingly isolated town for most of their lives and have no real experience with someone from outside it. They probably just accept that that's just how cityfolk are, and it would be rude to question it. Like yeah, they sometimes barge into their bedrooms wearing a trashcan lid as a hat, present them with their favorite meal, and then fuck off to fish until they pass out at two in the morning, and routinely take one-way trips to Calico Desert with no way to get back, only to be spotted heading into the mines early the next morning, but they're from Zuzu city. Besides, that meal they pulled out of their backpack was pretty damn good
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