#rant post kinda
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pip0h · 3 months ago
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natsume ! btw consider commissioning me T_T pc parts arrived but apparently i need to change my power supply unit after JUST CHANGING IT LIKE 2 MONTHS AGO???
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dont-hug-me-its-yuri · 1 year ago
Me with Coffin:
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olailamajnoon · 2 months ago
Bruce, who has a problem expressing emotions because he was teased for them in school as the "crazy Wayne kid"
Bruce, who used to clutch Alfred at night and wet himself due to his nightmares.
Bruce, who got flashbacks till his mid-twenties everytime he walked down an alley.
Bruce, who would hug a weeping Dick Grayson and stay with him until the night terrors were over, humming a soft lullaby that Bruce's mother sang for him
Bruce, who hardened his mouth and his life to keep the anger in check after Jason, because he knew if he didn't every criminal would pay.
Bruce, who sees Damian chopping up shrubbery and thinks "I was far worse as a child inside, it's a good thing he's letting it out"
Bruce, who can't walk by a homeless child in the street without calling his special Wayne Foundation liaison (who he keeps on speed dial) and asking her to find "one more spot"
Bruce, who sees Selina petting kittens and robbing the rich and thinks "if I could have had a life with her, that would have been nice"
Bruce, who looks at Cass' x-rays and sees her knit bones and swears to god he will break the bones of whoever's responsible for her upbringing
Bruce, who gives Tim projects that he himself can do faster because he sees attention-starved Tim trying to please him
Bruce, who looks at Clark smiling and thinks of what he can buy for his birthday to make him smile just like that.
Bruce to his parents in their graves after not being able to catch a criminal: I'm sorry. I've failed you. I'll try harder.
People who don't know Bruce: why is that man so unfeeling.
Bad DC writers: idk just that way i guess
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loolilyumm · 1 month ago
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Agent 3 interrupts the Octo Expansion character selection screen (not clickbait)
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wolfram-but-art · 11 days ago
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some recent sketches i did without context
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starscream-is-my-wife · 3 months ago
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Sometimes a day makes you want a Starscream to bite and squeeze
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xx-female · 24 days ago
as a bengali girl one of the biggest reasons i used to think i was "nonbinary" was bc i was told it was normal to have an incongruence w/ womanhood bc of my race... who fed me this lie
why is womanhood based on a woman's proximity to whiteness?? why are women of color deemed less female for the not fitting standards made against us? and why is the solution to that to push us into some third gender instead of just abolishing gender itself?????
has anyone else experienced something similar??
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thecommunalfoolboy · 10 months ago
It’s crazy how many people just don’t understand why a lot of aro and or ace people don’t like that Alaster gets shipped. It’s not that hard to understand we don’t have a lot to let ourselves lose. I mean can you name 10 asexual characters? 5? Can you name two aro characters. There’s the guy from Archie who they made have a sex scene in a movie version. There’s a few books. I think a background character in Heartstopper? Do you see the theme here??? You’re all queer people, do you not get it? How it feels to have nothing? Is it so wrong to be upset that there’s finally an outwardly aroace person in popular media and instead of people embracing that they’re fighting on the internet about why it’s ok to ignore it? And I will never in my fucking life have anything against the people who are aro and or ace and portray him in THEIR experiences, even if it is a romance or sex favorable experience, but it is obvious that way too many of you guys are allo and it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I don’t even like him as a character that much, he isn’t even made by an aroace artist. The show isn’t even that fucking good, I just want to keep someone like me for once in my life. If there were a million other aroace characters I wouldn’t care, but it just hurts seeing erasure coming from my own community. It just sucks, man, I don’t know. It just sucks
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risetherivermoon · 4 months ago
i dont really like it when people dumb down Curly's characterization to just the guy enabling Jimmy. I get that that makes it easier to not like him, so that's why a lot of people do that, because they feel guilty about sympathizing with someone who's done smth fucked up like that, but i really don't think it's giving Curly the justice he deserves.
regardless of if you like him as a person or not, Curly is still a victim and he suffered greatly at Jimmy's hand. Just because he did something fucked up doesn't make him a 'monster' (sorry because i saw someone say that he looks like a monster post-crash and thats sticking with me because why TF are we saying disabled burn victims look like LITERAL MONSTERS- yall use some common sense I BEG)
Dumbing down characters is what fandom does best, but i think it particularly irks me in Mouthwashing because of the nature of the story. Jimmy already thinks of the rest of the crew poorly and doesn't see them for how they really are, we don't need to be doing that too.
I also feel like people don't really recognize the fact Jimmy manipulates and abuses Curly too, even before the crash. What Curly did was fucked up but for the love, don't dumb him down to just this one thing he did.
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zebulontheplanet · 1 year ago
Im sorry, but a TON of you know fucking nothing about level 3 autism.
A lot of you like to go “but I can’t live fully independent and need help with some things so I must have level 3 autism 🥺” I can promise you that you being able to live with your partner and semi independently does NOT mean you have level 3 autism.
So many people have been watering down level 3 autism. And self diagnosing themselves with it because they need a bit more support then those people on TikTok need and it’s TIRING. I can ASSURE you that the majority of autistic people need more support than those big creators on TikTok because a LOT of them aren’t even realistic with their own support needs.
Level 3 autism means you need a LOT of help. It’s called needing very substantial support for a reason. People with DIAGNOSED and even UNDIAGNOSED level 3 autism are not only visibly autistic in many ways, but need a lot more support than you realize. A lot of level 3s are nonverbal or semiverbal (although some are verbal). A lot of level 3s need support in EVERY. ASPECT. OF. THEIR. LIFE. this doesn’t mean just reminders to bathe and reminders to take their medication.
No, this means literally someone hand feeding them. Someone physically bathing them. Clothing them. Handing them their medication and watching them take it or physically having to put it in their mouth. Constant care. This means a TEAM of carers and support staff. A lot of level 3s end up in group homes, residentials, Institutions. A lot of level 3s need help using the bathroom and this doesn’t mean just simply reminding them, no this means physically walking them to the bathroom and helping them in every step.
Not to mention the comorbidities that commonly come with level 3 autism.
A lot of level 3s don’t know how to use the internet. Although I’ve met a few who do and it’s totally possible! A lot don’t.
Stop fucking doing this. Look at the DSM5. Look at higher support needs people. Ask around. Don’t just say Willy nilly that you have level 3 autism. You needing support is completely valid, but taking the label from people who are more disabled then you it is not ok.
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zombiecowboy65 · 1 month ago
Since this seems to be a hot topic I think a lot of the fandom is putting too much stock in Jean being soft and kind. He is soft and kind, that’s true, but he is also still a bitch who can and will get violent. And now is violence always the answer? No. But he is violent. And it’s pretty clear he’s going to learn that he does not always have to react with violence but I also don’t think all his non soft behavior comes from the nest. People can be more than one thing and it really stresses me out that everyone shoves him in one category or the other.
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thezangoosler · 1 year ago
viewing the fnaf movie as just a movie doesn't work. you're sabotaging yourself and taking away all the enjoyment from it if you don't think of it as the fnaf movie. if i look at it as just a movie, then yeah, i totally get what the critics are saying. it's so far from the lore of the original games (but since when has that not been a problem in the franchise lmao), the killer doesn't really have a clear motivation, and the ending does kind of come out of nowhere. but if i think of it as the fnaf movie i can actually love it. yes, it's far from the original lore. that's just how fnaf goes. yes, it is a glorified two hour lore dump. but could we want anything more from fnaf? it's literally infamous for the lore. sure, springtrap does kind of come out of nowhere. but the joy and whimsy experienced when he does show up is fucking amazing, actually. i don't care if it's a bad movie. it's the best viewing experience i've had in 2023.
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shtern-and-art · 3 months ago
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I think there's just something in it. This blanket.
When Viktor rejects his past, his job, his social standing, his academic ambitions - all that and more. He goes to live his new life fully naked. Only with that blanket in tow. But when Viktor starts to build his new life, and his new self, closer to his actual goals (at least so he thinks at the moment), he doesn't get any new clothes.
People in the commune did. Sort of. They have redressed for the new life. And Viktor keeps wearing the only thing he brought over from the previous one. The cane doesn't count here, it also transformed into it's new self. But the blanket is still the same blanket. Just wrapped more securely around Viktor to give more coverage and protection like clothes would.
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I'd say the commune followed Viktor's lead in ditching their old fashion styles and wrapping themselves in loose fabrics, like monks. For them it was abandoning their past. For Viktor it was not letting go of his. Not completely at least.
There's something, s o m e t h i n g in this, you know?
He was wearing that blanket and only it. It became part of his divine (?) soul.
We don't see it on him in the arcane mindscape, where Viktor is happy and exploring with Sky (like he wanted to do with Jayce). We don't see it on him, when they talk honestly with Jayce. Viktor is actually naked there, soul bare, doing what he always wanted to do.
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But each time Viktor tries to reject and diminish himself and his humanity, the blanket is there on his shoulders.
And I don't mean it in the soft "Jayce is always there caring about Viktor's wellbeing" way (even though it's totally true). Maybe Jayce did put that blanket on him the first time, but Viktor did it himself all the times after that. He kept the blanket and wore it in the commune. His mind created his celestial body on the arcane-plane, where the blanket wrapped around him like flesh. His divine evolved self picked the blanket up from the floor it fell on, after Viktor stepped out of the cocoon fully naked, not needing anything in life anymore but his goals.
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This contradiction is so human.
It's like. No matter how strongly Viktor might want to destroy himself, his self who is weak and not needed. There was this one gesture of kindness towards him. At, probably, one of the most terrible moments of his life. When he was accepted and cared for as he is, even if Viktor couldn't bear it at the moment.
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Idk, man. Now pull the blanket tight.
Even when Sky (symbolic representation of Viktor's guilt and desire for connection) was gone, he kept the blanket. On his soul now.
The braces on Viktor's god-self mean several things at once (not getting into it here, maybe in another post). But the blanket moving to that plane, too? Viktor's subconscious clutching at it, despite everything?
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Like he actually never could let go of his humanity. Like it's impossible, when there's at least one little lifeline left. A glimmer of hope, of desire Viktor wouldn't even acknowledge to have.
Not even talking about the great gay love here.
Viktor wearing the blanket, pulling it tighter each time he essentially tried to kill himself. Means that he wants it. That connection. That kindness. Means that he wants to live. Despite everything.
If Viktor really fully lost himself in his ascension, his older self wouldn't have been able to recognise that desire.
Viktor's tragedy is not in him losing his humanity. It's in the fact that this goal, this Perfection is impossible to achieve to begin with.
(The dehumanised ableist perfection of capitalistic ideal life, and "fitting in" lies in this grave, too.)
He has to keep choosing to accept to not be human, each time at each turn. Accept it from the world, the system of power. From himself.
And yet, he never can. Not fully.
This is why the grand lie of it all is Viktor's salvation, too.
As soon as Viktor regained his (human) perception of himself, the blanket disappeared almost completely.
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And when he faced his fears and desires and came back to himself fully - the blanket is gone.
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Because Viktor doesn't need the externalised symbol of everything he's trying to let go off. All the yearning and desire to live is within him now (also Jayce is actually there with him, bet that helps).
I think this is the major point I disagree with in other, more pessimistic reads of the show's themes. That it's a story about oppressed people lashing out and breaking themselves in various ways to escape the pressure and threat of death from the world. That it doesn't go anywhere but conformity or death. Oh, I can write another separate essay about how Viktor and Jayce didn't die at the end and how important it is that it didn't happen (and i did!). This whole rant is part of it, too.
And I mean, bad things do happen to people in the story, they do lash out and break.
And yet, Viktor wears the blanket. Clings to it so strongly it becomes part of his godhood. Strong enough to eventually tell about it all (back in time) to Jayce.
And yet, even under unimaginable pressure, after breaking completely, Viktor is still holding on to that blanket. Is still human. Despite what the world told him all his life. Despite the world wanting him dead, gone, forgotten, not caring one bit, despite Viktor agreeing with all this eventually. He holds the blanket close.
Despite Viktor becoming a monster in everyone else's minds, a real threat to the proper Piltover society and his own people in Zaun. Despite all that, Jayce can still look at Viktor at his worst, most distant and cruel and say "I see you. I need you. As you are".
Despite Viktor going past any possible point of no return, destroying his body and mind, and being ready to destroy the world, too, despite giving in to everything he feared. Viktor can still hear it from Jayce and realise he was wrong.
Despite fucking it up infinite amount of times, there was still always the chance to get it right, and they found it.
Like. Isn't it wild. No amount of dehumanisation or cruelty you experienced can make you less human. Less worthy of care and love.
That blanket, man. I can't.
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sunandmoonseisai · 2 months ago
Dungeon meshi fans that hate laicille for some reason: "the succubus that took the form of marcille didn't work on laios. This is undeniable proof that laios isn't attracted to marcille in any shape or form."
Me, banging on the wall: "then why did it choose marcille in the first place? Why did his succubus, the expression of his deepest desires appeared as marcille trying to kiss him?!
What about suppressed feelings? What about subconscious desires? What if laios doesn't want to believe that he's attracted to other humans because he refuse to see himself as an human being?
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Look. Despite marcille turning into a monster, it's her human face that laios is staring at, red and sweating. Holding his chin with her human hand. Imo, it's a bit like a closeted furry using cat girls as a getaway drugs but in reverse. The same way laios openly express attraction to the orc women because they're not entirely humans.
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"using which mouth?" well laios made his choice.
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I know I'm being aggressive but I feel like this fandom is intentionally acting obtuse because they don't want to consider that laios might be a little attracted to the opposite sex. For the record, I don't think laios is straight, at least not in the traditional sense and I believe he also has a crush on toshiro. I just think taking laios's initial reaction as face value and refusing to look deeper is a little reductive.
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darkacademiaarchivist · 4 months ago
the jurgen leitner rant but it's Chappell Roan ✨ (featuring @mikonez 's beautiful Gerry 🥺)
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toxiccaves · 2 years ago
I think what a lot of tumblr-only people are missing about twitter failing, is that it was always a better website when it came to small businesses, instant world event news, fact checking, having users from all over the world, being a source for disaster relief information or warnings, and anything else to keep people up to date with going ons.
Sure, tumblr has many users from all over, but the website is still largely english biased and not nearly as widespread as twitter. I know a lot of news and knowledge comes in on here too. I've learned a lot and see a lot of donation posts in regards to world events, but its nothing like twitter unless you know who to follow. Not to mention, half the news I got here, was days later and from twitter to begin with.
Seeing that being taken away in favor of hate speech and enabling abusers (with the recent potential of getting rid of the block feature over there) and pushing blue user comments to the top (aka elon's weird fans), drowning out anyone else on popular posts, sucks! It sucks for the world and small businesses. because there's really no alternative to it right now.
The site's running rampant with spam and scammers and its becoming more and more unusable by the day. And some people think it's silly to be upset over it or "you shouldn't have all your eggs in one basket" well there only is one basket! This is literally people's livelihoods people seem to be making fun of anytime a change happens that breaks the site and people post all their socials.
And everyone from every country is talking about different websites they're considering, and its splitting up our connection to the world. And surely he knew who this was hurting with every decision.
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