#random module in numpy python
data-science-lovers · 2 years
!! Numpy Random Module !!
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izicodes · 1 year
Any good python modules I can learn now that I'm familiar with the basics?
Hiya 💗
Yep, here's a bunch you can import them into your program to play around with!
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math: Provides mathematical functions and constants.
random: Enables generation of random numbers, choices, and shuffling.
datetime: Offers classes for working with dates and times.
os: Allows interaction with the operating system, such as file and directory manipulation.
sys: Provides access to system-specific parameters and functions.
json: Enables working with JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) data.
csv: Simplifies reading and writing CSV (Comma-Separated Values) files.
re: Provides regular expression matching operations.
requests: Allows making HTTP requests to interact with web servers.
matplotlib: A popular plotting library for creating visualizations.
numpy: Enables numerical computations and working with arrays.
pandas: Provides data structures and analysis tools for data manipulation.
turtle: Allows creating graphics and simple games using turtle graphics.
time: Offers functions for time-related operations.
argparse: Simplifies creating command-line interfaces with argument parsing.
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How to actually import to your program?
Just in case you don't know, or those reading who don't know:
Use the 'import' keyword, preferably at the top of the page, and the name of the module you want to import. OPTIONAL: you could add 'as [shortname you want to name it in your program]' at the end to use the shortname instead of the whole module name
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Hope this helps, good luck with your Python programming! 🙌🏾
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develeran · 20 days
Best Data Science Courses in Mumbai
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Data Science Courses in Mumbai
Begin your journey towards enhancing your Data Science career with our exclusive Data Science course in Mumbai. Our comprehensive Data Science training in Mumbai with placement assistance is designed to help you master Python, Tableau, Hadoop, and Spark. Furthermore, you'll have the opportunity to gain world-class training from industry leaders and master the most in-demand data science and machine learning skills.
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A comprehensive program for beginners to become skilled developers, focusing on popular libraries like NumPy, Pandas, and Django, enabling practical data analysis and web development.
Introduction to Python
Basic Syntax, Operators
Conditional Statements
Functions and Recurrsion
Object Oriented Programming
File Handling
Exception Handling
Web Scrapping
Database Connectivity
The SQL module equips beginners with fundamental skills for managing and querying relational databases, making it an excellent starting point for Data Science and Analyst jobs.
Introduction To Databases
Introduction To SQL
SQL Data Manipulation Language
SQL Data Definition Language
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Grouping and Aggregating Data
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Set Operations
SQL Data Control Language
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SQL Triggers
SQL Views
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edcater · 4 months
Cracking the Code: A Guide to Intermediate Python Programming Proficiency
Python, with its simplicity and versatility, has become one of the most popular programming languages. After mastering the basics, many programmers find themselves at a crossroads, unsure of how to progress to the next level. This article aims to guide you through the journey of reaching intermediate proficiency in Python programming, providing insights, strategies, and hands-on tips to crack the code and elevate your skills.
1. Strengthening Fundamentals
Before delving into intermediate concepts, it's crucial to reinforce your understanding of the fundamentals. Brush up on topics like data types, control flow, and functions. This foundation is essential for building more complex programs later on. Online platforms like Codecademy, HackerRank, and LeetCode offer exercises to solidify your basics.
2. Mastering Functions and Modules
Functions are the building blocks of Python programs, and mastering them is key to writing efficient and modular code. Learn about function parameters, return values, and scope. Additionally, explore Python's extensive library of modules, such as math, random, and datetime, to enhance your ability to leverage pre-built functionality.
3. Understanding Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Intermediate Python programming involves a deep dive into OOP concepts. Grasp the principles of encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. Practice creating classes and objects, understanding how they contribute to code organization and reusability. Projects like building a simple game or a class hierarchy for a real-world scenario can solidify your OOP skills.
4. Exploring File Handling and Data Persistence
Working with files and data persistence is a crucial skill for any intermediate Python programmer. Learn how to read and write files, manipulate data structures like CSV and JSON, and interact with databases using libraries like SQLite or SQLAlchemy. This knowledge is invaluable when dealing with real-world applications that involve data storage and retrieval.
5. Conquering Exception Handling
As your programs become more complex, robust error handling becomes essential. Dive into exception handling in Python to gracefully manage errors and prevent crashes. Understand the try-except blocks, and learn to raise and catch exceptions effectively. Real-world scenarios often require code that can gracefully handle unexpected situations.
6. Embracing Decorators and Generators
Decorators and generators are advanced features that can significantly enhance your Python programming skills. Decorators allow you to modify or extend the behavior of functions, providing a powerful tool for code organization and reuse. Generators, on the other hand, enable efficient handling of large datasets and lazy evaluation. Mastering these features will set you apart as an intermediate Python programmer.
7. Harnessing the Power of Libraries and Frameworks
Python's strength lies in its rich ecosystem of libraries and frameworks. Explore popular libraries like NumPy for numerical computing, Pandas for data manipulation, and Matplotlib for data visualization. Familiarize yourself with web frameworks like Flask or Django for building robust web applications. This exposure to different tools broadens your skill set and prepares you for diverse programming challenges.
8. Collaborating with Version Control Systems
As a professional programmer, collaboration is inevitable. Learn to use version control systems like Git to track changes, collaborate with team members, and manage project versions effectively. Platforms like GitHub provide an excellent environment to showcase your projects, collaborate with others, and contribute to open-source software.
Achieving intermediate proficiency in Python programming is a rewarding journey that requires dedication, practice, and a willingness to explore new concepts. Strengthen your foundation, delve into advanced topics, and apply your knowledge through hands-on projects. By mastering functions, OOP, file handling, and other intermediate concepts, you'll be well on your way to cracking the code and becoming a proficient Python programmer. Keep coding, stay curious, and embrace the challenges that come with advancing your skills in the world of Python programming
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edujournalblogs · 8 months
Power of Python
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We have seen a lot of python developers worldwide who are able to leverage the functionality of modules/libraries, that are built by people at the individual level and also with standard built-in libraries available in Python, to do lot of interesting projects. We are able to fast track our progress and do a lot of really good projects pretty quickly. The projects can be done by
Developing your own module
Utilize the Built-in Standard modules/libraries provided by python. You can import the library and use it. eg random() that generates random numbers and datetime() function that can do date and time details.
Python Community: There is a huge community worldwide for Python. For eg. The libraries that we use in Data Science regularly such as Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib etc are not available instandard built-in Python library. They are developed by developers and shared within the community. You only need to use 'pip3 install ' command to to install it in your system and use the import it thereafter and include them in your code.
Check out our master program in Data Science and ASP.NET- Complete Beginner to Advanced course and boost your confidence and knowledge.
URL: www.edujournal.com
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truepdf · 2 years
Bottom-up approach to crack your python interview
Key Features
Get the answer for the most common and challenging Python question
Learn to trace the code and answer the question correctly
Explore the solutions of GUI and DBMS in Python
Gain sufficient understanding on Machine Learning library and Pandas
Description This book covers all possible interview questions and coding in Python. It presents written theory as well as practical questions as all the interviewers do not follow the same pattern. Questions are jumbled and compiled.
Practical questions may help you to understand the logic and will help you to fight the technical round. Simple questions with deep coding are the hallmark of this book.
With over 242 questions in this book, you will be able to crack your Python interview. The book covers the following topics: Variable, Datatype, type conversion, Operators, if-else, loops ,List , Tuples, Set ,Dictionary, Functions, Array, classes and objects, constructor , Inheritance, Encapsulation, keywords , regular expression, Random Module, Sys Module , OS Module , Statistics Module, widgets of Tkinter , Multithreading, other GUI Framework , work on multiple Tkinter windows , File Input-output , file handling with GUI, MySQL , SQLite , MongoDB , Redis, connectivity with GUI, Matplotlib Library, Django, Flask.
What you will learn
Become a Python Developer without having to spend a lot of money on theoretical content.
You will achieve the confidence to tackle the most challenging questions on Python.
You will develop a strong understanding around the entire ecosystem of Python programming.
Who this book is for This book is targeted at Python Developers, Technical specialist, Beginners who want to stand out in a Python coding interview.
Table of Contents 1. Core Concept 2. OOPs Concept 3. Python Module 4. Python GUI 5. File Handling 6. Python Database 7. NumPy, Pandas 8. Django, Flask
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tonkitk · 2 years
Numpy random permute
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#Numpy random permute full
Returns outndarray Permuted sequence or array range. axisint, optional The axis which x is shuffled along. If x is an array, make a copy and shuffle the elements randomly. Parameters xint or arraylike If x is an integer, randomly permute np.arange (x). To permute both rows and columns I think you either have to run it twice, or pull some ugly shenanigans with numpy.unravel_index that hurts my head to think about. Randomly permute a sequence, or return a permuted range. PVec0, pVec1 = calcMyPermutationVectors()Īrr.take(pVec0, axis=0, out=arr, mode="clip")Īrr.take(pVec1, axis=1, out=arr, mode="clip") Numba supports top-level functions from the numpy.random module. So in total you call should look something like the following: #Inplace Rearrange On a final note, take seems to be a array method, so instead of np.take(i, rr, axis=0) If x is an integer, randomly permute np.arange (x). If x is a multi-dimensional array, it is only shuffled along its first index. If you don't set the mode it will make a copy to restore the array state on a Python exception (see here). Randomly permute a sequence, or return a permuted range. To do it in-place, all you need to do is specify the "out" parameter to be the same as the input array AND you have to set the mode="clip" or mode="wrap". Here is an example of doing a random permutation of an identity matrix's rows: import numpy as npĪrray(, We are using Excel’s RANDBETWEEN functions for Column B here. axisint, optional Slices of x in this axis are shuffled. Parameters xarraylike, at least one-dimensional Array to be shuffled. Unlike shuffle, each slice along the given axis is shuffled independently of the others. The trick here is we pre- generate the random m’s. method (x, axisNone, outNone) Randomly permute x along axis axis. You can do this in-place with numpy's take() function, but it requires a bit of hoop jumping. For simplicity, we assume N 5, but this methodology works with any N (as long as Excel can hold it) First, you need to set up k’s and m’s.
#Numpy random permute full
Warning: The below example works properly, but using the full set of parameters suggested at the post end exposes a bug, or at least an "undocumented feature" in the numpy.take() function. I currently copy matrices this large unnecessarily, but I would hope this could be easily avoided for permutation. Actually I would like to use matrices as large as possible, but I don't want to deal with the inconvenience of not being able to hold them in RAM, and I do O(N^3) LAPACK operations on the matrix which would also limit the practical matrix size. The matrix is small enough to fit into desktop RAM but big enough that I do not want to copy it thoughtlessly. shuffle: the order of the sub-arrays along the first axis, but the content remains the same, which is equivalent to. Or they mean counting or enumerating all possible permutations. Sometimes when people talk about permutations, they only mean the sampling of random permutations, for example as part of a procedure to obtain p-values in statistics. Also for some simple situations it may be sufficient to just separately track an index permutation, but this is not convenient in my case. Something like this might be possible with numpy's "advanced indexing" but my understanding is that such a solution would not be in-place. Maybe I am just failing at searching the internet. Now, let x be a permutation of the elements of x. Right now I am manually swapping rows and columns, but I would have expected numpy to have a nice function f(M, v) where M has n rows and columns, and v has n entries, so that f(M, v) updates M according to the index permutation v. Write a Python program to print all permutations of a given string (including. Given a 2D array, I would like to permute this array row-wise. Mathematically this corresponds to pre-multiplying the matrix by the permutation matrix P and post-multiplying it by P^-1 = P^T, but this is not a computationally reasonable solution. Efficiently permute array in row wise using Numpy. np.ed is a function, which you need to call, not assign to it. Julia sample without replacement.I want to modify a dense square transition matrix in-place by changing the order of several of its rows and columns, using python's numpy library.
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swarnalata31techiio · 2 years
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About GitHub :GitHub, Inc. is a provider of Internet hosting for software development and version control using Git. It offers the distributed version control and source code management (SCM) functionality of Git, plus its own features. About GitHub Tensorflow :GitHub TensorFlow hosts various archives on Machine learning as a. Libraries to assemble powerfully, progressed information models b. Apparatuses to empower easier/quicker execution of Tensor codes and Tensor work processes, to imagine the working of Tensor projects and investigate the issues, to do consider the possibility that examination on the Tensor models to upgrade its adequacy c. Top GitHub repositories related to Tensorflow 1. Matplotlib:It is hosted in GitHub and the developments, issues are tracked systematically. 2. Pandas: It is a python library that handles data analysis and manipulation effectively and it manages big volumes of data by splitting them into subsets based on some conditions and forming multiple decision trees. 3. Numpy: This package facilitates mathematical and scientific computing in Python. Several mathematical functions, algebra routines, Fourier conversions and Random number functions are offered as part of this tool. 4. Scipy: SciPy offers vibrant Mathematical, Engineering and Science modules for video/image processing. 5. Scikit-learn: It offers Machine learning modules in Python and it is built over data models built on NumPy, SciPy and matplotlib. GitHub Tensorflow learning: Neural Structured learning (NSL) uses structured signals along with feature inputs to train neural networks. Structures can be a graph in the explicit model or they can be adversarial perturbation in the implicit model.
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pickai · 2 years
What Are the Best Books on Data Science?
The general public's interest in data science classes has skyrocketed. What was once a niche topic has suddenly become a hot topic in the news, politics, international law, and our social media feed. Furthermore, consumers enter data points into massive business intelligence systems daily, and data literacy is becoming a highly sought-after skill in all fields. This article contains a selection of publications that may help newcomers navigate the field of data science. They may decide whether they want to stay up to speed on the data boom or wish to launch their data science or data literacy route.
Which Data Science-related Books Are the Best?
To advance your skills, it's essential to stay up to date and pertinent research topics. These books are available for reading by data scientists of various skill levels. You may start your career and advance it with the aid of these books.
Practical Statistics for Data Scientists
Author: Peter Bruce and Andrew Bruce; Publisher: O' Reilly
If you're brand new to data science, this book will thoroughly introduce all the concepts you'll need to understand. Even though the book isn't very popular amongst readers, it does cover all the essential ideas, including bias in sample selection and distribution as well as randomization and sampling. Each has an extensive explanation with examples and explanations of how these principles relate to data science. The book also includes a study of artificial intelligence models.
Every subject a data scientist would need to know is in this book. Unfortunately, the descriptions and examples are not enough to help the reader fully understand the concepts, but it is a valuable and quick reference.
R for Data Science
Author: Hadley Wickham & Garrett Grolemund; Publisher: O' Reilly
This data science book introduces R, RStudio, and the tidyverse, a collection of R modules. This makes it easier and more fun to analyze data. Even if the student has no programming experience, R for Data Science is designed to start you doing data science as soon as feasible.
The writers will guide you through the steps of importing, manipulating, researching, modelling and distributing your data. You'll discover the big picture of the data science cycle and the critical equipment you'll require to handle the details. Activities are included in every chapter of the book to assist you in applying what you have learned.
Python Data Science Handbook
Author: Jake VanderPlas; Publisher: O 'Reilly
This book is for you if you're taking a data science course. In addition to improving their command of Python for data science and letting it work, it necessitates a fast reference manual for all the methods and library functions. The book covers the following topics extensively and in-depth: I Python (Interactive Python), Numpy, Pandas' data processing, Matplotlib visualization, and Sci-kit-Learn taught and unsupervised machine learning approaches. Your ability to hone your skills in the early phases of any data science project cycle will be significantly helped by the quantity and quality of knowledge supplied in these areas.
Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think
Author: Viktor Mayer-Schonberger and Kenneth Cukier
This book is an excellent introduction to business analytics and big data. The target audience for the book is organizational professionals who want to learn more about big data and how it affects data policies, techniques, and analytical decision-making in diverse industries. It is crammed with examples highlighting big data solutions and their impact on many sectors. The authors did well in describing the many levels of value that may be produced by leveraging big data. It also covers the drawbacks of business analytics and the organizational safeguards that must be implemented to address all these worries.
Introduction to Machine Learning with Python: A Guide for Data Scientists
Author: Andreas C. Müller and Sarah Guido
You may use this book to master Python and machine learning, two essential concepts in the Data Science course. The explanation of ideas is in simple language and gets the support of several instances to facilitate understanding. The language is plain and friendly. Although machine learning is a complicated subject, you should be able to create your ML models after using the book as a practice. You will gain a thorough knowledge of machine learning subjects. Although the book includes examples in Python, reading it doesn't require any prior understanding of math or programming. This book covers the foundations and is written with beginners in mind. But reading this book alone won't be enough when you go further into machine learning and coding.
Data Science for Dummies (2nd Edition)
Author: Lillian Pierson
Although it isn't new (Publication year: 2017), Data Science for Dummies is an excellent place for beginners to start. Lillian Pierson's Data Science book includes chapters on MPP platforms, Spark, machine learning, NoSQL, Hadoop, big data analytics, MapReduce, and artificial intelligence, to name just a few. Because technical students and IT professionals are its intended audience, the term could be deceptive. The book provides a thorough overview of data science rather than a step-by-step lesson, making the complex subject easier to understand.
Data Science from the Scratch: First Principles with Python 
Author: Joel Gurus
It is one of those crucial books in data science which help teach arithmetic and statistics. These topics are essential to data science courses. You'll also learn the hacking skills required to start working as a data scientist. The topics addressed in the books are how to implement k-nearest neighbours, Nave Bayes, linear and logistic regression, decision trees, and clustering models. Additionally, readers will learn about network analysis, natural language processing, and other subjects.
The Art of Data Science
Author: Roger D. Peng and Elizabeth Matsui
The focus of "The Art of Data Science" is on the skill of sifting through and finding new information inside any data set that is available to you. It highlights the process of scrutinizing and enhancing data to see the actual narrative. The authors draw on their knowledge to help experts and beginners through data science analysis. Both authors have experience leading data projects and analysts in a professional setting. They discuss their observations of what regularly results in outstanding results and what risks guaranteeing a data endeavour's failure.
A great way to learn about the subject or hone your skills is to read the best books possible while enrolled in a Data Science course. Do not let the abundance of literature on data science scare you. There is no need for you read them all. You may create practical models and gain a thorough grasp of data science, nevertheless, with the help of some of the books included in this blog. Additional reference books that may be helpful include "Data Analytics made Accessibly," "The Hundred-page Machine Learning Book," "Teach Yourself SQL," and "Teach Yourself SQL, Too Big to Ignore." To kick start your data science career, read these books.
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generatour1 · 4 years
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gayatrisc · 4 years
Top 8 Python Libraries for Data Science
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Python language is popular and most commonly used by developers in creating mobile apps, games and other applications. A Python library is nothing but a collection of functions and methods which helps in solving complex data science-related functions. Python also helps in saving an amount of time while completing specific tasks.
Python has more than 130,000 libraries that are intended for different uses. Like python imaging library is used for image manipulation whereas Tensorflow is used for the development of Deep Learning models using python.
There are multiple python libraries available for data science and some of them are already popular, remaining are improving day-by-day to reach their acceptance level by developers
Here we are discussing some Python libraries which are used for Data Science:
1. Numpy
NumPy is the most popular library among developers working on data science. It is used for performing scientific computations like a random number, linear algebra and Fourier transformation. It can also be used for binary operations and for creating images. If you are in the field of Machine Learning or Data Science, you must have good knowledge of NumPy to process your real-time data sets. It is a perfect tool for basic and advanced array operations.
2. Pandas
PANDAS is an open-source library developed over Numpy and it contains Data Frame as its main data structure. It is used in high-performance data structures and analysis tools. With Data Frame, we can manage and store data from tables by performing manipulation over rows and columns. Panda library makes it easier for a developer to work with relational data. Panda offers fast, expressive and flexible data structures.
Translating complex data operations using mere one or two commands is one of the most powerful features of pandas and it also features time-series functionality.
3. Matplotlib
This is a two-dimensional plotting library of Python a programming language that is very famous among data scientists. Matplotlib is capable of producing data visualizations such as plots, bar charts, scatterplots, and non-Cartesian coordinate graphs.
It is one of the important plotting libraries’ useful in data science projects. This is one of the important library because of which Python can compete with scientific tools like MatLab or Mathematica.
4. SciPy
SciPy library is based on the NumPy concept to solve complex mathematical problems. It comes with multiple modules for statistics, integration, linear algebra and optimization. This library also allows data scientist and engineers to deal with image processing, signal processing, Fourier transforms etc.
If you are going to start your career in the data science field, SciPy will be very helpful to guide you for the whole numerical computations thing.
5. Scikit Learn
Scikit-Learn is open-sourced and most rapidly developing Python libraries. It is used as a tool for data analysis and data mining. Mainly it is used by developers and data scientists for classification, regression and clustering, stock pricing, image recognition, model selection and pre-processing, drug response, customer segmentation and many more.
6. TensorFlow
It is a popular python framework used in deep learning and machine learning and it is developed by Google. It is an open-source math library for mathematical computations. Tensorflow allows python developers to install computations to multiple CPU or GPU in desktop, or server without rewriting the code. Some popular Google products like Google Voice Search and Google Photos are built using the Tensorflow library.
7. Keras
Keras is one of the most expressive and flexible python libraries for research. It is considered as one of the coolest machine learning Python libraries offer the easiest mechanism for expressing neural networks and having all portable models. Keras is written in python and it has the ability to run on top of Theano and TensorFlow.
Compared to other Python libraries, Keras is a bit slow, as it creates a computational graph using the backend structure and then performs operations.
8. Seaborn
It is a data visualization library for a python based on Matplotlib is also integrated with pandas data structures. Seaborn offers a high-level interface for drawing statistical graphs. In simple words, Seaborn is an extension of Matplotlib with advanced features.
Matplotlib is used for basic plotting such as bars, pies, lines, scatter plots and Seaborn is used for a variety of visualization patterns with few syntaxes and less complexity.
With the development of data science and machine learning, Python data science libraries are also advancing day by day. If you are interested in learning python libraries in-depth, get NearLearn’s Best Python Training in Bangalore with real-time projects and live case studies. Other than python, we provide training on Data Science, Machine learning, Blockchain and React JS course. Contact us to get to know about our upcoming training batches and fees.
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swarnalata31techiio · 2 years
Tensorflow is hosted on GitHub
About GitHub
GitHub, Inc. is a provider of Internet hosting for software development and version control using Git. It offers the distributed version control and source code management (SCM) functionality of Git, plus its own features. It provides access control and several collaboration features such as bug tracking, feature requests, task management, continuous integration, and wikis for every project.[4] Headquartered in California, it has been a subsidiary of Microsoft since 2018.[5]It is commonly used to host open-source project
About GitHub Tensorflow
GitHub TensorFlow hosts various archives on Machine learning as a. Libraries to assemble powerfully, progressed information models b. Apparatuses to empower easier/quicker execution of Tensor codes and Tensor work processes, to imagine the working of Tensor projects and investigate the issues, to do consider the possibility that examination on the Tensor models to upgrade its adequacy c. Significant contributions from the end-user community, developers' discussion, and their encounters.
Top GitHub repositories related to Tensorflow
1. Matplotlib
It is hosted in GitHub and the developments, issues are tracked systematically. This repository consists of libraries to develop impactful visualizations in Python (both static and dynamic). This library is capable of producing contents that can be published in any format interactively. Matplotlib is deployed in IPython shells, Web Servers, Python scripts and other GUI based toolkits
.2. Pandas
It is a python library that handles data analysis and manipulation effectively and it manages big volumes of data by splitting them into subsets based on some conditions and forming multiple decision trees. These decision trees help in predicting the right results in the search operation. 
3. Numpy
 This package facilitates mathematical and scientific computing in Python. Several mathematical functions, algebra routines, Fourier conversions and Random number functions are offered as part of this tool. 
4. ScipySciPy
 offers vibrant Mathematical, Engineering and Science modules for video/image processing. Its stack includes Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) solvers, Statistical functions, Fourier Series and linear algebra etc., SciPy library has multiple numerical routines that are efficient and user friendly.
5. Scikit-learnIt 
offers Machine learning modules in Python and it is built over data models built on NumPy, SciPy and matplotlib.
GitHub Tensorflow learning
Neural Structured learning (NSL) uses structured signals along with feature inputs to train neural networks. Structures can be a graph in the explicit model or they can be adversarial perturbation in the implicit model. The commonality among samples both labelled or unlabeled are represented through structured signals and it helps in harnessing data to improve the model accuracy especially when the data volume is low.
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techcouncilglobal · 2 years
All you need to know about Online Data Science Courses and Certifications
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Data scientists who can analyse data and communicate their findings to help guide data-driven decisions are in high demand. If you want to work in machine learning or data science, a professional certificate can help you gain job-relevant knowledge and skills.
It is a common misconception that you must have a PhD to work as a data scientist. This Professional Certificate programme is open to anyone with a desire to learn; no prior knowledge of computer science or software platforms is required. Participants will gain the tools, skills, and portfolio necessary for entry-level and advanced data scientist jobs.
The curriculum includes nine online courses that teach you how to use open-source tools and libraries, Python, databases, SQL, data visualisation, data analysis, statistical analysis, predictive modelling, and machine learning techniques, among other things. By experimenting with real-world data sets and tools, you will learn data science.
Project for Applied Learning
The emphasis on applied learning is strong in this Professional Certificate. All other programmes, with the exception of the first, require students to complete a series of hands-on labs that teach you actual qualifications, such as:
Jupyter / JupyterLab, GitHub, R Studio, and Watson Studio are a few examples of tools.
Python libraries such as Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Folium, python-SQL, Scikit-learn, ScipPy, and others are available.
We've worked on a variety of projects, including random album generation, house price prediction, best classifier model, successful rocket landing prediction, dashboards, and dynamic maps.
What exactly is a Professional Certificate, and what does it entail?
Find out what skills you'll need to get a job
Coursera Professionals Certificates can assist you in preparing for a new job or changing jobs, whether you want to start a new career or switch jobs. You can practise whenever and wherever you want, at your own pace. Enroll today and you'll get a 7-day free trial to try out a new career path. You can pause or discontinue your studies at any time.
Obtain Professional Certification
When you finish all of the program's courses, you will receive a Certificate that will allow you to communicate with your professional network and gain access to career assistance tools to help you get started in your new job. Most Professional Certificates are accepted by employers, and others can assist you in studying for a data science certification exam. Where applicable, additional information can be found on the Professional Certificate websites.
Methodology of Data Science
Given recent advances in processor power and storage capacity, data access has frequently been lost or underutilised over the last several decades due to a lack of thorough knowledge of the questions asked and how to effectively integrate the data to the situation at hand.
This course will present a data science technique for ensuring that the data used in problem solving is relevant and processed correctly to answer the question.
As a result, in this course, you will learn about the following topics:
The key steps in resolving a data science problem.
These are critical phases in data science, from defining a specific business or research challenge to gathering and analysing data, building a model, and interpreting feedback after model deployment.
Python programming language that is widely used in data science, artificial intelligence, and software development.
This beginner Python course will get you started with Python for data science and general programming. Python is one of the world's most popular programming languages, and experts who can apply Python fundamentals to drive business solutions across industries are in high demand.
This course will teach you from the ground up how to write in Python in just a few hours—no prior programming experience is required! Throughout the course modules, you will learn Python fundamentals such as data types and data analysis, as well as complete hands-on activities. Finally, you'll design a capstone project to showcase your new abilities.
After completing this course, you will be able to write simple Python programmes, manipulate data, and solve real-world problems. You will lay the groundwork for future research in the field while also learning skills that will help you advance in your career.
What can I expect from these new Data Science courses?
You will receive IBM certificates for the IBM courses and Simplilearn data science certification for all courses in the learning path after completing this best data science certification online course. These credentials will attest to your abilities and demonstrate your knowledge of Data Science. As part of this programme, you may also take advantage of the following benefits:
Experts instruct IBM masterclasses.
IBM executives host "Ask Me Anything" sessions.
IBM organises exclusive hackathons.
Simplilearn provides an industry-recognized Master's degree in Data Analyst.
Develop your Data Science certification career by delving into the complexities of data interpretation, learning about technologies such as Machine Learning, and honing your programming skills. They will become data analysis experts due to their learning style. This best data science certification online course, created in collaboration with IBM, will prepare students for the top data analyst jobs on the market.
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data science in hyderabad
An Affordable payment construction for each college students and dealing professionals as well. FITA offers the maximum lab classes to college students to make them perceive the ideas easily. The Data Science course is designed by industry leaders with more than 12+ years of expertise in Big Data and Data Science. Data Science is the evolving term at present and it has gained important attention among the many graduates and the IT professionals as well. The common perception that most people have about Data Science is that it is the process of amassing and classifying data primarily based on the requirements of the organization.
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This module will train you how to work with correlated subqueries. Independent subqueries The inner query that is unbiased of the outer question is called an independent subquery. This module will educate you how to work with impartial subqueries. Subqueries involving joins and aggregations This module will educate you the way to work with subqueries/instructions that involve joins and aggregations. Schema design Schema design is a schema diagram that specifies the name of report type, data kind, and different constraints like major key, overseas key, and so forth. This module will educate you tips on how to make an ER diagram using several entities and their attributes.
The primary advantages include weekly assignments, mock interviews, module wise projects and case research, specially formulated examine material together with complete career steerage and placement help. I took up many courses, but I could not get a job, then certainly one of my associates suggested joining a knowledge science course as there's a big demand within the subject. Then I got here across Digital Nest in Hyderabad after a lot of research. This is the most effective Data Science institute in Hyderabad for learning Data Science Course.
Our Labs could be accessed online from the world over allowing our online coaching pupil to make the best use of the infrastructure from the consolation of their residence. At Sathya Technologies we begin with studying intimately about inferential statistics. WE study bow to gather, explore, model and validate knowledge utilizing varied prediction analysis tools. Python is a programming language that allows you to work more rapidly and combine your systems extra effectively. It is one of the best languages utilized by information scientists for numerous knowledge science initiatives because of its ease of use and simple syntax and availability of libraries like NumPy, Pandas and Matplotlib.
Candidates must possess an aggregate of 60% or above in Xth, XIIth, and Bachelors. Workshop to help you put together for technical interviews conducted by trade specialists.
Hands-on Exercise -Deploying affiliation evaluation as a rule-based machine studying methodology, identifying strong rules discovered in databases with measures based on interesting discoveries. Machine learning and knowledge science are producing extra jobs than there are experts to fill them, which is why these two fields are the fastest growing tech employment areas right now. Meanwhile, For several years information scientist has been ranked as one of the high jobs in india and around the globe, by way of pay, job demand, and satisfaction. Companies are more and more using the data scientist title for different comparable roles such as knowledge analyst. "I suppose that what we're seeing is somewhat little bit of the standardization and the professionalization of information science," "The previous ten years have been a little bit of the Wild West when it comes to knowledge science. Mind Q supplies high quality coaching for Data Science Course in Hyderabad. Trainer had a great information on Data Science which includes python, Deep learning, Machine Learning & AI.
This programme is completely for professionals working within the industry. For Data Science online Training Mind Q is among the best locations. Thanks, Mind Q for serving to me to start my profession in Data Science. It additionally provides a Data Science course in Hyderabad with a quality Training & Friendly setting to learn. Mind Q is likely one of the locations for studying Data Science Course in Hyderabad. Gain an in-depth understanding of supervised studying and unsupervised learning models corresponding to linear regression, logistic regression, clustering, dimensionality reduction, K-NN, and pipeline.
We are One stop-solution for college kids to enhance their expertise, join with specialists and share their stories. Our purpose is to assist school students get access to best career counseling advice, training followed by mentoring by arranging profession events across the nation. This entry was posted in Data Science, Hyderabad, Insights and tagged information science, information science programs. Therefore, the above article offers the listing of the highest Data Science Institutes in Hyderabad.
At this second, InventaTeq is one of the finest coaching centres to provide classroom training in Hyderabad to the scholars who need to improve themselves. Learn Tensor circulate that can assist you learn completely different math libraries and use them conveniently for various programming in information science and knowledge flow. Firstly, the course of this Data Science Institute in Hyderabad consists of introductions and installations. Secondly, Basics of R/Python programming language and progressively leveling up. The students additionally undergo monthly tests, mock interviews, and receive certifications.
Set operations The operation that combines two or extra queries into a single end result is known as a Set Operation. In this module, you'll implement varied set operators like UNION, INTERSECT, etc. Correlated subqueries The inside query that is depending on the outer question is called a correlated subquery.
The program may also information you in building your professional resume, attending mock interviews to spice up your confidence and nurture you to nail your skilled interviews. Data Visualization utilizing Tableau Tableau is the most extensively used knowledge visualization tool to resolve issues. This module will teach you every little thing you need to find out about Data Visualization using Tableau. Text classification, Document vectors, Text classification using Doc2vec In this module, you'll study much more about Text Classification and Document Vectors using Doc2vec. In this module, you will discover ways to convert unstructured textual content into a structured text to discover related insights.
ADF, Random stroll and Auto Arima In this module, you'll learn about ADF, Random stroll, and Auto Arima strategies used in Time Series. SES, Holt & Holt-Winter Model SES, Holt, and Holt-Winter Models are varied Smoothing models, and you will be taught every thing you have to learn about these models in this module. Smoothing This module will train you tips on how to use this technique for univariate data. Decomposition This module will teach you tips on how to decompose the time series knowledge into Trend and Seasonality.
Navigate to Address: 360DigiTMG - Data Analytics, Data Science Course Training Hyderabad 2-56/2/19, 3rd floor,, Vijaya towers, near Meridian school,, Ayyappa Society Rd, Madhapur,, Hyderabad, Telangana 500081 099899 94319
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360digitmg-training · 2 years
Data Science Course In Hyderabad With Placement Help
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Learn the pros and cons of every of the metrics utilised in Association rules. The course completion certificates acquired after finishing this Data Science course doesn't expire. It would be great when you now have a good suggestion of what Data Science Certifications are and the way they might help you advance in your profession. All you must do now might be check over all of the different certificates and choose the one that may offer you the most glorious advantages.
Students will undergo several mock interviews performed by technical specialists who will then provide ideas and constructive suggestions for reference and enhancement. Create a recommending engine through the use of the SVD algorithm to predict motion pictures on Netflix primarily based on their past ratings. Work with varied packages, corresponding to NumPy, pandas, and matplotlib.pyplot, to handle missing values from the dataset. Feature engineering and scaling the info for varied downside statements.
Chi-Square is a Hypothesis testing technique used in Statistics, which is used to measure how a model compares to actual noticed knowledge. One Sample T-Test One-Sample T-Test is a Hypothesis testing methodology utilised in Statistics. In this module, you will be taught to verify whether an unknown inhabitant's mean is different from a particular value using the One-Sample T-Test procedure. Probability distribution A statistical operation reporting all the probable values that a random variable takes within a specific range is named a Probability Distribution. This module will train you about Probability Distributions and varied varieties like Binomial, Poisson, and Normal Distribution in Python.
The programs are ready with complete suggestions from specialists in the enterprise. You can handle many parts together with knowledge evaluation, mining, purification, information transformation, algorithms for machine studying, and much more to have the ability to gain important details about the business. This course will make you learn Python programming, exploratory information evaluation, statistical strategies, SQL, machine learning strategies, time series, text mining, and information visualisation utilizing Tableau. You will receive hands-on studying and implement capstone initiatives to master these abilities. You can easily find several on-line Data Science training programs in Hyderabad. But ensure that the course has over 220 hours of resident interactive studying preferably led by business experts, so that you simply study varied required skills like machine learning, Hadoop, Spark, Python, and rather more.
We present an end to finish course with placement assistance after the internship is over. We additionally float your resume to a quantity of reliable placement consultants with whom we've a long association. On submission of all assignments, you'll receive a Course Completion Certificate. A sample of the data science certificates is available on our website in your reference.
This module will teach you tips on how to work with correlated subqueries. Independent subqueries The inside query that's impartial of the outer question is called an independent subquery. This module will train you on tips on how to work with impartial subqueries. Subqueries involving joins and aggregations This module will train you tips on how to work with subqueries/commands that contain joins and aggregations. In this module, you will find out how and the place to make use of all key constraints and normalisation basics. Key constraints and fundamentals of normalisation Key Constraints are used for uniquely identifying an entity within its entity set, in which you have a main key, overseas key, and so on.
It is estimated that the average wage for fresher roles in Data analytics(0-3 years) varies between 3-8 lakhs. 360DigiTMG offers a Data Science Master’s course for learners. The curriculum covers 10 significant programs and fifty three real-world assignments and initiatives, together with 1 CAPSTONE project. Also, you'll have a complete entry to the IBM Watson Cloud Lab for Chatbots. A data scientist’s job entails performing data evaluation and data processing to understand business challenges and offer one of the best options to the organisation.
Anytime access to a social prachar portal which has recorded courses and supplies is so useful. Assignments given helped to have superb hands on machine studying strategies. Syllabus covered, class periods and assignments accompanied by private analysis and homework on strategies taught positively helps. The learning outcomes of this course are to introduce college students to Python, statistics, and SQL. Then, they may be taught machine studying strategies, time collection, textual content mining, and knowledge visualisation utilizing Tableau.
These are only a few job opportunities from multinational companies in Hyderabad. Numerous corporations provide information scientists job roles throughout varied industries. Since it entails numerous elements of superior technologies, similar to Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Artificial Intelligence, among others, it is comparatively tough to learn. However, this Data Scientist training is offered by IIT Madras faculty and Industry consultants who have plenty of experience within the area. They make all concepts simpler to know as they explain every idea with the help of a number of real-life examples.
There is a large career prospect out there in this field and this programme is one of the most complete Data Science within the business right now. This course in Hyderabad is specially designed to suit both information professionals and novices who need to make a career on this fast-growing career. This training will equip the students with logical and relevant programming abilities to construct database models.
In the subsequent module, you will study everything you have to learn about all of the statistical methods used for determination making in this Data Science PG course. Summary statistics In this module, you will study varied statistical formulations and implement them using Python. Loops A loop is used for executing one or more statements a quantity of instances mentioned. It will repeat the sequence of data until it meets a specified condition.
All the essential studying materials are supplied online to candidates by way of the Olympus - Learning Management System. Candidates are open to buying any reference books or research material as may be prescribed by the faculty. The PG Data Science Course is an integrated and austere program that accompanies a continuous evaluation system. Each of the candidates are evaluated within the courses they take up via case research, quizzes, assignments or project reports. “The DSE Program has been designed to assist candidates jumpstart their careers within the area of Data Science. Hear from our candidates as they share their program expertise and transition stories.
Yes, this Data Science course in Hyderabad is appropriate for recent graduates as well as skilled professionals who are willing to start a profession in Data Science. There are no particular eligibility necessities to take this course. A data scientist collects, cleans, analyses, and visualises monumental datasets to derive relevant findings and present them to executives.
The curriculum has been designed by the college from 360DigiTMG and is extremely expert and deeply educated. Mind Q supplies high quality coaching for Data Science Course in Hyderabad. Trainer had a great deal of data on Data Science which includes python, Deep learning, Machine Learning & AI. Yes, we are going to reward you with a data science course completion certificate after the course. This certificate can add nice credibility to your resume and professional expertise.
MindQ Systems offers the best Data Science course in Hyderabad with in depth training strategies and strategies. Data science is amongst the most in-demand programs throughout the globe, for its intuitive and remarkable data mining and resourcing capabilities from knowledge lakes and databases. Data Science is capable of offering insightful options and outcomes that can tremendously profit giant scale firms and help them improvise and extend their providers in a greater and up to date manner.
This data science coaching in hyderabad  course is a perfect mix of principle, case studies and capstone projects. The course curriculum has been designed by Steinbeis University and regarded to be one of the best within the industry. Get noticed by recruiters across the globe with worldwide certification. Post certification one will achieve the status of an alumnus in Steinbeis University. No matter your expertise degree, you’ll be writing real, working code in minutes. Codecademy’s objective was to deliver, out of the students, the flexibility to be taught the abilities they’d need to succeed in the twenty-first century.
This certificate could be very nicely acknowledged in 360DigiTMG-affiliated organisations, including over 80 prime MNCs from around the world and a variety of the Fortune 500 companies. 360DigiTMG’s educating assistants are SMEs whose main aim is to make you a certified skilled in the respective area. The trainers conduct interactive video lectures to show the newest applied sciences and enrich your expertise with varied industry-based initiatives.
We are conveniently positioned in a number of areas around Chennai and other components of India. If you are staying or trying training in any of these areas, Please join with our professional advisors to find your closest department. If you have Three or extra people in your coaching we shall be delighted to give you a group at a low cost. If you've obtained Three or more individuals in your training we'll be delighted to give you a bunch of low cost.
A strong analytical mindset coupled with strong industrial data is the ability set most desired in a Data Scientist. He should possess above average communication abilities and should be adept in speaking the technical concepts to non - technical folks. Data Scientists want a strong foundation in Statistics, Mathematics, Linear Algebra, Computer Programming, Data Warehousing, Mining, and Modelling to build profitable algorithms.
For more information
360DigiTMG - Data Analytics, Data Science Course Training Hyderabad  
Address - 2-56/2/19, 3rd floor,, Vijaya towers, near Meridian school,, Ayyappa Society Rd, Madhapur,, Hyderabad, Telangana 500081
099899 94319
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