edujournalblogs · 2 years
Must have features of eLearning apps
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eLearning is the process of acquiring knowledge or some additional skill through the use of digital resources and technology.  eLearning apps has become an excellent form of providing education since the advent of eLearning, LMS and internet. The technological advancements have undergone a massive change in the education sector over the past few years.  Since then, eLearning has proved to be an alternative to traditional classroom education.  But most significantly, eLearning has thrived to grow exponentially in the mobile Smart Phone sector as well. 
The idea of Learning Management System (LMS) originated around the year 2000, along with eLearning and  internet at around the same time.  There are three aspects to the idea of LMS viz  Learning ie., gain knowledge through courses and training programs, Management ie., organize and manage the course and System ie., a software used for training. 
eLearning has introduced a wide range of educational and professional courses with certifications and credits from major universities. Businesses see eLearning as a great way to facilitate upskilling their employees.  Students and Professionals are eager to acquire new skills and knowledge, get certifications and advance in their career path.
ELearning app features can vary according to the target organization and the purpose for which it is used in the institution like, eLearning app for schools and colleges, corporate eLearning, training institutes etc., but there are some common features spread across all major platforms.  Although there are lot of eLearning platforms offering plenty of courses, still, many companies and training institutes opt to develop their own eLearning courses with provision for customization, setting their own goal and standards, branding,  and providing features and functionalities.
Types of eLearning:
a) Synchronous Learning: In this type of learning, classes are held in real time, where the teacher and student can interact and have discussions with each other.  Eg. Virtual classrooms sessions with Zoom
b) Asynchronous Learning: In this type of learning, students can access the materials provided in the app at their time of convenience ie., the teacher and student are not present at real time.  Eg., video lectures.
Benefits of eLearning:
1) Easily Accessible
2) Cost Effective
3) Faster delivery of knowledge
4) Quick evaluation of performance
5) Increase productivity
6) Reduce the burden on environment like printing books and course material, power consumption and carbon emissions.
7) Diversified Learning
Features you should look for when choosing an eLearning app:
1) Have a separate panel for Administrators, Teachers and Students:
2) Authentication and Authorization:  Authentication verifies the identity of a user or service whereas Authorization determines the access rights to the resources.
3) Content Management and delivery: Allows learners to choose their courses and learning paths according to their preference with provision to switch between the courses. The teachers may require managing contents while creating/updating the course. Thus, there is a need to have a proper functionality for file storage, access to resources, sharing the resources etc., Make sure that you infuse micro-learning feature in your eLearning app.
4) Role Management:  Training pattern based on the roles and designations of employees in the company with access control features. Every organization has different learning requirement and different group of learners and creating a generalized program will not meet the purpose.  Hence, personalization is essential to create organized and specific learning paths.
5)  Intuitive User Interface and Dashboard: Enhance Learner interaction and providing summary and analytics on dashboard, and keep track on events on a daily basis. These types of apps makes learning easier and provides various options on podcasts, smart watches, smart phones, tablets etc., 
6) Provision to upload contents: Various documents formats like PowerPoint slides,  pdf guides, charts and graphs, podcasts, slideshare, infographics, ebooks  etc can be uploaded into the system.   It is the duty of the teacher to create and update the course, provide quality and effective online assessments, quizzes, online exams, certifications etc.  The students have to upload and submit their coursework assignments within the specified time.
7) Multimedia and Game based Learning: Studies have shown that, games help students learn quickly and retain information longer.  Multimedia and game based learning can be an effective way to engage students in your course. Use images, videos, infographics etc to supplement your lessons. AR/VR can be used for gamification and creating unique opportunities for the learners where they develop the right skill set in a virtual environment. Gamification options like leaderboards, ranks, puzzles does help boost learner motivation.
8) Push Notifications: Push notifications are effective remainders to students and teachers where messages are sent periodically on happening of a specific event such as student absenteeism, fees payment, remainder of a new course, assignment, exams etc
9) Query Resolution: Trainees can discuss about course contents, participate in discussions, raise queries and receive solution from the teachers.
10 Mobile Apps: User friendly mobile Apps that support push notification, content sharing, and communication, to deliver eLearning seamlessly.
11. Conduct Live Webinar Sessions: Conduct webinars using Zoom and engage with your learners using polls and other interactive mediums.
12. Tracking and Reporting : Automated customized reporting helps track and monitor learners activities with regard to assignments , attendance, results, certifications etc.,
13) Ecommerce: helps to sell your course material online by providing payment support online by integrated with payment gateways using dedicated API’s.
14) Security: Maintain data integrity and security with SSL and dedicated firewalls.
15) AI and Machine learning for chatbots and content personalization:  AI driven personalization creates a customized learning environment for the learners. They allow students to leverage the content and features based on their preference. Students can use a personalized dashboard with recommendations to pursue further courses to continue the learning experience.   Machine Learning for chats creates the ability to drive human to human conversations, as the chatbot application is able to learn from the algorithms and the dataset provided by the system and interact with learners, and improve the interactive learning strategy with intuitive content delivery for better learning experience. 
16) IoT and Wearable devices: Smartphones, tablets, smart watch, VR headsets can be integrated with eLearning application to create a comprehensive learning experience.  With the help of IoT, we can shift beyond the limitations of a mobile application and enhance the learning process.
17) Cloud based LMS (Software-as-a-service (SaaS) LMS): LMS is designed to provide eLearning and enhance efficiency and productivity in training. Its simple interfaces help to create, manage, deliver and track courses online and support a range of features and integration abilities.  Reviews performance and gain insight of your training impact with dashboard and reports.  Gather feedback from learners, track and manage training completion and access various reports etc., LMS may also be integrated with built in authoring tools which can assist in the teaching process.
18) Social Media integration: Integrating social media tools in your LMS helps in increasing interaction among the learners which can act as a good medium for peer-to-peer discussions and resolving doubts.
     The above features make eLearning applications a lucrative business opportunity.  Corporate would like to induct all the fresh employees as quick as possible and be familiar with all the work processes.  Also, upskilling the existing employees with new skills helps improve overall productive and enhance their skillset.   It is difficult to provide training to each and every employee through classroom training.  This is where online Course Management System on LMS platform comes in handy.  Hence, using a corporate eLearning platform for compliance training helps the learner equip with necessary skills and boost their career and business advancement.   Finally, if you would like your eLearning application to stand out and offer value to your learners, keep the above features in mind before you create your application.
URL : https://www.edujournal.com/must-have-features-of-elearning-apps/
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smartschoolblog07 · 4 years
Edujournal is a Singapore based Training Management System software company providing administration, documentation, tracking etc....
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edujournalwrites · 3 years
E-learning is something we are constantly hearing nowadays. The current situation of COVID-19 has made most of the educational practices to shift from the traditional way of learning to online learning. Find your ideal LMS for your education institute from Edujournal.
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edujournalblogs · 5 months
Importance of Big Data Analytics
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Strategic decision for business forecasts and optimizing resources, such as supply chain optimization.
Product development and innovation.
Personalized Customer Service to provide enhanced customer service and increase customer satisfaction.
Risk Management to identify and mitigate risks.
Optimizing the work force hence saving work and time.
Healthcare sector support by tracking patients health records of past ailments and provide advanced diagnosis and treatment.
Providing quality services like preventing crime, improve traffic management, and predicting natural disasters, optimize supply chain processes, reduce cost, improve product quality through predictive analysis, improve teaching methods through adaptive learning etc.
Helps Banking sectors track and monitor illegal money laundering and theft.
Check out our master program in Data Science, Data Analytics and ASP.NET- Complete Beginner to Advanced course and boost your confidence and knowledge.
URL: www.edujournal.com
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edujournalblogs · 5 months
Roles of a Data Engineer
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A data engineer is one of the most technical profiles in the data science industry, combining knowledge and skills from data science, software development, and database management. The following are his duties :
Architecture design. While designing a company's data architecture is sometimes the work of a data architect, in many cases, the data engineer is the person in charge. This involves being fluent with different types of databases, warehouses, and analytical systems.
ETL processes. Collecting data from different sources, processing it, and storing it in a ready-to-use format in the company’s data warehouse are some of the most common activities of data engineers.
Data pipeline management. Data pipelines are data engineers’ best friends. The ultimate goal of data engineers is automating as many data processes as possible, and here data pipelines are key. Data engineers need to be fluent in developing, maintaining, testing, and optimizing data pipelines.
Machine learning model deployment. While data scientists are responsible for developing machine learning models, data engineers are responsible for putting them into production.
Cloud management. Cloud-based services are rapidly becoming a go-to option for many companies that want to make the most out of their data infrastructure. As an increasing number of data activities take place in the cloud, data engineers have to be able to work with cloud tools hosted in cloud providers, such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.
Data monitoring. Ensuring data quality is crucial to make every data process work smoothly. Data engineers are responsible for monitoring every process and routines and optimizing their performance.
Check out our master program in Data Science and ASP.NET- Complete Beginner to Advanced course and boost your confidence and knowledge.
Url: www.edujournal.com
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edujournalblogs · 5 months
Machine Learning and their domain areas
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Machine Language is extensively applied across industries and sectors. Various applications of machine learning are:
ECommerce - display products based on customer preference based on past purchases
Automatic Language translation: translate text from one language to another.
Speech Recognition: translation of spoken words into text.
Image Recognition: recognize image with image segmentation techniques.
Financial sector : detect fraudelent transactions, optimization
Medical Diagnosis: detect diseases early
Check out our master program in Data Science and ASP.NET- Complete Beginner to Advanced course and boost your confidence and knowledge.
URL: www.edujournal.com
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edujournalblogs · 6 months
Time series analysis
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Time series analysis is a tool for the analysis of natural systems. For eg., climatic changes or fluctations in economy.In other words, you can predict the future. it can give you valuable insight of what happend during the course of the week, weeks, months or years.
What are the 4 components of time series? Trend component. Seasonal component. Cyclical component. Irregular component.
Check out our master program in Data Science and ASP.NET- Complete Beginner to Advanced course and boost your confidence and knowledge.
URL: www.edujournal.com
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edujournalblogs · 6 months
Agile methodology
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Agile methodologies such as Scrum and Kanban, focus on iterative development, customer collaboration, and responding to change. While Scrum operates in fixed-length sprints, Kanban allows for a more continuous and flow-based delivery. Teams can adapt to new requirements without waiting for a fixed iteration to complete and it supports the concept of continuous delivery, enabling teams to release features as soon as they are ready. Some teams choose to adopt a "Sprintless Agile" approach, combining Kanban's continuous flow with Agile principles.
General practices common to both Scrum and Kanban Methodologies:
Visual Management : it is the key component that makes it easy for team members to understand the status of tasks and understand the issues if any. 2.Control the Work in Progress (WIP) limits (ie., helps optimize the flow of work through the system hence preventing overflow of resources and reducing bottlenecks), improving focus and reducing multitasking hence enhancing delivering value iteratively. 3 Continuous improvement : Embrace the culture of continuous improvement through regular retrospectives with regular feedbacks. 4.Foster collaboration and collective ownership at work ie., encourage cross-functional teams and enhance communication and knowledge sharing.
Check out our master program in Data Science and ASP.NET- Complete Beginner to Advanced course and boost your confidence and knowledge.
URL: www.edujournal.com
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edujournalblogs · 6 months
Roles of Full Stack Developer
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Designing User Interface (UI)
Developing Backend Business Logic
Handling Server and Database connectivity and operations
Developing API to interact with external applications
Integrating third party widgets into your application
Unit Testing and Debugging
Collaborating with cross-functional teams to deliver innovative solutions that meet customer requirement and expectations.
Testing and Hosting on Server
Software optimization.
Adapting the application to various devices.
Updating and maintaining the software after deployment.
Check out our master program in Data Science and ASP.NET- Complete Beginner to Advanced course and boost your confidence and knowledge.
URL: www.edujournal.com
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edujournalblogs · 6 months
Use Cases in Deep Learning
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Deep Learning is a subset of Machine wherein we are training neural network models with datasets varying with complexity. We can identify patterns from our inputs which can be used to make predictions. Also, we can re-use the trained data derived from the model in other similar type of application which is known as Transfer Learning (TL).
Popular Models for doing Image Classification
ResNet50 by Microsoft Research
InceptionV3 by Google Brain team
DenseNet121 by Facebook AI Research
Smaller the algorithm, the faster the prediction time.
Use Cases:
Automatic speech recognition Image recognition Drug discovery and toxicology Customer relationship management Virtual Assistants (like Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant). Self Driving Cars. News Aggregation and Fraud News Detection. Natural Language Processing. Entertainment Healthcare
Check out our master program in Data Science and ASP.NET- Complete Beginner to Advanced course and boost your confidence and knowledge.
URL: www.edujournal.com
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edujournalblogs · 7 months
Neural Network Regression Model
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Regression Analysis is a set of statistical processes, that are used for estimating the relationship between dependent variables and multiple independent variables. For eg, predicting the resale value of our house, our dependent variable is the price of our house ie the house price is the outcome you are trying to predict. The multiple indedendent variables could be the number of bedrooms in the house, sitting room, dinning room, kitchen, bathroom, car parking etc. We may have ten different houses with ten different type of bed rooms, kitchens, siitting rooms having different prices ranges depending on the size and area, place and location etc. Hence, we might require to create a model to take these information and predict the value of the house. Here, we are using Neural Networks for solving Regression Problems. We need to give the inputs and outputs to the machine learning algorithm, and the machine learning will use the algorithms at its disposal, and understanding the relationship between the inputs and outputs. In the case of inputs ie if you have 4 bedrooms in your home, the inputs have to be given in numerical encoding form such as [0 0 0 0 1 0] which are applicable for all cases. These data are sent through a neural network and the representational output is converted into a human readable form.
Anatomy of Neural Networks:
Input Layer : Data goes into Input Layer.
Hidden Layer(s) : Learns pattern in data.(We can have multiple layers here depending on complexity). We can have very deep neural networks such as resnet152 having 152 different layers which is a common computer vision algorithm. Hence, we can have how many layers as we want.
Output Layer: Learned Representation or prediction probabilities.
Check out our master program in Data Science and ASP.NET- Complete Beginner to Advanced course and boost your confidence and knowledge.
URL: www.edujournal.com
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edujournalblogs · 7 months
What is AI and Machine Learning
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Machines in general are very quick in performing tasks. We can control these machines ie., we give instructions and make them do tasks for us which is what programming is all about. But Lower level tasks can best be left to computers while higher level tasks can be done with humans. For eg., if we tell a computer to identify a cat from other animals like dogs, can it be programmed ? Technically, we can say it has fur, has whiskers, makes a 'mwewwwwwwwww' noise etc. Immediately the computer comes back and asks us "What is mwew….or what is whisker or fur ? Therefore it becomes really harder to explain to the machines what to do.
But, there is a new idea of machine learning that has many applications with it. Examples of machine learning are self driving cars, robots, vision processing, language processing, recommendation engines, translation services, etc. The goal of machine learning is to make machines act more and more like humans. In other words, it is the way of getting computers to act without being explicitly programmed
Artificial Intelligenge (AI) simply means intelligence exhibited by machines, and Machine Learning is the subset of AI. We have something called Narrow AI, means it is really good at doing a particular task very well, better than humans, BUT, unlike humans who are good at handling multiple tasks, which is called General AI. it will take the computers many more years to reach that level. For eg detecting and diagonising human diseases eg heart disease or predicting if the patient will suffer from diabetics a few years from now. We might have heared robots performing complicated surgeries. Another example is a Chess computer named DeepBlue, that defeated Gary Kasprov, the world champion a few decades ago. These computers can do single task really well.
Check out our master program in Data Science and ASP.NET- Complete Beginner to Advanced course and boost your confidence and knowledge.
URL: www.edujournal.com
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edujournalblogs · 7 months
Criteria for selecting an appropriate tool for Data Science
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Ease of Using
Support diverse tasks like data manipulation, modelling, analysis, visualization, deployment etc
Provide quick insight and trends for decision making.
Check out our master program in Data Science and ASP.NET- Complete Beginner to Advanced course and boost your confidence and knowledge.
URL: www.edujournal.com
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edujournalblogs · 8 months
Biggest movements of Google since its inception 25 years ag
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Google is known for its ability to to develop search engines that can search information people are looking for quickly and rendering the right content. Over the years Google have innovatated many new features and some of their major innovations over the years are as follows:
2001: Google Images 2002: Google News 2004: Autocomplete 2006: Google Translate 2007: Universal Search 2008: Google Mobile App 2008: Voice Search 2011: Search by Image 2022: Multisearch 2023: Search Generative Experience (SGE) that brings the power of generative AI directly into Search.
Check out our master program in Data Science and ASP.NET- Complete Beginner to Advanced course and boost your confidence and knowledge.
URL: www.edujournal.com
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edujournalblogs · 8 months
Has your email or password ever been hacked ?
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Data breaches are very common these days. Even for big companies like facebook and yahoo , there have been data breaches recently. Their databases were exposed to the public because their usernames and passwords are hacked.
The hackers compile the list of hacked usernames and passwords and try to login to different services. You can think of data from a databases or massive excel files which contains all emails and passwords that have been leaked throughout our history. You can check a website called https://haveibeenpwned.com/Passwords, where you can check if your password or email addresses has been hacked. When I checked my password, it showed this message:
Oh no — pwned! This password has been seen 116 times before This password has previously appeared in a data breach and should never be used. If you've ever used it anywhere before, change it!
For software developers, you can develop your own code for checking password with this api. url = ‘https://api.pwnedpasswords.com/range/’+ ‘password123’ Get the response and check if your password is valid. Remember, the password need to be hashed before storing it into a database. Hence, replace your hashed password in place of password123 above. You have a built-in library in every language for hashing. Hash your password before sending the api request.
Also, we can purchase some trusted secured password managers like Bitwarden, NordPass, Dashlane, 1Password and Keeper which can be trusted.
Check out our master program in Data Science and ASP.NET- Complete Beginner to Advanced course and boost your confidence and knowledge.
URL: www.edujournal.com
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edujournalblogs · 8 months
Power of Python
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We have seen a lot of python developers worldwide who are able to leverage the functionality of modules/libraries, that are built by people at the individual level and also with standard built-in libraries available in Python, to do lot of interesting projects. We are able to fast track our progress and do a lot of really good projects pretty quickly. The projects can be done by
Developing your own module
Utilize the Built-in Standard modules/libraries provided by python. You can import the library and use it. eg random() that generates random numbers and datetime() function that can do date and time details.
Python Community: There is a huge community worldwide for Python. For eg. The libraries that we use in Data Science regularly such as Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib etc are not available instandard built-in Python library. They are developed by developers and shared within the community. You only need to use 'pip3 install ' command to to install it in your system and use the import it thereafter and include them in your code.
Check out our master program in Data Science and ASP.NET- Complete Beginner to Advanced course and boost your confidence and knowledge.
URL: www.edujournal.com
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