#rando thought
stevebabey · 11 months
eddie closes his eyes prematurely when he’s getting kissed.
like every time. and like, steve has barely begun leaning in, there’s still a good 10 inches between their faces, and eddie’s already got his lips puckered and eyes closed :) waiting for his kiss :)
steve can never fight off his smile in time for the first kiss, always grinning a bit as when he brings their mouths together, taking eddie’s bottom lip between his own.
their first kiss is always sappy in that way, steve smiling a bit too much to kiss properly — and steve’s already decided that he’s never ever telling eddie that he does it, cos he likes it too much.
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saetoshis · 2 years
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bapple117 · 5 months
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Because I have too much time on my hands I transcribed Vox's screen crawl from this bit of Stayed Gone and it's so funny he's such a LOSER !!! It says:
girl you are fooling NO-ONE !!!!
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peaceandlove26 · 1 year
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alien pony designs for the princesses! individual pics + names under the cut
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nothatsmi · 11 months
I did it guys
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So... I'm back-
I was talking about how well Undisclosed Desires fit to these characters, and how sad I was not to have enough free time to make an animatic about them on this song?
Well, it's not an animatic but it'll be four illustrations on the chorus (maybe more, if i feel like it) so this is [1/4]. That long frame is supposed to be for a future Intagram reel once I'll be finished, hope I'll find the determination to finish it...
Btw! This is an andreil scenary, and this verse would be Neil's POV. It will switch. Hehe I'm so happy to do this
Unrelated reading update below: If you followed my reading update you'll know that I'm done reading aftg, and tho it's been a few weeks I haven't started anyting else for a bit (cause of WORK, seriously, who invented that).. But I have finally taken the dangerous step of entering the Percy Jackson universe. I don't know how I - as a queer 20yo guy - managed to escape it for so long but,, Anyway I'll probably post some Percy Jackson stuff soon as well.
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francy-sketches · 10 months
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trying to get better at capturing likenesses so heres a quick(ish) alicent portrait study :3
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(ln8 spoilers) jinshi thinking except for my godly looks i am just average and then his smartass goes and kills around five birds with just one brand. someone whose status is so high that even his name can't be said by anyone except the emperor jinshi branded himself with the crest of the empress vowing loyalty to her assuring her he doesn't wants to take the place of her son. one-upping his "bro" with this who refuses to let him leave the line of succession wouldn't let him become a commoner doesn't wants to let him become a servant to the royal family. only slaves get branded and if this ever got out there will be chaos in the court. gyokuyou tho considers jinshi like a brother and he did swear loyalty to her but if she ever tried to cross his family her clan's brand on his body would be enough to prove her as an adultress which would be bad for her and her clan.
and jinshi did this in front of these two people and maomao so now she is the only one who can see him naked and the emperor cannot order him to marry anyone which was something that was definitely gonna happen had he not done what he did. as a bonus he gets to spend more time with maomao after a long time and he did all this while saying the exact words: empress gyokuyou, your enemy i shall never be in front of maomao reassuring her because she once muttered i don't want to be an enemy to empress gyokuyou and he had heard her but before he could tell her that he had no intention of doing that either he couldn't because of the lishu incident. one of the major reasons maomao hadn't accepted her own feelings for jinshi one of the obstacles he promised to remove for her. even though he doesn't even know that maomao's concerns about her becoming gyokuyou's enemy had to do with his birth secret his true status. that no matter what he is the rightful successor. something jinshi himself isn't even aware of and yet without knowing that he did this to deal with it all in a single way most preferable to him: masochism
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3416 · 1 month
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auston training in muskoka this morning.......... HMMMM
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utilitycaster · 3 months
I really do wish AP show fandoms were like. better at finding the happy medium between "it is unconscionable to send cast members of actual play shows (or any shows) death threats or harass them on social media in any capacity, what the fuck is wrong with you" and "you do not need to treat the actual play show cast as granting us a priceless gift that, if even a whiff of criticism reaches them, will be taken away forever." Like they are aware that they are filming this game to be put on the internet and people will have thoughts, not all of which will be positive. You're allowed to say "I don't think this was well done and here's why" (or even omit the here's why, though I think that often sheds light); you just can't be like "and that's why I think everyone involved should be beaten with hammers."
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fallstaticexit · 3 months
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do you ever just listen to someone you hate and are like. omfg die already. go away leave me alone fuck you
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alicedrawslesmis · 6 months
I know I just said I didn't want to just be complaining about everything so I'll try to word this in a more constructive way asdfghjkl
It's hard to be an Eponine fan in a world where the musical -and On My Own specifically- is sooooo mainstream. Because imo as much as On My Own itself is kind of a half-decent, if simplified, encapsulation of Eponine's struggle with her love for Marius if you analise the lyrics in isolation, the musical as a whole, her role in the narrative as the unrequited love diva (I'm also simplifying here. I don't think this is super fair to the anglo musical, but compared to the book there's no question of how they reworked her into a glamorous 80s diva contralto because musical theatre has usually very strict gender roles), did her so dirty. So dirty. And imo often her character is reduced to her pining in fandom as a result. And I don't like that, personally.
I love that girl so much. I love that she is just young enough to still be a child but adult enough to be aware of her social role. She has one foot in the gamin life and one foot in the adult world. I love the tragedy that is the fact that she likes the beauty and pomp of high society girls and wish she could have silk shoes but knowing she can't.
And also being super resigned to her class despite it, she doesn't believe she ever will have any of that. She resents that too, somewhat. The tragedy of her knowing that she couldn't be with Marius because of his social class and her accepting that (angrily? sadly?). I love her self-banishment as his guard dog because of this. I love her drunk sailor voice. I love how manipulative she is and that she isn't Marius's friend at all. He's just her one neighbor who wasn't a total asshole one time. He was, later. But not at first. And she can't be in his head and know he thinks she's kinda despicable because crime because Marius is a judgemental little shithead.
And Eponine isn't an idealist, she's resigned to her position. I understand why she gets paired with grantaire in fics but her canon narrative parallel is Javert, they both believe they are excluded from society from their outcast position and so become the watchdogs for it. Eponine a kind of guardian (in her own words a devil, not an angel) and Javert the same. That's why he's the one person who sees her in the barricade, he's the same as her. Marius saw her but that's only cause he had a use for her in that moment, as soon as she didn't he forgot all about it.
I think also Gavroche, with his ability to be kind of a figure above the narrative, with his gamin skills of being almost omnipresent is something Eponine used to have, but with her age she's starting to lose that. She's starting to grown old enough that she's required to be IN the world and not supercede it. Gavroche is also almost there, if he had been allowed to grow up he would've lost that ability too. They both inhabit this sort of magical surreal world superimposed on our own.
A lot of Les Mis and Notre Dame de Paris can be kinda described as magical realism, I would go so far as calling them urban fantasy. And characters like Babet, Thenardier sometimes, Gavroche, Eponine (and Javert sometimes as well) are inhabiting this magically charged layer. This reality that's imposed Over the real world.
Talking about that One Series Of Wizard Books is a bit passé rn so uh. Doctor Who. Particularly the initial New Who seasons before they got that huge budget. That's a good parallel to what I'm getting at. The real world is still the same but there are certain characters that inhabit this mystical overlayer and are able to transverse from one to the other (Javert can't really because he is stuck forever outside and the second he understands that you CAN'T be an unbiased outsider who only enforces the norm without participating he freaks out and literally dies about it). Eponine is right in the eye of the storm tho. She manipulates reality to get her way, to die with Marius, because that's as close as she can get to being with him. And she manipulates reality to protect him too. Contradictions be damned. She has many contradictory feelings that make her complex and cool and an awesome character whom I love and wish would stop being reduced to the glamurous mysical theatre role with a single black stain on her face and a beautiful actor and a big unrequited love song about a random boy (whose personality was also changed for the musical and I argue is probably the character that was most fucked up by it in the public perception because he's such an weird little self-insert of an even weirder guy. But I get it, the musical is long enough as it is).
Anyway, I wish eponine could be more of a mongrel, a little gremlin. A little rat child that's just beginning to grow into an adult and is self aware of her role in the narrative society. She's a teenage girl which already sucks to go through when you're not constantly starving and cold and being forced by your father to work and do con jobs. Marius is the object she attaches herself to, but it could've been literally anything. Javert did that with the social order, he protects and guards it. She just chose Some Guy instead. Which, we all have that one friend who does that too. Like girl you're too good for him. Come on let's get you sone ice cream. And clean clothes and a roof. Literally anything. Bread.
I think if Eponine had a roof over her head and like, food on the regular she would forget Marius exists. Same as Cosette if she had moved to England. Like he'd be that one intense crush they had as teenagers. Can't say the same for him tho. He would hold onto that for the rest of time.
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bapple117 · 6 months
no one: no one at all: not an absolute soul: Vaggie: I'm gonna sing hanging off a pirate ship in TWO seperate songs and no-one can stop me dammit
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onthemeander · 3 months
I would like to see Verosika and Stolas become closer friends.
At first it built on a foundation of getting over Blitzø together. hasn’t been confirmed but they seem to be the only two who tried to say “I love you” to Blitzø and Blitzø it blow up in their face.
But even then I think they could do a lot for each other. Verosika gives advice on confidence and generally extends Stolas’ social network. Stolas could give Verosika insight on how to not be so angry all the time, let that sadness breathe, and find a quieter place to hide, in his home, away from parties and drinking that she already went to rehab for.
Do I think it would be a perfect friendship, nah but I think they could really help each other in some unique none Blitzø was.
Edit: when they do get back together Verosika can offer Stolas some of her succubis techniques that drove Blitzø wild.
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tibli · 8 months
so everyone knows this pic right?
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i wanted to get this on a shirt, and as it turns out, the artist of the image actually sells them online! go absolutely buck fucking wild
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twistedglass · 6 months
Like, yeah, yeah...I KNOW Jamil is based on Jafar and all that, but hear me out:
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