#raising a toddler
milomaxxy · 1 month
So our toddler is watching Steven Universe for the first time. She loves the movie, so we figured she's old enough to actually sit and watch the show (without getting bored like last time we tried to show her). Here is a list of her observations and critiques so far.
"Garnet protects Steven"
"He (Lars) is being naughty" (he was mean to Sadie on the island)
"Cookie cat cookie cat cookie cat" (on a loop)
"Dad (Greg) has flip-flops"
"She's (Jasper) being mean to Garnet" (she very much does not like Jasper)
"The big lady hurting Garnet" (again about Jasper)
"She doesn't like her" (about Lapis and Jasper)
"Steven saved her (Connie)"
"Can I watch Jam Steven?" (Evidently she really likes the "share this jam with me" episode)
"Steven is saving them (the cool kids, being consumed by the algae) from algae"
"Garnet is strong"
"Pearl is sad"
"Garnet is big"
"Amethys (no t at the end lol) is silly"
"Garnet loves Steven"
So far we've noticed the trend of Garnet being her favorite. She doesn't seem too interested in Pearl or Amethyst, loves Steven, and Does Not Like Jasper. It's become her favorite show now, leaving Bluey in the dust lol
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Giving the dog a bath.
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Promoted to Lacking Corporal!
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Having a short walko with Rocco.
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Briar kicked Graham!
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Reading his kid to sleep.
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Going for a late night jog.
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Promoted to Sergeant Minor.
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Briar sleeping in a chair.
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He's trying so hard to be a good dad.
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Potty training.
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Back home from vacation and Briar is reading her first book.
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Briar: What doin', Daddy?
Graham: Trying to work on my fitness.
Briar: What's fitness?
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singitoutgirl26 · 4 months
How do I convince a toddler that we can't get a cat??? Like this child has a one track mind and it's set on getting a cat now. We have two big dogs and a lizard, but this kid has her face glued to the window trying to see if there are cats outside and if she does see them she immediately tried to escape out the front door 😭 like I need real advice here, I would be fine with a cat but her father would probably lose his shit if he comes home from work to a cat in the house. I need an adultier adult or some shit 😭
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dr-chalk · 6 months
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So much history you weren't present for
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bluerosefox · 6 months
Family Resemblance
I had another 11pm brain worm.
Daniel Wayne, the younger toddler brother of Bruce Wayne and the son of Martha and Thomas Wayne had been kidnapped the night their parents were murdered.
Daniel had been snagged the moment their killer heard people headed to the alley and Bruce in his state of shock didn't realize it until it was far to late and could only scream in horror (from everything) as his baby brother is crying his name. (If you wanna make it even more heart wrenching, make it Danny's first time being able to say Bruce's name right and/or Bruce had said some mean things to Danny earlier after he accidentally broke something of Bruce's, something like 'I wish youd go away' or 'I never wanted a brother, you're such a bother!')
Bruce is being held by Alfred as some police officers are chasing down the Wayne's parents killer while some stay behind to see if they could do something.
Minutes turn to hours and as they wait, praying the police at least found Danny, Bruce is ridden with guilt. From his parents death to allowing his brother to be kidnapped.
Eventually the police return to give Alfred and Bruce the news. And it's not good.
The killer escaped and Danny was nowhere to be found.
And it would take many years before he would be found.
Bruce gets a call from Damian during school hours one day. When he answers he is greeted with Damian demanding him to get to the school and explain himself.
Confused Bruce asks what does he mean and Damian responds with
"The two new students in class today are the spitting images of you and I father! Either they are poorly created clones or you have more hidden blood children!"
Meanwhile the very students being discussed are calling up someone too
"Ellie? Dan? What's wrong? You better not have made too much chaos already, I just paid for the uniforms for that place."
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milkywayes · 4 months
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GARRUS VAKARIAN: DATABASE IMAGE ACCESS. > PT. 1 : 2160, 2166, 2170. > all files backdated according to user preferences: (terran_coordinated.calendar).
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elleniemae · 6 months
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“OH! Leave everyone at the top of a mountain, and see who makes it back to the bottom alive! Ohoho… classic!”
I’m so normal about this line in ASiaS… so normal
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noramsblog · 2 months
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Grogu won't stop eating all the frogs😔
From twt
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redadidassneakers · 5 months
Wolfstar raising Harry
Harry: *watching Remus pour Coca-Cola down the sink* what are you doing?
Remus: I’m using this to dissolve whatever gunk is clogging the drain
Harry: cool, do you think it will dissolve the screwdriver that’s down there?
Remus: the fucking what?
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puppetmaster13u · 8 months
Prompt 198
Now Bruce was not expecting to reincarnate upon his death. At least he thinks he died, he’s pretty sure he did. There wasn’t any other reason for him to be a well, literal baby. Around two he thinks, which fits well with the fact that it’s around that time that babies start forming memory recall, if he, well, remembered correctly. 
But while he knew about reincarnation thanks to Shayera and Carter, he’d never exactly given it much thought towards himself. Because seriously, what were the chances of such a thing as him being given another chance? 
So he was quite surprised at his situation, experimentally opening and closing pudgy hands that looked well, just a tiny bit off. He’d never been that pale before, he thinks, even back when he never went outside like, ever. 
He turned his gaze towards the mobile above him with a sort of idle curiosity- a mixture of bats (ha) and other trinkets he wasn’t familiar with. It also caused him to get his first good look at his parent, asleep on a rocking chair right next to the crib. 
Huh. They had the same pale skin he did, albeit in the light it looked like it was slightly tinted blue, and while their hair was white they didn’t exactly look old. They looked surprisingly well rested for raising a toddler too, unless they had a nanny or something similar… He rolled over, managing to very shakily push himself to his feet with the help of the crib. 
Why was standing so hard as a toddler? And why did he have his memories of everything except how he had died anyway? 
His head whipped up from where they were staring at his feet when he heard a snort, finding his parent awake and standing. Somehow silently enough that he hadn’t noticed- or he was that easily distracted by the unfamiliar giddiness bursting in his chest. 
“Morning little bat,” his parent easily picked him up and held him while he inwardly sighed at the nickname. Of course his bat motif would follow him into this life. A low rumbling almost caused him to jump, his body relaxing before he could fully register the sound. The… purring? 
He wasn’t human this time around. 
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sommerregenjuniluft · 6 months
@jegulus-microfic april 1 - spring - 1340 words (of domestic bliss with little harry)
Sundays are slow in the Potter household.
One would think James doesn’t like the pace of it, always having to do something usually, always active, moving around or talking, tugging at his loved ones or caressing their skin, but he does. It hasn’t always been this way but with getting older and especially since they’ve become parents James had noticed how his body and mind welcomed the one break in the week to just shut off and recharge.
They’ve fought their way through a cloudy March and with the arrival of April, spring is finally here. 
James loves spring. People always assume it’s summer—and credit to them, because he does—but there’s just something about the rebirth of everything that comes after the long gloomy fall and icey winter period. The birds chirp with their return and in search for a mate, insects buzz lively and everything brightens with colour. 
Like clockwork, Harry appears in the threshold of the master bedroom at around 7 am, deer plushie in a tight grip by the antlers, his dark mob of hair messy as anything. He drowsily rubs the sleep from his eyes, face squished and James sometimes thinks he might die from how adorable their four year old is.
He grabs his glasses, pushes back the sheets and plants a gentle kiss on Regulus’ cheek where he’s still knocked out like the dead and smushed into his pillow.
Harry pads wordlessly into the living room, James hot on his trail. Though while Harry goes in search of a children’s book for James to read to him, James makes a detour to the kitchen. He fills them two bottles with the tea they let out on the counter overnight, preparing one for Regulus as well for when he wakes up. He cuts up some fruit and vegetables and grabs the packets of rice cakes and crackers from the pantry, loading it all on a tray before he sets on to the living room.
Harry is already curled under the big fleece blanket they keep there, grinning when James rounds the corner with their pre-breakfast.
“Morning, dada,” he greets, sweetly.
James’ chest swells. “Morning, pumpkin,” he returns, pressing a kiss into Harry’s hair, setting down the tray. Before he takes his place next to his son he walks over to open the big terrasse glass doors. 
“How’d you sleep?” James asks, plopping down next to Harry who immediately snuggles closer, plushie still in hand.
“Good,” Harry sighs contently and James can’t help himself when he brushes some of his hair back from his forehead and kisses him again. “Can you read to me?”
It’s a hidden object book but James knows what he means. He grins, “’Course, Hazza.”
They do just that for a bit, James describing what’s going on on the pages, creating a story for recurring characters. Skipping back and forth with Harry randomly pointing out another happening of the drawing while he’s munching away on his rice cakes and cucumbers and the occasional grape. 
It’s still mildly cool, especially when a faint breeze picks up, moving the grass outside and swishing inside but Harry’s still wearing long pyjamas and James knows he’ll tell him if he’s too cold. He simply burrows further under the blanket and into his father’s side. James runs hot anyways.
When Harry decides they’re done with books James puts on a nature documentary for them.
They’re teaching about the strength of some rainforest ant species when Regulus shuffles into the room, arms wrapped around himself and eyes nearly closed.
“Morning, Papa,” Harry whispers excitedly, already wiggling out of James’ embrace even though he knows Regulus will join them there in just a moment.
A smile tugs at Regulus’ lips as he blinks his eyes open, dark lashes fluttering agonisingly beautifully and giving way to soft grey. James swears they get a little more blue every time right around his birthday, like Regulus is just another subject to the changes of spring.
“Mornin’,” Regulus sighs happily when he squeezes Harry against his chest, peppering the side of his head with kisses until he pulls away, tugging Regulus along to James.
His eyes are already closed again when Regulus nuzzles into the crook of James’ neck, pressing a kiss there before he gets comfortable.
“Morning, love,” James murmurs, voice thick with adoration, audible even to himself, and he strokes Regulus’ exposed arm softly.
The spell of Sunday is thick in the air, heavy in their bones. 
Harry, usually the most lively child, always animatedly talking about something or the other, giggling, making jokes or doing mischief, is quiet now too. It’s routine, the way he grabs for Regulus’ arm and squeezes between his two dads, waiting for James to absently card his fingers through their hair and send them back to their slumbers.
It doesn’t take longer than five minutes before Harry’s breaths are deepening and it’s marvellous. Magical in the way that Regulus’ presence seems to calm him so much it pulls him back into another nap.
James smiles so wide, looking down at them like that for so long that his cheeks start straining.
He watches a bit more of the documentary, snaps a few obligatory pictures of them on his phone and sends them into their family group chat. Monty sends back a pixelated picture of a zoomed in shot of Effie in the garden, Sirius replies with a shaky snapshot of him running with the dogs and Remus answers with an aesthetically pleasing picture of what seems to be the breakfast he’s preparing for the two of them.
James’ belly growls hungrily at the reminder and when his gaze falls on the lone grape sitting in the bowl on the tray he decides it’s time for breakfast. 
It’s nothing short of artful the way he extracts himself from besides Harry and Regulus without rousing them before he heads for the kitchen.
He grabs flour and sugar, eggs and milk for pancakes, as well as the bacon, bagles and cream cheese. It’s meditative to put together all the ingredients, set the table and assemble syrup and blueberries and chocolate chips. Halfway through James remembers the leftover quinoa in the fridge and between placing patches of batter in a sizzling pan he whips them up a quick salad as well. 
The smell in the kitchen is divine and James has already made acquaintances with the joyful bluetit in the tree by the window by the time Regulus comes into the kitchen with Harry on his hip. He’s babbling now, talking Regulus’ ear off by the looks of it and Regulus hums and nods and gasps at all the right places, looking ridiculously endearing with his curls mussed and an imprint of the couch cushion lining his cheek.
“Morning, champ,” James teases, smacking a loud kiss over the line in Regulus’ cheek.
Regulus growls quietly, grinning despite himself, “You’re lucky I love your cooking so much.”
“Yeah, you’re lucky,” Harry parrots, grinning widely.
James tuts with faux affront, “What kind of sentiments are you teaching our poor child, Regulus. I’ve been standing in this kitchen for hours now. How about a ‘Thank you, daddy’?”
“Thank you, daddy,” they both reply in unison though Regulus’ has a decidedly different tone to it that makes James point the spatula at him in warning.
Regulus just smirks before he leans heavily into James’ side and rips a piece of pancake off of the ones already on a plate, blowing on it before dividing it in half and feeding it to Harry and himself.
James tasks them with setting out glasses of water and orange juice, mugs for tea. On Sundays coffee is banned in the Potter house. Regulus thinks he can wind himself out of his caffeine addiction that way.
When everyone is done and everything is in place they all sit down together, legs tangled under the table, smiling warmly at each other over their plates of delicious food, the spring breeze ruffling their hair and clothes pleasantly as it drifts through the open window.
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milomaxxy · 1 month
So, last year, my family was in a shelter until we could get into a home. It was a families-only shelter, so you had to have a child or children to stay. We made friends with a few families while there; we were entirely new to the area so it was an opportunity to make friends in a place where we didn't know anyone. Our (then 3 year old) toddler made friends with a whole bunch of kids, especially a family with 4 kids in her age range. One day I noticed she acted different with one of the girls, and it hit me.
She acted exactly like I did with my first crush. She wasn't just friendly with her like other kids. Our kiddo is autistic asf, so most of her interactions with other kids is mirroring their play and maybe giving them snacks if she really likes them. She would go out of her way to find gifts for this girl, would let her watch videos (we had kids videos on a spare phone for her) with her (something she would have a meltdown if other kids tried to do), would dance with her, actually hugged her (something else she doesn't do unless she knows somebody very well), and more. She would ask every morning when this little girl would be coming outside so they could play together, even before asking about breakfast.
I mentioned it to my spouse, and we were joking about her first crush. The little girl's mom heard, and AGREED WITH US bc her little girl was doing the EXACT SAME THING. She picked out a nightgown, a winter coat, and a hoodie for my toddler. They'd lay together on the little trampoline in the yard, snuggled together, watching videos and eating snacks. And other people caught wind of the joke (that we weren't so certain was a joke at this point) and got in on it too. The other toddler's older sister even asked my kiddo at one point if she wanted to "kiss (other kid) like your parents kiss". Basically asking if she wants to kiss on the cheek or peck on the lips, and omg my child's reaction made me cry actual tears of joy.
My child's eyes lit up and she grinned. An important detail is that my toddler was absolutely obsessed with Bluey at the time and quoted it literally every minute of the day. It was so often that other people thought she was adopted bc she had the accent down to a fucking t. She says "for real life?" in her Bingo voice, jumping up and down. We all are melting at this point, just fawning over her reaction.
That family ended up moving away a month or so later, and fortunately my kiddo was able to say goodbye to all the other kids before they left. I bawled that morning bc her "girlfriend" as they'd started calling each other Drew a smiley face on her coat. When she does outgrow it, I plan on keeping it for her bc it's a gift from "her first girlfriend".
Those few months were so healing for my inner-child. My parents would have never been okay with me having a crush on a girl as a toddler, much less said "yeah, you can have a girlfriend". And seeing her and this little girl act exactly like me and my first crush, hunched over looking at bugs and gathering nuts that fell from the trees... it was adorable. Watching them act like little crows with each other, and this little girl knock the actual hell out of her brother for being kinda mean to my kiddo, and my kid ask to get friendship trinkets at the store, was magical. I never have seen my kid be that social since, and it's definitely a special little period of her life. It's wild to me how far along the world has come in two decades bc of how many other people supported these little "toddler girlfriends". It gives me hope for the future
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beneathsilverstars · 20 days
i find it so so interesting the things that you can learn about a parent/caregiver just by knowing their kid...
when siffrin doesn't flinch away from bonnie's touch, bonnie says "good kid, good kid. you didn't even jump that time! good job, you did such a good job.” now we know what kind of langauge nille uses to praise bonnie!
bonnie doesn't actually argue all that much about not being allowed to fight - they make their opinion known, but then focus on being a good snack leader. i think they are used to having their point of view taken into consideration! a kid who doesn't dare complain at all might have very strict and stubborn caregivers, while a kid who throws a fit might have caregivers who pay more attention to emotions than logic, or care less about their child's feelings and more about how those feelings affect them. but bonnie trusts that the adults around them will listen to them, and then make a reasonable decision, even if it's not the one they wanted.
bonnie's fairly level-headed in general, actually. they get really upset sometimes, obviously, but it's about things that are really upsetting? otherwise.. if they're not confronted about the death convo, they're able to set it aside and focus on cheering everyone up with snacks. even though they're mad at siffrin, they have some chill convos with him. pretty good emotional regulation skills all things considered! they're often able to choose to be calm and cheerful, but they feel safe expressing sadness and anger, too, so they're not just sitting there repressing everything either!
i just get really emo about what a good job nille must have done raising them 😭
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redbean-nom · 4 months
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(aka trash children, chaos children, and children who understand 98 is getting graded on this)
Inspired by @thefoundationproject! Closeups under the cut:
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jesse got this pic from jangotat:
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0vergrowngraveyard · 4 months
everyone wish sonic a happy mother’s day (he is the mom, the dad, and the picket fence)
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bluerosefox · 1 month
Anther DPxDC idea (it can be either turn into future Dead on Main or Anger Management, I'm not picky)
With Toddler!Damian~
When Jason was being 'trained' by the LOA in a fit of Pit Madness he somehow manged to stumble upon a toddler Damian in the base when he fought his current 'teacher' and fell into Damian's own training room at the time he was training.
Jason, even in a Pit Rage episode and not yet fully 'trained' out of his Robin teaching and his own (deeply buried) morals of protecting children, see's a toddler being trained with a legit sword and see's some of the wounds and cuts the kid has on himself from the training. He does not take it well and in a fit, fights the other teacher and gathers Damian into his arms.
This leads to Jason, in half coherent and half Pit Madness, to try to escape with Damian in his arms and get the heck out of the League with assassins at his heels.
However the fight eventually ends up with them near the Pits itself and in a single wrong move the two fall in.
The two do not resurface.
It was a normal day in Amity Park.
As normal as Amity Park could be to be honest.
When one of the Fenton siblings came down to clean the lab for the day when the protal suddenly flared up and for the lack of better words spat out a teen around their age and a toddler.
Both passed out on the lab floor.
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