#Bruce and Danny meet at the school and Bruce nearly has a heart attack at the young man who looks so much like his parents
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bluerosefox · 1 year ago
Family Resemblance
I had another 11pm brain worm.
Daniel Wayne, the younger toddler brother of Bruce Wayne and the son of Martha and Thomas Wayne had been kidnapped the night their parents were murdered.
Daniel had been snagged the moment their killer heard people headed to the alley and Bruce in his state of shock didn't realize it until it was far to late and could only scream in horror (from everything) as his baby brother is crying his name. (If you wanna make it even more heart wrenching, make it Danny's first time being able to say Bruce's name right and/or Bruce had said some mean things to Danny earlier after he accidentally broke something of Bruce's, something like 'I wish youd go away' or 'I never wanted a brother, you're such a bother!')
Bruce is being held by Alfred as some police officers are chasing down the Wayne's parents killer while some stay behind to see if they could do something.
Minutes turn to hours and as they wait, praying the police at least found Danny, Bruce is ridden with guilt. From his parents death to allowing his brother to be kidnapped.
Eventually the police return to give Alfred and Bruce the news. And it's not good.
The killer escaped and Danny was nowhere to be found.
And it would take many years before he would be found.
Bruce gets a call from Damian during school hours one day. When he answers he is greeted with Damian demanding him to get to the school and explain himself.
Confused Bruce asks what does he mean and Damian responds with
"The two new students in class today are the spitting images of you and I father! Either they are poorly created clones or you have more hidden blood children!"
Meanwhile the very students being discussed are calling up someone too
"Ellie? Dan? What's wrong? You better not have made too much chaos already, I just paid for the uniforms for that place."
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language-rxgers · 7 years ago
Grease Lightning (Bucky x Reader High School!AU)- Part 2
Summary: The day of the dress rehearsal is here and you’re finally going to have to come face to face with Bucky for the first time.
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Characters: Bucky Barnes, Reader, Natasha Romanoff, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner (mentioned)
Warnings: swearing
Word Count: 2968
A/N: Okay, here’s part 2! Probably only two more parts to this one!
part 1 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5
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*not my gif, found on giphy*
The day of the dress rehearsal was here, and you ran a hand through your hair as you prepped your station. You were cursed with the jitters, it seemed, bouncing in anxiety on the balls of your feet. Not only were you nervous about doing makeup for Bucky Barnes, whom you’d admired from afar since freshman year, but you were also simultaneously tasked with being the makeup artist for the lead character, which brought on pressures of its own. You took deep breaths to calm yourself, glancing at the clock and seeing that the cast should be arriving for their makeup any second. Nat was sitting stoically on the fold out chair at her station, still bitter about having the tables turned on her as well. You felt kind of bad for putting her in the same situation that you were in, but after all, it was kind of her fault. You were tearing off a sheet of paper towel to protect Bucky’s costume from the makeup when you heard a deep voice behind you.
“Um, hi, is this my station?” 
You turned around and had to hold in a gasp when you met steel blue eyes. You had only heard Bucky’s voice on a few rare occasions, seeing as you had barely had any classes with him over the past three years and you didn’t know him very well at all, but every time you did hear him speak, be it when passing him in the halls or over-hearing him in the cafeteria, it still shocked you how alluring he sounded. His voice was rough but still gentle, almost timid, and you had to clear your throat before straightening up. Christ, was it possible to feel personally attacked by your heart’s inappropriately erratic beating?
(What the hell, calm down, (Y/N), and act like a normal goddamned person!)
“Uh, yep. Oh, I’m (Y/-N),” you gave a quick smile, but became mortified when your voice cracked halfway through your name. “(Y/N), sorry,” you breathed out a nervous laugh, hoping you could pass off the heat radiating from your face as cause of the number of bodies in the room.
“I’m Bucky,” he replied, giving you a small, awkward wave and smile. God, why was he such an adorable dork? Why couldn’t he be an asshole and make this a whole hell of a lot easier? You took in a breath before stepping back and allowing him to take a seat. You took in two deep breaths to steady your heart before trying to be a little more composed.
“Well, um, I’ll be your makeup artist, so make yourself at home, this’ll be your station. I’m just going to use a cleanser on your face first and then I’ll get started on your makeup. I’ll need to test out a few foundations, though, to find the right match, is that alright?” You asked, rubbing your palm, a nervous habit. Bucky nodded, running his hands over his strong thighs as he leaned back. As you headed off to grab a couple different foundations and the cleanser, you revised the image of Bucky in his costume which was now burned in your mind. Faded black jeans and a white tee shirt clung to his taut form, and his black leather T-Bird jacket stretched over his broad shoulders in a nearly sinful manner. His shaggy dark locks were brushed behind his ears, but there was a loose lock that framed his jaw and sent your heart thump-thump-thumping once more.
(God, stop it, (Y/N)! Why are you like this? Stop being so obsessed with this boy you barely even know!)
You shook your head free of your thoughts and grabbed what you needed, returning to your station. Nat bumped your shoulder as you passed her to your station beside hers, and you glared at her briefly before turning back to Bucky. “Alright, I’ll need you to put this across your chest to cover your outfit,” you said, passing him the long piece of paper towel. He took it, spreading the paper across his chest and tucking it into his collar.
“This okay?” He asked, and you nodded. You poured some of the cleanser onto a cotton pad.
“May I?” You asked, holding up the pad. He nodded quickly. You gently brushed a few locks of hair out of his face before gently running the cotton pad over his forehead and down across his cheekbones. You tried to see him as just another actor, a nameless face for you to do makeup for, and it worked for a few moments, until you were finished with the cleanser. “I’ll need to test the foundation on your jaw here,” you gestured over your own jaw, “to get a good match for the foundation.” Bucky nodded once more. You were beginning to notice he was not a man of many words.
You began swiping the different foundations on the ridge of his jawline, your breath hitching when the muscles tightened as he clenched his jaw. From watching him- no, observing him- no, seeing him in passing- you’d noticed he did this a lot, so you assumed it was just a force of habit. God, you knew you sounded like a creep, noticing so many things about this person just from passing him in the halls every day, but you couldn’t help it. You were an observant person.
On the third sample, you found a perfect match, and scribbled down the name of the shade before blending in the other foundations with a sponge and beginning to apply the newly found foundation over the rest of his face. You noticed from the corner of your eye that Nat and Bruce seemed to be making easy conversation, and felt a sense of pride that your retaliation seemed to be working out for the better. You focused back on applying Bucky’s makeup when he finally spoke up.
“You know Steve Rogers pretty well, right?” He asked. You hesitated before nodding.
“Uh, yeah, I guess we’re pretty good friends. Do you know him too?” Bucky nodded affirmatively, a goofy fond grin adorning his lips.
“Yeah, we’ve been friends since we were kids. He’s actually the one who convinced me to try out for this.” Your eyebrows raised in surprise.
“Wow, really? So you enjoy acting then?” You mentally face palmed.
(Great conversation-making. Obviously he enjoys acting if he’s the lead in the fucKING PLAY)
Bucky nodded again. “I do, though I’ve never really gone out of my way to try out for anything before,” he chuckled bashfully. “To be honest, I never thought I’d even get this part. It’s kinda nerve-wracking being the lead in your first play.” You smiled, though trying to avoid his eyes all the same.
“I’m sure you’ll do great. Ms. Hill doesn’t choose just anyone for the lead roles. Especially not for something as timeless as Grease. You’ve got this.”
“Thanks,” Bucky replied quietly. The two of you fell into a- somewhat- comfortable silence for a while after that. You continued to do his makeup, almost finished except for the eyeliner. You slightly frowned as you picked up the pencil.
“Okay, I know guys usually find this part kind of scary and intimidating, but I promise I have a steady hand. I need to do just a light bit of eyeliner under your eyes. Is that alright?” You forced yourself to finally meet Bucky’s eyes. The steel-blue orbs were- expectedly- wide as dinner plates at the thought that you were about to stick a foreign object anywhere near his ocular area. Sensing his unease, you bit your lip and gave him a reassuring smile. “Look, how about we do this in three second intervals? I draw it on for three seconds, then you can take a blink break? I’ll be very gentle,” you tried to compromise with him. Bucky took in a breath before clenching his jaw and nodding. You asked him to stay still and look up above your head. “Ready?” You asked.
“Yep, go for it,” he whispered. You brought the pencil to his eye very gently, anticipating the sharp flutter of his eyelids at the first touch of the pencil against his skin. “Sorry,” he apologized. You assured him it was no problem, then informed him you were continuing on. You quickly began to light trace the pencil along his waterline. You could feel the heat radiating from your cheeks at the close proximity, but willed yourself to think about anything other than how near his lips were. You swallowed thickly, taking deep, steadying breaths.
“One, two, three,” you counted slowly, pulling away after three. Bucky blinked quickly, before shaking his head and getting back into position for you to continue. You continued tracing until you were satisfied with the job you’d done, pulling away after three once more. “Okay, next eye.”
After the second eye was done, you took a few steps back, face now burning with heat. You looked around and noticed everyone else was somewhat flushed from the heat of all the bodies in the room, so you hoped your being so flustered wouldn’t stand out too much. “Alrighty, well we’re, uh, done your makeup.” You grabbed a hand mirror and held it up in front of Bucky for him to see. “Hopefully the eyeliner wasn’t so traumatising it’ll tarnish the chances of you ever acting again,” you joked lamely, internally wincing.
Bucky grinned, running a hand through his hair and looking up at you. “Naw, it looks great. You were very gentle, I’d let you do my eyeliner anytime.”
You swallowed, giving him a tight smile. “Time for hair,” you changed the subject, moving towards the tub of hair gel on the table behind Bucky. “Danny has a ducktail hairstyle, so I’m gonna need to put a lot of gel in your hair.”
“Go for it.” Bucky ran his hands over his strong thighs-
(Oh damn it to hell, (Y/N) can’t you be just a little professional?)
and sat straight in his chair. You grabbed a comb and began gently running it through his hair. You personally weren’t a fan of when people just started touching your hair, feeling like it was imposing your personal space. You were sure that Bucky had had his fair share of female fans run their hands through his own dark chocolate locks without his permission, so you wanted to make sure you yourself weren’t imposing right now. Obviously you knew this was different since it was your job at the moment to do his hair, but you still remained very conscious of his body language to make sure he was comfortable.
You gently worked the comb through the small tangles in his hair, trying not to tug too hard. Eventually, you found yourself practicing your breathing exercises to keep your heart rate steady as you felt how soft his locks were. You’d seen him run his hand through his hair countless times when you saw him in the school throughout the day, but actually touching those shaggy chestnut locks was something completely different. It felt so intimate to touch someone’s hair, and you almost felt like you were crossing a line, though you quickly chastised yourself for making it weird. Be fucking professional. After checking yourself for what seemed like the hundredth time that day, you decided his hair was combed enough and reached for the hair gel you’d brought to your station. You squeezed a bit into your palm and began rubbing it between your hands before running your fingers through Bucky’s hair from the roots to the ends. As you began sculpting the ducktail hairstyle, you heard Bucky let out a short cough, clear his throat and then felt him shuffle in his seat.
“Sorry, am I tugging?” You asked, mortified at the thought you were being too rough. Bucky shook his head, and you were glad he couldn’t see your face at the moment from your position behind him.
“No, you’re being really gentle. Again,” he chuckled. “I’ve never had someone play with my hair before,” he added quietly.
“Oh, sorry if it’s making you uncomfortable. I don’t really like when other people touch my hair without my permission either-“ you started, but Bucky shook his head fervently again.
“No! I mean, no it’s not making me uncomfortable. It feels good- I mean, it’s nice- Uh, it’s fine. It’s fine.” He trailed off, and even though you were behind him, you could see the edge of his ears burning red. Your own cheeks once again gained that familiar heat as well at his words.
“Oh, okay, just wanted to make sure.” You continued styling his hair, but you could sense Bucky wasn’t as at ease as he had been at first. You remembered Ms. Hill telling the team not to try to talk to the actors if they didn’t start the conversation, as they may be trying to focus on their lines and talking could be a distraction and mess with their nerves. Though, as you observed Bucky’s body language, it seemed like maybe he was the kind of person who needed a distraction to ease his nerves. “So, other than acting, what else do you like to do?” You started hesitantly. You hoped it didn’t seem like you were prying.
Bucky quirked his head a little. “Uh, well I play football, and track and field and basketball usually keep me pretty busy through the year.” You nodded, though it didn’t seem like he was entirely enthusiastic about all of those things.
“And you like them?” You asked casually. Bucky began to nod, though it kind of broke off halfway through.
“Yeah, I love football and track.”
“But basketball…?” Bucky hesitated.
“Uh, it’s alright, but I mean, I don’t think I’d pursue it or anything. I don’t know.”
“Then how come you do it? I mean, you’re a really talented player, but it’s not what you love, so why keep playing if it’s not what you love?” You found yourself asking before you could stop yourself. “I’m so sorry, that was-“
“No, it’s okay,” Bucky chuckled. “My dad played in high school and even got a scholarship for it, but he hurt his knee over the summer and it kind of ended his chances. He says he wants me to do what I like, and I know he'd never pressure me to do anything I didn’t want to do, but… I don’t know. When he comes to my games it’s like he’s still getting to be a part of what he loves. Does that make sense?” You could only nod, touched by Bucky’s words. Then you realized he couldn’t see you.
“Uh, yeah. That’s really nice, Bucky. Though I’m sure your dad’s just as proud going to your football games or track meets.”
“I know, but I mean, high school’s almost over, and basketball’s not so bad. Your parents spend their whole lives sacrificing their own wants trying to give you everything they can to make you happy, because seeing you happy makes them happy. I guess it’s kind of the kids’ responsibilities to make their parents proud to pay that back a little.”
Fucking hell. Why couldn’t Bucky be some shallow, pretentious asshole and make this so much easier for you? Instead, you were here, feeling personally attacked by his humble, selfless, perfect fucking self. Could he not, for just a second? You needed a second to breathe. Jesus.
“Has anyone ever told you you’re every parent’s dream child?” You joked, unable to think of anything else to say. Bucky let out an easy laugh, and you found your stomach flipping at the sound.
“I’m sure I’m far from it,” he chuckled.
“So, apart from sports, those are the things you do, but not what you like to do. What makes you happy? What do you like?” You inquired. Bucky chuckled, and you were a little surprised at your own forwardness.
He was quiet for a moment as he thought, before he shrugged. “I don’t know,” he answered honestly. “That’s not true. I like my dog. I like football. I like acting. But I can’t make a career out of those, can I?”
“Well, never say never,” you answered. You finished his hairstyle, beaming with pride at how it turned out. You set down the comb and went around to face him. “All done. Oh! Wait…” You reached up and carefully pulled a lock of hair out of the style, curling it around your finger and letting it fall against his forehead. “There.” Bucky looked up at you.
“How do I look?”
“Like a T-Bird,” you laughed. Bucky stood up from his chair and grabbed the mirror from the table behind him. He looked at his reflection, eyebrows raised in surprise at his appearance.
“I look like I came right out of the 50’s. This looks awesome!” He turned to face you again and grinned gratefully. “Thanks!”
“No problem.” Ms. Hill came into the room again with a checkboard in her hands.
“Alright cast members, stage in five minutes!” She called into the room. Her eyes caught Bucky as she called out his name. “Barnes, looking good- great job, (L/N). We need to fit you for your mic.” Bucky nodded affirmatively and turned back to you.
“Thanks again. Guess I’ll see you again opening night,” he smiled bashfully before turning off to follow Ms. Hill out of the room. You took in a deep breath before turning to clean your station. You caught Nat’s eye as she began wiping down her own station, and she smirked at you. You shot her a warning glare not to say anything.
Nat let out a chuckle before walking off to put her things away, humming ‘Summer Nights’ as she walked past you.
part 1 / part 3 / part 4 /  part 5
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Grease Lightning:
@pietrotheavenger @hero-ically @marvel-fanfiction 
All Works:
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