#rae is watching
blglplus · 5 months
Thoughts on 23.5 Episode 6
* Ongsa was such a drama queen this episode, sometimes I liked it, sometimes I did not.
* times I liked it: when it was funny, like when she was spread-eagled under the coffee table staring at the ceiling or during the slumber party.
* times I didn't: pretty much the rest. Making her family worry, not listening to Sun or doing literally anything that Sun asked for - like yeah you did wrong, least you can do is listen to what the wronged party is asking for. Sun had all the maturity and Ongsa had none this ep.
* having said all that - it IS authentic. Especially for a 16 year old. In fact, perhaps too authentic. Maybe that's why I didn't like it. I remember realising my first crush wouldn't happen and sprawling drunkenly on the grass sobbing next to a public road. Or confessing to my second crush (via text) and getting no response so jumping the ticket barrier and spending two hours sobbing on the train back to my home town from the city. So yeah, I'm not saying it's not hypocritical of me to be annoyed by it. I clearly possessed the exact maturity level and social graces of Ongsa in my youth.
* I remain confused about the family dynamics. Like P'Alpha and Aylin are sisters and cousins to Ongsa, okay, but how do the parents fit in? Are either of them Ongsa's actual parent? Are the girls actual cousins or stepsisters? Is this a translation thing or is it not clear? Unimportant but I'm just a bit confused.
* Aylin of course continues to be my absolute favourite. I love her. I am obsessed. I very much enjoyed her and Luna this ep, loved the poutyness about sharing her room, loved Luna's pushyness - just the right level imo, loved her dorky af smile when she found out Luna liked her things. So cute, I am very much enjoying this side couple.
* I heard that Gemini/Forth were originally slated to be a side couple in this and then they changed it. I LOVE Gemini/Forth so I was torn by this news, on the one hand they are the cutest, on the other I wanted my full attention on the sapphic stories and that is what I am getting so I'm ultimately pleased.
* Tinh and Mawin are fine, I have no strong feelings. Same with Ton and Chaeon. It's like, low key cute but nothing to distract from my true obsession which is Aylin. Aylin and Luna yes, but mostly just Aylin. I love a story of a complete social outcast being pulled into human relationships and being so painfully awkward about it along the way.
* hoping for less angst and more fun next episode.
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philsmeatylegss · 17 days
If I were Dan and Phil I would never hard launch because it’s so embarrassing that we were right. Like what do you mean you were so in love a bunch of thirteen year old’s clocked it? I would never give that satisfaction.
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tiffycat · 1 year
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is this anything?
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silverraes · 4 months
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coming to your ✨website✨ of choice soon
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yakdee · 2 months
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Is Great wearing these asymmetrical shirts to show how off-balance he's currently feeling? I hope so because I love when plot lines translate into a character's wardrobe choices.
It honestly would make sense because the anomaly always seems to be on his left side, closest to the heart, which could be in reference to the myocarditis the other patients with the same abilities have experienced.
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annehath-a · 6 months
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“You are the perfect verse over a tight beat.” - Swoons, Brown Sugar
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crehador · 1 year
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she would do so well on here
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rendiggitydog · 5 months
I’m gonna need somebody to make a huge comp video of all the best bits from this weekends stream, and then link me to it immediately 🫡
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raedear · 7 months
okay so if I were to write a The Old Guard/The X Files crossover (absurdly easy concept, they'd be a cracking monster of the week) then it would be your standard "Scully, you'll never believe this—" opening with Mulder showing Scully Nile's story and eventually them hunting down the team a la Copley only to have this be the reason Scully learns about her own (canonical, this show is fuckin wild i love it so much) immortality and end with Mulder stuck wondering how he could possibly try and find immortality for himself, and does he even want to? While Scully wonders the same but also the reverse, how can she get rid of hers? Does she have to look death in the face too? Should she find the team again and tell them that's how it worked for her, as best she can remember?
(I don't think the TOG immortality works the same way Scully's does.)
The meat of the mystery would be Mulder suggesting army experiments in black oil vaccines and/or super soldiers resulted in Nile the Immortal Marine while Scully says, no, you dumbass, field medicine in a war zone is just wild sometimes.
Scully then ends up distracted stitching one of Andy's wounds while Mulder witnesses a compound fracture in Joe's leg fix itself and two of Nicky's fingers grow back. Nile is conspicuously absent but we see her sometimes in the background of public shots eating ice-cream and wearing ridiculously big sunglasses and hats, even at night. She's hanging out with Quynh. Mulder makes a badly thought out Crusades joke about Joe and Nicky and does his panic face 🫥 when Joe and Nicky turn in unison to stare at him with thousand-year-old-murder-face
It would be a funny episode along the lines of Bad Blood.
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racetrackmybeloved · 2 months
spot canonically calling race 'rae' is my new favourite thing to exist
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iguessitsjustme · 3 months
I think it was really important specifically for Dee to kiss Yak when he did. Because now, no matter what happens in the future between him and Yak, no matter what pain could come, Dee can look back on his first kiss without regrets. Because that was a kiss made of love. It was made entirely of love for Yak. For who Yak is. For the bond they have. For their friendship. For their relationship. For them. Dee will always be able to look back on his first kiss and know that he got exactly what he wanted from it. He got to keep his silly notion of the perfect first kiss. He got to willingly give his kiss away to someone who he loved that needed it. Every single type of love went into that kiss and now Dee can finally, finally let himself breathe.
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blglplus · 5 months
Thoughts on 23.5 Episode 8
* omg this episode was so freaking cute, I'm dying
* not sure how I feel about the dynamic of Sun wisely guiding Ongsa through her new relaysh pitfalls but I did enjoy her (Ongsa's) attempts to make a kiss happen.
* Aylin = adorable. But seems a bit soon for *love*. I would have gone with like. But still VERY cute moments this episode, into it.
* I wish branding wasn't a thing and we could mix and match some of these actors. Like I think Milk and View could have great chemistry given the chance (weird to say since they are playing relatives, but acting wise they work well together)
* I enjoyed how the Mawin/Tinh and Ton/Chaeron stories played out. Everything was feeling a bit neat so it was nice that they were a bit more messy. Also I love that player Ton is both sincere and actually not that good at romance when it comes down to it. Cute.
* omg the teachers! The tension! Godji (teacher Nida) was amazing in that scene!
* next week looks cute as hell. Imminent separation storyline is boring but I'm fine because I have lots of side characters to play with.
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philsmeatylegss · 2 months
Daily reminder that in 1980, only 36% of eligible voters between ages 18-20 and 43% of eligible voters between ages 21-24 voted. In 1984, 37% for 18-20 and 44% for 21-24.
Meanwhile, in 1980, 65% of eligible voters aged 65+ voted. In 1984, 68% voted.
Republicans have a history of relying on young voters to not vote. They purposefully make young people feel discouraged; like no matter what, it won’t make a difference.
I don’t care if your state tends to always vote with one party. Get out and vote.
Especially in swing states, every single vote matters. Every. Single. Vote.
Mail in your vote. Go during your lunch break. Plan to take the day off. Your vote matters. In fact, it matters so much that people will purposefully try to sabotage you voting.
Here’s a guide on how to register to vote and how to check if you are registered. Plan ahead. Make sure you know how to mail in your vote or where voting booths will be.
Republicans have been so flippant towards Gen Z because of our historical hesitance to vote.
We have the power to make things at least somewhat okay.
I have seen so many people from Gen z saying voting for Kamala is hopeless because she’s a woman of color, citing past elections as proof.
That discouragement is purposeful. It’s been used for decades. And it’s been working.
This website is relatively young. Especially with a lot of older Gen z, including me, where this is their first or second election that they are eligible for.
Don’t listen to those saying voting is pointless. That there is no way Kamala will win so who cares? It’s absolutely okay to be frustrated and or wary, but don’t let that keep you from taking action.
Young voters are the key. Start planning on your vote now. Take it seriously. Your voice matters. Your vote matters.
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sri-rachaa · 1 year
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Man of the year || Milo Greer
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365filmsbyauroranocte · 7 months
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American Fiction (Cord Jefferson, 2023)
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yakdee · 6 days
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Hey girl, I'm on the clock and I only have 4 minutes so listen closely. Everyone is dead and God is a woman. I'll explain later.
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