#rabbids rp
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muses0fgracie · 2 months ago
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Blacked OUT, Burnt UP
Indie Canon + OC multimuse blog.
Rules | Mun | Muses | Interest Checker | Promo Template
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gunsblazingg · 10 months ago
Why do the rabbids. have an account on here.
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theblackcubeofdarkness · 2 months ago
Some bad attempts at drawing Rabbid Luigi cause he silly and a single attempt at Rabbid Mario.
Basically practice for drawing the silly boi. It felt easier to draw these types of things instead of more humanoid figures.
No idea why I am posting these
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dangit it cut off the top one that was my favorite of the bunch -_-
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magicianrabbidsupremacy · 1 year ago
Bullfrog saves the multiverse from Cursed Woodies killing spree
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raving-rabbids · 10 months ago
pinned post yay
hi welcome to my cringe ass nae nae baby rabbid roleplay blog. lmao. sorry for being a fan of the rabbids as if its MY fault /silly
most of these posts will have a lot of (intentional) typos
rules um...dont be weird at me no SEX obviously. this blog is NOT serious in the SLIGHTEST do NOT treat it as such. feel free to send the rabbids hate mail i think they deserve it HDKDJDKDJDK
theres three different rabbid "personalites" im going to be using here that ive nicknamed BBBWWWAAAHHH (so very angry, HATES rayman, types in all caps usually bc he SCREAMS), #1 Rayman Stan (LOVES rayman, sweetie pie, types in lowercase usually, uses emoticons a lot :>) & Thousand Yard Stare (ambivalent to rayman. winning the idgaf war. posts shit like "rabbid" and "rabbid 2"), as well as the gaurd from the first raving rabbids game bc i like him (talks pretty simplisticly but is very smart, minimal typos, TYPES IN ALL CAPS LIKE THIS), otherwise the rabbids are non descript lol. pronouns dont matter follow your heart
willing to rp with clh blogs too since rayman is a part of that lol. if you have an issue with me doing this to your clh blog feel free to tell me off
ok ya thanx WAIT BEFORE I GO
cool other rp blogs yay
fakeman clh: @the-rayman-show
ramon clh: @gunsblazingg
cool au version of rayman my friend has: @rayman2beachball
raymesis: @raymanh8r
also heres my other rayman rp blog for the magician (legends/orgins version only): @mrdarksnumberonefan
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gladesglo · 1 year ago
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ADORED BY SAVBEAR.  / carrd / graphic cred @rayheroism
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insertthenewblhere · 4 months ago
Rabbids in MLP
I can't draw propper rn so take old doodles, sketchbookings, and my rambles.
a little while ago I designed a species that's basically Rabbids in the MLP verse. I couldn't think of a name then but now I wanna call them Lunamorphs✨
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it's all based on mlp comics lore that I didn't even know...
basically if a spell is casted on them, they keep a bit of that magic! making them very annoying to deal with.
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of course after all that, I thought of how the M+R Rabbids would be in this world. I knew I wanted them to take place in G5 (so Peach can have a phone) and I could have just dressed them up as Mario characters but cuz there's 5 of them and G5 is kinda about them studdying the past, I decided they can be dressed up as the Mane 6 -Twilight. (personalities based on characters apperance like OG)
they would have somehow obsorbed their magic to a strong enough degree that they look like them aswell as have some of their magic. making them in the present day one of the closest connection to the heroes long gone. however they don't know much about the heroes they're all based on cuz theire encounter with them was brief, probably thinking they were cool and thats it (even though said encounter would have actually been the Mane 6 trying to get rid of them)
UPDATE? I figured out the story better, their relationship to the mane 6 AND what magic they obsorbed..
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then me trying to figure out what the colour theory should be...
I REALLY want their fur to be the colour of their element/what their magic colour would be if they had horns (which no one says it, but the unicorns magic colour is the colour of their cutiemark, unless that doesn't look good then it's the colour of their eyes)
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it's annoying cuz just matching the fur colours looks the best but it's not accurate to my own rules!! × ﹃ ×
I could also not give them clothes and making appealing designs would be allot easier... but... shut up me!
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I settled on these colours and this RP/Rarity design
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the-rayman-show · 11 months ago
.*~ Pinned post ~*.
Hi!!!! Welcome to a really cool Fake Rayman (Captain Laserhawk) rp blog based mostly just on headcanons lol. I believe I'm the first person to make a solely CLH-based RP blog
I'm also a big Rayman fan even outside of CLH so if you have questions about Rayman lore or tidbits send it to my main account and I'll try my best to answer 👍
Quick character/rp info (that isn't in bio): It is bisexual with a male preference!
He kinda knows something's up with Eden but honestly he doesn't care because he gets to make Rayman's life worse. Lol.
Follows the "Raymesis is Bad Rayman from Rayman 1" theory also btw.
Mod's personal ship is one-sided towards Ramon or just Ramon/Fake but in like a weird gay way not an actual official relationship, but I'm pretty much chill with whatever as long as it interests me at least a little. Multi-shipping/polyamory is fine.
I am a casual roleplayer so apologies if we get into a RP and it seems like I'm not taking it seriously. Over the years it just feels awkward for me to write seriously sometimes.
I headcanon that it and Red on friendly terms because Rayman haters stay winning or whatever lol
Read bio for more info.
Rules: Idk man if I'm uncomfortable I'll tell you.
No sex rp.
Do NOT insert your character into the backstory/past of my character in ANY way unless you are playing a character that Raymesis would know at least a little bit or have heard of because I hate it when people do that, ie. No saying "oh my OC is friends with it!" Sure maybe in your interpretation! ANY kind of relationship that isn't pre-established by my canon will have to be built up to, it will not go your way from the get-go.
Will add more rules if needed. Also pleaaaasse tag me in any new CLH or Rayman RP blogs created would be much appreciated thanks.
Other CLH/Rayman roleplay blogs (I own none of these.):
Dolph Laserhawk [CLH]: @captdolphlaserhawk
Bullfrog [CLH]: @thefinalsight
Bullfrog... 2! [CLH]: @thegreatestguild
Ramon [CLH]: @gunsblazingg
Virtual/TV Rayman [CLH]: @h3y-rayman-kids
Jade [CLH]: @personalreporter
Red [CLH]: @lazerl0zer
Alex Taylor [CLH]: @rand0mwe1rd
Fakeman... 2! [CLH]: @rayplacement
Rayman [RM]: @limblessher0
The Magician/Ales Mansey [RM]: @mrdarksnumberonefan
Betilla [RM]: @the-fairyy
Ly [RM]: @fairlyly
Playthrough Raymesis [RM]: @raymanh8r
The Rabbids, all of them [RM]: @raving-rabbids
My other Rayman blogs!
Playthrough Rayman [RM]: @rayman2beachball
Woodchip [EXE]: @rayman-origins-antipi
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Alright! Ask away!
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raymanh8r · 10 months ago
Pinned !
Character info that isn’t in the bio: he calls itself raymesis or dark, it’s bisexual + demiace
he’s not as self aware, though it knows something odd is going on. Since in some universes he doesn’t exist he stays mostly in one place, though sometimes it just gets these… empty feelings.
his personality however is mostly just him being a hater to rayman LMAO
shipwise, I’m fine with mostly anything except like. Mr Dark or Ales since they’re kinda like its relatives in a way (at least to me).
no nsfw anything. Just in general.
other rp blogs (none owned by me):
Dolph Laserhawk (CLH): @captdolphlaserhawk
Virtual/TV Rayman(CLH): @h3y-rayman-kids
Bullfrog: @thegreatestguild
Fakeman(CLH): @the-rayman-show
Fakeman 2 (CLH): @rayplacement
Red (CLH): @lazerl0zer
Rabbids (RM): @raving-rabbids
Rayman(RM): @limblessher0
The Magician/Ales Mansey (RM): @mrdarksnumberonefan
Betilla (RM): @the-fairyy
Helena (RM): @helena-mtn-nymph
Ly (RM): @fairlyly
Playthrough Rayman: @rayman2beachball
I have other blogs too:
Ramon (CLH): @gunsblazingg
Bullfrog (CLH): @thefinalsight
Jade (CLH): @personalreporter
That’s all !! :D
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cosmo-production · 2 years ago
mario + rabbids incorrect quotes vol:2
*The Squad is on a hike* RL: It’s beautiful out here. peach: And quiet. RL: Too quiet. peach: Did we lose someone? *cut to edge with a bear in a headlock*
peach: Rabbid luigi is a perfect cinnamon scone who’s never done anything wrong in their entire life! RM: Never done anything wrong?! They set a city block on FIRE!
mario & RR:*Playing video games* peach: You guys woke up at 5:30 in the morning just to play games? mario: *silence* RR: *silence* peach, finally figuring it out: ...You two never went to sleep, did you? mario & RR in shame: Yeah...
peach: Okay, what does A stand for? RL: Arson. peach: Aw, you're so good. Okay! B! What does B stand for? RL: Barson. mario: *laughter* peach: What stands for C? RL: Commit arson. mario: Oooo.  peach: D! RL: Don't come near me, I'm going to commit arson. mario: *more laughter*
RM: We are gathered here today because someone- *glares at luigi’s coffin* -couldn’t stay alive!
Computer: Please enter a password. Rm: *types in edge* Computer: Your password is too weak. Rm: How f?$$ing DARE YOU-
RP: Yeah, but let's not get too crazy. *The gang proceeds to get arrested for blocking the road in large traffic cone costumes
RM, trying their first ever cup of coffee: I am ENERGY! peach, an avid coffee drinker, on their twelfth cup of the day: Someone slap me awake or I am literally going to fall into a coma in ten seconds.
RM: Come on edge, do it for our friendship. You can't put a price on that... edge: Yes I can, 8 dollars.
mario: If you put a milkshake in one yard and crack open a cold one in another yard, which yard would the boys go to? RP: Schrödinger's boys. luigi: MARIO WTH RL: What about cracking open a cold milkshake? RM: As we all know, the milkshake brings the boys to the yard. The presence of the boys is a prerequisite for the cracking open of a cold one, but cold ones do not have any inherent boy-attracting abilities. Milkshakes, however, do. RM: All else being equal, the boys would proceed to the milkshake yard. While it is possible to announce the presence of cold ones in the hope of attracting some boys, the pull of the milkshake is much more powerful by comparison. mario: ... RP: ... luigi: ... RL: ... RM: Mind you, all of this nonsense hinges on whether or not the boys are back in town.
peach, teaching RP to drive: Okay, you're driving and mario and RM walk into the road. Quick, what do you hit? RP: Oh, definitely RM. I could never hurt mario. peach, massaging their temples: The brakes. You hit the brakes.
RM: Your lover doesn't have the mental strength to caramelize onions. RL: Your lover thinks it takes 5-10 minutes to caramelize onions. luigi: Who's caramelizing onions? Have you sociopaths forgotten that apples exist? RM: Do you think caramelizing onions is putting caramel on onions?
hold on stop the quotes for a second, THATS NOT HOW IT WORKS!? caramelizing doesnt mean putting carmel on it? I've been calling caramelizing when I put caramel on ice cream
back to regular program~
RM: As usual, RM has to save the day! edge: As usual, edge has to hear about it
peach: That’s the key slice of truth we need to complete the entire truth pie. RR: Ooh, can we get some actual pie? peach: I like the way you think.
mario: *shatters a window and climbs through it* mario: *turns around and helps RL through it* Breaking and entering is wrong RL. RL: Okay.
edge: All of your existences are confusing. The Squad: How so? edge: Your presence is annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to any of you upsets me.
peach, texting group chat: What flavour of ice cream do you guys want? I’m at the store so be quick! RL: Moose Tracks is good! RR: What the bawh is that!? RL: *Gasp* How dare you insult moo- RR: No. No no not that. What the hell. Why do you spell flavor like flavour. It’s like you have flavor but then this guy shows up and is like “Oui Oui Would you like chocolate flaVOUR or vanilla flaVOUR. peach and RL: what? RR: I don’t get it why add the EXTRA u when it’s PERFECTLY FINE AS IT IS!? peach: You done now? RR: Yeah ok. peach and RL: ... RR: ...Can I have the Mint Chocolate chip flavour?
*RM and RR are fighting* edge, taking aspirin: I have a headache! Can you guys just be cool?! *RM and RR start fighting while wearing sunglasses and riding skateboards*
RP: What the hell is wrong with you? RM: I have this weird self-esteem issue where I hate myself but still think I’m better than everyone else.
RM: *spits mouthful of blood onto floor* You’ve become far more powerful since we last crossed paths. Dentist: Please stop, there’s literally a sink right next to you.
mario, opening a Capri Sun: Guess I'll drink my sorrows away.
peach: Would it be discrimination to only hire employees at my doughnut shop who have the same name? RP: Legally, I don't believe that breaches any discrimination laws. Morally though... I don't know. peach: I believe god is on my side when it comes to Duncans' Doughnuts.
edge: Let's all agree that going up the stairs on all fours is actually the best experience on earth. RR: Conversely, going down the stairs on all fours is actually the most terrifying experience on earth.
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pixies-and-poets · 2 years ago
now that you're finished with the Rayman DLC
I really liked how the story was kind of a gentle response to the whole "Rabbids killed Rayman" narrative, where he starts off untrusting of the Rabbids, even the ones he's teaming up with, but comes to accept that maybe they're not so bad after all and just need proper guidance. The ending would have been corny in any other game, but knowing the real-world context of how Rayman fans perceive Rabbids fans and vice-versa, it was actually really sweet
YEAH YEAH I have a lot of thoughts I'm still trying to sort out, but... spoilers below!!
I love how they didn't shy away from the "narrative" that Rayman was totally eclipsed by the Rabbids, at least for a time. They had their villain sing it, but as with many things our Tommy Boy says, he's... harsh but not necessarily wrong!
But overall it comes across a lot better than, say... the Paper Mario localizers acknowledging how the NPCs have just been collapsed into a billion identical Toads; that felt spiteful because nothing was being done about it, where here it's like: ok but Rayman IS back, he's been back before, maybe Phantom was right in the past but there is a better present and a more hopeful future. It just feels like an extension of the honesty and transparency these devs are known for, and they get to put it right into the game instead of just talking about stuff on twitter or whatever.
Every time we defeat Phantom, I feel like it's symbolically saying about his insults, "Ok maybe there's a grain of truth in what you're saying but why does it matter? We're still more powerful than YOU." Phantom is kind of a specter of negativity who wants to implant seeds of uncertainty in others, which is why he's so satisfying to defeat (even though I love him!!!), almost like defeating your own self-doubt!
And like, Rayman wasn't WRONG to be suspicious of Phantom. But it ended up being not because he's a Rabbid, but because of the vibes he was giving off and the general weirdness of the situation. Even the other heroes who had a history with him and far more reason to be suspicious, ended up buying into the allure of stardom- (I feel like RM forgave him, RP might have been suspicious still but also just didn't care as long as she got what she wanted, and Beep-0 was just fooled again no matter what he says lmao).
I feel like the overall idea was not "HEY RABBIDS ARE GOOD AND COOL NOW" but, there are good rabbids and there are evil rabbids, and there are neutral rabbids, rabbids are just people, just characters, individuals, not a hive-mind. I imagine that's the main thrust of where Ubisoft wants to take this species in the future, and it's what Rayman learned, and what I think the DLC did a great job of communicating.
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mrdarksnumberonefan · 10 months ago
pinned post wee
hi welcome to my GAYASS magician blog
Character/rp info (that isnt in bio):
this version of the magician has no correlation with thingamajig / rayman 1 magician, they're entirely seperate.
EXTREMELY gay for Mr. Dark. also very gay in general this guys a FRUIT!!!
mainly follows the regular orgins / legends timeline with some of that scrapped script sprinkled in there
probably has narcolepsy. idk.
mods personal ship is Mr. Dark and Ales (obviously i feel you probably couldve picked up on that by the second line of the character info section WGDIDHDKDJ), one-sided or otherwise. no betilla x magician sorry A. wrong magician B. this is a GAY MAN!!!
im a very casual roleplayer, however im not against serious rp per say, just dont come out with that immeadtely pweasey
i havent finished rayman orgins yet so if theres a weird gap in the timeline thats why. i dunno whuh happun!! (edit: i have since finsihed it n_n)
rules: uh. uhhhh. no sex. obviously. don't be a WEIRDO use common sense. i fully support bullying the magician he sucks BAHAHAHAHAHA
Other cool rayman blogs (small number thats mostly by my friend luna because im. nervous. to @ anyone else. lol. edit nevermind i am going go add ONE person that isnt luna LETS GO):
Fakeman CLH: @the-rayman-show
Ramon CLH: @gunsblazingg
Playthrough Rayman: @rayman2beachball
Raymesis: @raymanh8r
also heres another rayman rp blog i run for All Of The Rabbids: @raving-rabbids
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gunsblazingg · 11 months ago
Pinned !
(this is all ooc)
Thought I would make a pinned to help explain. this acc lore in general
basically, the lore in here follows this comic (go read it, its fucking amazing, the ramon acc i have also follows it) and also has some of my personal hcs for Ramon:
-Ramon is genderfluid, uses he/she, bisexual + poly !!
I am a very casual roleplayer, but I'm generally cool with anything as long as its not nsfw since im not exactly comfortable with that but other then that its total free range
other clh rps that I know of (go follow them tbh they're cool and they aren't owned by me):
@the-rayman-show (Fakeman blog)
@captdolphlaserhawk (Dolph blog)
@lazerl0zer (red niji 6 blog)
@h3y-rayman-kids (eden kids blog)
@rayplacement (another fakeman blog)
Rabbids (RM): @raving-rabbids
Rayman(RM): @limblessher0
The Magician/Ales Mansey (RM):
Betilla (RM): @the-fairyy
Ly (RM): @fairlyly
Rayman (Playthrough): @rayman2beachball
also hheyyy i have a bullfrog rp blog @thefinalsight go follow that if you wanna
I also have a jade blog @personalreporter
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dtt-m3dical-contraption · 10 months ago
Roblox Defend The Train RP blog cause no one else doing it (yet). Just here to have fun and be silly maybe tell a story I dunno. I don't have many rules so basically play nice and no NSFW (Mod is 17) and have fun!
// Headcannons! //
Contraption Medic has no official name but would probably like one.
Just like how you put stickers on your water bottles, and laptops he sometimes puts stickers on himself.
He along with his brothers (The Gunslinger, and Psycho contraptions) were made by whoever made the Hi-Tech Facility to destroy the D.T.T Mercs but for some reason bugged out and decided to work with them instead.
Goes by He/It/They.
Mains the Dart Gun because it is OP and you cant tell me otherwise.
Was created with a hardware issue that causing him to use up more RAM. He is now forced to delete any excess memory (minus stuff he has saved permanently) to prevent a corruption of his systems and his death.
If I were to describe his voice it would pretty much be the voice of Beep-O from Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope.
// Other Info! //
Mod goes by He/Him and has ADHD, Autism and CrAzY Anxiety so may be dumb at times so sorry if that happens. Also my main is @theblackcubeofdarkness. And last but not least if you need ANYTHING feel free to send me a message I'd be happy to talk even if ya just want to have a conversation!
Stay safe OR ELSE... /silly
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magicianrabbidsupremacy · 1 year ago
So I've finally made a roleplay channel on my discord server....I have no regrets.
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variouscolors · 8 months ago
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Crossover list (last update: Dec/30/2024)
※ This list is just a guide to what I have some knowledge about or is part of my other interests. If you are able to explain me something I do not have much knowledge about, maybe we can write those muses together!! I like to be able to insert my digi-muses (canon and OC) into those worlds sometimes, making it a specific AU thing.
※ If I can't imagine them living in that universe, or can't figure out how to make their canon/OC meet your muse, I'll have to refuse to write with that universe/muse of yours (but we can still try other muses of yours, so don't worry!)
※ This list may be updated with a few new series/franchises I'd like to do a crossover/AU with, or has knowledge about them.
Digimon series/franchise in general (I will RP with any kind of canon or OC btw)
Pokemon (Special manga; Journeys; Horizons; Sword/Shield mostly) ※ I'm game with a few pokemon anime + game as long you are up to explain me about them & their source material, and OCs?
Super Sentai (Dekaranger; Magiranger; Go-Onger; Shinkenger; Gokaiger; Toqger; Kyuranger; Lupinranger vs Patranger; Ryusoulger; Kiramager; DonBros; KingOhger)
Kamen Rider (Ryuki; Kiva; W/Double; Fourze; Gaim; Drive; Ex-Aid; Build; Zi-O; Geats; SKR)
Powerpuff Girls Z
Grand Chase
Sonic (most of the games; IDW; Boom TV Series, X TV anime; Prime; Movie Universe)
Rayman (Captain Lasehawk v. is a big NO + block)
Pretty Cure (Futari wa; Fresh; Smile; HUGtto; Star ✰ Twinkle; Higaru Sky!)
Kill la Kill
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Nagi no Asukara
Gravity Falls
My Hero Academia/Boku no Hero Academia
Little Witch Academia
Persona 5
Ducktales (2017)
The Owl House
Your Name.
Magic Kaito 1412 (anime)
Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne (anime)
Saint Tail (anime; have yet to read the manga!!)
Spy x Family
Wedding Peach (anime)
Puella Magi Madoka (TV series only, i have yet to watch the movies!!)
[some franchises/series that i prefer to not put here, so if you get my follow this means i’m OK with you]
FANDOMLESS OCs: PLEASE, have a PAGE about your world/muse so I can read them and see if my muses could work in your world. If no information is present in your blog, it will make hard to interact with your muse, sorry!
⚠ List for the Biggest NOPE + block if you insist using muses from these things:
Vivziepop content
Captain Lasehawk, as mentioned before (i hate how it portrayed Rayman in it) & Rabbids (not very fan of them)
AoT muses or AUs
JKR content (it saddens me to add this here, HP was part of my childhood and now i want to not be associated with it anymore)
BBC shows (liked one of those shows in the past, but i'm not very comfortable with them alas)
Roleplaying with real-life actors/idols/people in gen as if they were fictional characters (live action characters such as Kamen Rider/Sentai/etc are OK, but i'm uncomfortable with real-live faceclaims)
LARP or self-inserts (those make me nervous and uncomfortable)
Any Angel/Demon AU versions of any human digimon character due to past experiences
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