#mario rabbids rp
gladesglo · 1 year
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ADORED BY SAVBEAR.  / carrd / graphic cred @rayheroism
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mixed-up-multiverse · 2 months
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🎵 So we sing the Song of Unico
Turn the tide, bringing life to hope
And we'll treasure 'till our days grow old
How the time spent with you was evergold! 🎵
Home | Ask | Muses | Rules + Mun
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Bullfrog saves the multiverse from Cursed Woodies killing spree
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minnesotamedic186 · 2 years
Okay okay hear me out: Rabbid Peach VS Lava Queen in a Prank War-
@bramble-scramble @monsterbride99 @randomrabbidramblings @pastelprince18
I wanna hear y'all's thoughts about this one. It'll eventually involve Lava Queen(or as I call her Lilith) giving RP this pecking thing, saying it's normal bubblegum vodka(which I definitely think RP would drink-) and I wanna know how you think the aftermath of that would be-
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arndaalhq · 2 years
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Welcome to Arndaal, Edge!
We hope your stay is as comfortable as possible.
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cosmo-production · 1 year
mario + rabbids incorrect quotes vol:2
*The Squad is on a hike* RL: It’s beautiful out here. peach: And quiet. RL: Too quiet. peach: Did we lose someone? *cut to edge with a bear in a headlock*
peach: Rabbid luigi is a perfect cinnamon scone who’s never done anything wrong in their entire life! RM: Never done anything wrong?! They set a city block on FIRE!
mario & RR:*Playing video games* peach: You guys woke up at 5:30 in the morning just to play games? mario: *silence* RR: *silence* peach, finally figuring it out: ...You two never went to sleep, did you? mario & RR in shame: Yeah...
peach: Okay, what does A stand for? RL: Arson. peach: Aw, you're so good. Okay! B! What does B stand for? RL: Barson. mario: *laughter* peach: What stands for C? RL: Commit arson. mario: Oooo.  peach: D! RL: Don't come near me, I'm going to commit arson. mario: *more laughter*
RM: We are gathered here today because someone- *glares at luigi’s coffin* -couldn’t stay alive!
Computer: Please enter a password. Rm: *types in edge* Computer: Your password is too weak. Rm: How f?$$ing DARE YOU-
RP: Yeah, but let's not get too crazy. *The gang proceeds to get arrested for blocking the road in large traffic cone costumes
RM, trying their first ever cup of coffee: I am ENERGY! peach, an avid coffee drinker, on their twelfth cup of the day: Someone slap me awake or I am literally going to fall into a coma in ten seconds.
RM: Come on edge, do it for our friendship. You can't put a price on that... edge: Yes I can, 8 dollars.
mario: If you put a milkshake in one yard and crack open a cold one in another yard, which yard would the boys go to? RP: Schrödinger's boys. luigi: MARIO WTH RL: What about cracking open a cold milkshake? RM: As we all know, the milkshake brings the boys to the yard. The presence of the boys is a prerequisite for the cracking open of a cold one, but cold ones do not have any inherent boy-attracting abilities. Milkshakes, however, do. RM: All else being equal, the boys would proceed to the milkshake yard. While it is possible to announce the presence of cold ones in the hope of attracting some boys, the pull of the milkshake is much more powerful by comparison. mario: ... RP: ... luigi: ... RL: ... RM: Mind you, all of this nonsense hinges on whether or not the boys are back in town.
peach, teaching RP to drive: Okay, you're driving and mario and RM walk into the road. Quick, what do you hit? RP: Oh, definitely RM. I could never hurt mario. peach, massaging their temples: The brakes. You hit the brakes.
RM: Your lover doesn't have the mental strength to caramelize onions. RL: Your lover thinks it takes 5-10 minutes to caramelize onions. luigi: Who's caramelizing onions? Have you sociopaths forgotten that apples exist? RM: Do you think caramelizing onions is putting caramel on onions?
hold on stop the quotes for a second, THATS NOT HOW IT WORKS!? caramelizing doesnt mean putting carmel on it? I've been calling caramelizing when I put caramel on ice cream
back to regular program~
RM: As usual, RM has to save the day! edge: As usual, edge has to hear about it
peach: That’s the key slice of truth we need to complete the entire truth pie. RR: Ooh, can we get some actual pie? peach: I like the way you think.
mario: *shatters a window and climbs through it* mario: *turns around and helps RL through it* Breaking and entering is wrong RL. RL: Okay.
edge: All of your existences are confusing. The Squad: How so? edge: Your presence is annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to any of you upsets me.
peach, texting group chat: What flavour of ice cream do you guys want? I’m at the store so be quick! RL: Moose Tracks is good! RR: What the bawh is that!? RL: *Gasp* How dare you insult moo- RR: No. No no not that. What the hell. Why do you spell flavor like flavour. It’s like you have flavor but then this guy shows up and is like “Oui Oui Would you like chocolate flaVOUR or vanilla flaVOUR. peach and RL: what? RR: I don’t get it why add the EXTRA u when it’s PERFECTLY FINE AS IT IS!? peach: You done now? RR: Yeah ok. peach and RL: ... RR: ...Can I have the Mint Chocolate chip flavour?
*RM and RR are fighting* edge, taking aspirin: I have a headache! Can you guys just be cool?! *RM and RR start fighting while wearing sunglasses and riding skateboards*
RP: What the hell is wrong with you? RM: I have this weird self-esteem issue where I hate myself but still think I’m better than everyone else.
RM: *spits mouthful of blood onto floor* You’ve become far more powerful since we last crossed paths. Dentist: Please stop, there’s literally a sink right next to you.
mario, opening a Capri Sun: Guess I'll drink my sorrows away.
peach: Would it be discrimination to only hire employees at my doughnut shop who have the same name? RP: Legally, I don't believe that breaches any discrimination laws. Morally though... I don't know. peach: I believe god is on my side when it comes to Duncans' Doughnuts.
edge: Let's all agree that going up the stairs on all fours is actually the best experience on earth. RR: Conversely, going down the stairs on all fours is actually the most terrifying experience on earth.
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pixies-and-poets · 1 year
now that you're finished with the Rayman DLC
I really liked how the story was kind of a gentle response to the whole "Rabbids killed Rayman" narrative, where he starts off untrusting of the Rabbids, even the ones he's teaming up with, but comes to accept that maybe they're not so bad after all and just need proper guidance. The ending would have been corny in any other game, but knowing the real-world context of how Rayman fans perceive Rabbids fans and vice-versa, it was actually really sweet
YEAH YEAH I have a lot of thoughts I'm still trying to sort out, but... spoilers below!!
I love how they didn't shy away from the "narrative" that Rayman was totally eclipsed by the Rabbids, at least for a time. They had their villain sing it, but as with many things our Tommy Boy says, he's... harsh but not necessarily wrong!
But overall it comes across a lot better than, say... the Paper Mario localizers acknowledging how the NPCs have just been collapsed into a billion identical Toads; that felt spiteful because nothing was being done about it, where here it's like: ok but Rayman IS back, he's been back before, maybe Phantom was right in the past but there is a better present and a more hopeful future. It just feels like an extension of the honesty and transparency these devs are known for, and they get to put it right into the game instead of just talking about stuff on twitter or whatever.
Every time we defeat Phantom, I feel like it's symbolically saying about his insults, "Ok maybe there's a grain of truth in what you're saying but why does it matter? We're still more powerful than YOU." Phantom is kind of a specter of negativity who wants to implant seeds of uncertainty in others, which is why he's so satisfying to defeat (even though I love him!!!), almost like defeating your own self-doubt!
And like, Rayman wasn't WRONG to be suspicious of Phantom. But it ended up being not because he's a Rabbid, but because of the vibes he was giving off and the general weirdness of the situation. Even the other heroes who had a history with him and far more reason to be suspicious, ended up buying into the allure of stardom- (I feel like RM forgave him, RP might have been suspicious still but also just didn't care as long as she got what she wanted, and Beep-0 was just fooled again no matter what he says lmao).
I feel like the overall idea was not "HEY RABBIDS ARE GOOD AND COOL NOW" but, there are good rabbids and there are evil rabbids, and there are neutral rabbids, rabbids are just people, just characters, individuals, not a hive-mind. I imagine that's the main thrust of where Ubisoft wants to take this species in the future, and it's what Rayman learned, and what I think the DLC did a great job of communicating.
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nightcovefox · 10 months
Secret Santa
Warning: Bad Grammar, Rude words (Mostly Tom Phantom but it was cut off don’t worry.), Swearing, My weird head-canons
Ships: Mr.Dark x Beep-O (A little), Tom Phantom x Woodrow (A little), RM x RP (A bit)
Enjoy Reading~!
“Everyone Ready?!” an orange-haired Rabbid wearing a crown, shouted. “Ugh, just do it Rabbid Daisy!” a blonde hair Rabbid huffed, wanting to get this over with.
“Can we please hurry too?! I’m getting cold without my hat!!” replied a mustache Rabbid shivering, from the cold. 
“How do we play this again…?” spoke a Rabbid wearing a cyan dress.
“And why are we doing it too?” added a very edgy Rabbid.
“Each of us will pick up a small piece of paper that has our names on it, and we are not supposed to tell the person who we got. Once we know, the person's name on the paper, will give them a gift! Once we got the person a gift, we waited for the day for others to receive their gifts for their secret person, then we told each other who we got and gave them their gifts!!” explained Rabbid Daisy, “And doing this for fun, of course, ~” she smiled. 
“Plus, Christmas is coming up!!” exclaimed a green hat Rabbid. 
“That’s right, Rabbid Luigi!” 
“Can we start already?!” a Rabbid whined, wearing a Yoshi costume. 
“Mhm! I’ll go first~,” said Rabbid Daisy, putting her hand in Rabbid Mario’s hat. Grabbing the paper she caught, she looked at who she got and nodded her head. 
“Wanna go next Spawny?” Rabbid Daisy asks the VR-headset Rabbid. 
“Mhm!” the VR-Headset Rabbid nodded his head, other known as Spawny. Walking over to Rabbid Daisy, he grab the paper and see what he got. He shrugs and closes the paper. 
“Remember!! Don’t tell anyone who you got!” said Rabbid Daisy reminding everyone. 
“Rabbid Peach you’re up!!” she chimes. 
Rabbid Peach huffed and walked over to her, once Rabbid Peach got her paper, next was Rabbid Mario, Rabbid Rosalina, Edge, and Rabbid Yoshi. There was one Rabbid Counterpart left. Last but not least Rabbid Luigi! Rabbid Luigi walked up to her and grabbed the lonely paper in his brother’s hat. 
“Alright! That’s everyone! Here you go, Rabbid Mario!” she says, handing back his hat. “Finally!!” he said, grabbing his hat and putting it back on. 
“When is it time to give the gifts?” Rabbid Peach asks Rabbif Daisy. “Will meet back here in Peach’s garden, be here at 5:30 pm tomorrow! Don’r forget!!” 
Everyone nodded their heads. “I’ll message everyone in case you almost forget,” she added, looking at a certain Rabbid.
“Hey!!!” Rabbid Peach growled. 
“She’s not wrong-” said Rabbid Luigi agreeing with her.
“Shut up!!!”
“Were home!!!!” shouted Rabbid Luigi opening the door, and coming inside, his brother following behind him. 
“Welcome back!! Did something exciting happen?” Mario asks his brother’s counterpart. Placing the food on the table. 
“Yep!! We're playing Secret Santa with our friends!” replied Rabbid Luigi. He took off his scarf and hung it on the hanger. 
“Cool! Who did you get?” Luigi asks him. “Oo! I got- heeeeey. I can’t say it! I know what your trying to doooo…” he replied, eyes suspiciously both on the brothers. 
Both Mario and Luigi look at each other confused. Rabbid Mario shrugs, “I don’t think-”
“SHHHHH!!!” Rabbid Luigi shushes his brother. 
Rabbid Mario sighed. “Uhhhh… come eat.. Your food will be cold…” said Mario, chuckling. 
It was night, 11:30-ish pm… Rabbid Luigi doesn’t know what to get for his mystery person. His mind was so blank. He looks over his shoulder and sees his big brother knocked out, sleeping peacefully on his bed. ‘Come Lu, that’s a tomorrow problem! Just sleep!!!’ 
He tossed and turned, trying to sleep and trying to stop thinking about it. 30 minutes have past and it was already 12 am.. 
“Screw it!!” he mumbled, sitting up and getting out of bed. 
He opens the door quietly and flinches to hear his brother talking. He looked over where he was sleeping but realized his brother was talking in his sleep. Again. 
“Just me and you.. Perfect together..~” he murmured to his dream. 
Rabbid Luigi rolled his eyes and leaves, shutting the door quietly. On morning, Rabbid Mario sits up and stretches. He let out a big yawn and spoke to his brother, “Alright, let’s go get the gifts…” as he looked over to his right and saw his brother gone. “Lu…?” he spoke again. 
Next thing you know, birds were flying away from their nest hearing a loud scream. 
Mushroom Swapmeet! A very crowded place to be. But very popular too. Rabbid Luigi was walking around, his eyes went awed seeing all these fantastic things showing off! Toys, Games, Weapons! You name it!! ‘Alright, Lu this isn’t about you what you want! You wanna buy something that she likes!!! No no no.. SHE LOVES!!!’
He spotted something that caught his eye, he went over to the stand and saw a lot of wood craftsmen ships. Along with Books and Luma Plushies. He smiles knowing what he’s getting her. “Excuse me? How much is that?” he asks the owner. 
It was a Older Red Road, wearing glasses and look what the young Rabbid was pointing at. “Ohh!! Do you want that? Are you sure young man? It’s very old..” mumbled the Old Toad, “Are you sure you don’t want anything else here on the table?” he asked the young Rabbid. “Nope! That one is perfect!” Rabbid Luigi replied. “Hmm.. Alright then..!” 
Rabbid Luigi holding the gift in his hand, walks back home. Perfect!!! Now he can just go back home, like nothing didn’t happen and hopefully Rabbid Mario was sleeping in. 
“RAAAAAABBBBBIIIIIID LLEWELLYNNNNNNNNN!!!” someone screeched out Rabbid Luigi’s real name. “Who?-” but Rabbid Luigi felt arms wrapping around him and pulling him into a tight hug. Almost squeezing the life out of him. “R..RabbID mArIO-” he choked out, “Y-you’re going to break m-my. GiFT-!!!”
“Sorry..” he replied, letting go and letting his brother breathe. Then receives a soft punch on the shoulder. “Ow!!!” the younger Rabbid yelped. “What was that for?!” he shouted, rubbing his shoulder. “Oh come on, I hit softly but hmmm. I dunno Lu…. YOU DISAPPEARED AND ALMOST GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK!!!” Rabbid Mario shouted at the last part. Rabbid Luigi ears winced and mumbled, “Sorry.. I couldn't stop thinking about getting my mystery person a gift… and it was boring me so much… I couldn’t sleep. So, I thought it was a good idea to get the gift now and didn’t want to wake you up… to get that gift. Sorry…” he frowned, his ears drooping. 
Rabbid Mario sighed and shakes his head. “Please.. Next time just tell me.. I don’t care if you woke me up. Just tell me. I would’ve come with you.”
“S-Sorry..” he said, his tears were watery. Oh No not the tears. Rabbid Mario wipes away small tears leaking out of his eye, “Hey… Hey..! I’m not mad, I was just worried and scared that something bad would happen to you..” 
Rabbid Luigi nodded, leaning to his brother’s touch. After a few minutes, the younger brother stopped crying. Rabbid Mario sighed again and spoke, “Now.. It’s my turn to give my mystery person a gift. We still have time, right Lu?” he asked his brother. “Mhm!!” he replied. “Then let's go!!!”
“They should be here by now…” Rabbid Daisy mumbled, looking in every direction to see the brothers. “Maybe Rabbid Mario sleep in again?” Rabbid Yoshi suggested. “Then Rabbid Luigi?” Rabbid Peach asks him. “I don’t know…” 
“I see them. They’re there are,” said Edge, pointing to where the brothers were running. She jumped off the tree branch and landed with the gift in her hand. 
Both Rabbid Mario and Luigi huffed and puffed, trying to catch their breath. “S-So sorry we're late!!! Mar Mar was having trouble picking out the gift…!!!” Rabbid Luigi croaks out.
“I-I hate that nickname..!” Rabbid Mario grumbled, breathing normally. The others laughed at this little reaction, before calming down. “Who wants to go first?” Rabbid Daisy asks. “I’ll go!!” replied Spawny. Spawny walked up to Rabbid Mario and handed him his gift. “Here you are!! Open it!!!” he exclaimed. 
The shape was a guitar as he opened it was indeed a guitar. But not just any guitar! It was an electric guitar!! “Woah!! È così fantastico!!! Grazie, Spawny!!” Rabbid Mario speaks Italian in the last part, hugging Spawny. Spawny doesn’t know what he’s saying, nor does his Rabbid friends. The only one who knew was Rabbid Luigi. “That guitar looks expensive!! Spawny I said under $30!!” Rabbid Daisy scolds the little Rabbid. “Don’t worry!!! A friend gave it to me and said he doesn’t want it!!!” he said, waving his arms around.
“WHERE IS MY ELECTRIC GUITAR?!” Tom Phantom shouted, searching everywhere. 
“Ummm, I dunno..?” shrugs R2. Tom Phantom's eyes were glowing red and spotted Beep-O. “IT WAS YOU!!! YOU VACCUM CLEANER!!!” he screeched, pointing at him. “Excuse me?! I barely arrived and picked up my son!!” replied Beep-O his blue color turning to red. “LIAR!!! YOU’RE A FUCKING LIAR!!!” 
“ME A LIAR?! YOU PIECE OF %#&$/!!!”
~Outside The Dressing Room~
“Should we leave those two be?” Woodrow suggests it, drinking his cup of tea. “Hmmm. No. I would like to see where this is going.” Mr. Dark replied back to him, putting sugar cubes in his tea. 
“YOU’RE A $&#%#^”
~Back At The Mushroom Kingdom~
“Yep. It was a gift!” said Spawny quickly. “Uh-huh.. Right..” Rabbid Mario mumbled, not entirely convinced. “Mine turn!! My turn!!!” replied Rabbid Luigi jumping up and down. “Here Rabbid Rosalina!!” he says, handing her the gift. As she opened the lid off, she looked at what she got. It was a telescope! It had star patterns on it and the color was blue. 
“Oh wow…! T-Thank you, Rabbid Luigi..” she smiled at her friend. “I search all day-” Rabbid Luigi was cut off by Rabbid Peach shouting, “Alright! My turn! And to get this over with.” she shoved her gift to Rabbid Luigi. “Here and whatever..”
Rabbid Luigi opened the gift and inside was a Christmas globe. Oh, joy! Another one to add to his collection!! “Ooh!!! So pretty!!!” said Rabbid Luigi, hugging Rabbid Peach and his snow globe. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!!”
“Yeah, Yeah! Let go! You’re going to ruin my outfit!” as she pushes Rabbid Luigi away. Rabbid Luigi pouted in response. 
“Here,” Edge mumbled giving Rabbid Daisy a flower pin. “Oh my gosh!! It’s so beautiful!! Thank you, Edge! I love it so much!” 
“You’re welcome,” Edge mumbled back, covering her face a bit. 
“Awww~” everyone cooed, “Shut up. Or I’ll-”
“Oh! Here by the way!” 
“Hm?” Edge looks at Rabbid Yoshi. Rabbid Yoshi started to cough. Wait.. What?!?
“He’s coughing..!!—”
“No shit Sherlock.”
“What do we do?!”
“STAND BACK!!-” Rabbid Mario shouted, he wrapped his arms around Rabbid Yoshi from behind. His arms are under his armpits and trying to cough that ‘something out.’
Rabbid Yoshi spat out a small present. Cover in drool and a bit ripped from the corners.. 
“Ewwww..” said Rabbid Peach, her face scrunching up in disgust. 
“How? What?!” Edge mumbled, very confused about why there was a present in him. 
“Cool,” Rabbid Rosalina mumbled, didn’t even look impressed. 
“Oh thank you for helping me get that out!” said Rabbid Yoshi, giving him a lick on the cheek and removing himself from Rabbid Mario’s arms. Rabbid Mario stood there confused. “WHAT?!?”
Rabbid Yoshi pick up his gift and handed it to Spawny. “Here you go!”
Spawn look at the gift then to his friend. “It’s all sticky.. Plus, that was in your body..” he said, stepping back a bit. 
“Spawny! That’s rude!” Rabbid Daisy scolds the little Rabbid lightly. “It's literally covered in spit—!!! Oh, screw it.” Spawny grumbled, grabbing his present. His paws/hands felt the wrapping paper wet and drool on his paws/hands. “Ew..” He mumbled. As he opens it up he looks inside and sees a little Mushroom Plushy! He wipes the drool off of him and grabs the Mushroom Plushy gently. “Awww~! It’s so cute!~” Rabbid Daisy cooed at the plushy. “Thanks, Rabbid Yoshi it’s cute..!!!” said Spawny his eyes sparkling. He dropped the present and hugged his friend with one arm. Rabbid Yoshi's tail wags with joy. 
Rabbid Mario gave Rabbid Peach a new phone case, which was pink and had characters/flowers on it. Rabbid Peach smiled with joy and said a quiet ‘thank you’ to Rabbid Mario, giving him a small kiss on the cheek, when the others weren’t looking. Good thing he has dark fur otherwise the others would see Rabbid Mario’s blush. 
Then it was Rabbid Rosalina’s turn. She gave Edge Dragon daggers. Actually daggers. Edge was pleased but a little sad it wasn’t sharp enough. Enemies watch out. 
Next, it was Rabbid Daisy's turn who had her friend, Rabbid Yoshi a bread Plushy. Rabbid Daisy swear she almost saw hearts in his eyes. She thinks it might be a little mistake to give him that because he has been hissing at the others, who get close to him and his plushy. Oh well. At least he’s not biting-
“*HISSSSSS* MY PRECIOUS,” he growled hissing at the person he just bit. 
Spoke too soon-
“We should do this again next year!” said Rabbid Luigi, hugging his snow globe close.
Yeah.. Next Year. 
‘Merry Christmas~!’
What the gifts look like:
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fearlessdevil17 · 1 year
Okay, I think enough time has passed, I would like to share this adorable little SoH Idea i thought of :)
DLC Ending spoilers down below!!
If you don't want to be spoiled, don't read yet!!
So when I saw the ending where Rabbid Peach gets Mario to dance with her, I thought about the others doing the same, and immediately, a thought of a cute little interaction involving Edge and Peach came up in my head:
So imagine as RP and Mario were dancing, and Luigi started dancing with RL and RR (tho it's mainly those two having a dance off, with RR unenthusiastically cheering them on XD) Peach would walk up to Edge who was not participating (unknowingly walking away from Bowser, who was preparing himself to ask her for a dance XP). 
After getting an answer from Edge, saying that she's never danced before, Peach offered to teach her by being her dance partner. 
Edge, being reluctant at first, said yes to Peach's offer, and allowed Peach to guide her body through the music (while stumbling a bit from time to time)
And needless to say, she was having fun 😊
Meanwhile Bowser and RM were consoling each other due to them not being able to ask the people they want to dance with them XP.
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gladesglo · 10 months
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edgeofdarkmess · 2 years
“Go on!”
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RP/Ask blog. Indie, semi-active, semi-selective Edge, from Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope.
Crossover and OC friendly. 15+ years experience. Paragraph preferred, flexible overall. Low activity due to chronic pain.
Follows back from @notanother-rp-hub​
Penned by @silverstarsheep​
Also runs @booksinstarbits​​
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AMV - The Devil's Got A Little List
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minnesotamedic186 · 1 year
Medic Plays Mario + Rabbids: Rayman in The Phantom Show! Part 3
Major spoilers below
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Now this is my kind of place-!
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@hostess-of-horror Hey remember that pirate opera you and @bramble-scramble made-?
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Do you think RP has an interest in pirates 'cause of the DK DLC?
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Okay so this isn't ENTIRELY Phantom's fault, got it-
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My man looks discombobulated-
Okay so I wasn't able to beat the Kraken last night so I just turned on Immunity to speed it along
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Yeah I guess that's deserved-
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But at least I won the trivia thing first try. Let's see what I got
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... Honestly I should've expected that-
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strawbunniiee · 3 years
A Girl and a Ghost
My first ever legit fanfic!! i may even write a second chapter fkdnkfd
spoiler alert: its about phantom and his fren of course
I hope you like it!! feel free to let me know what you liked about it!!
@salamifuposey @monsterbride99 @kindpopstar hi i saw you guys on that fanfic that monsterbride (idk what 2 call u a) wrote (REALLY GOOD FANFIC BTW PLEASE READ IT IF U HAVENT ALREADY) i hope you like this one,, also im a fren of fupos ive known her for awhile i hope yall likey,,
The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, it was such a lovely day in the peaceful town of Cornerville.
But Jawaii, unlike usual, was not as happy as the day around her.
She had recently moved to this lovely little town a few days ago, however she was worried that it was just going to be the same as things were back in her old town. Being feared by everyone for what she was.
Now Jawaii, despite having the appearance of an innocent purple haired little girl, was an alien goddess of destruction, due to having a father who happens to also be a god of destruction and chaos.
Her destructive nature and tendency to get violent at times if anyone had harmed her or a friend of hers caused everyone to fear her… when that was not at all what she wanted. She never wanted to be feared or hated by people. All that she truly wanted was a friend.
That day, she was sitting by the pond in a forest near the town, skipping rocks on the pond.
“It’s so lonely out here…” she mumbled.
In the distance, she heard the laughter and cheer of the… the normal children. The ones that weren’t inherently evil. She frowned and sighed in envy of these happy humans.
She knew she couldn’t make friends with these children, of course… everyone knew what she actually was. Of course, who would even want to have a being of pure evil for a friend?
Jawaii began to sit down on the rocks and weep silently. Do I really have to live like this..? In complete loneliness? With no way to ever fix it…?
After a few minutes of crying, she composed herself. She decided to stop tossing rocks into the pond and explored deeper into the woods.
But during her walk, the woods began to grow thick and spooky. Almost as if it was haunted by ghosts. This did not deter Jawaii, though, as she in fact adored ghosts. She loved reading about them in books and saw them as very interesting creatures and always wanted to meet one someday.
She began to happily skip through the spooky woods until she began to hear a voice singing in the distance. It was deep, haunting almost, and had a heavy French accent to it.
“Wuh… huh? Who is that?” she wondered aloud. She followed the voice. The young alien girl wanted to find out just who this mysterious singer was.
She brushed through the bushes, got pricked by thorns, and at some point encountered a very large bug, which scared her out of her flesh. Jawaii hated bugs.
Eventually, she ended up at an old, abandoned village. The voice sounded very clear and loud here.
This has GOT to be the place where this dang voice is coming from. thought Jawaii.
Jawaii found something almost soothing about the voice… it was a bit of a spooky voice, but it was also very relaxing, almost.
It wasn’t long before she had found the mystery singer. Much to her surprise, it was a giant ghost rabbit! He was well dressed in a fancy slightly torn up blue coat and a red undershirt. The mysterious bunny had white hair resembling a powdered wig as well as a curly mustache.
Jawaii thought about what she wanted to say to him, as he hadn’t seen her yet.
“Um… Hi!”
The ghostly rabbit stopping singing and turned around, very startled that someone was there.
“Oh! Oh my… I certainly didn’t expect to have an audience.” he said, with his hands behind his back nervously.
Jawaii’s face fell. “Are you… scared of me too? Like everybody else is?” she glumly asked.
“Why, of course not! I’m not scared of you… and I must say, I’m surprised you’re not scared of me either.”
“Why would I be? I’ve always wanted to meet a ghost ever since I learned what they are!” Jawaii chirped, happy to learn that this potential new friend was not scared of her.
“...Really? Y-You’re not scared of me? Most humans are, anyways…” The ghost said, taken aback.
“Oh… well, I’m not a human.”
“Then… not to sound rude of course, but what are you?”
“...I’m an alien destruction goddess. Don’t be scared of me… please...”
He paused for a moment in surprise. He wasn’t expecting to meet an alien, but certainly not an alien goddess.
“You’re an alien? How interesting!” he replied. “And a goddess as well? I never thought I would meet one!”
Jawaii breathed a sigh of relief.
“...What is it?” The ghostly rabbit asked.
“...Nobody has EVER been not afraid of me before… it feels so nice to have someone finally be nice to me for once, y’know? I’ve been feared by so many people… it isn’t fun. My destructive nature has gotten me into so much trouble and it’s caused people to be terrified of me. Dad says that it’ll be easier to control with age, but… people are usually scared of me for what I am.”
Jawaii began to cry again. The ghost looked so heartbroken to see her upset and hearing what she had to go through.
“Oh, you poor child, you’re only so young… I’m so sorry you have to go through this. Please don’t cry…” he said. “Pardon me, I’m not the best at giving comfort… it simply hurts to see people like this.”
Jawaii couldn’t believe that someone… someone was comforting her? Was this a dream? It was a wonderful feeling of course, but one she wasn’t used to and never really felt before. And this was someone she had just met!
“...No, it’s okay. This is more than enough… more than I’ve ever been comforted before… especially by a stranger. Most of them are either terrified of me or are sent to kill me or capture me.” she replied sadly.
The rabbit ghost’s ears flopped down in sadness and concern for her. “I am so terribly sorry… I wish there was something I could do about your rather unfortunate situation.”
The two sat in awkward silence for the following moments, not knowing what to say.
“Anyways, on a more light-hearted note I suppose, we’ve been talking for a while yet we don’t even know our names. I am Tom Phan, but you can also call me Phantom.” he said.
“That’s a really cool name actually! I like it!” chirped Jawaii.
“Aww, why thank you!” Phantom replied.
Jawaii beamed. “My name is Jawaii!”
“I like your name as well!”
The two began to talk for a long while and had a very long and cheerful conversation. They talked about their lives, things that they liked to do, etc.
But before they knew it, it was already lunchtime.
“Oh, crud! It’s lunchtime, I gotta be home or Mom’s gonna kill me!” exclaimed Jawaii.
“Ah… that’s truly a shame. I very much enjoyed our little chat.” said Phantom.
“I had fun too! But well… I guess this is goodbye…”
Jawaii felt genuinely saddened by having to leave Phantom, possibly never being able to see him again. He was the only person apart from her family who seemed to care for her.
She sighed and turned to walk away.
“Wait, wait! Before you go…”
Jawaii turned around. “Huh?”
“I know we just met… and our time together has been short… but how would you like to be friends?”
Jawaii began to tear up. She was NEVER asked by anyone to be her friend these days.
She immediately ran up to the giant ghost rabbit and gave him a hug.
“...I would love to.”
He smiled and gave her a hug back.
“I hope you have a nice lunch, Jawaii.”
“...Thank you, new friend.”
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cosmo-production · 1 year
Mario plus rabbid incorrect quotes
RP: I eat cheerios because they’re heart healthy. RP: And my heart has been severely damaged, so Mario, if you’re out there—
peach: "Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves." edge: ... edge: What a stupid quote. edge: I'm killing way more than two people, idiot.
edge: You’re alive. RM: No need to sound so disappointed.
RP: Hey, how did my phone break? RM : You were drunk yesterday. RP: And? peach: You threw it. RP: Why? Mario: You turned on airplane mode and kept screaming “FLY DAMN YOU!” RP: And why didn’t you stop me?! RM : We were busy laughing our butts off.
Mario: Happy birthday peach! I'm your gift! peach, whispering to RM : Did you get the receipt, or do I have to keep them?
peach: Who else is hiding in the laundry room trying to listen to Mario and luigi's convo? RP: Me. I'm in the laundry basket. RL: I'm in the washing machine. edge: I'm in the closet. RP: We accept you edge. <3 edge: No I'm literally in the closet. RP: Love is love. <3
Mario: Baby vibes... hold gentle... like hamburger. edge: Punt like football.
RR, texting RM : Text me when you’re home safely. RM : I’m home dangerously. RR: Stop it. RM : I’m home lethally.
edge: Christmas lights? peach: Check. RM : Thermos of hot cocoa? peach: Check. RP: Santa suits? peach: Check. RL: Shovel? peach: Check. Mario: Alibi and bail money? peach: Check- wait, WHAT?!
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pixies-and-poets · 1 year
ya know the red-eye thing rabbids used to be able to do
what if the rabbids on marios team can still do it, they get more violent versions of their personality
it's like watching a horror movie monster shred through its victim
rabbid luigi or peach: proably just gonna insult on personal level but you'll be fine
rabbid rosa: unphased terminator powerwalking to objective choke slamming all in the way
rabbid mario: just give him a punching bag. He'll get it out of his system.
edge: unhinge predator, definitely has rabies, looks at you and see's dinner
"has rabies" so, the Rabbids have come full circle...
You say I'd be fine, but I think seeing Rabbid Luigi like this would be the hardest to handle. If RP looked at me and said I was cringe I would expect it, but if silly frisbee boy looked at me and said I was a fucking loser I would cry.
I do love it when characters have that unchecked jekyll-and-hyde personality split though, not gonna lie. Into the future-inspiration pile this goes!
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