#quotes for the signs
bestial4ngel · 10 months
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S T U R G E O N S T A M P S ! !
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reineydraws · 6 months
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i dont have a caption for you lol i'll let shanks's heart eyes speak for themselves 🫶
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magnusbae · 3 months
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Anakin being so unhinged he's no longer connected to the doorframe + bonus:
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mournfulroses · 4 days
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Marina Tsvetaeva, from a diary entry featured in Earthly Signs Moscow Diaries, 1917-1922
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whereifindsanity · 8 months
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saragrosie · 2 months
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As promised, incredibly stupid s4-5 drawings
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not-rab · 8 months
James: How do Evan and Barty usually get out of these messes?
Regulus: They don’t. They just make a bigger mess that cancels the first one out.
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gabihime-jegulusseeker · 10 months
regulus incorrect quotes
Sirius: Sooooo do you have a crush on anybody???
Regulus: The only crush I have is this crushing anxiety
Regulus: oh, and your best friend
Regulus:.... you know what? I'm going to leave and let you figure out that one on your own
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divorcedes · 1 month
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circular narratives, passing the gauntlet, and boy kings // inspired by @mnyd 's tags on @drivestraight 's post
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astaroth1357 · 9 months
Mask Off, Nerd Out:
*all of the brothers have just finished a family dinner with MC. The food was nice, but their human has been oddly quiet throughout the whole meal. As the finished plates are getting stacked up, they shoot each other worried glances*
Mammon: *whispers to Satan* Hey, have they being actin' kinda weird to you...?
Satan: *whispers back* So you've noticed...?
Asmo: *comes up behind Satan and joins* Did anyone upset them today? Like you, Mammon?
Mammon: Hey, it wasn't me...!
*while those three keep whispering, Beel comes over to collect MC's plate. They've been sp checked out that they've barely touched their food at all, they just keep bouncing their leg under the table*
Beel: MC? ... Are you going to finish that?
*his question makes MC snap awake briefly, turning to look at him like a deer in headlights before shaking their head*
MC: N-no! No, uh... I'm fine. Go ahead, Beel.
*they push the plate towards him before going back to staring at the table blankly. Beel eats their forgotten meal, but frowns at them between bites*
Beel: Really-mmphhg-? Are you-*gulp*-sure?
MC: *bounces their leg more rapidly, nodding* Yep. Yep. Totally fine!....
*Mammon finally steps away from Satan and Asmo and nudges Beel to the side*
Mammon: Are ya really sure? 'Cause you don't look fine...
MC: *continues to stare at the table like they're mentally screaming inside, at this point nearly vibrating at an atomic level*
MC: Yep, uhm-hm, all fine, totally good!
*Mammon's about to pull their chair back from the table, but Levi suddenly jumps in between them. For once, the timid otaku looks actually confident about something. Damn near certain in fact!*
Levi: Don't worry, I got this. Leave it to me!
Levi: *takes a seat next to MC*
Levi: MC. Is there something you're hoping to talk about right now?
*MC nearly breaks their neck with how quick they turn to face him, eyes locked on and body finally going still. Slowly... an ecstatic grin starts to brighten their face*
MC: Ohmygod,soIjuststartedthismanga,right,aboutaworldwerepeoplesometimesturnintothesemonsterscalledChoujinandthemaincharacterislike-
*MC keeps talking a mile a minute while Levi nods along happily and the other brothers look at them like they're aliens, but also seem visibly relieved...*
Mammon: Ah. They just had to nerd out, I guess...
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soracities · 10 months
To love — is to see a person as God intended him and his parents failed to make him.
Marina Tsvetaeva, from Earthly Signs: Moscow Diaries, 1917-1922 (trans. Jamey Gambrell)
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headcanonthings · 11 months
*Over comms* Jason: She was poetry, but he couldn't read. Tim: His name was Jared he's 19. Duke: When his parents built a very strange machine. Dick, singing: Watch that scene, digging the dancing queen. Steph, singing: Eyyyy, Macarena! Barbara: Horrible job everyone.
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daddiesdrarryy · 4 months
Harry: You’re a red flag, Draco
Draco: I am not a red flag. I told you what’s wrong with me, so that makes me a caution sign at best
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remanence-of-love · 1 year
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thesirenisles · 5 months
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Pluto’s Sirens 🦂
beauty, love astrology observations ✨
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scorpio sun, scorpio moon, scorpio mars, scorpio ascendant , Scorpio lilith, Black moon lilith
8th house placements including Lilith
Lilith aspects, Pluto Aspects, Venus Opposing Trine Conjunction Square Pluto, Ruled, Dominant
Pluto in the 1st house, Pluto in the 8th house
“She knew death quite well. She often drowned. But, never in fear. The storm waters of love, pain, and sorrow filled her lungs and from their depths, she rose metamorphosed — a captivating phoenix of the sea.”
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do not steal any of my original work. All rights reserved. © 2024 The Siren Isles | Leave a tip if you enjoy! 🧜🏾‍♀️
🦂Child of Pluto,
The stunning dark beauty that disappears intermittently, only to reemerge a brand new person.. having lived another full life to it’s completion.
You have walked the Valley of Death and your essence was fortified by means of eternal hellfire. There’s really no wonder why you’re so intimidatingly hot. 🔥
As a water sign, this is similar to the siren-like energy of Neptune. However, a Neptunian might unwittingly lure suitors to their death, but you, Plutonian Goddess are the siren who wants the kill.
🥀You are the siren they fear.
You are a mistress of the deep, a beacon of light through the annals of life’s taboo topics like sex, death, occultism, and mystery.
When considering Plutonian energy, I imagine the scorpion deep within a fierce ocean of emotions, burrowing deeper and deeper into the sand… searching and feeling…
Deep within these depths is where you thrive. The drowned woman… I say this because Scorpio is a fixed sign, meaning its energy can be stagnant.
So, it is literally fixed water or stuck water. Being stuck underwater can symbolically connote to drowning.
This is also where the big misunderstanding of Scorpio comes from because… a scorpion does not belong underwater?? Yup, you’re an anomaly.
But, hence this is literally why you cannot stay under water for too long. You’re meant to dive deep beneath the surface, transform yourself, others, and your surroundings BUT only for a little while.
If you try to resist and stay submerged, life literally pushes you to transform and resurface for fresh air. By the end of your journey, you come out reborn anew, carrying nothing but the wisdom you’ve gained.
At your core, you are here to transform yourself and others.
With this energy, you are always digging and craving depth wherever you go, whether you realize it or not just like the scorpion. This could be for emotions, the truth, or other extremes.
Your plutonic vibrations sometimes does this for you and easily charm souls into revealing their darkest and deepest desires to you.
Pluto has gifted you with a gaze that certainly helps to compel information, while also commanding authority and exuding power. (It’s giving Vampire Diariesss)
🥀A fierce siren, you wish to take hold of your romantic partners, friends, and families and lead them to the deepest depths of human existence.
But, this is only an attempt to free them from the confinement of the human ego and mundanity.
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🦂The Misunderstood
The Scorpio/ 8th house slander is endless. But, I feel it’s just misunderstood. I love Plutonian energy. I find it refreshing, possibly because I have Scorpio 11th house & Scorpio Mars lol.
But, I get them. My longest friendship is with a beautiful Scorpio Sun and I have never had to second guess her loyalty.
She has been through more than anyone would guess, but maintains a heart of pure gold. Her shell is hard to crack though.
This is because you guys have seen the other side of life… death. You are aware most people aren’t living their truths or even knowledgeable of the truths of this Earthly realm… and it infuriates you at times.
It’s not easy being the one who sees a liar in a fake smile or an enemy within a friend. You see people without their masks and you call them out when needed… including family.
This can ruffle many feathers, of course. We all know how truth tellers are deemed in society.
And to some, your intense need to dive deep can terrify them and trigger them because in some way they are not living their authentic truth.
But, it’s meant to!
Pluto in the 1st house natives know this reaction well, as they wear the hellfire mark wherever they go. This triggers those who are not comfortable with darkness or their own shadow self.
Significant Lilith placements can resonate with this energy. Your presence and rebel energy triggers those whose identity is based upon a facade.
A Plutonian is a friend with their shadow self. They have seen the likes of all darkness.
You are the wounded warrior with these placements, (and honestly deserve so much more and so many hugs for what you’ve survived🥹) But, you seldom allow anyone to see you sweat or any weakness.
This need to conceal weakness hides your incredibly, loving heart and loyal spirit.
You can come off a bit brash at times. (Think, Jade from Victorious… Marlo from The Wire.. Matthew McConaughey’s character in True Detective) But, Its hard to empathize with those who seem ungrateful for their less challenging life paths or who refuse to make simple life changes out of fear.
You are like a butterfly. You have lived several lives, experiencing completely new things at each stage of life, but ultimately improving yourself each time.
While painful at times, that’s your superpower. ✨
The ironic part is that people see you in your Butterfly phase, ornate wings and beautiful colors, and assume you have not had it hard.
Until you sting. 🦂🩸
Absolutely incredible and yet so misunderstood.
Believe me when I say, it is such a GIFT to be able to transform in a world where Saturn’s energy reigns supreme.
🥀A piece of advice I leave to you all is… while understanding death.. DON’T forget to LIVE. Take a page out of the book of your sister sign, Taurus or Planet Venus… pamper your soul. 💅🏾
You are allowed and capable of just as much happiness and soft living as any other soul. Do not be afraid to open up and love or allow yourself to be loved.
You ARE loved over here! ❤️🫶🏾
🦂La Petite Mort “Little Death”.
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To possess significant scorpio or 8th house placements is to live through many small deaths to be born anew.
Ironically, while Pluto rules sex, the French saying for an orgasm is Le Petite Mort … or “Little Death”.
Perfectly fitting.
With these placements, you can transform yourself and others through your sexual encounters.
🥀Your sex is transformative!
The sexual energy exudes from your pores, thanks to Papa Pluto and those around you can smell the fragrance.
When a suitor spots you, perched upon a rock amidst the chaos of the ocean… they can’t look away.
They don’t know what it is about you, but they are drawn… hooked and captivated by your watery siren gaze.
You call to them on the shore… and they approach only to be grasped and delivered to the bottom of the ocean for an unforgettable awakening.
This is why Scorpios/ Plutonians/ 8th housers rule the sack. There is less inhibition, less hesitation, and your goal is sink your prey… to the depths… and transform them. (This gives me chills to think about… very powerful stuff!)
Both men and women of Pluto have this quality. Even if they aren’t perfectly symmetrical or dreamy, you have to admit they are HOT AF & their raw sexual energy caught your eye and made you wonder if you even possess the endurance to swim in their waters…
Keep transforming the world Plutonians! We need you!
Thank you for reading! Wishing you blessings💋
Neptune ♓️⬅️✨ MERCURY♍️♊️ Mars ♈️♏️✨ Venus | masterlist
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Alton Mason (Scorpio Sun) and Kofi Siriboe (Scorpio Pluto, Moon, Jupiter STELLIUM 😮‍💨)
@thesirenisles | masterlist | Enjoyed? Support!🧜🏾‍♀️
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