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rowinablx · 2 months ago
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arrow-v-flash-polls · 1 year ago
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Which of these highest Wally ships is your favourite?
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backtothestart02 · 1 year ago
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shrinkthisviolet · 2 years ago
Jesse Wells and/or Ahsoka Tano for the blorbo bingo
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Jesse my love!! I’ve talked about her here, but…this is a character I love more for what she could’ve been rather than what she is. Because what we do get…isn’t much, and it largely serves to make her more of a paragon of virtue than a fully-realized person.
She’s largely introduced via flashbacks and Harry as a teenage girl in college (presumably having skipped a few years), kidnapped by Zoom to get to Harry. We see that she has a loving and supportive but also strained relationship with Harry, and we hear (especially later, in s4) that her mother met an unspecified tragic fate—poor E2 Wells matriarch, she’s the ultimate fridged victim. She’s only ever brought up to further Harry’s arc in some way (we don’t even know her name!), while Jesse’s grief about her is very glossed-over. This can be forgiven as Jesse possibly being too young to remember her, but that in itself carries its own grief that’s never addressed. Did she go to therapy for that? (We’ll get back to this in a second.)
Her arc in s3…*sigh* underutilized potential to the max. Let’s start with the obvious: she’s a speedster now! Never mind that it took ages to manifest (no dark matter in her system in s2?? How??), that’s a minor problem. I don’t even mind Harry being overprotective—it’s a bit of a regression for him and Jesse, but this is a big change (and him giving her the suit is a great culmination to that). What makes no sense is how Jesse is so excited about it, without reservation. This is a young woman who was held hostage by a speedster for months! You’re telling me she gets superspeed and is ecstatic about it, with no reservations?
Her and Wally…well, I’ve talked about that here. Not much more to say about that tbh. I don’t like them together romantically and never will, they were better as friends.
Now on to s4…Jesse isn’t present much here, and admittedly the moment of Harry sharing his memories of his wife/Jesse’s mom with Jesse is very sweet. However, what I don’t appreciate is Harry & Jesse yet again having the same issue of miscommunication…yes, I know father-daughter dynamics can be complicated and not always linear, but!! They dealt with this already!! s2: “I promise to be the father you deserve” and s3: “you’ve always been my hero. Now, I just have to let you be one for everyone else.” Those were supposed to be the resolution moments!! Sure, parents and kids will always butt heads, but why are we back to where we were in s2/s3?? Nothing changed!
For that matter, I’ve never totally liked how Jesse is portrayed as always being in the right. I love her, I really do, but…she has a temper, she jumps to conclusions, she’s very rigid with morality, she runs away from her problems, etc. And these could’ve been such fascinating flaws to explore!! The only problem is, I don’t think they were intentional. Jesse always comes to the right conclusions, she always correctly berates Harry for his choices, she’s validated for running away while her kidnapper is still on the loose and could be anywhere, etc.
And let me be clear, I do get why she ran away. I get why she had that crisis, I really do. Her dad killed someone to keep Zoom from killing her, and that's a heavy thing. What I have a problem with is that the follow-up was...lacking.
Like, her freaking about it initially makes total sense, but the lack of follow-up is what bugs me. Sure, they talk about it, but…without context. I mean…remember, Turtle was abusive, sexist, and gross…and although this isn’t why Harry killed him, I’ve always been uncomfortable with the show framing Turtle as a poor, innocent victim. Same for some parts of the fandom treating Harry as an unabashed murderer for this when a) Turtle was a monster and b) Harry was doing it to further Zoom’s goals! Remember him? The guy who had Jesse hostage at the time, who would’ve definitely killed her if Harry hadn’t done as he asked? But no, it’s just Harry being overprotective again! 🤦‍♀️
And listen, I’m not saying he isn’t. It does seem like he’s a helicopter parent, and Jesse running away without telling him further proves this…but that makes this a vicious cycle. One that both of them contribute to, but that’s never discussed. This talk acts like Harry killing Turtle to keep Zoom from killing Jesse is the same thing as him being an overprotective parent. But that’s a) not an equal comparison and b) missing the root problem! They’re stuck in a cycle of Harry trying to shelter Jesse and her trying to break free—that’s what has to change, from both sides, but that s2 talk missed that mark.
And from what the later seasons show, it seems like it felt lacking to Harry and Jesse too, since they kept running through the same cycles until they finally connected in s4. Funnily enough, that happened when Harry did tell her and show her everything, when she got context for how he was acting! That's when they really connected!
(Before Harry got his memory screwed with, and then they both died two seasons later, but…hey, they’re presumably revived now. Hopefully things are better.)
It’s like the show was afraid to have her be wrong. Mostly because she’s never shown to do anything wrong—her choices are always validated and never examined. And it’s a shame because she has similarities to Harry: her bluntness, her tendency to run from difficult problems (or push them away, like when she kicked her dad off of Team Quick between s3 and s4), her quick temper (albeit hers isn’t as bad as Harry’s, but she’s still easily ticked off). It could’ve been so interesting to explore that…but no.
Oh, and let’s get back to that note from earlier: why doesn’t she seem to have any lingering grief over her mom? Even if you make the argument that maybe she was too young to remember her mom…would she not still feel a void there? Something missing from her life? Harry’s great, but he can’t be Mom and Dad. That’s a type of grief…and maybe Jesse doesn’t think about it, maybe she pushes it away, maybe she lashes out at Harry because you’re supposed to be the adult, damn it, you’re supposed to be better!
Maybe when he breaks down in front of her and shows her those memories, she realizes how alike they really are. But alas, the show didn’t want to explore that.
I know I’m putting way more thought into a side-character teenage girl than these mostly-guy-and-definitely-not-teenage writers did 😅 but I can’t help it, I wanted more for her. And that’s why I started writing my AU in the first place tbh—not just because I got an OC idea, but also to flesh out Jesse herself. Show some of her negative qualities, her similarities to her dad…and how amazing and wonderful she is, even with those flaws, especially as she grows and overcomes them 💞
(Oh also, there was no good place to put this, but…since the s4 memory-sharing scene used Tess’s voice for Jesse’s mom…her mom’s name in my headcanon is Tess Chambers, aligning with Jesse’s full name of Jesse Chambers Wells
This is also the rule I used to name Morgan: Jesse Morgan Wells, middle name taken from her mother, Tess Morgan.)
As for Ahsoka…I don’t know enough about her yet 😅 gotta finish TCW and get through Rebels!
send me a character, and I’ll fill out the bingo!
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killervibe · 2 years ago
please please PLEASE please please PLEASE if I can’t have killervibe give me quickwest PLEASE give me ONE s3 side ship do it do it do it DO IT 
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1ncorrect-flash-quotes · 3 years ago
Jesse: When you said ‘magic in bed’, I wasn’t expecting this…….
Wally: *Pulls out card from deck* Now, was this your card?
Jesse: Holy shit-
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helplessdreamersworld · 4 years ago
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forbescaroline · 5 years ago
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ultimate top ten ships meme → the flash dynamics (as voted by my followers) #5. jesse/wally “I can have all the speed in the world. I’m not complete without you.”
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afaims100arrowversefavs · 4 years ago
91.  Jesse tells Wally she wants to move to Earth-1 (The Flash 3x13 Attack on Gorilla City)
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twicetolivetwicetodie · 5 years ago
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starletspeedster · 6 years ago
Wally: I’m worried about having dinner with Jesse’s dad.
Iris: Just be yourself. Say something nice.
Wally: I can’t do both!
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cryokinesisdcgal · 6 years ago
My Arrowverse Next Gen List [3]
Based on their parents show and then their age.
The Flash:
Cisco Ramon + Gypsy (Cynthia):
Cindy Brie Ramon
IG; briecher
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Cisco Ramon + Gypsy (Cynthia):
Danté Joshua Parker Ramon
IG; djramon
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Barry Allen + Caitlin Snow:
Henry Thomas Martin Snow Allen
IG; hcnryallcn
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Eddie Thawne + Iris West:
Donald 'Don' Joseph Malcolm West-Thawne
IG; donthawne
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Eddie Thawne + Iris West:
Dawn Ann West-Thawne
IG; dawnthawne
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Barry Allen + Caitlin Snow:
Celeste Nora Snow Allen
IG; celestiallen
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Wally West + Jesse Quick (Wells):
Wallace Harry Wells West Jr.
IG; wwestjr
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Barry Allen + Caitlin Snow:
Layla Crystal Snow Allen
IG; snow.girl
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arrow-v-flash-polls · 1 year ago
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Which of these winning Wally ships is your favourite?
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shrinkthisviolet · 2 years ago
for my new ask game!
3, 8, 16, 18, 21, 33, 40, and 50
3. Have you ever written a soulmate AU? If you haven't, why would/wouldn't you write one?
I have this series! I wanted to take the soulmate AU and make it something more choice-based, more in line with “If soulmates do exist, they’re not found. They’re made. People meet, they get a good feeling, and then they get to work building a relationship.” It’s the best take on soulmates I’ve ever seen, and it’s the kind I tried to replicate in that series! Idk if it’ll ever get updated, but I do wanna use that worldbuilding for something else one day.
8. Have you ever written any friendships that could've easily become romantic relationships? How did you navigate it?
I have! Honestly, there are plenty of those. I just navigate it by writing what feels true to me—do I want to pursue a ship with them? What would it add to this fic, if anything? What does it add if I keep them as friends? What tropes does it subvert, one way or the other (obviously this in itself is not a reason, it’s just an additional consideration)
For example: there’s a ship in an upcoming fic that I definitely didn’t plan initially, but which I think adds a lot of weight overall. It drives both characters in interesting ways but never detracts from their character arcs—neither of them have to give up anything for the other, and neither would ever ask that of the other.
(…actually there’s two ships like that 😅 in different fics, but still)
16. Are there any relationship dynamics/tropes you enjoy reading about, but wouldn't want to write yourself? Vice versa?
I’ve read a few “love triangles” but I’d never write one. But that’s also a trope I try to avoid whenever possible anyway, because they’re usually love corners/angles, not true triangles. And it’s usually sexist af, because in this trope, the “triangle” is never really about the girl at the center, it’s always about the guys fighting for her.
18. Pick a few characters you've written for (or, for a fun twist, asker chooses). Tell me about their relationship in three sentences or less.
Hmm…Mai, Aang, and Katara.
Mai and Aang: absolutely the opposites attract besties. No one expects them to get along as well as they do, but Mai finds Aang endearing in an odd way (he reminds her of Ty Lee), and Aang thinks she’s really cool, especially her sharp aim.
Mai and Katara: they aren’t sure what to make of each other at first, especially since their first meeting was them fighting each other. Really, it’s Aang who gets them to have a conversation after all of that—he just wants the two coolest people he knows to be friends. And it works! Mai and Katara hit it off splendidly once they get past the awkwardness.
Kataang: self-explanatory: they’re a badass power couple and I love them 🥰
21. Not all relationships are romantic. What's your favorite non-romantic relationship that you've written about?
Currently, Barry & Morgan 💞 I didn’t actually intend them to be as prominent to the AU as they are now — I loved them in s2, but writing the s1 arc just kicked that love into overdrive. They’re so, so special to me and I love them so much 🥹
33. Are there any canon romantic couples, in any media, that you just can't stand?
Reylo for sure, Spallen (do they count if they were only briefly canon?), Hawkmoon, Yasmetri, Quickwest (again, briefly canon), Toriguel, Samrobby
(Obviously this is not a judgment on the shippers, but…yeah, I’m not a fan of these ships 😅 there are others that I tolerate sometimes, but those aren’t on this list. Tbh I might even be forgetting some, but that’s most of them at least)
40. Pick a relationship (not necessarily romantic). What tropes apply to this relationship? What tropes does this relationship subvert?
Morgan and James! They’re Lovers to Exes (subverting the common Exes to Lovers trope)…and they’re also Exes to Friends. And ofc James is her Guy in the Chair—even after she joins Team Flash, he’s still there when she needs him (and vice versa ofc…granted he doesn’t have powers, but she’s still going to be there for him as much as he lets her)
50. Free space! Brag on yourself! Advertise your writing! What are you most proud of recently?
Currently, I’m super proud of the first Childhood Friends AU fic I posted! And my first Izumi & Zuko fic 💞
fanfic relationships ask game!
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killervibe · 2 years ago
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shipping-n-handling · 6 years ago
Whenever my OTP interacts
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