#queenie the apprentice
ozzgin · 3 months
Do u have any monsterfucker account recommendations?
I shall be going through my list of mutuals/people I follow as a reference because I'm sadly not that active on Tumblr otherwise. My "Following" dashboard is all I have. Thus, in no particular order:
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@bucketsofmonsters has some really great series and oneshots, and they also frequently reblog monster art. My favorite story is "The Witch's Apprentice", it's how I discovered their blog!
@yandere-writer-momo has a lot of variety in her stories, especially nice if you're into fantasy and yandere. Extensive list to go through, you won't be bored anytime soon.
@queenie-the-court-jester is another yandere blog, she has some very neat (and horny) OCs that you can choose from. If hybrids are your thing, you're in the right place.
@dr3c0mix is a writer and an artist, both his stories and drawings are funky as hell and extremely entertaining. Bonus: he mostly writes for male/gender neutral Readers (which I know is rare).
@kachowden is another great combo of artist/writer and has some fantastic monster OCs like this one!
@eldritch-spouse has an entire collection of tasteful, interesting and well-designed monster OCs with a lot of written lore to them. Absolutely recommend.
I hope I'm not overstepping here with the sudden tag (sorry in advance!), but @sharklysweet and @jinkojinx are monster artists I follow and really enjoy. Definitely check them out.
Last but not least, @sophiethewitch1 and @hana-no-seiiki are currently working on a very interesting project for monsterfuckers! It's an upcoming game in its very early stages, but I'm already keeping an eye on it: @teratoquest
‼️ Many more suggestions in the comments, don't forget to check them out!
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drarryspecificrecs · 7 months
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2024.02  ~ Top 6 longest fics posted on AO3
1. The Stag and the Dragon: The School of Witchcraft and Wizardry by Jesse_James [T, 180k]
►On the night of October 31st 1980, in an attempt to subvert prophecy, The Dark Lord Voldemort launches a pair of attacks to rid him of the one chosen to defeat him. But when one fails, the world is changed forever. But in this universe, things are different. The rules are not always the same. And things will not always be as we remember. And with a different choice made with a young orphaned Harry's future, the consequences of this one act will echo across fate. /// Meanwhile, in a different family, another boy struggles against what he is, and what he was born to be. All while his father seems to orchestrate more than just his life.
2. Empty Spaces by nori_mari [T, 125k]
►What do you do when everything you know comes to an end? The battle is over, Voldemort's gone, everything they ever wanted has come to pass. So why is it so hard to return to a “normal” life? How does one simply pick up the pieces and move on? When your entire life and identity have revolved around this one thing for so long… what do you do you have left of yourself when that one thing is over?
3. Papa Needs Daddy's Help by @amillionregrets [E, 94k]
►Harry's life revolves entirely around work these days, and he's deeply engrossed in it, as usual, when an urgent fire-call from Ron abruptly turns his world upside down. Apparently, a four-year-old girl with emerald eyes and long black hair has shown up at Ron's shop, claiming to be Harry's daughter and seeking his help to save her papa.
4. The Boy from the Piano Shop by @soliblomst [M, 90k]  *typo
►After going blind in a reckless attempt to avenge Ginny's death, Harry battles with severe depression. One day, he stumbles upon a quaint piano restoration shop in the heart of London and meets the owner, a kindly old man, and his introverted young apprentice, whose voice sounds strangely familiar. As Harry and Draco slowly reconnect through private piano lessons, the small workshop becomes Harry's refuge, offering him a glimmer of hope in a world without eyes.
5. An Addendum For Depressed Authors by @queenie-jinny [E, 86k]
►‘The Misadventures of Harrison Portier’ six-part book series by J.E.P has been on the Daily Prophet’s best sellers list for 177 weeks straight, despite the author’s insistent anonymity and continuing avoidance of the public eye. After a long hiatus, the elusive final novel in the septology is about to hit the shelves, and Draco Malfoy, avid reader of the series and self-proclaimed number one fan (a proclamation he’d made to absolutely none save for himself), is determined to be the first person to read it. When the epilogue of the book leaves much to be desired, Draco has no choice but to take matters into his own hands. Thus begins a stormy correspondence that threatens to disrupt Harry’s hard-earned peaceful routine and maybe change his life in the process.
6. Draco's Splendid Decisions by @jocundasykes [E, 69k]
►Stuck in the doldrums of a rubbish summer holiday, an unexpected invitation beckons you back to the halls of Hogwarts for an eighth year. Should you go, and endure another round of academia? Dive into the mundane drudgery of work? Or escape it all with an international getaway? /// You're a free man. What happens next is up to you.
※ Word count: 1k ~ 10k
※ Word count: 10k ~ 40k
alive is a color you don't own by sectumsempra [E, 15k]
armstrong limit by @brosamigos [E, 11k]
Crossed Wires by @skeptiquewrites [E, 11k]
Enclosed is a Memory by Anonymous [M, 12k]
I'll Find You Again (I Always Do) by @dodgerkedavra [E, 15k]
The Month of Giving by Justlikewriting [M, 20k]
Nobody Except For You by @mistsound [T, 10k]
Oh, Overwhelming Passion and Seduction by AtelierOfStories [E, 19k]
These Old Feelings by Reloumi [E, 24k]
Time to indulge by @onehundredflamingos [E, 10k]
Until Now by crpage [T, 11k]
Warm Touch Makes No Sound by @rainjulyx [E, 13k]
Ongoing Fest/Exchange
※ Fics would be listed elsewhere.
Frottage Cottage WFAUFF Challenge
Knot Another Writing Fest: Knot Again 2023 | @hpknotfest
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fallenclan · 10 months
-Queenie, obviously, used to be a loner. She lived in twolegplace, and earned her name not because she had kits of her own, but because she would help out other queens with theirs, bringing them food and water, entertaining them, and protecting them from dogs. She ran to Fallenclan territory when the building she was living under was demolished.
-Sweetclover is the oldest of her sisters (Fernslug and Yellowjay). While the other two are a bit more rambunctious, she always took up the role of the responsible one, making sure that they never got into too much trouble.
-Yellowjay loves to sneak off and explore outside the territories. Once or twice she’s caught the smell of a very familiar outsider…
-Skyfrost is one of the best hunters in the clan, second only to Boulderstep. He can jump straight up into the air and catch a bird as its flying away, which was how he earned his original name, Sky. He’s also a shameless flirt. Anyone is fair game, but his favorite targets are Brambletuft, Lightningtail, Yewberry, Ripplefade, Moo, and Bub.
-Pocket has a hopeless crush on Pinefrost. She knows that he isn’t interested in her like that, though, so she’s never made an attempt to flirt with him.
-Poppyfeather was always extremely outgoing and friendly as a young warrior and apprentice. Since Henryclaw (her father) died, she became more closed off and cold, even aggressive at times. Despite this, she’s an excellent aunt to Cinderstone and Ramstep.
-Gyoza hardly ever talks. Most cats assume he’s unfriendly and antisocial, which isn’t untrue, but Troutspeckle was the first cat to not just become annoyed with him and brush him off. She can read his facial expressions so well that they can have entire conversations without him saying a word.
-Fruitbeam is actually very good friends with Pinefrost. Neither of them are particularly chatty, and they find comfort in simply sitting in each other’s silence.
-When Curly died in the rogue attack, she went down defending the nursery. It was left to her and Moxie, who was at the time protecting Sandykit and Rowankit. Moxie survived.
-Holly was a show cat before joining Fallenclan.
-Rum Tum Tugger was one of the best storytellers in the clan, second only to Henryclaw. Perhaps it was just because he’d seen so much, but for the few moons he spent in Fallenclan, any time he would tell a story, young cats would gather around from every corner of the camp to listen in.
-Ivyleaf never wanted kits. She was mates with a kittypet (Rush), though, and when she found out she was pregnant, he was more than happy to take Otterkit and raise him alone. If it weren’t for the fact that his twolegs then abandoned Rush, and he died on the outskirts of Fallenclan territory, she probably never would have seen Otterslip again.
-Jaggedstripe was a kittypet, when she was born, then became a loner. When she was kidnapped by twolegs, it reminded her how much she had hated that life. She spent every moment she could trying to escape.
-Nick always dreamed of being a clan cat because of all the fighting–he loved battle training, and before he joined Fallenclan he would do it all the time by himself. Once he joined the clan, though, he softened, especially after he had Wormshade, and he found himself not caring about it much anymore.
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rottonfishie · 6 days
Ivory Laws - (Ivory Girl AU)
A little AU of the Ivory Girl AU inspired by the "Monkey Cop" show in the Canon series.
TW : Mentions of Murder, Terrorism, poisoning, abuse, organised crime.
Baigujing - Special Agent
Baigujing or more commonly remembered as "Lady Ivory," was an ex-terrorist that threatened the city of Megaprolis. Due to her heinous crimes, she was set to be executed but was saved by an experimental program nickednamed "The Pilgram Project," created by the CC (Celestial Court), to rehabilitate convicts.
After Baigujing was rehabilitated by the program and she was pardoned of her crimes. She disappeared from the eyes of the public, only to brought back decades later after an influx of familiar crimes began to rise back in the city. In a new time, Baigujing must live her life in the Pilgram Project, once again, but this time, running it.
Bai he - Apprentice (Pilgram Pr.)
Bai he is a young woman who grew up in the wrong neighbourhood of Megaprolis, forced to fall to small petty crimes to get by, leading her to take on more than she could chew. With a charge of murder under her belt, Bai he graciously took the offer to be a part of the Pilgram Project.
Now, working under Baigujing, Bai he is able to flourish and help crack down on the influx of crimes that seemed to be suspiciously rising in the city.
Redson Niugong - Pilgram Pr.
A promising young man who just couldn't avoid the life of crime. Despite his privileged background, he was an intelligent hacker who threatened the very security that MPC (Megaprolis Police Commission) swore to keep. Eventually, his crimes were tracked back by one to many missteps he had taken.
Due to his marvellous abilities, he was accepted into the Pilgram Project under Baigujing.
Queenie Zhuwang - Pilgram Pr.
A woman running a humble bakery in a shady part of the city. Suspiciously, people who visited her bakery seemed to leave with one less family member after her services. Eventually, it was discovered that she had been creating and trafficking poisons, assisting in multiple murders.
Her expertise in poisons caught the eye of the pilgram project, and she was accepted under Baigujing.
Xiezi Shamo Huang ‐ Pilgram Pr.
A customer of Queenie poisoning her abusive husband. She seemed to continue her crimes to the rest of in-laws, her mother-in-law, father-in-law, and brother-in-law, all dying in the same way as her husband. Eventually, the receipts of her purchases were discovered, and she was convicted of murder.
She was given another chance in Pilgram Project, and accepted under Baigujing.
Bingo Long - Pilgram Pr.
A member of the Long family, an organised crime syndicate that ruled Megaprolis with an iron fist. After being arrested, his family left him to the wolves. He accepted the offer to join the Pilgram Project, under Baigujing, in hopes of getting a reduced sentence.
Mimi - Therapy Dog
A stray dog taken in by Baigujing as an unofficial therapy dog.
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jester-dragons-aus · 10 months
More warriors TADC!! Trauma cats!
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What if I made Jax a villain? Yes!
So alongside "Abstraction" (some sickness that doesn't spread but can get got by some cats, goes by different name), Jax is going to be a villain in the story! How fun!!
(Kinger[Kestrilwhisper] and Caine[Cranestar] were apprentices at the same time [Kestrilpaw and Cranepaw]) (so was Queenie[Quailwing] [Quailpaw])
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crossdigitalcircus · 9 months
I will more than likely make this into a comic later.
But if anyone is up for a LOT of reading, here is Act I and II of TCDC(The Cross Digital Circus)
Act 0: Day I
Xaine sit dormant in the abyss that is the void. A lone AI absorbing power and knowledge. Soon he learns about a Circus that has gotten very popular with the original and alternative universes and wishes to create his own.
So he does. A circus filled with not color, but black, purple and white tones. He will make this his own creation. The Perfect AU.
Act 0: Day II
Xaine creates a apprentice, someone to collect memories and Data for him, he called her, Bubble. She is exactly as she is named, a bubble with a mask, it sports a purple X in between her eyes.
Xaine tells Bubble about his plan, and being a creation of his own, she agrees. They then start to plan out how to get preformers for their Circus.
Act 0: Day III
After a whole day of planning, they came up with a bunch of code that made this a real game in the real world.
It was entitled "The Cross Digital Circus". It was meant to be a midevil take on circus life complete with combat and cool effects.
Now all there was to do was wait.
Act I: Kaufmox
The first preformer arrives.
He resembles a clown. Xaine introduces himself and Bubble with a friendly smile and demeanor. The Clown doesn't say a word...
"Not a talker, eh?" Xaine chuckled. "No worries!"
As the clown was busy looking around Xaine watched. Soon the clown walked back to Xaine.
"Am I the only one here?" The clown asked.
"So far, yes!" Xaine explained. "But do not fret. There will be more very soon."
"I'll pass." He tried to take off some sort headpiece. "How do I log off?"
Xaine chuckled. "There is no way out. You are now my pawn. Watch." He flicked his hand and the clown's eyes glowed purple and had a cross shape inside of them.
"Your name is Kaufmox. You are my assassin."
"My name is Kaufmox. I am your assassin.."
"It's alright if you stay silent. Wouldn't want the newbies to know they're stuck here the second they arrive. Kaufmox. I advise you never speak again."
Kaufmox was silent as told.
For the rest of the time he was alone, he fought off mannequins and gloinks as training while Xaine watched.
Act II: Queenie
A new soul enters the game. A young woman. She took the form of a Black Queen chess piece. She can't remember a thing as soon as she enters. A new effect Xaine put into effect, so prevent her from wanting to leave.
He immediately pulled his mind control trick on her.
"Your name is Queenie. Hence your name, you're my world's Queen. Do not let me down."
Queenie repeated the same message and Xaine sent her off to engage with Kaufmox.
"So...what exactly is this place?" She asked the assassin clown. He responded with silence.
That's what transpired for a few moments, then she asked something again. "Is everything okay?"
Kaufmo shook his head as  discreetly as he could and spoke softly "Can't say much Xaine is always watching."
"Always watching...?" Queenie repeated.
"Yep.." His voice was still soft. He looked all around. "Come to my room. I've written some things on the walls of my room I must show you."
He grabbed Queenie's hand whisked her away.
Upon entering his room. There was scribbling on the wall about Xaine and the possibility of an exit.
"An exi-" Queenie started, but Kaufmox hushed her quickly.
"Do not mention that word." He warned. "Xaine hates it."
"Uh.." Queenie corrected herself. "Is there...one of those."
"I'm unsure I'm still looking."
"We can look together right?"
"We can try... tomorrow lessen Xaine's suspicion."
Act II: Day II
Queenie and Kaufmox search through the tent for any way out.
Bubble happens to catch them, "Heyyy whatcha two doing?!" She asked excitedly.
Queenie jolted while Kaufmox kept his composure and stayed silent.
Bubble asked again. "Whatcha doin'?"
"Just ya know exploring the tent. Seeing what there is to do!"
"Oohhh well, like Xaine would say," Bubble tried her best to mimic Xaine's voice. "Engage in Combatery at The Digital Training Grounds or Drown yourself in The Digital Lake!"
Kaufmox and Queenie just looked at each other in confusion.
"We might just try those!" Queenie smiled nervously.
"Or pop you." Kaufmox mumbled to Bubble.
Bubble had winced and frowned in response, being she heard Kaufmox. "Oh no that won't do. I'm going to have to report this behavior to Xaine."
Act II: Day III
Xaine floats before Kaufmo and Queenie.
"My disappointment is off the charts." Xaine explained. "Bubble informed me of exploration. As I am not against this, she also said that Queenie specifically seemed nervous. Got any explanations for that, Queenie?"
"We really were just looking around, Mr. Xaine." Queenie tried her best to hide her expression.
"Likely." Xaine shook his head. "There will be capital punishment for such acts."
Xaine closed his eyes for a second and his eyes were glowing purple. "Kaufmox, Queenie, you two are going to fight to the death."
"Wha-" Queenie asked startled but got cut short when hers and Kaufmox's eyes too glowed purple. They drew their weapons.
The battle commenced when Xaine snapped his fingers.
The two started swaying and dodging as they mindlessly attacked each other.
Kaufmox had the advantage. He had a hidden blade. At a point in the battle when Queenie came at him, he quickly triggered the blade and in it went into Queenie's chest.
It was then when Xaine went sadistic to teach them a lesson. They were now themselves again.
Resumed consciousness in the same scenario as before. Kaufmox's blade deep in Queenie's chest. Kaufmox went wide eyed.
He didn't dare move the blade as he whispered with regret and fear. "Q-Queenie...I'm...I'm so sorry....."
Queenie looked at Kaufmox with her dying eyes...
Then Xaine took control of Kaufmox and made him push through blade in deeper and pull out quickly.
Queenie's body slumped to the ground and Kaufmox fell to his knees, in control of himself shortly after.
"Why...why did I do that?" He stared blankly at her as she lay limp on the ground.
"Hopefully, you STOP searching for a way out." Xaine lifted Queenies body, coating it in a purple aura.
He then summoned Bubble and she turned Queenie into a small bubble like orb.
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historygirl93 · 11 months
My favourite movies about witches (part 2)
"Bedknobs and Broomsticks" (1971): Eglantine Price, a witch apprentice, hosts in her house three siblings from London because of the war. Wanting to use her powers to save England from the N***s, Eglantine travels with the children on a magical bed to find her teacher, professor Emelius Brown. Adventures, animated animals, songs and Angela Lansbury as the main witch, adorable!
The Love Witch (2016): Elaine wants nothing more that find a man who love her. Unfortunately, everyone of her lovers dies. Is Elaine a killer? Did they kill themselves? Is a consequence of the use of magic in the matters of the heart? Watch it to find out.
"I married a Witch" (1942) : Jennifer and her father Daniel comes backs as spirits many centuries after their deaths. Determined to have their revenge, the two finds Wallace Wooley, descendant of the man who denounce them, and Jennifer decide to make him fall in love with the help of a love potion, but it's Jennifer who drink it! Can true love be stronger than witchcraft?
"Bell, Book and Candle" (1958): the witch Gillian Holroyd, on Christmas Eve, met her new neighbor Shep Henderson. After meeting Shep's fiancée, her college enemy Merle, Gillian put a love spell on the man, with the help of her aunt Queenie and her brother Nicky. But can a love born from magic have a future?
"The girl on the broomstick" (1972): a Czechoslovak movie about the young witch Saxana, who escaped from her school to the human world for 44 hours. There she befriend the teenager Honza, but even three delinquents. And a simple spell will costs her many troubles.
"The witches of Eastwick" (1987): three friends, Alexandra, Jane and Sukie, use their unknows powers to summon their "ideal men". One by one, they falls for the new man in town, the mysterious Daryl, who is also...the Devil!
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isabellehemlock · 1 year
Happy three years anniversary!!! 🥳🥳🥳
For the prompts, maybe something (TOG) Nicky-related with religious themes about how he discovered his own personal religion as a teen/adult, whether that be stepping away from his parents' or strengthening it from what theirs was? No real idea on the rating here, anything up to and including E is fine!
Hi Queenie 🥹❤️
Thank you so much love! And thanks for sending me a little something from the prompt list 💖
I actually had such a blast exploring, “what does religion mean to Nicky” through a few fics (probably my faves over the years have been pre-canon ones - “Called You By Name.” but also, “Their souls were knit together (and he loved him as himself)” - couldn’t recall if you had seen those or not, but yeah, if you’re itching for more that sort of pair well with what’s below, feel free to browse the Catholic tag on my AO3’s results for TOG fics).
But for this one, I went with a ~600+ words reflection piece of essentially “now what” for Nicky as he tries to navigate the teen years in the 1080s while sitting in an adoration chapel - tw/cw for religious themes, and sorry, no dialogue!  Just one long introspective piece!  
It was a way of life.
But now, with the wisdom of a few years away as he learned the trade with his uncle in Genoa, Nicolò had contemplated if they had been the threadbare portions, leaning on him so hard because he had the more steady disposition?  Unmovable, unshakable from the foundation in which he stood - regardless of the mocking, jeering, even condensation from them all - Nicolò was resolute.  Like one of the statues he prayed near at the San Siro church, stoic, impenetrable, regardless of the sneers of other boys around him about his potential ‘penetrativeness.’
Church, state, home, family, it was all interconnected, woven into a tapestry that he was never meant to see the full picture of but now could tell where portions of it had run threadbare.  Loose strands that were barely clinging on merely because the others didn’t mind the weight of the work and effort to keep them in place. 
Years ago, Nicolò had considered that he was possibly the threadbare spot, wedged into an unbearable position, pulled in several directions between church, state, home and family.  Each individual portion that tugged for his obedience without ever having the decency to ask what he wanted in the first place.
They found his lack of interest in the girls around him peculiar, claiming it only meant more for them, while still simultaneously finding some kind of joy in trying to make him feel less than for it.
Perhaps had he not been caught staring at the male statues with a certain kind of yearning he could have allowed them to believe he was called for a priestly vocation - still, it didn’t matter.  Nicolò wasn’t called for that, or for family life, or for something only found in the alleyways in the dark.  He wanted none of the things they (frankly, it felt like everyone at that point) insisted he’d have to pick from, and for a while, proclaiming he was ‘praying about it’ had deterred them from questioning him for a while.  But now, as his sixteenth year approached, Nicolò had overheard his uncle’s discussions of whether to continue training him as an apprentice, or perhaps joining the Genoan soldiers.
Yet he had never been one to go for the suggestions of those around him, which may be why they found it odd that he decided to lean so heavily on a third, unspoken option, by heading to the Benedictian abbey - not as a priest, but as an oblate.
For as much as the Church declared one thing from the ambo, it was still the only place that brought a warmth to his heart on the darkest, coldest days.  It would be here, within the confines of the Adoration chapel and his daily prayers, where Nicolò could quiet the voices out there, and hear something deeper, more profound than what was shared by the clergy.  There was something beautiful about the silent contemplation, the freedom to just be, to come as he was and sit in His presence - and not be struck down for his thoughts on the spot.  Because - 
Because He didn’t stop anyone from coming to Him, Nicolò had realized, it was other people who had tried to stand in his way.  To limit God’s unconditional love in order to put a strain on his own personal relationship with Him.  Others who had tugged and pulled, hoping to strip him down to bare threads, as miserable and empty as they were.  But all they had managed was to thin out the connections along the way, strengthening his resolve to find his own path.  Which had led him to the chapel, and to a course he might not know where it was heading, but felt a profound sense of peace in it anyway. 
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6rookie-writer0110 · 10 months
Hi if you're still taking requests could I request an American horror story male reader where he's a warlock and the son of Cordelia who is secretly trains to use voodoo magic starts to feel neglected because Cordelia is focusing on worrying about Fiona and the girls at the academy he goes to Marie laveau and ask her to train him in the art of voodoo better and he shows her his abilities he becomes her apprentice and Marie shows him everything she knows and becomes a mother figure to the reader when The Witcher Hunter goes to kill Marie laveau's coven reader is there and protects and saves them all and could you add what powers the reader has of voodoo and could you add Queenie they're like brother and sister whichever you would like with fluff if you could please and thank you and where reader is secretly dating Kyle and saves him from dying
Yeah I will write it
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Vincenzo : Episode 6
Can’t wait for her to battle evil lawyer queenie here because the way they were prepping, I’d be scared
the little wink 😂 also her old boss doesn’t care lmao he’s just laughing
the building people are so unserious and loyal I love them
just breathe sweetie 💗
they’re all going to stand up aren’t they 😂
oh wait she’s just acting
mr. cho I’m so happy to see you <333
no way they had bees in their jacket LMAO not hornets lmaooo
oh the judge is gone and our martial artist is too
the intern is so unserious
The crystal ball blackmailing murdering lady thinks stalling a trial is bad ?!!!
Zumba Snake I like that ( can’t believe I liked her !!! 😭)
he’s going to see his mama
she’s already apologising so much like no look at me, get out of here babe it’s not your fault 😭💔
does she know that’s her baby?
so he did get his lighter back
I knew that plant needed to be thrown on the floor or at least checked, this is Flower of Evil and Dobongsu all over again </333
thank god!!! for once in my life i won in the kdrama world. it went to dancer man !
I hope his blind date is a good person and not working for the enemies 🙏 Mr apprentice deserves all the love in the world
Scam those companies my guy !!! Also I thought he was a cop, he’s an intelligence guy?!!
my sweet girl I knew she wouldn’t believe it 🤣 I’m more surprised he told. sweet man!
my intelligence man is so adorable !!! also that jump to duck and hide was impeccable! he practically flew
nooo was that homeless guy one of the crystal ball guys, at this point I’m just getting confused
the intelligence guy describing Vincenzo as doe eyed and handsome, okay babe 💗🥰
lmao how hot was that room the actor’s ears and palm are completely red
Taecyeon and his Italian hands 😂
oh so he is at least a brother after all. that is a TERRIBLE way to treat your brother my god….
no my #people are about to be bulldozed
now why is U Yeong in it? noooo
He said good luck with a smile but I’m terrified 🤩
the slay
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Appearance : small dappled tortoiseshell molly with amber eyes, white paws, and a white chest and muzzle
Highest Rank Achieved : Seer
Other Notable Ranks : Seer Apprentice, Mentor
Other Names : Spottedkit, Spottedpaw
Mentors : Mottlethroat, Goosefeather
Spottedleaf began as a general Warrior apprentice. However, despite Mottlethroat's best efforts, it quickly became apparent that she had no head for hunting or fighting, and her penchant for talking to thin air made the rest of ThunderClan very uneasy. Thankfully—or perhaps not so thankfully, depending on who you ask—Goosefeather agreed to take her on as a Seer apprentice.
Apprentices : Firesight
Spottedleaf took an interest in Firesight—at the time, Firepaw—not long after he and his sister joined ThunderClan. He was often exhausted, and after Spottedleaf coaxed him into telling her that it was because of strange dreams, she went to Bluestar, wanting to cultivate his natural talent for prophecy. However, she wouldn't live for very long after the fact—most of Firesight's apprenticeship was handled by Yellowfang, who took over the role of Seer after Spottedleaf was killed by ShadowClan warriors.
Father : Russetwhisker
Mother : Mothflower
Mothflower was born a denpet, and so was Russetwhisker's father, Spider. As a result, Spottedleaf and her siblings have more denpet blood than Clan blood, which is just another wedge between Spottedleaf and ThunderClan.
Littermates : Redtail
Siblings : Honeyspeck, Foxpaw
Foxpaw, Spottedleaf's older brother, died of bloodloss a few days after ThunderClan's raid on WindClan's camp. He and Silverflower, Bluestar's mother, were ThunderClan's casualties, while WindClan only lost one warrior.
Nieces : Sandstorm, Cherrysong
Aunts : Lea (Denpet), Queenie (Denpet)
Uncles : Squirrelkit, Stranger (Loner)
Second Cousins : Tigerstar, Eagleheart
Spottedleaf, Redtail, and Honeyspeck are related to Tigerstar and Eagleheart through their grandmothers, Mistlespike and Firesplash, who were littermates.
Other Facts and Information :
Like Owlshine, Spottedleaf never took a mate and never had any kits, though unlike her Healer counterpart, it was due to a complete lack of interest instead of a lack of opportunity.
Spottedleaf is very much the Clan oddball. She tends to get lost in her thoughts, as well as things that only she can see and hear, and it makes her pretty unapproachable, especially by cats younger than she is. She often speaks in vague statements and riddles that only her siblings, Owlshine, Bluestar, and Lionheart have any hope of understanding.
Similar to her former mentor, Goosefeather, Spottedleaf has closer bonds with the dead than with the living, and it only makes it harder for her Clanmates to talk to her.
It was a great surprise to everyone when Spottedleaf took an interest in Firesight because she rarely paid any attention to anyone, let alone the apprentices. Much to the Clan's relief, however, Firesight ends up being a much more down-to-earth sort of Seer, a far cry from his lost-in-the-clouds mentor, though most attribute that to Yellowfang, not Spottedleaf.
Last Living Appearance : Into the Wild (The Prophecies Begin)
Spottedleaf was killed by Clawface, a ShadowClan warrior, when ShadowClan snuck onto ThunderClan territory to steal their kits.
Afterlife : StarClan
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Meet the Crew!
Part Two
Continued from part one…
Next is…
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Bubble is a mischievous little creature(?) that is apparently made of bubbles.
Bubble doesn’t really uses any pronouns. Bubble is… Bubble.
Having Jax’s personality, Bubble likes to pull pranks around the crew. Bubble’s pranks are… not really friendly nor funny.
Gangle and Bubble often fights over trivial things(as such Bubble’s mean pranks, Zooble’s episodes, Pomni’s advices, etc.) and Pomni always have to intervene every time.
Funny enough, Pomni is only one who can put Bubble in Bubble’s place.
Next is…
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With Zooble’s personality and a body that can be dismantled, it’s no surprise that he is aloof most of times.
He shows little to no interest in the adventures & games. He doesn’t care about the members/players expect a certain ribbon gal.
Gangle and Pomni often take responsibility of putting him back together. Gangle did more often than Pomni did.
Next is…
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A sweet and shy doll girl who loves to sew and knit.
But she can be little sensitive sometimes. Bubble loves to bully her sometimes.
She always hangs out with Pomni & Gangle. (Although she prefers Pomni’s company more than Gangle’s company.)
She have a major minor crush on Pomni. She wasn’t sure if Pomni feels the same way as her. Spoiler: she does.
Next is…
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Kinger & Queenie!
They came together like a pair of socks. They are rarely seen apart for reasons.
They both don’t really interact with the crew members/players much. They often keep to themselves. They prefers each other’s company.
But when they are apart for reasons; Kinger likes to talk to Gangle while Queenie likes to talk to Pomni.
Kinger still likes bugs. (Bubble keeps stealing his bugs for prank purposes.)
Last but not least…
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The newest arrival of the circus!
With Pomni’s personality and an attire of a magician apprentice, he is a nervous wreck who gets scared easily by the bizarreness of the circus.
Pomni and Gangle tried to help the poor guy to cope with the new environment but Bubble always ruined their attempts.
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fallenclan · 11 months
apprentice (and other) headcanons: cinderpaw and rampaw both being daring just gives me the impression of them both being incredibly chaotic and doing reckless apprentice things 24/7, definitely giving yewberry gray hairs.
featherpaw grew up with them but i view him as more reserved based on his expression in the latest moon---he stills like to play games with the other apprentices, but he has way more common sense than cinderpaw and rampaw.
russetpaw seems like the ringleader. she's also daring, but the oldest of the lot. she definitely comes up with a lot of the ideas/schemes for the group. she has a lot of influence over the other apprentices.
juniperpaw is the type to always be listening/observing. she's curious and cunning. i don't have many ideas about ospreypaw yet, but i like the idea of her just being goofy. she's a silly! very happy to just go along with things but also a lot more clever than most cats give her credit for.
queenie is so cute, she looks so soft and huggable... she gives off motherly vibes fr.
last thought: i love how you draw some cats with a spiky tail (i love your art in general), ex: thistleskip, rampaw, bub, yewberry (i think), etc. it's so cute!
AAA i love all these sm,, honestly i feel like you nailed what i was going for with their personalities, no notes 10/10
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rxsewqter · 1 year
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𝚌𝚊𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚖𝚢 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎, 𝚒𝚜 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚎, 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚎
call me nova | she/her | enfp | aroace | extrovert | muslimah | minor born in april | aries | FREE PALESTINE 🇵🇸 | single certified dating advice dealer | fitz vacker and sophie foster defender | cabin 6 girly | telepath/empath | waterbender (the quiz said earthbender but screw that) | cress darnel's twin in another universe | xander hawthorne's #1 stan | monet's apprentice in another timeline | hopeless romantic | a chaotic arab-american hijabi fangirl | bubble tea enjoyer
pinterest - carrd - wattpad - click for palestine
(i don't do chain asks anymore, sorry!)
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𝚖𝚢 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎, 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚎 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚎 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚎
DNI if: pro-israel, zionist, islamophobic, antisemitic, proshipper, religiophobic, xenophobic, NSFW, racist, sexist, creep, 20+ (unless i follow first), or just a crappy person in general.
fandoms: keeper of the lost cities, the riordanverse, a good girl's guide to murder, the inheritance games, the lunar chronicles, six of crows, avatar the last airbender, gravity falls
ships i live for: sophie x keefe, percy x annabeth, jameson x avery, cress x thorne, aang x katara, zuko x katara, dex x biana
i write: short stories and fanfics (i do not write smut or y/n)
here is my writing blog! @i-am-the-iliad
music i like: olivia rodrigo, maisie peters, sabrina carpenter, conan gray, gracie abrams, mitski, melanie martinez, one direction
hobbies: fencing, crochet, coding (i run a girls who code), art, scrolling through tumblr and pinterest, cooking, baking, and sewing.
personal tags: #nova talks fandom stuff (fandom posts) #the hijabi rants (rants) #on aliza windward (my oc) #aliza windward speaks (also my oc) #the nova chronicles (life updates) #nova writes (my writing) and #nova's music (lyrics i post)
the completely insane cult of teenage girls i'm in (i love you): @qylinscafvne @thx-sunsxts-addrxss @sxturn-to-mxrs
@queenie-blackthorn @txna-blxckthorn @dreaming-in-daylight
@sunflxwcrs @someonewhogotanaccount @hijabi-desi-bookworm
my friends: @swans-chirping-in-the-distance @queenpiranhadon @iam1withthepeggy @labaguetteisdabest @tam-shade-song @bookishirishdancer @newyorktimesbestsellerr @an-j8 @lillibethnougatesquirethe3rd @mxnkeydo @sleep-can-wait @yourtwistedlies @the-princess-fangirl @mushroomcarrotstick @tastetherainbow290 @nerdy-girl3791 @trilingualwannabe @averyriskygamble1989 @deulalune @therealkaidertrash21 @the-bookish-bitch @isilee @electricguitarhasmyheart @fireflychaosdemon @torifuckingspring @rainbow-flavoured-skittles @fly-inghighx @lucyshypemaster
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Enemies to lovers, part one
✨Queenie x Asra✨
“So who can tell me what this card means?”
On the board The Fool was portrayed. I knew exactly what that card represented, but before I got the chance to answer, Asra shot his hand into the air.
The teacher nodded. “Yes, Asra?”
“That is The Fool,” he said whilst looking at me with a teasing grin. “The Fool is at the beginning of his journey and has all opportunities in front of him, but sometimes he’s too naive to see that.”
I growled as Mr. Saela complimented him. Though I was usually able to keep my focus in class, Asra’s annoying smirk had me growling.
“What’s the matter, Queenie?” he whispered mockingly. “Too slow?”
I proceeded to ignore him, knowing my anger would only make it worse.
“Queenie, I can practically hear you thinking back there. Tell me about this combination.”
On the board laid two cards; The Chariot and Strength.
“Well, this is a very powerful combination...” I started.
Mr. Saela nodded. “Continue.”
“These cards together represent inner and outer strength. Their contrasts create balance, and often are a sign of positive consequences of one’s actions.”
“And if these cards were to be reversed?”
“Well... that would show the opposite. It could mean that you lack strength and control.”
He studied me for a few seconds, a pleased smile on his face. “Class dismissed. Except for you, Asra.”
I packed my bag and headed for the exit, obviously lingering for a few seconds longer than necessary just to see what the two were discussing. Unfortunately, I only caught snippets.
“Asra, you’re one of the most powerful magicians... more advanced classes?”
I bawled my hands into fists. He was getting more advanced classes? He could barely tell The Empress and The High Priestess apart! His magic might’ve been strong, but he-
That was his annoying voice again.
“What do you want, Asra?”
He jumped in front of me. “Guess who just got offered advanced magic classes? Me.”
“Guess who feels the need to boast about it and is looking really pathetic right now? Also you,” I rolled my eyes and continued towards my locker.
He grabbed my shoulder before I could go anywhere. “I can’t believe I’m saying this... Mr. Saela wants me to mentor you.”
We both cringed.
“What?” I felt tears forming in my eyes. “You, mentor me? There must be some mistake here.”
He shook his head. “I wish, but nope, he said so right to my face. You’re just going to have to get used to me. Library, tomorrow?”
I swallowed the lump in my throat, trying not to let him see how hurt I was. “Sounds good, see you there.”
And with that I took off towards the girls bathroom and collapsed inside a stall. All my hard work for nothing. I didn’t get it, not at all. He’d just been impressed with my reading, and now he thought I was falling behind? This made no sense.
But, then again, it really did.
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An Asra story
Asra had found Queenie, a poor orphan hiding in the underbrush of the palace gardens, and decided to take her in. He felt good about it, giving her a home. When he was younger he’d wished someone would do that for him. She’d told him how she loved writing, and how she’d wished she could buy one of the fancy pens they sold at the docks. Asra had been saving money for quite some time, so without really thinking, he bought her a glass pen, a bottle of ink and her very own notebook. The notebook was his favorite; it was violet and was covered in a golden floral pattern.
The next morning he found her at the dining table, her hand hovering over a blank page in her new book, nervously gripping the pen. She looked frustrated, almost, and he smiled a little to himself. They’d only known each other for a day, but he was already used to her being here.
“Can’t decide what to write?” he said, filling up his favorite teapot with water.
She shook her head. ”I don’t want to write anything silly... or not silly, but nothing that isn’t important. I’ve never had a notebook like this before, I won’t waste the pages.”
Asra turned to her with a friendly smile. “I have a few loose pieces of paper if you’d like to write a draft first.”
“Really? That would be great. Thank you so much, Asra,” she blushed and looked away, suddenly feeling shy.
He fetched her the papers, only a few seconds later she started scribbling. Asra watched intently as she focused on her word. He found her interesting to look at; the way her tongue stuck out a little when she concentrated, the look in her eyes when she was satisfied with a line she’d written, the moments of hesitation she had before deciding how to continue.
When she was finished she leaned back in her chair, looking very pleased. Asra couldn’t help but laugh at her, and after acting like she was offended she joined him.
“Would it be okay if I read it?”
She hid her face in her hands. “I want to say yes and no at the same time... damnit, go ahead...”
He chuckled again and eagerly picked up the paper she’d written on. Her handwriting was messy and barely readable, but in the feminin kind of way no one seemed to ever comment on. He liked it, it somehow made it even clearer that she’d been writing in a rush.
The girl hadn’t flown for years, and she missed the sky and the clouds so. She missed laughing with the stars every night, and singing to the moon when she got lonely. She missed her feathered friends, and the feeling of wind rushing through her wings. But those very wings that had always granted her freedom had been broken, and now all they reminded her of was how trapped she really was.
But then one day, a day that seemed no more freeing than the others, an angel appeared. And he didn’t quite give her wings back, he wasn’t capable of that, but he did give her something else; hope. A word no longer than love, or free, but a word that seemed just as important. And that hope, that aching, pleasing, painful, glint of hope she felt in her chest made her think that maybe one day she’d heal.
And though she still couldn’t fly that day, maybe one day she would.
Asra turned his head toward Queenie with big eyes. She was still hiding behind her hands, shrinking deeper into her chair by the second. She seemed to notice his gaze on her and slowly peaked out.
“I, uh, wow... I’m glad I got you the book.”
She smiled. “So you liked it?”
“I did, very much,” he nodded. “Is it by any chance selfbiographic?”
She stiffened, cheeks turning a bright red. “What makes you say that?”
Asra leaned closer, dropping his voice to a whisper. “Am I your angel?”
She swallowed, losing herself in his violet eyes. He enjoyed seeing her a little nervous, perhaps that meant she felt their connection too. He tried leaning a little closer, and when she didn’t stop him, he gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek, lips lingering a second longer than necessary. When he drew back, she was smiling just the slightest.
“I’m starting to think you are my angel...”
He kept his gaze focused on her. “I wish I was, but I’m afraid I’m not that good,” she gasped a little at the comment, causing his smile to grow even wider. “Now, would you like to go to the market and look for some new clothes?”
“Uh, yes! I can’t wait to change. Those clothes I was wearing yesterday? I’ve had them since I was twelve!”
“We’d better get going, then,” he got up and walked over to the door, gesturing for Queenie to follow.
Just as he was about to step out the door she called after him. He looked at her a little confused and then felt her slide her hand into his. His expression softened as he felt himself melt on the inside. They left the shop, and so their story began.
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