Queenie the apprentice
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The Arcana • Queenie loves Julian, and maybe Asra too, get over it
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queenietheapprentice · 6 years ago
An Asra story
Asra had found Queenie, a poor orphan hiding in the underbrush of the palace gardens, and decided to take her in. He felt good about it, giving her a home. When he was younger he’d wished someone would do that for him. She’d told him how she loved writing, and how she’d wished she could buy one of the fancy pens they sold at the docks. Asra had been saving money for quite some time, so without really thinking, he bought her a glass pen, a bottle of ink and her very own notebook. The notebook was his favorite; it was violet and was covered in a golden floral pattern.
The next morning he found her at the dining table, her hand hovering over a blank page in her new book, nervously gripping the pen. She looked frustrated, almost, and he smiled a little to himself. They’d only known each other for a day, but he was already used to her being here.
“Can’t decide what to write?” he said, filling up his favorite teapot with water.
She shook her head. ”I don’t want to write anything silly... or not silly, but nothing that isn’t important. I’ve never had a notebook like this before, I won’t waste the pages.”
Asra turned to her with a friendly smile. “I have a few loose pieces of paper if you’d like to write a draft first.”
“Really? That would be great. Thank you so much, Asra,” she blushed and looked away, suddenly feeling shy.
He fetched her the papers, only a few seconds later she started scribbling. Asra watched intently as she focused on her word. He found her interesting to look at; the way her tongue stuck out a little when she concentrated, the look in her eyes when she was satisfied with a line she’d written, the moments of hesitation she had before deciding how to continue.
When she was finished she leaned back in her chair, looking very pleased. Asra couldn’t help but laugh at her, and after acting like she was offended she joined him.
“Would it be okay if I read it?”
She hid her face in her hands. “I want to say yes and no at the same time... damnit, go ahead...”
He chuckled again and eagerly picked up the paper she’d written on. Her handwriting was messy and barely readable, but in the feminin kind of way no one seemed to ever comment on. He liked it, it somehow made it even clearer that she’d been writing in a rush.
The girl hadn’t flown for years, and she missed the sky and the clouds so. She missed laughing with the stars every night, and singing to the moon when she got lonely. She missed her feathered friends, and the feeling of wind rushing through her wings. But those very wings that had always granted her freedom had been broken, and now all they reminded her of was how trapped she really was.
But then one day, a day that seemed no more freeing than the others, an angel appeared. And he didn’t quite give her wings back, he wasn’t capable of that, but he did give her something else; hope. A word no longer than love, or free, but a word that seemed just as important. And that hope, that aching, pleasing, painful, glint of hope she felt in her chest made her think that maybe one day she’d heal.
And though she still couldn’t fly that day, maybe one day she would.
Asra turned his head toward Queenie with big eyes. She was still hiding behind her hands, shrinking deeper into her chair by the second. She seemed to notice his gaze on her and slowly peaked out.
“I, uh, wow... I’m glad I got you the book.”
She smiled. “So you liked it?”
“I did, very much,” he nodded. “Is it by any chance selfbiographic?”
She stiffened, cheeks turning a bright red. “What makes you say that?”
Asra leaned closer, dropping his voice to a whisper. “Am I your angel?”
She swallowed, losing herself in his violet eyes. He enjoyed seeing her a little nervous, perhaps that meant she felt their connection too. He tried leaning a little closer, and when she didn’t stop him, he gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek, lips lingering a second longer than necessary. When he drew back, she was smiling just the slightest.
“I’m starting to think you are my angel...”
He kept his gaze focused on her. “I wish I was, but I’m afraid I’m not that good,” she gasped a little at the comment, causing his smile to grow even wider. “Now, would you like to go to the market and look for some new clothes?”
“Uh, yes! I can’t wait to change. Those clothes I was wearing yesterday? I’ve had them since I was twelve!”
“We’d better get going, then,” he got up and walked over to the door, gesturing for Queenie to follow.
Just as he was about to step out the door she called after him. He looked at her a little confused and then felt her slide her hand into his. His expression softened as he felt himself melt on the inside. They left the shop, and so their story began.
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queenietheapprentice · 6 years ago
Character ask - Queenie
1. How old are you? (And how old are you mentally? Are you a 40 year old in the body of a sixteen year old, or vice versa?)
I’m currently 24, but most of the time I feel like I’m 64. Then again, sometimes I feel like I’m 5.
2. Did you have a happy childhood? Why/why not?
My childhood was happy until I lost both of my parents at 17. We were a very close family, so losing them was one of the worst experiences of my life. They both drowned in an accident by the docs.
3. Past/ present relationships? How did they affect you?
I didn’t have any friends or boyfriends growing up, until I met Asra, of course. I don’t think I’ll ever get over him fully, I’m not sure I can. He gave me so much, and I loved him so deeply, I just miss feeling that way about him sometimes.
4. What do you care about?
Oh, a lot of things. I’ll cover just the big stuff:
The people I love and their well-being, animal rights, animals overall, all the arts-literature, music, art, poetry, and so on, being free and not having too many plans, my surroundings, the forest and the ocean, and lastly, seeing the little things that just make my day better.
5. What are you obsessed with?
*cough* Julian *cough* Asra *cough*
No, but in all honesty, I’m obsessed with old things, especially if they’re broken. The feeling of an item having lived itself makes me feel good. I like how even objects have souls. I’m also obsessed with petting both Trix and Cerridwen, because seriously, their fur and feathers are so soft.
And I tend to also be a little obsessed with fomenting myself mentally, but no one needs to know about that, right?
6. Biggest fear?
Not being good enough. Sometimes I feel like no matter what I do, I’ll never be good enough. I don’t deserve my friends, or Julian, or my parents, or my familiars.
7. What is the best thing that ever happened to you? The worst?
Two of the best things that’ve ever happened to me was a) meeting Asra, getting a friend, a boyfriend, and a home, and b) meeting Julian and getting my second friend, soulmate, and three years later meeting him and feeling alive for the first time in months.
The worst things that have happened to me are a) losing my parents and feeling all alone because of that, and b) dying and losing my memories. It’s not even the dying part that hurts me the most, it’s the loss of my memories. All the things I know about my parents and my former relationship with Asra are all things he’s told me, I can’t actually remember any of it. Sometimes I can pick up on feelings I’ve had in the past, but never actual memories.
8. Most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you?
I’m not sure what this could be... maybe that one time I knocked over the vendors stand in the market? I guess it was pretty embarrassing that time I called for Asra in my sleep as well...
9. Biggest secret?
I still have feelings for Asra. I love Julian so much, but I still have an undeniable connection to Asra. Sometimes I’m happy it’s there, because it feels good to be close with him, but other times I just want it to go away.
10. What is the one word you would use to define yourself?
No matter what life throws at me, I keep going. I know I sound kind of self obsessed, but I am strong. When my parents passed away I found a new home, when I lost my memories I kept going, and I’m still working towards remembering, when Lucio tried to steal my body I didn’t give up, I fought back with everything I had.
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queenietheapprentice · 6 years ago
Queenie on: Julian
I love him, I love him so ridiculously much, but I feel like I’ll never be good enough for him. Some part of me, a part that existed long before my death, that part still gets excited whenever Asra walks into the room. It wants him to hold my hand, and write me letters when he’s gone.
But Julian, he could be my soulmate, if one such does exist. I never feel more alive than when I’m with him. We go on adventures, we stay home and read, and we’re always throwing sarcastic remarks at each other. Sometimes we make up these crazy stories just so that we can be dramatic. I feel like he’s more than just my boyfriend, he’s also one of my best friends.
We’ve never fought, not really. There was the time I told him off for breaking up with me, which he totally deserved, but we’ve never been at each other’s throats. Julian actually isn’t that dramatic when it’s just him and me. I think all the drama and brooding is just an act he puts up in front of other people.
I hope he knows how much I care about him, and that because of him, I’m still alive. I also hope he won’t hate me for doing what I have to do, which I’m not exactly sure what it is yet.
But Julian is the love of my life, one way or another.
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queenietheapprentice · 6 years ago
Queenie on: Asra
Sometimes I look at him, he’ll be asleep on the couch, or sipping his morning tea, and I feel incredibly guilty. There’s no denying my feelings for Julian, but I know I was in love with Asra before the plague. I know he still feels that way about me, sometimes I wake up and I’ll see him standing in my doorway, checking up on me. Or I see him looking at me during dinner. Or, when I’m saying something funny, or I’m laughing, he’ll look at me in this really odd way, as if he’s seeing me for the first time.
What I feel worst about, though, is that there’s a part of me that likes it. I like waking up and seeing that he’s worried about me, and I like the look in his eyes whenever he sees me happy. I can’t explain it exactly, but I think the part of my mind that actually remembers the time before the plague, or my second subconscious as I refer to it. And that part of my mind still remembers my old feelings for Asra. Or my current feelings. I honestly don’t know.
Asra’s always been my rock, he keeps me grounded. When my parents died, I had no friends, no family, nowhere to go. Asra found me and took me in, and he was the first friend I ever made. Of course, I don’t really remember any of this, it’s just what he’s told me. That’s why I need to get my memories back. I can’t promise Julian anything until I have the entire story, and I can’t ask him to wait for me either.
I’m scared of what I’ll find when I remember. Asra is easy to fall in love with, I’ve nearly been down that path twice. He’s kind, humorous, considerate, creative and sweet, and he’s also my best friend. My heart skips a little whenever he walks into the room, and I get chills if he touches me accidentally. But at the same time, my feelings for Julian are so much stronger.
I have no idea what to do, but romance aside, I do love Asra, and I always will.
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queenietheapprentice · 6 years ago
Queenie on: Nadia
Nadia is my best friend by far. If I need to get something off my chest, I talk to her. I’ve never cared this much about a friend before, she means so much to me, almost like she’s my sister.
Before I’d met her, I’d only heard rumors about the cold, beautiful, arrogant countess that never went outside the palace walls. Now that I know her, I realize only one of those things is true; Nadia is truly stunning. But she’s not cold, she’s reserved and collected. She’s not arrogant, she’s confident and independent. But aside from those things, she’s also kind, loving, and stubborn. She never does anything halfway, if she starts something, she finishes it, and it always turns out incredible.
When she found out about Julian and me, she hardly even reacted. She trusted me enough to also trust my judgement, and she barely knew me at the time! If I need anything, I know she’ll help me. Of course, that goes both ways. The entire Lucio thing shook her, and I made sure to spend time with her everyday and make her laugh at least once. She did the same for me when we nearly lost Julian.
Nadia is not like anyone I’ve ever met, and I have no idea what I’d do without her.
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queenietheapprentice · 6 years ago
Queenie on: Portia
Ah, Portia. Let’s start off by saying she’s the cutest. Ever since my first day at the palace, she’s done everything in her power to help me. Portia is so sweet, and I like her a lot.
One time when Julian was out working late she invited me over for dinner. She took me to an old pub and bought me at least five drinks, she even convinced me to dance a little
I feel a little bad sometimes, though. Nadia and I are best friends, we just understand each other, and I think Portia knows how close we are. But I always try to include her, because if there’s anyone who doesn’t deserve to be left out, it’s Portia.
Not to mention all her adorable pets! Have you even seen Pepi? She’s adorable!
I just hope Portia talks to someone about her problems. Opening up would do her some good, and I really just want her to be happy.
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queenietheapprentice · 6 years ago
Queenie on: Muriel
It’s no secret that Muriel and I don’t get along. I’m not sure what it is. Maybe it’s the fact that Asra’s his only friend, and I’ve somehow taken his friend away from him, or it’s the fact that I can’t get over how annoying I find his brooding to be.
I tried to be friends with him at first, I tried, and I tried, and I tried. I’d feed his animals for him, I’d cook him dinner and just leave it on his doorstep to avoid actually speaking to him, and I always made sure to smile at him without asking too many questions, but all he did was comment that he thought my hair was too short. Once he even told me that he didn’t like my necklace.
I leave him be now, and he does the same. Look, I understand what he went through was incredibly hard, and no one should have to go through that, but I fugging died, and I was never mean to him because of that.
I still have an open mind, so if he wants to work
it out we always can. At least Asra and he are friends, and that’s great.
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queenietheapprentice · 6 years ago
Queenie on: Lucio
Honestly? He annoys the crap out of me. It’s always “I need this, Queenie!” or “Do that, Queenie!” Not to mention he tried to steal my frickin’ body. Lucio has ruined a lot for me, my relationship with Asra for one. Also, he almost got Julian killed, and if that would’ve happened, I would’ve chocked the bastard to death myself.
Now, he’s gotten a little better ever since he came back. He actually thought to do something nice for Nadia the other day without her having to ask, so maybe he’s on his way to becoming someone better.
Of course there’s the very first time I visited the palace... I’ll never forget that. Even as a ghost his presence was strong. He caught me off guard that time, and though I hate myself for feeling this way, my heart did skip a beat when he was standing that close to me. That’s probably just the whole ghost thing, though.
And I’m not stupid, I know he has some weird crush on me or something, but honestly, does he think I’d leave Julian for him? If so, he’s even dumber than I thought.
One thing is clear; Lucio isn’t going to start leaving me alone any time soon, so I better get used to him being around.
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queenietheapprentice · 6 years ago
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✨Queenie mood board.✨
1. Hair
Queenie has dark brown, curly hair, and dyed lavender tips.
2. Complexion
She’s very pale, even though she’s Vesuvian.
3. Style
I couldn’t find what I was looking for, but she’s very casually dressed, and her clothes are usually comfortable.
4. Element
Queenie is a natural earth element.
5. Season
Autumn is her season, because she thinks everything’s beautiful then. Spring is a tie, but I chose autumn.
6. Animal/familiar
Her crow, Cerridwen. I chose Cerridwen because she meets her first, and Trix later.
7. Accessory
The ring necklace Julian gave her before she died. She also wears a golden chocker like Asra’s that he gave to her.
8. Texture
Queenie has soft skin, just like clouds.
9. Room
Queenie likes the travel aesthetic, and her room is full of maps and books on culture. She also likes the colonial style and uses a lot of oak furniture. Overall she uses earthy tones and decorates with knickknacks and plants.
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queenietheapprentice · 6 years ago
Apprentice ask 2.2✨
By @vacopalypse
40. What do they think of Lucio so far?
She thinks he’s a self absorbed arse, and she doesn’t really blame Asra for lightning him on fire. Though, she was hit by a strange feeling when his arm was around her waist once.
41. What do they think of Nadia so far?
Oh, Queenie and Nadia are best friends. At first Queenie thought Nadia was a little intense and too serious, but as they got to know each other she started liking her more. Queenie trusts Nadia with her life, and she adores her.
42. What do they think of Asra so far?
Asra is Queenie’s first love and her first real friend. Though she can’t remember that, Asra still makes her feel a little fuzzy and warm inside. She loves him, he’s her true family, and she’d do anything to protect him.
43. What do they think of Julian so far?
Julian is her soulmate, at least at the moment. She loves how he always makes her laugh, and how he can be so vulnerable with her, even though she knows it’s hard for him. If anything happened to him, she’d kill everyone in this room and then herself.
No, wait that wasn’t supposed to-
44. What do they think of Portia so far?
Portia is Queenie’s other best friend. Portia, Nadia and Queenie often eat lunch as the palace and gossip, just having fun. Portia is so sweet, Queenie just really likes her.
45. What do they think of Muriel so far?
Muriel and Queenie do not get along. She understands why he’s isolated himself, but she can’t handle him pushing her away all the time. She often gets annoyed with his brooding. Considering Asra’s and Muriel’s relationship, this does not always go well.
46. Do they like animals?
Queenie likes animals more than she likes people. How dare you question her about this? #QueenFaust4eva
47. Are they allergic to anything?
Yes, dumb, judgy people. That, and Lucio’s voice.
48. Do they have any talents (except magic)?
Why, I’m glad you asked! She can paint, write, sing a little, help with medical stuff... she’s creative as hell actually.
49. Do they get drunken easily?
No, Queenie can hold her liquor, which is impressive considering her size.
50. What is their personality type?
51. What is their worst negative quality?
Perfectionism. She’s really hard on herself as soon as something goes “wrong”.
52. What is their best positive quality?
I’d say it’s even between her empathy and her creativity, because they pretty much go hand in hand.
53. What is their position to fall asleep?
Laying on her side with one hand under her head, and the other in front of her. Or just with Julian’s/Asra’s arms around her.
54. The most uncomfortable moment they ever experienced?
That time she met Nadia’s mom (non canon) and babled about irrelevant things for about twenty minutes. She now runs the other way whenever she sees momma Satrinava.
55. Their happiest memory?
a) the first time she and Asra shared a bed (no, dirty minds begone) and she woke up to find him with his mouth open, snoring
b) the first time Julian told her he loved her
+ one time when Julian hit his head on the way into the shop and said schniklefritz. It was the moment she realized she loved him.
56. Do they blush?
Oh, all the time.
57. Are they clumsy?
Queenie? Clumsy? NO! She is elegant, and graceful, and-
She once tripped on a ruler laying on the floor of the shop. Even Julian was ashamed.
58. Do they like jokes?
Yes, the darker the better. If it has to do with depression or any other absurd and horrid matter, she’ll laugh.
59. How do they flirt?
She doesn’t. She tries, fails, blushes and dies on the inside, hoping her crush will flirt with her instead.
60. Favorite fruit?
Lemon? Cherry? Lime? Pineapple? Yes.
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queenietheapprentice · 6 years ago
Apprentice ask 2
By the lovely @vacopalypse
Since I would love to know others apprentices better and let them know mine, I made some (very messy and in no order at all) questions!
1. Name? Surname?
Queenie Maura Alden
2. Any family?
She’s an only child, and her parents are dead. However, she doesn’t remember any of this.
3. Any familiar?
Two. A crow, Cerridwen, and a cat, Trix.
4. Asra, Nadia or Julian?
Ages 17-21 Asra, and Julian from 24 and forward.
5. Best strenght in magic?
Elemental magic, earth, sun and moon especially.
6. Favorite color?
She doesn’t have one. How is she supposed to pick just one out of a million different shades and colors?
7. Favorite number?
13, just for kicks.
8. Sexuality?
9. Weird hobby?
She likes people-watching, it’s like psychology class to her.
10. Favorite season?
It’s a tie between spring and autumn.
11. Favorite weather?
Rain and grey skies. If she’s inside she likes thunderstorms as well.
12. Favorite place in Vesuvia?
The docks, the beach, the forest, her shop, downtown, the palace gardens and Julian’s study.
13. How do their laught sounds like?
It’s high pitched and a little weird, but contagious nonetheless.
14. How do they look like when they cry?
Dark circles under her eyes, red, sporty face, glossy, absent eyes... the usual.
15. What do they like to wear?
Comfortable clothes. Pretty much pajamas that are socially accepted to wear in public.
16. What are their fears?
Too many. I’m not even going to try.
17. What do they like to do Friday night?
Go home, read a book, paint a little, write something, practice some magic. Then, later, go for a stroll through the city with Julian, maybe go to a pub and let him serenade her. If Asra’s home she likes to play board games with him.
18. Do they use makeup?
No, she feels it hides who she really is.
19. Favorite food?
Anything Mexican. She couldn’t live without Asra’s pancakes though.
20. Favorite drink?
Iced tea and lemonade.
21. Zodiac sign?
Taurus through and through.
22. Day of birth?
23. Favorite movie?
She has so many, but a few are The Little Prince, Salmon Fishing in the Yemen, Shawshank Redemption, The Terminal and Mona Lisa Smile.
24. Favorite music genre?
Rock, but she loves jazz, crooner and old school pop too.
25. Favorite song?
She has many of these as well, but a few are Next to Me, I Will, Dreams, Clair de Lune, Alright, Auditon (from La La Land) and Killer Queen.
26. Favorite tv show?
Many of these as well. Gilmore Girls is probably her all time favorite, but she loves Merlin, The Originals, A Million Little Things and The Fosters too.
27. What is their style?
Pretty casual, classic, tom-boy.
28. Any mental health issues?
A little anxiety and mild depression from time to time, but she’s doing fine.
29. Any health issues in general?
Heart problems. *cough* I love you, Asra. *cough* Thank you cutie. *cough*
30. Are they human?
31. Favorite book?
Delirium. But she likes East of Eden, The Book of Lost Things and Frankie Landau-Banks also. And of course her own stories, her diary and her grimoire are close to her heart.
32. Favorite book genre?
Fiction, romance and historical fiction.
33. Favorite time of the day?
Twilight, early morning, dusk and midnight.
34. If they weren’t magician, who would they be?
The town artist, the one everyone goes to when they need some sort of advertising though pictures or text.
That, or a florist, lol.
35. Do they believe in ghosts?
36. Do they believe in aliens?
She believes we are aliens in the eyes of other species, and that we’re dumb to assume we’re the only ones out there.
37. Do they like sport?
God no. Is this a question? Why is this a question?
38. How do they look like?
Like me, lol, but there is going to be no face reveal, okay? She’s extremely pale (and jealous of Asra and Nadia’s tans) and her eyes are strikingly blue. She’s short and curvy, and her lips are really red. Her hair is dark brown, almost black, and her tips are dyed lavender.
39. What is their biggest motivation to solve the Lucio’s killer mystery?
a) she wants to save Julian
b) she doesn’t like seeing Asra troubled
c) she’s genuinely curious
d) she wants her memories back
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queenietheapprentice · 6 years ago
Apprentice ask
By the lovely @communitytheaterlucio
Which character(s) is your apprentice romancing? What attracts your apprentice to them? Queenie is romancing Julian, but she’s been in love with Asra, and they had a relationship before the red plague killed her.  What she liked about Asra was how well he knew her, and how he always seemed to know what was on her mind. He cares so much for her, and it was nice feeling appreciated for once. What she likes about Julian is, well... she can’t pinpoint it exactly. He’s dramatic and funny, kind and sympathetic and also romantic and happy. Maybe that’s it, there is no explanation for why she loves him, he just makes her happy, and she’s content with that.
If your apprentice was a romanceable character in The Arcana, what would their route be like? (Feel free to be as detailed or as vague as you’d like.) The main “problem” in Queenie’s route would be regaining her memories, and figuring out why everything bad is happening in Vesuvia. She knows Lucio is the cause of the plague, but not why. She knows her memories are lost, but not how many or what they’re about. She also wants to know what happened to her parents, since she doesn’t remember her life before moving in with Asra. Her romantic scenes wouldn’t be dirty, but rather sweet and cute. Queenie can be forward and headstrong, but if you show her affection she gets really shy. She’d probably go on nature walks, or walks in the city, stargazing, exploring and trips to small stores and libraries a lot, and you’d get to go with her! Also, Queenie’s route would include learning a lot of new magic, and maybe even some magic lessons.
How does your apprentice take their coffee? Do they even drink coffee? If not, what do they drink instead to put pep in their step? Queenie does drink coffee and tea, depending on her mood. She takes her coffee with milk and a dash of cocoa powder, and her tea with honey. Although, her favorite drink is lemon iced tea.
If your apprentice was attending a potluck, what would they take as their contribution? The dessert obviously! She’d make something fresh and sweet, like key lime pie. She’d probably bring some homemade soda, also.
What are some of your apprentice’s minor and major fears? What’s the best way to comfort them when afraid? Minor fears: She doesn’t like heights, although she finds them beautiful. Another minor fear of hers is not being able to protect the people she cares about. This is only minor because she feels confident most of the time, especially because of her magic. Major fears: GOD, where do I start? She’s terrified of failing or not being good enough (the constant struggle of a perfectionist, am I right?), and she is afraid no one will ever understand her, leaving her to feel lonely for the rest of her life. She hates speaking in front of crowds of people, no matter if there’s 5 of them or 200. During Julian’s trial, she was close to fainting. The only reason she could control herself was that she was afraid of losing him. Comfort: This really depends on three factors: a) What fear is troubling her? b) Who is there to comfort her? c) What mood was she in before she got scared? If you’re close to Queenie, know her well and also know her greatest fears, a hug will go a long way. Queenie usually hates hugs, but if she’s sad (or just really likes you) one might just make her feel better.  If you’re not close with Queenie and she isn’t totally panicking, just sit with her and talk about anything else, help her distract herself. 
Does your apprentice enjoy dressing up or would they prefer to just wear what’s comfortable? Queenie sorta can’t decide here. She loves comfy clothes, she’d wear her pajamas everywhere if she could. At the same time, she enjoys dressing up and feeling pretty (for, like, 5 minutes). She also likes the surprised faces she sees whenever she dresses up.
Is your apprentice happy with their physical appearance? If so, do they flaunt it? If not, what do they want to change? Queenie is 5′2, a little curvy and not what you’d call an ideal beauty. Her height doesn’t bother her, she kind of likes it actually. Her face doesn’t bother her either. She used to think she was plain, but she now thinks she’s beautiful when she looks in the mirror. However, she sometimes feels chubby, even though logically she knows she isn’t. She thinks her thighs are too thick, and her stomach sometimes bothers her. Whenever she sits down, she makes sure her stomach doesn't “hang over” her waistband. Asra and Julian are constantly telling her she needs to stop, and she really is trying to. 
What would your apprentice want as a birthday gift? Oh, anything with a sweet thought behind it. She also loves books, notebooks, pens, paintbrushes, paint, concert tickets, and so on. Anything magic will also make her happy.
What is your apprentice’s natural stress response (fight, flight, or freeze) and how does that influence their actions when confronted with a stressful situation? Do they recover from stress quickly or does it affect them for hours afterward? When thrown into a stressful situation, Queenie is quick thinking and often finds a good solution to the problem. She avoids fighting if she can, but if she has to defend herself she will. Problem-solving is one of her strongest attributes, so these kinds of things aren’t really a problem for her while they’re happening. Afterwards, she can break down and cry for hours if it was stressful enough, or put it away and react to it months or years afterward.
What’s the first thing someone is likely to notice about your apprentice when meeting them for the first time? Do they have any other quirks that set them apart? A lot of people notice Queenie’s weird quirks first, like how she smiles, cries and laughs when she reads. Some notice that she constantly inspects her surroundings, and others just notice the cockiness radiating off of her. Julian and Asra, however, noticed her eyes first, and the look of fascination, curiosity and liveliness in them.
How does your apprentice act when meeting new people? Are they outgoing, shy, awkward, aloof? Do they like being the center of attention? Queenie gets anxious being put in social situations and being introduced to new people. Either she sits there awkwardly and says nothing, or she tries to avoid the quietness and babbles about irrelevant things. Either way, it’s always awkward.
How does you apprentice treat people in positions of authority? Does your apprentice believe they deserve respect just because of their position/status? Queenie has a basic respect for everyone, but if they get to keep that respect or not is up to them. She judges people by their actions and how they treat others, and so, if an authority is cruel to innocent people, (*cough* *cough* Lucio) she loses respect for them, and that will be obvious when she speaks to them.
Your apprentice sees someone who is very obviously wealthy accidentally drop a small pouch of coins. What do they do? She gives it back to them, of course. Queenie wants to help the poor people in Vesuvia, but not by stealing. She might befriend the rich person and get them to give to charity themselves, but she would never steal if she didn’t have to. 
What was your apprentice’s reaction to Julian’s speech on the docks in Book VII? How did they deal with it afterwards? At first, she was hurt, thinking he didn’t actually care about her. Then she was angry, thinking he’d led her on. Then she was heartbroken, finding out how Julian thought of himself. And then she was angry again, partly because he couldn’t see his own value, and partly because he wasn’t letting her make her own choices.
How does your apprentice feel about sharing a bed with Asra in the shop? At the moment she isn’t sharing a bed with Asra, but she was before the plague. When he first suggested it, she freaked out and got nervous, but then when he held her for the first time, she calmed down and found it quite nice.
Does your apprentice enjoy the luxury of the palace and Nadia’s gifts or do they find it overwhelming? To be straight to the point, no, Queenie hates living at the palace. She feels like she never gets her privacy, and all the attention is too much for her. She just wants to go back to the shop.
How does your apprentice react when confronted with the creature from the abandoned wing in Asra and/or Nadia’s routes in Book VII? What’s going through their head at the time? She was just shocked. She’d never seen anything quite like it, so her mind instantly tried to figure out what it was. But mostly, she was curious and fascinated.
How does your apprentice feel about Consul Valerius? They sort of have a love-hate relationship. They constantly banter and fight, and they never agree on anything. Though she’d never admit it, she thinks he’s funny and she cares about him.
Is there a song or songs that you associate with your apprentice?  Next to me - Imagine Dragons Born to run - Bruce Springsteen Audition (from La La Land) Bitter sweet symphony - The Verve Mia and Sebastian’s theme (also from La La Land) And lastly Secret Garden - Bruce Springsteen
Is your apprentice friends with any other fan apprentices? No. Aside from hanging out with Julian, Mazelinka, Portia, Nadia and Asra, she keeps mostly to herself. Also, she thinks that some of the other apprentices are a little fake. Plus, they always trash talk her and try to make her feel bad. (This last part applies to other apprentices that may live in Vesuvia, not fan apprentices!)
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queenietheapprentice · 6 years ago
Apprentice ask
Apprentice Asks, Character Edition No. 1
Asra - what are your MC’s favorite spells/things your they can do with magic?
She loves natural magic and experimenting with what she can do with nature. She also is a big fan of pretty spells, no matter if they’re useful or just for show.
Faust - what inspired your MC’s familiar?
Change. Queenie found both of her familiar when she was going through a lot or changes, and they helped through it all.
Nadia - what kind of ruler/leader/sovereign/etc would your MC make?
She’d try to get to know her people and make them see her as one of them rather than their superior. As for law, she’d be very just, ruling as fair as possible. She’d encourage her people to work hard if they wish to accomplish something, but she’d never let anyone die, starve or be homeless the way Lucio did.
Chandra - if they could fly anywhere in the real world, where would they go?
Dublin. Because it’s like the nicest city in the world.
Julian - how far would your MC go to protect the ones they love?
She’d do pretty much anything for the people she loves, which is a pretty small group of people.
Malak - how does your MC feel about extremely dark places? (i.e. a dark cave)
She doesn’t like not being able to see. Closing her eyes and seeing black and then opening them and still seeing the same thing freaks her out. It’s not so much the darkness itself as it is not being in control.
Muriel - does your MC crave or loathe solitude?
She craves it. Of course she has to see people every few days, but if she doesn’t get to be alone for a few hours every day she gets mean.
Inanna - what would your MC do if they encountered an injured animal?
She’d be like: hey there, new pet! I’m going to love you now, and you have no choice but to live with it.
Portia - what’s your MC like at their very best?
Giggly, smiling, cranking jokes, and not feeling anxious like she always does otherwise. She might even give someone a hug, which is super rare.
Pepi - does your MC love cute things? (i.e. kittens, puppies, baby birds, etc.)
Um, yes? I thought it was clear by now that she pretty much adores all animals. She’s not a fan of human babies though (unpopular opinion among her friends)
Lucio - what’s your MC like at their worst?
Panicky, screaming, using psychology to hurt people, being selfish and constantly interrupting, not even seeing anything because of the tears in her voice. If it gets really bad, people sometimes think she’s turned her emotions off, which she hasn’t, she’s just really good at hiding them.
Camio - what annoys your MC?
What doesn’t? Loud chewing, people bugging her when she does things, people who constantly ask stupid questions, people who pretend to understand her but then judge her, when someone rocks the table of bench, etc.
Mercedes - does your MC prefer cats or dogs?
Cats. Sorry canines.
Melchoir - how loyal is your MC? (to a friend, family, or loved one)
So loyal she almost always gets hurt, but she seldom does the hurting.
Valerius - what is your MC like under the influence of alcohol? do they take it well or can they not hold large amounts of it?
She mostly gets giggly. On bad occasions she can get sad or angry, but she almost always just jokes around.
Vlastomil - does your MC have an obsession with something?
Yes, books. And sometimes hurting herself mentally.
Volta - can your MC cook/bake/etc?
She can bake alright, and sometimes she can cook. Most of the time she leaves that part to Asra, though.
Vulgora - what is your MC’s temper like?
It really depends. She can control it, but if she doesn’t want to it switches as fast as Volta can eat a piece of cake.
Valdemar - how brave is your MC? do they get scared easily?
She gets scared of little things, like jumpscares and stuff like that, but being brave comes naturally to her.
The Baker - what’s your MC’s favorite baked good?
That would have to be either key lime pie or lemon merengue tarts.
Leech Collector - how does your MC act to strangers?
She has social anxiety, so she’s shy and awkward around people she doesn’t know. Unless they piss her off, and in that case she’s very feisty.
Mazelinka - what were your MC’s parents like?
Creative, super intelligent, kind, gentle, and funny. Her family was loving and she had a very close relationship with her parents.
Saguaro - how would your MC react in a dire situation that potentially is leading to disaster?
She’s a quick thinker and would probably come up with something clever to prevent disaster. Besides, she never walks into anything without a backup plan.
Nasmira - if they saw a person in pain/hurt/crying, are they likely to help?
Yes, she can’t stand by knowing there’s something she can do.
Navra - does your MC have artistical talents? (i.e. music, art, etc.)
She’s good at drawing, fairly good at singing and dancing, and her true talent is writing.
Nahara - can your MC fight with a weapon/without magic?
She can both wield a sword and shoot a crossbow.
Nazali - your MC is severely injured - does your MC react around doctors/people who are taking care of their injuries?
She gets kind of freaked out by everyone examininating and touching her, so she prefers when Julian’s the only one tending to her. If other doctors are forced to take care of her she gets super anxious and panicky, and she might even start throwing some rude remarks their way.
(Credit: @dreamyarcana )
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queenietheapprentice · 6 years ago
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Meet Queenie’s two familiars.
Crow - ✨Cerridwen✨
Cat - ✨Trix✨
She meets Cerridwen shortly after the events of the first book, and Trix starts following her around after she find out about her death.
They perfectly represent her current situation; death, which is symbolic for change. The crow itself represents change, but the cat is also the crow’s foe and a constant danger to its life.
Trix is a black cat. These are often seen as bringers of bad luck, but for Queenie she’s nothing but a positive force.
I love them both✨
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queenietheapprentice · 6 years ago
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Soooo…. Queenie aesthetic board, mostly because I felt like it. Her colors are lavender, black and gold, as you can see.
✨Here’s a little backstory✨
Okay, so years before the plauge, Queenie was Asra’s apprentice. She met him when she was 17, a year after her parents had died. Before that, she’d lived a fairly normal life. Her parents were merchants without magic. Queenie had experienced some odd things, but she’d never understood that she herself had magic. When they met, Asra was 20, and had already opened the shop. He taught her how to control her magic and how to communicate with the arcana. She learned quickly and they became good friends, family even. Queenie developed a crush on him quite quickly, which wasn’t odd at all, considering how much fun they had together and how he was always so kind to her.
When Queenie was 20, a new doctor moved into town. The people seemed to like him, but they were skeptic towards his new methods. Queenie, however, grew more and more curious of the man for every rumor she heard. Asra had encountered Julian once or twice, and the poor doctor was already infatuated with the flirtatious magician. Seeing as Queenie and Asra had a lot of business with the physicians of Vesuvia, (for various potion ingredients, including wolves bane) Asra thought it important for Queenie to make herself aquatinted with the doctor. At the time, Queenie did not have customers or readings, and instead ran errands, mixed potions and studied spells.
There was a strange connection between Julian and Queenie the first time they met. He showed her his office-which was just a two-room apartment in the center of the city-and they talked for a while, but it was as if they’d known each other for years. She noticed he had no kitchen and asked him where he ate, only to learn he did this on the floor. She then proceeded to invite him over for dinner, causing the doctor to blush. The two quickly became good friends who spoke often. After a few months Julian realized he had strong feelings for the girl, but he never acted on his emotions.
Asra left Vesuvia a few months before the start of the plauge to go on another adventure, leaving Queenie heartbroken and lonely. She decided to take on the role of Julian’s apprentice, partly to learn more, but also just to pass time. He was too busy working to notice when she fell ill to the plauge, and when he started treating her it was too late. They shared a few brief moments together before she died at the age of 22. The cure for the plauge was discovered two days later.
Julian searched desperately for a way to bring Queenie back, and found that if he gave up something valuable to him he could gain something else. Asra’s sacrifice and Julian’s memory loss together brought the apprentice back to life. Julian also gained his healing powers in this same way.
Shortly after losing his memories and the murder of the count, Julian left Vesuvia, continuing his travels. Asra had just returned to the city for the masquerade, only to find out Queenie was dead. He too looked for a way to bring her back, and after a year he did just that. When she woke, she remembered nothing of the plauge, more than the fact that it had happened. Asra was familiar to her, but the last three years of her life were gone. She and Asra resumed normal routine, quickly falling back into their old lives. Another year passed, and suddenly things were shaken up. Julian returned, Queenie was invited to the palace by countess Nadia herself, Lucio saw the apprentice for the first time and took a liking to tormenting her whenever he got the opportunity, and Muriel seemed to haunt her like a shadow.
And it all started on her twenty-fourth birthday, when a man dressed in black and red broke into the shop, looking like death itself.
That pretty much covers Queenie’s backstory. If you have any questions about it, feel free to write me. My ask is always open, too!
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queenietheapprentice · 6 years ago
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Yes, I was too lazy to draw feet and hands. Do not judge me. If you find any of my answers weird or don’t see how they relate to the story, I’ve changed some of the details (Julian’s route) to fit the background story I’ve written.
✨But I found an apprentice ask, yay✨
✨ Name: Queenie
✨ Age: 24
✨ Pronouns: she/her
✨ Sexuality: heterosexual
1. Full name✨
Queenie Maura Alden
Queenie - Queen
Maura - Beloved or great
2. Familiar✨
A crow or raven, which represents death and change. And no, I did not choose this because of Malak.
3. What type/s of magic does she specialize in?✨
Mostly elemental magic, in which she specializes in earth, sun and moon magic.
She also dabbles in healing magic.
4. Which of the major arcana best represents them?✨
The Fool, as the apprentice is the protagonist and has her entire journey ahead of her.
Also The Moon, for her creativity and big dreams, but also for her strength with overcoming madness and fear.
5. What animal best represents her?✨
The alpha wolf, for her natural leadership skills The owl, for her wit, curiosity and intellect The eagle, for her powerful and majestic nature
6. What is their Mayers-Briggs type?✨
Introvert, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging + Assertive
7. Natural alignment✨
Neutral/chaotic good
8. What hogwarts house would they be?✨
9. Which of the nine intelligences are their strengths/weaknesses?✨
Strength - Interpersonal
Weakness - Intrapersonal
10. What was her opinion on Asra leaving? And his gift?✨
She was crushed when he left, and she felt betrayed since he once again refused to take her with him. As she had a crush on him at the time, it also broke her heart.
Queenie was grateful that he left her his arcana, and it is now one of her most prized possessions.
11. What did she think of Nadia’s request for her to live at the palace?✨
Queenie did not like the idea of staying at the palace, she prefers living in the city. Whenever she’s in the palace, she feels uncomfortable and watched. The only room she likes is Julian’s study, mostly because of the rows of books and the large window there.
12. What are her options on the different animals she encounters at the palace?✨
Mercedes & Melchior - she thinks the dogs are beautiful and elegant, but she fears them because of their loyalty towards Lucio.
The eels - the eels fascinate her, and she’s spent many nights just watching them
13. What is her style? Day to day and when she dresses for formal events?✨
Day to day
She wears comfortable clothes that allow her to move swiftly, such as her blouse and her loose pants. She does, however, wear some accessories. Her golden chocker with stunning details, something she picked up at a market she went to with Asra. And also the ring attached to a chain we has around her neck. Julian gave it to her before she died, and it’s very important to her, even though she cannot remember who gave it to her or why.
At the masquerade she wore a navy and gold dress, along with golden heels and a gold mask with vine and flower details. She had for once styled her hair by braiding her bangs around her head and brushing the rest, making it wavy instead of a curly mess.
14. Favorite type of weather/environment?✨
She loves when it rains, especially during twilight. The streets of Vesuvia are empty, and so she can run outside and do whatever she wants without fighting the crowd.
She loves the forest, the shop, the beach, south end, Julian’s study and nature. As long as it’s not stuffy or sterile she can manage.
15. Prized possessions✨
The ring Julian gave her. She does not know why she cares so much for it.
Asra’s arcana, mostly because he entrusted her with it, even if it’s very important to him.
16. Does she collect anything?✨
She collects Julian’s scribbles and doodles, partly so she can tease him about them and partly because she actually thinks he’s good at drawing.
She also collects weather in tiny bottles. So far she has a rain cloud, a thunderstorm and a giant wave.
17. What first impression does she make?✨
She appears to be very stubborn-which she is. She also seems kind and shy. Once you get to know her she opens up more, but she does not say much to strangers. Many view her as powerful, as if her magic radiates off her.
18. How does she deal with conflict?✨
At first she seems almost unbothered. She does whatever’s necessary without hesitation. Then, in the aftermath, she breaks down and allows herself to react, often when she’s unaccompanied.
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