#it would at least make sense for him to be named as an apprentice when The Atlanta Group joins Alexandria
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idl3dreamer · 2 months ago
I feel like I just need to yap about this warriorsxtwd thing before I go to bed
Alexandria is like the Thunderclan of the communities, obviously
based purely off of vibes: Hilltop is windclan. What vibes? no idea. its just The Vibes™️
Riverclan is not Oceanside, they're actually The Kingdom. this is bc process of elimination
So you're probably wondering what clan I think Oceanside is and dw we'll get there.
The Heaps (the junkyard) is Shadowclan. Shadowclan is lowkey treated as evil just for existing, Jadis actively worked for both Negan and the CRM, she should have been treated as evil more.
Oceanside is actually Skyclan. partially because half the time I forget they both exist, and partially because Skyclan WAS part of the main group and then got like wiped out, and Oceanside WAS a strong, thriving community likely trading with others nearby and whatnot, until half their population (give or take) got wiped out. Scyclan's story is probably more comparable to Hilltop's, but Hilltop is like a BIG part of the show/comics, I'm not damning them to the random clan that exists only in the prequels
the Saviors are a group of rogues, kinda like Scourge and his little gang. I have decided that Negan used to be a kittypet, simply because that's absolutely hilarious to imagine and also because Negan was like a... decent... person once upon a time. he was a good person, just a shitty husband. So anyway, Lucille was kittypet!Negan's owner, and she passed away, so he got sent to a shelter obviously. Got taken in by a new family, hated it because Who The Fuck Are These People They're Not My Human, and ran away. He was never found, clearly, because he ends up stumbling upon this group of wild cats and very quickly becomes their leader. (I know I said this was based in the tv show, but I prefer comic!Negan's backstory, and the only reason tv!Negan didn't get it was bc covid, so in spirit tv!negan still has the comic backstory. i just like to believe that after his run-in with Laura he goes on to find Sherry and Dwight's group, and Laura just happens to also stumble into this group in a few weeks or something, and the rest is history. i could not care less what ftwd might say [if anything at all], that show's writing is horrendous and I accept none of it as canon)
Rick and The Gang were also rogues, but they were allowed to join a clan and Rick was just kinda allowed to take over For Plot Reasons even though that never should have happened. Consistently through the entire series INCLUDING ToWL, Rick showed up to a new group and was given so much authority for absolutely no reason. Lowkey, S5 had the same vibes as Rusty joining Thunderclan and Bluestar being like "yeah this kid can lead" and nobody will change my mind.
Princess was a kittypet. I don't fw anything past S8 but princess gets a pass cause she's a little silly. instead of that fluffy pink sweater, she has a frilly pink collar. She's kinda forced to spend like 90% of the time outside cause her owners regret getting a cat and are hoping she just doesn't come back one day + she was kind of a menace in the house, and she just tells herself that she's an outdoor cat, but she has no survival instincts and would probably die if she didn't have a bowl of food waiting for her each night. It takes zero convincing for her to join a clan. (is that completely in character? no. not really. but like I said: I don't fw S9-11 so she's lucky she's getting included. the Whisperers and the Commonwealth sure as hell aren't)
Carol and Daryl are kinda with the clans for a bit, but both would rather do their own thing
if you want to know more: send asks if anything is confusing, well, I'm writing this at 1:30 in the morning so I'll probably be with you tomorrow on that, but send an ask about it anyway and we'll figure it out together
one thing that might help clarify some stuff: I consider early S7/Volume 17 and 18 "the present" for this Warriors AU that I guess we're doing
We'll say that the cutoff here is S7 ep8, anything after Hearts Still Beating (or, in the comics, anything after issue 107) is like somewhat distant future. The savior war has NOT started yet. Tensions are rising, but that's about all.
So between 6x16/#100 and 7x08/#107 (which is about a 2 week period) is where I'm focused on in the timeline. That being said, some level of though has been put into character backstories. the extant of it varies character to character (ie. Negan has his entire life mapped out in like too much detail, but Rick barely has anything pre-terminus)
does that mean I haven't visualized the entire story for my favorite characters up to at least S8 Ep8? no. I have absolutely gotten that far. but its still in the future because I like living in my nice happy little bubble where Carl is alive, rick is scared of The Consequences™️, and the saviors are thriving [the consequences for what, you may ask? anything. anything he does now could have consequences and he's afraid of them]
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starry-boyz · 3 months ago
svsss modern au where shen jiu becomes self aware and realizes that they’re in a romcom world.
it’s not a slow realization, more of a sudden awareness and then suddenly everything around him made so much more sense. all of the kissing couples he’s had to walk around on rainy days, the dramatic declarations of love that would occur in the office, the sheer number of bumbling, new interns who would trip and drop documents at the feet of important senior workers, etc.
shen jiu has a crisis about this for approximately two days before slapping himself and being reassured about the fact that he is, in fact, not romcom couple potential. he’s what some have called “a bitch from hell” and he is proud of it. his family is incredibly wealthy yet thankfully completely clean in all the ways that matter. he will be safe from the romcom machinations that his world runs on even if it tries to drag him in kicking and screaming. and he went on with his days content with his distance from it all.
he did not account for shen yuan—his dearest, idiot twin brother.
he should have accounted for shen yuan.
because his brother, lovable despite how much of a bumbling, foul mouthed fool he was, was the perfect material for a modern day romcom. and perhaps shen jiu was an even bigger fool for not realizing it until danger was imminent.
and then liu qingge, famous mma fighter, his nemesis, meets shen yuan and shen jiu just barely holds himself back from ripping the man’s throat out with a combination of his teeth and sheer force of will when the brute’s face erupts into a red flush the moment he makes eye contact with shen yuan.
the shrill, inhuman noise that escaped his mouth in that moment was enough of a distraction for him to be able to grab shen yuan and drag them both to the relative safety of his apartment.
it’s then that shen jiu swears to never let shen yuan get dragged into the machinations of this romcom world, especially not when it wants to bind his twin to that idiot of a brute known as liu qingge.
it really is a shame that the world never listened to shen jiu’s wishes.
because no matter how much he tries to keep the two of them apart from one another, liu qingge somehow ends up meeting with shen yuan at least once a day. it’s maddening enough to drive shen jiu into a stress induced tea-brewing session that shen yuan said tasted bitter—border-lining on burnt.
it’s only when shen yuan starts blushing around the brute as well that shen jiu decides that extreme measures needs to be taken. it comes in the form of the trio of high schoolers that shen yuan has been tutoring: ming fan, ning yingying, and luo binghe.
after much persuasion and bribery (mostly bribery) the three agreed to join him in his mission to keep the two apart.
only, any attempt at foiling the budding romance only seems to spur it on more??? the world seems to be twisting their attempted sabotage into a romantic gesture/opportunity???
putting random, disgusting ingredients in the coffee that shen yuan made for liu qingge? shen yuan trips, spills it on the brute’s shirt, and it leads to them going on a semi-date where shen yuan buys the brute a new shirt.
replacing the rare book that liu qingge was going to gift to shen yuan with fifty shades of grey? shen yuan was thrilled to be able to tear it apart with words and later on with an actual fucking sword that liu qingge just had apparently.
the trio of minions he’s recruited had apparently had their own romcom situations happening in the background with him being none the wiser. (luo binghe attached himself ferociously to an older student named gongyi xiao, ming fan found himself in a rivals-to-lovers situation with liu qingge’s apprentice yang yixuan, and ning yingying found herself being seduced by liu qingge’s sister because of course she did)
shen jiu feels like he’s going insane.
and amongst all of this insanity, it genuinely threw shen jiu for a loop when he found his heart begin to thump when he reunites with his childhood friend, yue qi, who went from a cute and dependable older friend to a handsome man and oh fuck—
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saphronethaleph · 8 months ago
What's in a name?
“Good, good,” Palpatine chuckled. “The Force is strong with you. A powerful Sith you will become. Henceforth, you shall be known as Darth… Vader.”
Anakin looked up.
“Why?” he asked.
“...why what?” Palpatine said.
“Why Vader?” Anakin asked. “There’s a theme, right? With the names. They represent things.”
“Yes, of course,” Palpatine agreed.
“I’m just saying,” Anakin went on. “Like… I’m pretty sure you’re Darth Sidious? You haven’t actually used the name but there isn’t anyone else you could be. Unless I lost count. And you’re… insidious. You got yourself elected as the leader of both sides of the war at once…”
Anakin frowned slightly. “Huh. I guess that means the whole war is kind of your fault.”
“You had a point?” Palpatine asked, deciding he’d rather hear Anakin’s name speculations than Anakin doing a root-cause analysis.
“Right, right,” Anakin realized. “So, I don’t know when you got the name, but it’s really fitting. Really appropriate. Like I say, it’s a meaning thing, you’re the kind of guy who would do that. And then there’s… Dooku, who’s, Darth Tyrannus. So he’s a tyrant. He’s a hereditary count, and he runs the Confederacy of Independent Systems pretty much by himself. The head of state.”
Anakin coughed. “Right, uh. Was the head of state. Until he lost. Not an election, the, head of state – but, anyway, Tyrannus the tyrant. It’s fitting. And that guy you mentioned, uh, Plagueis… he was doing things with tiny organisms that live inside us. Like a plague!”
“So?” Palpatine asked. “What is your objection to Vader?”
“Well, it’s not really clear what it’s meant to mean,” Anakin replied. “Even that other guy, the one Obi-Wan killed only he didn’t. Darth Maul. That’s a pretty appropriate name for him since he has about as much self-control as a blender.”
“That was actually a very easy one,” Palpatine said. “He is called Maul Oppress.”
Anakin winced.
“Ouch,” he said. “So that was his birth name? I guess his brother is called Savage, so that makes sense, but still… why can’t I be Darth Anakin?”
“Anakin doesn’t mean anything,” Palpatine pointed out.
“Skywalker does, though,” Anakin replied. “Darth Skywalker?”
“You can’t fly,” Palpatine informed him. “At least, I don’t think you can. Master Windu could not, I think.”
Anakin glanced out the window.
“...I hope not?” he said, vaguely. “But what’s wrong with Darth Skywalker, anyway? What are other Sith names?”
“There was Darth Bane,” Palpatine muttered. “He was the bane of the Jedi, of course… and his apprentice, Darth Zannah.”
“What’s a Zannah?” Anakin said.
“I don’t know, it was a thousand years ago!” Palpatine said. “And, of course, Darth Tenebrous, Master to Darth Plagueis.”
Anakin frowned.
“Tenebrous… like, shadowy,” he said. “That’s what that word means, right? Or, obscure. So he’d be someone who nobody knew much about. Is that what he was like?”
“I don’t know, I don’t know much about him,” Palpatine admitted. “Anyway! Darth Vader is a perfectly good name, because it symbolizes how you will be leading my invading armies.”
“...to prevent the Jedi from taking over, right?” Anakin said.
“Yes, yes, to prevent the Jedi taking over,” Palpatine replied. “Starting with moving on the Jedi Temple. I think you are the only Jedi who was not informed of the Jedi plot.”
“What about if Obi-Wan fell to the Dark Side?” Anakin asked. “What would his Sith name be?”
“What?” Palpatine said. “I don’t know. I don’t think it’s likely to come up.”
“Darth Filibuster,” Anakin guessed. “But, I don’t know… I don’t think I’m an invader. I’m more of a liberator. Couldn’t I be Darth Emancipator?”
“A little on the nose, don’t you think?” Palpatine asked.
“You called someone Darth Tyrannus,” Anakin replied. “Darth Mancipator, then.”
Palpatine shook his head. “That sounds like a wrestler. Beside, Anakin, I’m not sure you’ve got the point here. The name is supposed to sound intimidating.”
“Darth Murder,” Anakin suggested.
“Intimidating, not tryhard,” Palpatine sighed.
“You were okay with Maul,” Anakin retorted.
“That was his name,” Palpatine reminded him. “Look, just go with Vader, okay? I’m late for a holocall killing off the entire Jedi Order.”
“You can do that?” Anakin asked. “Because… I know I’m under a lot of stress but if you can do that I’m fairly sure that proves all the allegations about you.”
He shook his head. “Anyway, uh… what else does a Sith do?”
“Oh, the usual,” Palpatine shrugged. “Take over the galaxy, build impractical superweapons, run plots decades or centuries in the making to put all your pawns exactly in the right place… kill your master…”
Anakin raised his lightsaber.
“Not me, you buffoon,” Palpatine snapped.
“...who, then?” Anakin asked.
“I want you to kill Obi-Wan Kenobi,” Palpatine replied. “But I was talking about Sith killing their masters in the generic sense.”
Anakin raised his lightsaber again.
“No!” Palpatine said, exasperated. “The apprentice is only meant to kill the master when they’ve surpassed their master!”
“Oh, right,” Anakin realized, lowering his blade. “So you surpassed your master before killing him? That must have been an amazing… wait.”
He frowned. “We went through all the names. So you killed your master in his sleep? That sounds like the kind of thing an apprentice who hadn’t surpassed his master would do. Especially because otherwise he’d be ready for you.”
“Of course,” Palpatine said. “If I’d waited until he was expecting it, I’d never have been able to do it!”
Anakin raised his lightsaber.
“Why are you so eager to kill me, Anakin!” Palpatine asked.
“I solve all my problems with lightsabers and it’s worked so far,” Anakin shrugged. “Hey, that’s what I should be! Darth Saber!”
Palpatine stared at him for several seconds.
“Fine, whatever,” he said, eventually. “Arise, Darth Saber. And learn some subtlety at some point.”
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hah-studios · 1 year ago
Wish Rewrite
Okay so I got this outta my system. I'm in no way saying this idea is better than the movie. But at least I'm getting my Star Boy fix!
Prologue read via old timey story book:
Once upon a time, not so long ago, there was an island called Rosas. While beautiful, Rosas became terrorized by a monster. The brave, good people of the island tried to slay it, but they were beaten each time.
Then, out of nowhere, came a powerful sorcerer named Magnifico; with his abilities he slayed the beast and freed the people. Rosas was so grateful they named him and, his his beautiful wife, Amaya, king and queen.
The new king would go on to prove how generous and good he truly was: by using his magic to grant wishes…
We are introduced to Asha, who was reading the history of Rosas to her baby goat, Valentino. Several books are surrounding her at home, one of which Valentino is trying to eat. Through talking to the small goat the audience learns more about Asha, while intelligent and hard working, she is shy and a workaholic, always studying and offering tours to visitors. Today is the day she applies to be the apprentice to King Magnifico, like the rest of Rosas she idolizes him and believes following in his footsteps will give her a sense of self. She will look at a picture of her late grandfather who raised her, promising that she will help make wishes come true in honorof his that was never granted.
She goes to guide the newest tour (Welcome to Rosas, with an added on segment talking about the love the king and queen share) where we learn of how King Magnifico and Queen Amaya benevolently rule the island. When citizens turn 18 they offer their wishes to Magnifico who will protect the wish until it is time for it to be granted.
After the tour Asha goes to the royal kitchens were her best and only friend Dahlia is a royal baker. They talk about Asha’s application. Dahlia reassures Asha that she will get the job, and admits she hopes it’ll give her a boost of confidence to maybe make some new friends. Asha says she already has Dahlia and doesn’t need anyone else. It is then Queen Amaya (holding her skinny tabby Lulu) arrives to escort Asha to the king. This version of Amaya feels untouchable, her voice calm and collected as she tells Asha to not waste time, don’t ask to see the wishes, and yes they had received the several letters Asha sent asking for an interview.
Asha is then left in a study where she notices a peculiar door, but Magnifico arrives before she could examine it. He is a charming man, his presence seeming to fill the room as he carries a staff with an emerald tip. Asha is clearly intimidated but he’s polite as he introduces himself, even offer his condolences for her grandfather’s passing-knowing she’s an orphan. Trying not to trip over herself Asha praises the king for his hard work and shows off her knowledge of magic and Rosas. Magnifico is impressed. And after Asha passionately tells him how her ‘wish’ is to help protect Rosas, it’s people and wishes, Magnifico decides she’s worthy to be his apprentice and they’d have the announcement that night.
The people crowd before the castle that night, Asha hurries to tell Dahlia the good news. But Gabo overhears her announcement and makes a snide remark about her overworking and ‘sucking up’ to the king and queen. He is quickly shushed by Bazeema who looks almost afraid of Asha now that she has such a high status. But she returns to the stage to witness Amaya whisper in Magnifico’s ear. He then announces the person to have their wish granted that month; a woman who wants to be a professional dress maker. After using the staff to grant the wish he makes a joking comment that she can now make his wife hundreds of beautiful dresses. He then summons Asha forward to announce her as his new apprentice. Asha happily exclaims how excited she is to help the people, but she is given a frosty reception, murmuring about how they find her weird, are resentful for failing their own applications, and don’t know how this shy girl who never engages with the locals outside tour duty, could become someone as great as their king. Asha takes the doubt but once she can she leaves the stage, tripping in the process and embarrassing herself further. She runs off with Valentino into the forest (This Wish) and ends up noticing one of the brighter stars. She remembers hearing how once upon a time, wishes came from stars. Not seeing any harm to it she wishes to become a wonderful magic user and become as great, if not greater, than the King himself.
The star suddenly seems to glow brighter and get bigger, Asha realizes too late it’s because it’s getting closer. She is knocked into by a human sized ball of light, rolling across the grass before kicking it away from her. It’s to her great shock that the ball of light was…a boy. A handsome boy he glows faintly, his hair a pure golden color that flows like he is underwater, he dusts himself off as he hovers off the ground. They have an awkward but cute introduction, the Star not understanding personal boundaries and getting right up into Asha’s face, giving her a too enthusiastic hand shake when offered and floating around as if there’s no gravity. Asha quickly deduces he’s a star that came down when she summoned him. Her hypothesis is further proven when he tosses some dust on Valentino who then starts to speak. (He is not voiced by Alan Tudyk in this rewrite, instead he will have a voice that better fits his character design. He will be a mixture of Olaf and Jiminy Cricket in terms of personality/role in the story). Asha asks Star to give her the same dust so her wish will be granted, but Star shakes his head. He is mute and tries to explain using sign language, but that’s one book Asha hasn’t read yet. She decides to call him Star before leading him back to the city, he can stay at her house until she figures out what to do with him. On the way he fonds over the animals, hitting them with a few clouds of golden dust (ex. A brown squirrel turns red, a bird’s nest gets an upgrade).
The next morning Asha brings Dahlia over and shows her Star (both he and Valentino would be hiding out in the chicken coop). Dahalia is at first concerned her friend has a man hidden away, but after Asha explains they agree to take him to King Magnifico to see what he has to say. However they want Star to stay under the radar and not get noticed by the townspeople. This is when Star reveals he’s a shapeshifter, transforming into a copy of Valentino, the only different is his eyes are still gold.
The four arrive into town and while things go to plan at first, Star’s natural curiosity has him running off to explore the town, Asha and friends trying not to lose him. He comes across Simon who looks miserable and exhausted at an outside table. Empathetic, Star discreetly puts some star dust in his cup of tea. When he drinks it he’s suddenly energized and is flabbergasted. He turns around just as Asha appears and picks up Star, he asks her if she’s already learned magic from Magnifico, even stating he had just been wishing he could take something that would make him less tired. Asha is awkwardly silent, not wanting to take credit but also not wanting to reveal what Star is. But Simon pays no mind and drags her to his friends so he can show them he’s no longer tired. There is then a montage of the seven dwarves based characters showing off their problems and Star uses his abilities to grant these small unspoken wishes (he gets a jar of honey for Safi to help with his allergies, a chicken coop so Dario can have his own chickens, dancing shoes for Hal, a stress toy for Gabo, Bazeema’s secret introverted hide out, and even a bag of a very rare ingredient for Dahlia so she could make a special recipe she mentioned at the beginning of the film). Throughout this scene we see Asha opening up a bit more to the characters, starting to form friendships. While in Bazeema’s new hideout they talk of having a little party with dancing and treats and in his excitement Star accidentally drops his disguise and reveals his true form. The group is shocked and Asha is forced to explain who he is, though when Gabo tries to accuse Asha of tricking them Star immediately puts himself in front of her, defending her from the accusation. The other characters also come to Asha and Star’s defense and Gabo relents, though snarkily asks if they should tell the King there’s a wish granting, shapeshifting guy from space in Rosas. Asha will go alone to ask, leaving Star with the others.
She arrives at the castle, King Magnifico and Queen Amaya are surprised to see her so soon as he hadn’t summoned her but lets her in. Asha, feeling uncomfortable to just out and say what had happened, asks Magnifico what he knows about stars. The king looks momentarily surprised but quickly shrugs it off, he tells Asha that many years ago stars would grant peoples’ wishes, but only so they could have the human indebted to them. They were malicious creatures pretending benevolence so they could control the masses, one of the worst things was granting evil wishes and having people turn on the ones who wouldn’t make wishes. Amaya retells her how her parents were oppressed by stars after merely asking for food and a roof. Eventually it was decided that the newer generations would never wish on another star, and Magnifico dedicated himself to learning magic so he could help good people have their wishes granted without having to pay him back. And, unlike stars, he has a moral compass, so he would not grant any wishes that would harm people. He then looms over Asha and asks her if there’s something she needs to tell him. Asha looks visibly torn, her respect and admiration for Magnifico clashing with what he told her. Star is not at all like he had just told her, and Asha ends up reassuring him that no, she has nothing to tell him.
She returns to the hide out feeling like a traitor, wanting to talk to Star alone. But the group is already starting their party, dancing and making music. Star, spotting Asha, immediately pulls her onto the dance floor. The group cheers her on as they dance around, and Asha’s anxieties melt away as she’s swept up into the dancing. A spark is lit.
Asha, Star, and Valentino return to her house and this time the two go to her living room where he admires all her books and notices the picture of her grandfather. She tells him how much she loved the man, how he had taken care of her after her parents died, how much she missed how, how she wished his wish could’ve been granted. Star comforts her in her grief and she feels safe enough to tell him about what Magnifico said. Star reassures her the king is lying and Asha finds herself believing him, and yet the King is a great man who has done so much for Rosas-why would he lie to her?
It is Valentino who suggests they go do some snooping (not him though, he’s going to eat a cook book as soon as the two leave).
Star carries Asha into the sky, unable to resist showing off to her first. Asha let’s herself enjoy the feeling of being in the air, feeling like she could reach out and touch the star or hold the moon. They slip inside via the highest balcony, Star transforming into a mouse and riding on her shoulder as Asha sneaks through the castle. They are only spotted by Lulu who tries to eat Star before Asha reaches the study and slams the door, the cat slamming its face into it.
Said study is empty and at first Asha thinks to skim through the books for answers but Star notices the door. Transforming into a flea he slips under the door and opens it from the other side. It leads down a dark stair case with a golden light at the bottom. The two share a glance before starting to go down-only for green light to envelope them both and drag them back up the stairs into the study.
The King and Queen are standing there, Lulu on Amaya’s shoulder, clearly the one who had warned them of the intruders. Magnifico tells Asha she didn’t have to sneak in to deliver them a star, the young girl immediately puts herself between her friend and the king. She tries to tell them he’s not like they think, he’s a good kind person who helped people grant wishes without asking for anything in return. But with his staff Magnificio wraps the green energy around Star like chains and Amaya drags Asha away from him. They call Asha a fool if she thinks they’d let one little star ruin the years of work they’ve put into maintaining their kingdom. That they picked what wishes are to be granted. That the people worshiped them. Asha is forced to realize the kind rulers she wanted to be like-are a lie. Magnifico comments to his wife that Star’s power could be very useful to them. In an act of desperation Asha kicks out, knocking the staff out of the king’s hand. Amaya, not expecting Asha to lash out, looses her grip on her. Once the staff hits the ground the green chains evaporate and Star transforms into a giant golden bird, grabs Asha and flies out of one of the study’s high windows.
Magnifico is furious that they got away but Amaya calms him down, reminding him that the people of Rosas would not believe those two over their loving rulers. She remarks that maybe it’s time to grant Lulu’s wish. Magnifico agrees and his magic mutates the cat into a sabortoothed giant tabby that runs out of the room to go hunt down Asha and Star. The king and queen reprise the segment of Welcome to Rosas dedicated to them, now in a minor key with new context.
Asha and Star escape into the forest, where they first met(they are next to a lake). Asha is crying, heartbroken and scared over what will happen next. Her whole goal in life was built around a lie. How will they stop people as powerful as the royal couple?
Author’s note here; this is a part where I’m not sure how to go about it. My idea is Star comforts Asha and it will lead into a duet, because the demo version of At All Costs is heavily romantic-coded and is perfect to show how much the two have grown to care for each other. But my version of Star is mute so I haven’t figured out how to work around that besides the song being sung over them instead of being sung by them. So please hold that thought
The two share a romantic scene, flying in the sky, dancing among the clouds and coming this close to sharing a kiss.
They are interrupted by the arrival of Lulu who tries to attack them, Star transforms into a giant cat as well, putting himself between Lulu and Asha. But before the Queen’s cat can attack them, Dahlia and the others suddenly appear via carriage and accidentally knock the giant cat into the lake. Lulu splutters out of the water and runs back to Rosas.
The gang tells the two they saw Star flying away and then the king and queen made an announcement that Asha is a traitor and trying to usurp them and ruin Rosas. The news not sitting right with the group they decided to follow, worried for the two. Asha is grateful for their help and touched when they point out its what friends are for. But now they must go hide because the whole town will be looking for them.
On the way back Asha tells them what had happened. Like her they are shocked the king and queen could be villains, but they also don’t think Asha and Star are liars. So they have to make a plan to figure out what the two are hiding and, if necessary, defeat them. (What I Know Now, which adds in a segment for the king and queen ‘lamenting’ that their people don’t know what’s best for them). There is a short moment during this song where it’s revealed Valentino knows sign language, having learned to read from Asha reading to him-and making a point to read books before he eats them. Asha tells him there’s a saying she’d like to learn but the scene cuts before we learn what it is.
The plan is that Star will dash the group with some dust to make them glow and they’d run through the town and forest ‘pretending’ to be Star. This would serve to distract the king and queen long enough for Asha and Star to go back to the study and go through the door. Star also gives Asha a stick and blesses it with his magic for her use. The plan is going off without a hitch, Asha while trying to find information in the study comes across a small journal. She reads it aloud as they open the secret door and go down the stairs:
Years ago, Magnifico wished for magic. A star came down to grant his wish, admiring his ambitions. However Magnificio turned on the star and trapped her, now absorbing her power to grant peoples’ wishes. They reach the bottom of the stairs to see an older woman chained to the ground; the star from the journal. Asha and Star are horrified by this revelation, but before they could free her Magnifico appears having expected them to come back.
Asha accuses him of lying about the stars being malicious, and the king instead says the stars were too scared to risk coming down to grant a human’s wishes. “Except that one, it seems.” He glares at Star and tells him that he would be his new battery and help lead Rosas to even more triumphs. In fact, why stop at Rosas? He could grant wishes of people all over the world, they’d be so grateful they’d do whatever he asked.
Furious Asha lunges at him but Magnificio stops them with his staff and drags them back upstairs to where Amaya is waiting. He offers Asha to his queen, not needing her. Amaya then reminds the young girl of the history of Rosas, how there was a monster that terroized the people…Asha watches in horror as Amaya transforms into a large dragon-esque creature. She is able to escape the study and Amaya chases after her. Star, furious and terrified transforms into his own version of a golden dragon-esque creature and manages to escape Magnifico’s grasp.
Asha is chased outside, nearly killed by Amaya before Star arrives and knocks her away. While the two giants fight Asha hurries back inside to deal with Magnifico.
We cut to a scene of Dahlia and co being surrounded by the villagers, but the townsfolk are starting to waver having seen how much happier the group is thanks to Star granting their wishes. Lulu then appears, prepared to eat them. Valentino, leading an army of the animals Star befriended, chases the big cat off into the woods. Disillusioned the townsfolk follow Dahilia, Valentino, and co back into town to witness the rest of the battle.
Asha, still brandishing the wand Star gave her, witnesses Magnifico dragging the star out of her cell and absorbing so much of her magic that the woman loses the rest of her glow and falls to the ground. Asha tries to attack him but the king teleports the two of them to the roof, ready to throw Asha off and strike Star with his magic. Asha is able to use her wand to keep him from hurting her or Star, but eventually he is able to snatch the wand from her and break it. Desperate, Asha tries to physically wrestle the staff away from him.
 Suddenly there’s a scream, Amaya having bit down on Star’s neck. Magnificio moves to fire at Star to finish him off, but Asha with her own hands still on the staff is able to redirect it and the blast hits Amaya instead. She is evaporated and Magnifico cries out in horror and rage. However the damage is done for Star, transforming back into human form he floats up to Asha slowly losing his golden glow. He holds her cheek for one moment before falling on the roof, completely gray and presumed dead. Asha cries and hugs him, unable to believe this is how the story ends. But then Magnifico grabs her with his magic and drags her away, Asha desperately trying to fight against it, only able to hold onto Star’s hand. The king summons storm clouds to completely cover the sky, vowing revenge against the entirety of Rosas, against the entirety of the world for killing Amaya.
All seems lost, yet Asha starts to softly sing (This Wish (Reprise)), and after a few moments her friends and the townspeople below start singing along, wishing for Star to be revived. We have a short scene of the star woman waking up and hearing the singing from outside. But everyone's sincerity in the wish allows Star to be revived, glowing brighter than ever. Asha, relieved and full of hope, gets up to face against Magnifico. He tries to shoot her with magic but Star’s glow serves as a wall of protection for her, and as she slowly walks toward the man he gets more frantic and desperate, unable to see because of Star’s bright light. He continues to step back until he reaches the edge, loses his balance and starts to fall, Asha grabs his staff as the man vanishes into the roiling ocean below. She then shatters the staff on the roof. The magic shoots out into the sky, wishes given to Magnifico returned to its owners and the star woman brought back to her full strength.
Star is flying around the sky, ecstatic. Asha calls his attention and we see her sign/say the words: “I love you.” (having learned them from Valentino). It is like a firework goes off as Star happily picks her up and twirls through the sky with her, Asha laughing gleefully before finally kissing him.
When the two return to the ground they receive a group hug from their friends. They find the broken stick Magnifico had tossed and Asha apologizes to Star for breaking it, but he simply puts it back together. Dahlia comments that her magic use was pretty impressive considering she had had no real experience. Valentino smugly saying she was greater than the former king. It’s then Asha realizes that Star had helped grant her wish-she just needed to meet him halfway. He winks at her when she makes this realization.
The star woman then appears, stepping out of the castle, looking poised and formidable. Asha tells the townspeople what Magnifico and Amaya had done to her and the people are filled with shame that she had suffered right under their noses. Asha gives her a formal apology and after a moment the star woman nods and smiles kindly, having been impressed by the goodness in these humans. She had thought they would all be vile like the king and queen.
She starts to float, planning on going back to the sky. She looks expectantly at Star, expecting him to come with. Asha is stricken at the thought but reassures him she wouldn’t be like Magnifico and force him to stay. In response Star holds Asha’s hand and gives the star woman a resolute look. She blinks, looking a bit surprised, but then nods and even gives them a small curtsy as if they were royalty. She then shoots upward to become the brightest star in the sky.
At the epilogue Asha and Star are learning all they can on how to lead Rosas, the town wanting them to be their new king and queen. She is getting better at her magic and signs fluidly. They have Dahlia and co be a sort of council for them. With Star’s encouragement people are doing their part to make their wishes come true. Valentino is in charge of Lulu who is going through a program to be nicer, it’s a work in progress.
The final shot is Asha and Star standing at the balcony, sharing a kiss as the scene pans up to show the night sky. The stars look brighter than ever.
Credits roll.
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kittykattropicanna · 1 year ago
imagine mechanic!simon fixin’ your car with parts that worth thousands but he doesn’t want your money, he wants something else HEHEHEHEHEHE
HEHEHEHHEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHE right??????? Genius honestly. 
mechanic!Simon would do anything for you :( but only when you obey him, be an obedient and listen..... he was doing you a favour by fucking you on top of your broken down shit box while the lads were on their lunch break, he saw how worked up and stressed you were, and you had the audacity to disobey him??? You want to get your car fixed free of charge? well, now you get nothing and he gets to take you however he wants, your job is to stand there and shut up like the good girl his training you to be ;)
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TW: low-key public sex, thigh-fucking, orgasms denial, Si degrades you for being a needy, disobedient girl :( kinda humiliation, mean!Simon, age gap insinuated, Si shoves a dirty rage covered in grease in your mouth bc you won't stfu :(
Mechanic!Simon masterlist
Regular masterlist
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You really aren’t well off, the savings you did have are definitely not accessible at the moment. 
Your shitty ex had logged into your bank account the second he threw you out :( making sure you had nothing
He would always make you transfer him money for his crypto trading, he did it behind your back regularly meaning he new all of your information including your security passwords >:(
He had drained everything except £2.50 because “that’s all your worth” :(((((((( 
he was such a dick AHURGG >:(
Like Si promised, he checked out your car the next morning, taking you into the shop even though it was his day off. 
Of course Johnny jumped at the opportunity to introduce himself, taking your hand and kissing it softly, wicked smile flashing across his face when he didn’t see a boyfriend accompanying you to the shop. :((( 
An easy target in his eyes, you being with Si didn’t even cross his mind, a pretty, delicate thing like you wouldn’t be running around with a beast like Simon….it just didn’t make sense :( 
Si stepping in almost immediately when he saw the way Gaz winked at you and licked his teeth, eyeing you up and down like a piece of meat :(
You were HIS….HE found you, nobody else, and that’s how its gonna stay >:(
Maybe a bit of insecurity flared up as well….they were younger then him, more your age….
Johnny was a ball of energy, looked like he could be plastered on the front of some health and fitness magazine and Gaz had a certain charm to him, the type that could make even the most independent women fall to their knees. 
They couldn’t be more different to Si’s rough and grumpy demeanour :((((
But the second you clung to his side, quickly turning your face away from them, flushed red and overwhelmed, it all went away :3
His, he didn’t even have to tell you, you clung to him instinctively, ran to him for protection, looked for him when you needed safety ;)))  
He wanted nothing more then to take you right there, show them both how he could make you cum in ways they couldn’t, even if they had the best vibrater in the world on their side, they couldn’t give you the satisfaction he could :3
Watch the jealousy and envy in their faces as he praised you for being such a good girl, his good girl :)))
He didn’t have to look at your car to know that it was absolutely rooted, a first week apprentice could see that it would cost thousands of pounds to fix, even then, you wouldn’t be getting the best parts on the market meaning it was only a matter of time before it broke down again and became undriveable :(
Quickly slamming the hood he turns to you with a sympathetic look :(
“Listen lovie, its gonna be at least £2000, and that’s jus’ for ya’ engine alone, I don’ even wanna get inta the rest of it cuz fixin’ it is gonna cost more then the car itself”
With teary eyes you tell him you can’t afford to fix it, let alone buy a new car, its the only real possession you have to your name other then your phone and clothes :((((
You needed a car, you needed a way to get to work and its not like you can afford to take the bus!!!
But don’t worry sweet girl, Si’s gonna make it all better :((
Slowly he lifts you onto the hood and slides his hands up your thighs with a rough groan, that tiny little skirt that he picked out for you this morning was a really good idea ;)
Moving your panties to the side, he drags his thick finger through your folds, a low chuckle leaving his lips as he collects your juices :3
Your cheeks go red at how wet you are :((((( you’re so easy to get going, such a dirty, dirty girl >:(
“Don’ play dumb sweethear’, saw ya’ watchin’ me like a piece of meat, rubbin’ those thighs together like a whore, I know when ma’ girl needs some lovin’” 
Pushing his thick fingers into your heat, a small whimper leaving your mouth from the stretch :( 
“Quite love, don’t want em’ to hear us do ya’?” A chuckle falling from his lips as he opens you up more, spreading you open and preparing you for another one of his big rough fingers :(((((
Pumping in and out of your wet cunt at an agonisingly slow pace, holding your hips down so you can’t buck or move closer to him :(( try to take more then what his giving you :(
His the one in control, so don’t even THINK about it >:(
You let out a loud squeak when he forcefully pushes a second finger into your tight pussy :((( wet squelching sounds fill the room :(((
The same men staring at you like a piece of meat only moments ago, eating their lunch in the break room at the other end of the shop, completely unaware that Si was having his way with you :(((
Stimulating your clit with his left hand, he looks up at you with a wicked smile 
“Don’t ya’ make a noise love, old Johnny boy won’t have a problem watchin’ and im sure ya’ don’t want tha’” >:(
His such a tease :(((((
Begging him for his dick, moans and whimpers getting louder as you squirm with teary eyes :(((
But that’s your biggest mistake…..
You went against his orders, he told you not to make any noises, to keep it down, but because you’re a little brat, disrespectful after all his given you, food, a roof over your head, a warm bed, a man to protect you….you’re getting nothing >:(
“My cock Darlin’? Oh no, no, no, no. Ya’ see lovie, good girls get what they want, obedient girls get treated right, not selfish little sluts that can't do what they’re fuckin’ told”
Removing his fingers from you, he undoes his belt and takes out his stiff cock :(((((
Its so leaky, pre cum dripping down his shaft, Si pumps himself a couple times, a low groan falling from his lips as he forcefully turns you around slamming your body against the car 
“Imma tell ya’ what ya’ gettin, I’m gonna fuck your thighs for my pleasure, not yours, and ya’ gonna shut up and take it, no squirmin’ or moanin’, ya’ just gonna stand here and take it”
Taking a dirty rag out of his back pocket that he uses to wipe his greasy hands, he slaps your cheek signalling to open your mouth, shoving the dirty fabric inbetween your lips with a sadistic chuckle 
“There ya’ go petal, much better isn’t it? Finally listenin’”
His thrust between your thighs, the feeling of pre cum coating your pussy is satisfying, but it didn’t scratch the itch of what being filled by his girthy cock did :((((
Your moans fall silent against the dirty rag he shoved in your mouth, the only sound filling the shop being his low grunts and skin slapping against skin :((
His hard cock rubbing against your clit giving you little satisfaction, Si was so mean sometimes, but he was right, his always right :((((
He did so much for you and the very least you could do was follow his orders, you got to comfortable :((( trying to take charge and disobey him when he knows best, he always knows best >:(
You can tell his getting closer, his thrusts get sloppier and his quite grunts tern more strained :3
After a few more deep thrust between your wet and sloppy thighs the feeling of his hot ropes cover your pussy and drip down your inner thighs :(((
He didn’t even try and make you cum :( greedy girls don’t get pleasure, they’re used as fuck toys, walking fleashlights that don’t deserve orgasms :((
And you know his just doing what’s best for you, teaching you the hard way, the only way you would properly learn :((
He makes you walk past the break room and out of the shop with his sperm running down your legs, wet thighs sticking together making you uncomfortable as you take each step, hot, flushed and unsatisfied :(
Once you get back into his car he makes a call to a friend that owns a car dealership. Si has done so much for his mate, the least he can do is hand over a car, and that’s exactly what he does :3
Whatever his angel wants, his angel gets, unless she misbehaves :((((
Your orgasm is just going to have to wait till another time…..and don’t you even think about touching yourself……remember, obedient girls get to cum, not dirty, dirty sluts that don’t follow the rules <3
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The thing about mechanic!Simon is that his not taking your shit, he has no time for your attitude and will put you in your place immediately :( his training you to be his pretty little house wife after all :3
Request are open for Mechanic!Simon, I would love to hear your thoughts so feel free send them through and add to the AU.
!Disclaimer! - Above is NSFW content - MDNI - If you follow my blog without your age in your bio, you will be blocked - If you are under the age of 18, you are not welcome here, otherwise, enjoy :)
Cat divider sourced by @positively-mine from Pinterest - Pink line divider by @eloquentreverie - MDNI divider by @cafekitsune
Basic blog housekeeping -  fic requests guidelines, boundaries and my rules for minors
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smilingformoney · 2 months ago
Die With a Smile
Chapter I. Elliott's Arrival
Summary: Elliott Marston is visiting his cousin Judge Turpin in London, and lives are changed forever when a chance encounter leads to both men vying for the attention of the same woman. Mary Taylor, once a mere apprentice seamstress, finds herself with an impossible decision to make: her happiness, or her brother's security?
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AN: It's me, I'm back with another Elliott / Mary / Turpin story. This time my plot bunny was: what happens if Elliott meets Mary first? Enjoy my latest brainrot :D
Read on Ao3 or below the cut:
Mary was sitting at her favourite spot by the window, watching the world go by as she worked on her current project, a pair of gentleman’s trousers which were to be taken out at the waist.
She enjoyed watching the hustle and bustle of London. The tailor’s shop she worked at was on the corner of Farringdon Street and Fleet Street, and so the traffic outside of both footfall and carriages was constant, and she could watch as men, women and children of all ages and classes went about their days.
The are was often so busy that it was a popular spot for pickpockets, and multiple times a day Mary saw some oblivious well-off man fall victim to the sneaky movements of the tiny street urchins that ducked and wove between their feet.
Mary might have felt unsafe herself whenever she went outside if it weren’t for the fact she knew the boys – everyone without a home of their own in this area of London knew each other. She especially, having been on the streets for at least ten years at her best guess, knew these boys well – many of them so well and for so long that she recalled changing their soiled underwear as babies.
She felt some pity for the pickpockets’ unsuspecting victims but, when a boy came to her at the end of the day with some bread he’d bought with his ‘earnings’, the growls of her hungry stomach drowned out any protestations she may have had.
She’d spent enough time listening to the boys talk, and watching them from the window as she worked, that she almost knew enough to be a pickpocket herself. She often played a game with herself as she sat, guessing which pedestrian would be the next victim.
She saw one such man now, a tall man wearing a hat against the summer sun, looking between each direction of the street as if trying to determine which way to go. He was certainly new to the area, and too distracted with trying to find his way to notice – yes, there was a boy now! If she wasn’t mistaken, the figure darting between the crowd now was Timmy, a quiet and shy boy Mary knew quite well, as he was often joined at the hip with her own brother, Tommy. Their similar names were about the only thing they appeared to have in common, as Tommy was a much more boisterous lad, but if one knew them well enough as Mary did, they’d know the boys had the same cheeky sense of humour – Timmy simply needed a little more encouragement to come out with some silly joke.
Timmy’s attack was so sneaky, Mary didn’t even catch it herself even as she payed close attention, but he must have been successful because moments later, the man looked down and seemed to realise the coinpurse on his hip had split. He looked around wildly, expecting to find the money fallen on the floor - and by the time he realised the split was from a pocketknife, rather than poor quality stitching, Timmy was long gone.
The man looked around the crowd, hoping no doubt to find an officer of the law, but as usual they had more important things to worry about. The man disappeared from view as a carriage passed between him and the window in which Mary sat, and when the obstruction passed, he appeared to have gone, and so Mary turned her attention back to the trousers she was working on.
A few minutes later, the bell above the door alerted Mary to the presence of a customer, and so she put down her needle and thread to turn her attention to the door.
Mary noticed two immediate things about the customer:
He was the same man she’d just watched through the window.
He was very handsome.
“Good afternoon, sir,” she said with a polite curtsy, trying to ignore the way her heart was beating rapidly. Had he noticed her watching his misfortune and come to accuse her of conspiracy? “Welcome to Mrs Harris’s Tailor Shop.”
The man locked eyes with her, and for a moment Mary’s heart seemed to skip a beat. His gaze was piercing, as if he were looking past her outward appearance and directly at her very self. A glimmer of what looked like surprise crossed his face, then he composed himself and smiled warmly.
“Good afternoon, miss,” he responded in a smooth, deep baritone as he took off his hat and gave her a small bow in return. “I take it you’re not Mrs Harris herself? You look far too young to be running a shop by yourself.”
“I’m the apprentice, sir,” Mary replied. “Would you like to speak to Mrs Harris?”
“No, no, I’m sure you’re exactly what I’m looking for. Would you be able to repair my coinpurse for me? It appears to have split.”
The man held up the coinpurse in question, and Mary’s first thought was that if Timmy hadn’t cut it open, it would have split itself - the material was very poor, she could see that herself already.
“Of course, that shouldn’t be a problem. Let’s have a look at it.”
She took the purse from him and examined it.
“Well,  I can tell you two things for certain, sir.”
“Oh yes?” said the man with a hint of amusement in his voice.
“Firstly, this was cut with a knife, not split. Secondly - if it hadn’t been cut - it would have split by itself in time. The quality of the material is very poor. You may be better off getting a new purse altogether, or it’s simply a matter of time before it splits again, no matter how well I sew it back up. You’re not the first gentleman to come in here with a split coinpurse, and I tell everyone the same: if you don’t want your coins lost or stolen, leather is the way to go.”
The man crossed his arms and looked at Mary with a raised eyebrow.
“And I suppose you just so happen to have the perfect leather coinpurses in stock, for twice the price it would cost to sew this one?”
“Well, no, sir, we don’t keep leather lying about,” Mary said truthfully, not realising the meaning behind the man’s words. “I could make you one, of course, but I’d have to get the materials in especially and that would cost you more – you’re better off buying one in Camden Market, that’s where I’d have to go to get the leather anyway.”
The man chuckled and shook his head. Mary smiled politely, but she had no idea what the man found so amusing.
“Well, you’re the expert; I’m just a humble customer. Perhaps you could make me a leather coinpurse? I’ll gladly pay for the materials.”
Mary frowned slightly.
“You’d not prefer to buy a new one from the market, sir?”
The man waved a hand dismissively. “And risk being ripped off with something poorly made again? No. I only trade with honest people, and you, miss, are clearly an honest woman. I’ll have a new one made. Do you need me to pay in advance for the materials? If so, I’ll have to return to my lodgings and get some more money, as mine appears to have vanished.”
“Oh - well, if you’re certain, sir, I’d gladly make you a new purse. I won’t be able to go to market until after I finish for the day, though, and I’ll be here until eight o’clock.”
“Eight o’clock?” the man repeated incredulously. “That’s a little late for a young lady to be going all the way to Camden on her own, isn’t it?”
Mary shrugged. “It’s the earliest I’m able to finish, sir.”
“Well, that won’t do at all. I’ll have to accompany you,” the man said decisively. “I’ll meet you here at eight o’clock, with the monies for the materials, and accompany you to market. I’d be beside myself if you were harmed on account of me and my coinpurse.”
“Oh - well - if you insist, sir,” Mary said shyly. “I suppose you can pick out your choice of leather, too.”
“Yes, I suppose I can,” the man replied, as if the thought hadn’t even crossed his mind. He placed his hat back on his head and tipped it slightly to her. “Well, good afternoon, miss. I’ll see you at eight o’clock.”
The rest of the day went by slower than usual. Mary would work for half an hour, look at the clock, and find only ten minutes had passed. She started to wonder even if the clock were running slow, but when she checked the clock in the back room, it would show the same time.
Eventually, after an age, eight o’clock did come ever closer. At ten minutes to the hour, the bell rang, and from the back room Mary heard Mrs Harris speaking to the customer.
“Good evening, sir. Is there anything I can help you with? We close in ten minutes, mind.”
“I’m actually a little early. I’m here to meet your apprentice at eight o’clock. She kindly agreed to get some materials for a little project for me from the market and I promised to escort her when she finishes work.”
Mary felt her heart leap a little when she heard the handsome man’s voice.
“Oh, yes, she told me she were expecting you, sir. She’s in the back - you can go through, if you like.”
“Thank you, madam.”
A few moments later, the man poked his head around the door, his hat in his hand.
“Knock knock,” he said with a smirk. “Sorry I’m a little early. I didn’t want to risk leaving you to wait outside for me, or God forbid making your way to market on your own.”
“Oh, that’s alright, sir,” Mary replied. “I won’t be long with this, then we can leave come eight o’clock.”
The man looked at the dress Mary was working on, his eyes raking the design up and down.
“Is there something to be fixed in this dress? It looks perfect from here.”
“Oh, this isn’t a repair, sir. I’m making this one new.”
“You’ve made it?!” the man repeated incredulously. “That’s incredible. And you’re only an apprentice?”
“For now, sir, though I hope to be a seamstress in my own right one day.”
“Well, don’t let me get in your way. You carry on.”
The man took a seat in the corner of the room, watching Mary as she worked on the final flourishes of the dress.
Elliott couldn’t keep his eyes off the girl as she worked. There was something intriguing about her, something he couldn’t quite place. When he’d first stepped into the shop that afternoon, for a moment he thought he recognised her, but he was certain he’d remember meeting a face as pretty as hers. No, she was certainly a stranger - but he had the urge to know her. When presented with the opportunity to accompany her to the market, not only did he sincerely worry for her safety, but he also saw a chance to spend time with her and perhaps determine what it was about her that made her seem so familiar.
He hadn’t yet asked her name, because strangely, he felt like he should know it. It was the embarrassment one felt after having a few conversations with someone whose name you forgot, and the longer it took to ask again, the more embarrassing it would be.
After spending ten minutes unable to take his eyes off the apprentice seamstress with the skill of a seasoned expert, Mrs Harris told her she could go, and so Elliott accompanied her outside, and swallowed his pride.
“Miss, I realise I seem to have forgotten my manners; I never asked your name.”
“It’s alright, sir; I never asked yours,” the girl replied with a small laugh. “My name’s Mary, sir. Mary Taylor.”
Of course it was. Some part of Elliott’s mind - perhaps some part of his soul - knew that was right.
“A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mary,” Elliott said with a small bow. “I’m Elliott Marston. Might I accompany you to the marketplace this evening?”
He offered her his arm, and she blushed.
“You might indeed, Mr Marston,” Mary replied, and she slipped her arm through his and led the way down Fleet Street towards Camden.
“Mr Marston, I must ask –”
“Call me Elliott, please.”
“Oh - er, certainly, if you insist. I wanted to ask, sir - I know most of the gentry around here by sight. Even if they never frequent the shop, I see familiar faces cross the street all the time. I can’t say I’ve ever seen yours before. Are you new to this area of London?”
Elliott chuckled.
“First of all, Mary, I’m not sure I’d call myself gentry . I won’t lie, I’m moderately wealthy, but I don’t fit in with all those lords and ladies. And please, don’t call me sir - it feels as oddly fitting as gentry . Just Elliott will do.”
“Then you most certainly mustn’t be one of them! I’ve had some gentlemen admonish me for not calling them sir every other sentence; I suppose I use it too often now to make up for it.”
“Well, as you seem to have guessed, I’m not from around here, although I may sound it; we have my parents to thank for that. They insisted from a very young age that I was to keep my English accent at all costs.”
“Do you live abroad, then?”
“Yes, I’m from Australia.”
“Australia!” Mary exclaimed, and Elliott thought the way her eyes widened in surprise was nothing short of adorable. “I’ve heard Australia is so far it takes months to get there over the sea! Whatever could have brought you all the way to London?”
“Well, a boat, of course.”
Mary frowned a little in confusion, then the meaning of his jest set in, and she laughed.
“Well, naturally! But what reason could you have for making such a long boat journey?”
“I wanted to get away for a while,” Elliott admitted. “I’ve worked hard to gather a lot of land there, and I have a good team of men to look after it for me; I finally feel I’m in a position where I can trust them to look after it while I travel. My parents moved here when I was very young, so while I write as often as the overseas postal service allows, I haven’t seen any of my family in a very long time. Here in London, particularly, I have a cousin who I’m currently visiting, and I hope to visit an uncle in the south too.”
“Oh, how fascinating!” Mary said. “I sometimes wonder if I might have cousins somewhere. My parents died when I was quite young, and if I had any other family I never knew them.”
“So you’re on your own?” Elliott asked with concern.
“Oh, no, I have my brother, Tommy. He was only a baby when our parents fell ill, so I’ve looked after him his whole life. Mrs Harris was kind enough to give me work, and so I use my earnings from my apprenticeship to look after him.”
Mary was focused on not stepping in horse droppings, so she didn’t see the way Elliott looked at her with a marvellous curiosity, as if what she was saying was unknown to him, but it amazed him all the same.
Elliott was glad, as the conversation changed topic, that Mary hadn’t asked further about his own family. He knew what sort of reputation his cousin had in London, and the last thing he wanted was to scare the young girl off by telling her his cousin was the formidable Judge Turpin.
Supposedly the walk was an hour, but Elliott would have sworn it was much quicker. Perhaps he was too distracted by the way she chattered on, showing him different points of interest as they passed. He’d already explored some of this area with Turpin, but the story Mary was giving was quite different. While his cousin pointed out historical buildings and paid particular attention to the courts in which he worked, Mary was more interested in the people of London, the colourful characters that occupied the streets and the stories that were passed around, no doubt embellished and flourished as they passed from person to person.
“You seem to know this area well,” Elliott commented as Mary took a pause between stories.
“Oh, yes, I’ve lived here all my life,” Mary replied. “My brother and I know these streets like the backs of our hands.”
Elliott’s curiosity was piqued, but he didn’t press the girl any further. She spoke well and dressed well enough too, although the latter was perhaps to be expected of a seamstress. And yet, she considered leather too expensive to keep around, she knew street dwellers by name, and she seemed to cautiously avoid mentioning precisely where she lived.
Elliott had no idea how much the apprentice to a seamstress earned in a day, but he suspected it wasn’t much. Her parents dead, her brother young yet no mention of school - all signs that led Elliott to believe that Mary was a street urchin.
And yet, he didn’t find himself put off by the possibility as his cousin likely would. If she were to arrive in Australia, she’d arrive an equal to all who lived there - excepting, of course, the convicts and the Aborigines. But there were no Lord or Ladies in Australia - anyone could find themselves in a position of power with a good work ethic and the right moral fibre.
By the time they came to approach Camden Market, the sun had set, and while most of the vendors had closed up for the day, one or two still lingered, and Mary approached one such stall with a friendly greeting.
The vendor helped Elliott choose his leather and measured it out to Mary’s specifications. Elliott paid for the materials, and he tried to pay for some other materials Mary bought for her own projects, but she practically shoved him out of the way when he tried.
“Don’t listen to a thing this man says, he’s not to pay for anything other than that leather,” Mary said to the vendor firmly.
“But Mary, you’ve come all this way just for me, there must be something I can do,” Elliott insisted as they left, the vendor promising to have the materials delivered to the shop first thing in the morning.
“I won’t hear a word of it, Elliott. You’ve done more than enough by keeping me company this evening.”
“Then I’ll continue to do so. I don’t suppose you’ve eaten yet. How about some dinner? You clearly know London well, I’m sure you can recommend a pub or some other place we can dine at. A real, authentic place run by real Londoners.”
Mary thought for a moment.
“Well, there’s a pub nearby, the Royal Oak - it’s run by a lovely couple, at the end of the night they always give any leftovers that might otherwise be thrown out to those who need it.”
“Perfect!” Elliott declared. He offered his arm to her with a smirk. “Miss Taylor, would you accompany me to the Royal Oak this evening?”
“Oh, Mr Marston, I would!” Mary grinned.
When Elliott eventually returned back to his cousin’s house on Kearneys Lane, it was almost midnight and he’d just had what was definitely the best night he’d had since his arrival in London. No night at the whorehouse or playing poker with his cousin and his friends could hold a candle to the night he’d had with Mary.
All they’d done was go to the pub, had a local-made meal for dinner and a few drinks. It was nothing new, but it felt brand new, because Mary looked at the world with a refreshing wide-eye fascination that was positively infectious.
Elliott was humming to himself as he hung his coat up when his cousin emerged from his study to look at him with wry amusement.
“Had a good evening at the whorehouse, Elliott?”
“Oh, I haven’t been to the whorehouse,” Elliott replied. “I told you I had an appointment with the seamstress.”
“That took four hours? What, did you fuck her as well?”
Elliott rolled his eyes at his cousin.
“I’m flattered you think I have the stamina, William. No, I did not fuck her. I accompanied her to the market, then took her to dinner. That’s all.”
“You’re not courting her, are you, cousin? You’re a landowner and cousin to a Lord, you can’t be going around courting an apprentice.”
Elliott paused at the bottom of the stairs and smirked.
“You wouldn’t say that if you saw her.”
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mokokone · 10 months ago
Requests for our darling medicine vendor you say? If that's the case, could I request some first time together smut?
⚠Wᴀʀɴɪɴɢ!⚠ This story contains sexual themes and adult content. You must be 18+ to read this. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!! You are responsible for your own consumption. If you don't like sexual or adult themes, please read something else.
The Medicine Seller/Kusuriuri x Fem!Reader [Smut]
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Summary: Kusuriuri rewards you for being a good apprentice with a little TLC.
Paring(s): The Medicine Seller/Kusuriuri x Fem!Reader.
Warning: Smut, adult content, sexual themes.
Word Count: 1,922
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He placed his hands on your hips instinctively.
Cerulean eyes gaze down at you, exuding a desire to make passionate love to you. However, you sense his restraint, knowing that he is holding back...
For now.
"Master K-Kusuriuri," you whispered his name, the sound barely audible in the quiet room.
"We mustn't."
Kusuriuri growled and pressed his lips against your neck. The feeling of his sharp canines against your skin caused little tingles every now and then as his hands idly began playing with the hem of your kimono.
He seemed ready to just tear the brocaded fabric off, but despite his tenacity, he was also surprisingly gentle, at least for the time being.
His erection could be felt through his robes, pressing against your lower back—a clear sign letting you know he's enjoying this just as much. You knew that once things escalated, any self-control he possessed would evidently disappear. Regardless, you still enjoyed the gentle gestures.
"Hush," he sibilated, "just relax and let me take care of you.” He tells you softly.
With that, you bite your lower lip, keeping in any protest you may have as you let him continue to do as he pleases.
Seeing how obedient you are, his painted lips curled into a fox-like grin. "Good girl♡" He cooed, trailing his hands up your sides.
They stop just an inch under the swell of your breasts. His face is very close to yours, and his gaze rests on her lips.
“My sweet apprentice is so tense. Perhaps I should loosen her up a bit."
"Ple-please." You meant to keep quiet, but the things he's doing to your body are making it quite the challenge.
Kusuriuri's smile falters slightly as those omniscient blue eyes narrow. "So impatient you are," He said, but there's no bite in his suave tone.
You gasped when both his hands groped your breasts through your parted kimono. They were cold against your warm skin, causing the skin of your areola to immediately harden as his thumbs rubbed your nipples over the thin fabric.
You mindlessly rubbed your inner thighs together in an attempt to ease the throbbing ache within your core.
A pleased hum rumbles deeply in Kusuriuri's throat at your cute expression, and the soft little moans escaping you only stroked his ego further.
"Turn your head towards me, (Y/n)-chan."
You do, only want to have your breath taken from you as he presses a deep, romantic kiss against your lips. A moan escapes you, and you feel his tongue lick your lips. A deep lover's blush colors your face upon realizing he's silently asking for access, wanting you to give him permission to deepen the kiss, and you find yourself hesitating.
This is all moving very fast, you think, with a surge of desire coursing through your veins.
This isn't how you expected your day to go at all. What was supposed to be a normal day that usually involved you helping your master slay and exercise mononoke has quickly turned into something much more intense and intimate.
To Kusuriuri, you've done well being his faithful little helper, and he figured you deserved a little award for your efforts.
"M-master," you murmured, separating your lips slightly in order to speak.
But it's a big mistake, as Kusuriuri sees his chance and slips his tongue into your mouth, sending a shiver down your spine. The unexpected intimacy leaves you reeling as the taste of sake, tea, and honey invades your senses, igniting a fire within you that you never knew existed.
Your nipples grow sensitive from his heavy touching, and your p***y grows wet. Eventually, he pulls away to give you both some much-needed air. You're both breathless, and your faces are hot.
You whined, feeling his c♂ck twitch and throb against you. He's most definitely eager to be inside you, as Kusuriuri gives you a heated look before maneuvering you so that you're straddling his lap.
Hands find perches on your ass as he begins to gently move you, coaxing you to rock back and forth in his lap. Thrilled that he's finally giving you the okay, you do so keenly, grinding yourself against him.
“It would seem we're both eager for carnal knowledge, my dear," he chuckles.
You silently nodded.
Dissatisfied, Kusuriuri gently lifts your chin, causing you to glance at him. "Use your words, (Y/n)-chan."
"Yes," you said, and he’s back at your lips, kissing, licking, and gently biting.
The friction of you grinding down on his c♂ck is tantalizing, but just a tease and nowhere near the amount of pressure you desire. You squirm in his lap and moan into his mouth.
He chuckles, his hands grasping your ass harder, long purple nails lightly digging into your plump flesh and dragging across your skin, leaving little marks.
“Let me inside you, sweetheart.” He murmurs, breaking the kiss, and your heart soars at the endearment.
"Okay," you nod in agreement. "Just be gentle..."
"Of course. I would never hurt you," He says he reached down to untuck his robes before pulling his pants, freeing his erection from its confines.
It's a bit tanner than his pale skin, with a flushed pink tip that oozed pre-cum. Once finished, he helps you remove the rest of your kimono and undergarments as you take them off. Now completely bare, Kusuriuri draws you back to straddle his lap and into his arms in a tight embrace.
“Lovely,” he says sweetly into your ear.
With that, he lowers you down slowly, pressing the head of his c♂ck against your wet opening. You bit your lower lip at the stretch, releasing a whine of discomfort.
It's not your first time, but it's been so long since you indulged in this kind of intimacy. The sensation is overwhelming—a mixture of pleasure and pain that leaves you breathless. You can feel every inch of him inside you, filling you completely. Despite the initial discomfort, you can't help but arch your back, craving more of him.
Knowing this, Kusuriuri licks two of his fingers and then reaches down to rub you, as you take him completely. When he is hilted to the base, he gives you a moment to adjust to his girth. Every motion strokes the flames of fire growing within your stomach.
Kusuriuri groans softly, feeling your p***y clench down around him with an aroused squeeze.
“Ah, that’s it," he breathes, beginning to thrust shallowly. “Relax for me.”
His hands are firm on your hips, guiding you as he sets a steady rhythm. Each movement sends a wave of pleasure coursing through your body, building with each thrust. You watch his length disappear in and out of you again and again, mesmerized. It starts to feel amazing when he hits a spot deep inside you. Instinctively, you started thrusting with him.
Whenever he thrusts up, you drop down.
And true to his promise to be gentle, however, it's not quite hard enough. You wanted him to be rough with you. Your body is on fire at this point.
“Master, please go faster." You tell him, clutching his shoulders.
He does, tightening his hold on your waist so that he can lift you up and down with more ease. The slapping sound if his family jewels against your ass fills the room as you moan out at the intense pleasure.
“Ahh~♡ More! Gimme more!♡♡”
Kusuriuri complies, slamming you down hard on his c♂ck, grunting with the effort but barely breaking a sweat. You're shuddering and moaning in sweet pleasure, and he wants nothing more than to see you come undone,
"So good♡. You feel so good, (Y/n)-chan."
He picks up the pace, hilting himself completely with each thrust.
The connection between you is electric, a primal need that drives you both towards an inevitable climax.
"I'm...I'm gonna come! I'm cumming!!♡"
"Then go ahead, sweetheart. Come," He encouraged.
With that being said, when you finally reach that peak, your world explodes in a burst of ecstasy, leaving you spent and satisfied in his embrace. After several thrusts, Kusuriuri pulls out and strokes himself to completion, as pearly white streaks of his release landa on your stomach.
Momentarily, you both breathe heavily as you come back down to earth, feeling the warm, sticky remnants of your passion between you.
The world outside fades away, leaving only the two of you in this bubble of blissful satisfaction. You look into each other's eyes, sharing a silent understanding of the profound connection you have just experienced.
It is a moment of pure, unadulterated joy that you knew would last forever.
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pricechecktranslations · 19 days ago
This is really not important at all but as an Elluka fan, I'd like to know how you feel about the (SPOILER LOOK AWAY FOR READERS) fact that she's Levia? I don't really know how to feel aside from mild discontent and it feeling a bit... Like a cheap plot twist
Really? I thought it was an exceptional twist.
There were things about Elluka that didn't 100% make sense to me that were explained by the reveal (like the actual mechanics of how she was brought back to life and made immortal), and it served as a solid demonstration of a lot of lore that was only vaguely expounded on previously (mostly the reincarnation mechanics and the concept of a body having residual memories in it separate from the soul inside it). It's also something that is interesting to reflect on when looking back at prior character interactions (such as Held and Gumillia), and adds a layer of complexity to them that we didn't have before (like Gumillia asserting that even though she took on the position of apprentice as a front, she has embraced it for real). Not to mention--Levia at that point was largely an unknown for the readers, other than being an "evil god" alluded to in the religious lore of the setting. So the reveal that Elluka is Levia was a strong introduction that overcame the prejudicing portrayal that previous content had.
I think probably my favorite part about it is the reveal that the "seven deadly sins" quest was literally just a waste of time. Held sent Elluka to do it because he knew it would keep her busy, not because he expected her to actually succeed. Hence why it doesn't really matter that she fails to collect the vessels in almost every novel.
I don't want to go into it too much, I'm not trying to convert you to liking the twist or anything, but it's something that feels, to me, like it was very obviously intended from the start. There's so many things that make sense in hindsight. Like how Elluka named herself after Kiril in honor of him and yet she doesn't seem to mourn his loss much (she reacts strongly to Kaspar's corpse because it reminds her of Kyle, but not Keel who looks exactly like Kiril)? She doesn't seem to have any emotional reaction to Irina having been her sister in law? When would she have developed a friendship with a "heretic" god, as a priest of a temple to LeviaBehemo (and how can she hear him speak in the first place when no other human can)? By all accounts Elluka Chirclatia was loving and supportive but Elluka Clockworker is vain, overdramatic, and rude?
The scene itself is well executed too, that it comes with an element of tragedy--this is the "death" of the Elluka we knew (for now at least), framed from the POV of someone who loves her (Gumillia), after an entire novel of shifty behavior and foreshadowing on her end.
The thing I really like about it is that it changes nothing about her actual character--she's a callous do-gooder who doesn't take things seriously at first, and then as she begins to accumulate more suffering in her life she starts to care more, but maintains a facade of nonchalance to hide from that pain. The twist just re-contextualizes why she's like that and where she stands in the broader story. And it's interesting to think about a character who was a "villain" but develops into a hero after getting amnesia.
Also I like the thought that her obsession with looking pretty and being surrounded by pretty women might have been a bit of Behemo peeking through, idk (since she doesn't seem to do that much as Levia).
There are a lot of twists mothy's made that can feel "cheap" but this isn't one of them, not to me.
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sl-ut · 1 year ago
Hello there ;)! I have a smutty Agatha Harkness x reader request ☺️😈 so Agatha eating Reader and Reader is exhausted after coming but Agatha wants to continue, she gets impatient and makes a magic strap appear that she can use on reader
when in westview
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pairing: agatha harkness x fem!reader
description: agatha’s gonna be in westview for a while, so why not take advantage of her apprentice’s memory loss? (set around wandavision ep.5)
warnings: SMUT!!! (mdni), swearing, unspecified legal age gap, reader is under mind control, THIS IS ENTIRELY CONSENSUAL, no use of y/n (for once lol)
words: 2.8K
date posted: 3/3/24
Agatha really didn’t think she would be stuck in Westview for this long. Sure, she knew it would be a few days for Wanda to come up from her own mind control, but she really wasn’t expecting to have to play babysitter every other day. She barely made it to the end of each episode without breaking out of her role and just using her powers to dig into Wanda’s mind and force her to figure things out. 
The only consolation that she had was the fact that she was able to bring her apprentice into the Hex with her. Initially, she’d intended to leave her behind, but the young woman is just as hard headed as her master and refused to let Agatha away from her for even a minute, even if it meant that she would be under Wanda Maximoff’s mind control. At least Agatha was able to take her out of it for a few minutes at a time, but did it very conservatively to avoid causing too much stress on her brain. 
Instead, she found some comfort in knowing that she was just next door in the small blue bungalow, always up bright and early to tend to her flower beds and fending off all of Westview’s finest bachelors, all vying for a chance to take the finest (and only) bachelorette in town, all blissfully unaware that she spent every other night with her face pressed into the silk sheets of the married woman next door. 
Ralph was collateral, of course. At first, she’d considered letting him out in public, but after spending just a few minutes in the house with him she’d decided to send him off to be locked in his own little dweller, ready to perform when needed. At least others knew he was there, all she needed to do was say his name once or twice an episode and that was that. Plus, she was actively spouting about how lousy he was, so it made more sense why she was spending any time that she wasn’t undermining Wanda’s magic with the her young, single neighbour, always wandering over for a cup of sugar that took them far too long to dig out of the cupboard. 
She sort of liked this version of her apprentice. Not as much as she liked the real her, but it was almost cute to see how innocent Wanda had made her; she was ditzy, in a cute way, she was so friendly to everyone, and it was hard for Agatha not to enjoy her doe eyes staring up at her all teary and sweet sounds of pleasure falling from her lips. She was everything that she wasn’t in real life, and though Agatha wouldn’t give that up for the world, she knew this wasn’t permanent and thought of it as a bit of roleplay to spice things up rather than a loss of someone she cared about. She liked the way the house was always spotless, and how she was constantly dressed in dresses you might only see in vintage catalogues (except for when she was weeding her constantly immaculate garden, of course), and how could she not like the constant variety of baked goods she had in her home? She’d almost growled at one of Wanda’s boys for reaching for a second cookie one time. 
It was also nice that she didn’t ask questions. One of the reasons that she had initially wanted to leave her behind was that she was too damn nosy. Was she a good witch with plenty of potential? Yes. Was she a hard headed young woman that didn’t know how to follow directions? Also yes. Agatha knew that she would somehow end up getting in her way, and she couldn’t risk her letting something slip to Wanda. Agatha was able to do her job with her around and not have to worry about her going off and accidentally ruining her plan.
Like now, as Agatha muttered to herself as she hunched over one of her many spellbooks in her basement, she hardly even noticed the padding of bare feet coming down the stairs, nor did she notice the sheet-covered figure creeping up behind her until the sheet extended around her as she curled her arms around her waist. Agatha sighed, leaning back into the embrace and revelling at the feeling of her bare breasts pressing against her, only Agatha’s own shirt acting as a divider between her back and the perky nipple that had undoubtedly hardened due to the cool temperature of the basement. 
“Aggie,” she whined, chin coming to rest on her shoulder. 
Agatha smirked. She’d insisted that she call her that, not liking when she called her Agnes (though, as far as she was aware, that was her name), but she also couldn’t have her going around referring to her as Agatha. 
“Come back to bed, it’s late.”
The brunette turned her head to peek at the girl, “I know, I know. Thought I could slip away for a few minutes, guess I forgot how needy you are, huh?”
She turned her head down and playfully sunk her teeth into her shoulder, only pulling away when Agatha barked out a stern hey!
“Go back to bed, sweetness,” Agatha pressed a kiss to her temple, “I’ll be up in a minute.”
Those doe eyes appeared, and Agatha knew that she was gonna miss them when they were both back to normal, “You promise? You’re not just saying that to get rid of me?”
Agatha snorted out a laugh, “Please, I know you’ll be back if I’m not up there in ten.”
“Would you make it five if I told you I’m not that sleepy yet?”
Agatha raised her brow, “Again? Was three times not enough for you?”
She shrugged, “Four might do it. Or five…or six.”
Agatha was quiet for a moment, an uncharacteristically adorable pink hue covering her cheeks as a very detailed image of her body filled her mind, how practised she was in giving Agatha exactly what she wanted, her figure easily malleable under her touch. 
“I’ll be up in five.”
Five minutes had come and gone three times over by the time that Agatha finally made her way out of the basement, rubbing at her eyes as she adjusted to the brighter lighting of the kitchen. She shook her head as she came across the limp, abandoned sheet near the top of the stairs, chuckling as she scooped it up and continued to the bedroom. 
She could easily tell what was going on inside before she even pushed the door open. She could easily make out those desperate whines and whimpers of pleasure that she’d been so well acquainted with, even before coming to Westview. Agatha remained in the doorway for a moment, silently taking in the sight before her and thanking whatever gods or beings that had allowed her to witness such a thing.
She was laying horizontally on the bed, her head pressed into one edge on the mattress as her body spread itself width-wise, her feet planted and curled into the opposite edge. Her head was tilted to the side, eyes closed and lips parted to release her little sighs, back arched and hips grinding into her own fingers with an unsteady rhythm. She’d been pampered by Agatha, scarcely having to resort to such a thing without her partner present, so much that the scene was almost pitiful to watch–she seemed inexperienced, brows sitting low over her eyes and the corners of her lips curling down in frustration as tried to mimic Agatha’s movements with her fingers, not to mention the pathetic sounds leaving her lips. 
Finally taking pity on the girl, she made her presence known, “I see you’ve taken it upon yourself to start without me?”
Her eyes snapped open, a flicker of embarrassment crossing her features before it was promptly replaced by another doe-eyed look of feigned innocence as her lips puckered in a pout, “You said five minutes.”
“I know, baby,” Agatha moved further into the room, gently closing the door behind her as she rounded the foot of the bed, standing over her figure and staring down at where her fingers continued to plug her tight little hole, “‘M sorry. I was thinking of making it up to you, but now that I see how impatient you were, I’m not so sure.”
Agatha had never seen anyone move so fast as she watched her fingers slide out and away from her heat, almost as if she was trying to undo her own actions. 
“Please, Aggie,” She whined, pushing herself up on her elbows, “I need you so bad. I couldn’t do it without you.”
“No?” Agatha mocked, catching her wrist in her grasp and dragging her hand up to inspect her slick-covered middle and ring fingers, “These fingers not long enough for you, baby?”
Agatha wrapped her lips around her two digits, tongue sliding between and around them to collect every drop of her slick. She grinned wickedly around them at the wanton moan that she released, hips lifting off the mattress and tilting towards her. 
“No, not as good as yours,” She whined, “No one’s are.”
“Now that’s what I like to hear,” Agatha released her fingers, dropping her wrist back to the mattress and instead moving to glide her hands up her thighs, gently massaging the plump flesh nearest to her core, only barely grazing the thick thatch of hair on her pubis. “Maybe I will be nice to you after all.”
She barely gave her a moment to process her words before her long middle finger was sliding into her dripping heat, thumb coming to massage her clit with tight circles. Agatha smirked to herself, easily sliding her ring finger in as well thanks to the excess slick that had dripped out of her from the earlier hours of the evening. 
She curled her toes into the mattress, hips slightly pulling away from her touch. She smiled sheepishly at her, “‘M sensitive.”
Agatha chuckled, “I know you are, pretty, but you asked for this, so stay still and let me make you feel good.”
She nodded, legs bending at the knees and pulling them up to press into her chest. Her eyes rolled back as Agatha’s fingers slotted easily against the gummy spot deep inside of her, a soft sigh of relief falling from her lips at the soft tickling sensation, quickly followed by a moan from the deepest part of her throat. 
Agatha pushed herself forward, fingers still moving at an agonising yet forceful pace while her free hand pressed into the mattress next to her head. Leaning her body over top, she took in the sight of her heaving breasts, jiggling with every punch of her fingers and rising with every gasping breath. Agatha spared a moment to drop down, taking one of her nipples into her watering mouth and sucking. Her lips struggled not to curl into a wicked grin at the shocked cry as she gently clamped her teeth down on the sensitive nub.
“So responsive,” Agatha hummed, “Almost like you’ve already gotten your fill tonight. Maybe I should stop–”
“Please,” she whined, glossy eyes staring down at her wildly, “Please don’t.” 
Agatha chuckled, “I won’t baby, as long as you keep making those pretty noises.”
The brunette slowly dragged her tongue from her breast, up her sternum, throat, and finally stopped as she came across her swollen and spit-covered lips. 
“Open your mouth,” she spoke, any sweetness that her voice had held before completely vanishing.
She complied, wordlessly parting her lips just far enough that Agatha could get a clear view of the inside of her mouth, tongue lolling out in anticipation.
This pulled another laugh out of her, “Jesus, look at you already for it. I’ve made you such a little slut for me, haven’t I?”
She didn’t give her a moment to respond before she was hurling a fat wad of spit onto her tongue, fingers quickly coming to press into the pink muscle and massage the saliva into it, grinning widely as she watched the girl eagerly swallow the fluid on command. 
“Good girl,” The brunette woman muttered under her breath at the tell-tale sensation of her inner walls clenching around her fingers, though she made no effort to slow down or pull out and allow her to come down from the high, instead pushing her fingers even faster with the encouragement of the gushing liquid that dribbled down onto the sheets. 
Number five had come even easier than the fourth, and Agatha felt an overwhelming sense of pride fill her chest as she finally withdrew her digits from deep inside her. Weakly, the girl reached down and took hold of Agatha’s wrist, pulling her hand up until her fingers were able to slip past her lips. She moaned at the taste of her own juices, hips wiggling subconsciously at the taste.
“You okay, sweetness?” Agatha pressed a sweet kiss to her cheek, fingers massaging small circles into the plush of her belly as she caught her breath. The girl nodded, returning the affection. “Good.”
Agatha pushed herself up, slowly tugging at the tied belt of her silk robe before letting it slide down her shoulders and finally drop to the floor. The younger woman took in her nude form with an appreciative stare, until her eyes flickered to the place between her legs, where a shocking sight stood at full mast.
“Shh,” Agatha soothed, “Turn over, I’ll make you feel good.”
“I–” She couldn’t take her eyes off of the obnoxiously large cock, visibly throbbing with excitement. It looked so real, aside from the fact that it was glowing a slightly purple hue. It was about seven inches, thick, and nestled in a thick patch of brown hair at its very base. As sensitive as she was, she still couldn’t bring herself to say no, shakily rolling onto her belly.
“Good girl,” Agatha praised once more, hands holding her hips tightly as she pulled them into the air, taking no time to slowly slip inside and inch her way further and further into her warm, tight walls before stopping to allow for her to adjust to the size. “How’s that feel?”
The girl whimpered out an unintelligible response as Agatha's hips pressed firmly into the fat of her ass, fingers curling into the sheets to keep herself grounded.
Agatha took that as a sign, making the first shallow pump of her hips. The sound that it pulled from the younger woman was nothing short of pornographic, encouraging another firmer thrust until her throbbing tip was brushing the entrance of her cervix, and within minutes she was humping her lover’s ass at a bruising pace. 
Filthy sounds escaped both women, annunciated grunts from Agatha and slurred words of encouragement from the other. 
“Ag–” The younger woman arched her back, unsure of whether to push against Agatha further or to pull away as her orgasm erupted without notice, gushing out of her abused hole and onto Agatha’s lap messily. 
“There it is,” Agatha gripped her ass cheeks with each of her hands, squeezing and spreading them in unison with her thrusts, finding herself on the brink of her own climax at the sight of her tightest little hole, glistening with her own juices, “Now be a good girl and let me use you, yeah?”
One hand moved up to press against the back of her head, forcing her face further into the mattress as her hips picked up their pace, her thick cock throbbing with the oncoming gush of thick white cum, slowly dripping out of her and sliding down her thighs as Agatha fucked through it, head tossed back in euphoria. 
When all was said and done, Agatha carefully tucked her lover into the bed, hand stroking her hair so carefully and with such contrast to how aggressively she had just been pinning her head to the mattress. The younger woman sighed, eyes fluttering closed as she snuggled into Agatha’s chest. 
“Don’t get rid of that thing,” She mumbled mindlessly into Agatha’s milky white flesh, “I’m gonna suck you dry in the morning.”
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stargirl-writes · 1 year ago
safety net
pairing : force healer! jedi x anakin skywalker
word count : 1.2 k
masterlist | part two
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finding safety in a world deranged by war became a distant dream until your childhood friend, anakin skywalker, comes back to your life.
tags : fluff, comfort, friends-to-lovers.
warnings : mentions of surgical procedure/blood.
happy holidays to everyone that celebrates !
as a present, here's some warm fluff that's been sitting in the drafts i wanna share with y'all 🤍
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It began when Obi-Wan Kenobi, asked you to heal Anakin Skywalker.
The Jedi Master felt as though it was his responsibility to find the most competent healer in the galaxy after his Padawan lost an arm in a fight against Count Dooku.
And you didn't hesitate taking in the job the Jedi Council has entrusted you with. It was the most flattering, especially since you will be in charge of the care of their 'chosen one'.
You had just finished your apprenticeship in force healing, so you were determined not to let down the Council and the honor they bestowed.
"[Name]? You've grown" Anakin blinks when he realizes it was you. By the way he was smiling ear-to-ear, you realize he had been languid from the blood loss.
You were younglings together. The Jedi Masters had not fallen short in reminding Anakin that he was supposed to be the chosen one. That title, was not only known to him, but to all else.
It isolated him. As you had been. Your natural connection to healing made the Masters want to develop your skills outside the standard curricula.
Anakin was the one you sat with when no one wanted to. It was you and Anakin until you had to leave to pursue learning about healing through other force wielders.
"Yes, Anakin, I'm in charge of your care now" You answered, raising the syringe to his sight so he'd anticipate the injection.
"If it takes losing an arm to have you back, I'd have done it again" Anakin says thru half-lidded eyes.
The sedative was quickly taking its effect and you couldn't dare to look up at Obi-Wan.
"Well, at least one of us is happy about this" You answered.
Remembering your bedside manners, you proceeded with the protocol.
Send the patient to sleep.
Don't appear doubtful.
Don't make promises.
"Is there a color you'd want for your new arm?" You forced your voice to remain calm as you redirect his attention to the question. Both your hands are applying pressure on his severed arm to reduce the blood spilling.
Obi-Wan was pale with worry. You nodded to him hoping that he'd be reassured his apprentice would be fine. He looked like he'd pass out before Anakin.
Anakin leans back on the stretcher, the thought keeping him focused and away from the pain that was being dulled by the sedative.
"Definitely not gold— C3PO will never let it go" His nose scrunched, grimacing at the thought.
You let out a chuckle at his comment. "Alright, not gold"
The Med-Droid had finished preparing the materials and when you turn back your focus to the Jedi, he was already asleep.
You worked efficiently. Time was of paramount importance. The Jedi teachings hypothesized on midi-chlorians being stored in the blood, so you prioritized stopping the bleeding.
The lightsaber cut cauterized the tissues and vessels, making his blood coagulate and turn toxic. To your advantage, you were able to utilize both medical practice and force healing to fully save the nerves.
You can still make him a bionic arm that would be sensate.
By the time you were finished, the design you sent to bioengineering came. A silver arm with hints of red.
It still looked more skeletal than realistic. But that's only because you wanted to improve on it later. This was only a prototype.
Your hand coddles his cheek— this was the fastest way to sense how he'd been feeling.
His signature appears to you as a series of words.
Conflicted. In a state of stasis. Scared. 
You took your hand back, deciding not to pry more into what he was keeping.
Hours flew and you found yourself in a loop debating whether electric signals in the nerves could fire using zillo skin. It would be the toughest replacement for skin, but it's not capable of transmitting signals for sensation.
Your mind was beginning to numb from the mental exhaustion. Your curious gaze lands on Anakin's bare torso. He was still unconscious.
You would have done your research in your quarters, but you wanted to be here when he wakes.
Your mind started drifting and you followed his breathing.
How is it possible for his skin to hug so tight against his muscles?
You blinked, startled by the thought that crossed your mind. Perhaps it was time to sleep...
"Eyes are up here" Anakin says in a singsong voice.
You look up through your lashes, cheeks firing up from the embarrassment.
He chuckles, then his attention lands on his bionic arm.
"How are you feeling?" You stood up, grabbing the charts and taking note of his vital signs displayed on the monitors. You pressed on the recline and Anakin sits up along with the bed.
"Mmmhungry?" He rubs his eye.
"I'll have someone bring something" You smiled. "Can I?" You asked before touching his bionic arm.
He nods and you continued. "Can you open your fist?" You asked, holding the bionic arm, guiding gently.
Anakin's eyebrows furrowed in focus. The arm abruptly closes. "What happened?"
"That's fine, your mind is adapting to sending nerve signals to the synthetic ones." You explained, your fingers unclenching his fist.
Anakin tries again and his fingers opens up in a more controlled manner.
You let out a breath of relief when you realized you have managed to save all those tiny nerves.
"Alright, now tell me how much you can feel" You instructed, running the tip of your pointer finger against his palm, you look up to see him already looking at you.
Anakin was not at all subtle. It made butterflies run down your stomach.
"I can feel you, but I can't tell how much pressure your applying" He answers.
You nodded, noting it down.
Now, you need to test the receptors for heat.
Oh, by the force, why must he look at me like that.
You centered yourself on the task in front. You pressed the back of your hand against his palm. "And how does my skin feel? Can you tell if it's warm?"
Your heart was thundering inside your ribs, you were kind of scared that Anakin will hear how nervous he was making you feel.
Anakin tilts his chin, as if he was really trying to feel. "No, I can't feel the heat" He clasps his fingers against your palm as if testing more.
Of course, you couldn't have healed everything. "Alright" You withdrew.
"This is only a prototype, I'll improve its design after we do some more tests" You stood up, trying to establish some space between you and your old friend.
Anakin leans back after noting your action. "Thank you, [Name]" He kept his eyes fixed on you, as if he was still waking up from a dream.
You managed a smile. "I got you"
His eyes lingered on yours, you could not find it in yourself to look away.
A soft knock on the door snapped you awake.
"Well, don't you look well" Obi Wan comments with a wide smile
"Something's different" He crosses his arms, as if trying to figure out what it was that changed.
"Dooku really got you with that scar" Obi Wan nods his head as he waves a hand tracing the scar on his apprentice's face. 
You couldn't hold back a laugh in surprise.
"I lost an arm" Anakin squeezes his eyes close.
"Come, no reason for me to be rude now." Obi-Wan winks at you. "But since you brought it up, how are you feeling?" He steps forward to Anakin's bed.
You leave the two to catch up on their own.
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of course i'd seperate the angst on the next part so if you want more of that, head to the next one haha!
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goopyedgay · 9 months ago
so I asked a long time ago if you wanted me to talk a little about my ocs story so here we go, part 1?
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Age: 24
status: alive (unfortunately)
Height: 1.84
Birthday: October 31th
Occupation: Witch hunter
Species: Human?
Jerome is a witch hunter from the prestigious "Cross" family, although he does not live up to his last name, as he is better known for his poor performance in his job and in short he is the clown among hunters (and the witches lol)
Being the youngest son of three children of Elliot and Helena Cross, he has very few poor pleasant memories about his family, with the exception of his father for whom he has great admiration and respect, although he has not seen him since he was little due to strange circumstances, and being raised since then exclusively by an old friend of his father, Frank Rowyer.
Fuzz aims to be the best witch hunter of all time, to not only earn the admiration of the hunters who constantly make fun of him, but also his family (especially his mother), and humiliate his older brother. So he decides to go after a powerful witch named Maria, the leader of a coven of witches known as the Coven of the Three Moons. Although he hasn't had much success in capturing her, he won't give up until he captures her and all the witches once and for all.
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Age: 56
Height: 1.90
Status: Alive
Birthday: January 28th
Occupation: Hunter
Species: Human
Frank Rowyer is a hunter not only of witches, but also of supernatural creatures that lurk in the darkness and especially in the forests. He actually never thought he would end up like this, before being a hunter he was an ordinary guy being a single father of a little girl, but he was forced to join the hunters after discovering something he shouldn't have seen.
Seeing his life in danger, and of her daughter as well, he decided that the best thing for her was to leave her in a better place away from him, leaving her in an orphanage, feeling a lot of remorse until now. It wasn't long before he was given the task (and a favor) by his friend Elliot Cross, to take care of his son Jerome Cross, found a way to deal with the loss of his daughter, now in the care of a young child. that despite not showing it, he sees him as a son, and will do everything in his power to protect him, not only from danger, but also from himself and his stupidity.
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Age: 18
Status: Alive
Height: 1.56
Birthday: March 17th
Occupation: -
Species: Hybrid
Juliet is a hybrid, a human-animal creature, the product of an ancient curse, in her case being a coyote. Hybrids are one of the few creatures with which humans have managed to "coexist", although that does not eliminate the constant discrimination and fear that people have. Ju's parents died when she was very young, forced to wander the streets, receiving different treatment from humans, some good and others bad. Until Fuzz and Frank found her, and Fuzz's multiple pleas made Frank relent in order for Ju to join the team, Ju's heightened senses come in handy in detecting various anomalies.
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Age: 26
Status: Alive
Height: 1.70
Birthday: May 19th
Occupation: -
Species: Witch - Hybrid
Carrie is a witch and rattlesnake hybrid, and the newest member of Fuzz's team. She never knew her parents and she was found by witches in the forest, being adopted fand becoming part of her coven, curiously, the coven of the three moons, the same place where she met Maria.
She had a "decent" childhood as far as possible, despite the constant ridicule and rejection of the other apprentices for her condition as her hybrid, in addition to the danger posed by the poison from her fangs. After a series of rather tragic and disastrous events, she was exiled from the coven at the young age of 15, and was forced to live as a snake for the rest of her life, or at least until she met Fuzz and his friends.
Carrie was seriously injured after an attack by some witches, on the verge of death, Fuzz gave her two options, end her life or join him, Carrie obviously chose to join him. Being the small light of hope for Fuzz in his plan to capture María and her coven, since when he find out of Carrie's old connection with them he decides to use that to his advantage. Carrie doesn't care, she has a big grudge against witches, and especially Maria.
Also, Ju and Carrie do not have an exact occupation, since legally they don't officially work as hunters for obvious reasons-
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Well that was all, it was just a small sample of the story I'm doing with my characters, if you want to know more about it please let me know, thank u for reading this ^^
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welcometogrouchland · 2 years ago
I feel like for the first few years of guardianship Darius and Hunter really struggle to figure out how to refer to each other.
Like it's easier for Hunter, he pretty quickly settles on "guardian" for explaining their relationship to other people and just referring to Darius by name when talking to the man himself. Overtime the phrasing gradually warms, becoming "foster parent" and eventually, once Hunter's already an adult old enough to move out, "Dad".
(Sidenote: he doesn't move out til he's in his mid to late twenties, bc he's under no obligation too, Darius low-key doesn't want him too, and the two of them want to make up for lost time in a sense, since Hunter only had 2 years of legal dependency on Darius before aging out of the system. Darius adopts Hunter retroactively as an adult)
Darius on the other hand has a real conundrum on his hands for those first few years. He has a lot of options! But "ward" is too formal and makes it sound like Darius picked him up off the street like after his parents were murdered, "apprentice/student" isn't really accurate considering the focus of Darius and Hunter's relationship has less to do with Hunter learning magic and more to do with Hunter being housed and fed. "Kid" and "foster son" are there...but...
Look, Darius isn't going to refer to Hunter more familiarly than Hunter refers to him! He's not gonna make it WEIRD. He's not a dad, because Hunter doesn't want/need him to be (and also parenthood is scary <3). Darius doesn't know the first thing about being a dad, despite how his friend group teases him.
Eda and Eberwolf are the two who are worst about it. They torture him with how 'fatherly' he's allegedly being (allegations Darius will DENY til his GRAVE!!!) And Eda specifically compares his journey to hers, saying it always starts off with you referring to them as your apprentice (again, Darius doesn't plan on doing that), as your roommate (...kinda weird in Darius' opinion? But okay Eda), or even your pet (????HELLO???). But eventually, they always become your dumb kid when you least expect it.
She's had a couple cups of appleblood by this point, but Darius knows on some level she's right and he's steadfastly ignoring that fact, even as Eber continues to refer to Hunter as his "cub" (kinda cute but Darius doesn't know how Hunter would feel being compared to an animal). The only people who are even remotely reasonable about all this (besides Lilith who's a bit disinterested in kid talk) is Raine and Alador, who both sort of neutrally, a bit awkwardly refer to Hunter as Darius' Boy.
Darius referring to Hunter as "my boy" is funnily enough what sticks the longest before it evolves to son boy. Hunter's crushing it at a derby match? Darius is whooping and cheering, yelling "THAT'S MY BOY!!!" At the other parents in the stands. Hunter is doing something dangerous or inadvisable where others can see him? "Darius, your boy-" "AHH! MY BOY". Hunter, a year into his stay with Darius finally comes clean about everything to do with him being a grimwalker, and is afraid that he's going to go back to seeing him as just an inferior replacement for Darius' beloved mentor? Darius (who has just had to process some of the most bonkers, emotionally heavy information in his life) gently, hesitantly puts a hand on his shoulder (the 'good' one Hunter doesn't mind people touching), and says that Hunter's much more than that. He's Darius' Boy and he's not going to kick him out or get angry or love him any less for things out of his control. It's good. They're good.
Like I said, it evolves over time and 'boy' becomes somewhat obsolete as the two get caught up in the joy of finally feeling able to explicitly refer to each other as family. But unlike "guardian" or "ward" the word never gets fully retired. Even when Hunter is 30 and is arguing that he's more of a man than a boy now, he is still getting referred to by Darius as "his boy", the way some parents never really stop calling their adult kids baby or kiddo (Camila and Eda respectively btw).
Hunter makes one of those corny matching shirt sets at some point for a father's Day gift when he's 17/18, where the two shirts say "if lost, return Boy to me" (Darius) and "I'm Boy" (Hunter). Hunter mostly did it so he could own a funny shirt that says "I'm boy". Darius openly weeps upon seeing them. Like Oh my Titan he's boy. He's my boy. Oh wow
#ramblings of a lunatic#the owl house#toh#hunter toh#darius deamonne#dadrius#made this instead of finishing my dadrius week day 1 comic. it's okay i have time#i think this post dips it's toes into being one of those 'part writing drabble/part textpost analysis' posts#which I'm okay w/ tbh i love those#i just hope it reads well#the important thing about dadrius + eberwolf to me is that it's just as unlikely a trio as King Eda and Luz are#just as weird and has just as gradual and retrospectively funny a journey as them#i also specified foster parent instead of adoptive parent just bc i read it in a fic once where Hunter was placed in isles foster care-#-post canon and he had a social worker who was a gargoyle named Chantelle. it was delightful#this is my homage to that. the fic was 'the titan laughs in flowers' i think (thank you user yardsards for the rec)#alador still gets the instinct to refer to Hunter as the golden guard and amity gets on his case about it#so referring to Hunter as darius' boy grew out of that and spread to raine who finds it kind of adorable#darius refers to hunter as his foster son for the first time when his (darius' i mean) family comes to visit#not as like a statement of anything they don't deny Hunter as a deamonne. they love him like they love a scraggly cat#but just like. it felt right for Darius in the moment and Hunter got emotional about it#anyway happy early dadrius week I'm rotating them in my mind I'm biting down on them like a chew toy etc etc
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alicelufenia · 1 month ago
At the edge of the world, all debts will be settled, long prices paid
and there will be justice for all.
The night before it all ends, and we get some much needed closure
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Honestly understandable. Kilian's absence from the series was a mild frustration for me, both cause I actually liked her as a character plus I'm shamelessly into redheads. Though given how chronically bad with relationships Catherine is, it makes sense. It takes years from when they broke up to actually get this closure, but even though they've both moved on it's still nice to see.
And just goes to show how obvious Cat is about Akua. A lot of harsh words were exchanged between her and Hakram earlier, but one thing he said that still rings true is when he said that while Cat loves all of the Woe, and him the most, she is only in love with Akua. Painful to hear, but she hasn't once denied it.
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It's hard to say, as it is so (delightfully) painful to watch Cat torture herself like this while totally getting why, and that I'd lose all respect for her if she didn't even wait until journey's end at least, when the debt was due. Luckily Catherine Foundling has never done anything wrong.
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Noooo! Well damn, there goes the failsafe. Hey, it's not like it was hard to predict that wasn't gonna go according to plan. Still, it makes sense why it was so effortlessly easy for Yara to set this up; there's not a story out there where Indrani wouldn't save Akua's life here.
But with a little tender care from Masego's (former) Apprentice and the greatest (living) sorceress of the age, another miracle could occur.
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The immediate benefit I see of the fetters is that they are infinitely simpler than the Autumn crown, making them way less likely to backlash against a villain who would use them. A prisoner and their Warden, I mean warden? We'll see-
Speaking of Indrani's fate, shout-out to all time coward Hye Su
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Let's go Indrani! You'll make a better Ranger than Hye ever did. Way to drop the ball hard Hye, I already didn't like you, but seeing as Indrani already had settled things with you at Praes, it's only fitting that she take your place by bothering to step up for other people. Do you know how hard you have to fuck up to lose me, Hye? Me?? The Evil Woman Fucker???
Pathetic. Anyway,
So it comes down to this: with the Dead King's soul contained within the entire city of Keter itself, it's effectively impossible to kill him even with Severance, and of course with Akua not in a position to have accepted it already, Catherine volunteers to be his jailer.
But the Intercessor, Yara, has other ideas, and lets Cat sample her ability to Guide.
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Once again, Catherine's bad leg comes through to remind her of her own mortality and humanity! This is why I loved the parts of the story where she's had it the most. When she's been the most who she really is. Now get fucked, Intercessor, she will not be tricked into becoming you!
With the Dead King finally dead, brought back to life from undeath and then Sentenced to die, all that's left is how to deal with Yara, who still intends to finish this off how she wants; with everyone or nearly all on Calernia dead, the stories she's been bound to for millennia wiped clean at last.
And then... is that a Black Swan I see?
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Intercessor Akua! A tag team of Good and Evil in the story of fate!
There's your Black Swan Event
So I'll be honest, I had this idea quite before even book 6, that what Akua was ultimately going to do would impact fate permanently. And I knew before I even finished Book 4 that Cat's final name would be the Warden, on account of checking the fan wiki and immediately seeing her Name listed as such, so I backed out lest I see any other pertinent information, like whether she dies at the end or not, and swore off the fan wiki until I was all done. This did make me convinced she was going to get a Bad End as a jailer for eternity. And then Akua calls her out for it and steps up instead!
I HAD thought that her unexpected, unpredicted act, the Black Swan Event in question, would have had to do with her redemption, perhaps ending with a new heroic Name. So I goofed there. She does use this moment to call the Gods' attention at least, which is similar if you turn your head sideways and squint.
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At the end, debts are settled, long prices paid. And there was justice for all. Akua saved Catherine from the unhappy ending the latter was convinced was fated for her, and the knife that started us down this path since chapter 1 will be what finishes the journey.
And then, many years later
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And THAT, is the single most well done, well paced, and well earned Enemies to Lovers story I have ever read. Every painful, ragged inch earned along the way, and while it ends in tragedy, there remained still a way for them to find each other, and for just a little while, partake of what a life together could have been.
Absolutely blew ALL of my expectations away. Holy SHIT
I will be thinking about this one for a long time.
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slimeboiss · 5 months ago
I'm bored and with more Hundred Line news slowly dripping out I figured that I'd give my impressions on all the characters we've seen so far.
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The protagonist himself, and probably the one guy we know the most about, even if most of that is just standard protagonist stuff. Kodaka's protagonists pretty must just follow the same archetype - relatively normal character among a cast of far more talented and impressive psychopaths, which usually leads to him developing a complex about it. And from what we've seen so far... Takumi seems to pretty much fit the bill to a T. Will he probably subvert expectations? Most likely - we've seen it with Hajime and Yuma from Rain Code before. There's definitely more to him than meets the eye, but I highly doubt that he's gonna be anything more than an average guy at the beginning, the straight man for the more unhinged characters around him.
He *does* seem to have an edgier look than every other protag we've seen so far. The rest of his look is pretty background character coded, which fits, but his hair makes him a dead ringer for Yomi from Rain Code. Which if you still remember that game, is a pretty far cry from "just an average guy". 50 percent chance that this is some sort of stylistic choice or if it actually means something about his personality - maybe he's a lot more rebellious than he seems from a first glance? Hard to say.
From the earlier promo art from before we knew what this game was supposed to be, the two "protagonist" characters had the same red hair and black color scheme, plus the katana that Takumi uses in battle. It looks like these traits were carried over to the final design at least - an interesting tidbit, even if it meant that we lost another potential female protagonist. This time with glasses, even!
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The second character we know the most about so far, and she's gotta be one that sticks out the most. When the trailer first dropped in June I swear like half of all discussion was just talking about her - more specifically, her design.
On first appearances, she very much reminds me of like a Kokichi-esque character, you know the one character in every game that just exists to make trouble and make the game more interesting when Monokuma's not around. She's a murder game fanatic, she has a bunch of crazy sprites, and also fights with floating knives. She's like if you asked an AI image generator to create THE danganronpa character.
She's not the first female character to be like *this* in Kodaka's works - Junko, Genocider Syo, Shinigami, etc, etc. - but exactly WHAT her role is is hard to pin down. She's been a lot more prominently advertised than other characters, so part of me believes that she has to have a significant participant in the game. Whether or not she's THE designated problems clown that every Danganronpa game, 90 percent chance she's going to be like top five most popular characters to come out of this game. hundred percent guarantee.
As a bonus note, I wonder if she was based on this character from the old promo art before the game was retooled entirely? I have nothing else to go off besides similar vibes - but it was a thought I had nonetheless. Probably the only other character from these early images that I can see carrying over to the final game besides Takumi, so this is the last time I'll bring it up, promise.
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TV Tropes says that he's supposed to be an apprentice astronaut - I have no idea where they got this from, but it would make him design make more sense. Plus his last name also means "blue moon", for what it's worth.
On the surface this guy seems like a coolheaded nerd. That was my first impression anyway. Someone said early on that he had Nagito vibes, and well... yeah I can definitely see that. Pretty boys in Danganronpa are hardly ever sane, and aside from his massive forehead he is definitively a pretty boy. Of course, this was before Tokyo Game Show came and went and...
Well, you've all seen that screenshot by now lmao
So yeah he's definitely gay. And gay for Takumi, no less. And if we know anything about characters that gay homoerotic tension for each other in Kodaka games (and Uchikoshi games to some extent), is that they're NEVER unproblematic. Just look at his face in that CG - he's definitely a freak.
As a side note, when the trailer first dropped I was under the impression that his weapon was a huge ass wizard staff, which fit with his whole nerdy vibe. I then realized it's actually supposed to be a big ass scythe - so make of that what you will.
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I fucking love tall women with long hair and glasses. Anyway, she's the cold, serious type with a penchant for bloodlust. She has a giant axe and admits to getting excited cutting down monsters. She's a freak yeah, but at least she does that while looking hot.
A lot of people have compared her to Peko for obvious reasons, but honestly, she's like a pretty direct copy of Martina Electro from Rain Code to a T. A statuesque woman with glasses with a lust for blood? Yeah that sounds familiar. For how much of a clone she is, the one thing that differentiates the two is that, for all her presence, Martina was ultimately submissive towards the far more problematic Yomi (the guy I said is identical to Takumi, ironically) - while Hiruko hasn't really given off those vibes so far. Wouldn't be surprised if Kodaka doesn't somehow work that in though. Disappointed, but not surprised.
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I don't have good quality shots of him on hand so enjoy this crusty cropped screenshot of grumpy Takemaru.
Not much to say about this guy so far. From what I've gathered from his intro, he's a rough and tumble type of guy, a delinquent who still believes in justice. And he used a motorcycle in battle. Sound familiar?
I can see him being a standard "jerk with a heart of gold" - he doesn't seem to be quite as violent as a certain other motorcycle riding delinquent, but who knows. He's one of your starting party members, so I'm guessing he has some early prominence in the game.
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Putting these two together since they seem to be a package deal - and to be honest we're reaching the point where I don't have a lot to say about most of them.
Kodaka has NOT had a great track record with brother sister relationships - yes, not every brother sister relationship he's written has devolved into incest, but when Kako is saying "dearest brother" and seems to practically joined at the hip... can you really blame me for being a bit hesitant? There are of course ways that this doesn't end up being gross, and I sure as hope this doesn't turn out to be another Junko/Mukuro in DR3/Kiyo Chapter 3 situation.
OKAY, my fear from first impressions aside, Kako seems to be the meeker, quieter of the two, while her brother acts as her assertive protector. I don't think there's a scene where they've been apart so far... take that as you will.
Kako mentions that the two of them havent graduated junior high yet (im assuming that means theyre ninth graders, around 15 years old) - so they're presumably in the same grade. Maybe they're twins? It's hard to tell with same-face syndrome and all, but hair style aside they do have similar faces. Which does lead me to wonder... what if they're identical twins, but Kako's brother is transmasculine. This is just my pipe dream honestly - Kodaka hasn't been great with LGBT rep before, buuuuut he's improved... somewhat? Uchikoshi, on the other, is pretty good on LGBT issues - famously good even, especially in Somnium Files. It's hard to tell what influence Uchikoshi has had on the game aside from the branching paths approach to storytelling, but I have a little bit more confidence in the LGBT rep in this game if Uchikoshi is on the team.
Don't have much else to say about them, other than I'm CROSSING my fingers that they don't turn out to be weird. On my knees even.
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I know it's kinda cheap to do the whole "this character looks like this character" shtick because Komatsuzaki's style has had sameface syndrome since the very beginning, but coome ooooon, if you're going to give her the same skin tone-hair color combo then it's going to be impossible not to notice.
Anyway that aside, I can't really say much else about her. We hit the point where these character's dont have names yet so I'm going in blinder than blind. Out of all the characters, she seems like she could be a Danganronpa character the most - her outfit very clearly communicates a "talent", I'm guessing mechanics.
She gives me tomboy vibes. Like, she's also one of the only girls in the entirety of Kodaka's games to wear full-length pants as far as I'm aware.
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Im still not sure whether or not this is a boy or girl. I'm leaning towards boy, but I'm only like 80 percent sure that's right.
He's the token character with the cartoony design that's inevitably going to rank at the bottom of every popularity poll regardless of whether they're actually a good character or not. Character-wise, they come off as a shy fifth grader - Chihiro level shy, not whatever Mikan had going on.
not much else to contribute to my opinion other than that their design is definitely just a retooled beta ryoma
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Exaggerated screaming sprite? Cartoon character on shirt? Fuckass hair cut? Yeah this guy's a fucking nerd. He's going to be Takumi's annoying "best male friend" character who you either love despite his eccentricities or want to shove off a building. Or both depending on which day you're on.
Flip of a coin that he's also the token pervert character.
Aaaaand those are the first ten characters. There are still five more characters to go through (plus the mascots), but I wanted to ask why the characters were split up this way. Why don't the other five guys show up at the beginning? My current working theory is that they're part of a separate class, perhaps one that gets the rest of their students massacred, leaving these five as their sole survivors. There is ONE character that could be an exception to this, but we'll get to her when we get to her.
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Yeah you can probably find better higher quality images somewhere else.
This dude... he's edgy. He's like someone's Tokyo Ghoul OC. He gives me Korekiyo vibes, but like, in the first impressions kind of way. He seems like a laidback kinda guy that would still stab you in the throat when you look away. And it looks like he's threatening the bowl cut nerd with a knife in at least one route, so that's not far off the mark.
His design also feels kinda traditional japanese mixed with modern gothic elements - the blue hair and eyepatch. The eyepatch also has an eye symbol on it, so symbolism yay.
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A real prim and proper girl. Highly traditional. Nothing much else to say, she has a cool design. That's not always an indicator of a "good" character in these types of games, but one can hope.
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Hard to imagine this character isn't going to be a chuunibyou. Or at least, very difficult to take seriously. The creepy smile reminds me of a jack-o-lantern... wait is that the intent?
Not a lot to go off on rn, but she's definitely one of the characters I'm more interested in finding out about, if only to learn why she wears a mask with a smile for hours at a time. What's the mask for? What is the point of the mask?
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When I first saw this character from behind on the cover art, I thought she was chubby. Turns out she's actually just jacked. She's cute! She looks like a jolly character, just a ray of sunshine. It's nice to get female characters that don't just fall into the same body type.
As a side note - this isn't as blatant as Ryoma's design, but she does remind me a bit of one Sakura's beta designs, which gave her a more traditionally cute face to contrast with the rest of her body.
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Her more cartoony face also reminds me of Ibuki's beta design too, although hers doesn't look *quite* as stylized based on the few brief glimpses we've gotten of her.
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One of the more mysterious characters so far - Takumi's childhood friends that Takumi tried to protect from the monster invasion. We don't actually know what happened to her after that - she;s not with Takumi when he wakes up, but she appears alongside the rest of the cast with a different outfit.
I know danganronpa same face syndrome is insane, but its hard to imagine that we're not at least meant to assume that these two are the same character
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Theres zero chance that there isnt a huge twist regarding her, but what exactly she is or what role she plays is anyones guess because there hasnt even been an english trailer since what? June? Oh, speaking of June-
Both Kodaka and Uchikoshi have a habit of introducing female characters to be pseudo-love interests/close confidants. Think Kyoko, Chiaki, Kaede in Kodaka's case, and June, Phi, Iris, Mizuki in Uchikoshi's case. As far as characters we've seen so far, she fits the bill the most so far. She's the childhood best friend with a ton of mysterious circumstances surrounding her! She has white hair and purple eyes!
However because she's so obviously suspicious and close to the main protagonist, that also means that the likelihood of her actually being the "mastermind" is close to zero. So congrats Karua fans!
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Serves the same basic role as Monokuma but instead of Monokuma's gimmick of having the voice of a children's mascot, he instead has a deep sexy voice. I don't know whether or not he's supposed to be the antagonist or moreso a morally unhinged mascot character ala Shinigami, but idk both seem just as likely.
I would have a plushie of him.
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ninety percent chance this thing is literally just comic relief who cares
I spent an hour typing this out and embarassed myself in front of my mutuals by revealing that im invested in how danganronpa 4 turns out.
31 notes · View notes
sincerely-sofie · 1 year ago
Dadnoir Musings: The Fanfic
Lord help me I’m back on my nonsense. Finally making this monstrosity public.
Word count: 6,930-ish
Summary: Fragments of Dusknoir’s interactions with and thoughts on Kip and Twig (especially Twig) throughout the events of the game, leading up into the start of The Present is a Gift.
It was meant to be simple. He would travel back through a passage of time alone, the sableye making the journey separately to spread rumors of a renowned explorer before he'd quietly enter the areas that were handfed awe-inspiring stories of his exploits. He'd do a number of good deeds along the way to validate the rumors, and in doing so he would gain the loyalty and aid of an entire population in tracking down the grovyle and human that had gotten dangerously close to securing another time gear before vanishing entirely after their retreat.
He had heard reports of the grovyle being sighted in this time period. It was good news, certainly, to have reliable sources verify one another— but he couldn't shake the uneasy feeling he had at the reports. They always identified the grovyle, but never the human. Easily the most stand-out member of the trio of rebels— even moreso than the Legend in their ranks— and suddenly the only one unaccounted for. He didn't know much about humans and how hardy they were, but the grovyle’s habit of whirling her out of reach of whatever strikes were sent her way implied a distinct fragility— perhaps she'd been disposed of in the window of time that they'd lost track of the rebels.
He hoped that was the case. Everything would be so much simpler if it was. Still, he instructed the scouts to search more diligently for the human. He wasn't foolish enough to hope for much of anything anymore, and the fact that he found himself clinging to the idea of not having to execute the human himself left him wary.
Something wasn't right.
He entered the lively settlement of Treasure Town with a sense of dread weighing heavy on his shoulders.
His cover story gave him a particular level of sway over the local exploration guild. Not only did they eat up every word he said with an unmatched trustingness, they provided access to their outlaw reports and records of suspicious activity. There he was— the troublesome grovyle was reported enough times to give an area he was likely frequenting, but not an indication of his next move or where he'd hide away after brushes with danger. Dusknoir needed to wait and gather more information. The grovyle was rash— it wouldn't be long before he showed his hand.
In the meantime, Dusknoir would continue building Treasure Town’s trust in him.
That didn't prove very difficult. The townsfolk were exceptionally welcoming. They bore no doubt in his cover story. The Guild’s recruits were almost sycophantic in their hero worship, as were their elite, save for a team of two— and even then, the team that seemed wary of him appeared more cautious out of nerves than actual suspicion.
They were a young pair of recruits— much younger than the rest of their peers. Where the other recruits seemed at least well on their way to entering adulthood, these two were evidently the youngest apprentices in guild history. Team Venture was composed of a timid but eager mudkip and an odd charmander who seemed completely flabbergasted by basic social customs.
Kip was endearing in his overzealous enthusiasm— his excitement whenever Dusknoir interacted with him and his partner was palpable, and he introduced himself by name almost immediately upon meeting him. Another indicator of the two’s youth, then— he was so young he didn't quite grasp the finer details of when and where you should give your name. One might find the misstep offensive, but Dusknoir was flattered by the boy considering him such a close friend.
The charmander didn't give him a name. In truth, she didn't give him much of anything— she hung back when Kip and Dusknoir spoke, never really saying anything, just watching him with a confused look like she was trying to remember something long lost to time. She was a studious character— Kip didn't attend many of the workshops the Guild put on, but Charmander arrived early to and left late from every last one.
“She wasn't the one to ask to form a team together— honestly, she kind of rejected the idea at first,” Kip admitted to him while waiting for his partner to return from one such event, “but I think that now she likes exploring even more than I do!”
“Funny how things play out like that,” he replied.
“She's amazing. I'm so lucky to have met her. She's my best friend.”
He watched as the mudkip fidgeted happily with his scarf, a slight blush on his face. Ah. Definitely a bit of lilipuppy love on his end. He couldn't help his chuckle. “And how did you two meet?”
“Oh— um. She was passed out on the beach one day, but I thought she was dead when I found her and I— uh— I screamed so loud she woke up,” he stammered. “It wasn't a very cool way to meet, but I'm glad I got to meet her at all.”
“I'm sure any would react as you did were they to stumble upon a possible corpse.” His brow furrowed. “Why was she passed out on the beach in the first place?”
“She doesn't know. She's got amnesia, if you haven't heard— she doesn't remember anything about herself before waking up on the beach. Well, anything but her name and how she used to be a human.”
Kip startled at the sharpness of his tone. “She… she doesn't remember anything but her name, and how she used to be a human? Is everything okay, Dusknoir, sir?”
It couldn't be. This was a coincidence. He hoped desperately that it was a coincidence. If there was a human in the time he had traveled from, then there surely had to be humans in the time preceding it. This was another human, unrelated to the one that had evaded detection for the last year or so. It was a simple coincidence.
Kip watched him nervously.
“Apologies, I… I was simply caught off guard. Humans turning into pokemon is a concept that I thought was only the stuff of fairy tales. That combined with humans having been long extinct makes your story seem a bit peculiar.”
“Oh! Yeah, it does seem strange, doesn't it? I don't know if she's misremembering or not, but she's pretty intent on how she wasn't a charmander before waking up on the beach. She took a while to learn how to walk, though, and she doesn't know how to control fire like a normal charmander— so it makes me feel like she's telling the truth.”
Dusknoir hummed, lost in thought. Kip ran off to greet his partner when she exited the meeting hall for whatever seminar was put on that week, and she caught him in a hug and showed him a stack of notes she'd taken during the seminar. Kip stifled a laugh as he looked over the pages— Charmander demanded he tell her what was so funny, and he meekly explained that her spelling was even worse than her handwriting.
“Dude! Not cool! I didn't even know how to read any of this stuff last year. I'd like to see you write a paper in English after barely getting any time to learn it!”
They wandered off, chattering all the way, leaving Dusknoir to recall the mannerisms of the human who had all but dropped off the face of the planet and recognize their echoes in the child resting her hand over her friend’s shoulders as they walked to the guild dorms.
It was a coincidence. Simply that.
(The thought that the human he'd been trying to… dispatch for so many years was only as old as Charmander sat like a block of ice in his belly.)
He tried to get more information on this mysterious recruit, and his efforts to find any background beyond when she first arrived at the Guild yielded nothing. It was as if Charmander never existed before appearing on that beach— no records of her prior residence, birth, or heritage were to be found— no one had ever even known she existed before Kip brought her into town. He wondered if it was a conspiracy between them— that the girl was playing dumb and the boy was lying to cover up what he knew— but couldn't place any stock in the theory. Kip was as guileless as they come, and he had seen Charmander attempt to hide surprises from her partner— she was an atrocious liar. They were genuine in their cluelessness.
He learned more that personified the child than he would have liked while posing faux-idle questions to the townsfolk.
(“That lil’ charmander girl is the sweetest thing. She's got the etiquette sense of an overturned stump, make no mistake, but she means no harm by it, y’hear? Keeps coming by to my storehouse to hide presents for her friends— asked for a second lockbox and everything so her partner wouldn't know she was collecting up his favorite things to give him later on.” The woman laughed. “She loves playing with my little one, too— it's the funniest thing, seeing her try to play with her. It's like she thinks she's made of glass. I keep telling Charmander she can be a bit rougher, but she still treats the girl so gingerly!”)
(“Ah! Charmander, you say? Yes, yes, she's quite the character. Loves wordplay, that one. Sharp mind, if a little dense at times. Always asking about the finer points of merchantry. If she weren't already apprenticed at the Guild, we'd consider taking her on ourselves!” A pause as his brother interjected with his own comment. “Ah! I'd forgotten about that. She's made such a habit of paying for those two’s groceries. She's always so mischievous about it— almost treats it like a prank. Keep in mind she's never told those boys or their mother who keeps paying for their things, and she's sworn us to secrecy about it— you'll not tell a soul either, yes?”)
(“Charmander is… well, she's one of our most promising recruits, alongside her partner. I've had my misgivings— those two have shown their immaturity at the worst of times, to the point of near disaster, mind you! If it weren't for Team Skull, I shudder to think of what would have happened… But they've got good hearts. Charmander started out one of the worst-performing recruits in the Guild’s history, but she's made leaps and bounds of progress. It's easier to look past her age when you see the stacks of pages of notes and research she produces— though it's significantly harder when you see the severity of her spelling! She gave me a paper where she'd listed several questions about expedition protocol, once, and I was appalled by the sight!” A nervous flutter of wings. “Everything she writes is phonetic! Horrifically so! Her handwriting is no better. It's to the point I've debated calling on a tutor to stay at the Guild for a time to provide lessons. I shudder to think of a recruit ever rising to the point she and her partner have with such deplorable writing skills. Should I ever meet her parents, I have strong words to give on the importance of education!”)
It was a coincidence. It had to be. She was a former human who had arrived in town at the same time that the fugitive human had disappeared, but that wasn't enough to be incriminating. He didn't want to think about the alternative. In his questioning the townsfolk, all he learned was how utterly normal this child was— how she had the same quirks and charms as any youth would, despite her constant efforts to seem mature and keep up with her older peers.
She and her partner asked him if he, in all his travels, knew about the cause of her dizzy spells and visions. There it was— the Dimensional Scream, and another nail in Charmander’s coffin.
It had to be a coincidence. If it wasn't, then this child's blood would need to stain his hands if he wanted to continue on himself, and he was starting to doubt how much he wanted to live a life with that fact haunting him.
It would have been easier if it was just death he was facing. He could handle the thought of dying, grim as it was. But he faced no simple looming threat of death, but one of complete and utter erasure from existence— if the grovyle succeeded, it would be as if he never lived in the first place. The same fate would be dealt to Charmander. If the existential terror wasn't enough, Dialga’s visceral descriptions of what erasure felt like were unsettlingly vivid. Dusknoir would simply have to remind himself that an execution would be swifter, less painful— even, in a twisted way, more merciful than what Grovyle was so resolutely seeking.
She wouldn't suffer, and he wouldn't be stricken from all of time and space. It would be a twofold victory, grim as it was— if it ever came to that. He didn't even know if this was the exact same human who could discern Dimensional Screams. All signs pointed to her, but if he refrained from learning anything more, he could claim ignorance. He could leave her in this time and simply dispose of the grovyle, and she would remain as she was, blissfully unaware of her origins.
He just had to stop asking questions. That's all he had to do.
Charmander came up to him one day with a newfound hesitancy in her posture. “Hey, so— I really appreciate you telling me about the Scream a while back. And how you came to help me and Kip when the Manectric Tribe came along, and you scaring off Team Skull, and all that, too.”
“Think nothing of it.”
“I don't really get Pokemon stuff, but I know names are pretty important, like, as a trust thing.”
“That they are.” Don't. I don't want to hear—
“So I figured I could give you mine? As a symbol of, like, gratitude or whatever.”
“There’s no need.” Stop it. Stop it, stop it, stop it, don't tell me anything, I don't want to know—
“Nah, I don't mind.” She smiled widely, puffed out her chest, set her fists on her hips. “It's Twig! Nice to meet you, or whatever you're supposed to say when you… um…” Her prideful posture fell, giving way to concern. “What's with the face? Sorry if I messed that up, I don't really know how things are supposed to— I just thought…”
Of course. Of course he was wrong to hope. When was he ever right to cling to such things? It was her, and he'd known it all along, but he stubbornly refused to accept it.
“I'm sorry, man. You don't have to look so upset.”
“Whatever would give you that idea?”
“You're crossing your arms to hide the fact you're frowning.” She furrowed her brow. “I'm not stupid, Dusknoir.”
You are, though. You're so, so foolish, and you don't even realize it. I could have moved on from here without ever confirming who you were, and you ruined it.
“Apologies,” he murmured tersely. “I'm just a tad overcome. I need a moment.”
“Oh. Yeah, no worries.” She awkwardly reached out and patted the back of his hand as she passed. “I’m gonna go and… I dunno, do some sentry duty. Sorry again if I messed stuff up.”
You should be. You did. Legends and Life, you'll regret this even more than I do when the time comes.
It was rather jarring to see the same human that Grovyle had been so determined to keep out of harm’s way laid so low by his own hand. Dusknoir’s appearance at Crystal Cave sent the fugitive packing, and he was left to tend to an injured Team Venture.
Twig shoved his hands away as he assessed the damage. “Don't! Don't, I'm fine— Help Kip! He's— I don't know if he's going to…” Her voice broke, and his heart followed suit at the pitiful sound. “Please. You've got to help him.”
It took a moment to locate the mudkip in question— Twig had evidently been making efforts to lead the fight away from where he had collapsed behind a large stalagmite, unconscious.
He had seen injuries, he had seen gore— but he had never seen so much of them on such a small body.
Twig wasn't overreacting in her fear of whether or not her friend would survive their encounter with Grovyle.
He knew enough first-aid to ensure Kip didn't bleed out in the moment, but lacked the supplies necessary to do much else. Twig was bundling Kip up in her arms before he admitted as much to himself, starting the trek out of the mystery dungeon on shaking legs— and only managed several strides before falling to her knees with a pained groan. She didn't protest when he lifted her into his own arms and resumed the journey with more haste than she could muster in her state— only curled tightly around her partner, to the point that her tail brushed her jaw, promising over and over again that he would be okay.
Chimecho received the two recruits and administered the care that Dusknoir was unable to provide, ushering him out of the room so she would have room to work in the cramped Guild infirmary. Left in the silence of the main floor alongside the unsettled guild members who had gathered together when they learned of Team Venture’s state, he found himself standing before the infirmary door, numb. Slowly, the guild members dispersed, the quiet tension in the air left unbroken as they awaited news of their friends’ fates. Chatot remained, noisy in his silence as he alternated between pacing and leafing through paperwork that he never gave more than a few moments of attention at a time. Dusknoir eventually had the sense to seat himself a ways away from the infirmary door and began sifting through the events of the last few hours.
He hadn't pursued Grovyle. He had the opportunity to corner the fugitive— there were a number of dead ends in Crystal Cave, any of which he could have driven him into and had the upper hand in a confrontation where he might capture him— and he didn't take it. He squandered the perfect chance to finally do away with the greatest thorn in his side in favor of assisting another of the trio he'd been tasked with dispatching. He could only hope that Dialga didn't learn of his misstep— there would be hell to pay if he did.
He was pulled from his thoughts by Chatot’s startled squawk as he shot over to the infirmary door when Twig stepped onto the threshold, though not fully through, heavily bandaged and with a pronounced limp. “What are you doing up and about?! You need to remain in the infirmary until you've been given a clean bill of health! I won't have you running about jeopardizing yourself— think of— think of what horrors that would do for the Guild’s image! Get back in there immediately!”
Twig gave him a weary glare. “I'm not going to sit around and watch while Chimecho stitches Kip back into one piece. Move over, man.”
Chatot opened his beak to protest once more, but froze upon glancing over Twig's shoulder— catching an eyeful of Kip’s injuries, judging by the way his feathers flattened against his body in fear. “A-Alright, just this once, then. But sit down! You look faint. I don't want to have you falling and giving yourself a concussion on top of all this!”
“Pretty sure I already have a concussion, Chatot. I also can't sit down unless you let me through the doorway.”
Chatot complied, fretting over her until she laid down on the floor and set her legs up against the wall to combat her supposed faintness that Chatot was so worried about. “Dusknoir, I'm dreadfully sorry, but please keep watch over this recruit for a moment. Chimecho will no doubt need more material for sutures shortly— I must seek supplies in town.” He didn't wait for a response, simply shot up the ladder leading out of the guild in a flurry of wings and panic, leaving Dusknoir and Twig in an vacant chamber.
She closed her eyes, falling so still that she seemed to be asleep. Recalling her mentioning a concussion, he reached over to rouse her— but her sudden words made him freeze with his hand outstretched.
“Chimecho doesn't know if he's gonna make it.”
He couldn't muster a response to that.
“You’ve— you've been around, you know lots of stuff. You've probably seen injuries way worse than those. Kip’s— he's gonna be okay, right?” He watched as she opened her eyes, fixing him with a teary stare as she waited for an answer. “... Right?”
He couldn't look at her. “His injuries are severe,” he finally murmured.
She turned to stare at the ceiling. He did his best to ignore the way her breaths stuttered and hitched, turning into quiet hiccups and whines as she rolled over and shifted to press her back against the wall and cry into her knees. Distantly, he wondered how she managed to cry so quietly, even when every whisper of a sob shook her entire frame with its intensity. He intently avoided pondering what had motivated her to develop such a skill.
It wasn't easy to ignore an injured, distraught child weeping only an arms-length away from him. He found himself unwillingly reminded of the sableye when he first took them in— Twig's situation was different, but the end result was almost the same— a child left adrift and frightened in the face of tragedy. Where the sableye had each other, though, Twig was left to weep without five siblings to answer the slightest whimper with unflinching support. Her partner— her only true friend amongst the Guild, from the sound of things— was on death's door, unable to come to her aid and offer the same words of comfort she had repeated to him as Dusknoir brought the two back to the Guild.
Despite himself, he reached out and set his hand over her back. She stiffened under his palm, and he nearly pulled away, but she caught hold of his thumb on her shoulder and held his hand in place. Her tears continued. He didn't say anything when she curled up tighter and her sobs picked up in volume, too startled by the memory of one of the recruits describing something to him.
(“Twig really doesn't like being touched. Not most times, at least! One time I patted her on the back because she beat my best sentry duty record, and she whirled around and almost took off one of my petals! Like, oh my gosh, I totally freaked! Kip said that she barely lets anyone touch her— you've got to be a real close buddy for her to be okay with it, or else it really freaks her out— but I didn't think it was that bad! Eek!”)
He kept his gaze fixed on the opposite wall and tried not to think about how she felt bonier under his hand than one so young had any right to be.
Kip survived, adorned with a number of scars that would remain for all his remaining days as a mudkip. Twig was glued to his side during the days in which he was allowed to exit the infirmary and rest in the dorms, and she became his crutch whenever he struggled to walk about the Guild to build his strength back up after so long being bedridden. The other recruits flocked around the two and made their concern known, offering to help with anything they needed as they recovered.
Kip asked for help checking a particular book out of the Guild library and sending word to Chimecho that the numbing agent was working a bit too well, and that he couldn't feel the fin on his head whatsoever. Twig didn't ask for anything— suddenly every bit as stoney, stern, and stoic as Grovyle had appeared in confrontations once they were separated— and said little over the following days. When one recruit waddled up to her after a workshop with carefully written notes and an apology for how he couldn't write as many pages as she always did on account of how fast the lecturer spoke and how slow his paws were, though, she pulled him into a hug that he meekly returned.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you—”
“Aw, shucks, it's really nothing! Don't mind it at all. I know how much you love those workshops. Me, though, I was lost as soon as the lecturer flipped the first page on her big ol’ chart thingy! You mind explaining how traps form in a mystery dungeon? She kept saying that it was important to know for this workshop, but I didn't go during the one where it was taught.”
She launched into a lecture of her own, more animated than he had seen her since her encounter with Grovyle, and Dusknoir was tempted to applaud the young man for so cleverly distracting her from her wounds.
With a trap laid for Grovyle, Dusknoir watched for the right moment to spring it. It didn't take long— the fugitive was gullible and impatient, a dangerous combination of traits that ensured Dusknoir wasn't left waiting for long.
Grovyle was secured— albeit perhaps roughed up a tad more than was totally necessary to capture him— and that meant he had to resolve the other loose end before he departed for his home era.
He called Team Venture forward, out from the back of the crowd where they always lingered. He only had to bring Twig closer, but to summon her alone would raise suspicions at this most critical of moments. She was slow to come up to the front of the crowd and made her way there leaning heavily on her partner when she finally appeared. Evidently, her refusal to rest and recover from her injuries had backfired, leaving her in a worse state than Kip was despite her having the lesser wounds at the beginning.
He only needed her. He could leave Kip behind and have a single child’s death weighing on him for eternity instead of two, if only they would stop clinging to each other for one measly second. He gave a speech describing his gratitude, waiting for the moment when she would shift her weight off of his side and onto her own two feet so he could grab her and be off— and there it was. He seized her in a hand and shot back into the passage of time, realizing too late that Kip was dragged along by her fistful of his scarf.
Great. Of course.
He caught hold of the boy when Twig’s own grip came loose and cursed whatever Legends were watching and no doubt laughing at his luck.
He really should have expected Grovyle would have another trick lying in wait before the execution. He'd hoped that Kip and Twig at least would remain unconscious for the act, but Grovyle's hissing and spitting curses his way roused them, and they were pulled along with his escape plan as a result. Dusknoir was going to kill him personally if things continued to sour thanks to him. When they had the three cornered— along with Celebi, even— he found himself possessed by the urge to twist the knife.
It was cruel to reveal Twig’s identity to Grovyle in order to stamp out any bit of resistance in him, but Dusknoir would be lying if he said it didn't give him some awful sense of catharsis to see the horrified guilt in his face— he finally realized just what he'd done by beating a child unconscious and nearly doing the same to a second one in Crystal Cave, and Dusknoir took a certain glee in his regret. Twig’s look of disgust at the reveal only drove the knife deeper. Good. He deserves it. He put out a hand and sent a shadow snaking along the ground, ready to take the wretch out—
— and Twig tackled Grovyle out of the way of the attack, putting herself in the range of the strike. He fumbled, dampening the worst of the blow before it hit her, but she still let out a sharp cry in response. Legends and Life, he would rather put the two youths out of their misery with something quick, but that was made difficult by their insistence to throw themselves in harm's way as living shields for the one target he wanted to suffer.
Fine, then. He reached out to snatch Kip up and snap his neck, but Twig surged into Dusknoir with such force she managed to throw him against a tree and lit a barrier of flame between them and her allies.
She kicked off of him, further dizzying him thanks to her using his eye as her chosen springboard, and landed ready to dash back to her group— but stopped short when she saw the long wall of fire between them.
(He'd never seen her use any sort of attack before that incorporated the flames she could manifest as a charmander— only ever using her fists, teeth, and even fallen branches to strike— and he suddenly recalled how he could count the hours at the Guild by how many times she'd let out a startled yelp when she'd see her own tail. Back then, he thought she'd simply never grown accustomed to an extra limb. It was with a bitter, weary laugh now that he realized she was afraid of fire.)
He reached out, hand outstretched to take her by the throat.
Kip sprang up from the ground that he had tunneled into and headbutted him hard, whirling around to douse the flames and shove his partner forward. “Come on, come on, we've got to get out of—!”
Grovyle snatched the girl up as he sprang for the passage of time, not even sparing her partner a second glance as he leveled Dusknoir with a deadly glare when he passed. Kip was only pulled along by Twig grabbing his scarf and pulling him into her arms as they darted into the passage of time, Celebi swiftly shuttering it and vanishing in a shimmer of air.
Grovyle hadn't told Twig what would happen to her if their efforts to restore Temporal Tower succeeded. Of all the things he'd done, this one failure to act was his most repulsive misdeed by far.
She was baffled by Dusknoir's question of whether she truly didn't fear erasure, looking to Grovyle for answers. He stuttered and stammered, resisting her request for the truth at first, and Dusknoir, for all his willingness to see his instructions to kill these two as just business a few seconds ago, concluded that it would be a lovely vacation to throttle Grovyle in particular.
One last attempt to dispatch Twig as kindly as he could was once again foiled— Grovyle passed on the burden of his mission to a child who just learned she was giving up her entire existence to change a future that was uncertain— and he forced Dusknoir into the passage of time.
Erasure was less painful than he expected. It was less like being ripped apart by every second he had lived and more like his very soul was slowly being brushed away, like he was falling asleep. Twig had gone through with her part, then. He hoped the event of her disappearance wasn't too frightening for her or Kip.
Dusknoir could feel himself slipping. He could barely summon the words as he asked, “Grovyle… My life… did it shine?”
Grovyle must have been just as exhausted as Dusknoir, but he smiled despite it. His hand shook as he reached out to grip his arm. His voice trembled with effort as he fought to speak. “Extraordinarily.”
It was a pitiful scrap of comfort— meaningless, really. But that simple response, combined with the sun rising behind the collapsed forms of his unlikely allies moved him to tears.
Okay. If this was how he was struck from all of time and space, it was okay. He would be able to accept it.
As dawn broke for the first time in decades gone uncounted, Dusknoir stopped clinging to the world about him, and let himself drift away completely.
To return to existence was unexpected. To be given a second chance at life by Dialga himself was even more unexpected. But perhaps most unexpected of all was how much he hated this bright future’s refusal to admit all of the terrors that had taken place on its soil.
Grovyle and Celebi felt similarly. The decision to immigrate to the Present was unanimous, heightened by Grovyle's late realization that if they'd been restored, Twig likely was as well— Celebi couldn't open a passage of time fast enough for his liking once the idea hit him, and he bolted through it the moment it was vaguely safe to traverse.
“… He's certainly eager to move in.”
“Dusknoir, dear, you know full well he's not leaping at the opportunity to pick out wallpaper.” She turned to the passage, face pensive. “It's been so long since I've seen them in this timeline… I'm almost afraid. How do I look? Are my antennae straight? Are my wings as dazzling as ever?”
He gave her a flat stare.
“You have no appreciation for beauty! Hmph!” She feigned anger for only a moment before glancing back at him, worried. “If you'd like a moment, Dusknoir, you can wait here and prepare yourself. I know you didn't part on the best of terms with our two little explorers.”
“I doubt they're very little anymore.”
“You're right! Oh my goodness, they must be full-grown by now… I'm going through, dear, but you come on out only when you're ready.”
He waited for a feeling of readiness to overtake him.
It never did.
All he could do was take a breath and enter the passage.
He was greeted by sunlight, dappled shadows, treetop canopies rustling overhead, and Twig's startled command for Kip to get behind her.
She was barely any taller, covered in scars he didn't remember her wearing when they last parted ways, and she had her fists balled up in front of her and ready to lash out the second he approached. Grovyle stepped forward and tried to explain, and her look of frightened fury gave way to confusion, then frustration.
“There's— No way. There's no way he did any of that. He's just trying to get our guards down again.” She cast a vicious glare his way. “What, was Primal Dialga a cover? Were you really working with Darkrai all along? Too bad, we beat your real boss months ago! Get out of here before I—”
Kip stepped forward, brushing aside his partner's threats with a smile. His words were sincere and simple. “I knew you were too nice to be faking it. All the times in Treasure Town, Amp Plains, Crystal Cave— I told you, Twig. C’mon, you owe me five-hundred poké!”
She sputtered for a moment as he simply held out a paw expectantly. She reached into her bag and begrudgingly slid a large coin into his waiting palm. He gave her a smug smile as Dusknoir looked between them.
“Do you two often bet on the intentions of those you meet?” He asked, unsettled by the well-practiced exchange.
“It’s a joke. Mostly. And we don't do it too much,” Kip answered.
He was scared to hear the answer he was certain he already knew. “And what started this routine between you?”
To his surprise, they didn't respond by pointing to him. Twig crossed her arms and murmured, surprisingly hesitant, “We got… um. Don't know if there's a specific word for it in Pokéspeak, but we thought we were talking to Cresselia, and it turned out it was very much not Cresselia that we were talking to. We started up the joke to deal with that.”
“A Cresselia that wasn't Cresselia— who would impersonate a Legend?”
Twig gave him a once-over, her suspiciousness giving way to exhaustion. “You know that Darkrai dude I mentioned a bit ago?”
The explanation that followed wasn't as horrifying as the manner in which it was told. Kip admitted his fears as he explained their subsequent clash with a Legend who masterminded Dialga's decay, but Twig dismissed hers. The blatant attempt to put on a brave face and minimize her own anxieties— anxieties which still clearly affected her, judging by the way she avoided eye contact and her tail’s flame fizzled and hissed while burning an anxious magenta— brought to mind a memory he'd almost forgotten.
(A bloody child shakily shoving helping hands aside, sobbing for him to ignore her wounds and tend to her partner. A refusal of aid in favor of assisting another.)
His hands curled into fists, and he looked away. Twig tensed and took a half-step closer to Kip, and the sight killed him.
Kip offered their motley trio a place in his and Twig's home as they searched for more permanent lodgings. They accepted, much to Twig's poorly hidden chagrin.
Everyone else had retired for the night— curled up in makeshift beds pulled haphazardly together out of blankets and pitiful amounts of straw insufficient for any real mattress. Grovyle snored loudly, sleeping deeply for perhaps the first time Dusknoir had ever been around to see, and Celebi had tucked herself tidily into her bed, breaths whistling lightly as she rested. Kip was doing the same a short distance away. Twig, meanwhile, sat at a table across the room, pretending to look over papers she must have read ten times each by now, glaring up at him every time she leafed through the stack anew.
The implication that she didn't trust him around her unconscious friends and had taken up watch to protect them wasn't lost on him.
She did this for multiple nights. She'd reached the point that she was nodding off in the daytime, exhausted by her nightly vigils, but she still kept them up. He had attempted to fake sleeping earlier in the night so she'd allow herself rest, but she remained awake even then— and so he swiftly gave up the ruse in favor of his typical pattern of sleep. Each evening, she'd take up her post at the table and start skimming papers with feigned interest, keeping an eye on his every move and tensing whenever he so much as twitched.
He deserved each terrified glower she gave him. His knowledge of his guilt didn't make it any easier to see one so young carrying the world on her shoulders.
She was grown now— likely nearing an evolution, if the reddish scales now dotting her skin meant anything— but she still had the eyes of a haunted child when the nights were long and her watch over her friends wore on her.
She finally slipped up one evening, her head settled on folded arms over the table’s surface, eyelids drifting closed until her breathing finally evened out and she fell asleep. He sighed with relief, but the reassurance that she'd finally get some rest was short-lived.
She flinched in her sleep, murmuring fearfully, fingers twitching against the tabletop she'd slumped over.
Uncertain of what to do, but called to help all the same, he rose and pulled a blanket from the meager sheets comprising her empty bed. She relaxed when he draped it over her, her hands no longer balling into fists and her tail’s flame glowing a warm, peaceful white instead of flickering between aggressive violets and panicked magentas.
She looked smaller as she slept— as if in her slumber she forgot to puff herself up and pretend she was self-assured and confident. She looked like a recruit too young to keep up with her older peers and too naive to understand the danger she threw herself readily into.
She looked like a child.
She looked like a child, but she'd never had the chance to truly be one. Between running for her life in the Dark Future, to taking on a schooling far too intensive for those her age, to waging battles with Legends and shouldering whatever trauma she'd garnered from all of it— she'd never been allowed such an opportunity.
(He was part of that. He was part of the reasons she'd never been able to grow up as a child should. He'd been part of the wretched selection of foes who robbed her of her youth.)
Dusknoir tugged the blanket higher around the girl's shoulders. She sighed a cozy, content sound, and he left for a late night walk.
He didn't mention the blanket come morning. She left it unspoken as well.
(She took a glance at her post the next evening and turned away, electing to sprawl out in her bed and snore almost loud enough to put Grovyle to shame.)
(It was a simple thing. Meaningless, really, and no great signifier of any faith that had been rebuilt. But it moved him near to tears regardless as she dropped off to sleep before any of the rest of them. She trusted them all to keep her safe and be safe in turn— and he was encircled in that trust.)
(It wasn't the unwavering faith of a child, but it was something, and it was something that meant the world.)
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rippleclan · 8 months ago
RippleClan: Moon 54
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Scalepaw is overwhelmed by all the sights and sounds of his first Gathering and panics.
[Image ID: Scalepaw runs away with + CONDITION: SENSORY OVERLOAD underneath him. Weedfoot, who has - CONDITION: GRIEVING under her, yowls “Scalepaw?” Tempestshade watches behind her. Under them, it says LEVEL UP! FEMALE -> NONBINARY (THEY/THEM).]
Scalepaw walked quietly behind his mother and father, paws already aching from the long walk. Sure, if anyone spoke to him, he’d say he was excited for his first Gathering, and it wasn’t a lie. He wanted to see what they were like! But RippleClan camp could be a loud and overwhelming place at times, so to imagine the sounds of the Gathering…
“I’ve got a lot of friends to introduce you to,” Lavendertwist said, walking alongside Scalepaw. “Gladestep is a WheatClan warrior, you can show off some of your battle moves with him. Snailheart’s been teasing me ever since I came home with this collar, but you’ll like him too.” Lavendertwist rubbed his collar against his shoulder. It was made of black leather and lined with gold dots. Scalepaw flinched when the collar got too close to him. How could his brother stand having that thing around his neck?
“Downstar will be introducing you to the other Clans tonight,” Waspdawn said, jogging past Puddlewhisper and Rustshade to join his little brother. “When she mentions your name, just sit up and let everyone cheer.” Oh stars. More cheering? He’d barely been able to stand it when he became an apprentice! Now all the Clans would be yowling his name?
“Hey, don’t look like that,” Lavendertwist chuckled, gently nudging Scalepaw. “You’ll make good friends here.” Considering Scalepaw already wanted to scream, he didn’t think that was true.
He could hear the crowds already. Their words dug into Scalepaw’s head. He couldn’t help but dig his claws in with each step, his body trying to force him back. His older siblings surrounded him like a guard patrol. They all seemed so strong and noble. So did Weedfoot and James, casually chatting as they approached the brown stone wall leading to the Leader’s Stone.
“Hurry, Wildclaw!” Rattlepelt charged past Scalepaw, free of her fox pelt, carrying a loaded basket. She bumped into Scalepaw, knocking him to the side. Her furless skin rubbed against Scalepaw like claws down his back. He barely gathered his thoughts before Wildclaw pushed past him from the other side, squeezing between him and Lavendertwist.
“Sorry!” Wildclaw called as she and Rattlepelt hurried behind Downstar on the path up the wall.
“You’re going to fall doing that!” Waspdawn yowled.
No. No no no. Scalepaw was on fire. His fur was too thick but too thin at the same time, an insult to the code of the world. His ears were bleeding, he was sure of it. He couldn’t do this. He could not go up there! His feet scrambled across the cold, hard ground. He turned tail and bolted into the forest beyond the path.
“Scalepaw?” Weedfoot called, but her son couldn’t hear her. He could barely hear anything.
Why did everything have to hurt? Why did other cats have to look at him like that? Why couldn’t he be a normal apprentice? Why, why, why? This was supposed to be fun! He was supposed to make friends! How could he ever be a warrior? How could he be the deputy’s son, but not show his face at Gatherings? He could barely talk! He was awful, awful, awful!
Scalepaw wasn’t sure where he was. He was somewhere in SlugClan territory, he knew that at least. But he couldn’t hear the Gathering anymore. There weren’t heavy pelts pressing against him. He could actually think. Well, in a sense. It felt like his body was full of ants, but a deep, unsettling fatigue dragged at his long fur. He paced around a tree, crunching the remnants of fallen leaves. He rubbed his paw on the leaves. The leaves felt good. There weren’t a hundred too-thin, too-thick hairs poking at his skin.
Green eyes shone in the moonlight. Scalepaw froze. The figure’s breathing stung his ears. They took a step forward. It was Tempestshade! What was she—no, they, they revealed the change earlier that moon—what were they doing there?
“Hi,” Tempestshade chirped awkwardly. “I thought I would make sure you didn’t get lost. I, uh, can understand why a Gathering would be so scary.” Scalepaw just stared at them. They lived up to their suffix, Scalepaw hadn’t heard them. Then again, he wasn’t hearing much. Their words still hurt to hear. Scalepaw whined and pulled his paws over his ears. He was such a kit. 
“Why are you acting like that?” Tempestshade asked. Scalepaw had to stop. He had to approach this situation like a warrior. But how could he when everything hurt? “Alright, it seems you won’t answer me. That’s alright, I suppose. I’ve been like that sometimes. I was like that after my trial. And, uh, when I realized Ripplefern was dead.” 
They had? Other people had felt like Scalepaw felt? From the way Rustshade talked at the trial, he made it seem like Tempestshade had no remorse, that they were the epitome of selfishness, possessing the self-centered morals of a kit. Considering Scalepaw felt like a kit, maybe that was alright.
“I know there’s dung-all I can probably do to make this stop before its time, so…” Tempestshade muttered. They scooted closer to Scalepaw. “I can at least keep you company. Is that alright? Oh, you don’t really talk a lot, you can’t say yes… just whine if you don’t want me here, how about that?” Scalepaw stayed quiet. His pelt still burned and his ears still screamed, ringing with the remnants of Tempestshade’s words.
But he wasn’t alone.
(Scalepaw: 7, male, warrior apprentice, lonesome, avid play-fighter)
(Lavendertwist: 20, male, warrior, playful, good singer, good storyteller)
(Waspdawn: 20, male, codekeeper, strict, learner of lore, clue finder)
(Rattlepelt: 37, female, artisan, fierce, leather artist)
(Wildclaw: 48, female, caretaker, fierce, trusted advisor)
(Weedfoot: 103, female, deputy, charismatic, steady paws, formidable fighter)
(Tempestshade: 15, nonbinary (they/them), caretaker, childish, incredible cook)
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Fennelspot develops yellowcough just as Troutpool realizes some of the herb stores went bad.
[Image ID: Fennelspot sits to the side with + CONDITION: YELLOWCOUGH written under him. Darkkick comforts Troutpool by saying, “Breathe. Herbs are just the base. You still have ointments and concoctions.”]
(Darkkick: 114, male, warrior, lonesome, talented swimmer, understands nature)
(Troutpool: 15, female, cleric, insecure, ghost sense)
(Fennelspot: 111, male, cleric, insecure, trusted advisor, incredible runner)
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Wildclaw fought a big dog and got hurt.
[Image ID: Wildclaw stands with a new update underneath her; + CONDITION: BITE WOUND.]
(Wildclaw: 46, female, caretaker, fierce, trusted advisor)
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