#quality training digital marketing
zakshasree · 1 year
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honeytonedhottie · 3 months
celebrity energy⋆.ೃ࿔*:・💅🏽
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so i got an ask about this a while ago and i wanted to make a post about it but i went on hiatus 😭 so im making the post now. thank you to the anonie who asked the question that inspired this post and i hope you see this cuz it answers ur ask...💬🎀
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while making the notes for celebrity energy (the big C) and i was able to umbrella it to three main points. those points being confidence, cuntiness, and charisma.
confidence ; celebrities need to have undeniable confidence in themselves and their abilities. they're famous for a reason and they know that. work on ur self concept and watch ur confidence sky rocket.
cuntiness ; to be cunty is to be feminine and aware of urself. be cunty in the things that u do and the way that u handle urself. to be cunty is to find the perfect balance of inner strength and delicateness. cunt = refined.
charisma ; authenticity is the heart of charisma. be authentic and dont be afraid to take up space.
to have celebrity you need an image to put forward. this is where the power of social media comes in. your social media is like your brand. in this day and age social media is such a powerful tool not only for networking but also for getting u into places that u wanna get to.
in order to do that though u need to learn how to formulate ur own distinct image and advertise it expertly on social media.
to further touch on those points ur social media IS your brand. this section kind of ties in with the next but im trying to distinguish between the two. so ur personal brand is what u do. so lets say ur rly SUPER smart and ur known for getting A's on like everything.
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that is ur personal brand and that comes with a reputation that u may or may not feel obligated to uphold. but its important to uphold a reputation of some sort. with that being said be careful of what u post on ur social media because DIGITAL FOOTPRINT IS REAL. and when people look at ur social media they're seeing a representation of what ur putting out to the world so always be mindful.
you need something about yourself that’s gonna set you apart. the way that you walk the way that you dress the way that you do ur makeup etc. decide what kind of energy u wanna serve, and SERVE IT. i choose to serve princess energy and i could write a whole separate post on that but find someone who serves that same energy so that u can learn from them.
remember, dont introduce urself as a vibe that u cannot maintain
but back to what we were talking about what is your SIGNATURE. what makes u or people think "yea thats so (insert ur name)" is the way that u talk or the way that u carry yourself. make sure to refine urself and be ur own distinct individual.
and dont be afraid to play around with signatures, ur allowed to have a few or one singular one, dont limit urself and keep trying until u can create the perfect one for you…💬🎀
while on the topic of signatures i wanna touch on STAR QUALITY. learn how to market urself not only as a person but as ur own brand. star quality is the perfect blend of (talent + training + confidence)
refinement refinement refinement. u need to be studying yourself and you need to be able to see urself from other point of views. seeing urself from other point of views can be so refreshing and useful and it rly helps when ur trying to polish urself.
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take impeccable care for urself and constantly show urself that u love urself. polish the way that u talk and the way that u carry yourself so that u can be exuding so much you-energy. its basically taking ur signature and the energy that u exude -> and refining it.
you have to create the energy before fame comes. if u wanna have celebrity energy u have to start getting comfortable with putting urself out there which leads me to my next point...💬🎀
when people call u cringe thats like them exposing their fear of being seen and analyzed by the world. they're upset because ur putting urself out there and they're insecure, but thats for them to fix within themselves. so dont take it personally when someone calls u cringe.
furthermore ur fear of being cringe is holding u back because ur always overthinking everything and u won't let urself do anything even if it'll help you because ur worried it might be cringe or ur worried what other people think so nip that in the bud and let urself live! u might have haters but dont let urself be ur own hater.
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Show me the reviews of good digital marketing academy in coimbatore
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westernmg · 2 years
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techlearningcanada · 2 years
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astroismypassion · 2 months
Credit: Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
You feel the most abundant when you have Aries and Aquarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via launching or joining a tech startup, focused on innovative technologies or disruptive business model, via work in community organization or activism, via work in digital marketing or social media management, via providing consulting services to businesses or organizations, advising them on innovation strategies, product development or new market exploration, via work in crowdfunding or fundraising. You feel abundant when you align with social causes, focus on group dynamics and embrace innovation.
You feel the most abundant when you have Taurus and Aquarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via work in investment management, focusing on building and managing portfolios that provide stable returns, via art colleting, dealing or curation focusing on pieces that have enduring value, via work in interior design, via work in hospitality management (in luxury hotels, resorts or event planning). You feel abundant when you embrace sustainable and ethical practices, when you practice patience and persistence.
You feel the most abundant when you have Gemini and Aquarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via engaging in activism, advocacy work, via work in public relations, graphic design, via creative writing, screenwriting, content creation, teaching, tutoring, joining or starting a tech company focused on innovative products or services. You feel abundant when you are focused on community, collective goals, when you stay versatile and adaptable.
You feel the most abundant when you have Cancer and Aquarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via pursuing a career in early childhood education or childcare, nursing, caregiving, mental health services, via work in family and parent education, pursuing culinary arts or catering, engaging in art and design. You feel abundant when you focus on community, social connections, embrace technology and innovation, promote security and stability and use your intuition and emotional intelligence.
You feel the most abundant when you have Leo and Aquarius Sun people in your life. You can find abundance by managing a charitable organisation. You can earn money via work as a creative director or manager, overseeing projects in fashion, advertising or design, via writing, blogging, content creation focused on inspirational and motivational themes, via work in charity or fundraising, work in teaching (drama, art, public speaking). You feel abundant when maintain confidence in your vision and abilities, when you embrace charisma, leadership and when you pursue a creative career.
You feel the most abundant when you have Virgo and Aquarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via work in tech support, quality assurance, systems analysis, work in non-profit management, pursuing teaching or training roles, engage in environmental research, when you organise workshops or seminars on practical skills, health and wellness. You feel abundant when you focus on health, wellness, when you network, collaborate and when you use technology.
You feel the most abundant when you have Libra and Virgo Sun people in your life. You can create wealth by creating and selling DIY kits or tutorials. You could also learn digital or 3D art. You could sell photos on sites like Shutterstock or Adobe Stock. You earn money via event planning, specializing in weddings, social events and community events, work in legal services, such as family law, meditation or contract negotiation. You feel abundant when you embrace collaboration and partnerships, focus on aesthetics and creativity.
You feel the most abundant when you have Scorpio and Aquarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via holistic healing, alternative medicine, energy work, via astrology, metaphysical studies, spiritual counselling, via biotechnology, healthcare technology, environmental technology, via work in cybersecurity, data analysis or investigative journalism. You feel abundant when embrace deep, transformative work, engage in financial and strategic roles.
You feel the most abundant when you have Sagittarius and Aquarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via career in diplomacy, teaching, lecturing, work in tourism industry, work in educational publishing, work in broadcasting or journalism, work in editing or translation. You feel abundant when you engage in social and humanitarian causes, focus on education and communication, when you embrace international cultural perspectives.
You feel the most abundant when you have Capricorn and Aquarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via real estate development, work in corporate training and development, taking on leadership roles in non-profit organizations that focus on social justice, community development or environmental sustainability. You feel abundant when emphasize practical, realistic approach, when you use network and social connections.
You feel the most abundant when you have Aquarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via streaming on platforms (Twitch), participating in esports or creating gaming content. You earn money via scientific research, when you create or support educational programs that focus on skills for the future (digital literacy, innovation), when you create content that explores futuristic concepts, technology trends or social change using platforms like YouTube, a blog, podcast. You feel abundant when you focus on technology and future trends and when you stay true to your unconventional nature.
You feel the most abundant when you have Pisces and Aquarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via storytelling, work in holistic healing fields, massage therapy, via painting, writing, music or film, via offering spiritual or life coaching services. You feel abundant when stay true to your intuitive insights, embrace spiritual and healing practices and when you focus on humanitarian and compassionate work.
Credit: Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
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Hey, I've been reading through your posts about how tourism and digital nomads and expats are gentrifying all kinds of cities and places in Spain and price out the locals and don't respect the culture and only put money in the hands of the wealthy.
I completely understand where you are coming from and what you're saying makes a lot of sense, but as an extranjero who wants to visit Spain, what are some things we can do to support the locals and also celebrate your culture while visiting?
Kaixo anon! Thanks for your message ^_^
I know that we all travel on a budget and are very much used to low costs in everything, and many of the suggestions I'm gonna write are quite more expensive than maybe other alternatives. This is another issue: affording ethical tourism is a privilege not many visitors have.
avoid big hotel chains and AirBnB. Instead, choose little, family-owned hotels. They usually are in villages not far from the big touristy town and also provide a calm space out of the noisy crowd.
avoid restaurant chains and fancy ones, since 99% of the times they're owned by a board of investors. Run away from those with menus displayed on blackboards written in English, they're usually unauthentic tourist traps with poor quality food. Instead, choose family restaurants offering homemade, real Spanish food. There are maaany of these, and they're a terrific experience.
if you're willing to buy some groceries, avoid supermarkets. Choose any good-looking fruit shop, or butcher's, or fishmonger's. Go to local markets and buy local produce.
if you're moving around, use public transportation or a bike. Avoid renting a car or boat and polluting our hometown and seas. If you're moving between towns, choose the train if possible instead of booking a flight.
And regarding the celebration part, some simple pieces of advice:
unless you're Latin or Mediterranean-looking, you're gonna be spotted as a guiri at first sight. You can do nothing to stop being a guiri, but don't behave like one. Since you're an easy target, be especially wary with your belongings and with people that suddenly approach you, they might be thieves. Don't walk with your map in hand 24/7. Leave your valuables at home or at your accomodation. Don't think Spain is your playground where local law doesn't apply to you because you're spending your money there. Behave like you would normally do at home.
many foreigners don't understand Spanish service. Waiters and waitresses won't be all smiles, sweet as candy, asking you non-stop how everything's going. That doesn't mean they're being rude to you and want you out, it's just a different culture: their job is to take your order, get your food, and give you the bill when asked for it. That's all the interaction you'll get. If you need more drinks or bread, you'll just have to politely attract their attention and they will help with your needs.
flow with Spanish schedule. Many tourists are entitled enough to ask for lunch at 12 or for dinner at 7. Of course this won't be a problem in tourist bars and restaurants, but everywhere else this just won't happen. Make sure to ask for the kitchen's working hours if you're interested in having a meal in a certain place and don't ask Spaniards to follow your guiri schedule.
use basic words in Spanish to be polite: buenos días, gracias, hasta luego. You don't need a Spanish proficiency certificate to leave a good impression after you leave and avoid that everyone thinks putos guiris again.
Learn about the different nations inside Spain before your visit. Don't expect flamenco shows in Donostia, or sangría in Santiago. Respect our pride: dressing up as a matador, donning a hat with the Spanish flag, or wearing it as a cape may be very unpleasant and rude for the locals in Catalunya, Euskadi, Galiza, etc. Do your homework prior to your visit and you'll enjoy it much much more, since you'll be able to appreciate all the different cultures that live together around here and what each of them has to offer you.
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kristinagehrmann · 1 year
The US Copyright Office is currently asking for input on generative AI systems ...
... to help assess whether legislative or regulatory steps in this area are warranted. Here is what I wrote to them, and what I want as a creative professional: AI systems undermine the value of human creative thinking and work, and harbor a danger for us creative people that should not be underestimated. There is a risk of a transfer of economic advantage to a few AI companies, to the detriment of hundreds of thousands of creatives. It is the creative people with their works who create the data and marketing basis for the AI companies, from which the AI systems feed. AI systems cannot produce text, images or music without suitable training material, and the quality of that training material has a direct influence on the quality of the results. In order to supply the systems with the necessary data, the developers of those AI systems are currently using the works of creative people - without consent or even asking, and without remuneration. In addition, creative professionals are denied a financial participation in the exploitation of the AI results created on the basis of the material. My demand as a creative professional is this: The works and achievements of creative professionals must also be protected in digital space. The technical possibility of being able to read works via text and data mining must not legitimize any unlicensed use! The remuneration for the use of works is the economic basis on which creative people work. AI companies are clearly pursuing economic interests with their operation. The associated use of the work for commercial purposes must be properly licensed, and compensated appropriately. We need transparent training data as an access requirement for AI providers! In order to obtain market approval, AI providers must be able to transparently present this permission from the authors. The burden of proof and documentation of the data used - in the sense of applicable copyright law - lies with the user and not with the author. AI systems may only be trained from comprehensible, copyright-compliant sources.
You can send your own comment to the Copyright Office here: https://www.regulations.gov/document/COLC-2023-0006-0001
My position is based on the Illustratoren Organisation's (Germany) recently published stance on AI generators: https://illustratoren-organisation.de/2023/04/04/ki-aber-fair-positionspapier-der-kreativwirtschaft-zum-einsatz-von-ki/
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mariacallous · 17 days
Recently, former president and convicted felon Donald Trump posted a series of photos that appeared to show fans of pop star Taylor Swift supporting his bid for the US presidency. The pictures looked AI-generated, and WIRED was able to confirm they probably were by running them through the nonprofit True Media’s detection tool to confirm that they showed “substantial evidence of manipulation.”
Things aren’t always that easy. The use of generative AI, including for political purposes, has become increasingly common, and WIRED has been tracking its use in elections around the world. But in much of the world outside the US and parts of Europe, detecting AI-generated content is difficult because of biases in the training of systems, leaving journalists and researchers with few resources to address the deluge of disinformation headed their way.
Detecting media generated or manipulated using AI is still a burgeoning field, a response to the sudden explosion of generative AI companies. (AI startups pulled in over $21 billion in investment in 2023 alone.) “There's a lot more easily accessible tools and tech available that actually allows someone to create synthetic media than the ones that are available to actually detect it,” says Sabhanaz Rashid Diya, founder of the Tech Global Institute, a think tank focused on tech policy in the Global South.
Most tools currently on the market can only offer between an 85 and 90 percent confidence rate when it comes to determining whether something was made with AI, according to Sam Gregory, program director of the nonprofit Witness, which helps people use technology to support human rights. But when dealing with content from someplace like Bangladesh or Senegal, where subjects aren’t white or they aren’t speaking English, that confidence level plummets. “As tools were developed, they were prioritized for particular markets,” says Gregory. In the data used to train the models, “they prioritized English language—US-accented English—or faces predominant in the Western world.”
This means that AI models were mostly trained on data from and for Western markets, and therefore can’t really recognize anything that falls outside of those parameters. In some cases that’s because companies were training models using the data that was most easily available on the internet, where English is by far the dominant language. “Most of our data, actually, from [Africa] is in hard copy,” says Richard Ngamita, founder of Thraets, a nonprofit civic tech organization focused on digital threats in Africa and other parts of the Global South. This means that unless that data is digitized, AI models can’t be trained on it.
Without the vast amounts of data needed to train AI models well enough to accurately detect AI-generated or AI-manipulated content, models will often return false positives, flagging real content as AI generated, or false negatives, identifying AI-generated content as real. “If you use any of the off the shelf tools that are for detecting AI-generated text, they tend to detect English that's written by non-native English speakers, and assume that non-native English speaker writing is actually AI,” says Diya. “There’s a lot of false positives because they weren’t trained on certain data.”
But it’s not just that models can’t recognize accents, languages, syntax, or faces less common in Western countries. “A lot of the initial deepfake detection tools were trained on high quality media,” says Gregory. But in much of the world, including Africa, cheap Chinese smartphone brands that offer stripped-down features dominate the market. The photos and videos that these phones are able to produce are much lower quality, further confusing detection models, says Ngamita.
Gregory says that some models are so sensitive that even background noise in a piece of audio, or compressing a video for social media, can result in a false positive or negative. “But those are exactly the circumstances you encounter in the real world, rough and tumble detection,” he says. The free, public-facing tools that most journalists, fact checkers, and civil society members are likely to have access to are also “the ones that are extremely inaccurate, in terms of dealing both with the inequity of who is represented in the training data and of the challenges of dealing with this lower quality material.”
Generative AI is not the only way to create manipulated media. So-called cheapfakes, or media manipulated by adding misleading labels or simply slowing down or editing audio and video, are also very common in the Global South, but can be mistakenly flagged as AI-manipulated by faulty models or untrained researchers.
Diya worries that groups using tools that are more likely to flag content from outside the US and Europe as AI generated could have serious repercussions on a policy level, encouraging legislators to crack down on imaginary problems. “There's a huge risk in terms of inflating those kinds of numbers,” she says. And developing new tools is hardly a matter of pressing a button.
Just like every other form of AI, building, testing, and running a detection model requires access to energy and data centers that are simply not available in much of the world. “If you talk about AI and local solutions here, it's almost impossible without the compute side of things for us to even run any of our models that we are thinking about coming up with,” says Ngamita, who is based in Ghana. Without local alternatives, researchers like Ngamita are left with few options: pay for access to an off the shelf tool like the one offered by Reality Defender, the costs of which can be prohibitive; use inaccurate free tools; or try to get access through an academic institution.
For now, Ngamita says that his team has had to partner with a European university where they can send pieces of content for verification. Ngamita’s team has been compiling a dataset of possible deepfake instances from across the continent, which he says is valuable for academics and researchers who are trying to diversify their models’ datasets.
But sending data to someone else also has its drawbacks. “The lag time is quite significant,” says Diya. “It takes at least a few weeks by the time someone can confidently say that this is AI generated, and by that time, that content, the damage has already been done.”
Gregory says that Witness, which runs its own rapid response detection program, receives a “huge number” of cases. “It’s already challenging to handle those in the time frame that frontline journalists need, and at the volume they’re starting to encounter,” he says.
But Diya says that focusing so much on detection might divert funding and support away from organizations and institutions that make for a more resilient information ecosystem overall. Instead, she says, funding needs to go towards news outlets and civil society organizations that can engender a sense of public trust. “I don't think that's where the money is going,” she says. “I think it is going more into detection.”
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luminarai · 9 months
hello! Im visiting Copenhagen in January and was wondering if you have any recommendations of things to do or like cafes/stores/etc to visit?
Hi nonnie! So sorry for the delayed answer, I was down with the flu/plague/?? most of december so I've only just gotten back to my inbox.
I've tried to make a compilation of the recommendations for places to see, eat, and shop that aren't just the usual touristy stuff. I hope you enjoy your trip and the weather won't be too Copenhagen-in-January!
Where to eat (especially bakeries)
Sct. Peders Bageri – The oldest bakery in Denmark! They have a wonderful selection of traditional Danish baked goods but their seasonal varieties are also incredible.
BUKA – They have a few bakeries in town now and some of the best croissants and pastries.
Cakery Copenhagen – The best eclairs in town, hands down. Always a bunch of fun seasonal varieties and mini versions.
Bertels Salon – They do cheesecakes. And they’re amazing. They have 10+ fresh varieties every day (!) and turned me into a cheesecake lover.
La Glace – They do traditional Danish layer cakes and fancy patisseries as well as hot chocolate ad libitum. Very atmospheric and historic. A bit more expensive all in all but not insanely so.
Torvehallerne – Two large greenhouses full of delicious food and other food/drink related stores. Coffee Collective for coffee, Rørt for Danish smørrebrød, Granny’s House for pastries and Ma Poule for their famous duck sandwich.
Broens Gadekøkken – A small street food market right by the bridge across from Nyhavn. Depending on when you’re here, there’s also an ice skating rink set up during winter.
Mahalle - Lebanese fusion kitchen at affordable prices. You might want to book a table just in case.
Jagger - Burgers! Not the most hyggelige surroundings (a bit too industrial chic) but you can't argue with the food. Highly recommend the milkshakes!
What to see
Glyptoteket – Absolutely gorgeous museum. Free entrance on the last Wednesday of the month.
Thorvaldsens Museum – Also stunning, focused on statues. Free entrance all Wednesdays.
Nationalmuseet – Bog bodies! Their seasonal exhibitions are usually very good.
David’s samling – Smaller museum with free entrance. Classical European and Islamic art.
Kronborg – AKA Hamlet’s castle. Technically outside Copenhagen but you can easily take the train the whole way. I highly recommend doing one of the daily guided tours (no additional cost to the entrance fee).
Rundetårn – A fun look into the old astrology tower with a lovely view of the city. The majority of the inside is one big ramp with some narrow stairs at the end so keep that in mind if you have trouble walking.
Assistentens Kirkegård digital guided tour – If the weather is with you, you can go for a digitally guided tour in the old graveyard, located in a park in the middle of the city. Here’s a link for the app.
Other nice parks in case it's not raining the whole time (Danes love going for a walk, what can I say) include the Botanical Garden, Frederiksberg Have (where you can peek into the elephant enclosure in the zoo) and Kongens Have.
To shop
Vintage shopping: There’s a bunch of good quality vintage stores on Studiestræde and Larsbjørnsensstræde. Also worth a mention is Audrey Vintage on Hyskenstræde, run by a woman who handpicks all the items from all around Europe.
Strøget is the place for high street shopping but I definitely recommend having a look around the inner city’s side streets and down Frederiksborggade (check out the home goods store Maduro here) over the lakes to Nørrebro where you’ll also find some more offbeat stores and great bars and restaurants.
The largest bookstore is Arnold Busck on Købmagergade for books in both Danish and English. Fiolstræde close by has the independent book café Brøg that I highly recommend both for books and for a quick cake + coffee. On Fiolstræde you’ll also find some used bookstores with a variety of options and other smaller shops and cafés.
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silkysaluja09 · 5 months
A Step Closer to Success: Decoding Best Digital Marketing Courses in Janakpuri
Did you know that according to a recent study, over 4.6 billion people around the world now use social media? That's a staggering number, and it highlights the immense power of the digital landscape in today's world. If you're looking to leverage this power and propel your business or career forward, then upskilling in digital marketing is an absolute must.
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Here in Janakpuri, you're fortunate to have access to a thriving digital marketing education scene. But with so many institutes offering "best digital marketing course in Janakpuri" options, choosing the right one can feel overwhelming. This blog is designed to be your one-stop guide, decoding the top institutes in Janakpuri and helping you find the perfect fit for your learning goals.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Best Digital Marketing Course in Janakpuri!
Curriculum: Does the course cover a comprehensive range of digital marketing modules, including SEO, content marketing, social media marketing, PPC advertising, email marketing, and analytics?
Faculty Expertise: Are the instructors industry veterans with proven experience and up-to-date knowledge?
Practical Learning: Does the course offer opportunities for practical application through projects, assignments, or internships?
Placement Assistance: Does the institute provide career guidance and placement assistance to help you land your dream digital marketing job?
Course Format: Do they offer classroom instruction, online learning, or a blended approach that suits your learning style and schedule?
Top Institutes Offering the Best Digital Marketing Courses in Janakpuri
Now that you have a clear understanding of the evaluation criteria, let's explore some of the leading institutes in Janakpuri known for their exceptional digital marketing courses:
Expert Training Institute (ETI):  ETI boasts a strong reputation for its results-oriented courses. Their instructors are seasoned professionals with a proven track record of success. The institute offers a comprehensive digital marketing course curriculum, focusing heavily on practical learning and project work.
IIDE – The Digital School: If you're seeking a premium learning experience, IIDE's Post Graduation in Digital Marketing is a strong contender. This intensive program offers in-depth coverage of all digital marketing modules, delivered by industry experts. Students benefit from personalized mentoring sessions and the opportunity to work on real-world client projects. While the program fee might be on the higher side, IIDE's focus on quality and career outcomes makes it a worthwhile investment.
Digital Technology Institute (DTI): DTI offers a comprehensive digital marketing course that emphasizes practical application.  Their curriculum incorporates the latest industry trends and tools. DTI provides flexible learning options, including classroom and online sessions, catering to diverse student needs.
Digistaan:  Digistaan's curriculum covers a wide range of digital marketing topics, with a strong focus on SEO and social media marketing. They boast a 100% internship program, ensuring students gain valuable hands-on experience. Digistaan is a good option for those seeking an internship guarantee alongside their digital marketing education.
Academy of Digital Marketing (ADM): ADM offers a well-structured digital marketing course curriculum designed for students, professionals, and business owners. Their trainers are highly skilled business professionals who bring real-world experience into the classroom.
Beyond the Institutes: Additional Tips for Success
Choosing the right institute is just the first step. To truly excel in the field of digital marketing, consider these additional tips:
Stay Curious and Keep Learning: The digital marketing landscape is constantly evolving. Make a commitment to lifelong learning and stay updated on the latest trends and innovations.
Practice Makes Perfect: Don't be afraid to experiment and apply your newfound knowledge. Build your own digital marketing portfolio by working on personal projects or volunteering your skills to local businesses.
Network and Build Connections: Connect with other digital marketing professionals online and offline. Attend industry events and workshops to build your network and gain valuable insights.
By following these tips and choosing the best digital marketing course in Janakpuri that aligns with your goals and learning style, you'll be well on your way to achieving success in the dynamic world of digital marketing. Remember, the digital marketing industry offers immense potential for growth and innovation. With the right education and dedication, you can unlock exciting career opportunities and contribute to the ever-evolving digital landscape.
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marketingprofitmedia · 11 months
Boost Your Online Presence: A Beginner's Guide How to Increasing Website Traffic
In today’s digital age, where the virtual world reigns supreme, a robust online presence is your ticket to success. Whether you’re an aspiring blogger, an e-commerce entrepreneur, or a passionate individual looking to make your mark, increasing website traffic is the first step towards achieving your online aspirations. Welcome to our comprehensive guide, Boost Your Online Presence: A Beginner’s Guide How to Increasing Website Traffic.
My Best Recommended & Proven Way to Make $100 Daily — Watch THIS FREE Training to START >>
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In this digital journey, we will explore the subtleties of maximising your presence on the web in order to achieve your goals. We’ve got you covered in every aspect of digital marketing, from perfecting the science of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) to capitalising on the influence of content marketing and social media tactics. By the time you reach the conclusion of this route, you’ll be well-versed in the techniques that will bring an avalanche of visitors to your website and help you achieve your goals in the digital world. So buckle up, because we’re about to go on an incredible journey together!
Why Does Website Traffic Matter?
Website traffic is the lifeblood of your online presence. It’s a reflection of your website’s visibility and reach. More traffic means increased opportunities for achieving your goals, whether it’s growing your brand, generating leads, making sales, or sharing your passion. In essence, website traffic is the fuel that propels your online success, making it a fundamental metric to track and improve.
1. What is Website Traffic?
Website traffic refers to the number of visitors who access your website. It’s a crucial metric that measures your online reach. Understanding the sources and types of website traffic is the first step toward boosting your online presence.
Organic Traffic: Visitors who find your site through search engines like Google.
Direct Traffic: People who access your site directly, either by typing the URL or using bookmarks.
Referral Traffic: Visitors who arrive at your site through links from other websites.
Social Media Traffic: Traffic generated through social media platforms.
Paid Traffic: Visitors acquired through paid advertising, like Google Ads.
2. Setting Realistic Goals
Setting realistic goals is the compass that guides your journey towards a thriving online presence. By defining clear and achievable objectives, you create a roadmap for success. These goals might encompass increasing monthly visitors, boosting newsletter sign-ups, or improving conversion rates. Realistic goals provide direction and motivation, helping you measure and celebrate your progress in the dynamic world of digital presence.
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3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the art of enhancing your website’s visibility in search engine results. It’s a multifaceted strategy encompassing on-page and off-page techniques. On-page SEO involves optimizing individual pages with relevant keywords and quality content. Off-page SEO, on the other hand, focuses on building authority through backlinks and social signals. Together, these efforts improve your website’s rank, making it easier for potential visitors to find your online content. It’s all about making your website more visible to search engines like Google.
On-Page SEO
On-page SEO involves optimizing individual web pages for search engines. Here are key factors to consider:
Keywords: Choose relevant keywords for each page and incorporate them naturally in your content.
Meta Titles and Descriptions: Craft compelling meta titles and descriptions to encourage clicks from search results.
Quality Content: Create informative and engaging content that keeps visitors on your site.
Page Speed: Ensure your website loads quickly to improve user experience.
Off-Page SEO
Off-page SEO focuses on activities outside your website that impact your online presence:
Backlinks: Build high-quality backlinks from reputable websites to boost your site’s authority.
Social Signals: Engage on social media to increase your content’s visibility and shareability.
Local SEO: If you have a physical location, optimize for local search to attract nearby customers.
4. Mobile Optimization
Mobile optimization is the process of tailoring your website to provide an excellent user experience on smartphones and tablets. With mobile devices dominating internet access, optimizing for them is essential. It enhances your site’s speed, layout, and functionality on smaller screens, making it more user-friendly. Mobile optimization not only improves SEO but also ensures you don’t miss out on potential visitors. Here’s why:
Mobile-friendliness boosts your SEO ranking.
It improves the user experience.
Increases the likelihood of retaining mobile visitors.
5. Quality Content Creation
Quality content creation is the cornerstone of engaging and retaining website visitors. It involves in-depth research, understanding your audience’s interests, and crafting valuable, informative, and engaging material. Using multimedia elements like images, videos, and infographics enriches the user experience. Employing storytelling techniques also adds an emotional touch, making your content more relatable and shareable, ultimately driving increased website traffic. Consider the following tips:
Research your target audience and their interests.
Develop a content calendar for consistency.
Use multimedia elements like images, videos, and infographics.
Incorporate storytelling to engage readers emotionally.
6. Blogging and Guest Posting
Blogging and guest posting are dynamic tools for driving website traffic. Through regular, informative, and shareable blog posts, you engage your audience. Guest posting on reputable websites in your niche extends your reach to a broader audience, enhancing your brand’s visibility. It’s a two-pronged approach, combining your content’s magnetism and the reach of established platforms, ensuring your website benefits from increased traffic and exposure.
7. Choosing the Right Platforms
Choosing the right social media platforms is vital. Each platform caters to distinct demographics and interests. Facebook suits various niches, while Instagram emphasizes visuals. LinkedIn excels for B2B and professional networking, while Pinterest thrives in DIY and recipe niches. Twitter offers real-time engagement and news updates. By picking platforms aligned with your audience and niche, you maximize your online presence and potential traffic. Choose the right ones based on your niche and target audience.
Facebook: Ideal for a wide range of niches, especially B2C businesses.
Instagram: Visual-focused, great for lifestyle, fashion, and travel niches.
LinkedIn: Best for B2B businesses and professional networking.
Pinterest: Perfect for DIY, crafts, and recipes.
Twitter: Excellent for real-time engagement and news updates.
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8. Consistency and Engagement
Consistency and engagement are the dynamic duo of social media success. Regular, engaging posts maintain your presence in followers’ minds, fostering a loyal audience. Responding to comments, asking questions, and running polls or contests spark interaction. By maintaining an active and engaging social media presence, you not only boost website traffic but also build a vibrant community around your brand.
As we reach the conclusion of our online presence-boosting expedition, you’ve gained a treasure trove of insights. Remember, this journey is ongoing, marked by evolving strategies and the need for adaptability. With clear goals, SEO prowess, captivating content, and a dynamic social media presence, your website traffic is set to soar. The digital realm is your canvas; success depends on your creative brushstrokes. So, keep innovating, stay tuned to emerging trends, and continue crafting your digital masterpiece. Your flourishing online presence awaits!
1. How long does it take to see results from SEO efforts?
The timeline for SEO results can vary. Some changes may lead to immediate improvements, while others, like building backlinks, can take several months to impact your rankings significantly. It’s a long-term strategy, and patience is key.
2. Do I need to be on all social media platforms?
No, it’s not necessary to be on every social media platform. Choose the ones that align with your niche and target audience. Quality over quantity is more important in social media marketing.
3. What’s the ideal blog post length for SEO?
The ideal blog post length can vary, but longer, comprehensive content tends to perform better in search engines. Aim for 1,500–2,500 words for in-depth articles, but don’t sacrifice quality for length.
4. How can I monitor my website’s performance?
You can use various tools like Google Analytics and Search Console to monitor your website’s performance. These tools provide insights into your traffic, user behavior, and SEO data.
5. What are the most common SEO mistakes to avoid?
Common SEO mistakes include keyword stuffing, neglecting mobile optimization, ignoring backlinks, and not creating high-quality content. Avoid these to ensure your SEO efforts are effective.
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This article Contain may be affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission at NO ADDITIONAL cost to you if you decide to purchase something. While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this article, we always offer honest opinions, users experiences and real views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help readers make the best purchasing decisions, however, the testimonies and opinions expressed are ours only. As always you should do your own thoughts to verify any claims, results and stats before making any kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended in this article may generate income for this product from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you make. We review products and services you might find interesting. If you purchase them, we might get a share of the commission from the sale from our partners. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product is featured or recommended.
Source : Boost Your Online Presence: A Beginner’s Guide How to Increasing Website Traffic
Thanks for reading my article on “Boost Your Online Presence: A Beginner’s Guide How to Increasing Website Traffic“, hope it will help!
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thistransient · 7 months
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I finally took the disposable camera I got on my trip to KL to be developed, which I would have done earlier if I had bothered to look up how long film is good for, but better late than never. (Dragonfruit plants along the route pictured above, actual photos to come.) I was happy with a surprising amount of it! I can see the allure of getting back(?) into film, although perhaps one cannot be said to have been "into film" in the past when it was literally the only option- I remember very distinctly the first time I witnessed a compact digital camera in the early 2000s. But I think it's safe to hazard that I have a different sense of aesthetic from back then and thus it might be worth another go. (Or at least it might make me more discerning and thoughtful about what to take pictures of, quality over quantity, that kinda thing.) I was pleasantly surprised that the developing itself was a brisk 24 hour service and only cost ~$4 for scans, so maybe things are different in Taipei (compared to a friend in another city who indicated otherwise).
This weekend I finally got back to my fave shibari salon after missing both sessions last month due to various comedies of error. The organisers had opened registration quite late and so it was sparsely populated with an excess of riggers in attendance- a bottom's market, you could say. (I had a good time.) At the end there was a single length of rope abandoned on the ground, and in order to determine the owner 4 or 5 people picked it up at once and started rubbing, smelling, and otherwise examining the minutiae of their section, which was both somewhat comical and also impressed upon me the relationship riggers have with their ropes.
On the way home on the train a man with a bunch of suitcases decided to set up camp in the seatless corner of the last carriage. He wordlessly and inexorably pressed forward until everyone else had moved out of his way, arranged his luggage against the wall, then sat down on the floor and started taking off his shoes. I was ensconced in a very comfortable and also adjacent position between a railing and the non-opening doors, and had no desire to be displaced. I decided he wasn't smelly enough to warrant surrender, held my ground, and watched as he removed his socks, carefully wrapped up and put away his sneakers, then brought out the 拖鞋 (iykyk, if you don't, it was these things, this exact pair:)
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(Un?)fortunately I didn't get to see where he was going with all this (or maybe he didn't intend to go anywhere at all) because we arrived at my stop, but it was the first time I'd seen that sort of thing here. I did once observe a woman fling down her luggage in the middle of the aisle and sit on it, but the house slippers are a new one!
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british-catgirl · 8 months
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'scuse me? Text Transcript: "Welcome to our ad-free, tracking-free version of Healthline
We detect that you are in one of the member countries of the UK/EU/EEA, which is now subject to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Unfortunately, a tracking-free version of our full website is currently unavailable in these countries. We are engaged on the issue and committed to looking at options that support our full range of digital offerings to this market
While we continue to identify technical compliance solutions that will allow all readers to experience our content, we are providing you with 10 articles that highlight the breadth and quality of our content. You are on this page because you disallowed the purposes listed in the “How we use your data” section of our Privacy Settings page.
We believe that health information should be free to everyone and we rely on advertising to make this possible on our family of websites Healthline, Medical News Today, Greatist, and Psych Central. Providing the best health information in the world is expensive. We spend up to thousands of dollars per article to ensure it is accurate and precise with quality review by a doctor or other certified, trained medical professional.
The modern digital advertising ecosystem functions on cookies and other data. Cookies and similar tracking technologies allow us to improve your browsing experience, store or access relevant information, customize content and offers, personalize advertising, analyze our traffic, and better understand you. In order to access all of our content and website features, we request you allow all of the purposes listed-" [End of Transcript]
great job health advising news letter sure
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astroismypassion · 2 months
Credit: Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
You feel the most abundant when you have Aries and Capricorn Sun people in your life. You can earn money via marketing or work in dynamic and fast-paced industries, via coaching, sports management, fitness entrepreneurship, coaching and mentoring services in connection with career development, leadership skills, personal empowerment, via work in innovation management, technology development, product development, especially emerging industries. You find abundance when you are bold, take risks, focus on ambitious goals, cultivate independence, build a strong public image and when you embrace leadership qualities.
You feel the most abundant when you have Taurus and Capricorn Sun people in your life. You can earn money via work in finance, banking, investment, wealth management. Or via working as a realtor, property manager, real estate developer, via curating, selling or managing art collections, working as a chef, restaurateur or food critic. You find abundance in work in hospitality (managing hotels, resorts, spas), via work in landscape architecture or gardening, interior design, or as a performer, producer or manager, through farming, agricultural management or sustainable food production or creating an eco-friendly business. You feel abundant when you are focused on stability, value quality, when you are patient and persistent.
You feel the most abundant when you have Gemini and Capricorn Sun people in your life. You can earn money via work as a journalist, writer, editor, public relations, marketing, working as PR specialist, brand manager, social media strategist, work as a teacher, lecturer, educational content creator, via writing content for blogs, websites or online platforms connected with technology, lifestyle, business. You find abundance when you write books (fiction or non-fiction), via work in technology sector, via technical writing, UX writing or product management, via event planning and work as a sales representative, account manager or business strategist. You feel abundant when you network actively, when you keep learning and embrace versatility.
You feel the most abundant when you have Cancer and Capricorn Sun people in your life. You can earn money via work in healthcare as a nurse, doctor or therapist, work in interior design or home décor, helping others create comfortable and nurturing spaces, work as a chef, baker or food critic, via handmade furniture, textiles or pottery, engaging in childcare, daycare management or family support services, via work in real estate, helping families find their ideal home. You feel abundant when you use emotional intelligence, emphasize nurturing and care.
You feel the most abundant when you have Leo and Capricorn Sun people in your life. You can earn money via pursuing a career in acting on stage, in film or on television, working as a musician, singer or performer, via directing or producing theatrical productions, films or TV shows, work in television, radio or digital broadcasting, you could work as a host, anchor or presenter, designer, stylist, model, painter, sculptor or graphic designer.
You feel the most abundant when you have Virgo and Capricorn Sun people in your life. You can earn money via offering personalized health and wellness service. You can offer remote fitness coaching, such as offering personalized fitness plans and virtual training sessions. You could work in mental health professions, like counselling or psychology, work as a nutritionist, dietitian, work as a proofreader or editor, work with biology, chemistry, environmental science, mathematics or with language or having an IT role (system analysis, IT support or cybersecurity). You feel abundant when you develop organizational skills, use analytical skills and when you seek structured environments.
You feel the most abundant when you have Libra and Capricorn Sun people in your life. You can earn money via offering dance classes, via work in art curation, gallery management or the fines arts, helping to showcase and promote artists and their work, via a career in human resources, focusing on employee relations, conflict resolution, via talent management, recruitment or career coaching. You feel abundant when you work in fashion design, graphic design, visual arts, brand management and marketing. You feel abundant when you aim for balance and harmony, emphasize fairness and justice.
You feel the most abundant when you have Scorpio and Capricorn Sun people in your life. You can earn money via forensic accounting, crisis counselling or support services, via a career in scientific research, forensic science, medical research, psychology, surgery, oncology, energy healing, finance, technology or wellness, via art therapy and filmmaking. You feel abundant when you embrace transformation, healing, use psychological insight, when you pursue authority and expertise.
You feel the most abundant when you have Sagittarius and Capricorn Sun people in your life. You can earn money via travel blogging, vlogging or becoming a travel consultant. You find abundance via academic research, publishing, by becoming a travel consultant, tour guide, work in the tourism industry, work connected with educational, human rights and cultural exchange, via career as a spiritual teacher, counsellor, life coach, via theological or philosophical work, writing or teaching. You feel abundant when you cultivate optimism or enthusiasm, seek global or cultural perspectives, pursue knowledge or education and embrace exploration and travel.
You feel the most abundant when you have Capricorn Sun people in your life. You find abundance via work as a financial advisor or analyst, accounting, as a property developer, manager or investor, via work in property management, overseeing rental properties, commercial spaces or large residential complexes, via civil engineering, work in educational administration (school or college management). You feel abundant when you focus on long-term goals and value pragmatism and responsibility.
You feel the most abundant when you have Aquarius and Capricorn Sun people in your life. You can earn money via buying and selling collectibles (stamps, coins, vintage items), creating eco-friendly products or services (zero-waste goods, sustainable fashion). You may also find abundance in esports coaching by offering coaching services for aspiring professional gamers. You feel abundant via work in scientific research, in fields like physics, astronomy, biotechnology and environmental science, work in roles focused on research and development, via digital marketing. You feel abundant when you are pursuing unconventional paths, via networking with like-minded individuals and align with social causes.
You feel the most abundant when you have Pisces and Capricorn Sun people in your life. You can earn money via work in music as a composer, musician or performer, via a career in painting, illustration, sculpture or other visual arts, via hospice work, via work in non-profit sector, focusing on causes related to humanitarian aid, environmental conservation or social justice, work in hospitality, such as hotel management or event planning, via cultural exchange, guided tours or spiritual retreats. You feel abundant when you embrace your creative talents, cultivate compassion and empathy, when you explore spiritual and esoteric interests and when you focus on meaningful impact.
Credit: Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
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busstalks · 10 days
Best 10 Business Strategies for year 2024
In 2024 and beyond, businesses will have to change with the times and adjust their approach based on new and existing market realities. The following are the best 10 business approach that will help companies to prosper in coming year
1. Embrace Sustainability
The days when sustainability was discretionary are long gone. Businesses need to incorporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) values into their business practices. In the same vein, brands can improve brand identity and appeal to environmental advocates by using renewable forms of energy or minimizing their carbon footprints.
Example: a fashion brand can rethink the materials to use organic cotton and recycled for their clothing lines. They can also run a take-back scheme, allowing customers to return old clothes for recycling (not only reducing waste but creating and supporting the circular economy).
2. Leverage AI
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AI is revolutionizing business operations. Using AI-fuelled solutions means that you can automate processes, bring in positive customer experiences, and get insights. AI chatbots: AI can be utilized in the form of a conversational entity to support and perform backend operations, as well.
With a bit more specificity, say for example that an AI-powered recommendation engine recommends products to customers based on their browsing history and purchase patterns (as the use case of retail). This helps to increase the sales and improve the shopping experience.
3. Prioritize Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity is of utmost important as more and more business transitions towards digital platforms. Businesses need to part with a more substantial amount of money on advanced protective measures so that they can keep sensitive data private and continue earning consumer trust. Regular security audits and training of employees can reduce these risks.
Example: A financial services firm may implement multi-factor authentication (MFA) for all online transactions, regularly control access to Internet-facing administrative interfaces and service ports as well as the encryption protocols to secure client data from cyberattacks.
4. Optimizing Remote and Hybrid Working Models
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Remote / hybrid is the new normal Remote teams force companies to implement effective motivation and management strategies. Collaboration tools and a balanced virtual culture can improve productivity and employee satisfaction.
- Illustration: a Tech company using Asana / Trello etc. for pm to keep remote teams from falling out of balance. They can also organise weekly team-building activities to keep a strong team spirit.
5. Focus on Customer Experience
Retention and growth of the sales follow-through can be tied to high quality customer experiences. Harness data analytics to deepen customer insights and personalize product offers making your marketing campaigns personal: a customer support that is responsive enough can drive a great level of returning customers.
Example – For any e-commerce business, you can take user experience feedback tools to know about how your customers are getting along and make necessary changes. Custom email campaigns and loyalty programs can also be positively associated with customer satisfaction and retention.
6. Digitalization Investment
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It is only the beginning of digital transformation which we all know, is key to global competitiveness. For streamlining, companies have to adopt the use advanced technologies such as Blockchain Technology and Internet of Things (IoT) in conjunction with cloud computing.
IoT example : real-time tracking and analytics to optimize supply chain management
7. Enhance Employee Skills
Develop Your Employees: Investing in employee development is key to succeeding as a business. The training is provided for the folks of various industries and so employees can increase their skills that are needed to work in a certain company. Employee performance can be enhanced by providing training programs in future technology skills and soft skills and job satisfaction.
Example: A marketing agency can host webinars or create courses to teach people the latest digital marketing trends and tools This can help to keep employees in the know which results in boosting their skills, making your campaigns successful.
8. Diversify Supply Chains
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The ongoing pandemic has exposed the weaknesses of global supply chains. …diversify its supply base and promote the manufacturing of drugs in Nigeria to eliminate total dependence on a single source. In return, this approach increases resilience and reduces exposure to the risks of supply chain interruption.
- E.g., a consumer electronics company can source components from many suppliers in various regions. In so doing, this alleviates avoidable supply chain interruptions during times of political tensions or when disasters hit.
9. Make Decisions Based on Data
A business database is an asset for businesses. By implementing data, they allow you to make decisions based on the data that your analytics tools are providing. For example, sales analysis lets you track trends and better tailor your goods to the market.
Example: A retail chain can use data analytics to find out when a customer buys, and it change their purchasing policies. This can also reduce overstock and stockouts while overall, increasing efficiency.
10. Foster Innovation
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Business Growth Innovation is Key A culture of creativity and experimentation should be established in companies. Funding R&D and teaming with startups can open many doors to both solve problems creatively but also tap into new markets.
Example: A software development firm could create an innovation lab where team members are freed to work on speculative projects. Moreover, work with start-ups on new technologies and solutions.
By adopting these strategies, businesses can navigate the turbulence for 2024 and roll up market — progressive.AI with an evolving dynamic market, being ahead of trends and updated is most likely will help you thrive in the business landscape.
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