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lucky-stick · 5 months ago
obviously tiktok is mostly just quads but i want to know how many tumblr alterhumans do quads or want to
(personally im training to do them i can walk but i cant jump and i might post updates ^^)
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lost-child-the-artist · 1 year ago
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Fox climbing tree's 🦊🐾
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coy0te-therian · 2 years ago
I failed 💀
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caliconann · 10 months ago
hey there!! :D the name's Nann. I'm a calico cat therian. i had awakened about two weeks ago.
i'm new to the whole quadrobics thing lol-
i thought i didn't have a past life, but it turns out, i do!
i was in my den, when a snake invaded it. a poisonous snake. it bit me, and i didn't survive the bite.
i have a tail coming in, and a friend of mine is making me a mask!! :D
Pinterest: @nottefierr
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f1nleystarz · 8 months ago
let's start a chain
everyone reblog with your alterhuman toxic trait
mine is that I forget that I'm not actually the size of a cat, which usually ends up with me stuck in a box
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koirankusema666 · 7 months ago
Been meaning to say this for a while, but here's a not so gentle reminder that you don't have to be skinny, white and able bodied to be part of the nonhuman community.
Racism and ableism is sadly rampant in this community and I want this blog to be safe for the beings that feel excluded! If you want to, you can interact with this post if you are or your blog is safe for: fat, POC and disabled nonhumans. I wanna show some support, even if it's just a follow or a reblog here and there.
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311amber-cat · 3 months ago
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safaridays · 11 months ago
no, you don’t need to wear your mask/tail to school.
i wish young nonhumans didn’t feel compelled to be ‘out’ at school, especially when it’s a dangerous environment. i keep seeing posts along the lines of “wore my tail/mask to school! people berated/teased/put their hands on me, but it’s ok”.
no, it’s not.
like.. i understand a mask or a tail can be a very validating thing for some people. and i’m not saying NO ONE should wear them at schools. but i just keep watching this mounting trend of young therians insinuating you need some physical accessory or to do quads to be a ‘real’ nonhuman. and then it leads to things like this and it makes me incredibly sad.
i’d known i was alterhuman since late elementary school, actually. it’s a huge part of my life even now, years after graduation. there wasn’t a reason for it to be brought up, so i never did. it was a closely guarded secret to me, but it didn’t feel like a weight i was carrying. i always thought “no one needs to know i’m an animal if it jeopardizes my safety. so, oh well”.
“but, how will people know that i’m an animal?”
they probably will. they probably already do.
i was the designated ‘animal’ person my entire school career despite not ever handling animals in front of anyone. if there were pets, lost wild animals (baby rabbits, birds, lizards), or sometimes even loose livestock that got onto campus, it was always me who had to go tend to them.
everyone wanted me in their group in environmental science. if a project called for animal illustrations, the same thing would happen. it was certainly weird because i was also a ‘weird kid’ and not especially desired to be around outside of that, lol. but i was never harassed for it. it made me feel very validated, actually.
i had fun during gym running and fiercely destroying the opposing team in field hockey. i taught everyone which plants were okay to forage (and we snacked on them when we had to sit on the lower field for practice). every day i was hyperaware of the limbs i had that weren’t quite there. friends noticed my ears twitch and my nose wiggle at certain stimuli. i felt nice walking on two legs. i felt nice because i felt animal and i didn’t have to prove it to anyone.
really like… just do what makes you happy. i admire the bravery it takes to so earnestly wear your identity on your sleeve like that. that’s very impressive. however, there is NO obligation to do anything like that if you understand that there will be a reaction that poses a threat to you.
i want our kids to be safe, too. you don’t have to feel dysphoria over being discreet. sometimes it’s the safest option. and sometimes, that can be really fun, too.
study everything you can about your ‘type. wikipedia and animalia are good resources. ramble about them to anyone who will listen. jokingly refer to yourself as one in friend spaces. wear discreet clothes that remind you of your ‘type. find a nice private place outside where you can run and explore and look at plants and smell the air and feel like yourself. but by no means do you have to prove yourself. you know you.
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lucky-stick · 9 months ago
⚠️: vent
I hate school so much, I just don’t seem to fit in at all it’s like they know something is different, and when humans see something different they don’t seem to like it everything has to be the same for them some of them don’t even like gay people because they are slightly different ect. Humans r weird like that I don’t hate them but I don’t like them either.
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lost-child-the-artist · 1 year ago
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Go to the forest to make quads and see other animals 🥰🐾
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lifenconcepts · 3 months ago
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d0gb0ness · 4 months ago
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hey you tripped pretty hard there-government? AI? Donald Trump? Are you okay? Should I alert the pack?
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theriandiary · 7 months ago
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literally who told you that.. we absolutely can
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that-lemur · 7 months ago
Can we get some plus-sized/fat quad rep. I notice that a lot of the Therian community only displays skinny people with quadrobics. Just because we have some chub doesn’t mean we can’t do quads <3 🌿🐾
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44foxyy · 6 months ago
Kinda hate the current state of tumblr alter/non humans. I understand not wanting your identity being trivialised, but some of you are spewing the same shit as "tiktok therians" just against differnt members of the community. I am a partially spiritual therian, and every time you guys bring up past lives I lose my MIND. Sorry my beliefs and causes for therianthropy are common among tiktok users, but I don't want to be put down every time I read rant posts. I have vivid dreams of my death, and you are going to say that only dumb little kids experience that. I have heard better, more inclusive opinions on YouTube, by someone who wears masks and does quads. Stop putting down members of the community to try and distance yourself from the " nasty fake tiktok therians". Hating on certain ways of getting species euphoria doesn't make you better. I swear, your problems are made up. I follow some fat quadrobists on yt and stuff, and nobody is hating them or putting them down, only people who would hate them anyway. I follow black therians and nobody hates them for that. People talk about issues with trends that misrepresent therianthropy, people are inclusive to otherkin, people are NICE but you just can't deal with expression. Sorry you can't deal with people in masks and tails doing quadrobics with past lives. Sorry you can't deal with me, and the way I express myself. I get euphoria from doing quads and wearing a tail and mask. I am a spiritual therian with past lives. Stop trying to exclude happiness to feel superior.
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311amber-cat · 10 months ago
Please watch!!
Therian safety, especially towards minors! ⚠️
Credits: birdydogs on tiktok
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