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it/they/he/all neos | coyote therian | questioning so many theriotypes it's unhinged | audhd
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coy0te-therian · 2 years ago
yes i am one of those cringe, weirdo, freak, silly queers that have many xenogenders, is non-human, uses neopronouns/xenopronouns, is a furry, most likely neurodivergent, i'm the embodiment of cringe culture but you know what ?? i don't care !! i love being cringe !! . . (^o^)/
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coy0te-therian · 2 years ago
i’ll never understand anti-aging content, I want proof that I lived, I love smile lines and freckles and everything that comes with getting older because it shows that I was here. I want proof I was here.
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coy0te-therian · 2 years ago
being a therian/otherkin is so weird cause its like yes I'm a coyote but I'm also a human sort of but if anyone calls me a human i'll scream. This house is a prison but I can't get the motivation to go outside, mental shifting is amazing but afterwards is just sadness because I'll never actually get to be a coyote
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coy0te-therian · 2 years ago
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[Image ID: a flag, the colors in order go navy blue, dark pink, off-white, dark pink, navy blue. There is a moon shrouded in white clouds with some grey clouds behind it. /.End ID]
Hi ok so this is my first xenogender so sorry if it’s already been coined and also first image id so yeah!!
Gender name: Nightfinigender
it’s basically where your gender feels stronger and more present as the day goes on and peaks at night! Then it fades again for morning.
Coined by me :D
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coy0te-therian · 2 years ago
I genuinely cannot express my hatred for people in the lgbtq who hate on the “2020 alt style”, the “cringe froggy mushroom obsessed kids”, the “hehe gremlin” people. Because what’s the purpose?? Especially when most of those “cringe” people are neurodivergent and younger, or new to expressing themselves and the lgbtq generally.
Genuinely, why do you feel the need to hate on them? I’m sure you were in their shoes once. You know? Wearing pride flags round, rainbow laces and bracelets, bunny hats, the “cringe 2020 alt fashion”, getting excited when you see ANYTHING pride related?? That’s self expression, queer joy, and you’re shaming them for it?? Because it’s “cringe”??
Please just take the second to remind yourself that you were them once. Surrounded by all these new and cool identities and new people who are just like you, why would they not want to be proud of who they are?? People who hate on “baby gays” that are only just finding out about themselves and looking more into different methods of self expression through style and behaviour truly will never have my trust.
It doesn’t matter if it’s “cringey” or “weird”, WE WERE LIKE THEM ONCE. Stop shaming people for expressing themselves, because that’s truly just dickriding behaviour. You just want to feel included in the hateful group of cishet, hateful neurotypicals. You just want to have the special title of “oh yeah they’re gay but not THAT type of gay..” be fucking for real. Grow up
What’s even worse is you guys are the same people who say “cringe culture is dead” and “I love emos!!!” STOP. JESUS CHRIST. STOP CHERRYPICKING.
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coy0te-therian · 2 years ago
I failed 💀
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coy0te-therian · 2 years ago
Yes I'm non-human, call me "something" instead of "someone", refer to me as an animal or a creature, refer to me with it/its pronouns, see me as an urban legend or a mythical creature, be afraid of me, don't believe I exist, make up theories and stories about me, make videos about you "spotting me in the wild", say I'm a demon, a ghost or an evil entity.
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