koirankusema666 · 2 months
If you uwuify my nonhuman experience, I will tear you to shreds.
Normalize being wild and feral in this community. We don’t have to be cute and innocent.
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lycanm00n · 2 months
Ɐ + N/AHAA - Together in Difference
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Ɐ (derived from the mathematical symbol meaning 'for all', and pronounced as 'Turned A') is a symbol/term for any and all within our overlapping communities.
We (those involved in coining this term) realised there was no actual term that encompasses all identities, seeing as not everyone identifies with alterhuman or nonhuman.
This symbol is for:
Anyone and everyone who doesn't identify with the traditional definition of humanity. This involves alterhumanity, nonhumans, therians, human and nonhuman fictionkin, otherkin, endels, holotheres, clinical zoanthropes, linkers, otherhearted, and ANYONE else who has an addition to their humanity, isn't human in the slightest, and everything in between.
Anyone who is ready to celebrate the overlaps between our communities, and allow us to experience a wider community without trying to put everyone under a human or not human label.
The celebration of being different! To laugh in the face of 'cringe' and embrace your unique experience of life.
We're also, in this post, coining the acronyms N/AHAA and/or ASAA! These are Non/Alterhuman and Adjacents, and Alterspecies and Adjacents! They both mean exactly the same as Ɐ, but are an easier to pronounce alternative.
The symbols in the pictures are completely free to use! They also don't have to be pawprints - we're working on alternate versions for different species.
Involved in coining:
@lycanm00n (me!), @koirankusema666, @canis-dentem, @howlinginsolitude and Plague/Rot !
This symbol and term is NOT for any zoophiles, zootherians, MAPs, pedos, etc. Sanists, anti physical nonhumanity, ableists, and anyone fitting basic DNI is also not welcome to use this. This is a queer and neurodivergent friendly label.
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brown-rat · 2 months
I am a rat.
What really defines me anyway? I am not my body. Nor am I my thoughts, emotions, what’s in my dna etc. I am beyond that. And also a little bit of everything. But I know I’m not a human.
Stop saying therians know they’re actually human, because I am not human in any way and I’m therian. I don’t have to be delusional to recognize this is just folks pandering to the sanist human crowd.
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howlinginsolitude · 2 months
Turned A Hellhound Paws
I'm finally saying fuck it and just posting shit I make here, so lets have some fun with it. I really like the Turned A symbol, so I took @lycanm00n's Turned A paw design and made it a little edgier to fit my taste :p /jk thought I'd put them here though if anyone wants to use them.
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thisuserisabot · 15 days
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just-canine-things · 2 months
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variksenpesa · 28 days
Spiderkins: my dearest friend, let me weave you a sweater of the finest silk...
Also spiderkins: and as for my enemies... a sweater that's slightly suffocating
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howlingafterdark · 1 month
My breath fogs the glass in front of me, a window between the two of us. Transparent and yet always there . A fragile, delicate thing - something I was never meant to be
I know that animals bear their teeth in aggression. I wonder if everyone can see the feral dog in my smile, shaking, trying to hide the fear. I wonder if that keeps them away from me and protects the pane of glass between us. Keeping me in the cage I built around myself.
In the reflection I see my smile with gilded teeth Predatory The unbridled hunger of a frenzied beast The growl sits in the back of my throat Hackles raised with the sense of danger looming on the horizon My window a mirror of the self
Fear is a verb in preservation To live and breath while running on knife edges The sword shoved between jaws placing fangs on display like diamonds Is violence still violence when it comes from your own hand Does the pain ache less if self inflicted Or does the betrayal of one's own self preservation hurt the most
The claws reach through the mirror Grabbing at an exposed throat Saw my chest open Pluck out my heart and devour it Reminding me what it is to be Vulnerable
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gerogerigaogaigar · 1 year
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Oh man this baby boy is absolutely the best build I've done. He's so sparse. Only three stickers on the whole thing and most of him is stark white. I really love Turn A's design but I was definitely scared to try him until I got better at panel lining. This was a really good build, the weirdest Gundam design gets an equally weird master grade kit. The legs were fantastic to make and if you enjoy panel lining then this is the kit for you. I especially enjoy the detail that went into the leg joints so that they could get that kinda cartoon arc that you see in the show. Plus it comes with the cow from episode 8. I love you White Doll! Mustache Boy!
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sbnkalny · 10 months
Spuɐɥ dɐlƆ ˙spuɐɥ dɐlƆ uᴉɐɹ ɟo llnɟ ǝlʇʇoq ɐ ɥʇᴉʍ ʍopuᴉʍ ǝɥʇ ʇno ƃuᴉƃuɐH ǝɯɐp ʞɔnl pɐs ɐ puɐ ʇǝʞɔɐɾ ᴉʇɐuuᴉɔuᴉƆ ∀ ǝɯɐl s,ɹoʇɔnpuoɔ ǝɥʇ 'puᴉlq s,uɐɯǝɹᴉɟ ǝɥ┴ ǝuɐsuᴉ llɐ ǝɹ,ʎǝɥʇ 'ǝuɐS 'ǝuɐS
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vinnyandthephenomena · 10 months
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koirankusema666 · 1 month
Been meaning to say this for a while, but here's a not so gentle reminder that you don't have to be skinny, white and able bodied to be part of the nonhuman community.
Racism and ableism is sadly rampant in this community and I want this blog to be safe for the beings that feel excluded! If you want to, you can interact with this post if you are or your blog is safe for: fat, POC and disabled nonhumans. I wanna show some support, even if it's just a follow or a reblog here and there.
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anarchywoofwoof · 1 year
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ʎoq pooƃ
ɐ ɯɐ ᴉ
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velaraffricate · 10 months
for some reason i'd never used the vowel /ɨ/ in a conlang before but im kind of in love with it now tbh
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howlinginsolitude · 1 month
Fellow therians/otherkin/nonhumans/alterhumans: If your types were a degree you got in college how would you describe it? I got my major in Wolf, but I did get a minor in Hellhound and took some Black Dog Classes that I was super interested in. I'm not sure if I'm going to go back and finish my Werewolf studies though.
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annikathewitch · 2 years
Let's Make A Conlang Vowel Selection Tournament Poll #14
We have a lot of these to get through so I'm just gonna copy-paste the same description for each one! Listen to the vowel sounds featured here at this link. The masterpost for this project can be found here. The masterpost/explanation for the vowel selection tournament can be found here.
Please reblog for increased sample size! Don't forget to check the tag for any new polls!
Taglist: @writing-with-olive, @notajerusalemcricket, @antique-symbolism-main
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