its been a day
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smallpinapple · 4 months ago
I love that Violet has bags under her eyes. It's so real of her.
Like yeah, she's a teenage superhero. Of course babe is sleepy.
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smallpinapple · 6 months ago
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"YoU'rE a PaCiFist!"
So iconic
You will be dearly missed ♥️
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smallpinapple · 7 months ago
Angels of the Get-Through
by Andrea Gibson
This year is the the hardest of your whole life. so hard you cannot see a future, most days. The pain is bigger than anything else. Takes up the whole horizon, no matter where you are. You feel unsafe, you feel unsaved. Your past so present you can feel your baby teeth. Sitting on the couch, you swear your feet don’t reach the floor. You keep remembering the first time you saw a bird’s nest Held together by an old shoe lace and scraps of a plastic bag You knew the home of a person could be built like that A lot of things you’d rather throw away You keep worrying you’re taking up too much space. I wish you’d let yourself be the Milky Way Remember when I told you I was gonna become a full-time poet And you paid my rent for three years? Best Friend, Angel of the get-through. All living is storm chasing. Every good heart has lost its roof. Let all the walls collapse at your feet, Scream “timber” when they ask you how you are. “Fine” is the suckiest word. It is the opposite of HERE Here is the only place left on the map Here is where you learn laughter can go extinct and come back I am already building a museum For every treasure you unearth in the rock bottom Holy vulnerable cliff God mason, heart heavier than all the bricks Say this is what the pain made of you An open, open, open road An avalanche of feel it all Don’t ever let anyone tell you, you are too much Or it has been too long Whatever keeps a stutterer from stuttering when he sings a song, you are made of that thing That unbreakable note That photograph of you at five years old, the year you ran away from school, because you wanted to go home. You are almost there. You are the same compass you have always been You are the same friend who never left my side during my worst year You caught every tantrum I threw with your bare hands chucked it back at that blood moon said “it’s okay, everyone’s survival looks a little bit like death sometimes” I wrote a poem called “Say Yes” while I was cursing your name For not letting me go. Best friend, this is what we do. We gather each other up. We say, the cup is half yours and half mine. We say alone is the last place you will ever be. We say tonight let’s just stay inside reading Pema Chodron while everyone else is out on the town Pema will say, “only to the degree we expose ourselves over and over to annihilation can that which is indestructible in us be found” You’ll say Pema is so wise. And I’ll say yes she is, and we are too.
Angels of the get-through. We are too.
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smallpinapple · 7 months ago
hey guys just want to draw your attention to @gaza-evacuation-funds, it's a blog dedicated to highlighting vetted campaigns that are low on donations and need more traction and attention! <3
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smallpinapple · 7 months ago
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og post
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smallpinapple · 7 months ago
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The way they LOOK at each other
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smallpinapple · 8 months ago
This commission I got is based off of the Fiona Apple Subway photoshoot where shes wearing armor and the artist captured the idea I had SO well. I love how Bree and Nick look, the demons in the background, their armor, and their expressions!!
The artist @dalooch did an amazing job!!
I love me some breenick!!
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This can be find on the artists ig (loochleftovers) and Twitter (dalooch_)
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smallpinapple · 9 months ago
Things That Happen In Gravity Falls Without Context
It's implied that rich people control their children with a bell
A single episode is shockingly reminiscent of both Five Night's at Freddy's and Doki Doki Literature Club. This episode came out 3 years before DDLC and one month after FNAF
Mabel kisses Strong Bad
There are two clones of the main character that are still alive and living in the woods
Larry King confirms that llamas are nature's greatest warriors
An old couple is killed by rap music
One of the scariest monsters in the show is eaten alive and loves every second of it
Neil Cicierega wrote a song for it that was unfortunately never used (yes, seriously)
Everyone in the town is a tad strange, except, ironically, Cecil from Welcome to Night Vale
Boy bands are kept as pets
A character proves she is pure of heart by performing a drug bust on gnomes (this does not work)
Zombies are defeated by Ke$ha
The most discourse-generating part of the show is a 12 year old giving a time traveler a snowglobe
And old man almost fucks a spider
When someone tells you they don't have a tattoo, believe them.
Fucking up a science fair will inevitably lead to your brother being stuck in another dimension
If you stick your head in a portal, you speak in code for a little bit before you turn into a hillbilly
Get your son to pay attention to you by creating a mech beast
We are all blanchin', unless we find a cool gun.
By the end of the show, the mayor's last name is "Cutebiker"
The president gives Dipper a negative 12 dollar bill
Bill Cipher
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smallpinapple · 9 months ago
something I like about Blue Sargent is that she’s so believably seventeen years old. she misses her mom and yearns to keep her friendships and also to pursue her future and grow. she insults her cousin to her face but loves and is very protective of her. she wears fingerless gloves to cemeteries to look cool even though she knows trying to look cool will bite her in the ass, she monologues about how if she opens her pink switchblade she’s sure she’ll cut herself as a sensible teen but also monologues about how she looves the idea of herself as a badass with a switchblade, and then she does indeed open it and cut herself and connects it to her emotional hurt. she’s both self-conscious and confident, and highly pretentious. She’s a one thousand year old condescending brat who wishes she was surrounded by fellow one thousand year old condescending brats at all times. she’s impulsive and idealistic and empathetic and sensible and stubborn and judgemental and curious and compassionate and playful and fiercely loving. she’s a fanciful sensible thing, she’s good but she’s not nice, she’s brave because she’s full of fear. I love her
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smallpinapple · 9 months ago
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smallpinapple · 9 months ago
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The heaviest burden of all.
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smallpinapple · 9 months ago
✨Rosa Rosa Rosaaaaa Diaz✨
that’s it that’s the post
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smallpinapple · 9 months ago
collection of useful things tumblr has taught me:
even if you can't fall asleep, laying down with your eyes closed will still rest your body
you don't have to brush your teeth standing up
you don't have to do any chore standing up, from dishes to showering
you don't have to shower with the lights on
if you can't brush your teeth, flossing and a tongue scraper gets rid of plaque and bad breath
if you can't do that, mouthwash kills a lot of bacteria
eating "unhealthy" food is better than eating no food
you can make the same meal everyday for however long you still want it
some pills come in syrups or chewables if you can't swallow them
kids nutritional shakes can be a quick way to get fuel if you can't eat/don't have time
if walking hurts/exhausts you on a regular basis, canes and rollers are for you, no matter how young you are
we have free will—if doing something "out of the ordinary" makes life easier for you, do it
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smallpinapple · 9 months ago
i love when a villain is like "ahhh what a ROTTEN day" but they mean that it's good and they're just saying it like that because they arbitrarily like when things are bad
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smallpinapple · 9 months ago
"i'm so normal about this piece of media" i say, fresh from consuming it for the 5th time this month
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smallpinapple · 9 months ago
i actually dont mind tumblr posts reposted to pinterest. the 13 y/o "pinterest in the only social media my parents let me have" girlies deserve a little treat
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smallpinapple · 10 months ago
Okay but,
Sokka looking just like their mom - while not being able to remember what she looks like
And Katara looking just like Hakoda - while she resented him for leaving them behind???
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