#puppeteer symbols
ccruelgods · 11 months
ode of the cog...resonates with me deeply for very complex and inexplicable personal reasons.
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deus-mendacium · 11 months
"charles, do you think there's truly as much power in words as one believes?"
they had been eating lunch on the rooftop again, occasionally bringing up a rather philosophical topic of discussion, schrodinger's cat, the trolley problem, and eventually, the power of words.
charles hummed in thought, pausing and holding the sandwich he had been previously about to take a bite out of. "i...suppose so? it depends, doesn't it?"
vincent let out a quiet sound of acknowledgement in response, a smile playing on his lips as he spoke again. "does it?"
charles groaned good naturedly, putting down the remains of his lunch and crossing his arms to give vincent a raised eyebrow. this was routine by now, if charles gave an answer that ended in a question, vincent would twist it around and  throw it back at him—a skill that also made itself known in their rare genuine arguments.
"okay, then i change my answer. it definitely depends on context." he rolled his eyes, earning a quiet laugh from vincent that made his face warm with blush. "like, if someone says they're going to kill another person, that doesn't mean they'll grow up to be murderers, let alone actually do it."
to his surprise, vincent only hummed in response, frowning in thought. charles felt his heart stop for a moment, afraid he had upset his companion with his words. as he opened  his mouth to apologize, vincent spoke, in a tone that was odd and out of place.
"i mean smaller things. wants and needs, can and can't. if i tell someone ill give them whatever they need, that means what i provide is restricted solely to that—their needs." he paused, seemingly about to go silent in thought again, but continued. "but, if i tell them ill give them whatever they want, then i am selling my soul to them."
charles was quiet, letting the other's words sink in.  he had a point—even small things like throwaway sentences and words could mean the difference between freedom and slavery, a locked room and an unlocked one. chewing his lower lip, he noted that vincent was glancing at him from the corner of his eye, seemingly waiting for a reply.
"telling someone you'll give them whatever they need isn't very much freedom." he began, and he took vincent's raised brow and quiet 'oh?' as a sign to continue.
"it's like—" he fumbled for words for a minute, absently picking at his gloves. "if you say you'll give someone whatever you can, that's more freedom that saying whatever they need. if you say whatever they need, you're applying  yourself to their boundaries, but if you say whatever you can, you are applying yourself to your own."
vincent gave him a soft smile. "it seems mx.eyler is outsmarting me."
charles couldn't help but smile back, sitting beside him. "only a little. what prompted this, anyway?"
he didn't see vincent's smile drop into a blank stare for a moment, but he heard the reply:
"im only pondering."
charles smile faded, and he carefully rested a hand on the other's shoulder, wincing as he felt vincent tense up.
"if you need to talk..."
vincent gave him a wary smile. "didn't we just speak of wants, needs, and what someone can do?" 
"i can help you. i want to help you." he answered firmly, but vincent silently pushed charles' hand off his shoulder with a sigh.
"you are not the answer to my problems, charles." he spoke quietly, and then his mouth twitched up into a lopsided smirk. "though, i appreciate the sentiment. would your miss warhol approve?"
charles let out a groan. "don't start."
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snackcraving · 4 months
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Now the old king is dead, long live the king
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weevmo · 11 months
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This is for @littleneonbatgoth !! Thank you for the support -
Sunflowers are a symbol of a long life and everlasting happiness...hm...🌻🌻🌻
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a funny lil flower that suits a funny lil guy
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unbloodiedmartyr · 2 months
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JEFF: You're asking our candidate to put their head in a noose. It's a PR disaster waiting to happen-
SHRUE: No. No, I like it.
I am not going to be able to voice this in a manner that is at all comprehensible, but this moment in s2 where Shrue volunteers to put their head in a noose is just so narratively rich. Firstly, we get such a good idea of where their head is at at the beginning of their arc. We know they have moral values and want to do what's right but they're only willing to take symbolic action, something that they don't truly believe can put them in harms way. Through the symbol of the noose, we also see how they are willing to strangle themselves, masking their true beliefs, in order to appeal to the majority. However, this moment also really encapsulates their naivety and blind faith in the system. They think they are protected and genuinely believe that they can make a change. They are willing to put their head in the noose because they trust that it will not be tightened and, of course, they pay the ultimate price for this loyalty!! Shrue backs themselves into a corner again and again, making so many concessions in the hope that the small reforms they do get through will be able to shift the narrative. They delude themselves into thinking that they are being taken seriously, that the summit will be productive, that what they have been doing actually matters. Of course, all this is doing is setting them up as a scapegoat for when things go awry. They have quite literally stuck their neck in the noose and don't even realise it!! Ultimately, by the time they work up the courage to pull to wool from their eyes, it is too late. They are fated to be strung up as a scapegoat, the worst of all of us, anathema to everything that their people (the people they loved and had such faith in) stand for.
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wilcze-kudly · 2 months
"Katara outlawing bloodbending made sense" and "bloodbending may have healing properties and be useful outside of the horrific meatpupet thing" are sentences that can and should coexist actually.
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 3 months
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sometimes things are actual poetry
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bitsbug · 1 year
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iterator puppets but they’re puppets
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lyss-butterscotch · 1 year
where is the fifth pebble, Five Pebbles?
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Here she is...
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princerevelucide · 9 months
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sure he has no practical need for one but collector still deserves his own little palisman friend
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ccruelgods · 11 months
this is something that i've been thinking about all day, and decided to share.
a few months ago, i think, the body's mom and us were out selling baked goods. one place we went in, we were selling to them like normal, and another man came in and wanted to see what we were doing. he was deaf.
i didn't know asl, at all, and so i ended up typing out our sales pitch into the notes app and showing it to him. when he asked for prices, i showed him how much they were using our hand to display the numbers. when he had made the purchase, i had downloaded an asl app to learn how to say "thank you" in asl, and as he turned to leave, i did the gesture for it. he looked absolutely ecstatic, and he left with a smile on his face.
it isn't that hard to be a good person, to make small changes to your daily routine or whatever to help someone disabled in any way. don't make it a big deal or pity them and shit, just adapt. you don't need to make a big deal over it, or do anything grand and magical.
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stimming-puppet · 3 months
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julia stimboard with art, plushies, hand stims and disability related stims 1/2/3/4/x/5/6/7/8
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asurrogateblog · 4 months
pink floyd's problem was that all of them thought they were the one human in a band full of muppets except for syd who understood that they are all muppets but also started to notice the hands
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I always come back to how fucking weird Ulysses and Titania are to me post resurrection. Like there's something fundamentally wrong about them and I really need to know what it is.
John said that when the nuclear apocalypse happened he held everyone's soul in place, as they died he made sure to preserve them so later he could go on to resurrect them, right?
But how did that work for Ulysses and Titania? They were dead long before John even got necromancy in the first place, there's no way he could have held on to their souls, but they were still part of his saints post resurrection? Can John get souls that are already dead back? I mean fuck I don't even know if the river existed back then so? Did he lie about something again? Are they just constructs? Are they his weird Necro Cav OCs that he controlled to have insight on what would be brought to a lyctor but not god?
I mean, man, we talk about how fucked up it is he rewrote his friends memories and gave them new names but U— and T— were just... some people whose bodies were donated to help with earths last hope. And he just makes them his servants and turns their legacy into the galaxy's biggest factory for child soldiers?
That's just weird, man.
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thinking about Eddie & hyacinths again
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