#cw: hanging
unbloodiedmartyr · 2 months
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JEFF: You're asking our candidate to put their head in a noose. It's a PR disaster waiting to happen-
SHRUE: No. No, I like it.
I am not going to be able to voice this in a manner that is at all comprehensible, but this moment in s2 where Shrue volunteers to put their head in a noose is just so narratively rich. Firstly, we get such a good idea of where their head is at at the beginning of their arc. We know they have moral values and want to do what's right but they're only willing to take symbolic action, something that they don't truly believe can put them in harms way. Through the symbol of the noose, we also see how they are willing to strangle themselves, masking their true beliefs, in order to appeal to the majority. However, this moment also really encapsulates their naivety and blind faith in the system. They think they are protected and genuinely believe that they can make a change. They are willing to put their head in the noose because they trust that it will not be tightened and, of course, they pay the ultimate price for this loyalty!! Shrue backs themselves into a corner again and again, making so many concessions in the hope that the small reforms they do get through will be able to shift the narrative. They delude themselves into thinking that they are being taken seriously, that the summit will be productive, that what they have been doing actually matters. Of course, all this is doing is setting them up as a scapegoat for when things go awry. They have quite literally stuck their neck in the noose and don't even realise it!! Ultimately, by the time they work up the courage to pull to wool from their eyes, it is too late. They are fated to be strung up as a scapegoat, the worst of all of us, anathema to everything that their people (the people they loved and had such faith in) stand for.
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inkymaw · 1 year
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Watch your step, he’s out to get you 👻🖤
⛧ [twitt] ⛧[insta] ⛧
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milk-crater · 3 months
Hangman / Adam Cole
Justice card
Free association lead to this being a western. Please mind the tags/avoid if you don't like talk about hanging.
When “Hangman” Adam Page caught up to his ol’bunkmate, the bank robber Adam Cole, the fugitive turned his blue eyes upon the lawman and smiled.
“I’m glad it’s you who caught me, Page. You’re the only one who can grant my last request. I want to lay with a handsome man one more time before I die.” Cole batted his eyes like a bordello girl. Page rolled his eyes in response, kept his gun trained on the other man.
“That line ever work?” They were at Cole’s lean-too hideout by a brook. Page had tracked him there after spotting suds downstream: they smelled of coconut oil, one of Cole’s many fancy affections.   
“Used to work on you,” Cole said, his smile turning wistful. “Come on. One last roll in the hay. Your kiss is sweeter than the noose. though it feels a bit the same when you have whiskers, like you do now. When I’m hanging from that scratchy rope I’ll close my eyes and pretend it’s you kissing me.”
Page felt a twinge in his heart. Cole was a scoundrel, but that didn’t mean he wanted to see him dead.
Cole held up his hands, wrists together. “You can cuff me if makes you feel more at ease while we’re fucking.”
Page sighed, tried not to roll his eyes again. “That would actually make me feel worse about it all, actually.”
Cole shrugged, dropped his hands. He shot a sly look at the star-shaped badge on Page’s chest.
“I can’t believe Kenny finally let you be sheriff.”
“Kenny didn’t let me be anything,” Page growled, all of his sympathy and yearning for the other Adam dissipating with one little poke. God, he’d forgotten how good Cole was at getting a rise out of him.
Cole grinned. “Sure, sure.”
“You have to answer for your crimes, Cole,” Page said, putting the power of the law into his voice. It didn’t seem to intimidate Cole. The man just frowned, blue eyes turning glacial.
“And when are Kenny and the Bucks going to pay for their crimes? When are they going to pay for what they did to me?”
“What are you talking about? When they ran you out of town for embezzling from the widows and orphan fund? You deserved that—”
“No, not that,” Cole spat out. “What they did after that. What they did to me.”
There was an earnestness to Cole’s anger that made Page pause.
“What did they do?”
Adam looked away. “You don’t want to know.”
You don’t want to know. A sentence that managed to imply it had been something mighty awful, and also a phrase that managed to implicit Page’s complicity in whatever it was, his willful blindness to whatever awful business his best friends had conducted behind his back.
Page bristled at the unspoken accusation. Just ’cause his pals were ‘elite’, that didn’t mean they were above the law. Hangman could still set things right.
“Look, Adam, I can’t rightly help you if you don’t tell me—”
Cole turned his face back towards Hangman. As they made eye contact a mighty strange thing happened: Cole’s eyes changed. They went from true blue to green, the bright green of absinthe—no, of poison. A monstrous green. Then the green leeched away and his eyes were grey, the grey of coins on a corpse’s eyes. Then there were the chalky white of bone, of a dead man’s skull.
Then they were blue again, bright blue and alive, irises reflecting the flickering campfire light.
Page stumbled back. He felt an awful sickness in the pit of his stomach, like he was a couple breaths from expunging his dinner.
One side of Cole’s mouth quirked up.
“If you really want to know, ask the Bucks,” Cole said. “They might not tell you while I’m alive, but I bet they will when I’m dead. Again.”
Page swallowed down the acid bile that had been building up in his mouth. He didn’t know what the fuck was going on, or what had happened, but he knew two things:
1. His pals were capable of some awful things.
2. He didn’t want to know what exactly.
“Pack up your camp and haul ass,” Page said gruffly. “I’m taking the money you stole back to town. Be happy I’m letting you leave with your life.”
Cole sighed at got to his feet, patting the dirt off his pants as he stood.
“You sure you don’t want to fuck, for old times sake?”
“No,” Hangman said. He shuddered, imaging what it would be like if he looked into Cole’s eye mid coitus and saw those corpse eyes looking back at him.
Cole smiled sadly, as if he could read Hanger’s mind.
“Well, maybe next time, sheriff.” He tipped his hat, grabbed his pack, and melted into the darkness.  
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boxx-sama · 9 months
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“It doesn’t hurt at all. Compared to not being forgiven by you…”
Self-Indulgent Shiina Mahiru “I Love You” Gifset!
Credit appreciated but not needed ♡
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guro-man · 1 year
Horror Manga Recs Part 6: The Illustrated Guide To Monster Girls by Suzu Akeko
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Thank you for your patience last week! This week's manga recommendation is extra spooky and halloween-y: The Illustrated Guide To Monster Girls which is available in print in english!
"The girls of Class Z dream of graduating and becoming full-fledged monsters. But can they make it happen when their grades are the real horror show?!"
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I just wanna start by saying how much I enjoy the character designs in this series. Everyone's so full of charm and personality (also they kind of remind me of vocaloids?). Just don't let the series' cuteness make you let your guard down, because this horror comedy does not shy away from using blood and gore.
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One thing I really like so far is that there are class reports in between each chapter that describe what the characters are learning and helps bring the world of the school to life.
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So far the chapters are pretty much episodic so there isn't much of a super dramatic plot tying everything together, but it seems like that might change in the future judging by the last few chapters in volume one after the girls of Class Z make enemies with some of the higher ranked students? Idk, but either way it's still a fun spooky series that's worth checking out if you're interested!
Also I've decided to start including links to purchase copies of books that are available in english so check out Yen Press's website if you're interested in picking up a copy :)
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dangeroustonight · 1 year
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Hang in there, baby!
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — Singapore conducted its first execution of a woman in 19 years on Friday and its second hanging this week for drug trafficking despite calls for the city-state to cease capital punishment for drug-related crimes.  
Activists said another execution is set next week.
Saridewi Djamani, 45, had been sentenced to death in 2018 for trafficking nearly 31 grams (1.09 ounces) of diamorphine, or pure heroin, the Central Narcotics Bureau said. Its statement said the amount was “sufficient to feed the addiction of about 370 abusers for a week.”
Singapore’s laws mandate the death penalty for anyone convicted of trafficking more than 500 grams (17.64 ounces) of cannabis and 15 grams (0.53 ounces) of heroin. 
Djamani’s execution came two days after that of a Singaporean man, Mohammed Aziz Hussain, 56, for trafficking around 50 grams (1.75 ounces) of heroin.
The narcotics bureau said both prisoners were accorded due process, including appeals of their conviction and sentence and petition for presidential clemency.
Human rights groups, international activists and the United Nations have urged Singapore to halt executions for drug offenses and say there is increasing evidence it is ineffective as a deterrent. Singapore authorities insist capital punishment is important to halting drug demand and supply.
Human rights groups say it has executed 15 people for drug offenses since it resumed hangings in March 2022 , an average of one a month. 
Anti-death penalty activists said the last woman known to have been hanged in Singapore was 36-year-old hairdresser Yen May Woen, also for drug trafficking, in 2004. 
Transformative Justice Collective, a Singapore group which advocates for the abolishment of capital punishment, said a new execution notice has been issued to another prisoner for Aug, 3 — the fifth this year alone.
It said the prisoner is an ethnic Malay citizen who worked as a delivery driver before his arrest in 2016. He was convicted in 2019 for trafficking around 50 grams (1.75 ounces) of heroin, it said. The group said the man had maintained in his trial that he believed he was delivering contraband cigarettes for a friend he owed money and he didn’t verify the contents of the bag as he trusted his friend. 
Although the court found he was merely a courier, the man still had to be given the mandatory death penalty, it said. The group “condemns, in the strongest terms, the state’s bloodthirsty streak” and reiterated calls for an immediate moratorium on the use of the death penalty.
Critics say Singapore’s harsh policy merely punish low-level traffickers and couriers, who are typically recruited from marginalized groups with vulnerabilities. They say Singapore is also out of step with the trend of more countries moving away from capital punishment. Neighboring Thailand has legalized cannabis while Malaysia ended the mandatory death penalty for serious crimes this year. 
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kavaleyre · 6 months
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• The Hanged Man •
“Compared to what Falin went through? This is nothing.”
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sunnyhikik0 · 11 months
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My... fault...
I should-
No... stop thinking this way... she'd hate to see you like this...
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Some more Higuneko lore! When Takano killed Rika in the original timeline Maria Being the one closest to Rika contracts L5 and out of grief of her lost friend and due to madness Maria hangs herself, later Hanyuu and Beatrice join their powers as they send both Rika and Maria to a parallel world where the looping events of higuneko occur.
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punkitt-is-here · 3 months
If you're going to be a woman, can't you at least make an effort to look good? You're obese and greasy looking, you'll never pass if you look so washed up
this is rich coming from someone talking to me anonymously. Show your face bitch all humans came with obesity and grease it came with your being alive
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i keep forgetting that i can like DRAW draw. beyond quick b/w (sorta) sketches even
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lifeinthegladhouse · 2 years
a regular who works at a recovery center said someone hung themselves last night with a bedsheet... the guy who found him had just lost his wife. fucking brutal.
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spilledkaleidoscope · 7 months
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This is one of the best things I have ever drawn and you can't convince me otherwise
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boxx-sama · 11 months
This is my revamped cover of I Love You!
If you like powerful vocals, be sure to check my channel out <3
Also feel free to send your comments my way! I love reading em!
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zipsunz · 9 months
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heromariweek2024: day 5 - nightmare
the boy of your dreams…?
(art by me, script by @sunkitty143!)
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