#punch out headcannons
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greattigerssimp · 3 months ago
Christmas headcannons for the Punch Out!! Wii boxers!! 🥊🎄✨️
(cover by me :p)
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They're all having a christmas party/sleepover together, there's a big Christmas tree in the gym, and their doing Secret Santa :3
Glass Joe 🇫🇷 🥐
- Made most of the food for the Xmas party. He baked bundt cakes, sugar cookies, peppermint brittle, buche de noel, and little gingerbread men he decorated to look like the boxers. Bro literally baked his German bf into a cookie because he misses him-
- The ref gifted ugly Christmas sweaters to all the boxers. Joe got an oversized blue and white jack frost themed one. He actually loved it and is keeping it
- Got berated by Aran throwing snowballs at him on his way to the party
- Overly invested in Kaiser retelling Christmas stories
- Over drank hot chocolate and passed out around 10pm. Later woke up under the tree, wrapped in wrapping paper and with several gift boys in his hair. Shockingly, it wasn't Aran who did this-
- Received his secret Santa gift from Kaiser. It was a makeshift lightweight belt Kaiser had crafted himself. Joe cried for 20 minutes straight after receiving it
- His new year resolution is to win more fights
Von Kaiser 🇩🇪🔩
- Had amazing childhood Christmas's as a child (at least the ones with just his mom) and will happily hyperfixate and info dump about them
- Taught Joe how to make fresh gingerbread (Lebkuchen)
- Recieved lots of cute, hand-made christmas cards from his boxing class. Almost cried reading them since they all praised him as a boxing teacher
- Traumatized most of the boxers after he told lore-dropped about Krampus.
- His ugly Christmas sweater was itchy and had bells on it. It quickly got on his nerves, and he later got rid of it... not before taking the bells off though. Spare parts are spare parts!
- Did most of the decorating around the gym and policed anyone who wanted to help decorate the tree. Clearly, he's an expert
- Received his secret santa gift from Bald Bull. He got this adorable "build it yourself" cuckoo clock set and absolutely adored it. (Extra hc that Bald Bull knows wayyy too much about the boxers' personal lives bc he's so quiet and listens in on their secretive conversations).
- His new year resolution was to practice self love more
- Around midnight, when the snow slowed down, he took Joe outside for a little private slow dance behind the gym, out in the snow... they kissed by the end of the hour, by the end of their slow dance ❤️
Disco Kid 🇺🇲 🕺
- "I 👁jUsT wAnT🤲 yOu🫵 FoR 4️⃣mY oWn🤲, MoRe ➕️ThAn YoU 🫵cOuLd EvEr KnOw🧠, MaKe🔨 My WiSh✨️ CoMe TrOoOoO✅️... aLl I wAnT🤲 fOr 4️⃣ChRiStMaS🎄 iS yOuUuU🫵" ....all. night. long. With Aran too.
- Got a cute reindeer sweater from the ref, and wore it all night. Got sad when Kaiser threw out his own sweater.
- Has an entire, 100+ song playlist he made for the party. About 10 of the songs on it were remixes of that one Mariah Carey one he loves so much
- Danced with Aran all-night long, despite Arans lack of rhythm. Got giggly af when Aran kissed him.
- Took a picture of Joe wrapped under the tree. It's now the official WVBA Christmas card.
- Accidentally burnt his tongue drinking the hot chocolate Hondo brought
- Kept in contact with Hondo, Aran, and Tiger as they stole Flamenco out of Brooklyn Heights. Acted as the "mission control" of the Flamenco heist situation
- Recieved his secret santa gift from King Hippo. It was a necklace made of pearls, that were decorated to look like little disco balls. He loved it, weared it all night long... and thanked King Hippo with a big ole hug.
- His new years resolution is to take his career as a boxer a little bit more seriously
King Hippo 🏝 🦛
- Hates the cold sm, he's napping by the heater 90% of the time
- Hondo was nice enough to supply the king with extra hot cocoa
- His sweater sadly didn't fit him
- Loudest teeth chattering in the world
- The boxers who got rid of their sweaters gave them to Hippo for him to use as a blanket... plus the warm hug Hippo got from Disco Kid.
- "I want a hippopotamus for Christmas" is considered an offensive song to him and his kin. Disco Kid nearly lost an arm before promptly removing the song from his holiday playlist.
- Recieved his secret santa gift from Soda Popinski. He got a little Hippo plushie! He stimmed and roared a lot from it, so the boxers assumed he was happy. The plushie was pineapple scented too, so it reminded him of home.
- Doesn't know what a new years resolution is, and he didn't make one.
Piston Hondo 🇯🇵🍣
- Cooked most of the non-baked foods for the party, including freshly made hot chocolates... fanciest hot chocolates ever made.
- Gave up his cute penguin sweater to Hippo, despite actually liking the sweater
- Was the designated driver during the "Flamenco Heist" mission... which is good, since none of the other participants could drive that quietly.
- Got pulled over for speeding out of Brooklyn Heights... buuut after getting the ticket and trying to get Aran to stop cursing at the policeman, he eventually transports Don and the boys safely to the party.
- Crashed out under the tree after the heist.
- (Before the heist) recieved his secret santa gift from Glass Joe. He got a cute pusheen cat mug and a christmas card with a handwritten Haiku in it, about what a great friend Hondo is. Needless to say, Hondo was very grateful.
- His new years resolution list is loooong... stuff like "lose weight" and "focus on social life" and "be less selfish"... basically a lot of insecurities he secretly has.
Bear Hugger 🇨🇦🐻
- Got a large tree, fresh from the woods (AND replanted it, because deforestation is bad ✨️)
- Spruce didn't attend the party bc he was hibernating
- Bear recieved a polar bear sweater that was way too small on him, which sucked because he liked it. After Hippo was done using the unused sweaters as a blanket, Bear would later give his sweater to Lomasi, even if it's way too big for her. She loves it though
- Ate most of the food and stole some leftovers for Spruce and Lomasi to snack on. The sugar made him stay up all night
- Wayyyy too invested in the whole Flameco heist story
- Around 3am, he left the party and got his woodland animal friends to steal the remnants of Don's torn coat from a local dump, and he got them all to repair it. Don would be gifted it back on Christmas morning, much to Carmen's shock and surprise.
- Recieved his secret santa gift from Super Macho Man. He got two gifts, an adult bib that pointed to his mouth and read "CPDS: Canada's Pancake Disposal System." and Spruce recieved adorable squirrel sized swimming wings (made by Kaiser, gifted by Macho Man).
- His new years resolution is single handedly stop humans and corporations from hurting the environment.
Great Tiger 🇮🇳🐅
- Typically doesn't celebrate Christmas, but is gonna do so this year just to spend time with his friends and to participate in secret santa. (It's a personal choice if Sikh individuals wish to celebrate Christmas or not, according to my research before writing this).
- Absolutely LOVED his corny ahh ugly Christmas cat sweater, wore it during the Flamenco heist situation
- Re-inacted some of Kaisers' christmas stories using his clones
- When Hondo arrived at Carmen's house that evening, Tiger was in charge of distracting Carmen and her family while Aran snuck Don out of the top window. He and his clones did a (technical) one-man caroling mini spectacular, complete with dancing and a short rap session. Ofc Tiger had to he over the top with it
- Screamed like a girl when Aran gifted him a fake dead rat... luckily, Hondo said "Aran, you shouldn't hurt your own kind" after Aran bursted out laughing
- His new years resolution is to be more self sufficient and depend on his magic less
Don Flamenco 🇪🇸 🥀
- His parents from Spain sent him this gorgeous, satin winter coat with a cute little card. They love him very much, despite how little contact Don has with them (due to Carmen ofc)
- Bro had an entire Cinderella arc. Basically, Don wanted to go to the WVBA Christmas party, but Carmen wanted him to stay home and spend the night with her... even though he's been cooped up at her home since mid-December. She says stuff like "I matter more" and "They're better off without you," using such language to gaslight and manipulate Don into staying with her.
- They got into a fight about it, which resulted in Carmen not only tearing up his new winter coat Don's family from Spain had sent him a few days ago... but she also locks him in her room that night until he "becomes a better boyfriend."
- This pushed him over the edge, and he called out to Disco Kid for help! Luckily, Aran, Hondo and Tiger were able to "kidnap" him away from Carmen's place, and Don was able to spend half the night at the party
- Pretended to like his elf christmas sweater so as not to hurt the refs feelings.
- Also wore it because he hates the cold
- Taking selfies along with Macho Man, without thinking that Carmen might see them and know where he was. Thankfully, Carmen didn't.
- Recieved his secret santa present from Great Tiger. He got an expensive skin care kit that he vows to use daily.
- His new years resolution is to "be a stronger boyfriend" for Carmen.
- Snuck back into Carmen's home around 6am and fell asleep on the couch. Was overjoyed the next morning to see his new coat repaired.
Aran Ryan 🇮🇪 😈
- Tries to dance with Disco Kid to the Christmas tunes, but he's got no rhythm, so it looked kinda awkward but cute at the same time.
- Just so happened to be dancing under a mistletoe a certain German precariously placed for a certain French... but only he noticed.
- Quickly kissed Disco Kid before gesturing to the mistletoe.
- Agreed to help save Don's christmas only because he wanted to break into Carmen's home, plus he has experience climbing up to second floors from the outside.... don't ask how.
- Once he broke in, he promptly placed a spare fake dead rat into Carmen's stocking (that was conveniently in her room) before safely carrying Don out of the window
- Threatened to drop Don multiple times if he didn't shut up about the cold... thankfully, Don was okay.
- Recieved his secret santa gift from Bear Hugger. He got A LUMP OF COAL. He nearly destroyed everything in that gym until he looked deeper into the gift bag... and also saw he got a new leather jacket with a badass Irish blessing on the back of it. Bear laughed his ass off at Arans initial reaction
- Didn't say it out loud, but his new years resolution was to be a better behaved human of society... at least for Disco Kid's sake.
Soda Popinski 🇷🇺🍾
- Casually walked to the gym out in the cold wearing a christmas tank top and apple bottom jeans.
- "Soda it's fucking 21 degrees out"
- "And?"
- Liked his snowman sweater, it was super cute to him. He and Macho Man did sweater selfies together
- Chugging eggnog because no one else wants to drink it. The sugar he got also made him stay up all night
- Got scared by Kaisers krampus story and had nightmares until new years
- Started a snowball fight with Aran early on during the party, which Joe unfortunately became a part of
- Recieved his secret santa gift from Don when he eventually arrived at the party.
- His new years resolution was to keep up his alcohol recovery process
Bald Bull 🇹🇷 🐂
- Didn't go to the Christmas party because he hates parties and doesn't celebrate Christmas. He flew back to Turkey to spend time with his family
- Gave gifts around new years to his many family members
- Didn't get his christmas sweater from the ref, but he wouldn't have liked it anyways
- Left Kaiser his secret santa present by the tree along with a note explaining why he didn't come
- When he came back in early January, he received his secret santa gift from Disco Kid. He got a pair of fluffy bull slippers. He loves them and wears them every morning now.
- His new years resolution was to become more approachable
Super Macho Man 🇺🇸🌊
- Is the one who wrapped up Joe and placed him under the tree
- Didn't like the itchy santa sweater he got (it irritated his artificially tanned skin), but he wore it most of the party because Soda wanted to take selfies with him... and gosh darn it, he won't admit it, but he liked seeing Soda all happy and enjoying himself
- Secretly cuddled with Soda each time he had nightmares about the krampus
- Also got scared by Kaisers story
- "Bro who told you about this fucking creature?!?"
- "Mien grandparents."
- "Ah, who would've guessed."
- Made Christmas thrist traps and posted them alongside Don. They even recreated that one santa scene from Mean Girls with just two people
- Recieved his secret santa gift from Piston Hondo. He got a nautical themed surf board, signed by all of the boxers. Bro let's out the loudest fucking "HELL YEAH BRO" when he got it.
- His new years resolution is to keep being talented and handsome
Mr. Sandman 💤 🟢
- Didn't participate in secret santa
- Spent Christmas alone, working out
- Recieved a WVBA merch gift card from Mr. Dream, and a ton of fan mail and gifts from his fans
- Spent Christmas night staying comfortable and sleeping peacefully
- His new years resolution is to try and find a hobby outside of boxing
(Bonus! Because I didn't wanna end on a sad note.)
Little Mac 🥊🟢
- Spent Christmas with Doc and Peter Punch, away from the Christmas party
- They all pulled an all nighter, watching Christmas movies all night
- Doc managed to pull enough money together to give both of them a plentiful christmas
- Despite being teens, Mac and Peter still both believe in Santa Clause.
- They both got lots of presents on Christmas morning, but their favorite gifts was the gamer tank top meant for Peter, and for Mac, it was this necklace with a picture of Doc and Mac first leaving the orphanage
- Mac's new years resolution is to finish school with passing grades, Peter's resolution is to keep up his appearance, and Doc's resolution is to lose a little bit of weight
Merry Christmas everyone! Have a happy holidays! And from the boxers...
"Joyeux noël" - Glass Joe
"Frohe Weihnachten" - Von Kaiser
"RAWR" - King Hippo
"Merīkurisumasu" - Piston Hondo
"मेरी क्रिसमस!" - Great Tiger
"Feliz Navidad!" - Don Flamenco
"Nollaig Shona!" - Aran Ryan (he knows a little bit of Irish lol)
"С Рождеством!" - Soda Popinski
"Mutlu Noeller" - Bald Bull
"Love ya all, have a happy holidays!~"
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dogbound1128 · 4 months ago
Headcannon: Despite him being mostly an Irish Stereotype, Aran prefers to stay sober
BECAUSE the first night he ever drank he was so excited to get that high BUT it never came
All his friends were giggling and hooting and hollering and throwing shit and trying to stand on each-other's shoulders but Aran didn't feel different at all. If anything it made him tired!
So he doesn't drink because of that and everyone who finds out is BEWILDERED by it
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thebogus69 · 6 months ago
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fancy-graphics63 · 5 months ago
Brotherly Gloves {Thanks anotherwvba}
I Wanted to get these headcanons out of my head so yeah. This is a thread(?) for my headcanons for little mac and peter punch {AKA Super Punch Out SNES' Protagonist/Birdie}, so enjoy {i hope}
Little Mac
Since A Young age, mac got hit with the "oldest child syndrome", due to his parents working almost all the time trying to support their house
Mac Is Autistic, he However didn't have any problem with socialising, but he was like selectively-mute with some people {he was not much of a talker in the first place}
Mac was never shy of showing his true self {upbeat, Carefree childish boy} even after he became 18, expect in serious things
He Learned How To Cook From His Mom And Uncle {Pete Zepasta}
He sometimes Get Overprotective of his brother, to that fact that he didn't allow Him To Play on swings
Mac is an "All Animals" Person, If you ask him what's his fav, his answer will change every time {he can't decide, all of them are awesome}
Peter Punch
Peter Have Astraphobia {Fear Of Thunders} Since He Way 2
Peter Have ADHD, And Sometimes he would fidget on anything when he can, even scratching mac's head sometimes {he's also kinda of a yapper}
He was attached to his brother way more then he did with his parents
He Got His Nickname "Birdie" After He Was trying to talk to a bird {Also because someone Says That Peter Looks Like A Bird}
Unlike His Brother, Peter Tried to act more "Mature" at A Young age, So People Don't Treat Him Like A Child, After A while He learned to embrace his True self
He Love Insects and reptiles {His Fav are Spiders, Beetles, Snakes And Lizards}
Again, Thanks for @anotherwvba for the fic name, i really appreciate it
This Part is for something that both share so say
None Of Them Had, "Emo" or something phase, instead they had the "Femme" phase, where Loved everything that is "feminine" and even embrace it {it happens because of their other uncle's sassy and flamboyant personality}
Their Uncle Sometime took care of them, which made mac learn cooking and peter help
Pete Zepasta {aka Pizza Pasta} Is their mom's brother
Both Sometimes Would Pull Pranks Just For Fun, Peter Plans It, And Mac do the pranks
someone on the internet joked about them being a "Mac n Fries" duo
they lived in a Not so great Neighbourhood, and both of their parents worked in a minimum wage jobs
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jackdaw-and-hattrick · 4 months ago
Something something … a revenant who cannot rest until an immortal dies.
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batgrldes · 7 months ago
I've just had a wild thought come to me so I'm writing it down.
Really going on a last-ditch effort, Eddie starts on his Catholic guilt trip. Thinking it will somehow make things right, make him a better person, a better dad, he'll it works for Bobby, right? So he starts going to church service on Sundays and Wednesdays. It makes him realize there is too much temptation out in the world, so he starts isolating himself even more. Avoids nights out with the crew at the hook and ladder bars, avoiding eye contact with people. He says his prayers throughout the day and night, carrying that prayer book Bobby gave him like a lifejacket. He mutters them under his breath, garnering confused or concerned looks by others. He's constantly in the confession booth, week after week, sometimes more than once.
But the more he goes, the more he immerses himself in the religious rhetoric and routine, the these old repressed memories pop into his head. Memories of his youth back at Catholic school. The uniform clad boys in his class, perhaps a particular boy whose eyes he always caught during class or passing by in the hallways. The one who made him feel things he'd never felt before. Then it was the English teacher's assistant in training, who was built like Adonis and had a perfect smile every time he called on Eddie. These thoughts start bubbling up, and Eddie keeps trying to press them down. However, it doesn't help that the priest he confesses to reminds Eddie of him. Bobby's priest has the most soothing voice. It washes over Eddie every service. Even more alluring in the confession booth. Soft yet commanding, telling him to make the sign of the cross and confess his sins. There's a warm liquid feeling in his gut as he does, and it feels almost dirty telling this man of the cloth all the bad things he's done. That Eddie's been a bad boy.
Now Eddie's got this internal fight within him, trying to do right and purge himself of these impure thoughts, thoughts and habits that lead him up to this point, but also realizing the reason he enjoys going to church is to see the hot priest and be near him. Yes, he's hot. Eddie spirals as he kneels before the giant cross looming over him, realizing he's always had these feelings and desires deep inside. And it doesn't help that the priest has now sat beside him asking if he wants to talk. Eddie tells him he's already had his confession this week, and the priest shakes his head and says, "Not like that." Does he want to just talk? Outside of church. Eddie knows he is now very familiar with Eddie and his problems. Maybe he feels like there's some burden weighing on Eddie's shoulders that deserves some lessening. Or maybe it's something else.
And Eddie wants to say yes. He wants help in guiding himself on a better path, to be a better parent, and a devoted husband. But he also wants to have the priest's undivided attention with no barrier between them and no congregation around. He's torn about what he wants, and as the priest places a gentle hand on Eddie's shoulder, Eddie can't help but feel his mouth betray him and whisper almost lustfully, "Yes."
I don't know what's going to happen this season for Eddie. But the guy needs help. I want Eddie to have a great story arc that hopefully results in some happiness for him and his son. Don't ask me where this story came from. It's six in the morning on a Saturday and I shouldn't be up this early. I'm going to try to sleep some more.
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partiallysame · 2 months ago
Simon Riley Headcanons
- Will sit in silence for so long it scares the shit out of you when he does say something.
- Had to start making noises when he moved around the house bc the giant is someone so quiet and again scared the shit out of you every time he entered the room.
- Can remember everything, the most insane details but still gets it wrong like: you ask him to grab your black boots and he’s like “ah yes the boots you wore on our 4th date when you ordered this specific food and the waiters name was Steve” uh ya ok sure those boots. But he comes back holding heels not boots. And they’re blue not black and then is genuinely confused as to why You’re confused
- Big hot sexy man but sadly just a man. What do you mean you packed for a two week trip? Simon there are only 3 shirts in that bag. “Threes enough” no pants? “M’wearing them”
- Will hold your purse for you and if you tell him to stop holding it weird (straight out in front of him) he’ll sling it over his shoulder and next thing you know his pockets are empty and your purse is full of his keys, wallet, knives.
- Tries to get you to hit Johnny if he makes any crude comments (or unfunny jokes actually if he speaks to you at all) Legit whispering in your ear like the lil angel and devil shoulder guys “jus one punch lovie”
- Old fashioned manners (I see this one a lot in Simon stuff and big agree) you are never paying. Never touching door. In or out of the car? Sit and wait patiently. Sidewalk rule? Fuck any car for even thinking about driving near the sidewalk YOU are on. Princess treatment for life with this one
- So easy to train. Big man loves following an order. Something you want him to do? Done you never have to ask again. Whether it be buying a specific brand. How to wash specific types of clothes. Shoes off household? He’s got house slippers the next time he comes over
- Nerves of steal. Big bad Ghost. Except when he meets your friends for the first time. Brunch with a bunch of girls just like you? Just put him down pls double tap to the head what the fuck does slay mean. He never learned this language. He texts soap during the brunch to translate for him (I saw a headcannon? Actual canon? Once that said soap had 6 sisters. And ya agreed)
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iamgonnagetyouback · 2 months ago
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soft!mattheo riddle headcannons ⭑.ᐟ
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˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ soft!mattheo who throws punches like he doesn’t care if his knuckles bleed but wipes his busted lip with the back of his hand and grins when you scold him. “what? you worried about me, angel?”
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ soft!mattheo who smells like smoke and expensive cologne, who always has a cigarette tucked behind his ear but never lights it when you're around because he knows you don’t like the smell
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ soft!mattheo who gets into trouble just to make you roll your eyes at him, just so he can tilt his head and say, “c’mon, don’t act like you don’t love me like this.”
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ soft!mattheo who always has an arm draped over the back of your chair, who pulls you onto his lap at parties like it’s second nature, who lets everyone know, without a single word, that you’re his
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ soft!mattheo who will teach you how to throw a punch but won’t let you actually get into a fight—“nah, angel, that’s my job. you just stand there and look pretty.”
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ soft!mattheo who lets you braid his hair, sitting between your legs with his head tilted back against your stomach, eyes closed, a lazy grin on his lips when you call him pretty
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ soft!mattheo who steals your hair tie to wear on his wrist, even though it doesn’t match his whole ‘i don’t care about anything’ aesthetic, but he keeps it there anyway—just because it’s yours
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ soft!mattheo who teaches you how to drive his motorcycle, watching with amusement as you struggle, but when you get the hang of it, he just grins and says, “that’s my girl.”
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ soft!mattheo who keeps a picture of you tucked into his wallet, folded and worn at the edges, but if anyone ever points it out, he just scoffs and shoves it deeper into his pocket, pretending it’s not a big deal
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ soft!mattheo who acts all tough, all ‘i don’t do romance,’ but still waits up for you when you’re out late, still makes you coffee in the morning (even if it’s terrible), still presses his lips to your forehead when he thinks you’re asleep
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©iamgonnagetyouback౨ৎ please refrain from copying, translating, or reposting any of my work
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dragonfly0808 · 2 years ago
So my Batfamily brain rot is back (not that it ever really left) and I just had a thought like…
If you’re a henchman/criminal in Gotham, seeing your life flash past your eyes is gonna be a somewhat regular occurance but… what if like… the thing that truly made a henchman’s heart fall to his ass was when they hit Robin just a little too hard and this 10 year old kid just starts crying and goes ‘Daaaaaadddd!’
That’s the moment when they truly think they’re going to die because said dad, the kid is calling for is a 6’6 demon from hell who’s all muscle and shadows and vengance and a lot of Gotham still thinks he’s a cryptid
The henchmen all drop their guns and try to calm the kid down but it’s over in 5 seconds flat. Batman breaks several bones before speaking to Robin in the softest voice they’ve ever heard him use and the criminal world, who was already a bit hesitant to fight a kid have even more reason to take it just a little easy on Robin.
And like, I can picture different reactions with every Robin.
Like, for Dick, he’s ten and we all know he was the most violent Robin second only to Damian so maybe when he’s ten or eleven and has calmed down a little, a henchback who still remembers what a little shit he used to be decides to get back at Robin, slips on a pair of brass knuckles and BAM
And then, little Dick just stares for a moment in shock, cheek already starting to bruise, the criminals he’d been fighting all stay still because it was a nasty punch and then…
“Daaaaad!!!” He cries out in a whiny voice that reminds them that Robin really is just a kid and it all clicks into place.
Even Bruce wasn’t expecting that, Dick has just started calling him dad and he still isn’t used to being called that so to hear his kid calling for him in the moment where he is startled and hurt and a little scared… the henchmen don’t even have time to react and they wake up in the hospital with concussions and maybe a few broken bones.
It doesn’t take Dick long to calm down, it was mostly that the hit from a random henchmen really startled him and got him right in the cheekbone. But Bruce still finishes patrol early and Dick still hides under Bruce’s cape all the way to the Batmobile.
Then comes Jason and Jason was such a sweet kid, I headcannon he was the one that called Bruce dad the most often while being Robin. So one night during patrol maybe he finds himself fighting Penguin or Two-Face and it’s been a long night and he has an exam the following day and Bruce is fighting another villain at the other side of the warehouse
The point is, the henchmen and Two-Face start landing hits on eleven year old Jason in his gut and at some point he loses sight of Batman fighting on the other side of the room. Jason gets scared because he’s never really fought without Batman and while he knows that Bruce is still in the warehouse, he can’t see him and the handle of a gun hits the back of his ankle and he falls and he sees Two-Face or Penguin or one of the henchmen getting ready to grab the front of his uniform and beat him up and…
The criminals freeze for a moment. They’ve heard the stories of what happened the last time a Robin called scared for dad.
They’re fucked.
They all drop their guns and try to get Jason to calm down, but he’s crying just a little bit and calls again, his voice breaking and despite having been at the other side of the warehouse just a second ago, Bruce somehow drops from the ceiling and it’s over before the criminals can keep pleading with Robin to calm down.
Jason tries to apologize for ‘acting like a baby’ but Bruce is having none of it and carries him back to the Batmobile and Jason is happy to just hide his face in Bruce’s cape because he knows his dad will always be there to save him.
Then comes Tim.
And Tim gets found out while doing reconnisance and somehow he finds himself face to face with Bane who manages to wrench away his bo staff and Tim is just eleven and he is scared because Bane doesn’t look like he’s going to hold back
All Tim knows is that the crack he hears must surely be his ribs either cracking or breaking and he can’t breath and he can only muster enough air for a single word… and he calls for his dad through tears and fear
And at this point… at this point Batman has already lost a Robin, Tim may not be his legally but he is his son just as much as Jason was
Bane spends a month in the ICU
Tim is embarrased that he reacted like that. He thinks it makes him less of a Robin to called scared for Batman… for dad.
So Bruce tells him of the other two times it happened. It’s one of the first times he’s spoken about Jason to Tim so bluntly.
Then comes Stephanie.
Stephanie never calls Bruce dad when she’s Robin. She’s not his daughter and he’s not her dad. They’re not sure what exactly they are to one another.
As far as Bruce knows, Stephanie’s version of Robin never called out to him when she was scared.
What he doesn’t know is that it did happen. Just once
It was the last time she was Robin. When Black Mask had her and she thought she was going to die
At some point while bleeding and feeling nauseous and so scared she could barely hear anything that wasn’t her own heart beating wildly against her chest… she called for dad. Not for Arthur Brown, but for Bruce
Black Mask laughed at her
Stephanie never tells Bruce
And finally… Damian
Now, we know Damian would probably never be startled enough to call for Bruce out of instinct, so I can see 2 scenarios in which this could happen.
First, he sees another kid do it. He sees a kid close to his own age laughing and playing, then tripping and staying quiet for a split second before crying out for mom and dad and he just… assumes that’s something kids do when scared and hurt and startled and does it mostly in an attempt to be a little more ‘normal’
Or, my favorite scenario… he hears of the other times it has happened. He overhears maybe Dick remind Jason of what Bruce did when Jason called out to dad as Robin. Tim maybe jokes that a Robin calling for dad is still the villains’ greatest fear
So Damian stores that knowledge away as a battle strategy just in case he ever needs it… and maybe a small part of him wants to put it to the test, to see if his father would protect him as brutally as he’s protected the Robins before him
So some random night during patrol, he’s up against several henchmen, a few of them grab him from behind, trying to hold him down. Damian is fighting against them when one of them swings a cylinder of metal that Damian thinks might’ve been meant for the plumbing and…
The henchman breaks Damian’s nose, there’s blood dripping down his chin and staining his uniform
Now… it is most certainly not the first time he’s broken something, he’s more than used to the pain, in fact, he barely feels it. However, it gives him a chance to put his little theory to the test
And so Damian allows himself to sound like the ten year old that he is and in a whiny, teary voice, goes… “Babaaaaa!” (Bonus points if it’s the first or second time he’s called Bruce baba instead of father)
What Damian didn’t take into account though, is that Batman and Robin aren’t the only ones on patrol that night. They made a big bust. The biggest part of the operation was over but they were still fighting a few stragglers. The whole fucking family is here.
And they all hear his cry.
Damian doesn’t think he’s ever seen a fight end so quickly. The henchmen only have a split-second of surprise before vanishing, being tackled or shot or having knives buried on their shoulders by his siblings.
The one that actually broke Damian’s nose is being beaten up by Nightwing, Damian doesn’t think he’s ever seen Grayson so angry.
A shadow kneels in front of him, father. Baba. He’s checking Damian and Todd is right at his side, both speaking in hushed tones, checking his injuries and wiping the tears that usually came with a broken nose.
And now… Damian is used to his father and Grayson treating him like a child, trying to be as soft as they can with him. Even Cain does it to some extent.
But… having Drake wrap an arm around him, calling him baby when knocking out one of the criminals that had hurt him ‘that’s my fucking baby brother!’ and continue to hold him later into the night on the couch, having Brown willingly give up all the snacks she keeps in her utility belt and promise to take him to Batburger the following day for milkshakes because he was ‘a champ’. And Thomas wraps his favorite blanket around Damian while they’re fixing him up.
Todd decides to stay the night at the manor. Which he never does. They all decide to spend the night at the manor when Damian still sniffles on the Batmobile and they have breakfast all of them together. Which Damian isn’t sure has ever happened before and Cain gets Alfred to make pancakes with chocolate chips instead of blueberries.
They call him baby in hushed whispers but for once, it doesn’t bother him even though it really should
But most of all, Bruce refuses to let him go for a good five minutes after he first cries for him. Smoothing down his hair and whispering that it’ll be okay and just being soft in a way Damian has never seen before.
He sleeps between his Baba and Grayson and he knows that Todd and Drake and Cain check in on them at least twice in the night for some reason.
And he realizes it’s… it’s nice. Maybe this really could be an effective battle strategy to be employed again someday.
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greattigerssimp · 7 days ago
Aran Ryan headcannons for St. Patrick's Day!
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(Authors note: Doing an Aran Ryan is illegal in 47 of the 50 states of America. Do not the Aran Ryan. Penalty for the Aran Ryan is 10-20 years in state jail.)
- He was quote anxious about leaving his family and living in America by himself. He always lived in a big household in Ireland, so the culture shock would be huge. It's a good thing he quickly became friends with Disco Kid!
- Loves the idea of owning a motorcycle and terrorizing people with it. He has lots of leather jackets, but can't own a bike since he's been blacklisted from driving in the US.
- Got black listed from driving in the US after he took Disco Kid's convertible for a spin and killed 3 people with it.
- In the Punch Out universe, he trolls his fans by making parody thirst traps. The punchlines are random every time, but he's aware of how many people simp for him.
- Takes ADHD medicine but is insecure about others knowing about it, especially his father. He got them prescribed to him after Disco Kid recognized that he had ADHD.
- Doesn't ever want to retire from boxing. If he's forced to, he'll just resort to illegal street fighting in an organization (likely made by him).
Sorry for the short headcannons. I'll update this if I can think of more! I got writers block ;-;
Anyways happy Aran Ryan month!
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dogbound1128 · 2 months ago
Hi PH fans I got one for you. Piston Hondo being a dad. Discuss
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sinning-23 · 1 year ago
Calling Them By Their Full Name
OPLA Headcannons! I thought htis was a funny little thing lol. Anyway enjoy
Warnings: slight mentions of nsfw topics but nothing too serious
Sorry for any spelling errors!
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-ohhhhh that did not sound like your usual happy, loving voice.
-he knows he fucked up and now he’s hiding from your wrath.
-you could hear a pen drop from how quiet the ship got
-ok so maybe he ate that super expensive, super special dessert you had been saving for a while now. And like, it was going to go bad! All he wanted was a little taste! Than a taste turned into accidentally eating the whole thing.
-He was gonna tell you, honest! But it had proven obvious you found out before he could. He seen you round the corner with RAGe on your face and tears in your eyes.
-"TRAITOR!" You yell, throwing a tired punch to his chest.
-“I’m sorry mami, I’ll find you another one. Promise.” He hums, peppering your face with kisses, squeezing your face between his palms when he did.
-There’s no way you could stay mad at him for long
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-whoa whoa whoa why are you so ANNNGRY
-hated when you call him by his full name like that, makes him feel like a child being reprimanded
-“RORONOA GODDAMN ZORO.” You boom, Nami’s jaw dropping at the sound. Even she could tell you were pissed
-he’s the sassiest mf alive so he’ll probably just be like, “who the hell are talking to woman?!”
-“You’re a real piece of work you know that??” You’re still yelling and he wastes no time rolling his eyes at you and grabbing you by your waist, the action shutting you up.
“Wanna stop yelling and be a big girl and tell me what’s wrong?” He teases, that stupid smirk you love falling over his features at your speechlessness.
-It’s not often you say his full make but when you do he makes sure you’ll never forget it that same night.
-“Say my name baby, real loud.” He groans, a hand around your throat to steady spent body as he slams back into you
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-I know thats not a cigarette i smell Vinsmoke Sanji."
-awe hell. Yout tone is deadly. he tried he damndest to stomp it out before you rounded the corner but nope.
-You never use his full name like that. Never.
-did he just get chills?
-"Of course not my love!" He lies throigh his teeth but before he can say anything ese you re lips are on his, you fist gripping the fabric of his shirt.
-He knew he was caught, the taste of tobacco mixing with your usual mint. You pull away, smoothing his shirt out with a warning smile.
-"Don’t lie to me again, I’ll always know when you do, Black Leg." You explain , taking the small cardboard box from his pocket and walking off.
-Even though it was ment as a threat, he couldn't help but feel hotter than ususal. God he loved it when you talked all serious to him.
Bonus: Mihawk
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-You know better than to use his full name. Orr to even call him anything besides the usual endearing pet name.
-So when he hears his name called with nothing short of rage, hes trying to figure out who you think you’re talking to.
-"Dracule. Mihawk." You spit, holding the empty bottle in your hand
-Ok so your rage was warented cause he managed to drink the entire vintage bottle of wine you'd been saving...it wasn’t like it was on purpose!
-He doesn’t even bother to look up from his book, just barely giving you a slight glance when you were right in front of him, pointing to the bottle.
-"Id watch your tone darling." he warns, smirking at the way you purse your lips and turn away with a fierce attitude he'd be sure to deal with later.
-“Oh shove it up your ass Dracule.” You scoff, trying to quicken your pace but failing when he’s already behind you, his much larger hand holding your wrist as you yelp.
-His look says it all. You’re screwed.
-So now you’re sitting pretty, bent over and counting each time his hand meets the sore and slightly reddened flesh of your ass.
-“Now, what’s my name again darling?”
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greattigerssimp · 4 months ago
That's so him + Don from my AU shares this headcannon; it's why he prefers to cook his own food
Random Punch Out Headcanons 1
(Emetophobia TW)
Don Flamenco has a weak stomach + Fear of vomiting when it comes to gross foods and things. Aran Ryan likes to show him or cook him these things and Don would either vomit or violently gag. But mostly gag because he HATES vomiting
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emmyc0z · 2 months ago
thanos! x reader x namgyu! headcannons
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pairing : thanos! x reader x namgyu!
cw : blood, drugs
a/n : just something short to appease myself. what started off as a crush on thanos is quickly evolving more towards namgyu and i can’t stop it.
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They find themselves interested in you because you so easily agree to stay in the games with them. You need the money and they’re offering you protection and extra food in return for your vote. What’s there to lose?
The two of them never let you out of your sight. You’ve gotta be by at least one of their sides at all times, or else they can’t sit still. They can’t focus because what if you’re hurt, or being harassed, or what if you were attacked and they weren’t there to stop it.
Even if they’re both high as a kite, they’re so focused on your safety that you have to gently remind them that they have to look out for themselves as well.
It’s the type of situation where a sleazy comment is thrown your way and their emotions are so heightened from the drugs that the words don’t even register to you before punches are being thrown at the culprit.
This ends up with them, most likely, bruised and bloodied (001 kicked their asses like cmon) but you shower them with your praise and thank you’s so they don’t really mind.
They’d even let you clean them up. Wiping the blood, whether it’s theirs or someone else’s is a mystery, away from their skin with your pretty fingers. Wincing as your fingers brush over a particularly sensitive bruise, but it pleases you to dote so they don’t complain.
Namgyu would probably feign annoyance as you brush his hair out of his face to get a closer look at the swelling of his reddened cheekbone. But his fingers would play with the fabric of your sweatpants at the side of your legs, tugging if you moved more than an inch away.
Thanos definitely is the type to push your hands away feeling like a kid whose mom is trying to wipe his face in front of his friends, cursing under his breath as you verbalize your concern. But he makes no real effort to move your body away from its standing position between his legs. Eventually he’d stop swatting, only staring up at you with a stubborn look and wide pupils.
If a fight broke out, whether it was in the bathroom or in the sleeping area, they’d crowd you. They’re never not by your side so you don’t have to be worried about being caught off guard. And while they want to fight, they’ve silently agreed to put this urge aside in order to keep you safe.
Namgyu would be so touchy with you. I mean we seen the way he acts in the show, right?
His hands are on you 24/7. Rubbing your shoulders, fingers threading through your hair, palms tapping on your arms. And hand interlinked with yours whenever the opportunity arises.
And while Thanos may not be clingy in a physical way he still finds a way to be defined as such.
He’s never further than a foot from you. Sitting directly beside you with his knee bumping against yours as he dances to a song no one else can hear, standing behind you close enough that you feel the movement of his hands as he speaks, his shoulder touching yours and fingers brushing against your hand hanging by your hip.
At night the two of them would sleep on the empty beds on either side of you. I mean, it would start that way at least. But it’s cold and they get lonely so the night ends with the three of you pressed closely together on a single bed.
Purple hair tickles your face as a cold, skinny-fingered hand slithers its way up your shirt. And another hand, Namgyu’s free one since he already has one playing with your hair, settles on your pelvis under the waistband of your green sweatpants. They swear they do it just because their hands are cold, and no other reason..
And while you’re happy they aren’t cold anymore, you now have to deal with the sweltering heat of their bodies pressed to yours and their humid breath dampening the skin on your neck. But it’s worth it to seem them calm and quiet as they sleep peacefully.
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cheyisagirlkisser · 4 months ago
・゜゜Gamer Ellie Headcannons ・.
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✧.* Gamer Ellie wears those plaid boxer-shorts around the house adorned with some random t-shirt she often sleeps in. When she's out and about, she loves her classic flannel or white wife-beaters, sports bra peeking out of the fabric when she moves just ever so slightly. Converse and doc-martins all the way. You'll beg her not to wear it in public, but Ellie's got this one black Call of Duty t-shirt that is she is obsessed with.
✧.* Gamer Ellie ismore introverted than anything. She likes staying inside with you and watching movies with you rather than going on restaurant dates. Speaking of movies, gamer Ellie would be more into comedy and sci-fi than anything. I've mentioned in previous headcannons Ellie would be a huge Jurassic park fan, but some other movie / shows she'd be begging you to watch with her are Airplane, Star Trek, and Pulp Fiction. Anything with action or on her level of dumb humor, and Star Trek for when she's geeking out. It's her guilty pleasure.
✧.* Gamer Ellie's favorite type of physical touch is having your fingers running through her hair. She likes to feels your touch in such a light, vulnerable way. Sometimes when she's playing a game, you'll approach her from behind and massage her scalp with your sweet touch. "Babe, you're distracting me!" She'll complain with a dramatic but playful groan, but her freckled face will melt like ice on a hot day from your touch.
✧.* Gamer Ellie isn't good at multi-tasking. She loves having you all up in her lap while her fingers are punching keys, but she always seems to lose when you're touching her, let alone near her. Why? Her thoughts are filled with the night before when the two of you were about to fall asleep, giggling in bed about some video on your phone, and specifically she's thinking about when you forgot all about sleep and had a late-night make-out session with some 90's movie tuned out on the television. It's so hard to remember to reload her virtual AR when all she's feeling is the way your warm fingers slid down her back and how your breathing turned into soft pants when she got all greedy and latched her filthy mouth onto your neck. Still, she'd never tell you to get off of her lap so she could focus. You were worth every aggravating respawn.
✧.* Gamer Ellie, in bed, isn't some huge dommy-mommy or whatever you're thinking. She's really touchy, sure. But she's honestly just your average lesbian who is absolutely obsessed with her girl, and she blanks at time. You'll be on top of her, and she's got this cave-woman aura going where she's just staring at your pretty face, focused on chasing your lips for a kiss. Her hands are awkwardly perched on her sides because she forgets how to even touch you: you're such a fucking goddess, and she's kind of a loser. You're a savior, though; guiding her hands to your waist with a sweet, patient smile. Ellie will get the cue and her fingers will spread across your waist to the top of your hips, and she remembers how desperate she is. (This one was inspired by me with my gf, you're so real gamer Ellie)
✧.* Gamer Ellie is also a switch! If you want her to be the top, she'll do it, but like I said she's going to be all cute and embarrassed about it. She'll be eating you out and her thoughts will be going at 100 miles per hour: "Am I doing this right?" "She's moaning Ellie, stop overthinking it." And sometimes the only thought she can really be having is "I love pussy." Cute. When she's bottom, which is most of the time, she isn't really all submissive and whiney but more like, defensively flustered like how she got with Dina when Dina threatened to bite her on the couch. Gay panic type of bottom. She does get pretty loud when you use a vibrator on her, though. That's a personal favorite in the bedroom.
✧.* Gamer Ellie did have a Fortnite phase. She hates talking about it but she spent like an ungodly amount on the stupidest skins. She used to make you watch her play at first, and then it was you having to create a whole Epic account so you could be her duo. Ellie's favorite season? Chapter two season seven. Why? Aliens. She got the battle pass and unlocked the alien skins, too. A little after she got super obsessed with it, like yelling at some 12 year old boy telling him his mother wishes she swallowed him, she moved on to a game that wasn't making her yell at at her screen. You were thankful.
✧.* Gamer Ellie is a huge night owl. While your sleep schedule is pretty average, she will blink and it'll be four in the morning. She'll groan and pop her back before stripping down to underwear and a t-shirt and then crash on your shared bed, making you stir from your rest. She sleepily curls her body into yours, peppering the warmest smooches wherever(probably with her eyes closed or half-way, at least) and muttering out apologies for waking you in the most ethereal voice known to woman-kind (it's raspy and the one she uses during sex when she's attempting to be a good top).
A/N: Thank you everyone for over 500 followers! I hope to post some longer fics this week or at least some more arcane fics. I promised some Jinx content, hopefully that'll be soon. Love you all.
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bunni-v1 · 4 months ago
Lighter Relationship Headcannons
🍓Hi. I'm a liar. I sat down to write more of the alphabet requests and got possessed. This was the result. Anyway, he's so fucking everything to me. I hope the two zzz fans that follow me enjoy this because I'm going insane keeping all these thoughts in. Not putting this under the cut because I can't be bothered sorry gang. Gn.
Info: Lighter x Reader; Headcannons; Fluff
-Lighter is, and I mean this with my entire being, the biggest walking green flag in the history of ever. Ironically, considering he’s the red scarf, but it’s the truth.
-He’s such a well-meaning guy, always considerate of others and incredibly caring to those he considers close. It’s hard not to imagine that he’d be a fantastic romantic partner, but like, how is he really in a relationship? (Lucky you, I’ve been obsessively fantasizing about it, so now you get to find out!)
-Lighter has most likely had a few partners, though none of them he would categorize as “serious”. Most of them were when he was significantly younger and way more stupid, and he cringes looking back at how he acted.
-He was a good-hearted and sweet kid, just… really fucking stupid about love. Most of his relationships either didn’t end well or were just nothingburgers that left him and his partner unsatisfied.
-As he got older, specifically after everything he went through, he didn’t want a relationship. Especially when he was still, you know, fighting because he quite literally wouldn’t have been able to maintain anything meaningful. (He’s well and convinced he would’ve been a miserable partner to have during that time, and he’s definitely right.)
-Even after joining the Sons of Calydon he’s not really looking for a relationship. The idea is nice, sure, someone to call your own. 
-Someone you can love and care for and who will do the same for you, it’s all lovely on paper, and Lighter would never say he wasn’t a romantic… but he’s gotta be realistic about it. When the hell is he gonna have time to maintain a relationship?
-He loves the girls, but they keep his ass busy – and that’s not mentioning everything else in his life that either gets in the way or would put a potential partner at risk.
-So, Lighter is okay just enjoying the thought of a relationship, not pursuing it.
-And… then he meets you.
-Meeting you felt like taking a punch to the gut, hard enough to knock the wind out of him.
-It’s not like it was love at first sight or anything, but it was definitely a whirlwind of something that Lighter had never experienced before, and it scared the shit out of him. He’s patient and reasonable, and he does his best not to let too many people in too quickly, but damn you were something weren’t you?
-It takes him a loooong time to feel comfortable feeling the way he does about you, and he’s really awkward around you – not that you can tell, because Lighter's “awkward” just makes him seem aloof, like the strong silent type. 
-You think that’s just how he is, but the girls know better, which only makes it worse for him. Expect lots and lots of forced alone time with Lighter because everyone ‘suddenly remembered’ they had something to do.
-You’re none the wiser about their scheming, but Lighter’s actually losing his mind because you are… really fucking cute to him.
-Now, regardless of how long it takes him (or you) to talk about how he feels about you, the relationship is going to be slow and steady. 
-He hasn’t been with anyone in a long time, he wants to do it right this time because he cannot – and I must emphasize this – he cannot lose another person. 
-This relationship is going at Lighter's pace, not yours, and if you don’t like that you’re probably not gonna last long with him. (So genuinely do not bother, for his sake.)
-It isn’t like he doesn’t value your thoughts and feelings, though. If you feel like you’re ready to move onto something else with him, he’s gonna sit and talk it out with you because he’s not a fucking prick. He just needs a partner who is willing to be patient, because he has been through a lot, and a long-term dedicated relationship is very new and very intimidating to him.
-It’s a series of slowly warming up to each other, getting comfortable with all kinds of affection, and learning what each other is and is not comfortable with.
-Once you learn about each other, everything is so incredibly smooth, and I promise on my life Lighter is the best partner you could ever ask for.
-His only issue and I say this very lightly (heh), is that he’s kinda bad at confronting issues he has head-on. 
-Normally he lets his fists do the talking but… he’s not really the biggest fan of socking you in the jaw sorry.
-He’s bad with words, and he’s only eloquent when he’s not trying to be, but he also knows that leaving an issue unresolved can be a death sentence so he will talk to you about things that bother him. Just give him a little time, even if you notice something is off. Patience is a virtue with him.
-Now, if you come to him with a problem he’s all for it. He’s clumsy about it, and he doesn’t know what to say depending on what it is, but he’s more than willing to change some things or work together to find solutions with you.
-Now, with that background established, let's talk about the fun stuff before I explode.
-Lighter is the best. Maybe I’m biased, but he’s so fantastic because he’s done a lot of work on himself as a person, and he values the relationships he has so much.
-To him, as your partner, you are his number one priority all the time no matter what. If you need him (and it’s an emergency (to him everything you need him for is an emergency)) he will be there, or he will ensure that someone will be there until he can be.
-No, this doesn’t mean his setting aside his responsibilities as Champion, and he isn’t going to set down every task he’s doing to answer your beck and call. He has a life outside you that’s important to him, but if something is wrong and you need him he’s going to be there. Always. Unless he physically cannot stop what he’s doing.
-Needless to say, Lighter is protective of you. Incredibly so. 
-He’s aware you can handle yourself and you’re not some feeble damsel in distress, but he worries a lot. He’s got a lot of targets on his back, and if a single one of those ever shifts to you he’d tear apart the entirety of the outback to ensure you were safe and sound.
-He can control his anger pretty well, but if anyone laid a hand on you I’m pretty sure it would take all of the Sons of Calydon and then some to pull him off whoever did that shit to you.
-He’s also the jealous type, believe it or not.
-He doesn’t care that much when mutual friends of yours are cuddly and cutesy with you. He knows those people, he knows you, there’s nothing to worry about. Someone he doesn’t know, though? Good luck.
-It doesn’t matter if they’re your friend, he doesn’t like it at all. He abandons his usual post of watching from the distance to be right up in your space. Constantly. 
-It’s so easy to tell when he’s jealous because suddenly there’s a gloved hand on you all the time and you can’t quite seem to get it off. How odd. Oh, there’s a pouty (intimidating) man attached to it, who would’ve thought.
-He doesn’t want to lose you, and he won’t apologize for that.
-He’s so cute, trying to keep the intimidating persona while clinging to his partner. (It’s really scary for anyone not in your close circle of friends).
-Speaking of, Lighter really struggles to keep up the cool guy look around you. He’s so incredibly weak to your whims and wants, he can’t help but let you cuddle up to him.
-All you have to do is bat your eyes at him a few times and usually, he crumbles like chalk. If this were a sport he’d be the champion of giving you whatever you wanted all the time.
-When he goes to the city to run errands for the girls or any other reason, he picks you up cute little trinkets or things that remind him of you. He does it without even thinking too. One second he’s on task, the next he’s buying you flowers and he doesn’t even realize it.
-You occupy a very big chunk of his everyday thoughts, he can’t help that you bleed into things.
-Speaking of, he sends you a ton of messages when you’re out. He likes keeping up with what you’re doing, where you’re at, who you’re with, etc.. He does the same for you, constantly telling you about what he’s up to and sending you little pictures of things he sees.
-He’s a helpless sap, okay.
-Unfortunately, though, he is at war about PDA. He likes it, obviously, but not too much, please?
-He has a reputation that he needs to upkeep, which means you can’t always hang off him, as cute as he finds it. Time and place.
-He’ll hold you at your waist if you’re just standing or walking around, sometimes an arm around the shoulder depending on what’s comfortable. If he’s just with the girls he’ll let you cuddle up to him as much as you please, but if there are a lot of people around he can’t do a ton of cutesy shit.
-Not that he dislikes doing it, but the embarrassment would actually kill him if anyone pointed out how weak the great “Red Scarf” was for his partner. (Everyone already knows this anyway, but it’s the principle).
-Genuinely the only exception is when he’s jealous because the only thing that crushes his pride more is having his relationship disrespected right in front of him.
-Behind closed doors though, Lighter is such a fucking idiot for you. He love love loves sappy romance films and he wants to recreate all those cringy moments that make you sick to your stomach with how sweet they are.
-Chasing you around his or your place, play fighting, twirling you around, or slow dancing in the kitchen to some oldies. He loves all of it, and he wants to do all of it with you, please indulge him. It’s not often he gets to be so free.
-He does the cutest thing when he tells you to get all dressed up packs up a picnic basket and takes you out on his bike to watch the sunset together. You lay there for hours after the sun has set just talking because his favorite thing is talking to you.
-He isn’t much of a talker himself, but he can listen and listen and never get bored of your voice. Just spew random bullshit at him, he’s fine with that, he just likes watching your lips move.
-If he gets tired of listening (which he never will) he’ll just kiss you until you shut up, so don’t worry too much about him.
-Also, I feel like this goes unsaid, but he takes you on plenty of rides on his bike. If you compliment it he’ll get all puffed up like a proud cat, it’s really cute.
-He stares a lot, by the way. Does this come as a surprise?
-He does a lot of standing around and watching, if you happen to be in the vicinity, he’s watching you most of the time. You’re just nice to look at. Lord help him if you turn and smile at him, or give him a wave.
-He allows you to play with his hair in private. He’ll lay his head down in your lap and let you rake your fingers through it, massaging his scalp and ruining his perfectly fluffy hair.
-He will also let you play with his sunglasses, so long as you’re careful with them. If you put them on your face and pretend to be him you’re in for some tickling though.
-Oh, please wear his clothes, pleaseeeeeeee wear them. If you walk out in his shirt he has to do a factory reset. You look so good in his clothes he can’t handle it.
The only thing that might be a little off-limits is the scarf, but even then he might wrap you up in it just to see you wearing the symbol of his strength. His two biggest prides in one? He likes the sight more than he’ll admit.
-Genuinely, he is such a good partner and I could go on and on and on about him, but this shit is like so long already so I have to put the breaks on.
-He’s just such a caring, loving, fun guy to be in love with and he will treat you like a goddamn king/queen all the time because he believes that's exactly what you deserve.
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